• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,649 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 17

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The golden eyed sage part two of six

I chuckle as Luna and Ed’s Celestia are laughing at the male six I am showing them along with the names for each of them. “Yeah, some of the fans decided to make up a what-if, of a gender-swapped Equestria, oh speaking of that.” I smirk and change the image to show a male Celestia and Luna. “Say hello to prince Solaris and prince Artemis.”

“Showing them rule 63.” Ed commented with a smirk as he kissed his wife’s cheek. “Good news, nothing new to report, bad news is I have found multiple ties to the cult throughout this world. I also managed to find the coordinates for the humans' homeworld.” He looked at me. “It’s nothing but ice and snow, but everything they left is still intact.”

I rub my chin and say to Ed. “In order of your comments, I only showed them clean images I promise. Damn seems I’ll have to do some grinding soon, and finally, I know it's a big request but could you fix that planet? Give it a sun and a stable orbit or maybe just put it in a storage pocket thing, where I can go to it anytime I want?” I look at Ed and snap my fingers and make a shadow clone. “You head home, we are close to finishing Fable.” The clone salutes me and then puts two fingers to his forehead closing his eyes. After a few seconds, he disappears.

“Don’t worry I trust you man. I can’t do a whole lot for that place Del." Ed shook his head. “There’s already a young star and the orbit is totally fine. The humans there did it to themselves by blanketing the planet with a thick smog from their machines. Maybe I could clear it up after I analyze the chemical makeup of the smog but it would take a long time for it to be able to sustain life again.” He explained. “I’ll do what I can for it if that’s what you want. I already sent Blaze the Coordinates for you to travel there and scavenge tech. And what Fable?”

“Thanks, their tech could come in handy later, and fable is a video game.” I chuckle at Ed's look of annoyance so I explain. “One of the side effects of my powers is that when I finish a game’s story mode I get a reward in exchange for erasing the save data so far every reward I've gotten has been an item of some kind.”

“I know the game, one of the first greats when it came to true good or evil outcome choices." Ed rolled his eyes. “I played them all except the bullcrap fourth one for the Kinect. That just closed up the story and set it up for a would-be series of another that never came because the series took a huge flop after the third release. Oh, looks like our guest is waking up.”

I look down at my Celestia and back up slightly as she starts to wake up and groans as she stands up. “What happened?” She then looks up and her eyes widen when she sees Ed, Ed’s Celestia, and me. “You!”

“Sister that's enough.” Luna said with a strong voice. “I know what you have done.”

“Be still or you’ll hurt yourself.” Ed scolded Celestia. “It’s time you listened and answered.”

Celestia is about to say something but Luna stomps her hoof hard enough to make large cracks appear around her hoof. “No, you will listen, sister. You killed a whole species they were refugees and you destroyed them.”

“I understand your anger for them at lose of your son." Ed looked at the princess and her pupils shrank and her eyes went wide. “I lost my own child to war not too long ago, though I did know who did it and could go after them personally and still do. You on the other hand killed innocents to sate your rage and thirst for punishment. Tell us why?”

Celestia grit her teeth so hard I could hear them grinding against themselves. “Those monsters attacked us, every attempt at communication ended in death. They were destroying the island with their pollution and poisoning the sea. They were nothing but beings of chaos no better than Discord.” She glares at me.

I sigh and close my eyes then said. “Princess, not every human is like that, and both sides were being played by an outside source.” I show her the necklace.

She looks at it confused and then asked. “What does the necklace of the order of nobles have to do with this?”

“There’s a noble family with this emblem?” Ed looked at her.

Celestia frowns. “A few noble families, they are a small group that helps keep order across Equestria, But what do they have to do with the humans? The group wasn't founded till around three hundred years ago.” Celestia looks at Luna. “See Luna, they are trying to confuse us.”

