• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,647 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 18

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The golden eyed sage part three of six

I followed Ed and Celestia out of Sugarcube Corner. “So where to next?” I asked as I adjusted the spell Gauntlet on my arm.

“I say we go see our favorite fashionista.” Ed looked over his shoulder at me. “Then we can see Rainbow and Fluttershy. After that, we can head back to the castle and see what types of Lacrima have been made so far.” He placed his arms behind his head. “I would also like to renovate that castle into a proper base for you.”

“Really? Sweet, I had some plans on using clones and golems to do that myself.” I told him then I rubbed my chin. “Should I leave a certain book in the castle for a Small dragon to find later?”

“You tell me kid." Ed looked over his shoulder. “If you want things to go on how they’re supposed I would. As for what the base’s look, just let me know what ya want. Won’t be too big an issue with it being such a small location." He looked forward to seeing Rarity’s place.

‘Did he just say no big deal, it’s a small place?’ I thought for a moment and then shook it off.

“Best you knock." Ed pointed.

I walked up and knocked on the door before looking back at Ed. “I think me being here has changed things enough that I will have to hide it or give it to Luna.”

“Ya know I can create just about any type of base you Del." Ed smirked. “I just remade Asta’s small town into a full-scale working city. I did have to employ the use of some clones to spread an array large enough but if it's one place I can easily do that.”

“Why not make your base a flying one that moves throughout the atmospheres around the planet.” Tia suggested. “You could even give Luna some sort of link to it so she can reach you, or some form of communication device like Edos watches.”

My eyes widened and then I pulled out a blueprint I made. “I had an idea like that a long time ago and drew it out. I recently re-drew it here and it's more like a whole floating city!” I said with a grin as I showed Ed the blueprint.

The door opened and Rarity smiled at us. “Oh hello darlings I believe I know you sir but I’m afraid I don't you ma'am.”

“I can totally do that.” The alchemist gave a thumbs up. “You couldn’t have forgotten me already.” Ed sighed. “And after all the trouble I went through to help you with making gemstone fabric.”

“Hello.” Tia waved

I rolled my eyes and elbowed Ed as we walked inside. “She said she knows you, now how have you been Rarity?”

“I know I was just missing.” Ed snickered. “And it's good to see you again Rarity.”

“It’s nice to meet you Rarity." Celestia smiled. “Allow me to formally introduce Myself. I am Princess Celestia from Ed’s world as well as his wife.”

Rarity gasped and her eyes widened. “A princess!? Oh my goodness please let me make you a dress!”

I chuckled and hold up my arm. “I have a request for you actually. Can you fix this for my full-size arm?”

“I’d be delighted for you to make me a dress.” Celestia smiled. "Not every day you get a seamstress from another world to do for me though.” Her face turned slightly pink. “I am carrying a bit of extra weight. You see we’re expecting.”

“It should allow me to see how well you’ve picked up on making the fabric.” Ed nodded. “Do you mind if I put on some tea while we wait?”

Rarity nodded with a smile. “Of course sir Ed, and I will be sure to make you look fabulous princess Celestia.” She took Celestia into the back and I shrugged and went over to sit on the couch.

“Hey Ed, how big can that floating Island be before it can't keep its balance or can't float anymore?” I asked him as he walked into the kitchen.

“Depends on how big ya want it buddy.” Ed said as he fixed up the kettle. “I can set up an entire city three times the size of New York on a bad day. With all of the access I have to tech and magic, it could stay up for millennia to come and go. I made black a pseudo-Time Chamber that can survive the destruction of his entire dimension. Use your imagination.” He came back and leaned against the wall. “Why do ya ask big man?”

“Well, I would want it to be large, that way I can have tourists explore and have some fun while bringing me some money, and I could use golems as a police force within the city. I was also thinking that maybe there would be small floating islands that when the main island stops they link up and form a bridge from the city down to the ground but for Luna maybe something like a warp pad from Steven universe?” I told him my ideas and looked through my inventory.

“That or a small stargate-looking thing…actually, do you think you could modify a Stargate to work on a single planet, so there could be a whole network of them across the entire planet and a specific address for a gate that's constantly moving?” I ask him as I sit up.

“I have a Stargate that warps to other worlds through the Void.” Ed chuckled. “One of my first projects, before I got all my powers, was my Rune Transporter. It can’t handle more than a few beings at a time mind you but it works rather well. Doc Hooves uses it to go back and forth from Ponyville to Canterlot daily and Pole uses it when he has business in Canterlot too.” Ed shrugged. “Yea it'd be fairly easy to set up a warp gate system for ya. Hell, I can even make ya some portable ones for personal use. That way ya can have one on ya at all times. Sound good?”

“Sounds good, and as I don't exactly have permission from the other countries of the world, perhaps it would be best if you make a lab specifically for making stargates that will drop them on the location when the island is over the location, that way I won't just be dropping them off without permission.” I said to him as I drew my new idea.

