• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,649 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 21

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The golden eyed sage part six of six

“Feeling better now Luna?” Celestia asked the night princess seeing as the duo had thoroughly polished off to pots of hot tea and mini-cakes by themselves.

“Sisters no matter the world or form you’re both in.” Ed said as he was resting his head in his palm, elbow on the table.

“Yes, thank you, Celestia.” Luna said with a smile.

I nodded and smiled at Ed. “Yeah, I am just thankful not every Celestia is like mine.”

“Unfortunately there are some that are even worse.” Ed sighed. “But the only one I need is the one with me now.” He smiled.

“I love you too.” Celestia smiled.

“Oh yeah.” Ed said as he held his hand up and a ripple formed, and out came a box in a purple silk bag tied with a gold string. “This is for your sister when the time is right.” Ed placed the bagged box in front of Luna. “Though you will have need of it first. Open it.”

Luna looked at it confused before using her magic to open the box and look inside it. I peeked over her shoulder into the box and my eyes widened a bit. “Ed is that what I think it is?”

“It is indeed my young friend." He nodded. “The one sword solely meant for protection that not even the gods and goddess themselves can deny. A sword with no edge but meant to even sacred life if necessary.” Ed looked at Luna. “Do you realize the resolve that it takes to truly save someone?”

Luna looked down at the blade in awe and slowly picked it up. “I am afraid I do not know your meaning sir Edward.”

“You are closer to it than you think princess.” He softly smiled. “It takes resolve to take the life of an enemy but an even stronger heart to help them.”

“Ed?” Celestia looked at her husband confused.

Luna’s eyes widened as she looked at Ed. “I..see, thank you, sir Edward.”

Ed stood up. “I think it's time you both walked off that cake." He smirked as he walked towards the castle.

I chuckled at that and got up, and then Celestia, Luna, and myself followed Ed to the castle. “So Luna what do you think of my home?”

“I think it is rather spacious for just yourself Del." Celestia said. “But of course, you have a larger goal and once everything is said and done you plan on hosting an entire town I’m guessing.”

“I agree with Celestia, this is a large place for you alone. I also fear you will outgrow it in the years to come, assuming my sister does not end your life.” Luna said looking around.

“Well to answer you first Celestia, you are right that I plan on hosting an entire town but it will be more like a tourist attraction. I plan on moving this island from place to place across the entire world. Anyone who wishes to stay can but primarily I'll be using this as a way to help relax people like a resort and once it becomes famous enough I'll be closing it on certain days for world leaders to come and relax and be themselves without having to worry about being seen as weak by their public or anything like that.” I explained to Celestia.

“As for your concerns about me outgrowing this place as I get older, I don't have to worry about that, because of one of my skills, size control. I can control my size and shrink down to two feet tall, in fact, this isn't even my full size anymore.” I told Luna, and then I grew to my new full size, a bit taller and much more muscular.

“All dragons actually have the ability to control their size.” Ed added as we came to the castle. “It’s one of their natural magics but the dragons of Equestria have forgotten the old ways of the once-prosperous Dracanide Empire. I remember a time when they had entire buildings made from large various jewels. These weren’t built like the Empire, no these structures were grown by the dragon mages. A truly beautiful city it was. In many worlds, you can still find ruins of it in the Dragonlands.”

I rubbed my chin. “I should look into this, I've been staying away from the Dragonlands for the most part, mainly because on my first day here I ran into Ember and well kind of helped her escape her father's watch.”

“HAHAHA!” Ed grabbed his sides. “If Torch is anything like the one back home and he even caught a sniff of you on her...well… I hope your level is high enough when you meet the dragonlord. Ember though, she takes more after her grandmother on her father’s side. I hope for your sake you haven’t caught the goddess of winds' attention.”

I rolled my eyes and waved my hand. “I didn't do anything with her other than leave the Dragonlands, fly over the Everfree, and split up when I saw Ponyville covered in chaos.” I then opened the door to the inside of the castle. “Besides I doubt she'd be interested in me, and I am more attracted to guys.”

“Did I ever say anything about being attracted to one another?” Ed raised an eyebrow. “Bleau Scale is a goddess and takes an interest in what amuses her. If you make a ruckus then you caught her attention. Helping her granddaughter escape her father counts.”

I sighed and rubbed my face. “Great, another goddess could have her eye on me.” I looked over at Luna. “No offense, but your sister's glares are enough attention from the gods. I don't want more, especially if I don't have to power to make them back off.”

“None taken, I know the others can be...tiring and yes Bleau can often find amusement in playing with others.” Luna said.

“Luckily she is playful and not spiteful.” Celestia added. “But she does tend to play matchmaker for males and females alike.”

I shivered and frowned. “I hope she isn't as ...bad… as Cadence from the TV show.” I said then looked ahead.

“She can be worse." Ed sighed. “Especially if she knows she can get a rise out of ya.”

I sighed and crossed my arms. “Well damn, it is a good thing I am immune to mind control, that one flashback scene is why I try to keep my distance from Cadence.” I looked up at the ceiling.

“Oh no Bleau doesn’t use mind control." Celestia said as we toured the castle. “She does it the old-fashioned way of awkward moments and well-laid plans.” She explained. “She can be extremely devious.”

“She tried to get me and Faust together on more than one occasion.” Ed gave a defeated sigh. “She has no respect for her elders just so ya know.”

“Oh well that I can handle, even before I got Gamer's Mind it was hard to embarrass me.” I said as we passed the throne room and I saw Luna eyeing the throne.

We all stopped. “What is it Luna?” Celestia asked the pony princess.

“That throne is so very gody, who made it?” She looked at us with an eyebrow raised.

“I am the one who made it." Ed spoke up. “But I was only following Del’s designs. So you’ll have to ask him.”

I shrugged and sighed. “I saw it on a TV show, and liked it.”

“No surprise there really.” Ed deadpanned. “But the decorations aren’t just that. The statute actually doubles as a protective golem and main entrance to the lab entry point.” He pointed to the large golden dragon. “If you're allowed in, it swallows you if not… then ya stay in it for a little while till it literally craps you out.” He snickered. “Give new meaning to the term shit out of luck don’t ya think.”

