• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,643 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 5

Me, Crimson and Lilly walk through my dimensional door to back home; finding ourselves back in the library; only to find it empty. I then take a breath then say. "So what did you two think of your first trip to another Equestria?"

Crimson is first to respond while Lilly smiles. "It was different and I suppose I can see why you don't want us to add these trips in our reports but that huge invasion of Diamond Dogs was crazy! I have to report that, not only that but there was a HUMAN there and you were all buddy buddy with it!"

I raise a eye brow a bit confused till I remember what I over heard and decide to play dumb for now. "What is wrong with humans? He was a good guy, that helped save all those ponies and others; even tried to save me when he thought I was injured."

Crimson groans but Lilly tries to explain. "From what we know about in history books, humans are monsters that showed up one day on a island, they fought with everything that got close to them even each other and they had terrible weapons made to k-kill, Celestia decided they were too dangerous and banished them and their island to a far away place."

I rub my chin thinking about what I've been told. "Hmm well that is troubling; but unfortunately, most but not all displaced are human. There are some that are other beings that look similar; but don't judge a book by it's cover. Now then, who wants to-" I am cut off as I start coughing then I burp and my flames produce a scroll. I catch it and look at it, it has a crescent moon seal and is addressed to me, so I open it and read it.

Dear Deltorix the dragon,

I, Luna Nocturnus; have thought over your proposal throughout the night and most of this day. We have decided to give you a chance. Provide us with a working design of this armor and we shall grant you access to the knowledge of runes we have. However; if you are to fail at this task then you must tell us honest answers to five questions my sister we may ask at any time. You will have one month to prepare four sets of armor two solar and two lunar, as will as make two for mares and the last two for stallions.

Your lunar ruler, Princess Luna.

P.S. Our sister is also interested to see your forging skills as will.

"So what did the Princess send you?" Crimson asks trying to peek so I just give her the letter.

"Just a deal I offered her. Now then; would you two mind finding Silver and Bronze for me? I am going to fiddle with my screens." I sit down and open my stat screen and add the points I got from All Might's world as they leave. After that; I make a group of clones to go back to playing games as when I entered my displaced portal all my clones disappeared.

'Ok let's see here, first I need to find a blacksmith and ask if he or she can teach me how to forge metals, then I need to farm enough money to buy the special metals from my store, and finally I need to forge it into armor for them in one month.' I rub my face as I groan, then I snap my head up and grin making another clone and leave him there to wait for my guards then I enter an I.D. and go outside then I focus on my Ki and push it out around me and down to my feet and slowly I lift off the ground and start floating and I start flying around using just Ki until I get the skill for Ki flight.

New skill learned.
Skill: Ki flight.
This skill allows you to fly using the power of ki.
Top speeds are unknown as you can go as fast as you want as long as you have enough Ki.
Minimum Ki needed to float 1 point of Ki per minute, minimum Ki needed for flight 10 points of Ki per minute.

I grin and land in a alleyway and return to normal space, then I start walking to Rarity's home and business, while walking I look around at all the happy ponies. 'I hope All Might can handle what's coming for him.'

After about fifteen minutes of walking I find Rarity's Carousel Boutique and walk up and knock, hearing a, "come in darling!" From inside so I walk in hearing the little bell above the door ring.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is.. Oh Deltorix it's you how are you darling?" Rarity says after she turns around from her work on Rainbow Dash who is in a dress and is blushing lightly.

"I'm fine thank you for asking Rarity. I came here for three things but they can wait till your done with your customer; who I don't know at all." I throw a wink at Rainbow and she seems to sigh a little.

"Oh? Well I can listen while I work darling so please tell me what brought you to my wonderful boutique." She says while continuing to work on the dress on rainbow dash.

"Well alright as long as I'm not distracting you. First of all; I'm here to give you some clothes from other universes for you to study like I agreed last night. Second; I was hoping to make a order for a few things now that I have a job and will be able to pay you. Lastly; I'm here to ask for your help on a special project," I look over at Rainbow seeing she is interested I decide to get a living mannequin.

"I could also use a few other ponies to be used as models of the projects at least one of each gender and two of each tribe." I smirk when I see Rainbow’s wings twitch.

"Well darling that does sound interesting. Perhaps we can discuss this project over some tea once I'm don't with Rain- er this customer." She giggles softly most likely because she decided to play along with pretending that it isn't Rainbow Dash in the dress.

"I suppose that's agreeable with me. Oh I just remembered something. I'll be back in a few seconds." I walk out of the house looking around to make sure no one is around I make one more clone and send him to check with Vinyl, then I head back inside.

