• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,649 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

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Chapter 14

I walk through my displaced hallway and a knife falls in front of me. I picked it up hearing Jake’s message and set it into my inventory. I then continue walking while pulling out the spell books that I got from this little adventure.

New skill: Bubbled shields.
This skill allows you to create bubble-like shields of various sizes. can take one hit before popping.
Costs a minimum of 10 MP to cast.
Do you wish to learn?

Yes? no?

New skill: hexagonal magic shields.
This skill allows you to make a hexagonal shield. Can block one hit.
Costs 20 MP
Do you wish to learn?

Yes? No?

I tap yes on both and absorb the books as I make it back to my door and open it. I step through and see Blaze standing on something. “Sir I found a token.”

When I looked at the Token, I can see it was big, maybe at least half my size, and looked to be a golden Autobot symbol, when I reached for it, it suddenly began to shrink till it could easily fit in the palm of my hand when I picked it up, I heard the Tokens message.

"To all Displaced out in the multiverse, my name is Optimus Prime, if you need my aid, then simply crush this token, and I will aid you in your darkest hour!"

“Huh, a transformer displaced, sounds interesting, well I suppose I have time. Thanks Blaze, can you do me a favor and go make some more liquid emotions? I'll need it when I go meet with Chrysalis in a few days.” I tell him then head out of my smithy and hold the token up. “Here goes nothing.” I crushed the token.

A portal suddenly appeared and coming through it was a white version of Optimus and a few others, like Warpath, Swoop from that Fall of Cybertron game, Windblade, Transformers Prime Arcee, and another Autobot I wasn’t familiar with.

Optimus prime
Title: The Last of The Primes

Level: 35

Level: 52
Title: Cityspeaker

Level: 40

Level: 59

Sari Sumdac
Level: ???

I look them over and they seem lost and I float up to their eye level and wave. “Hi there, sorry if I pulled you away from something.”

I noticed that their eyes had a bit of a greenish glow to them, but I didn’t think much of it until the prime tried to hit me. “Whoa! Hey no need to get violent with me!”

The prime didn’t respond, he only kept trying to hit me, I saw that the other Autobots had weapons out and were taking aim at me. “Oh for fuck's sake.” I frown and use my new skill and make a bubble shield around myself, just as they opened fire on me, thankfully the bubble shield held up, I looked and saw that Sari had a hammer out, and it was heading straight for me, once it connected with the bubble shield, it sent me flying.

I growl and change my eyes to have an advantage. I flew straight at her and when she tried to hit me with her hammer I moved out of the way and grabbed her hair before slamming her onto the ground. While she is close and on the ground, I look her over and see a crystal in the back of her head. Before I could do anything I got shot in the side knocking me off her.

-300 life points

I looked over to see who shot me, only for Prime to grab me and slam me down on the ground, his other hand becoming a blue glowing ax.

-200 life points

“Damn it, I guess I shouldn't hold back. D-link Rick!” a transparent image of Rick appears behind me and then phases into me before my scales turn golden as a gold aura sparks around me freeing me from his grip. “Take this!” and I punched his face denting his mouthguard.

-50 life points

I shake my hand from the pain, Prime, however, looked like he barely noticed, he pulled out a gun and began to try and shoot me, but I kept flying out of the shots and flew straight at him, delivering an uppercut followed by a kick to the face causing the prime to step back from my hits. The other Autobots stood next to him, the prime glared at me then shouted, “Autobots, combine to form!” After he said that, Swoop and Warpath transformed into legs with Prime forming the body, Sari and Windblade formed the arms and hands, and Arcee had become a helmet for the combiner, “Optimus Maximus 2.0!” he shouted.

My left eye twitches and I glare. “Oh, it's like that huh?” I make forty clones of myself and we all hold our hands up to him. “Magic arrow!” Then four hundred arrows rain down at him at a time.

The combiner tried to block most of the arrows but nearly all of them hit him, the combiner let out a shout as he charged at me and the clones, most of them managed to get out of the way but the combiner had managed to stomp on a few of them, his right arm, which was Sari, turned into a blaster and released a blast of fire.

While my clones fight them I take this chance to get something new. I hide behind a rock and open my story and use the last of my money to buy a full copy of Gurren Lagann. It appears in a flurry of pixels getting their attention.

I quickly get into the cockpit and try to turn it all but it won't work. “Come on! I know I'm not Simon but I Need your help!” I grip the controls tighter but no power comes to the robot.

The combiner stomps over to me, blaster aimed at the robot's head, and fires, blasting it clean off. The combiner then picked up the headless robot and threw it and me straight into some trees.

I climb out of the head and frown before kicking the robot. “Fine, I'll win without you!” I pulled out my lantern ring and slid it on. “This is my power, this is my light, be it bright of day or black of night, I lay claim to all that falls within my sight, to take what I want is my right, DELTORIX WANT!” the orange lantern uniform appears on me as the orange flames of greed cover me.

I then fire a beam of energy at the transformer and cut into their back. “Hey, bot head over here!”