“I can set it up for you to put them where ya want.” Ed shrugged. “A deposit system isn’t hard to make. I’ll just have to set it up for you to where ya point and click in a location. That way you just have it sent out wherever you’re at.”

“Sounds good, for defenses I would like a powerful shield and if you can, a device that can pull everything in range of the shield into an I.D.” I smile. “That way if the place is attacked I can just move it into a safe space. Other than that feel free to add whatever other defenses you want.”

The kettle started to whistle and Ed went back into the kitchen and took it off the stove and added the tea bags. “Do ya think I can get that in writing?” He jabbed. “I’ll see what I throw in there. I’ve been experimenting with I.D. And this will really be something to test. I used it in the construction of Black’s Time Chamber. Naturally I couldn’t set it for the whole ‘Year equals three days’ scenario but I was able to push it where a whole month outside is equal to a year in it.”

“That's still impressive, I have only been able to get a one-fourth time dilation, one hour in my I.D.s are only fifteen minutes in the real world.” I told him as he came back with cups and the tea kettle.

“Asta’s is so high that one day is nearly six months now." Ed poured some tea for the ladies. He picked up his own cup and sipped. “But he uses his quite often from bathing to mainly training himself and his recruits. You’ll seriously flip how much he’s changed his appearance. Last time I was over there to save him and this goddess of balance version of Twilight. She’s nothing to sneeze at but she wears herself out too fast. Asta and were having a match. She’ll more than likely win of course but I left a fission piece behind to watch and maintain a barrier to keep the spectators safe.”

“Huh, sounds neat but unlike you and Asta, my I.D.s can only level up a certain way, the time dilation seems to cut in half every ten levels, so by that logic and I'll have a ways to go before I can catch up to you guys.” I sighed and lean back before stomping a foot. “Huh, they are still taking measurements.”

“We are talking about two of the biggest gossips in this world currently." Ed pointed out and I sighed with a nod. “And Rarity is probably also trying to figure in her size after the little one is born.” He pointed out.

“Or little ones, it is too early to know but if Luna had twins then maybe she will too.” I said with a chuckle. “Anyway, I was thinking after the wedding that I’d see if I could find Yensid’s castle tower thing. Maybe learn from him.” I summon my keyblade. “I managed to activate my keyblade’s transformation function, its second form is a set of claws.”

“Nice." Ed nodded. “But I’d seek out an actual keyblade wielder displaced first.” He smirked and pulled a gummi phone out of a golden ripple in the air. Ed then tossed it to me. “She’s displaced as Kairi and she’s held up in Yensid’s place. Good girl and a great friend to my niece. Her Doctor Hooves and I developed the Stargates for Void traveling. Tell her I sent ya.”

“Huh cool, I may give her a call, think blaze could copy the gummi phone? I plan on giving them to anyone I meet across my travels.” I said looking it over.

“He’s a nanotech hive machine with access to a void-wide network of info, what do you think?” Ed deadpanned as the girls came back in giggling.

I shrugged and said. “Hey, I have no idea what his limits are, or how complicated gummi phones are. Well hello ladies did you have fun talking?” I asked them with a smile.

“Very much so yes.” Tia chuckled. “Ed never told me that he set up an entire gem fabrication for anypony else. The only other pony who knows how to make fabric like this is our Rarity. Though she’s not the only creature who can make the fabrics as Ed only taught one other.” She looked at Rarity. “You’d be surprised who it is…”

“Oh? Well I'm afraid I have no clue as to who it is, but if Rarity has some time maybe she can take a look at this now?” I grow to my full size and hold up my arm and the spell gauntlet. “Oh, I almost forgot, analyze.” The gauntlet and I glowed for a second. “There.”

Celestia walked over to Ed and whispered. “Should I tell her Spike is the fabricator and Rarity and he actually live together casually?”

“I honestly don’t care.” Ed shrugged as he whispered back. “It’d be funny to see how she reacts but it's up to you Tia.” Ed looked at me. “What spell ya get?”

Rarity took the gauntlet and measured my arm. “It is heal life, from fable one.” I told Ed. “One of the cool things is the gauntlet itself levels up, so I can have clones using it to level it up. I don't have to use it myself.”

"Nice." Ed gave a thumbs up. "I fixed you both some tea." He spoke to the girls.

“Thank you darling I will have some in a minute, this gauntlet is fascinating.” Rarity said as she looked it over.

"You'd be surprised at what some of them can do." Ed leaned back in his chair.

"What are they for Ed?" Tia tilted her head.

"Each casts an on the fly spell." Ed explained. "They are used by heroes that have a capacity for magic but not the time to study or cast spells as that would be a life or death moment in a battle."

I nodded and smiled. “I may start making some for ponies to use, that way earth ponies and pegasus ponies can use magic too.” I said as I watched Rarity make it a bit larger.

"I think that would be a good idea." Ed nodded. "I would really like to get some from Fable 3 myself."

“If you want I can have multiple clones work on getting some for you, of course I would keep the new ones while I send any duplicates I get to you, that or I can send you one of them and you can reverse engineer them.” I said as I message the clone that is gaming. “I will also send you a working prototype with multiple spells in it used for ponies.”