"My that was fast darling you barely left. Did you do what you remembered?" Rarity asks me looking over surprised I was back so soon.

I smirk softly as I couldn't pass this up. "Oh yeah I got it done in ten seconds flat."

Then I hear Rainbow yell, "Hey! That's my line!" Before Rarity uses her magic to stop her struggles.

"Rainbow please I'm almost done then you can go. I mean honestly; what does it matter if he used your catch phrase, darling. I doubt he even knew it was something you say." Rarity tried to calm her down while still working.

'I’ve got to hand it to her. Rarity sure can multitask like a pro.' I think to myself as I sit down on a couch and wait.

I get bored after a few minutes so I quietly explore my powers calling out different things and finding out that I can set my skills to where I don't need to say the name to use it just think the words, so I switch it to where I can do either.

Just then I hear rainbow as she flies out a window. "Ok thanks for the dress Rarity bye!"

I chuckle at her then smile at Rarity, as she says. "So darling what kind of tea do you like?"

I shrug and say, "I don't have a preference. Honestly; I haven't had tea in a long time."

She nods and walks into her kitchen and I hear her call out. "Darling do you want anything to snack on?"

I think on it for a second then say, "Honestly I don't need to eat, but if you have any gems that you have no use for, I would like them."

I hear Rarity hum and she soon walks out with a tea pot that seems to be glowing with magic. "Alright darling but would you mind giving some to Spiky-wikey?”

"Sure I don't mind at all. I've also been thinking about taking the little guy under my wing, teach him about dragons and such." I say as Rarity smiles and walks into her work shop and not long after she returns with a bag of gems that when I check are cracked or dull.

"Oh? I'm sure little Spike would love to learn about dragons darling. Now let us talk about business." She says while pouring tea into two cups.

I smile and say. "Well let's get this out of the way first." I use my store to buy fashion magazines from many different worlds and they appear in pixels making Rarity jump a bit.

"Here are fashion magazines and a book on fashion throughout the ages for you, now I have heard some bad rumors about the spices that are in these magazines and book, so I ask you keep them secret." I explain to her as she lifts up one of the magazines with her magic and starts reading her eyes sparkling.

"Oh darling these clothes are amazing! Oh but don't worry darling I won't tell anyone about this, thank you." She says clearly happy about the new fashion material.

"Now for my own personal order I was thinking maybe some kind of vest with pockets on the inside and some fingerless gloves, what do you think?" I tell her my idea for a order.

She sets the magazine down and looks me over and scratches her chin then her eyes light up. "Ideeeeea!~" she then runs off and grabs me in her magic and drags me into her works shop as she measures my chest, shoulders, and hands.

I chuckle and let her work then I start talking. "And for my final reason for coming here, I would like your help on a few special project that need to be hush hush." I grin softly at her big smile and start to explain what I need.

P.O.V. Deltorix clone/D-6 Golden Oak Library

As I wait for the guards to return I decide to make myself useful and use the chakra feed skill to stand upside down on the ceiling to level it up.

After about half an hour all four of them walk in and Crimson groans and complains. "Oh great he is gone! Where the buck did he wonder off to now?!"

I decided to surprise them and speak up. "The original went to see Rarity."

All four of them jump and look up shocked, I chuckle and let go of the ceiling and flip landing on my feet. "Hey Silver, Bronze, Crimson, Lilly how are you all?"

Crimson growls and goes to punch me but I fly up flapping my wings. "Whoa! I'm just a clone if you hit me I disappear! Silver, Bronze; did you two get that map I asked for?" I ask while staying away from Crimson.

"Uh...yeah we did and even labeled all the stores like you asked." Bronze says, while Silver presents the map I take it and put it into the inventory.

"Good work now go meet me in either Rarity's place, or the blacksmith's, the real me will be at one of those places." After that I put my hands together making a hand sign and disperse myself.

P.O.V. D-7 Music Mania

I walk into the store and wave at vinyl. "Hey Vinyl just checking on you and see when we are going to the train station." She looks up from her newspaper and nods.

"Right I forgot to tell you that. I must finally be going senile." She laughs at her joke or at least I hope it is a joke.

"Not a problem, these things happen." I then walk over and say to her. "So boss when are we going?"

"Right, right I got the tickets and we will be going tonight at sunset." I nod and make note of that.

"Alright I'll be sure to be there. Do you need any help with baggage?" I ask just to make sure.
"Nah I'm not some fancy pants noble that needs servants to wipe my plot,” she says with a snort and a wave of her hoof.

I nod and smile and make a hand sign before saying. "Ok see you tonight, release." And with that I disappear.

P.O.V. Deltorix Rarity's Carousel Boutique

"So do you think you can do all that?" I ask her after explaining my plan.