The combiner glared at me and charged, blaster aimed at me as it fired, I made an orange shield that brakes but stopped the attack. Then I make a huge fist and punch him across the face and grab the legs pulling as hard as I can while spinning him around.

The combiner tried to get free but couldn’t, I then let go of him and sent him flying, the combiner crashed through some trees before falling down a canyon, I heard a loud crash and looked, seeing the Autobots no longer combined with all but one of them knocked out, the Prime glared at me as he got up and shakily aimed his gun at me and fired.

I make a bat and swing it at the bolt knocking it back at him but I miss. “I'm getting tired of this!” I drop down to his level and cup my hands. “KA...ME...HA….”

The prime glared at me and charged, his hand transforming into his ax, once he got close I released my attack. “ME... HA!” I fire my blast of ki right at him but he jumps to the right and I end up hitting his left arm and left leg, melting them down completely. Once he was off-balance thanks to his missing limbs he fell over and hit the back of his head on a boulder and I hear the sound of crystal breaking.

He went wide-eyed as he yelled in pain, then he tried to get up only to fall back down, knocked out. I frown and land next to him and look him over, seeing the crystal is broken. I pick it up but it turns to dust. “strange.”

I heard footsteps behind me and looked to see that Warpath and Sari were back up, their eyes back to normal, “W-what happened?” Sari asked, looking around.

“From the looks of it, you were all being mind-controlled and I had the bad luck of summoning Optimus Prime here.” I pat his shoulder as it sparks. “Once I kicked his ass you all seem to snap out of it, so mind telling me who here is the human turned robot?”

“If you are asking who is the Displaced, that would be him.” Warpath said, pointing at the prime.

I nod and sigh. “Well damn, I can't leave him like this…can one of you carry him up to my smithy?” I ask as I point up the cliff.

“I can. But what about the others?” Warpath asked, pointing at the still knocked-out bots.

“We can probably make more than one trip Warpath.” Sari said.

I make more clones as I turn off my eye powers and they work together to lift them. “I got them, they are banged up but not anything life-threatening like him.” I told them before I floated up to the top of the cliff.

“Thanks.” Sari said, flying up and landing next to me.

“No problem, it was my fault he is like that. Say I know this is rude but who are you?” I asked her.

“My name is Sari Sumdac.” Sari said.

Del scratches his chin. “I don't remember your tv show counterpart, then again I only saw beast wars and prime.”

“It’s fine.” Sari replied. “So are you some sort of OC?”

I chuckle and shake my head. “Nope, I died on earth and got a second chance at life, along with a power.” I tell her then after everyone is up on the cliff I lead them to my smithy.

“And what is this power, may I ask?” Warpath asked me. “Because it’s not every day we see someone beat Prime with those types of injuries.”

“I have a power called ‘the gamer,’ it lets me pick up skills and other abilities extremely easily and make them even stronger, and thanks to my ability of being a displaced I've met people from across the multiverse and gained their powers as well. The technique that did that to Optimus is called the Kamehameha wave; it's a focused beam of light force energy known as ki.” I explain to them as I use alchemy to create a slab of earth high enough for the Autobots to work on prime.

Sari and Warpath nodded their heads as they began to work on Prime, I jumped up and leaned in looking over the damage. “So how can I help?”

“Well we need a new arm and leg for him, we also need to close up any open wounds before he loses Energon.” Warpath said.

I rub my chin and jump on his right arm and use my eye ability to look through it and study it. “Hmmm, I think I can do this, do you have any spare pieces?” I ask the others.

“Hmmm.” Warpath said. “Define spare pieces? Cause you could be asking for any type of piece really, do you need a small piece or a big piece?”

“Mostly things that can't be forged.” I tell him as I hop down to the ground and walk to my forge. “Also I'm going to be using my strongest metal, and add a few things.”

Warpath nodded his head and he and Sari handed me a few items, like wires, gears, stuff that’ll help with the arm and leg.

“Ok, I'll be back in a few seconds.” I tell them and head into the smithy. I work for days and make an arm and leg out of beskar steel and once I finish I come out with them. “Tada!” they seem surprised as to them it was only a few minutes.

“How did you?” Warpath began to ask, “It has only been a few minutes since you left!”

“A friend of mine created a time dilation field inside my Smithy. I can work for days and only minutes will happen outside of it now then how about you hook up the leg while I hook up the arm?” I tell him as I lift the arm up onto the slab. Then I lean down and start working to connect it. “Let's see this goes here, that goes there, don't know where this goes so I'll just put it here and cut her cauterize with some ki and done!”

New skill learned.
New skill:Analyze
This skill allows you to get blueprints and recipes from any item it is used on. No energy is required for this skill.

Sari and Warpath got to work on connecting the new leg to the prime, then stepped back once they were done. “There, good as new.” Warpath said,

“It's better than new, go ahead and fire a shot at one of his new limbs.” I tell him while smirking.