"Cool." Ed said. "I was always partial to the Fireball, lightning combo. I think it was a Firestorm at max power."

“Maybe I can't remember myself.” I said then smiled. “Good news my clone is already working on fable 3, if there are a few of my clones that aren't needed for the dragon slayer magic then have your clone tell them to go play fable games.”

"Oh yeah go ahead." Ed waved. "My fission is more than capable on his own. He can make clones if need be." He remarked as he summoned a shadow clone and then dispelled it again. "There, now we’re all set.”

“Alright, I'll get all of them working on gaming for now then.” I send them a message telling them just that then look over as Rarity came back with the gauntlet.

“Here you go darling, it should fit now.” She used her magic to lift my arm and slipped the gauntlet on my arm.

“Thanks Rarity, I may come to you later.” I said to her as I stood up.

“One more thing.” Ed smirked as he held up a finger and then placed it near Rarity’s horn. I saw a quick spark of red and then my dressmaking friend’s eyes got big for a second. “That’s all knowledge on gemstone alchemy and its finer uses, mainly detailing in clothes. If ya need any pointers on how to properly use it ya can call my students in my world.” Ed placed a watch with Rarity’s cutie mark on an amethyst on the table. I snickered at the thought of the first encounter. “They will be able to help ya. Or you can go see Twilight for pointers on improvements to your new skills.”

“Thank you so much sir Ed, I will be sure to use this to the best of my abilities, and your wife's dress will be ready by sunset.” Rarity said.

I rubbed my chin and asked. “Hey Ed, do you have any of those gloves that Roy Mustang used?”

“I can easily make you some that are better than the ones Mustang used.” Ed held up his hand and a pair of white gloves with red fire-based transmutation circles on the back appeared. “Here ya go. I made them out of a white diamond and fire ruby weave.” He gave me the gloves. He turned back to Rarity. “Thank you for your time and I do hope you continue to enjoy the gemstone alchemy.”

“Cool, sounds very useful, I’m guessing you fixed the only weakness?” I asked then looked at the gloves. “Analyze.”

“Of course.” Ed rolled his eyes. “I wove a water-warding spell into them so even if ya get soaked they’ll still work.”

I nodded and smirked as I put the gloves in my inventory. “Cool, I may make a par for Roy and visit that word just to give them to him.” I laugh a bit.

“Here.” Ed made another pair of gloves. “Exactly the same as yours. Mainly cause you can’t weave the spell into them so the ones you’d have made would've been indestructible but not waterproof.” He walked towards the door. “See you this evening Rarity and thank you for the tea.”

“I look forward to seeing my dress Ms. Rarity and have a lovely rest of our day." Tia followed her husband out.

I waved at Rarity then rush after them once I catch up and smile. “Alright, that is four down two to go, Dash or Fluttershy next?” I asked.

“How about we see Dash." Ed said. “Her place is still in town and on the way to Fluttershy’s.”

“Sounds good to me.” I started to look around and spot her house. “Found her house.” I point it out.

Ed smiled evilly. “Like Oh my Celestia, have you heard Rainbow Dash?” Ed said in a mock valley girl accent. “Like totally.” He changed his pitch to a lower tone. I could only raise an eyebrow and look at Celestia who shrugged. Ed continued. “I like totally heard she’s like totally the slowest pony eveeeerrrr! She like totally lost to some sort of like race with this like monkey thing!”

“WHAT!?” I heard her yell and soon I saw a rainbow blur shoot out of her house and land hard in front of us. “Who said that!? I didn't lose!” I chuckled and smirked while pointing to Ed.

“Funny 'cause I was there and I saw everything." Ed smirked.

She frowned and sat down and crossed her arms. “Oh it's you, did your brother come for a rematch?”

“No.” Ed said with a smirk. “You still wouldn’t win against him either. Asta’s gotten a lot stronger since you last saw him. Anyways I’m here helping Del and giving my wife some time off from her duties." Ed motioned to Celestia.

“Hello." She waved with a smile. “I’m the princess Celestia from Ed’s world nice to meet you.”

Rainbow looked Celestia over and held up a hoof. “Nice to meet you hooman Celestia, um what's with your chest?” She tilts her head and I facepalmed.

“I don’t quite follow dear.” Celestia tilted her head. “Is there something on my chest? Ed, did I spill some tea or cake on my earlier?”

Ed let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “No Tia you’re fine. She was referring to your chest in general. As in your boobs. Am I right Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow nodded still looking confused. “Yeah, isn't her chest supposed to be flat like yours and your brothers? You are the only hoomans I've seen."

“How the hell did this go directly to talking about my wife’s chest.” Ed sighed. “No Dash. Female humans have mammary glands in their chest to feed babies or foals in your cause. Males do not. In layman’s terms…”

“These are my ties.” Celestia pointed to her chest.

“Yea, that.” Ed deadpanned.

Rainbow blushed and looked away rubbing her neck. “Oh, well um sorry for asking. So what did you come here for?”