I watch as she thinks it over sipping from her tea cup. "Well I must say darling that is a big project but seeing as you got me all these magazines and this book on fashion from another world I don't see why I wouldn't help you; just let me know when we start."

I sigh in relief and smile. "Thanks Rarity, and now I just need to get a blacksmith and than I have to go to Manehattan to be Vinyl's body guard for her show. After that we can start working on designs."

"Hmm alright darling I wish you luck." She says while smiling, I smile back and offer my hand and she shakes it.

New D-link created.
The D-link with [Rarity] is made you now share a strong bond with them.
This D-link gives you the temporary ability Fashionista’s Eye. This ability gives you the ability to see the best designs for anyone and anything you can also see someone’s measurements.

"Thank you again Rarity." I then get up and start walking out as she starts working.
Once I am outside check my inventory and find the map so I pull it out and check it then start walking to the blacksmith.

I run into Silver and Bronze along the way. "Hey guys, glad I ran into you two. See, I'm going to be working on a project; do you guys mind helping?"

They look to each other and Bronze shrugs, so Silver says. "Sure I guess as long as we don't have to do anything dangerous, also this bending stuff is amazing!"

He shows off by making rocks float around him grinning like a child in a candy store.

I chuckle and give him a thumbs up. "That's good Silver but check this out." I stomp and make a pillar of rock launch me into the air and I front flip and land on my feed making the ground sink in and then walk out of the crater and lift my hand fixing the hole I made.

Silvers jaw is wide open then he yells. "How the hell are you that good in one day?!"

I chuckle and make a shadow clone. "I can copy myself, and the copy's memories go back to me when they disappear." I then punch the clone and it disappears.

"Wow that's cool so you just make lots of clones and have them practice for you?" Bronze asks.
"Yep, oh look we are here." I say pointing at the forge ahead of us and see Crimson and Lilly waiting.

I wave at them. "Hey ladies, so is the smith in?" I ask while looking at the building.

"Yeah, there's some kind of enchantment that keeps sound from leaving the building." Lilly explains, I nod and open the door feeling a blast of heat coming from inside and go inside.

I look around and see a bell and ring it, after a few minutes a old earth pony comes out from the back, he is dark gray with a black mane and tail as well as a beard. "What do ya want you blasted dragon."

Coalheart Blackflame
Title: retired Royal blacksmith

I blink not expecting a Scottish accent, "Well I'm here to ask for two things. First; you would mind teaching me how to forge metals, and second to ask if you'd help me work on a project I'm working on."

He looks at me like I'm a idiot. "And why in the bloody hell would I do either of those things ya daft drake?! I'm too busy doing actual work to help ye play at being a smith." He turns around and start to walk deeper into the forge.

"Wait! I have a deal to make a set of armor for the princesses!" I look at Crimson. "Crimson show him the letter."

He turns at the mention of the princesses and asks. "Is it true, lad?"

Crimson pulls out the letter and gives it to him, I watch him read it then he sighs and rubs his forehead. "Lad you must have been dropped as a youngen, there is no way ya can have the skill needed to make even the same kind of armor the solar guard wear now; let alone better."

I just smirks and cross my arms. "Trust me I can do it. I learn fast and improve even faster." I tell him and he rubs his chin then sighs.

"Fine I'll teach ye, come on in the back, and me name is Coalheart Blackflame." He tells me.

I fist pump then look to Crimson and Lilly. "Hey tell the other two to meet me at the train station at 7pm."

I then follow him into his work shop. "Thanks and my name is Deltorix by the way." As we walk through his work shop I see a picture of the old stallion with a younger one, this one is a black Pegasus with blonde mane and tail, I also noticed something different between Blackflame and his picture self.

I look back at gasp softly when I see a massive scar along both his hips and back, he turns his head to me and chuckles. "Finally noticed my scars, huh lad?"

He continues to chuckles then says. "This is what will happen if ye ain't careful around the forge."

I just not not really having anything else to say, then for the next few hours he showed me how to work the forge and what each tool is for, then he had me try to make a ingot.

After working hard I finally got it right and he nods after looking at my work and as he talks I get the skill.

New Skill Learned
Skill: blacksmithing.
This skill allows the user to forge metals into weapons or armor.
This skill does not need any energy however you can channel any energy into what you forge to give it special properties.

"Well done lad, ye do learn fast. Who knows, ye may be able to make a decent sword before a month’s time." He says then laughs patting my back.

I just chuckle and look at the time then gasp. "Shit I need to catch the train. Don't worry I'll be here for more training soon. Out of curiosity; how many people can work in here?"