“Why would I do that?” Warpath asked me,

“Yeah, we just fixed him!” Sari said,

I chuckle and wave an arm. “I used a material called beskar steel, it's highly blaster resistant in the universe it comes from, meaning it should be able to bounce your blaster fire right off. but just to be sure, use the lowest setting you have.”

Warpath nodded, then hesitantly shot Prime's arm, seeing that it wasn’t even scratched. “Amazing, this type of metal could really be useful against cons.” Warpath said,

I nod and then say. “It would but unfortunately I'm the only one they can get the material and it's from a completely different universe. if you want I could have my clones start working on gathering some for you guys for you to take home when you leave but I'll ask for a favor in return, anything you're willing to give even if it's just a blueprint of something.”

“Alright, sounds fair.” Sari said, nodding her head.

“Cool, then we have a deal.” All of my clones enter an I.D. and then I look at them. “So while we wait for them to gather the resources I need, what do you all want to do obviously we have to wait till this guy wakes up.” I knock on Optimus’ head.

“I got it.” Sari then whispered something in Prime's ear and he stood up,

“I’m up!” he said,

I chuckle and smirk. “I see who wears the pants in this relationship then.”

“Who are you?” Prime asked me, getting off the slab, “and are we in another Equestria?”

“In order, I am Deltorix the gamer, and yes this is my Equestria, I had to kick your ass.” I tell him as I fly up into his eyesight.

“Wait what? When did you?” he asked me,

I smirk and point down to his arm and leg which are silver now. “I had to blast your arm and leg off but don't worry I fixed you.”

Prime looked at his new limbs with interest, “What did you make them out of?” he asked me,

“It is beskar steel, from star wars.” I told him, then pulled out my notebook. “Seeing as you're awake now, do you or any of your friends want any of these powers?”

I see the prime go wide-eyed, and I can see the faint traces of fear on his face. “U-um, did you say powers?” he asked me,

I raise an eyebrow. “Yeah, I can give people some of my powers.” I told him.

“I-I have a bad experience with using powers.” the Prime said,

I nod and scratch my chin. “Well, you can give my list a look over at least.” I say then realized with his size he couldn’t and looked to the minicon-looking bot. “How about you read him the list.”

Sari nodded her head, and began to read the notebook, while also telling the prime what they do. After naming all the abilities Prime had a thoughtful look on his face then he sighed, “this deal goes for all of you.” I added looking at all the bots.

They all nodded their heads, “Alright. Most of those abilities sound awesome.” Warpath said,

I tap my chin and then think out loud. “Would a robot even be able to get chakra, Ki, wrath, Epster energy, or spirit energy?”

“Well, we know Prime here was able to use magic.” Swoop said, “And I know Sari knows some magic as well.”

“Yes well, normally chakra, Ki, wrath, Esper, and Spirit energy are something that organics have.” I tell him as I think it over but shrug. “Eh even if it doesn't work the word that will happen is you don't get the skill.”

“What about Grimlock from Fall of Cybertron? He literally was glowing orange when he was enraged, so wouldn’t that make him able to use wrath?” Optimus asked me,

“Hmm, I don't know about that series but if you say that's what happens then it is highly possible, as I said the worst that can happen is you guys won't get the scale so ask for whatever you want.” I said shrugging.

They nodded their heads, Swoop was the first one to speak, “The only ability I want is this sense danger one, sounds like it could be useful.” he said,

“Sounds simple enough.” I float over his head and hold out my hand. “Teach Swoop sense danger.” My hand glows then so does he. While he is blinking and looking himself over, I gesture to one of the bots behind him to throw something at him.

Arcee smirks as she picks a large rock and throws it at the back of Swoop's head, only for him to duck under it, causing it to fly over his head and to a tree. Breaking it in half, “Nice.” Swoop said,

I chuckle and smirk. “Something tells me you will be getting a lot of workouts using that skill, just remember, just because you can feel danger close by does not mean that you will automatically be fast enough to dodge it. you have to hone your reflexes to dodge the moment you feel that you are in danger.” I explain and then turn to Optimus.

“Oh before I forget I added a new weapon to your arm, go ahead and check out your new blade.” I tell him and smirk. “Just so you know, it cost me a pretty penny, or should I say a bit.”

Prime looked at his new arm and with some effort, his hand transformed into a blue lightsaber, “Thanks.” he said, transforming his hand back.

I smirk and point at his arm. “It's both attached to your arm and detachable like a normal lightsaber. Now then who is next for getting powers?” I look around at them.

Warpath was the next one to speak, “Me, and I think I’ll have Marksman and Stone Skin. Need some extra defense when out fighting Cons.” he said,

I nod and float over to him. “Alright, just so you know the stranger you get with this skill, the more lava-like the skin will be like.” I hold my hand over his head. “Teach Warpath marksman and stone skin.” My hand glows then so does Warpath as the information is out into him and he glows orange for a second.

“Congratulations you possess the power of wrath now. just so you know for me it only recharges when I hit an opponent, I don't know how it works with someone without game-based powers so good luck.” I told him then smile. “Next?”