I chuckled and looked over to Ed. “I think you embarrassed her cute, do you want to tell her?”

“Depends.” Ed shook his head of the earlier thoughts while Celestia giggled. “Should we tell her the reason why you called me or the reason why we’re out here?”

I rubbed my chin, then nodded. “As long as you can make sure she only tells twilight and the other elements what we tell her, then yeah go ahead and tell her about the island.” I told Ed as I walked past Rainbow while making an illusionary dome around us.

“Okay Rainbow you have to Pinkie promise not to tell anypony but Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, and before you tell them make sure they Pinkie Promise not to tell any soul, okay?” Ed looked at Dash with a serious glare.

Rainbow looked around then back to Ed. “I haven't been very nice to Deltorix, my friends have made sure I know that, fine I pinkie promise not to tell anyone but my closest friends. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“She is telling the truth, her heartbeat didn't speed up, then again I'm still new to feeling things like that with seismic sense.” I said to Ed.

“Del asked me to come back and help him investigate the humans’ disappearance after he found their original island here." Ed said, causing Rainbow to gasp. “As it stands, your Princess Celestia has lied to everypony about what happened. She did have her own reasons and after some investigating we found out she was manipulated by a war-mongering cult that transcends every known race and nation on this world. Their only goal is war.” He explained. “She hid the fact that she wiped out an entire species.” Dash looked at me with horror and I could only nod and look away. “She was mad cause she lost her son but in this rage she killed even the innocent that were only defending themselves. Both sides were played and only one lost.”

“That is horrible! But how can it be true!? Celestia wouldn't do that.” Dash said looking terrified.

“Maybe show her what we record.” I said to Ed.

“As much as you may want to believe that little one." Celestia placed a hand on Dash’s head. “I know all too well she did. I have done many things in my long life and killed many creatures with my own hands in times of war. Believe me when I say rage can cause you to do the most terrible of things.”

“Do you want to see what happened Dash?” Ed said calmly.

Dash looked hesitant but nodded. “Yes, show me, I have to know what the princess has done.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head and mumbled. “Why is it always ‘the princess’ when there are more than one.”

“Because deep down no pony truly wants to see Luna as a princess." Celestia whispered in a somber tone to me. “The ponies grew up thinking there was only one princess after the history books were altered. I made sure that never happened back in our world.” She clenched her fist. “Ed and I would never forgive ourselves if we let the world forget Luna even existed.”

“This may sting a bit so hold still.” Ed raised a hand while Rainbow gulped. He gently placed his palm on the little ponies head and then there was silence as Dash’s eyes went totally white for a moment. She soon returned to the waking world and her eyes started to immediately fill up with tears.

“That...that was horrible, I...I don't know how to feel.” Rainbow said looking down.

I leaned over and whisper back. “That explains Luna but what about Cadence? That is one thing that always ticked me off, I mean even if a Celestia made sure there are no records of Luna, Cadence has been An alicorn long enough to be famous.”

“Cadence tends to stay out of the public eye and away from the limelight as much as possible due to her relationship with Shining Armor.” Celestia explained. “She does mainly diplomatic missions to keep her busy but out of sight. Shining is usually her escort to and from the sights this way they spend time together but don’t get caught and so Shining can keep the nobles off their backs." She shook her head. “I can’t count how many nobles have tried to undermine me by going to my niece or even trying and set up a wedding to her claiming that it’s their birthright established by a nonexistent agreement made years prior.”

“That sucks, one of the reasons I don't like nobles.” I told her then watch as Ed comforts Rainbow Dash. “Maybe showing her was a bit too much, but at least I can see how ponies will react if I show them what happened.”

“This is only how some will react.” Celestia looked at me. “Many will outright deny it. There will be riots if you just show the truth outright. Start small, with those willing to at least hear what you have to say Deltorix.” She spoke softly but sternly, I knew she was being serious as she used my full name.

I look forward, away from Celestia. “I will give her time, but after you know who gets her you know what's I will expose my Celestia if she hasn't come clean.” I walk over and pat Rainbow’s head. “I know what you saw was bad but now I need you and the girls to help me keep an eye out for this.” I show her the necklace.

Rainbow’s eye widened for a moment, “I’ve seen that all over this one place in Canterlot. I’ve also seen it a few times in Cloudsdale!”

“Where exactly in Cloudsdale?” Ed asked.

“Mainly in these old abandoned buildings that were used by these bullies and thugs back when me and Fluttershywere in flight school together.” Rainbow explained.

“Looks like we have another lead besides the noble houses in Canterlot.” Ed looked at me.

I nodded and frowned. “At least I can naturally cloud walk, so I don't need a cloud walking spell. But thank you Rainbow, that is helpful.” I smile at her.

“Sorry for the pain I’ve caused you.” Ed looked at the prismatic Pegasus. “Let me are it up to you." He snapped and we immediately found ourselves below Dash’s house but there was an airline hanger there now. “Del told me he gave a lot of plane books for stunt material, so I thought.” Ed walked up and opened the hanger doors to reveal serval plane parts and bodies waiting to be built. “Why not go the next step and give you your own hanger so you can build your own planes. They run on magic of course so no need for fuel unless ya go on extended flights to where magic is lessened. I also have stoked several engineering books for you to read.”