He rubs his chin and then wiggles his hoof in a so-so gesture. "Eh about three ponies or six tall fellas like you, but don't go getting any ideas I ain't letting ya use my forge alone till I know ye won't blow it up."

I nod understanding then say. "Ok see you tomorrow." I wave and run out once outside. I make six clones and have them go into a I.D. and work on the forge, then I flap my wings and fly to the train station.

I smile when I see my guards and vinyl near the train station I land and wave at them. "Hey sorry if I'm late. So how long before the train gets h-" I'm cut off as the train whistle goes off I look down the track and chuckle.

"Well that answers that." I say then Vinyl gives me a ticket and we wait till the train is emptied then we get on board and head to our car, I look around and ask. "Is this whole car for just us?"

"Yeah dude I don't like having fans go crazy while I'm trying to sleep, ya know?" Vinyl says I just not then I get I idea.

"Hey Crimson, Lilly keep a eye out I'm gonna do something." I make a few clones and they stand around in a circle with their hands out.

I then go on my store and buy a lot off meat already cut and wrapped the clones use their powers to keep the meat from touching the floor, then I buy a big freezer made by Capsule Corp and put all the meat inside it then press a button and it shrinks into a capsule.

"What the buck was all that dude?!" Vinyl calls out.

"Long story short I can buy things from other worlds." I tell her then I fly outside real quick and buy a capsule house and shrink it into capsule forms and then fly back into the train, then I take out some paper and write a letter.

Dear All Might

This is Deltorix, I am hoping this reaches you. I know living with ponies can be a bit annoying so I thought I'd help you out with these, hope you are still keeping strong and keep smiling, so here are some things to help keep you healthy. I suggest talking with Fluttershy asking where it's best to hunt and when.

Your friend Deltorix.

I then buy a book on hunting and all the tools needed and pack it all together in a bag. The ponies looking at me strangely and then I set the box down and hold my hand over it. "Let's hope this works, send gift to All Might." After I finish pixels start appearing around the box till the whole thing is gone.

"Well I guess it worked." I say with a smile.

Crimson clears her throat and looks at me with suspicion. "Why actually did you send that box to that...person."

"Well Crimson, I sent him that box to help him out, so he can stay healthy." I tell her.

Vinyl speaks up. "Who are you two talking about? And what all did you send him?"

I look at vinyl and smile. "I sent some prepackaged meat, a freezer and a house."

Crimson raises a eyebrow and Lilly asks curiously. "How did you fit a freezer and house in that small box?"

I chuckle and smile. "They are made by a company called Capsule Corp, they specialize in technology that can shrink into a small capsule with a button to unshrink it."

All three seem to nod to themselves understanding it. "So Vinyl; when is your show?"

She looks up and says. "It will be tomorrow night as that gives me enough time to set up my equipment and test it out."

I nod and say. "Alright, do you want me to do anything specific?"

"Nah dude just be nearby to scare off anypony that wants to get a bit too touchy feely; if ya know what I mean." She replies.

"Huh I honestly didn't think ponies were even capable of something that bad." I say sounding genuinely surprised.

Crimson snorts and says. "Of course ponies could be that bad. Why do you think the guard exists in the first place?"

I nod as it makes sense then I look out the window watching the scenery pass by.

Then Lilly surprises me by speaking next. "Um Crimson don't you think you should tell Deltorix why you hate dragons so much?"

I look over and see Crimson looking at Lilly then to me before she sighs. "I don't trust him because dragons are beasts. They just attack ponies and take what they want, no matter who gets in their way."

Lilly looks like she is about to say something but I speak up. "Crimson I'm not like the dragon that hurt your dad. I am not like the old dragons, in fact if you can make a drawing of the dragon I'll look for them and kick their ass for you."

Crimson looks shocked when I mention her father and Lilly asks. "How did you know?"

"I overheard you and All Might talking while I was meditating." I tell her and Crimson looks away before she gets up and walks away.

Lilly gets up to follow but I hold up a hand. "Let her have some space, I'm not going to push her and don't want you to either."

She nods slowly then sits down again, I look to Vinyl and ask. "Hey boss; mind showing me your equipment so I can help unload later?"

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow but I look at Lilly quickly and vinyl nods. "Sure follow me dude."

We get up and walk to the back of the train and once alone she looks to me and asks. "Ok dude what's up?"

"I wanted to know if anyone owns the area of Ponyville in illusionary space. If not; I plan on taking over to start growing stronger using some different ideas." She raises a eyebrow and sighs.

"Yeah dude it's my territory, and I don't feel like giving it up to you, so don't be getting any ideas I actually like you but I can't just give up territory, it ruins my reputation ya know?" She explains to me as he suddenly moves into a fighting stance.

