• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,647 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

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Chapter 16

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The golden eyed sage part one of six

I look at the diary that I found yesterday and frown. Once I make sure I am alone I open the book and start reading.

Celestia’s diary

Dear diary, August 20th ten years after my sister's banishment. this whole month has been strange. The magical field around Equestria has been feeling off lately, even earth ponies are able to feel the wrongness that I've been feeling for a while. I fear something from beyond the veil has either breached or is trying to breach into our world. I pray that I am wrong and it is just an overeager magical experiment.

Dear diary, September 5th 10 ANM. my ponies are telling me some troubling rumors. They say a new species has just appeared out of nowhere on an island not far from our west coast. I will be sending a few pegasus guards to investigate, I hope they find some answers.

Dear diary, September 23rd 10 ANM. Things are not looking good. The group of guards I sent never returned, and even stranger the ponies that live near the coast have reported loud booming thunder and other loud noises coming from the island but there are no clouds to make a storm strong enough. I will send a diplomat to the island in hopes of making peaceful contact.

Dear diary, July 10th 11 ANM. It has been almost a year since the strange beings have appeared on the island yet every attempt to make contact with them has ended in the disappearance of those I send. I fear that these beings may not be peaceful and have ended the lives of my ponies. I've increased the guard patrols around the West Coast.

Dear Diary, August 1st 11 ANM. An earth pony came to my court today, he told me he has seen these strange creatures they call themselves ‘humans’, and from what this pony has told me they are extremely dangerous, as they have started to come towards Equestria and killed his friends. He waited until they were asleep and took one of these weapons. A powerful but small cannon, at first I did not know what it was until I accidentally set it off and it shot a tiny cannonball through my captain's left foreleg. I fear these ‘Humans’ but be dealt with for the safety of my ponies.

Dear diary, August 20th 11 ANM. It has been a year since I have felt the magical disturbance that I now believe it was these humans entering our world. I will personally go meet with them and try to resolve things peacefully but I fear that they are not our harmonious species.

Dear diary, September 30th 11 ANM. it has been over a month but I feel we are finally safe from those monsters. I suppose I should explain what happened. I along with a battalion of pegasi tried to fly over to the island of these ‘humans’, everything was going fine till we heard loud booms coming from below us. Then sergeant Strong Gust, private Thunder, and Lieutenant Archer were all struck down by miniature cannon balls. I was also hit but thankfully nowhere too important. I was angry and ordered my ponies to find out who was responsible. I landed on a cloud as they drove underneath the cloud cover into the forest below half an hour later they were turned with the miniature cannons. it was then that I knew the humans had tried to attack us, tried to kill me and that was the last straw. I immediately flew over to their island and the first thing I saw was a military base. I knew that these creatures were not harmonious in any way. They need to be ‘banished.’

“Well that is a bit troubling but now I know where to find the island, and I bet it is behind that energy field.” I make a few clones and send them off to find a way onto that island.

I spend some time leveling up my seismic sense skill while waiting for my clone's investigation to get done. I close my eyes as I walk around the castle and every step using seismic sense to see the world around me.

“Hopefully my clones can find a way past that magic field.” I say to myself as I start to pace back and forth. ‘Hmm maybe I should call Ed and show him what I found first.’ I think to myself as I pull out his token.

I scratch my cheek and then shrug. “Screw it, call Ed.” I say holding up the token and it opens before the clock hands start spinning faster and faster till they blur and a screen of static appears.

Suddenly the screen becomes active but I don’t see anything but black. “Ed!” I hear Ed’s Luna’s voice.

“Mmmm.” I hear someone grown.

“That damn watch is vibrating all over the floor, answer it please!” Luna calls out.

“Yea.. yea… on it…” I hear Ed drowsy call out. In a few more seconds I hear a woosh and see part of a face covered in blonde hair and one amber eye looking at me Ed yawned and asked. “Who… it is?”

“Hey Ed, sorry about waking you but I thought you'd want to know, I found Celestia’s diary and I have clones looking for a way through that magic field in the ocean as that is where the island is.” I tell him while showing the diary to him. “I should also warn you I have gotten on her bad side more since the last time we talked.”

“Hmmm…” Ed rubbed his eyes.

“Ed, who are you talking to?” Came the voice of his Celestia.

“Is Deltorix Tia.” Ed said, putting the watch off to the side. “Get ready to go. Luna, you and Amore are in charge till we get back.”

“How long?” Luna called.

“A day, more than two for sure." Ed picked up his watch. “Yea me and Tia will be there in roughly thirty Del, and we’re coming in via my Train The Solar Streak. Unless you have a station I can leave it at, it'll return here. We good?”

“Yeah that sounds good, I am at the old castle as it is my makeshift base, for now, so you will most likely have to send the train back after.'' I told him as I headed out of my smithy to see it was getting close to noon. “You may want to bring sunglasses.”

“Noted." He gave a thumbs up. “Tia, where are pants?” He hung up.

I shake my head with a smirk. “Lucky guy, got people he can love and trust.” I rub my chin. “Huh, I know I would like to have that but I don't feel a need for it...must be gamers mind.” I shrug and move over to outside the old castle and use alchemy to make a stone train station for Ed. After that, I activate my eyes to keep leveling them up.