“Guess I’ll just have Flame Hollow or whatever it’s called.” Arcee said,

“And I will have God’s Arms.” Windblade said after Arcee.

“Alright then.” I fly over Arcee first. “Teach Arcee flame hollow.” my hand glows and then so does she and like Warpath she sparks with orange energy. Then I fly over Windblsde’s head and say. “Teach Windblade God’s Arms.” she glows after my hand then I land between them.

“So how do you all feel?” I ask with a smirk.

“A bit different but still the same.” Windbalde said, shrugging her shoulders.

I smile and then clap my hands. “Good, so do you want to skip out Optimus? And what about you Sari?”

“I already have enough abilities, so thanks but no thanks.” Sari said while Prime shook his head no.

I shrug and then say. “Well, seeing as I gave you all a few of my powers and fixed your leader's arm and leg.” I float up and sit on a tree branch. “And we are still waiting on my clones to get the funds for that metal, what do I get from all of you and what will we do as we wait?”

The group of Autobots looked at each other until Optimus spoke, “What do you want?” he asked me,

I tap my chin thinking. “Well, anything I can use as a non-lethal weapon would be great but I'd also like any blueprints for vehicles, I have big plans for this world.” I say with a smile.

“Well I have a few blueprints on me but not sure if they’ll be much use to you.” Prime said, handing me the blueprints he had, looking them over, I saw that one was for a smaller version of the Ark, like it could hold at least ten copies of me with a lot of weapons on it, another was a copy of the Star Sabre, the last one he had was a blueprint for a new Dinobot. A Stygimoloch if I’m guessing correctly,

“Trust me, with these I could do a lot, thanks.” I put them into my inventory. “Anything else we can do while we wait?”

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?” Optimus asked me,

“Well, how about you guys take a look at my robot? I just got it but it won't work for me.” I say pointing at the mech that is still laying on the ground in two pieces.

Optimus walked over to the head of it and picked it, “I would make a joke but it would be too corny.” he said,

“Go ahead.” I chuckle as I float over to him. “I found a bit of comedy helps the mood when things get too serious.”

“Nah, the opportunity’s gone.” Prime said, then picked up the rest of the robot and carried it over to the stone slab, and placed it on it. “So, you said it wouldn’t work for you?”

“Nope, it is supposed to run on spiral energy, basically anything with a double helix DNA strand should be able to power it.” I explain and stand on the slab.

“Maybe because of your gamer ability?” Sari suggested,

I blink and groan. “If that's the case then I just wasted a ton of money.” I scratch the back of my head. “Well even if I can’t use it, I can give it to someone who can.”

“Maybe I can use it?” Sari asked,

I tilt my head as I look at her. “No offense but you are almost the same size as it is.”

Just as I said that Sari suddenly shrinks until she was the size of a regular human. “You were saying?” she asked smugly.

I blink the sigh. “Ok consider my last statement invalid. There are two cockpits, one in the head, the other in the body. To test them out just get inside and squeeze the control sticks if the panel lights up do you have a spiral power if not then you don't.”

Sari nodded as she got in the head of the robot, and after a few seconds, it lit up if only slightly,

I blink and grin. “It works! Ok, squeeze it as hard as you can while using that feeling of a fighting spirit, imagine you are in the middle of a fight for your life.” I told her.

“But it’s just a head, not much I can do with a head.” Sari replied,

I chuckle and lean into the cockpit. “The head is its own mini mech, just will it to stand up.”

Sari nods as she squeezes the control sticks more and moves them back and the main screen lights up as a spiral pattern starts to grow. The pattern gets to five lights before arms and legs pop out of the mech’s sides and he slowly stands up but then it just falls to its butt and shuts down. “Damn, looks like you don't have enough spiral power to run it.”

“Yeah, but at least I managed to make it at least stand-up, so that counts for something.” Sari said, getting out of the robot and going back to her original size.

I nod and open my inventory and then stretch the screen wide enough to slide in both pieces of the robot and when I check I see that it was moved into a new screen vehicle screen. “Huh, that's new.”

“What is?” Optimus asked me,

“I have a screen for any vehicles that I put in my inventory apparently.” I tell him then there is some rustling from the bushes nearby.

The bots immediately pulled out their weapons and aimed at the bush, causing me to look at them in surprise at how jumpy they were. I make hexagonal shields in front of each of them and step to the edge of the slab. “No need to be trigger happy here.” I tell them.

Then out of the bush comes a single changeling. She looks familiar till I remember it is the one I help save. She looks around and squeaks in fear till she sees me and flies up to me. “Oh thank the hive I found you!”

“Oh, it's you, what brings you here?” I ask her while using earth bending to put the slab back into the ground.

“I need your help! Please my whole hive has been taken by Diamond Dogs.” she yells as she grabs my legs and starts to beg.

“Diamond Dogs? Great, those things.” Optimus said as he and the others put their weapons away.