“Was that really your intention, just so you could use that line." Celestia gave a flat stare.

“Maybe.” Ed said in a tongue-in-cheek method as he slightly stuck out his tongue

I chuckled and shook my head. “Ok, Ed as you made most of this place, where to next?”

He shrugged. "Like I said." He pointed to me. "Other than the throne room there aren't a whole lot of really flushed-out places in it here. Bathrooms and Bedrooms aside I mostly left it open for whatever ya want to put in it. There are only a few places where I put my foot in, like the armory, ballroom, etc."

“Huh cool, well let's move on to what you wanted to show me, I don't have any interest in ballrooms or an armory seeing as I am a walking armory.” I said then flew over to the statue.

"I never said it was for you." Ed rolled his eyes and snapped. Suddenly the two stallions from before were in front of us. "You need to do something with these two seeing as how they'll be staying on the island and working for you. Second, why are you heading to your lab?"

I shrugged and said. “Was gonna show her the ‘lab.’ and I don't know what to do with them.”

"Put them to work as groundskeepers or maids." Celestia suggested while stallions merely glared at the suggestion. "Those who do not work will not eat."

"Rightly put sister." Luna said smiling then immediately realized what she said at the end. "I… Ah… I am sorry. I got caught up in the moment." She looked down.

"It's perfectly alright Luna." Celestia bent down and hugged Luna who returned it with gusto.

"Looks like she's been rather isolated since my last visit." Ed came up and nudged me, I looked at him and he motions to Luna. "She needs you, I'll take these two and do… Something with them." He summoned two clones and they dragged the ponies away.

I rubbed my neck and walked over to Luna. “Hey Luna maybe after Ed and Celestia leave, you and I can hang out, not do anything like work but just relax or something.”

"I would like that very much." She sniffled. "I can't speak with Tia very much if at all anymore. After the last time you were here." She looked at Ed. "She changed. She even keeps her student at a great distance."

"Hmm…" Ed thought. "I think we need some fun. To the dungeon!"

"Yes to the dungeon!" Luna called, then paused. "Wait what?"

I chuckled a bit and smiled. “If this is what I think it is, you will have fun Luna.” I followed Ed.

"After doing some research on the last time I was in Del's training I.D. and looking over me, Asta, and his battle footage recorded by Blaze." Ed said as my parrot appeared as a silver cloud then shifted into bird-form, perching on my shoulder with a squawk. "I was able to create an artificial dungeon here on the castle for anyone to use as a type of personal training ground with evolving enemies."

Luna looked confused at him. "Basically, before you start you're scanned to see your level and so the monster spawners know how strong your enemies need to be. You're constantly monitored so that if you level up so do the mobs. This way you're not stuck fighting enemies that will be under your strength cap and barely gain exp."

“That is very impressive Ed, I wonder how the princess will do seeing as I can’t see her level yet.” I said before petting Blaze.

“No telling unless you go in and try it out.” He pointed at the wall. He stopped in front of us. “I disguised it as a wall so there would be less of a chance some would stumble in. Not that a lot of creatures would come into lower levels anyway. Want to try it out?”

I nodded and smirked. “How about me and Luna go in together?"

“Be my guest, it’s your dungeon after all." Ed shrugged.

“Sweet, it will be interesting to see her fighting style, and maybe after that, I can see how you would fight all the homunculi at once.” I said with a grin and waved my grimoire around.

“Okay." Ed shrugged.

“Good luck you two." Celestia waved with a sly smirk.

I smiled at Luna and gave her a thumbs-up before I turned to Ed. “Alright Ed, how do I open the door?”

“Walk through the wall.” He shoved both of us through and it felt like passing through thick jello. I touched the wall and it was solid. “No use bud. Ya have to beat ten major enemies before ya can ask for an exit.”

“Oh great, thanks for telling me beforehand.” I said before rolling my eyes and turning to face the room. “Alright, I have no idea what will show up so be ready for anything Luna.”

“I also threw in a temporary power-up system.” Ed's voice came from everywhere. “But you’ll have to find them and no you can keep them Del.”

“Damn." I crossed my arms. Me and Luna took a few steps into the room when it lit up and changed to a beach. I look around and see palm trees with star-shaped fruit. “Ed...if you have any control, change it now.” I said while summoning my keyblade.

“What part of automated did you not understand.” His voice came out of everything again. “Yes there’s a default control room but it can only be accessed when this place is shut down. Besides, you won’t die in there. If you run out of health you’ll be sent out.”

I groaned as shadow heartless started appearing. “Not the point Ed! An image of a heartless becomes a heartless, they are like weeping angels!” I yelled before one of them jumped out of the ground and I used my keyblade to knock it back.

“DON’T PULL DOCTOR WHO WITH ME KID!” Ed roared. “These are not and WILL NEVER be true heartless. Now get your asses in gear!”

I frowned and stuck my tongue out. “It was just my theory, you don't have to yell.” I then saw Luna using a halberd to cut the heartless in half. “Good work.” I aimed my keyblade and cast Fire.

“These things are much easier to fight than the ones in your dream.” Luna said.

“Well, if Ed is right these are just fakes, while the ones we fought in my test of awakening were real.” I explained as we fought the heartless.

Luna nodded as she used magic to lift the heartless then I jumped up and cut them in half. “That was easy.” Luna said and I facepalm.

Then doorways of darkness open and skinny white beings that move like empty rag dolls, named Nobodies come through and surround us. “Luna, remind me to teach you the words that are never to be spoken.”

“I have no idea what you are on about.” Luna said while trying to cut the Dusks but is having a hard time hitting them. “Stay still damn you!”

I aimed my keyblade at the Nobodies and cast Fire and Magic Arrow at the same time. An arrow and fireball are shot out of my keyblade and they seem to fuse into a flaming arrow before it hit one of the Nobodies and explodes. “Holy shit.”

New Skill learned.
Skill Flaming Arrow
This skill lets the player fire an arrow made of fire at any target.
This skill costs 10 MP per arrow and fires up to 1 arrow every minute.