I rub my chin they snap my fingers. "How about we split it and in exchange I'll build a obelisk for you too. It will take in the spear mental energy that everypony gives off and converts it to magic and sends it to you."

Her eyes widen and gasps softly. "Sweet Celestia! If that really works you'd be the first to make something like that...fine you got a deal." She holds a hoof out.

I shake it and smile as I get a pop up.

New Territory Acquired.
The town of [Ponyville] is now owned by you, no loot acquired.

'Hmm so I can take over territory like the original gamer, good to know.' I think then let go of vinyl's hoof. "Well we should get back to the others."

She yawns and nods. "Yeah I'm gonna take a nap now." We head back and final goes and lays on one of the seats and closes her eyes.

I sit down and look out the window and decide to nap as well and close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

I open my eyes to see the grassy field again, I look around and use my dream magic to change the area to look like a void and I start floating and close my eyes and meditate and let time slip by me fast.

I am then awoken by Lilly shaking me. "We are gonna arrive in a few minutes."

I yawn and nod getting up."Alright thanks."

I look around and see vinyl waking up too and Crimson and Lilly walking to the back of the train. "Alright, now Vinyl; what do you know about your stalker?"

Vinyl yawns and stretches like a cat. "Not much; just that he is a unicorn and thinks I'm going to be his musical queen." She finishes with a roll of her eyes.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Oh one of those kinds of fans. Yeah I'm sure a few growls and some flames can spook him enough, but you have to keep Celestia off my back if she comes to me complaining that I 'hurt one of my little ponies.'" I use air quotes while trying to mimic her voice.

Vinyl chuckles and smirks. "Sure dude, now let's get going." She walks back to where her luggage is and I follow behind her.

I help unload Vinyl's luggage then once we have everything Vinyl leads us to a big stadium and I do my best to help unpack her equipment.

"Hey boss if things get violent I should use none lethal force right?" I ask after setting the speakers where she wants them.

"Of course dude it's not like he wants to kill me, geez." She says sounding a little shocked.

"I'll right just making sure." I say with a smile and go onto my store and buy some new equipment and then spend the next few hours setting up the stadium for Vinyl's show.

"Alright we will test it out tomorrow morning and the show is tomorrow night lets go to bed." Vinyl says as she starts leading the way to our hotel.

Along the way I look around seeing ponies watching Vinyl and some try to come up for a autograph I look each one over and wait for Vinyl to say it's ok before I let them pass. Then we get to the hotel Vinyl walks up to the counter and gets three room keys and we go up to the rooms I make a clone who stands at Vinyl's door.

Crimson and Lilly go into their room and I go into my room and make more clones and send them out around the city checking what's around while I sit down and meditate.

P.O.V. D-11, Ponyville

I smile as me and my five other clones work on making ingots. 'It’s a good thing everything is copied in illusionary space.' I think then I speak up. "Hey how many ingots have we made and what level is the skill at?"

Clone ten answers me after checking his screens. "We have made over a hundred ingots and the skill is at level 27." We all groan as we have a long way to go.

"Hey I'm gonna go see if Big Mac is willing to be our male earth pony model." I say and leave the forge and just as I get to the alley across the street and am about to return to normal space the whole forge explodes.

"Damn it. Ugh time for more clones." I return to normal space then make five clones and point to the forge and they enter the empty I.D. and go to work in the forge, then I sigh and go to Applejacks farm.

'Ok it's late enough Big Mac should be in the house if not he will be soon then I can talk to him.' I think as I walk up the dirt road to the farm house.

When I get close enough I see a old green pony in a rocking chair and I smile softly when I realize it is Granny Smith, I walk up to the porch and knock on the wooden beam waking her.

"Huh what's going on?" She says half asleep then see looks over to me and her eyes widen. "Well I'll be, what brings a young drake like ya to my farm?"

I chuckle softly somewhat relieved she didn't panic. "Well ma'am I am here mostly to meet with Big Mac but while I'm here I do have a deal to offer you."

She sits up and her eyes harden just a bit then she says. "Well sonny I'll hear ya out but I won't promise nothing, and call me ‘Granny’ everypony does."

I nod understanding. "Alright, well my deal is simple. The whole Apple family gives me two copies of all their recipes; both well known and secret, and if someone were to pass away suddenly without passing on the recipe the family can come see me and I'd be able to give it to them, and there would be special conditions, I can make the recipes for myself and friends but I am not allowed to sell the recipes or the finished products."

Granny Smith rubs her chin thinking then she says. "And how do ah know you'll keep ya word? Dragons are known for being greedy."