I frowned and looked at her. “Tell me everything.” she nods and proceeds to tell me that when she got back to her hive it was completely empty with signs of a struggle. while she was panicking elite guards show up and they inform her that diamond dogs have rated the hive and they took everyone including the queen. they are planning a rescue mission but she decided to come here and get my help.

“Hmmm, that is troubling.” I look at the bots. “You guys may want to go home, you'd be too big for this mission anyway.”

“Does that mean you'll help!?” she asks looking like she is gonna cry and I nod.

“Forget it, if innocent lives are in danger, then we’ll be ready to help.” Optimus said, “Even if you send us back, I’ll literally fight it and stay here if it means I get to save lives.”

I look up at him. “And how would you help? The only one that could fit underground is Sari.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but, I’ll take that Size control ability.” Optimus said,

I look at the rest of them. “And do you all want to have that power?”

“Hey, saving lives is what we do, and I’d rather be scrapped than let someone get hurt knowing I could have done something about it.” Warpath said, the others nodded their heads.

I nod and fly above them all and hold out my hands. “Teach size control to all the Autobots!” my hands glow them; they all glow as a bit of magic is put into each of them. “done.”

Optimus nodded his head, “Now let’s go save those Changelings.” he said,

I nod and summon my golden tiger claws. “Everyone gets near me and shrink down, And you, I need you to take us to your hive.” I tell the bots then the changeling.

They nodded their heads as they shrunk down to the size of humans. The changeling takes the claws and opens a portal. She gives them back to me and I wave forward and then step through. On the other side, it is a rainforest-like area and a mountain that looks to be alive. Soon the Autobots and changeling come through the portal.

“Ok, lead us to your friends and we can work together to get your hive back.” I tell the changeling and she nods and starts walking to the living mountain.

“Interesting, what kind of mountain is this? Or is it really a mountain?” Optimus asked,

“It looks like Chrysalis' hive.” I say but that made the changeling in front of us trip and look back at me wide-eyed.

“You know of her?! But you still want to help me and my people, why?” she asked shocked.

“Just because there's one bad leader in your species doesn't mean your whole species is like her.” was my answer.

“Yeah, one shouldn’t judge an entire species just because of one being, that would be wrong.” Sari said,

“Besides, even if Chrysalis was bad, the Changelings are still one of my favorite species.” Optimus said,

That got a strange look from her but she looked forward and continued to the mountain that is a hive. Just as we get to the entrance five changelings drop down from the sky in battle stances. I quickly us my bubble shields to stop the bots from grabbing their weapons.

“Who are you? Why are you here? Wait…47?! Why did you bring outsiders to the hive!?” one taller changeling asked stepping forward and glaring at her.

“She got us because your hive is in trouble, but now you have backup.” I tell him stepping forward. “So you can either let us help or get out of our way as we do your job.”

I heard Optimus speak, “Maybe not threaten them.” he said to me,

I hold up a hand as I stare at the changeling in the eyes. He stares back and then sighs. “Fine, you can help us. what can you do?” he asks me.

“I can do many things just know I can find your Queen once we are in the Diamond dog tunnels.” I told him then I look at the rest of them. “Now, do you know which way they are?”

“Yes, we found their trail and their den isn't far from here.” he told me.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get going so we can pound some dogs!” Warpath said, punching his open palm.

I nod and smirk as I follow the changelings but I look back at the bots. “Just a heads up, if red flames start coming off me, run ok?”

“Why? These flames can’t be that bad can they?” Swoop asked,

“Swoop, if the man said run, run.” Optimus said,

I stand walking backward as I explain. “When a dragon loses himself to an emotion his body is covered in flames, normally the dragon would just get bigger and stronger, but for me, each color flame has a different effect on me. The red one doubles my strength but divides my intelligence by half.”

“So basically you become Grimlock.” Sari jokes,

I shrug and say. “The only version of him I know of is the Michael Bay version.” I then turn around to face where we are going.

“Joke wasted.” Sari said,

I roll my eyes but smile. “Well, I can feel we are getting close so here are the rolls, the changelings, and I will be going after the queen and alpha, the rest of you will be rescuing every other species that could be held by them.”

“Right, and what will happen after we get them out?” Optimus asked, “Knowing the Diamond Dogs they’ll most likely chase after us.”

I frown and my ki starts to spike around me making small pebbles float around me. “I don't think they will have the courage to chase me after I'm done with them.”

I can see the Autobots nod their heads as they pulled out their weapons. “We are ready when you are.” Optimus said,

I nod and we come up to a cave entrance. I hold up my hand and fire two death beams killing the two diamond dogs. “Let's go.” I walk right past the dead dogs.

I can see the Autobots walking by the dead Diamond Dogs without a second glance, which meant they were used to death.

We walk down the tunnel and when we get to an intersection I stomp my foot and close my eyes. “Ok, a large group of beings are down the left tunnel, they are weak so take my clones with you.” I made five clones.

“Right.” Optimus said, nodding his head as he and the others headed down the left tunnel.