New Skill learned.
Skill fusion.
This skill lets the player fuse two different skills to form a new skill. The more compatible the skills are the faster the fusion can happen.

“Ok, that is cool.” I said before swiping the screens away and looking up as more Nobodies were swarming Luna. I was about to rush in to help when suddenly Luna yelled and in a flash of light Luna was holding a keyblade.

The teeth of the keyblade looked misty like Luna's mane, while the guard is a crescent moon and there is a silver chain on the handle. “What is this weapon?” Luna asked before she blocked an attack from one of the nobodies.

I ran over and helped her destroy all the Nobodies. “Seems you got a keyblade Princess.”

“Wonderful!” Ed's voice came out. “But now that you’ve unlocked a new power you’ll have to deal with new enemies.” Suddenly several new smaller Nobodies appeared. “ The Creeper types.”

“They will be no challenge with my new weapon." Luna smirked as she brandished her keyblade with a smirk. “They are smaller and flimsier than the larger ones.”

Suddenly several of the new Nobodies jumped up and transformed into spears and shot at Luna startling her. She managed to knock several of them back but missed one that shot by her face, barely gracing her cheek. Much to her shock

I jumped in and knocked them back with my own keyblade but none of them were destroyed. “These things were always the most versatile of the Nobodies.” I grumbled. “Just cause they seem weak doesn’t mean they are Luna. Stay on guard.”

“Indeed.” Ed’s voice came out again. “The Creepers are the weakest of the Nobodies. It takes on various shapes, making it difficult to read its next move. When it is paired with Dusks they are truly one of the deadliest Nobodies out there that quickly adapt to most situations.”

“Yeah, they are so annoying to deal with.” I said while firing flaming arrows at a few of them.

“These beings are called nobodies?” Luna asked while looking at her keyblade.

“Think of them as the remnants of the body of what’s left behind after a heartless is made.” Ed explained. “Like heartless they come in many forms but are still much less varied than heartless types. Eye on the prize princess.” Ed said as the creepers transformed into swords and paired with the Dusks.

The Nobodies jumped on us. The creepers' swords attacked our fronts while the Dusks took us from the other sides. It was easier fighting enemies like the creepers as they were the weapons themselves but they were much more durable than normal.

I grit my teeth as I push back against the Creeper. “This dungeon is a nice test of my skills.” I said before I spun my keyblade around and knocked the creeper back before I grabbed it and threw it over Luna and pinned a Dusk with it.

“It’s why I created it after all." Ed chuckled as several Commander heartless appeared. “Keep up the good work. It looks like fun I might have to join you. hehe…”

I groaned and looked at Luna. “Luna you take the ten on the left, I'll take the ten on the right. Try to use your keyblade or elemental magic the most.” I told her once she nodded, I smirked and ran at the closest heartless before sending a fireball into its face, blinding it long enough for me to jump onto its shoulders. But before I could cut off its head the rest of them tackled me off.


I growled and activated my flame hollow skill and started to burn them just by touching them but they held me down. I struggled and started glowing brighter. “Get the hell off me!”

“Luna get out of there!” Ed called out. “Fly up, at least three feet up!”

Luna looked over to me as I felt something about to happen and she flew straight up. As soon as she took off a fireball expanded out in every direction from my body turning the heartless that were holding me down to ash and turning the ground into molten rock. I stood up as the fireball faded, seeing about three feet in every direction from where I was standing had been burned.

New Skill learned.
Skill Wrathful Inferno
This skill unleashes all the wrath energy the player has in a sphere of flames that burns everything it touches.

This skill costs all Wrath energy.

“Holy crap, I guess I can still get new skills with wrath energy.” I said after reading the skill and swiped it away.

“The dungeon is designed to test you and your skills to the point of evolution.” Ed said. “Nice to see that’s what it’s doing but you won’t be as likely to gain new weapons or drops. It’s not impossible but that system is one incredibly hard to create so it’s a little under sub-par as far as drop rate but the items will be much stronger.”

I shrugged and said. “That's fine, my own I.D.s can handle that. This is perfect for true training though.” I then smirked and kicked the ash as Luna came down looking at the destruction.

“Such power yet, it is still contained in such a small area.” Luna said surprised. “I almost fear the power you will possess as a full grown dragon.”

“You’d be surprised what he’ll be able to do with his other powers too." Ed complimented. “I’m starting to wish Spike was here. He’s been slacking off in his training to study gemstone alchemy. He and Rarity have become rather successful in their endeavors."

I chuckled and smirked. “Hey if you want you can send him here and I can have the two Spikes train together.” I said before the island started to get dark and I looked up to see a massive corridor of darkness. “Shit, well boss fight time I guess, hey Ed does this thing have boss music?” I ask referring to the training room while getting into a fighting stance.

“My dear nephew needs to better himself and it seemed that he was a decent teacher to Quill’s Spike when he was teaching him how to control his dragon slayer magic." Ed explained. “If he wanted a real fight he’d have to be put in here or fight you though. I was the one who personally trained my nephew after all. And yes it does have boss fight music that will start when you enter the area. Good luck you two. You’ll be facing the Twilight Thorn.”

“I am confused, what does Twilight's horn have to do with our fight?” Luna asked me.

I shook my head and pointed ahead. “No, Ed said Twilight Thorn, it is a large Nobody, think of it like the Darkside we fight in my awakening test, but white and much sharper.” I told her before we started heading towards the fight. “Oh and if you hear music that means the fight is about to start.”

“The Twilight Thorn is a gargantuan Nobody that is clad in a white bodysuit, as evidenced by the large, silver zipper lining its front. Its simple, round head's only feature is a white Nobody logo on its front where the creature's face would be. It has rather thick, short legs with spikes on its hips and long, pointed feet. Its waist is quite thin and has dark grey sides. Its shoulders each sport a gigantic, diamond-shaped spike, and its arms are very long, and reach the floor when fully extended down." Ed explained as the gigantic nobody quickly slithered through the air.

The Nobody only seems to have one distinct digit on each of its hands, the thumb. It also seems to have high-heels on their ankles. It also has four long, blue tentacles with tips resembling the spikes on the Nobody sigil that wrap around its neck. Its overall body shape seems to be meant to resemble the Nobody symbol. Despite its size, the Twilight Thorn has the same astounding level of flexibility as all other lesser Nobodies.