I think for a minute then snap my fingers. "How about a magical contract that would let the whole apple family know if I break it? Oh and the deal is for the whole Apple family not just this part of it, but you don't have to decide now think on it and just have Big Mac or Applejack tell me when you decide, for now I think I'll talk with Big Mac."

"Alright sonny I'll think about it." Then she seems to go back to sleep while rocking in the chair but her breathing hasn't changed so she is just pretending but I let her and walk up to the door and knock.

The door opens after a few minutes and Applejack looks at me and she looks surprised. "Well howdy there Deltorix. What brings you here?"

"Well I'm here to speak with your brother just want to ask a favor of him." I explain to her she narrows her eyes for a second then she nods.

"Alright I'll go get him." She goes inside and I lean against the wooden beam waiting it isn't long before I hear the heavy hoof falls of Big Mac coming.

Big Mac slowly walks out through the door and looks up at me and waits for me to speak. "Hello I assume you are Big Mac, I'm here to ask you to do a favor for me. In n a few days I'll need a male earth pony as a model for a project I'm working on."

He stays quiet for a minute then asks. "What kind of project?"

"Guard armor, I'm working on guard armor for the princesses and want two of each tribe and maybe you could ask Applejack to help too?" I explain to him.

He rubs his chin thinking deeply before he nods once. "Alright I'll help ya. Say; you’re new to Equestria, correct?"

I nod and do a fist pump, then say. "Yeah I'm new to Equestria why?"

He looks back into the house then steps out and leads me over to the barn. "I don't know if ya know much about ponies but mares go into heat every spring and they can get a bit much to handle so me and the other stallions hide, so you may want to find a hiding spot for next spring."

My eyes widen then I wince. "Well..didn't see that coming. Thank you for the information and I think I'll have something ready for that if I have the time. And feel free to show up I'll show you later if I get it set up I hope we can become friends. " I hold out my hand and he shakes it smiling.

"I should get back inside dinner is almost done." He says then turns to help granny inside.

"Alright Big Mac see ya later just come by Rarity's and let her know if you’re in." I tell him then flap my wings and fly off back to the forge.

'Ok, that's possibly two earth ponies, one Pegasus, one unicorn, and a bat pony, just need a few more ponies and I can start working on the armor.' I think before I land and enter a empty I.D. Only to see the forge destroyed again along with one clone that survived smiling sheepishly, I face palm and groan.

D-15, Manehattan

After leaving the hotel I fly around the city and explore the city from the sky but I see something fluttering on a rooftop so I land and see it is a black headband I grab it and look it over then hear a message.

"If you seek truth and aid in helping the weak and in need, call forth the Anti-Magic Knight." after I hear that I smirk at the new token and put it into my inventory.

"Sweet new token, I'll summon him later." I then fly off and continue to explore.

I fly over some alleys but stop when I see movement. I hear a mare calling for help as my eyes narrow and I drop into the alley and see a stallion trying to hold a mare down. I let out a loud growl flames coming from my mouth. "Let her go now."

The dark gray stallion looks over and his eyes widen then his horn lights with lightning sparking around it. "Just leave dragon this has nothing to do with you!"

The mare tries to call for help but he slaps her then aims his horn at me. "Just walk away dragon!"

"P-please help me!" The mare calls out while holding a hoof to me.

I take a breath then slam my foot into the ground making a pillar of earth rise out of the ground blocking the lightning then I rush over and punch him in the face knocking him off the mare.

I look down at her and point behind me with a thumb. "Run, I'll handle him." When the mare gets up and runs away I look back at the stallion just as he gets up and he growls.

"You flank hole! She was going to be all mine!" He charges a spell again.

I jump to the side and grab a metal trash can lid and throw it like a frisbee and while he is distracted with that I use Requip magic making web shooters appear on my wrists and I start firing webs at him first trapping his hooves then his horn and muzzle.

He tries to speak but can't and the webs are disrupting his magic so he can't do much; so I finish webbing him up then put the web shooters away and look at the alley opening just as three guards are coming it.

To my surprise they aim their spears at me. "Halt dragon! You’re under arrest for attempted robbery and assault!"

I growl in annoyance and point to the webbed up unicorn. "That is your criminal not me, just ask the mare I saved if you don't believe me."

They say nothing just narrow their eyes more and move closer, I cross my arms and lean against the all and just before the guards attack me the mare I saved comes running up. "Wait! He is the one that rescued me!"

They look between her and me then slowly move back then she walks up to me. "Thank you sir I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come along."