30 minutes later a larger void portal appeared outside the Castle of the Two Sisters and out of it came a very large red solar-themed train. The train squealed to a stop and let out a puff of steam and out of one of the back cars stepped a familiar red-coated alchemist with his second wife, clearly showing a bit of a baby bump. Ed had a pair of red frame wrap-around sunglasses with small silver accents at the corner of the eye with red shifting lenses. He waved his hand and the train departed through another void portal.

He and his wife entered the castle and soon came across me. “Del.” Ed called out to me. “What ya doin over there kid?” They walked over.

“Just leveling up my eyes, other than that waiting on you.” I told him then smiled at his Celestia.

“Congratulations by the way.” Then I look back at Ed and hold out the diary. “Here, read up on her side of things. Hopefully by the time you finish my clones will have found a way over the magic field without setting off the alarms.”

“Thank you.” Ed’s wife warmly smiled at me.

“Sure, can ya set Tia with a place to sit while she’s here, I want her off her feet." Ed took the diary and started to read through it as he paced around the room and read silently to himself.

I nod then pull out a beanbag chair and set it down. “I use this when I’m playing games but I have all my clones working on other things right now.” I then help her sit down and use a little alchemy to add some support walls around her.

“Thank you Deltorix." She smiled at me again. ‘She is so much nicer than the one I deal with.' “Do have tea and cakes?”

I nod and open my store and use a few bits to buy a cake and some tea. “This is a rare tea from the avatar universe as well as a chocolate cake.” I say as they appear in a flurry of pixels, then I catch them with the force and make a table out of the ground.

“Thank you and I’m sorry for the trouble.” She giggled.

“THAT BITCH!” Ed slammed the dairy shut, causing Celestia and I to look a little more than shocked. “Sorry honey but I can honestly say this version of you is on my shitlist in the top fifteen that I’ve met.”

“What’d she do?” She looked at her husband.

“I’ll let Del explain if he wants to but I honestly think you're better off not knowing right.” Ed sighed as he grabbed the bridge of his nose and handed me the diary.

I took it and slipped it into my inventory then I looked at his Celestia. “To simplify it she made an island of people, humans like what I and Ed used to be, disappear. We don't know what she did with them but I'm guessing something bad happened. I think I'm close to having a Daybreaker incident on my hands.”

“Oh dear." She placed a hand over her mouth.

“Tia has never had to deal with Daybreaker type situations since Luna and I came back.” Ed explained. “I trained them to better handle their emotions but after I was turned to stone Luna’s mentality and grasp of her emotions started slipping and that led to her developing Nightmare Moon as a split personality. A harsh mare that could handle being alone and the negativity that came along with being shunned but eventually even Nightmare fell to the very negative emotions that she was trying to protect Luna from. Tia nearly fell after She sent Nightmare to the moon, I read some of the old files in the archives.” Celestia looked down in shame. “Suicide watch.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her close.

“Damn well, it is to be expected given what she had to do. But I doubt she would have become Daybraker, it's odd, Luna always becomes Nightmare Moon but Celestia has many different forms, there's Daybreaker, Corona, Black Sun, Solar Flare, and the most disturbing of all molestia.” I list off then shutter a bit.

“I… I don’t think I want to know.” Celestia hid her eyes.

“It’s fine Tia.” Ed rubbed her back. “You enjoy your tea. Del and I will be discussing things out of the way so as to not bother you. Come on Dragon Boy.” Ed pulled me off by my shoulder piece. “Okay so tell me the run of things on your end kid.” He released me and I rubbed my arm.

‘Man he’s strong.’ I think to myself before I start talking. “Well, if you want to know what I have been doing to Celestia, I have been trying to keep my distance but there are times I can't avoid her. Like when I and Luna returned from Rodger’s world, Celestia was there and accused me of kidnapping her sister. Of course, I got mad and told her to back off, but she didn't so I slammed a cream pie in her face and flew off.”

I then use my illusion magic to show Ed my memories. “I have also been busy with displaced calling me away like every day, but other than that I found that book on hearts warming and left a surprise for Celestia.” And then I showed him the drawing and what I did to her old room.

“You made fun of her ass.” Ed deadpanned and stared at me. "Unless she’s not proud of her big flanks here, she won’t really do that much about it. All Celestia have big butts, my wife will tell ya personally that most of them actually really like that feature on themselves.” He thumbed over his shoulder. I looked and saw his Celestia and she noticed and then gave a little wave before returning to her cakes.

I play the memory of her yell of rage that can be heard from Canterlot castle. “I’d say because I'm the one that did it, she was pissed.”

“Yea… that and she really doesn’t like ponies or creatures staring at her ass.” Ed shrugged. “So, any progress on that field, or do you need me to send out some clones too?”

“Hold on.” I send a message to my clones then they all poof and flood me with memories. “Ow...ok yeah they got over it and found the island, had to go into the atmosphere but now that they found it I can just use the golden tiger claws to get us there.” I look to Celestia and then back to Ed. “Should she stay here? Especially with the little one.”

“I think she’ll be fine as long says here.” Ed rubbed his chin as he walked over to his wife and started to speak with her. She looked at me and then back to Ed and nodded. Ed came back over. “She promises she’ll stay here and won’t mess with your stuff. Just as an added layer of protection though.” Ed snapped and flaming runes appeared in the air and flew to the four corners of my base's walls and burned themselves in before disappearing. “Alarm wards to keep out low-level magic and enemies. They’ll let us know if any pony wanders in here too.”