I looked up at the massive nobody and frowned. “I want to say I have fought bigger but that would be a lie.” I aimed my keyblade at it and sent flaming arrows at it. “Let's see if I can ground that thing.”

The nobody simply swirled around my attack and appeared behind us. Its scarfs then slithered out and black and grey lightning came from the tips striking us. It raised its arms up and smashed them into the ground and threw us up into the air. The Nobody then grabbed hold of our limbs and the Thorn then quickly slithered up in front of us. It took a closer look at us and it reeled back its right fist readying a punch.

I frowned and used my tail to tap my shoulder armor piece activating my keyblade Armor. “Time to take this seriously!” I used telekinesis to swing my keyblade down and cut my arms and legs free. Once free I stopped its fist with my own hands. “Tough guy, take this!” I used instant transmission to teleport next to Luna and cut her free then I aimed my keyblade and cast slow on it three times.

The punch missed but the Thorn twirled around and added momentum to its initial attack and struck us both with a very hard right. The blow sent us both flying in opposite directions. Luan and I couldn’t stop and both slammed into the walls of the chamber creating larger craters upon impact.


“Gah!” I grunted as I hit the wall and looked. “How is he still so fast? I cast slow on him three times!” I complained before I spun my keyblade and ran at the nobody.

“Just cause you cast something doesn’t mean it takes effect right away." Ed added. “Stop is particularly hard time as well when it comes to faster enemies, especially Nobodies.”

I rolled my eyes before muttering. "Bull shit, my skills always work." I then jumped up and started hitting the nobody with my keyblade and grabbed onto it so it couldn't get away from my combo. “Well I guess we go with the beat the shit out of it plan then.”

The Thorn then spiraled back up and out of my grip before it spun over to Luna. It grabbed hold of her and looked her over and then threw her right at me. Luna collided with me and we plummeted to the ground, skipping a few times. The Thorn threw its arms out and created a larger sphere of black and white energy in between its hands.


“Ow! Fuck, Sora made this look so much easier.” I got up and looked at my keyblade glowing and grinned. “Luna, you are gonna love this.” As the Nobody threw its attack I held my keyblade up and then it flashed bright enough to blind someone as it transformed becoming ten blades and two shields with eyes on them, the shields shrank and slammed onto the back of my palms as the blades also shrink down some while linking with my fingers, forming new blades claws over my own.

I then held my hands out and caught its attack. I was pushed back a bit before I could lift the energy and throw it back. “Time to get wild!” I then ran on all fours at the nobody before I jumped up after the explosion and started clawing its face.

The Thorn’s scarfs shot from the explosions and wrapped around me and then pulled tight, keeping me from moving. The nobody grabbed hold of me by extending both hands and twirled up to me, pulling me close to its face. It then threw up and reeled back with a twist in its arm. I then positioned myself as I fell towards the Thorn.

“ I think it's smiling at me?!” I said as I readied to strike. Our fists collide creating a shockwave and a crater below the nobody. “Smile at this!” My face mask opens up and I breathe fire onto Its arm and face.

The nobody stumbled back and fell backward. It laid on the ground only twitching, I gritted my teeth knowing it wasn’t over. Suddenly a bunch of Dusks and Creepers appeared, along with a Samurai.

“Oh come on! This is the boss fight!” I frowned and closed my helmet and Luna joined me as we started taking out each of the nobodies one by one. I look at my claws as I see them glowing more and grin. “Luna, let's finish off these small fish before I finish off the big guy.”

“Hmhmhm… Be careful…” Ed’s voice rang out. “These aren’t your usual nobodies, remember!”

All of a sudden the Creepers changed forms. Some became spears, swords, and shields but instead of attacking separately, they were wielded by the Dusks. The samurai was the real issue, and it picked up a pair of Creeper swords. It locked onto me and charged at me.

I frowned and lifted my claws. “Oh goody, I get to play with more than one.” I said sarcastically.

“I believe now would be a good time to take things seriously!” Luna scolded me as she fought off a pair of Dusks wielding Creepers.

“Do you want some help?” Ed asked as the Samurai forced me back.

I swung my claw at the Samurai and looked at Luna. “Luna get behind me, I have an idea!” I pushed the nobodies back with the force and then held my arms out making hexagonal shields forming a hallway forcing them to come down it. I then held my hands up and my keyblade changed again, it glowed bright and formed into a large cannon with the head of a dragon at the head. It was so heavy I was forced to kneel to aim it over my shoulder. “Luna, I need you to hold them off for a few seconds just make a magic shield.”

The samurai seemed to notice me and let go of the creeper swords and used its own swords. It took up a stance and then vanished.

“Crap.” I said and then heard a clash of metal and saw Luna blocking the blade.

“This thing… is… very strong….” She grunted through her teeth. “Whatever thou are doing do it soon!”

The nobodies started to jump in the air. I aimed my cannon at them and its jaw opened slowly while sucking in magic. The inside of the jaw glowed brighter and brighter till a small aiming sight lens popped out, I took aim and grinned. “Luna get behind me now I am gonna fire!”

“Very well." She said as she forced the Samurai back into the air. As soon as she got behind me I fired my cannon and the beam of pure light magic was so strong it destroyed all of them and I smiled weakly as I lowered my arms and my keyblade changed back to its base form.

“Did you forget about the Thorn?” Ed called out as the massive Nobody rose to its feet again. “Want some help now?”

I sighed and nodded. “Yeah come on and help.” I admitted defeat.

“Do not give up Deltorix.” Luna said shakily. “We are still standing so we can still fight!”

“Calm yourself Luna." Ed said as he appeared in front of us with his keyblade on his back. “I know you still have fight in you, but you’ve done enough. Not everyone can face off with a boss and a small army as well. Take it easy." He walked over and looked up to the Thorn. He took off the keyblade and through it up in the air and it split apart and attached to his back. The blades extended down Ed’s arms and then reached out into scythe claws. “Baku; Nightmare Ripper Sacred Cross!” He slashed with his claws across the Thorn and it fell back and started to flake apart.