“Don’t you dare try and justify yourself." Ed's wife had come over and slapped the shit out of her other self. “My husband has done nothing but try and help you and you scorn him for being a human and the same for Deltorix. You committed genocide in the name of your son. You killed innocent life that had nothing to do with him. You will not twist the words and worm your way out of this." She said in outright rage. “I’ve seen many more things than you in my life and Edward has seen more than that. He did something…” Tears started to fall from her eyes. “That breaks most. He killed a stallion he considered his son to keep our world safe!” She stomped off.

Luna and Celestia looked at the alchemist who was dead silent. “I’ll be back in a minute Del, I... I ah… should go get her..” He walked off.

I take a deep breath before nodding to Ed. “Take your time.” I said to him then I turned to Celestia with a frown. “I have always shown you respect when I'm not just pulling a prank, even when you threaten me.” I close my eyes. “But with what you have done, you have lost all my respect. Celestia, starting today you have until Twilight becomes an alicorn or until Luna decides, to tell the world the truth. If you do not then I will show them the proof I have.” I frown and hold out a hand.

“I honestly don't want us to be enemies, Princess. So please talk with your sister and Cadence.” I think about it and then add. “As a show of good faith, I will tell you the crystal empire will return after Shining Armor and Cadence's wedding.”

Ed soon came back but his wife was staying a good distance away. “She’ll be okay. Hormones plus an emotional outburst got the best of her." Luna tilted her head. “We’re excepting our first in about four and a half months, though I didn’t find out till about a week and a half ago. Been busy with Displaced stuff and my brothers need their butts saved back to back.”

I chuckle and smile. “Well, you are now the older brother, right? So it is understandable you have to make sure they don’t get themselves in a hole they can’t dig out of.” I said to Ed.

“Oh my, your wife is pregnant? I didn't even realize.” Luna said.

My Celestia slowly stands up fully and looks down at the ground. “I am going home...don't hurt my ponies.” Celestia tried to leave but Ed stopped her.

“Wait a moment please." Ed held up the medallion. “These are true perpetrators of the conflict with the humans Princess. They’re a cult that worships an ancient dragon god of war and they’re made up of more than just ponies. Their goal is conflict pure and simple. They took your son. I know it's touchy for you and that you can’t stand us but was he an alicorn or normal pony or something more?”

Celestia closes her eyes as they begin to fill with tears. “He was an earth pony and did not have the spark to ascend. He was one of my best ambassadors, but when I sent him to the island he never returned.”

Ed looked at me and then at the princess. “He may still be alive. When we went back in time there was a changeling among the humans. Even if your son was an earth pony he is still your son and would have a very much prolonged life, say about five hundred years to reach his true upper eighties.” She looked at Ed, a light of hope in her eyes. “If there is a noble house with this symbol as its crest they’d need a true bloodline in order to walk with ponies as nobles. If they used changelings to keep him alive and hypnotized he could be being used as a breeder and once his job as one is done he’d be put back in a stasis cocoon as a food sore as well. That is what I theorize at least.” He gave her the necklace. “You should look into this house and their holdings across history. Perhaps test the genetics every fifty years back. Compare the results to your own genetic code and the life spans. If they are indeed using your child the genetics will match yours to a twenty-five or great percent ratio.”

Celestia looks like she is about to cry from joy but also heartbreak as she thanks Ed I think to myself. ‘I wonder if I can use the stone in my inventory to communicate with Ed psychically like I did with lust.’ I rub my chin.

“I do hope your boy is still alive Princess." Ed gave her a concerned look. “If you can I would try and get your family away from that cult. If they have been using your boy like that it means you weren’t nearly as alone as you thought and that you’re a grandmother several times over by now.” Her eyes widen with a realization. “By that look, it seems you just had a revelation. They stole your family and you need to start looking now.” She teleported away as soon as he’d said that. “Unfortunately I don’t think that will quell her hate for humans too much but it will give her some much-needed hope.” He looked at Luna. “I don’t like hurting creatures and I try to help them as much as I can if they can be saved, no matter what they’ve done.”