I rolled my eyes with a smirk. “Geez, Ed you sure like to one-up people don’t ya?”

“Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not some egghead that reads and builds stuff.” Rainbow said, waving her hooves back and forth.

“Sorry Del, I wasn’t trying to one up you." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked off to the side. “True you're not an egghead.” Ed agreed. “Eggheads are more…” He whirled his hand. “Test tubes and beakers like Twilight. No, you my colorful friend are a grease monkey. Some pony not afraid to get dirty, one who is good at building things, using, and knowing what they do and know they’re good at it too.” He then pointed at me. “And you’ll have Del to help you when you don’t understand something too well.”

“Grease monkey? Huh...that doesn't sound bad, alright I'll give it a chance.” She said then nod and look at all the stuff.

"You're more than capable of learning how to do things." Ed walked in. "But you have extreme ADHD. Making it really hard for you to concentrate while sitting still." He explained while Dash looked confused. "ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Basically, it means you have a hard time concentrating on the will sitting still and find it easier while you're moving, like say when you are flying."

Dash nodded a bit. “Yeah, I have to pay attention when I'm flying or I could run into someone.”

“What he is saying is there are some things that keep your interest while others bore you too quickly so you move on, I had a friend that had ADHD, he had some problems but he found ways of getting himself to get stuff done.” I said to her as I walked over and touched an engine-looking device. “Analyze.”

"It is a way I spaced things out in here. So ya can fly around and work on stuff or read." He said. "These are some of my earlier skeleton projects from back home that I work on in my spare time," Ed explained. "I figured you two could fill in the gaps together."

“Well, it does look cool, I guess I'll give this a try and those plane things in those books looked neat.” Dash said and I walked over and patted her head with a smirk.

“That's the spirit Dash, you can do anything if you put your heart into it.” I said.

“You’ve certainly proven that on more than one occasion haven't you Ms. Rainboom,” Ed smirked.

Rainbow smirks and pumps a hoof. “Hay yeah I am awesome!” Rainbow lifts into the air and does a few loops.

Ed smirked and then vanished to reappear upside down, standing in the air, his hair angling down as he crossed his arm, “Maybe you’ll invent a rocket pack or something one of these days that helps you surpass Asta.”

Rainbow glares at him and then shakes her head. “How the hay are you standing in mid-air upside down?”

I pat her back. “Think of Ed like a human Pinkie, he can do things no one can understand just thank the stars he isn't loopy like Pinkie.”

“Quite the contrary,” Ed turned in the air. “I'm even more insane than our dear pinkie sugar demon… As for how I’m in the air it’s just ki flight,” he dropped down.

I chuckle and walk over to the door. “Well as fun as this has been, we need to check up on Fluttershy. See ya rainbow.”

“Have a nice day dear,” Celestia waved as she and Ed followed me.

“That was a shocker,” Ed commented. “I still shouldn’t be too surprised that there is a cult symbol in Cloudsdale.”

“It is one of Equestria’s major economic powers as well as one of the most important overall locations even though it doesn’t seem like it,” Celestia pointed out and Ed nodded totally agreeing with her.

I cross my arms. “I wouldn't be surprised if I found that symbol everywhere at least one.” I said as we walked down the path. “Jarvis place keep an eye out for that necklace and made a note of who is wearing it.”

“You need to speak with the Princesses about screening anypony with even remotely
A connection to that symbol,” Celestia pointed out. “Especially if they're in the nobles and weather factory.”

“Mmm…” Ed rubbed his chin. “I think I know where we can start…” he looked at me.

“I know you are right, Celestia and I will plan with Luna, but I also plan on taking care of the ones I can find on my own.” I make a ki ball in my hand before crushing it. Then I look at Ed. “Where?”

“Greed,” Ed glared at Canterlot.

I rub my chin. “Yes, with his connections he might know who's involved and who's not. For all we know he could've been part of it, and so long as Celestia didn't order him never to tell me anything then I should be able to just order him to tell me what I need to know.”

“You’re forgetting somepony important Deltorix,” Celestia got my attention and pointed to Edward. “Ed is here and he is the parent homunculus not to mention the curse caster. If you ask any question while in Ed’s presence then Greed will have to answer. Celestia may also be more willing to punish him if you share what you suspect with her about Greed.”

I nod and grin. “Right, place we need to get him back for sending Celestia after us!” I punch my palm and my ultimate shield activates for a second before deactivating.

“After we see our little caretaker friend,” Ed said as we arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Alright, but before we speak with her, you should know, I have the ultimate spear and shield but as they are turned into skills I can only use them for one second and one inch.” I told him and knocked on the door.

“Pretty sure you already told me that,” Ed rubbed his chin. “Que the white demon…”

“I hate that rabbit,” Celestia mumbles.