Optimus’ POV

One of Del’s clones looks at me as we walk down the tunnel. “Just so you know us clones only have one life point, a single hit and we go poof.”

“Well, that’s just great.” Swoop said, “Our backup goes down in just one hit.”

“Knock it off Swoop, help is still help.” I said to him.

The clones frown and cross their arms while one lifts their arm and a rock pillar shoots up between Swoop’s legs. “We can still kick ass, scrap head.”

Swoop fell to the ground in pain, “Ow!” he said, I shook my head as I chuckled.

“See? Even with one life point, they can still kick your ass Swoop.” I said to him,

The clones smirk and continue walking before they stop. “We have company coming, three dogs coming from ahead and two coming from below.” one clone said as they all got into battle stances.

I nodded my head, “Arcee, Sari.” I said to them, and they nodded their heads, both of them heading up to meet the three Diamond Dogs while the rest of us prepared for the two underground, soon the two returned nodding their heads. “Three down, two to go, where are the two that are underground now?” I asked one of the clones.

One of the clones stomped their right foot and twisted his arm. Then there is a sickening crunch as part of the ground crushes one of the dogs and the other pops up and holds up a mace but sees all of us and whimpers.

I smirked behind my mask as I grabbed the Diamond Dog, “You are going to take us to any saves you have, and not sound the alarm as you do, got it?” I asked him,

He looks around and shakes his head. “Alpha kill traitors, me not traitor!”

“Oh really?” I said, transforming my hand into my Fusion Ax and held it close to the Diamond Dogs' head, “You think you Diamond Dogs are the toughest right? Well, I have been in a war that has killed my home, I have fought creatures that can easily snap you like toothpicks. And I can easily kill you.” I moved the Fusion Ax closer to the Diamond Dog, “So what’s it going to be?”

The dog whimpers and nods his head. “I take I take! No, hurt!” one of the clones uses magic to tie the dog in magic rope.

“Good, now get moving.” I said once the Diamond Dog was tied, shoving him to start moving.

“Wow, compared to the OG Optimus you are super violent, not that I'm complaining.” one of the clones says as he walks by my side.

“In my Equestria, I was in a terrible war against Quintessa and the Decepticons, she took control of me and nearly killed those I cared about with my powers, that’s why I was so hesitant to accept more abilities. Cause I had feared what harm I would do if I fall under someone else’s control again.” I said,

“I see, well that is messed up. Hope the nitch burned for that.” he said and crossed his arms watching the dog.

“Oh trust me, she is suffering for what she has done.” I said, “And I can thank a fellow Displaced for that.”

“Oh? Huh well, that sucks for you man.” he said surprising and confusing me.

“And why is that?” I ask the clone.

“Well, most Equestia’s run on tv logic, meaning we can invoke Murphy's Law not only that but you would technically be considered the main character as you're the new character introduced to that world, and you had someone else face your big bad. true you helped take them down but you weren't the one that finished them off, meaning that now the universe is going to throw an even stronger opponent at you eventually.” He told me calmly.

I stopped walking after he said, “Fuck.” I said, then continued walking, “So I’ll have to deal with someone who is way worse than Quintessa? Well, that’s just fantastic.”

Another clone nods and answers. “Most likely, I've read a lot of different displaced stories before I got displaced and I can tell you this, almost every single one of them follows TV logic, meaning that we are under TV logic as well, which is why I don't explain my plans all the way through and I am trying to prepare for every eventuality if I'm prepared for every eventuality then I'll be able to take on my big bad by myself.”

“You are the most paranoid Displaced I have ever met.” I said, shaking my head, then stopped when I heard noises. The ceiling opens up as five dogs jump out but all the clones fire flames up burning them alive.

“Maybe, but it pays off to be paranoid sometimes.” the closest one said. “Now then two of us are gonna go off.” two clones earth bend a hole and jump down the hole.

I looked down the hole and shook my head, then looked at the tied-up Diamond Dog, “Are we close?” I asked him,

“Yes yes slaves down tunnel!” he said scared and pointed with his head.

The remaining clones head in that direction and one of them nods. “He is telling the truth we can feel them.”

“Good, now say goodnight Diamond Dog.” I said to him before punching the back of his head, knocking him out. “Now to free those slaves.”

We travel down the tunnel and we make it to a slave pen and see pups whipping slaves, even one trying to bite an earth ponies leg off. “Optimus...get the slaves out now.” one of the clones says as all of them are covered in red flames and start growing and becoming more muscular.

I nodded and the other Autobots immediately charged in and started to free the slaves while also blasting any Diamond Dog that was stupid enough to try and attack us.

The clones use their magic and bending skills to kill every dog in sight and once the area is clear one turns to me. “Metal men go to surface, keep hurt people safe, move far before boom.”

I nodded my head and looked at the tunnel then had an idea, transforming into my vehicle form, my trailer appearing and connecting with me, I then increased my size a bit, I was big enough for the slaves to get in my trailer, but still small enough to get through the tunnel. “Get them in my trailer.” I told the Autobots,

They all helped the weak prisoners into my trailer, once they were all loaded up and my trailer was closed I started driving down the tunnel. Along my way, I feel the ground shake and see dogs running around like they are headless chickens.