I watched and whistled. “Holy crap, I have a long way to go to match him.”

“I’m much older than you both and have been wielding my own keyblade for well over two thousand years now." Ed said as his blade returned to its normal form. He propped his weapon against his shoulder. “I am old and that comes with experience and not to mention my master is way worse than me when it comes to training.” He snickered. “The old bastard.”

I raised an eyebrow. “I would be careful with what you say Ed, like I said most Equestrias run on TV logic. saying things like that are a good way for your master to randomly show up like he overheard you and put you through more training.” I warned him slightly.

"He shows up in my world whenever he wants." Ed shrugged. "Our worlds have a bridge that way and he knows I'm not shy about calling him things. As for TV logic, don't even go there man. Him, me, and Optimus spent a whole year on an earth with Bert Gummer hunting Graboids and their spawn from the Precambrian era."

My eyes widened. “Lucky! I loved those old movies!” I chuckled and smiled. “Anyway, mind helping me test one of my armor systems? All you need to do is stand still.” I asked with a smirk as I looked at my glowing armor.

“Hmf…” He smirked. “Yeah go ahead, big man. I’ve been wanting to test something out of my own too and your armor discharge would be a big help.”

“Alright, though it isn't at full power.” I told him as I knew this would be nowhere near hard enough to kill him as I aimed my fist at him. “Tell me when you are ready.”

Crimson flames enveloped Ed's form and quickly dispersed to reveal his new keyblade armor. Though Luna had previously seen Ed's true form she was still slightly shocked at this new form, until he lifted up the helmet to reveal his face in the suit.

"The original armor was actually just a purified form of my original malice transformation but thanks to a certain Saiyan we both know it was totally destroyed." He said as he adjusted the right arm gauntlet. "I melted some uru, vibranium, and proto-adamantium. Then I threw in the pieces of my old armor into the molten mix. They absorbed the metals and formed this new armor. Though now that I have beskar it is actually subpar when compared to my standard metals." Ed rubbed the back of his head with a smirk. "Now that you have a keyblade you'll also have to make a set of armor like this as well Luna." He looked at the night princess then back to me, putting his helmet back on. "Fire when ready!" He gave a thumbs up.

I chuckled and made a fist. “Kinetic burst!” The stored-up kinetic energy in my armor flowed from every inch of my armor into my right fist, before it created a ball of energy that shot outward toward Ed and connected with his chest.

My beam steadily sputtered out and there wasn't even a sign of burning metal on the spot where I'd been focusing my attack. Ed patted his chest with his hand and then gave a thumbs up

"Not even warm to the touch." He said as he dispelled his armor.

I snapped my fingers and dispelled my armor too. “Damn, well, maybe next time it will be at full power.” I joked with a smile. “For now, how about you show me how you fight, but you have a few handicaps.” I said with a smirk.

“My armor is made out of the same stuff my arm and leg are Del, minus the Beskar." Ed held up a hand. “You did good and if it makes you feel any better I’ve only had to use the kinetic discharge just once in the entire time I’ve had them, and that was just my arm I used." He explained. “It was during my fight with Black as well and it barely did anything to him. So what did you have in mind for me?”

“I was thinking I could use my grimoire to summon the seven homunculi from Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood and see how you fight when restricted to just alchemy and your own homunculus abilities.” I said and my book opened floating next to me. “The best part is I have just enough magic to summon all seven of them.” I said before pulling out my sage stone and holding onto it.

“If you want." Ed shrugged as he detached his arm and leg to replace them with pride shadow limbs. “If you're wondering why." He looked at Luna. “In human form my limbs are artificial and these in particular have all sorts of gadgets in them that put an entire army to shame. Let’s go.”

I nodded and smirked before I said. “Summoning magic, Hero summon, homunculus sin of pride, homunculus sin of gluttony, homunculus sin of envy, homunculus sin of lust, homunculus Edward Elric, homunculus sin of greed, and homunculus sin of sloth!” I used up almost all my MP but I summoned the seven homunculi. They each appear in shining lines of computer code. “Alright you seven, Your target is that man that looks like Edward Elric, try your best to kill him.” I ordered them.

“You really did create some pretty nice stand ins." Ed looked over the homunculi. “But I have handled them ya know." He sent all of them flying in seven different directions. “The thing about them is to keep them separate. If you ever have to deal with two or more and they’re actually cooperating, then you’re just screwed.”

“Oh seems we got a smart guy.” Envy mocked as she turned into Ed. “look at me I know everything!”

“What a pain.” Sloth said.

“Oh, I forgot to mention, when I summon hero class or above they can actually speak.” I told Ed.

“Enough talk, we were ordered to kill this man so let us see what he's capable of.” Wrath a.k.a. Fuor Bradley said, pulling out his swords and then he looked at Ed with his ultimate eye.

“However you all want to play it is fine with me." Ed shrugged as he leaned his head back and looked at Bradley, his own eye changing to the ultimate eye. “I’m not human anymore after all.” He vanished and appeared behind Sloth.” You were always the most useless of them all!” He clapped and slammed a hand down on Sloth's face and in a flash of red lightning, destroyed the behemoth in one go. As Sloth fell to the ground and turned to ash Ed turned. “Who’s next?”

“Impossible! He is like us and...I can’t see a weakness!” Bradley said.

“Who cares, he killed Sloth! He is going to pay!” Envy changed into his true form, a giant lizard-like form with one eye that has multiple irises and the bodies of hundreds of people stretching out from his sides. “Die you worm!” He tried to crush Ed while Lust, Pride, and Gluttony met up with Bradley but Greed on the other hand just stood and watched, smirking.

“You know you really shouldn’t jump the gun like that Envy.” Ed said from Envy's back as he was laying down. “I did like you as a character though Hey remember when Mustang was super pissed at you.” He smirked. “That was so funny, in fact.” In a flash of red Ed had on a white glove with a red alchemy circle on it. “Burn in hell.” He snapped and orange electricity came from the glove to Envy’s mouth and eyes. The homunculus hollowed in pain as Ed merely smirked, I found it almost as scary as when he was pissed off, almost.