Luna nods and smiles softly. “Thank you, I should go help my sister with her search.”

I lift my hand. “Luna, before you go, try to get a description of what her son looks like. I'll have my connections and my clones start searching the planet. Just don't tell her I am.” I wink with a smirk.

“I wish you luck in your endeavor Luna and know that you can call me anytime you need my help." He held out a watch with a red background and moon on it. “It's not like the one Del has. It specifically works for you to call me directly. And just think, you have a lot of family that needs you too.” She took the watch and smiled.

“You best go.” Ed’s wife said as she came over having calmed down enough to speak again. “She’ll need a shoulder to cry on and somepony to be there for her right now.”

Luna nods and smiles at Ed’s Celestia. “Thank you.” Then she turned to Ed. “And thank you, Sir Ed, your help will hopefully lead us to my sister’s happiness and we can find our family.” Luna then nuzzled both of them before teleporting away.

“Well, now that those two are gone and I have more info on this world…” I slump and groan. “I have even more questions!”

“Then ask them." Tia giggled. “No pony gets anywhere on keeping silent Del.”

“True.” I said then stand up and roll my eyes. “For now I'll just settle for what I can get. Ed, while you work on those dragon slayer lacrima could you also try to give me some tips on how to improve my shadow clones? At the moment I can create up to forty of them but they still all have one HP and unfortunately because of my gamer power they're somewhat limited. They can only gain experience for the shadow clone skill, skills that require chakra, or skills that require no energy at all. Skills that require other types of energy they can't earn experience for I can get skills using them but once I get them I can't earn any experience with them.”

“Yea I can do something about that.” He said as he made a few hand signs. “Particle Style: Body fission.” Suddenly Ed split into two. “This Me.” The new one pointed at himself. “Is only a small sliver of myself and should have more than enough power to spar with your clones and teach them some chakra control without killing them outright.” The original spoke. “Or I could kick your ass with some killer training or boost you with a high toxic chakra fruit. You’re pick.”

I blink and scratch my cheek. “I think I'll take the fruit, but have health potions handy please.”

“All right." Ed 1 shrugged as he reached into a ripple and pulled out an ox blood-red glowing fruit. “Eat up.” He tossed it to me. “And here you Max Healing potion.” Ed 2 pulled out a large teardrop-shaped red bottle and handed it to me. “All you now bud.”

I look at it then shrug and eat the fruit and after I finish chewing I swallow it. “Hopefully my gamer powers will keep this from hurting.” As soon as I finish saying that I feel a burning, I gasp as chakra surges around me and the ground around me burns a little. I see my life points going down so I grab the health potion getting ready to drink it if my life points get too low.

I grant as my life points get dangerously low before I drink the health potion. “Ok, the burning is over let's see.” I see I got a few pop-ups and read them while using illusion magic to make them visible to them.

New Skill: sharingan.
- One of the three great dojutsu that allows the wielder to copy even the slightest of movements at the lowest level of power to being able to predict and mimic precise control over most living things and pierce through nearly all illusions. A base power of the eye is to see the flow of chakra in a body.

Costs 500 Chakra per minute of use.

New skill: sage of six paths.
As a form of senjutsu, this ability grants similar benefits to Sage Mode, though the user's sensing capabilities are increased to a far greater extent, to the point where they can even sense shadows in the invisible world of Limbo. They also gain a complete comprehension of chakra, including the ability to use all five basic nature transformations and make perfect use of Yin–Yang Release, as well as an almost unconscious mastery of the floating ability used by the Sage of Six Paths. When one awakens Six Paths Senjutsu, they also obtain a number of Truth-Seeking Balls.

Costs 1000 chakra per minute of use.

plus 10 Points to Dexterity due to the skill sage of six paths.

“Looks like it worked in some ways." the Eds said in unison. “You now have two tomo in each eye!”