I chuckle and when the door opens and Angel bunny is the one holding the door I smirk and aim my finger at him casting bind. “oops.”

“Come on Del, let him go,” Ed shook his head. “She’ll never come to see us if the rabbit is tied up for bondage play.”

I roll my eyes and dispel the ropes. “Alright bunny go get Fluttershy and I'll get you a golden carrot deal?”

“I take it you were able to give her the vixen necklace for Hearth’s Warming?” Ed asked while the demon hopped off.

I nod and lean on the wall. “Yeah, and a pokemon egg that I got from someone else.”

Soon the rabbit returned and begrudgingly motioned us all inside.

“Stay with me Tia,” Ed warned as we entered the house.

I look around at the nice little cottage. “Huh, the show made it look smaller.” I mumble, then I feel something kicking my leg and look down to see Angel. “Oh right, hold on.” I use my store and buy a golden carrot from Minecraft and it appears in a flurry of pixels and it lands on the ground flat and still blocky.

“Will ya did promise him a golden carrot,” Ed raised an eyebrow while Celestia giggled as the rabbit tried to hall off his prize. “Fluttershy, ya in here?” Ed softly called out.

“Oh um I’m in here I’ll be out soon.” Her voice comes from the kitchen then she comes walking out with a massive bag of feed on her back. “Oh mister Deltorix, and Mister Ed, how nice to see you both, and I’m sorry I don't know you ma'am.”

“Hello there I am the Celestia from Ed’s world as well as his wife,” Celestia gives a quick bow.

“Let me help you out with that,” Ed pointed to the bag which then levitated off Fluttershy’s back in a red aura. “Looks like we caught you right at lunchtime for your furry friends.”

“Oh, you didn't have to do that, thanks to this necklace I can easily lift it on my own.” She puts a hoof on the necklace. “And yes it is lunchtime.” She touches the necklace and is covered by an astral cheetah. “Don't worry I can handle feeding time quickly.”

“I know better than to argue with you little one,” Ed set the big down. “But if you want some help we can do it with you.”

“Oh, I don't want to bother you mister Ed.” She said with a smile then with cheetah-like speed she zips around the cottage getting bowls and filling them with food, setting them out for all of her friends.

“Huh, I knew she would take to it but I didn't expect her to use it often.” I said as I watched her zip around the room.

“Her talent is literally has everything to do with animals,” Ed deadpanned.

I shrug and say. “True, but I would have thought she would be too nervous to use it.”

“It literally gives her the powers of animals,” Ed again deadpanned. “She went from closed off to open box in broad daylight when she first met Spike. I bet she was nervous at first then,” He pointed at the white thing still trying to move the gold carrot. “She got a pep talk from that.”

I chuckle seeing Angel still struggling. “Most likely yeah, how long do you think before he realizes he can't move it?”

“I say until Fluttershy tells him when she comes back in,” Ed shrugged. “Then it’ll be your ass on fire by her.”

I blink and look at him confused. “Why? I didn't do anything wrong.”

“You still pranked it,” Ed pointed.

“And Fluttershy is very defensive of all her animals, but especially that one she calls her pet rabbit,” Celestia added on.

I shrug and say. “Hey, it may weigh as much as gold but it is still edible at least it is on Minecraft.” I then see Fluttershy stop and tap the necklace and return to her shy self.

“Would any of you like tea? If thats ok I mean.” She said hiding behind her mane.

“That would be lovely Fluttershy,” Celestia smiled.

“I’ll take a cup thank you,” Ed smiled.

“I’m good, I don't need food or drink.” I wave my hand. She nods and walks into the kitchen and makes three cups of tea bringing them out to Ed and Celestia.

“Here you go, what brings you to my small cottage?” she asked while sipping her tea.

“We had some time to kill and I wanted to check on all of you,” Ed said as he sipped his tea. “I also wanted to introduce all of you to Tia,” He motioned to his wife. “Trying to get her to have a bit of a vacation or something of the sort at least.”

“I am having a good time even if it started a bit rough,” Tia sighed as she smiled.

“Oh, that's sweet of you to give your wife a vacation Mister Ed.” Fluttershy said with a smile then she looked over and saw Angel trying to take the golden blocky carrot. “Um..what is that?”

“All yours buddy,” Ed patted my shoulder.

I roll my eyes and then say. “I may have bribed your pet to let us in for a golden carrot, turners out they weigh as much as gold, who knew?”

“It was the only way we had in at the time,” Ed shrugged. “Little fella isn’t hurt or anything but his pride might take a hit when he finds out he can't move the carrot by himself let alone even eat it.”

“Hey now, it could still be edible for all we know it's just colored gold and weighs like gold but can still be eaten like a normal carrot. On the world it comes from you can still eat it.” I said to Ed.

"Yea, you applied videogame logic to one of the most diabolical planning lagomorph there is," Ed waved his finger with a slight glow. Angel then started to move his prize with some effort. "Let me know when he takes revenge, I'll bring my camera." Celestia giggled at her husband's remark.