I nod then place a hand on the ground and the ground glows before it forms into a Dragonoid golem. “You will do whatever this princess Celestia says.” I told it while pointing to her. It nods and walks over to her. “There now she won't be alone.”

“Thank you, my friend.” Ed smiled. “Now let’s see the graveyard.” I nod and use the golden tiger claws to open a portal then walk through first. Once I get through I see a wasteland. All I see for miles is glassed earth then the sea on the horizon, no buildings, no plants, and no animals.

“Holy shit man...I know she is supposed to be powerful but fuck.” I said looking everything over then I stomp my foot as hard as I can, cracking the glass, and focused on my seismic sense.

“Don’t bother trying to sense life.” Ed scowled, looking around I saw a tear roll down his cheek “Focus on anything buried that might have survived her blast.” He placed a hand on the ground. “Even for glassing a place, this is overkill, even for Celestia.” He gripped the ground and pulled up some of it and opened his grip, and it all fell to the ground again.

I nod and then I felt something. I looked to the west and flew off before landing and stomping again. This time I got a clearer picture of it in my mind and used earth bending to make a pillar of the earth rise till I see a black box made of metal. I break it loose and see it can be opened. “Hey Ed, I think I found something.”

“Hmm…” Ed looked over my shoulder and came next to me. Holding up his right arm it opened and small wires and tentacles came out and started to scan the box. Once he was done Ed retracted to his tools. “Will it looks like she was right in some way. This is a military-grade black box that records things in case of emergencies in order for reinforcements to find out what happened when they show up. I’m surprised it survived. The question is, did the recordings?”

“Maybe because of how deep it was, look.” I point at how deep it was by how tall the pillar of earth is. “And we can check it out, I'm sure with your tech you can access what's on it.”

“We can have Blaze hack in and make a copy for his data banks." Ed added. “For now, why don’t we watch what happened here since the humans’ arrival and… destruction.”

I nod and cross my arms. “Yes, I want to see what happened.”

“You’ll literally be seeing the real-time events of the past Del but we’ll be ghosts to everyone we see.” Ed explained. “We won’t be able to be seen or heard or even touch them. No matter how you want to do something you won’t be able to. Do you understand this? This will be what really happened and no stopping it or you from seeing it? You’ll have to harden yourself in a bitter sense of the world.”

I sigh and look at Ed. “I get that I'm going to see something horrible, but that doesn't mean I can just close my eyes and pretend it didn't happen. I need to see this so I know what kind of person my Celestia is.”

“Very well." Ed said coldly. “Place a hand on my shoulder and hold it there until I say to let go. Otherwise, your soul will be lost to the waves of time." I gulped hard and placed a claw on his shoulder. Ed held up his hand and a silver spell matrix appeared behind us. “Arc Of Time!” He threw his hand out and we immediately turned transparent as the land around us whirled into a lush forest. “You can take your hand off now.” I did just that and as I did we saw a portal of some kind open, not a void portal either.

It seemed to be a rip in reality then a simple robotic drone comes through looking around then shortly a group of humans both soldiers and scientists come through and start making a ring around the rip. “Huh, kinda looks like they are making a stargate.” I said.

Soon they had finished it and the rip became more stable and hundreds of humans came through. Most are scientists and military but a good number of them are civilian looking. “Ok we need to set up a base camp, welcome to your new home people, there is no going back, in less than a day our old world will be frozen over, so no one will be allowed back through.” A military-looking man told the civilians.

Ed walked closer and examined the technology. “Definitely not from a normal earth, probably a hyper-advanced one. It sounds like they’re trying to escape a planet-wide catastrophe that is causing their planet to freeze over." Ed looked at me. “They were refugees. The last remnants of their world, most likely.”

I nod and sigh. “Yeah sounds like that, can you fast forward a bit?” I ask as we watch them start making small tents and fires.

Ed placed a hand on my shoulder and held a hand up, He slightly rotated his hand and things sped along to the point where there were now all sorts of people and a small settlement had been constructed. There was no longer a portal and children were running around playing, many people were living comfortably and peacefully. Soldiers were around but not many.

“This is about a month in.” Ed removed his hand. “I see soldiers but not many weapons outside a few firearms. Military sure but it's more of a police and security squad for protection than evasion.” He walked over and we heard gunfire. Rushing over we saw a few personnel shooting at a large timberwolf.

I watched as the humans used guns to fight off a timberwolf but their bullets were not doing much then a younger man grabs a more advanced weapon and fires a bolt of lightning at the wolf. Then an older man with a scar walks up and grabs the gun out of his hand. “What have you been told?! Do not use our advanced weapons as we can not replace their power source!”

“Huh, I guess they had to start over on a lot of tech when they came here.” I said to Ed.

“Make sense.” Ed said to me as he froze the time stream. “When you’re evacuating from a planet-scale apocalyptic event there isn’t a lot of time to grab every single little thing. Only the essentials. This stuff is still more than advanced enough that they could use it to process the materials needed to make them more than enough for them to live and even thrive off of in the most minimal of conditions. Weapons are necessary to defend yourself in an unknown land and secret weapons give you an edge that most don’t expect." He looked at the people.

"They are scared but they also look great full to be here. Soon they’ll have to go out in search of other supplies of intelligent life. Let’s fast forward for about three months from here." Ed moved his right palm in the air to the left and everything sped by in a blur and the small settlement grew into a thriving small town of sorts.