“I do? Holy crap.” I said surprised then used some water bending to form some water then turned it into some ice to make a mirror and look at myself.

“Nice look on you Del.” Tia complimented. “Perhaps now you’ll have the confidence to ask Fluttershy out on a date.”

I frown and look at Ed’s Celestia. “I don't need any confidence because I’m not interested in a partner yet.” I look back at my ice mirror and focus then my eyes return to normal. “Ah better, now I’m not constantly using chakra.”

“One of the powers of the Six paths is the user can absorb chakra and the jutsus of others to replenish their power.” Ed One noted. “And another allows you to revive the dead completely but it will either kill the user if used on a wide scale or kill someone else in exchange, upside if you can choose who dies.” Ed 2 added.

I whistle and say. “Well that's good, it would save me a wish.”

The Eds shrugged. “It's still a high price to pay.” They said in unison. “Another useful skill is puppet body.” They held out their left hand and out came a black rod of some kind. “These rods are chakra receivers. Living or dead, if someone or something has these rods embedded in them you can control them. Another note is when you control another living creature or dead body is that you are visually linked to that person or body and have access to their abilities in that body but not your original body. The visual link leaves no blind spots unless the eyes are damaged.”

“Your main body is the only one who can use all the paths or the body you select for a set path is the only one that can use that path, being six individuals at once." The eds took turns explaining. “But you can still control more than six living or dead bodies at a time and be visually linked to them. The rest you’ll have to figure out on your own.”

I rub my chin and nod as I listen to Ed. “Alright, I'll have to level up my skills, thank you for these skills.” I smile and rub my hands together. “Do you know if any of the dragon slayer magics will be ready before the dragon migration?”

“Depends on what you want to use for seed material in that department.” Ed one snapped and a machine that looked like it was transmuted with a piece of limestone appeared. “All yours, I built when I was in the time chamber back home while training some of my revived Crimson Order to be power rangers.”

“Oh? Sounds cool, maybe I can see them in action someday. For seed material, what do I need exactly? Because I got a few gems and other things but most of it is junk but I can use some bits to buy anything I need.” I said as I make as many clones as I can and they all walk off to start leveling up different skills.

“Whatever you want really." The Eds shrugged. “Organic materials work the best and are the fastest to grow but can be weaker due to their fast growth rate, most synthetic stuff takes forever to grow but yields the strongest magics due to longer growth period.”

I rub my chin and pull out of my inventory a couple of zombie teeth and a few jewels. “Well I got this but how about I use something unique like this.” I pull out the super mushroom.

The alchemist and Tia both gave me a deadpan stare. “Dude, that is like the worst thing you could try and put in the generator. Is a magic artifact creation machine not a power spawner." Ed one said. “And it won't even fit and now you can use it as it’s a power-up. It has to be real material.”

I nod and smile as I pull out a small bar of Baskar steel. “How about this? If I keep messing up it is because when I think of seed material, I think metals or something like that they can grow into something else.”

“Yes you can use metals as seed material but I don’t recommend using baskar.” Ed two said. “You want things available on this planet and not rare out the ass even in star wars.”

I nod and use fire bending to make a fireball. “Can I use elements like fire?”

“Fire is an extremely tricky element for the generator.” Ed one said. “You have to supply a constant supply of fire without it ever going out and no fuel and just straight flames. But it’s still doable.”

I rub my chin and think then make an ice ball, buy a piece of steel, a fire, and thunder stone. “Think these evolution stones would work? I also have this ice ball, a piece of steel and I'm going to try something, step back.” I stomp my foot and close my eyes as I focus on my earth bending and twist my wrist forcing the ground in front of me to melt together until it starts glowing red hot and turned into hot lava. “Yes! I did it!”

New Sub Skill: Lava bending.
Lava bending is a specialized sub-skill of earth bending that allows the user to manipulate molten earth. This rare ability allows the bender to phase-change earth into lava, lava into earth, and otherwise manipulate existing lava with great dexterity.