I roll my eyes. “Sure, if he even does.” I lean back and relax.

“Oh well, as long as Angel can eat it I don't see the harm.” Fluttershy said.

"No offense to you or how ya care for your animals Fluttershy, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if that little white demon could eat a solid gold metal carrot, not from a game," Ed sighed. "It would be a sight to see though."

I chuckle as Fluttershy frowns slightly. “I know he can be a handful but he isn't a demon.”

“Relax Fluttershy he was just joking around, most people call their pets little demons when they can be a handful, come to think of it my friend's parents called him a little demon too.” I said with a chuckle.

"No I meant every word of it," Ed deadpanned and flatly stared. "In Asta's world he never got along with the bunny. It sinks its teeth into my brother's every chance it gets. Never got along with his dragon either. I guarantee to you he would have let Ymir eat Angel the first time she tried if he didn't love his Fluttershy so much. Did I tell ya they're expecting?" He turned to me.

I shake my head. “No you didn't, next time I see him I'll have to congratulate him.”

"Well back to you," Ed turned to Fluttershy who'd turned redder than a strawberry speaking to a room full of tomatoes. "What ya been up to?"

“Oh well, I read those books you gave me but I haven't tried any of that alchemy stuff. I have also been taking care of my animal friends mostly.” Fluttershy said to Ed.

"The alchemy is mainly for closing up cuts and stuff like destroyed skin," Ed shrugged. "Mainly quick patch jobs in the field. The more advanced stuff like bone mending you'll have to study under somepony as an apprentice. I can give you the knowledge easily enough but applying it in the field is the hard part."

“I see, I will keep that in mind mister Ed.” Fluttershy said.

“How is the egg?” I ask.

“Oh, it is nice and warm but it is quiet.” Fluttershy said. “The book said that's normal but this is my first um ….pokemon… egg.”

Ed blinked a couple of times, "Gave her a pokemon egg without the proper pokemon to help hatch didn't you?"

I shrug and said. “I gave her a book on pokemon care, and from what I remember from the anime they just hatch after a while.”

"You need a nurse pokemon like Chansy to look after the egg when you can't," Ed explained. "and one with Flame Body to speed up the hatching."

Fluttershy looks confused. “I do? Oh dear.” She looks worried now.

“I could use my store to buy the pokemon needed.” I offer.

"Urm…" Celestia got everyone's attention. "I believe Ed and I can help."

“Oh? Mind telling us how? I mean I know Ed can do almost anything, but what would he do to help?” I ask Celestia.

"Ed, would you get Solo and Clip please," Celestia asked.

Ed shrugged and then walked into a void portal. He had only gone a second but when he returned he had a Bastiodon on one side and a pink Solrock that happily floated over to Celestia.

"This is an example," Celestia happily snuggled her pokemon. "We have pokemon all over back home."

“Thats cool.” I pull out my omnibagdge. “Do you mind if I scan them?”

"I know Solo won't mind but," Celestia shrugged as her pink pet rock happily bumped into me to pet it. I looked at Bastiodon who was just giving me a stern flat stare. Fluttershy was silent with eyes as big as dinner plates off of getting a new animal high. "Clipeum may not like it though."

I shrug and hold up my omnibadge and scan the solrock. “That's fine, I don't get anything out of scanning them.” I then pet the pokemon with a smile.

"Anyways I have a few who want to work in nursing and hatching but our Fluttershy has all the help she needs," Ed said as two portals appear and the two pokemon entered and leave after which their portal closes, much to Fluttershy's disappointment. Suddenly a slew of pokemon tumble out of the still-open one.

“Wow, I think you broke her.” I gently poke Fluttershy who is frozen looking at all the new pokemon.

"We can let the Chansy take care of her then," Ed chuckled. He then spoke with the pokemon and told them the details to watch they were overjoyed about. "That takes care of our visits in Ponyville."

I clap my hands together. “Excellent so I suppose now we move on to either the Dragon slayer magic or the floating island….speaking of do you think my Celestia and Luna would be upset if I pretty much took their old castle and made it part of my floating island? Oh, wait no I can't do that, the tree of harmony is too close to the castle.” I facepalm as we leave Fluttershy’s place.

“If we did take the castle that would leave the tree exposed.” I said to them as we walked down the path.

"Why don't you just take the castle and not the land it's on," Celestia asked.

"She has a point there," Ed agreed. "Let's check on the slayer then we'll head up to Canterlot. We still have to see Greed. Who knows," Ed shrugged. "Maybe your princess will be in a good enough mood to give ya the castle. If not then I'll just make it from the ground up."

I shrug and say. “I just want it for bragging rights, honestly I was alway a Luna fan more than a Celestia fan, no offence.” I said then continued. “I would feel better if we talked with Luna about the castle thing, but knowing my luck we will have to find Celestia to find Greed.”

"None taken," Celestia giggled. " Luna is actually much prettier than me in my personal opinion and she has the whole dark beautiful mysterious night thing going for her too. I want a big block of Sharp Cheddar."