I smile softly at her. "No problem just be more careful and try to help someone else when you can." I stand up fully and lift my wings getting ready to fly away. "Oh and just so you guards know that webbing will dissolve in about an hour."

"Wait I want to thank you. How about this watch?" She holds up a pocket watch with looks exactly like one I've seen in a anime before.

"Well... If you really want to give it to me I won't say no; but it's your choice." I tell her and she smiles holding it out for me I then take it can hear another message from the watch this time.

"I am the one who constructs and deconstructs, the partner and protector of the moon and sun, I aid the Innocent and protect the children, If you require aid, call my name and I will come forth, The Crimson Sage." once I hear the message I nod to the mare and fly up out of the alley putting the watch into the inventory then fly off to the edge of the city to watch the sea.

D-14, Hotel Walkway

I get bored quickly while I keep a eye on Vinyl's door, I sigh then decide to train a skill while playing a game, I walk up the wall and stand on the ceiling and pull out a Nintendo Switch out of the inventory and play one of the games on it.

After about an hour I hear hoof steps and look over seeing a brown unicorn stallion with red mane and tail wearing a scarf.

Spellbinding Serenade
Level: 64

My eyes narrow and I watch him closely as he moves closer to Vinyl's door then he stops and faces the door.

I put the Switch away and get ready and the moment he lights his horn I drop from the ceiling and growl. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

His eyes widen and he growls stepping forward. "Out of my way, I will see my queen now. Move!" his eyes glow and I feel magic wash over me, but it has no effect so I growl louder and my tail hits the door three times.

"Leave now." I tell him and his eyes widen as I wasn't effected by his magic.

"What the hell?!" He growls and lights his horn and teleports out.

Vinyl's door opens and she looks a bit upset I woke her. "What do you want dude, it's three in the morning."

I point at where the unicorn was. "There was a unicorn here that tried to get inside, I scared him off for now."

She growls annoyed then looks at where I was pointing. "Damn it so annoying did you get any new information?"

"Yeah his name is Spellbinding Serenade , and he can use mind control magic." I inform her and she rubs her face with a hoof.

"Damn that's annoying, thanks for scaring him off. Well I'm going to get ready; no point in going back to sleep." She tells me and goes back into her room I then go over to the original's door and knock waking him then disperse myself.

P.O.V. Deltorix

My eyes open and get up and walk out and look at where the unicorn was. 'Damn, I didn't expect her stalker to be able to use mind magic.'

I rub my neck as I wait for Vinyl to come out of her room, then I hear a door open and look over to the room next to mine and see a grumpy Crimson coming out and glaring at me. "What's with all the noise?!"

I pinch the scales between my eyes and say slowly. "Crazy stalker unicorn showed up, I scared him off."

After telling Crimson that she blinks then sighs with annoyance then goes back into her room, then Vinyl's door opens and she comes out with her mane and coat combed.

"Alright let's go get some breakfast and then we can do some double checks on my equipment before the show tonight." She tells me as she walks by I nod and knock on Crimson and Lilly's door telling them what we are doing then follow Vinyl.

"Hey boss I wanted to talk to you about this guy’s magic. It wasn't like what you used, his horn was glowing when he tried to control me." I inform her as we walk to the dining hall.

"Really? Huh well that actually narrows it down a bit." She tells me, then, looks up and says. "We can talk more after breakfast, I'm starving." Right after she finishes her stomach growls loud enough that she actually blushes.

I chuckle and we head into the dining hall and I sit near vinyl as she eats a salad soon Crimson and Lilly come in and get something to eat, to keep up appearances I pull out the bag of gems rarity gave me and eat a few.

After breakfast we head over to the stadium and spend the rest of the day going over the equipment finding several problems and fixing them and by the time we get everything fixed and ready the show will be starting in half an hour.

"Alright everything is set and the show is gonna start soon. You can go enjoy the show if you want dude." Vinyl says as she gets in position and I nod but fly up over the stage.

Once the curtains pull open Vinyl starts playing her music and the audience cheers and starts dancing with the music. I smile and nod my head with the beat but then I see a unicorn sneaking in backstage I groan and fly down but stop when I realize it is Spellbinding Serenade.
I get ready to act but am too late as he opens his mouth and red magic rings fly out of his mouth and vinyl starts to slowly stop moving then Spellbinding grins and walks up to a microphone and sings a note into it and I see the audience start becoming hypnotized.

'Oh great he is trying to take over everyone here.' I drop down behind him and growl. "Undo your magic now or I will burn you alive!"

He turns to look at me and scoffs. "Oh it's you. My queen doesn't need you anymore so I'll allow you to leave for now."

I growl and use Requip magic to make my web shooters then I aim them at him. "You’re the one that is going to leave or else."