To my surprise soon the little town grew and soon modern-looking towering buildings started popping up in the blurs I saw them go up and see they were using some tech to make them. “This is some impressive level of technology, where it takes modern earth over a year, if not more, to make these towering buildings they've accomplished multiple in only a few months.” I said then when Ed let things play out, we were in a building and in what seemed like a meeting between three people.

One seemed to be military as he was in a dress uniform of some kind, the second seemed to be a scientist who was wearing a lab coat and had broken glasses on, and the last one seemed to be a civilian as he was in street clothes as it were. “Interesting let’s see what's going on here.”

“I am telling you, we need to explore beyond the island sooner or later, even if it is just a few scouts. What if there are people here? What if they are more advanced than us and we are destroying something important to them by living here?” The civilian said.

The scientist adjusts her glasses before speaking. “While I agree with Jonathan that we need to explore, I think we should be fully prepared. We ran into more strange animals as we were expanding the town. I and my team have been studying them but we just don't understand how creatures made of wood can be alive.” She said, shaking her head.

“Like anything they evolved that way.” Ed shook his head. “Looks like we found a critical turning point in their history. I’m not getting a good vibe from the results either.” He crossed his arms.

The military representative shakes his head and crosses his arms. “I don't think we should leave the island till we have mastered this Island. We don't want to risk the people's lives on a maybe.” He then pushes a folder to the middle of the table. “I suggest we set up a base close to the beach to keep us safe, but once that is finished.” He sighs. “I will send a team of scouts to find any life on the mainland.”

“Given the time frame they set up their basic amenities around here it should only take about a week for the soldiers to get a fully functional base setup, maybe a week and a half it how far we’ll jump ahead.” Ed waved his hand again and the humans quickly came and went as we walks to the site of the aforementioned base. “There it is." Ed pointed as he waved his hand and things returned to normal speed.

I watch as some humans are training and a small group of five are gearing up to leave on an inflatable boat. “Remember men, this is a scouting mission only, do not engage with any unknowns, we are not going to make contact only look around.” Said the leader, and the others shouted with affirmation.

I get closer and look over their equipment and see nothing that can be lethal then look at Ed. “I don't see anything lethal in their equipment but I could be wrong.”

Ed walked up and pointed up causing things to freeze in place. “Let’s have a scan shall we?" He said as nanites came from his body and formed into mini-camera drones. The machines went to work and within a minute returned to Edward’s body. “According to the data nothing is lethal to any extent. The worst this stuff would do is knock a unicorn out for a day, an earth pony for a few hours, and a pegasus with a low weather skill would be down for a few minutes at most. Simple low-grade tasers really, nothing more than Hot-Shot cattle prods.”

“Well that's good, at least we know they are not trying to conquer.” I said as I step back and look around but saw a man standing at the armory door.

“That doesn’t look good.” Ed saw him too. “What do ya think he’s up to?” Ed turned slightly to me.

“I am not sure, but maybe we should follow him.” I said as I walked over to him.

Ed nodded and we left the scouts to prep their boat. “What are you up to?” Ed said to himself as we entered the base and he waved his hands causing history to play out again.

The man walked into the armory and picked out some flintlock guns then to my surprise a horn appeared as it glows and the guns enter a bag. “Seems this is a thief, and most likely a changeling.” I said watching the man as he hides his horn again with a grin. As he turns to leave I see something. “Ed stop time for a minute, I think I saw something, a necklace or something, could be a clue.”

Ed pointed up again and things froze again. “Let’s see what you are." Ed walked over and examined the possible changeling. “Yea definitely an infiltrator. What ya got?” He joined me.

I get closer and then point at the necklace. It is a purple dragon head with sapphire eyes on it. “Seems to be important.” I use observe on it and read the pop-up out loud. “This is the necklace of the order of Malefor the dragon god of war?” I looked at Ed shocked.

“Did the changeling bring it?” Ed rubbed his chin as he looked over his shoulder. “Could they be gathering magical artifacts in order to bloat the queen’s magic power? Or are they just taking anything they think might help them?” Ed looked at the amulet. “Too bad we can’t take it without damaging the time stream. What does that thing even do?”

“According to my observe skill it's just a normal necklace that indicates that you are a follower of Malefor, whoever that is.” I scratch my chin.

“I don’t think we’re dealing with a normal changeling." Ed rubbed his chin. “I think what we have is a Follower of some long-standing religion dedicated to this Dragon of War.” He explains. “These guys are cultists whose goal is to spread conflict and war in the name of some ancient dragon war god and they’ll do anything to further it and if they think it was spark something they'll do it. They probably have something set up on the mainland for the scouts and some creature in Canterlot pushing Celestia's buttons to see what’s out here.”

I frown and cross my arms. “So it wasn't completely Celestia’s fault?” I ask Ed.

“Will, not the start but at the same time, it is." Ed stopped that train of thought. “She didn’t have to glass this island. The children and others that never raised a hand to her were innocent as were the humans that defended themselves. No, she didn’t have to wipe out this place. She’s more than strong enough to take them prisoner. That much is clear. You don’t commit genocide 'cause some are protecting themselves from locals.”

I sigh and nod. “Well let’s see where this goes.” I growl softly. “Is there a way to find items in the present? If I can find that cult I can stop them from causing more trouble.”