This skill requires no energy.

“Stones won’t work unless you want something akin to say a fire ruby dragon slayer." Ed two explained. “Lave is trickier to get right than fire is.”

“Oh? Well damn well, at least I got lava bending.” I said then call some of my clones over. “My clones can make the fire one, for now, how about metal, and ice?”

“Metal won’t be a problem. Just use ordinary metals like iron or copper." Ed one said. “Ice is also tricky due to having to maintain it constantly but if you use a piece that you have a clone keep frozen with water bending you’ll be fine.”

“Alright, how about I use gold? Equestria has a ton of it and I can always use my loot if I need to.” I asked while pulling out a bag of bits.

“Anything will work pretty much." Ed two added. “The trick is the more element powers and maintaining the seed material. Lightning would probably be the hardest other than fire as you have to keep it from completely discharging it to the liquid mana. Gold is easy but I don’t recommend it. It's a very heavy and very soft metal like lead.”

I rub my head. “Ok how about this, I list off what I want, and you tell me the best seed material.” I said to Ed.

“Sure.” The Eds shrugged. “But that can be later. For now just do some common stuff like fire, earth, metal, ice, wood, etc.” Ed two walked over to the generator and leaned on it. “You can have one of your clones tell me where your base is and we’ll bring it there. I can make some of the harder-to-maintain lacrimas so you don’t have to.” Ed one continued. “I want to see the girls and have a tour of your Ponyville. I know Tia wants to leave this castle too.”

“Please.” She looked at me. “This place isn't a very fond place for me, even if we have a lot of good memories here.”

I rub the back of my neck and point to the smithy partly inside the castle. “I kinda took over here, but yeah my clones and yours can work on those.” I then point back to town. “So walk through the woods or portal?”

“Your call.” Ed one said. “I’d prefer less of a spectacle but I won’t be wearing a disguise this time around either. Tia is my priority as well. So whatever you decide is how we’ll play it. I think Celestia will stay off our case for a good while anyways.”

I nod and say. “We can take a walk, not like anything in this forest could hurt us.” I then activate my kamigami no sugata and say. “I’m gonna try to level up my eyes while we walk.”

“You do you buddy.” Ed one said as he walked next to his wife and we left the castle.

We walk through the forest and fold my arms behind my head. “Say Ed, how is your family?”

“Well, Asta is going to be a dad with Fluttershy soon as well as dating his Applejack and Twilight who just ascended like mine. He just had his coronation and is officially taking the title of the Black King of the Black Clover Kingdom and he unlocked the first release for both his swords." Ed said. “He also met with a deuce of a demon prince and gained a soul reaper badge and got fullbring powers. Gar is a parasite-demon fairy king Saiyan and dating the Twilight of his and helping her start a school of friendship, His world is also directly linked to the deuce of a prince and they fight demons. The idiot nearly killed himself to stop one of the Six Knights of Black. My nieces and nephew were facing their own villains and being put through the ringer too. That's about it. Back home things are quiet right now other than the baby on the way.” Tia blushed.

I nod and let out a whistle. “Damn, busy lot your family is.” I say in a Yoda impression. “I may have to meet your last brother one day, who knows what kind of skills I could get from him.” I flick my wrist and a rock goes flying into a bush and it scares off something.

I look over to Ed. “You said earlier that you got soul reaper powers right?”

“Thanks to a certain red dragon sharing his spiritual pressure skill." Ed smirked.

“Do hurry up please." Tia said a little irritated.

I nod and start floating. “Right, well do you know how to get one of those swords?” I ask Ed as I make a hexagonal shield laying flat in front of Celestia. “If you want I can lift you out of here and to town faster.”

“I’m perfectly capable of walking young man.” Tia scolded me. “It’s been some time since I last walked through the forest and I do wish to enjoy it.”