The others gasped and Pride frowned. “I see, he is nothing but a cheap imitation of us, stealing alchemy from others. Then let us show him who the real powerhouse is.” Pride then sent large shadows after Ed climbing Envy’s body to get to him.

“Cheap imitation you say.” Ed leaned over slightly and smirked. “That’s rich considering I am much older than any of you." Ed blocked the attack with his own shadow and he vanished and reappeared behind Pride.

The homunculus turned and found half his head missing as Ed had slashed it off the a shadow chop of his hand. "I’ve created my homunculus that are much stronger than any of you.”

Price grabbed his head as his shadows tried to escape. “That's not possible! We are the perfect beings!”

Bradley ran at Ed and tried to cut his back while Lust sent her long sharp nails at Ed. “We were made by Father to replace humanity!"

“No, you were made as pawns to move around a chess board, pawns that he easily replaced." Ed used the ultimate shield to block the attacks. “Just ask Greed." He broke the nail and punched Bradley in the gut.

“Always the eager children to prove themselves to their doting father.” Ed appeared in front of Pride and grabbed hold of the shadow then proceeded to rip it from its container. “Greed was actually the smartest out of any of you second rate imitations. So much so the ‘Father’ had to have him brought back from where he crawled off to and even after he died and was reabsorbed he still persisted. I have more respect for him than any of you.” He scowled at Pride as it faded into ash. “You are the most disgusting one.”

Pride screamed as he faded away. Gluttony held his head. “You hurt Lust! I am going to eat you!” He ran at Ed while opening his larger mouth, his chest opening up showing a gray eye and sharp teeth.

“Such a simple-minded creature you are." Ed remarked as he grabbed the eye in Gluttony’s stomach. "Tell me." He darkly smirked. “Have you ever been eaten yourself?" Ed asked as he took a chunk out of the blob’s arm with his own gluttony causing the fat sack to cry out in pain. Ed sighed. “I almost feel bad for you." He smirked. “Almost.” The crackle of red lightning covered Gulltony's body and then Ed dropped his as his faded to ash. “Then there were four.”

Greed laughed and looked at Bradly. “What are you gonna do now old man? He is tearing us apart.”

“Don't you think I know that?” He grit his teeth before using his broken swords he rushed at Ed and tried to cut his head off.

“Oh dear, I let you pierce my armor.” Ed smirked at the king. “Good forth nothing puppet.” Ed glared as he plunged his hand into Bradely’s chest and sent another surge of red lightning into the homunculus. “I do have some respect for as a human though, and as a fighter.” Bradley smiled and mouthed thank you as he faded away.

Lust stared shocked and backed away. “You don't want to kill me right? A big strong man like you could use a strong woman behind him.” She tried but even I knew she fucked up.

“True,” Ed shook off the ash while Lust smirked. “That’s why I have three already that I deeply love and care for." He held his hand up and she tried to run only for his claws the rip the stone from her chest and crush it. “Harlot.”

Greed laughed and slapped his knee. “Ha! serves that bitch right!”

“Greed you bastard help me kill this guy!” Envy said before trying to hit Ed with his tail.

Envy then started to beat Edward with his tail.



“Haha… take that you bastard” Envy chuckled and raised his tail to see Ed laying in the crater spread eagle with a half-lidded gaze staring up. “WHAT?!” Envy started to repeatedly beat down on Ed.











“Why… won’t… you… die?!” Envy roared, while me and Luna just watched with raised eyebrows. We looked at each other through the corners of our eyes then to Ed and Envy and then back to each other. I could only shrug at this.








“Hey could hit me in the face with your claw or something cause my nose is starting to itch." Ed remarked and Envy slammed his fist down at that. “Thank you…” Ed remarked in a very audible tone if not muffled from Envy’s fist.

Greed grinned and turned his shield on, punching his fist. “Give it up already Envy he is playing with you.” He then walked up and cracked his neck. “I may as well do my best.”

“And I am tired of this pathetic display." Ed said then a giant shadow split him right down the middle.

“Impossible…” Envy’s halves fell to the ground and started to fade away.

“Not really." Ed stood up and dusted himself off. “Like I told your idiot brother, I have made more powerful homunculi than your lot and I have fought you before in the past. You homunculi think you’re so superior when all you really want deep down is what humans have. It’s pathetic. All you have to do is choose that for yourselves and yet you wouldn’t.”

“Damn man that was harsh.” Greed said before running at Ed with his fist pulled back for a punch.

“And here I thought you were the smart one." Ed gave a flat glare. “Do you really want to die in a meaningless fight like your siblings?”

“Don’t have much of a choice.” He said as he punched Ed in the face. “I have to follow the boss's orders.”

“Really?” Ed closed his eyes as he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with some flame alchemy. “When have you ever been one to follow the boss’s order, Greed the Avaricious?” He looked at Greed with one eye.

“Hell no, but somehow this is different.” He said, still trying to hurt Ed with his ultimate shielded fists. “I am still me and can do what I want as long as I get the job done.”

“Um, Ed you know they aren't real right?” I asked, then added. “They are like NPCs pre-programmed with their personalities but they have to follow the summoner's orders a.k.a. me.”

“You’re a fool if you think that Deltorix." He looked at me. “You are a summoner and that means you pulled them from wherever it was they had been. Granted, they could be copies but look at Greed. He doesn’t seem to be a copy to me. He looks more like a homunculus that you’re controlling with the stone I gave you. I do not take joy in killing someone like him, especially in a world that has everything he truly wants and needs.”

I scratched my head. “Then why is it when I summon someone weaker, minion class they can’t speak and act on their own? For example, summoning magic minion summon!” I used my grimoire to summon someone I know Ed will enjoy kicking in the ass of. The state alchemist known as Shou Tucker, the Sewing-Life Alchemist. He appears in lines of code like the others but he just stands there not moving, just staring ahead.

“Hmm…” He raised a brow. “No need to get angry Del." Ed said as he shot a finger through Tucker’s head and expanded it into spikes. “I have no qualms about killing him but I still will not kill Greed.”

“Deltorix please stop." Celestia’s voice rang out, she sounded sad.

I raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “Hey, I am not mad, just confused.” I closed my grimoire and Greed immediately started cracking up like glass before shattering just like my instant dungeons. “Like I said, I am sure all my summons are from my instant dungeon ability.”

“You clearly haven’t done any research into high-tier summons then.” Ed dropped the cigarette and put it out with his foot. “Back home Greed is the only homunculus I didn’t destroy. There was a reason I traveled the world for years after all. How do you think I got all my abilities? He was my friend for a long long time and sacrificed himself in our fight against Pride. That is why I didn’t kill him.” A Door appeared. “Let’s go. Luna I have prepared something for you and it’s yours if you want it.”

I put my grimoire away and nodded to Ed as Luna and I followed him. “What is it that you have made sir Ed?”

“One of the main reasons Del called me here today was to build Dragon Lacrima Generator and I got to thinking." He looked at Luna with a smirk. “Why not give you one? Though this one is a part of my own collection and a highly kept secret of how to make it. Not even Del would be able to create this without my knowledge.” We entered a room and Celestia was sitting on a couch and in front of her was a solid Black Lacrima.

I looked at it and then smirked. “Nice, If that is what I think it is, then it would fit Luna.”

Luna looked between me and Ed then Celestia. “What? Is that crystal some kind of spell?”

“No, it is actually a form of concentrated draconic magic very similar to your Lunar sage stone.” Ed explained. “But it is nowhere near the purity of it. This Lacrima." He picked it up and held it in front of Luna. “Contains one of the original primordial Dragon Slayer Magics. Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic. The Dragon King that held this magic was selfish and thought his race above all others and never taught or shared it thus it is highly sought after. I have prepared a vaccine with antibodies to keep your body from becoming overpowered by the magic’s influence. In order to have this I must implant the crystal inside your body. But it is only if you want it.”

Luna seemed to look at the lacrima for a while deep in thought before she closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes, I thank you for this sir Ed. With this, I can help defend my ponies from larger threats. You do not have to worry about me when you give it to me, we Alicorns as well as the other ascended races, are able to regenerate from almost anything I have even lost a whole leg in battle one time, and by the time the battle had ended, it was finished re-growing.”

“The procedure is not jarring. I performed it on Del earlier but to tell you the truth I have never done it on a pony such as yourself before." He knelt down. “And I know you are very strong, much more than you give yourself credit for and so is your sister. I truly hope she can overcome her trials and take back her son.” He patted Luna’s shoulder. “As for the Lacrima." He held up an empty hand. “It is done. With this power, you can eat darkness and turn it into your own strength. Del can teach how to properly utilize it.” He pulled a syringe from his pocket and injected the shimmering green liquid into Luna’s shoulder as she slightly winced as it was over. “All done.”

Luna looked at her shoulder and then back to Ed. “I don't feel any different.”

“Give it a second.” I said while pulling out some headache pills.

“You’re going to want to sit down before it hits." Celestia said as she used her magic to bring Luna next to her on the couch, resting Luna he’d on her lap. She smiled. “It’s a good thing I’m not further along or I wouldn’t be able to do this. My sister let me rest my head on her lap when she was carrying the twins and for some reason, it helped put me at ease.”

Luna smiled softly at Celestia before she gasped as black smoke came off of her and her body twitched uncontrollably.

“Be calm Luna." Celestia stroked the princess’s head. “Your body is just bleeding off the excess magic while you adjust to the new type from the Lacrima." She calmly supported Luna. “This magic is draconian in nature and that of a dragon king as well. It will react slightly more violently than if it were pony magic. Even a Kirin would have trouble adjusting to it.”

I watched as the smoke slowed down and Luna panted before standing up and I could see she got more muscular through her fur. “Well done Princess, want some headache pills?”

“Here." Ed gave Celestia a glass of water.

“Thank you dear.” Celestia then helped Luna drink the pills. “Feel better?”

“Yes, I feel the new magic inside. It is amazing.” Luna said.

“Welcome to the Dragon Slayer Club.” I said with a smirk.

“Take it easy Princess." Ed said in a soft but stern tone. “You'll be back to normal by the time you're supposed to raise the moon. A fair warning, you may find yourself devouring a lot more food from time to time. Being a dragon slayer you do tend to pick up some draconic traits that slip out every now and then." Ed cautioned. “Del and I have something to do so will be leaving you here with Tia for a bit okay?”

Luna nodded and laid her head back down on Celestia’s lap.

“Come on Del." Ed said as he walked to the door.

I waved at the princesses and then followed Ed. “So, we made my dragon slayer magics, made my floating island, and have given me and my allies a few upgrades. What next?” I asked Ed as we walked down a hallway.

“We’re going to show Celestia the island in its current state." Ed looked at me from the corner of his eyes. “Put your hand on my shoulder.”

“Oh joy.” I said with very little enthusiasm as I grabbed his shoulder. “Time to hear more about how humans are evil.”

“The elemental has already revived all plant life." Ed said and in a blink, we were on Celestia’s balcony. She’s looked better. “Afternoon Highness.” Ed gave a genuine bow. “You look as if you’ve been crying. Handkerchief?” He held out a silk hanky.

She took a deep breath and looked away. “I am fine. What do you want?”

“I know you wish to be strong for your ponies Celestia but what you doing right this moment is exactly what Luna did so many years ago that led her to her downfall. I may not like but at the same time I do not wish ill will or to see you in pain either." Ed sighed. “As for why we are here, I want to show you something and then I will bring you right back here. No tricks, no pranks, no disrespect just a glance off at something that I hope will ease your heart.”

Celestia sighed and stood up using magic to fix herself. “Fine, let's get this over with.”

“Let us depart.” Ed looked at her. Another blink and we were in that not far from the islan. It was indeed full of life once more. The elemental now had flowers all over its body and the forest has come back.

“You need not freak out. We are standing on a spell called solid air.” He pointed at the forest giant. “A. Truly wonderful creature to have brought the island back in just a day. His name is Gugo Celestia and he is a forest spirit. There aren’t too many of his giant kind left. I want you to know that they only grow when they want to and where they want to. They life givers that is why I left him here and he is gentle unless his forest is under attack. I’m telling you this in case ponies come here once more. He will protect and provide for them. Thus is the job of a guardian.”