“We make a copy." Ed held his hand up and scanned the amulet. In another second a silver spell matrix was behind him and a copy of the amulet appeared out of nowhere and landed in his hand before he handed it to me. “And show it to Luna, the mane six, and your guard buddies. Celestia will just say some bullshit like, ‘Your cult, or what evil powers does this hold.’ Some shit like that. Anyways let's fast forward about a month from now.” He snapped and events whizzed by until a month had passed.

I put the copied necklace into my inventory as I watched the blurs of humans move by but I never saw any I come back from the mainland. “This is looking troubling.” I said pointing to more and more people watching the mainland waiting for people to come back.

“Like I suspected.” Ed tapped his metal finger on his arm. “They already had a group waiting on the scouts. “Ponies or cult I can’t say, but I’m betting it’s the ponies in the cult." We looked out on the horizon and saw something. Ed’s eyes shifted to Sharingan and mine too. “That’thelestia’s group she wrote about. That can on mean one thing, this is the day she did the unspeakable to so many.”

I step closer and watch as the ponies in a boat coming to the island but then out of nowhere their boat explodes and the humans look completely surprised. “What the hell?!” I said and watched as any survivors suddenly get pulled underwater.

“Sirens and predatory sea ponies.” Ed pointed to the water and I took a closer look and saw a number of sirens and sea ponies that resembled different predatory fish like sharks and barracudas. “Cultists for sure.”

I growl and cross my arms. “If they are still active I plan on destroying their organization. From what I'm seeing they are setting it up to look like the humans are killing the ponies, but the humans can see what's happening, why aren't the ponies on the mainland seeing it?”

“Do you even see the mainland from this point?” Ed pointed out as a few ponies made landfall. I scoured the horizon for any sign of the mainland but only saw the ocean. “Celestia would’ve been the only pony at the time who’d be able to make the flight and I can guarantee after a string of several disappearances that no one would come alone.”

I sigh and frown. “This is not good, the humans saw what happened but Celestia can't make contact and when she does she won't listen.” I said as I watched the people leave the dock and go back to town.

“Nothing we can do Del.” Ed shrugged. “I don’t like it any more than you do but these things have already happened and I’m not willing to change the time stream and risk the current future for things that have already happened. What we can do is watch this and make sure the world knows what Celestia hid from them. First we need to try and convince her to listen and see that some other creatures were to blame, but I highly doubt she will.”

He sighed as we too walked back toward the town. “Though it does make me wonder, what is the drive to destroy the human? Did she have an intimate relationship with one of the ponies that were killed or one of the ones that were taken? If this is the main reason I can sympathize a lot easier.”

“Maybe, but who can say, but if possible can you record the important parts of what we see and put them in a crystal ball? Basically the memory balls from fallout Equestria.” I said to Ed as we passed a school that has kids of all ages from kindergarten to college.

I noticed Ed tighten the grip on his left hand and it drew blood which quickly turned to ash. “I have been recording everything that’s transpired, even the parts we sped passed." He growled. “The ponies should have made landfall by now. You wanna watch from the wall?”

I nod and pat his shoulder. “Thank you Ed and sorry for having you go through this.” I flap my wings and move up on top of the wall.

“What? Reliving scenes of the past?” Ed said as he was now next to me. “We’re here for the Truth. I have no qualms about helping you in this Del. Justice is a funny thing and it's all according to who’s behind the wheel but in this sense, there was no justice. Only the senseless slaughter of those defending themselves and many innocents. I understand why she did it but it was not right to do so.” He leaned against the wall. “She didn’t even try and talk. After the guards were downed by not even fatal wounds she just destroyed.”

I nod and pull out my notebook and hand it to him. “While we are watching things you can go through my skill list, and just so you know I now have the ultimate spear and shield.” I told him.

“I see Optimus and Black taught you a few new tricks." Ed looked at me.

I shrug and tell him. “Actually I didn't even get anything from Optimus, the two shield spells that I got were actually from a kid named Jake. He's a Steven Universe Displaced, you may wanna keep an eye on him, the kid has potential, even has an Omnitrix.” Then I look back as people are gathering again.

“I keep an eye and my family and those that need to be watched out for.” Ed closed his eyes and the humans started to run around frantically. The children were all shut into the base along with most of the women and scientists. “Looks like the show is fixing to start.”

“Question is, what happens next.” I said as we watched a body wash up on the beach but this one looks human, making me frown. “Changeling?”

“Human." Ed sighed. “The changeling and cult are gone. Only ponies and humans.”

I watch as the people help them into town and start treating him. “They...killed...us..” He said weakly. “H-horns...wings...small horse-like creatures.”

I cross my arms. “Seems like they captured, tortured, and then released him in order to make the ponies look evil.” I turn to look at Ed. “What do you think?”

“In order for a seed to grow into a plant it must be nurtured.” Ed commented.

I look back and frown as they bandage him up. “My thoughts exactly.” I then look out to where I saw the boat before and try to spot anything. “How long before Celestia shows up?” I ask Ed.

“WE NEED A MEDIC.” One soldier called out. “You lot, provide cover fire. They’re coming in now!” I looked up to see pegasi overhead. “Fire!”

“I’d say very soon.” Ed said coldly.

I frown as the humans get into position and aim their old fashion guns up at the pegasi before they start firing. I watch as a few of them go down after the first shots then the last of them go down except for a larger white one. That one had to be Celestia and she flew into the clouds. “Let's get back to where we found the black box. I want to see how it survived.”