Deltorix’s POV a few minutes ago

I walk down the tunnel and kill each dog that comes after me. Even the children are attacking me with knives. Soon I make it to the main chamber and see tons of diamond dogs. “Hey, who is in charge here!?”

“Who asking?” one of them asked, pointing a spear at me.

Without looking and using the force and snap their neck. “A pissed-off dragon looking for a changeling Queen, so here's what's going to happen, You are going to set all your slaves free or I'm going to kill every last one of you.”

They all growled as they charged at me, “big mistake.” I stomp my foot and earth spikes shoot up in front of me. Then I use the force to pull one of their spears to me and charge it with chakra and throw it hard enough to go through ten of them.

The Diamond Dogs looked at their dead comrades in shock at how fast I killed them, one of my clones poofed and I got their memories and I growl flames sparking off me. “Now then where is the changeling Queen?”

One of them nervously pointed down a tunnel. “She with alpha.”

I smirk and make a fire in my hand. “Good dogs, now play dead!” I blast them with fire.

The Diamond Dogs couldn’t dodge in time and were immediately set on fire, they kept yelping and howling in pain as they ran away. I turn and walk down the tunnel and come up to a door and growl as I smell a nasty smell. I use the force to grab the door and crush it. Inside is the Alpha and a changeling queen. “So you're the one in charge here?”

“Who asking?!” the alpha said, a large sword in his hand.

I frown as I pop my knuckles. “The dragon that is going to kill you.” Then I launch myself at him and slam him against the wall and growl in his face as red flames cover me. “Slavery is bad!”

He kicked me off of him and charged with a howl, swinging his blade at me.

-200 life points

I let him stab me then grab onto him and head butt him hard enough I hear his head crack.

-300 life points

“Like I said, I'm going to KILL you!” I stab my sharp claws into his throat and growl in his face. “Bad dogs die.”

He went wide-eyed as he tried to pry my claws out of his throat, I blew a small bit of flames onto his face before pulling my claw out and let him bleed out as I walked to the changeling queen.

Name: Vespiqueen
Level: 65

“Are you ok?” I ask her as I take a few breaths and calm down.

She nodded her head, “Yes, thank you.” she said, “W-who are you?”

“My name is Deltorix, one of your people came to me for help.” I tell her as I look her over and frown. “You are bleeding internally, and fast...I have a way to save your life but it will be extremely painful and you would be bonded to me forever.” I told her as I pulled out the vile holding the lust philosopher stone.

“I-I don’t care, if it means I can keep protecting my people, then I’ll do anything.” she said

I sigh and nod then pop the cork out and help her drink it. A few seconds after she swallows it red lightning sparks around her as she is deconstructed and reconstructed simultaneously. this process happened for five whole minutes while she was screaming in agony until finally, it stopped as the mark of a homunculus appeared on her chest.

new Sub skill:ultimate Spear level: 1 (active)
This skill is unlocked by the bonding of the Lust stone to a host. This skill lets the user extend, twist, and transform their fingers into claws able to penetrate practically any substance for a limited range.
This skill requires no energy.

“I'm sorry but are you feeling better?” I ask her as I help her stand up and swipe the screen away.

“I-I am, but that really hurt!” she said,

I sigh and nod. “I did warn you.” I tell her but then I feel a dog coming up behind me.

“Look out!” she yells and points a hoof over my shoulder then suddenly her hoof shoots a long sharp spike out from it killing the dog before retracting. She looks at her hoof. “How did I do that?”

“That is your new ability called the Ultimate Spear.” I said to her,

“I see...we must save my changelings.” She said with a determined look on her face.

“Already taken care of, everyone is out.” I told her as I used the golden tiger claws to open a portal to the surface. “Queens first.”

“I really hope this isn’t a trap.” she said, then entered the portal.

I roll my eyes but go through the portal, on the other side is the surface and I see the bots and every creature that we rescued, ponies, changelings, a dragon, and even a yak. “See safe and sound now then.” I turn to the cave and take a deep breath before I stomp my foot and lift my hands.

The queen asked who I assume is one of the bots. “What is he doing?”

“My guess, he’s going to crush every Diamond Dog in there.” I heard Optimus reply back.

I smirk and the whole mountain starts to shake before I throw my arms down and almost instantly the whole mountain collapses into a mile-deep hole the sound of rock being crushed and the cries of the dogs suddenly going silent indicates that I have done my job, the Diamond Dogs are no more.

Deltorix clone #40’s POV a minute earlier

“Come on we don't have much time!” I tell my fellow clones as we found the treasure room in our currently putting every piece of gold and jewels we can find into the inventory. I feel the ground start to shake and we quickly use as many powers as we can to get as much into the inventory as possible. We manage to get the last of it in just before the mountain comes down on top of us.