She frowned at the forest spirit. “I see, and I also see we are at that damned island.” She looked at Ed. “Is this all you wanted to show me?”

“I wanted to show you life Princess, but no this is not what I wanted to show you.” We blinked and we were back in Ponyville, outside Filthy Rich’s home again in the air. “They can not see us. That little filly down there is your granddaughter not to mention her father. His wife is part of deals that are corrupting your land and ponies. If anything, consider what they mean to you. I’m not speaking as one ruler to another but as a sibling, parent, and grandparent. Luna, your son, Filthy, and Diamonds Tiara. They are your Family and they need you and most of all they need you without all of that hate in your heart. I know hate. I was cut off by my parents and my brothers were all I had. Asta was the only one who actually kept in constant contact. My youngest brother would check in,” He sighed. “I both loath and love my parents for what they did. I’d save their lives if I needed to but at the same time, I want nothing to do with them outside my brothers. Don’t let hate consume you as has done with me.”

Celestia looked down at the house and closed her eyes. “Take me home.”

Ed blinked us back to Canterlot Castle. “We all lose a lot Celestia, but it's what we have that really matters. I do hope that one day… I can really be your friend.” He walked over to me. “You ready?”

I nodded as I watched Celestia go back into her room. “Yeah, let's go.”

We teleported back onto my island and found Luna and Celestia munching on cake. “They look like they’re having a fun time.”

“Yeah, hopefully my secret weapon will be finished before my Celestia falls. I'd rather deal with her myself than have Luna have to fight her.” I said to Ed.

“Do you think you should tell her?” Ed motioned to Luna.

I looked at Ed. “I am unsure what you mean.”

“I’ve seen what happens Del." Ed looked at me. “It will happen, though it seems we have staved it off for a bit but Celestia will fall and you are the only creature that will be able to stop her but you will still need Luna’s help. She is the only other besides Celetia that can wield the sword. I know you don’t want her to but you can’t do it without her.”

I sighed and crossed my arms frowning. “Maybe, but If my plan works then Luna won't have to fight Celestia.” I then held up a hand and made a small illusion showing me fighting Daybraker and blasting her. Then Celestia fell to the ground.

“Like I said, you’ll need her." Ed pointed and a Luna appeared in and came aroun to get Celestia and deflect attacks away from ponies. “Shesenset fight but she will still be needed.” Ed pulled out a flask and took a swig and then returned it to his pocket. “One more.” He said as he reached into his vault and pulled out a large zangpakuto and tossed it to me. “That’s Ichigo’s token. He is a lot like Asta but much more blunt. He likes to fight and flows his own since of justice and he will kick your ass. As far as I know his only travels when he is bored is currently under Zaraki as an official member of Squad 11, So watch your ass when it comes to him.”

I nodded and put the token into my inventory. “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind. I will give him a call after I do some hunting.” I taped my chin. “Actually I may wait until after the dragon migration I wanna be here for Spike for that event.”

“You need to seriously bulk the little dude up then." Ed crossed his arms. “Anyways, we should be heading home now. Don’t you agree?”

I nodded and shrugged. “Yeah, but unfortunately the only way I can bulk up is if I put all my stats in strength and unfortunately if I get more than two hundred above my intelligence stat I'll start losing intelligence permanently.” I sighed and shook my head. “Anyway let’s get your wife so you can head home, oh you will need this.” I pulled out the orange lantern battery. “I forgot to give you this with the ring.”

“The little guy doesn’t have a gamer body like you Del. He’s going to have to train and train hard. He’s going to have to run drills like Asta does almost every day in order to keep his body up/ It’s one of the things he was trying to teach back when he was here.” Ed took the battery and placed it in his vault. “Alright then.” Ed cracked his knuckles as we reached the girls. “Time to head home Tia.” Luna looked down at the floor.

‘I don’t think she’s actually had time to just be with her sister as in terms of sisters at all. I bet this time with Ed’s wife was the closest thing to it.’

“Hey Luna." Celestia cupped the pony version of her sister’s head in her hands. “Twilight is going to make regular visits to my sister to learn how to properly use dark magic. Whenever she does let her know you want to come and we‘ll meet in Luna’s library.” Celestia gave Lina a little kiss on the nose. “I may not be your version of your sister but I can still be there to listen and be your friend. Okay?”

Luna nodded with a smile. “Of course, thank you Celestia.” She then gave Celestia a wing hug.

“Well, this has been informative and a bit taxing but still, you are my friend Ed, I hope to have a friendly sparring match some day.” I lightly hit his shoulder with my fist. “Safe travels and may the rest of your days be uneventful.”

“I wish you well me young friend.” Ed patted my shoulder as his wife stood up and behind him. They walked over to an open space and Ed opened a portal and his train pulled up, He turned around. “I look forward to the day you wield enough power to face me Del. Next time I’ll have to bring you to my world and put you through a match with a few of my disciples. My family may be what you need." He smirked as Celestia giggled. “We’ll let you know when the little one is here. Oh and Del, find a few lovers. Male or female, or both. Take care my friend.” They walked onto the train and whooshed off.

I shook my head with a smile as Luna walked up next to me. “Your friends are kind.” She said.

I nodded and smirked. “Yeah. Well I suppose you better head home, I have some hunting to do.” I cracked my knuckles. Luna nodded and headed to the warp gate and I headed to my lab to make a plan.

Comments ( 5 )

Another excellent chapter.^^

Thank you and sorry for the late post

Better late than never, eh?

Cool..! But it feels too hand holdy. Still do whatever you feel is right and hopefully it will be quite entertaining.

I think this hand holding business that you think is there. It's just preparation for more in-depth, detailed craziness down the line. Also, I have a feeling that floating islands going to be one hell of a trading port between the countries also a theme park for all ages it's tractors like this that have very many open ends and possibilities for buildup. I mean yeah they are kind of hand holding in some ways but there's usually a reason behind that because it leaves it open for interpretation later down the line. So don't read too far into why it's handholder or something like that cuz it's always a deeper meaning somewhere

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