Ed gave his girl a block of cheese, "Technically they share ownership so you'd have to ask both of them anyways." Ed pointed out as we suddenly arrive back at the inner castle.

I look around and then frown. “Show off, and before you start Celestia, no I do not have a crush on Luna, I was just a fan of her tv counterpart, but I do respect the version of her I know.” I said to her.

"I wafmt gomma sah anothin," She said with a mouth full of cheese.

"First off honey, manners. I know you're pregnant but don't talk with your mouth full," Ed rolled his eyes. "And Secondly, I didn't feel like tracking through the forest again. Third. You have lacrima." He pointed to several different colored crystal balls under the generator in a tray."

“Oh cool, I wonder if they work like skill books or if I have to absorb them another way.” I said picking up one that looked like it had a fire inside it.

"You have to have it physically implanted into your body," Ed said bluntly.

“Um...do you mean like surgery?” I ask.

"Yes I do," Ed nodded. "There's a really easy way to do this with virtually no to very little pain at first," he said, I gulped. "I can just phase it into your body using one of my powers. It'll hurt like you are being torn apart after the magic activates. Technically you will be remade into near-peak physical condition, more muscle, and a bigger body., Want to do it?"

“Hmmm.” I look at the orb then back to Ed and nod. “Just be sure to give me a health potion after each stone otherwise you could end up taking out all my life points doing this.” I said then equip the spell gauntlet. Then I sit down and sigh. “Need to go through my chest or back?”

"I'll do your back," Ed shrugged. "That way ya won't feel it at first. Also, a health potion won't do squat. You're not taking damage but an upgrade. Ready?" He asked and I nodded hesitantly as the lacrimas for fire, metal, ice, water, air, poison, and lightning all floated behind me. "1… 2!" I felt a cold sensation throughout my body and then nothing. "My parts done," Ed dusted his hand together and he summoned a vigorous healing potion for me and set it down. "Pain should start soon. Just grin and bear it."

I wait for a minute then shrugged. “I’m not feeling any-” I feel a shot of hot lava down my spine. “Aahh fuck!” My claws dig into the stone I’m sitting on as I growl out the pain.

New skill.
Skill: fire dragon slayer magic.
This skill allows the user to wield fire as a weapon and fight like the fire dragons from Fior. The user can consume any fire except his own to replenish his MP.

Cost varies on the type of move used. Lowest 100 MP maximum 1000 MP

Plus 10 points to Strength due to Fire dragon slayer magic.

New skill.
Skill: Metal dragon slayer magic.
This skill allows the user to turn parts of their body into metal weapons and fight like the metal dragons from Fior. The user can consume any metal except his own to replenish his MP.

Cost varies on the type of move used. Lowest 100 MP maximum 1000 MP

Plus 10 points to Strength due to Metal dragon slayer magic.

New skill.
Skill: Ice dragon slayer magic.
This skill allows the user to wield ice as a weapon and fight like the ice dragons from Fior. The user can consume any ice except his own to replenish his MP.

Cost varies on the type of move used. Lowest 100 MP maximum 1000 MP

Plus 10 points to Strength due to Ice dragon slayer magic.

New skill.
Skill: water dragon slayer magic.
This skill allows the user to wield water as a weapon as well as turn parts of their bodies into water and fight like the water dragons from Fior. The user can consume any water except his own to replenish his MP.

Cost varies on the type of move used. Lowest 100 MP maximum 1000 MP

Plus 10 points to Strength due to Water dragon slayer magic.

New skill.
Skill: Air dragon slayer magic.
This skill allows the user to wield Air as a weapon and fight like the air dragons from Fior. The user can consume any air except his own to replenish his MP.

Cost varies on the type of move used. Lowest 100 MP maximum 1000 MP

Plus 10 points to Strength due to Air dragon slayer magic.

New skill.
Skill: Poison dragon slayer magic.
This skill allows the user to breathe out poison gas as a weapon and fight like the poison dragons from Fior. The user can consume any poison except his own to replenish his MP.

Cost varies on the type of move used. Lowest 100 MP maximum 1000 MP

Plus 10 points to Strength due to Poison dragon slayer magic.

New skill.
Skill: Lightning dragon slayer magic.
This skill allows the user to wield lightning as a weapon and fight like the lightning dragons from Fior. The user can consume any electricity except his own to replenish his MP.

Cost varies on the type of move used. Lowest 100 MP maximum 1000 MP

Plus 10 points to Strength due to Lightning dragon slayer magic.

“Fuck that was painful.” I said wheezing then I swipe the screens away.

"I Offer a congrats drink but I don't want to tempt Tia," Ed said to me. "How ya feel?"

I look myself over and smirk. “I feel a lot stronger! Though now I need to level up more to even out all my stats.” I said. “Also I don't drink alcohol.”

“I know ya don’t drink,” Ed chuckled as he shook his head, “Any way, let’s get you moving around. We got things to do.”

I nod and stand up and stretch. “Alright, let’s go scare the shit out of a punk.” I look myself over and frown and shrink my body to look like my old self.