“Okay." Ed sighed as he jumped over to the base slash shelter and I flew over.

When we get to the building there is a beam of solar fire that fires down from the sky. I see it destroy the military base and slowly start moving left to right destroying anything in its path. “So that's how she did it.” I said then rush inside the building and see the head Scientist in front of a camera.

“This is most likely the last recording I will make. One year ago we managed to escape our planet's distraction through a dimensional rift that was artificially created. However, the world we found ourselves in was not as stable as our own. The night and night cycle seems to fluctuate slightly and when we ventured beyond our island our scouting party didn't return for a long time. Soon after one of them returned the creatures that had captured him came, we defended ourselves but now one of them seems to be using a high-powered beam of heat to destroy everything on the island.” She said to the Camera and I looked out the window behind her to see the beam moving closer.

“We don't know why these creatures have attacked us. All attempts at communication have failed. I'm afraid this will be the last recording of the human race, inside is all of our knowledge of the entire history of the human race. If you find this, please don't make our death worthless use our knowledge to advance yourselves.” She looks behind herself then quickly pushes a button and the camera turns off and the black box it was hooked to is moved to the center of the room as the floor opens up to reveal a deep hole before it's dropped down the hole and then the small explosive charges seem to go off burying it.

“Huh, that is actually smart.” I said just as the beam gets to the building and turns everything inside except for me and Ed to ash.

“She was a scientist for them after all.” Ed sighed as he snapped his fingers and everything sped by until we saw Celestia land in front of us. “This seems like we may find out why.” He scowled as he crossed his arms.

I nod and watch as Celestia looks around still looking pissed before she starts to have a look of regret on her face. “They were monsters, they killed him.” She closes her eyes and sighs. Then her horn magic lights and she covers the island in a fog that expands out.

“Seems someone important to her was killed.” I said to Ed.

“Hmm…” Ed growled but it sounded much more sympathetic like he knew exactly what pain she felt. “She lost her son.”

“Ah, a mother's rage is something no force in the multiverse can stop.” I said nodding my head. I then turn to Ed. “So what next? We saw what happened here now and have the black box. I have a few ideas but I'm still debating whether I should go through with it.”

“You make that call Del.” Ed placed a hand on my shoulder and a silver spell matrix formed behind him once more and we sped back to the present. We were soon the only beings on the island of glass. Ed placed his hands in his pockets and looked around. “Hmm… I can honestly say I would do the same. I lost many children to old age and very few to conflict. Those that died in battle did so on their terms and while I can’t say I wasn’t upset, I still didn't lash out as they made their choice. My son, Bright Stone as he’s called now, was a sage stone of the Mind. His other father was partially Optimus and his Matrix. During the War of Cybertron, the stone became self-aware and even gained a soul of its own. I named him Stone Elric. He was murdered by Quintessa. Save by Faust and reincarnated when she did. He is now an alicorn in another world.” Ed let out a sigh. “To this do I haven’t let Quintssa’s torture seize.”

I pat Ed’s back and use illusion magic to show him what I did to the diamond dogs. “I know it's not the same but I get it, I recently did this to a whole den of diamond dogs.” I show him me using earth bending to crush a whole mountain into a mile-deep hole. “Anger can make us do some messed up things.”

“You miss the point of why I told you this Del.” Ed looked at me with fire in his eyes. “There is no calming this type of rage. To this very second, I have the creature that killed my son being dissected alive over and over again. She healed and then tortured again, every time a different way no two ways are even remotely similar." He looked at the island and then held out his hand. “Grow and create a new. Bring life to the land of glass.” He said aloud. A compartment opened in his hand and to the ground fill what looked to be a large green seed. Ed then created water and splashed it over the pod which started vigorously writhing around until it started to grow until it was a giant plant-based elemental.

I look up at it and whistle. “Damn that was cool, it looks familiar. So it will stay on the island, right? I don't have to worry about it coming to the mainland?”

“Not unless I tell it to follow your orders." Ed looked at me. “It's a forest god and its very presence brings floral life. So does its blood but it won’t bleed unless hurt. It might cut its own vines to spread and grow if things take too long to get started but it won’t necessarily hurt him to do so. A lot of plants do better if this is done from time to time, so you might want to come to help him out every now and then. Get some blood for exotic plants you may want to grow.” He looked to the plant god. “You, no attack dragon.” Ed pointed at me. "Protect islander nice red dragon come visit.” The plant nodded and Ed looked at me. “That’s done. Shall we go back?”

I nod and just before I summon my golden tiger claws I get a notification that my golem has been destroyed. “Shit, either your Celestia got mad at my golem or someone else is there!” I use the claws to open a portal and rush through.

On the other side of the portal is my Celestia flying overhead, her horn glowing with magic. “Princess what are you doing?” I ask but she fires a beam of magic at me before landing and summoning a knife that is glowing with heat.

“I am going to end your sick experiments, human. I found your clone of me and I plan on exterminating her!” She said as she pointed to Ed’s Celestia. She then rushed at the human Celestia but I use instant transmission to get between the two Celestias and create a hexagonal shield.

“Extremely bad idea Celestia, you so much as lay a hoof on her, and you will face the most powerful man I know!” I warn her as her knife hits my shield and it cracks and shatters almost instantly. I close my eyes expecting to feel that knife dig into me.