He growls and takes a deep breath then lets out a power sonic scream where I can see the sound waves I cross my arms to defend myself as I'm pushed back, I look at him waiting for my chance to attack when I notice something under his scarf is glowing.

When he stops to breathe; I fire a long web at him but he jumps out of the way making me groan in annoyance, then I hold out my hand sending magic arrows at him but he lets out another sonic scream knocking my spell off course and miss him.

"Damn you’re annoying! Let's see how you like it!" I take a deep breath and use Intimidating Roar and he flinches and is paralyzed so I quickly run up to him and punch his face sending him into the air then web one of his hind legs and slam him onto the ground, once he is stunned I walk up to him and start webbing him, but am blasted away from him. I look up to see Vinyl walking up to him, her horn glowing but her eyes still glassy.

"God...fucking...damn it..." I grunt as I stand up and look at Vinyl trying to think of a way to snap Vinyl out of the hypnosis, then I see her head lean down aiming her horn at me.

I jump to the right as she blasted a sound wave at me then I fire a web at her horn then pull hard slamming her head into the ground. "Damn she is gonna be pissed." I then walk up and web her horn then walk up to Spellbinding and web him up making sure he can't use magic.

Level up

Level up

Once he is contained I remove his scarf and see a gem in his chest I growl and grab the gem and rip it out of his chest and use Observe on it.

Object: Siren magical focusing gem.
This gem belongs to the siren named Harmonic Keys; but was stolen by Spellbinding Serenade and then fused to the unicorn so he may use its power.
Rarity: rare

I growl and punch the stallion again then sigh and look at the still hypnotized crowd thinking. 'Damn it I don't know anything about mind magic but...maybe the gem can undo this.'
I then walk up to the microphone and make sure the sound is turned all the way up then I put the gem up to my neck and send a small amount of magic into it and speak a few simple words hoping this works. "You are all free now."

To my surprise the gem seem to glow brighter as if hearing my wish to free them and sent out a pulse of magic freeing everyone.

I smile as everyone is freed so I move back to Vinyl and remove the webbing using the force then I shake her and wake her up. "Huh? What's going on? And why does my head hurt?"

"Oh you know crazy unicorn trying to enslave everyone here and sorry that's my fault." I chuckle sheepishly.

She shakes her head and looks at me then over to the unconscious Spellbinding Serenade. "Dude what is will the webbing I thought you were a dragon?"

I chuckle and show her the web shooters on my wrists. "I used these. Now you get back to your show I'll take care of him." I move over to him and pick him up with the force and web him up more till he is completely wrapped up except for his face.

"Alright dude don't miss too much of my sick beats oh but first." She walks over to Spellbinding Serenade and bucks him where his hind legs are making me wince, then she smiles and walks back up on stage and starts playing again so I go find Crimson and Lilly and have them take him to the jail or prison.

I spent the rest of the night listening to Vinyl's music and thinking of what I should do next.
The next morning Crimson, Lilly and Vinyl are waiting for me at the breakfast table I walk up and Vinyl jokes. "Hey what's the matter did you oversleep?"

I smile and roll my eyes. "Nah just been thinking a bit...say Crimson, Lilly could you go back to Ponyville without me? There's something I want to do before I go back. Also if you know any male bat ponies that would be willing to help with the armor thing mind sending them a letter?"

"Go back without you? Why would we do that?" Crimson asks me but less suspiciously then normal, I'm about to try to explain my reasons but Lilly speaks up first.

"Crimson I think we should give him this chance. We have to give him some freedom or we will never know if he can be trusted." Crimson looks at Lilly then looks down at her salad thinking then after a few minutes she nods.

"Ok but don't take too long to get back to Ponyville." She tells me and I nod then look to Vinyl.

"Hey boss do you know any kind of tracking spells?" I ask her.

She rubs her chin then says. "Yes I have something but what kind of spell do ya need?"

I show her the gem. "I want to see if I can find the siren that this belongs to return it." She hums and nods.

"Yeah I know a spell that will work, it will last a week too so just get me a compass and I'll put the spell on it." She tells me I nod and go onto the store and buy a simple compass.

She picks it up in her magic and the gem as will then I see some spell put on the compass then gives them both to me. "There ya go dude. Come on girls the train will be coming soon."

I watch them go and go the other way and enter a empty I.D. And look around not hearing anything I sit down and look at the compass. 'Ok I need to find the siren and return the gem then I can go...hmm maybe I can call in some help.'

I open my inventory and pull out both tokens my clones found and gulp. "Let's hope they will help me, send invite."

Author's Note:

Next chapter is a crossover with two other stories