Deltorix’s POV

“There it is done, we can go now.” I say then turn to the changeling queen and pull out some wedding invitations and hold them out to her. “you weren't the one I was originally going to invite but you obviously need this more than she does so I'm inviting you to the wedding of princess cadence and shining armor there you can make a peace treaty with the ponies and get as much love as you need.”

“Thank you.” she said, smiling at me,

I smile and then say. “It's the least I can do as now that technically I am your master as once you took the philosopher's stone into you I have complete control over, you still have your free will but any order I gave you cannot refuse.” I then rub the back of my head. “I originally planned on giving that to queen chrysalis to keep her from being evil, well eviller, but you needed it more.”

“Wait, so you have full control over me?” she asked me, going wide-eyed,

I wiggle my hand in a so-so gesture. “Kina, from what I understand you have your free will but if I give an order you have to follow it. For example, I order you to hug Optimus.” I say pointing at him. She starts walking over to him and hugs him.

“Really?” Optimus asked me,

I shrug while saying. “I wanted to demonstrate it without causing too much embarrassment for her.”

“Can I stop hugging him now?” Vespiqueen asks me,

“Oh yes sorry you are free to do as you wish. One more thing before we go, your code name is lust, that is what the stone was. I'm sorry but like I said I originally planned to give that to chrysalis to keep her in line but obviously you're not like her so I won't need to order you around I hope to see you at the wedding.” I tell her as I walk over to the bots.

“So, now what?” Sari asked me,

I open a portal back to the castle and say. “Next we head back to my smithy then I buy you a ton of that metal I promised you.”

I see Optimus nodding his head as he shrunk down again. “Then let’s go.” he said,

We all travel through the portal and I wave at the queen before I leave. We get back to the castle and I open my store as I speak. “Is there anything else you guys want? It is almost hearts warming here.”

“Not that I can think of, what do you have?” Sari asked me,

“My store from what I can tell is a multiverse store, meaning I can buy anything and everything, even if it doesn't exist in your world or my world so long as it exists somewhere in the multiverse I can get it hell if I wanted to I could probably buy another version of the all spark.” I tell her as I find the beskar steel and buy a large amount making multiple stacks of it appear in a flurry of pixels.

“We’ll just take the Beskar Steel.” Optimus said, walking over to the stacks, “Question, does anyone here know how to make items out of these?”

I shake my head with a smirk and add a Mandalorian forge. It too appears in a flurry of pixels. “There you go, that should help.”

“Thanks.” Optimus said,

I smile as I have enough left over for the presents for the mane six. “Well if that is everything, maybe I should send you all back, oh!” I take out my token and throw it up to Optimus. “If you ever need an overpowered helper give me a call.”

He nodded his head, “I will, thanks.” he said, then looked at the forge, “Is there any way for us to shrink this down, we are kinda in the Equestria Girls universe right now.”

I tap my chin thinking before I snap my fingers and boy Jimmy Neutron's Infinity storage cube. “Here, with this, you can put anything in it, just don't put it in a second storage device that has infinite space in it, otherwise you're gonna create a black hole, basically a portable hole plus a bag of holding scenario.”

“Alright.” Optimus said. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem, well I hope to see you all again one day, just don't try to kill me next time.” I laughed a bit.

“Hey, not our fault. We were being mind-controlled by Sunset Shimmer.” Swoop said.

“Oh? Well don't hold it against her, she is blinded by her ambitions. she's just taking the wrong path at the moment, help twilight and Sunset will become a seventh element of harmony but only in the Equestria Girls universe.” I tell them then get an idea and look to Optimus. “Have you seen all the episodes? If not I could get you the DVDs for my little pony.”

“That would be helpful thank you.” Sari said.

I raise an eyebrow. “Do you guys even have a tv and DVD player? Or do I need to get you all that too?” I asked as I went through the store and found the DVDs of all the seasons, the movie, and all the Equestria Girls movies.

“We’ll most likely need that as well.” Warpath said. “We literally slept in a library.”

“Oh? Damn well, I better hurry if I don't send you back in time you'll be stuck in the Equestria Girls universe until the sirens show up.” I add a DVD player and tv for them and buy it all making them all appear in a flurry of pixels.

“Thanks, and please do, Twilight is probably freaking out on where we are.” Optimus said, putting the stuff into the Infinity Storage Cube.

I nod and say. “Last piece of advice, tell Twilight that Sunset is the one that is keeping the school divided. Now then our contract is complete.”

A portal appeared behind the group of Autobots, then lightning came out of it and struck them and in a flash, I saw they had become humans. “Minor side effect of going into the Equestria Girls universe.” Sari said.

I shrug and say. “Kinda saw that coming I mean if you were robots you couldn’t fit through the mirror portal, Good luck to all of you.”

“Thanks, and the same to you as well.” Optimus said as he and the other Autobots entered the portal.

I watch as the portal closes and then I cross my arms. “Well, hearts warming is tomorrow so I better get everything ready.” I then head into my smithy and start buying presents and wrapping them.

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The white prime of Equestria