I wait for the knife to hit me and to feel the searing pain of fire but instead, I feel a bone-chilling cold. I crack an eye open to see Edward standing in front of me, the knife in his shoulder but his form was… unknown to me. Ed now has completely iridescent shining white hair and sapphire blue eyes and his coat takes on a flowing galactic theme similar to The Sisters' manes and tails. The knife was completely frozen.

“You bitch.” Ed seethed with anger. “YOU DARE TRY TO ATTACK MY WIFE AND UNBORN CHILD!” He yelled in pure rage, an out powering of whelming magic that threw even Celestia effortlessly against the wall behind her.

I stare at Ed surprised at how strong he is but then I run over to Celestia and look her over as there is some golden blood leaking from her head. “Damn, she hit her head. Ed, I get you are pissed at her but please let me handle her.”

Ed was immediately in front of me before I could even blink, staring at me with one eye, his Mangekyo Sharingan active. I stared straight into a blackened six-pointed sun and it terrified me to the core. “Move, or I’ll move you myself." He said coldly.

I gulped but didn't move. “Ed, this is my world, she is my Celestia, I understand you want to punish her for attacking your wife but if you kill her that will just make things worse for me.” I sigh and activate my keyblade armor and frown. “I know I stand no chance against you in a fight but that just shows you how much I don’t want you to do this.”

“Do what?” Ed said from behind me. He snapped and I was now inside a ball of red magic. “I wasn't asking you Deltorix." He looked over his shoulder. “I was telling you.”

“Edward stop it!” Ed’s Celestia ran over and embraced her husband. “It’s okay. Me and that baby are. She didn't hurt us, calm down and let Deltrix out of that sphere. He’s your friend after all.”

Ed looked from me to his wife then to Celestia. “I won’t hesitate to really hurt her next time.” He said coldly as he returned to normal and released me. “She's all yours Del." He said through his teeth as he and his wife walked off to the side. “But how did she know I was here?” He remarked softly. “I‘m wearing suppression gear. Hmm...”

I hear a voice in my head. ‘Dragon, I feel a power being near you, it is like the feeling I get from you but millions of times stronger.’ I recognize the voice is the changeling queen I gave the last stone to and snap my fingers.

“It was Greed!” I said out loud. “Greed must have felt your presents the same way lust just told me about you he must've told Celestia.” Then I replied to Lust. ‘Thank you for the heads up, he is a friend.’

Ed grits his teeth. “I should’ve known that he’d feel my presence and scheme to sick his auntie on me."

“Ed?” His wife pulls him close and looks worried at him.

“Business from my last visit here dear." He sighs. “Looks like Luna noticed me too.” He remarked as the Lunar alicorn teleported in

I look over and see her look around confused. “Sir Ed? Sister?” She asks seeing Ed and his Celestia then I step to the side and she gasps. “What happened?!”

“I was here under the radar." Ed sighed. “Forgot Greed and his siblings could sense my presence. He schemed to sick your sister on me.” Ed pointed at Celestia on the other side of the room. “This is my Celestia from my world. She is currently carrying our unborn child. Your sister attacked her out of rage for humans. I got a little unhinged and invoked my lunar magic and it overflowed knocking her back against the wall. She has a small cut on her head and is unconscious. I’m sorry for causing you trouble and worry Princess but I’m not sorry for what I did.”

I rub the back of my neck as I deactivate my armor. “It's my fault too, I should have helped protect Ed’s Celestia better.”

Luna sighs and shakes her head as she calms down and looks over at her sister. “I understand and have to apologize for my sister's actions. I've been trying to get some answers from her but she refuses to tell me anything about the humans and from every human I've met so far, they do not seem monstrous.” She uses her magic to heal her sister and destroy the blood.

“You want answers." Ed levitated Celestia’s old diary in front of Luna in a red aura. “Start by reading this, then we’ll show you if you want more.” He remarked as he help his wife sit down again.

Luna looks at the diary before she starts reading it. As she does I walk over to Ed and rub the back of my neck. “I hope we are still cool, you know when I tried to stop you and all, even though you could sneeze and take me out.”

“We’re fine Del." Ed looked at me. “You were doing what you thought you should, but again… I’m not sorry for what I did. Especially after what she’s done. Death of her son or not.”

“What are you talking about?” Ed’s Celestia asked her husband.

“I’ll tell you.” Ed sighed as he started to tell her about what we found.

I let them talk as I walk over to Luna who is crying over the diary. “Hey, I'm sorry you had to see your sister like this.”

“Luna, are going to be okay?” I looked over to see Ed’s Celestia.

Luna sniffles softly and then wipe her eyes. “Yes, thank you. It seems after my fall to darkness my sister had done some bad things.” She looked down at the unconscious Celestia.

“Luna, this would have happened even if you were around, a third party set this up.” I show her the necklace. “If you see anyone with this necklace do not trust them.”

“They're part of a cult that worships an ancient dragon war god of some kind.” Ed came over, held a hand over Luna’s sister, and covered her in a green aura I recognized. “I really don’t care for your sister but at the same time, I understand why she did what she did. She lost her son to the cult, your nephew.”

He sighed. “I lost my son to war too and can see why she did what she did but at the same time, I don’t condone it. The eradication of an entire species.” Luan’s eyes shrank and her gaze quickly fell on her sister.

I cross my arms and sigh. “I just hope that that cult is dead.'' Then I blink and slap my forehead. “I’m an idiot, I just jinxed us.”

“More than likely my friend.” Ed sighed. “Looks like we need to talk with Luna.” He pointed to the lunar diarch.

I sigh and walk to her and ask. “Hey, how are you holding up?”

Luna glares at me for a moment. “I am not fine, I just found out my own sister did something horrible.” She sighs and looks down. “I understand that she was angered by the death of her son but to go that far...”

“Princess.” Ed placed a hand on Luna’s shoulder. “I know that same pain she felt and I completely understand the reason behind it but I also agree with you in the fact that what she did was totally unjustified. I lost my own son in a war around a year ago, though recently I found out that he was reincarnated in another world recently but it still doesn’t stop that hate and pain of loss. What do you plan on doing?”

Luna sighs and closes her eyes. “I'm not sure there is much I can do. What's done is done, and I can not bring them back even if I wanted to, I am not the avatar of death.” She rolls her eyes. “Not like she would let me anyway.”

I scratch my chin and suggest. “What about just having Celestia come clean? We have enough evidence of what happened on both sides. I can give you enough time to convince her to do so, probably by the time Twilight passes her final test?” I ask her then notice something and frown.

“That would certainly be the right course to go but I know how she’ll react and she’ll still say was in the right.” Ed explained. “Once Twilight passes her final test Celestia will have to either come clean or face a tribunal trial against the genocide of an entire race.” He looked at Luna who looked down at her sister. “It would be different if it was just one individual but an entire species. She must be made to take responsibility.”

“I have to agree with Ed." Ed’s wife came over and placed a hand on Luna's shoulders. “I know it hurts and I know she’s your sister but you have to step up and do what's right Luna. Even if I am another version of her I still can’t stand by and let her action go unpunished... We’d be no better than her or that cult that started this.”

Luna nods and closes her eyes. “Yes, I agree with all of you, my sister will either admit to the world what she did or face a trial, and waiting for young Twilight to pass her test is a good idea, that would give us three princesses against one.”

I tap Luna’s shoulder. “Say Luna a bit of a random question but where is the moonstone Ed gave you last time he was here?”

Luna blinks and tilts her head. “The strangest thing, after we returned from the trip to that other Equestria I could not find it. I know I left it in my nightstand.”

“I know exactly what happened to it.” Ed Scowled as he looked at the unconscious princess. “She took it from you because it was a ‘gift’ from a human to brainwash her little sister." He used air quotes. “I must also inquire about the Moonlight Greatsword, did it too vanish?”

Luna actually blushes as she looks away. “Um..well...no I um...have a secret hiding spot for my favorite weapons. No one knows where it is but me, so it is safe but I did see the hammer you gave my sister in a lab being studied.”

“Huh, maybe she wants one for herself, but doesn’t want a human-made one.” I said then shake my head. “Anyway, what will we do with her for right now? She saw Ed, and his Celestia and I don't think she will be willing to listen to you anymore Luna...no offense.”

“I won’t let her do anything to Tia while I’m here and it’s not like she can do anything to me or you while I’m here. You didn’t summon me this time so there is no going back home unless I want to." Ed held up his right hand and out of nowhere came the Lunar Sage Stone. He took his left hand and waved it over the stone and a breastplate formed around it and he held it out to Luna. “Don’t ever take it off, especially around her. I wove a disguise spell into it so it’ll look like any normal piece of your regular regalia until you invoke the stone's power. Does Cadence still have her Stone?”

“I believe so, but I haven't spent that much time with my niece. I did see her around Hearts warming yesterday and she did seem to have more magic than normal.” Luna said.

“Last time I saw her was ...before I called you and woke you up, she seemed fine and I saw she had it on her.” I tap my chin. “Say Ed what would happen if someone like old cheese legs got her hooves on Cadence’s stone?”

“They could easily feed up to twenty hives with over a hundred thousand a piece in under a week to be completely thriving in just under two." Edward answered. “Though it won’t work for anypony but Cadence due to the enchantments I placed on. If Chrissy tried she would poison her whole hive and they’d be dead in three days.” Ed shrugged while both Luna and I had our mouths open on the floor. “I take my stones very seriously. You both saw what happened when I invoked only a small portion of my own Lunar Stone’s power. I know you felt it.” He looked at Luna. “That was equivalent to when you first become Nightmare Moon.”

“What Ed is getting at Luna is that form you took in the corrupted state is something more akin to true power." Tia explained. “He taught both me and my sister how to transform without the stones. But that form eats up a lot of magical power which is why you look like your filly self when you returned to normal. It’s the main reason why he created the solar and lunar stones, to begin with.”

I chuckle a bit but when everyone looks at me I smile sheepishly. “Sorry I was just thinking about all the fanart of Woona.”

“I really wouldn’t dig a hole you can’t refill Del.” Ed warned me. “Cause now you’re gonna have to explain that to her." He pointed to Luna. “I want to check a few things about this world and seeing as I’m not bound by restrictions this time and my powers have grown I can do more while you explain things to Luna.” He smirked as he walked away

I roll my eyes and say. “Just don't go pissing off anyone and leave me to clean up the mess.” I tell Ed then turn to Luna and Ed’s Celestia and use illusion magic to show them some fanart of both of them as children.