“Let her be Del, we’re not far from the town and she is more than capable of handling anything that pops up." Ed waved to me. “As for the sword, I had to be controlled by Malice for mine to even activate then defeat the bastard to unlock it and my hollowfication. Mine is so strong that I only have Bankai. I also have my mask but that's neither here nor there.”

I shrug and the shield fades away. “Fair enough, I was just trying to be nice.” I sigh and fly on my back. “Damn, maybe I'll have to go to the world of Bleach to get a sword, and yes I forgot what they are called.”

“Seireitei.” Ed smirked. “Go see Asta then. He has a buddy that was Displaced as Ichigo in the Seireitei in his world. He’s always been a better fighter than me anyways. Manifests his swords in the physical world through sheer will alone and his katana are also Nichiren blades from Demon Slayer.”

I nod and rub my chin. “I will have to do that, maybe try something I have been wanting to try.” I flip over and land. “Ed, please don't tease me but how can I be friends with Luna without accidentally getting into a relationship? I would rather not start drama with relationships yet.”

“I’m not really the best person when it comes to this sort of advice but I’ll give my take on it." Ed sighed. “Yes, you can be friends with anybody and not be in a relationship. Whether or not you choose to pursue them romantically is not totally up to you though. If the creature in question has feelings for you then you should both sit down and talk about how you both feel and what exactly it is that you want and if you two or more should move on or act on those feelings.”

“I fell in love with Ed when I was still very young and he was our teacher but I thought if I acted on my feelings for someone who helped raise me I would be looked down upon, by not just him but my people.” Tia added. “Looking back on when Edward left the first time I deeply regretted not even saying anything to the point I buried my feelings and forgot about him in doing so. Luna to forgot but never loved Ed beyond that of a mentor which is why it was easier for her to tell him how she felt after he’d returned from his travels.”

I listen to both of them and nod. “I get what you are both saying I do, and will try to keep an open mind about things but, right now I’m just trying to make friends, hell I couldn't even finish Twilight’s hearts warming gift because I couldn't figure out wind magic.” I said while showing them the wind reader glasses. “That and these obviously won't fit a Pony's face.”

“Did you try an adhesion spell?” Tia asked. “Or a simple sticky spell even? Just apply it to the arms and the bridge.”

“A velcro spell would be the best.” Ed countered. “Will only stick to her face as long as it’s connected to it and won’t adhere permanently.” He pointed out as Tia looked away with a bit of a blush on her face.

I nod and pull out a notebook and write down the spells' names to look for them. “Alright, I'll look for those spells later.” Then I put the book and glasses away as we exited the forest.

“Where shall we go first?” Tia asked.

“Twilight I say, she’s the closest.” Ed looked at me.

I nod and take a step before a pop-up shows up. I smirk and press yes. “Seems my clone finished Fable one.”

Congratulations for finishing [Fable]
By finishing this game you can sacrifice the saved data for that game for a reward
Would you like to sacrifice your saved data?
Yes? No?

After I pressed yes the screen disappears and a flurry of pixels drops off a gauntlet. I walk over and pick it up. “Huh, let’s see what you are, observe.” I use illusion magic so Ed and his Celestia can read it too.

Heal Life spell gauntlet. Level 1 magic item.
This allows the caster to trade in his magical energy for health at a rate of one MP to one HP. Health can also be passed on to non-hostile entities in the vicinity. Higher levels provide more health with each use. This item can level up.
Costs 100 MP per second of use.
Item is reward item from the game fable.

“Huh, so this item levels up. That is a first for me.” I said while trying to put it on but my arm is too bulky for it. I try shrinking but then it is too loose, I frown and sigh. “I'll have to ask Rarity to take a look at this later.”

“Good thing we’re going to see all of the girls then." Ed said as we arrived in town. Many of the ponies had started to stare, I was used to it by now but Ed’s wife seemed uncomfortable. “Pay them no mind Tia. I know the stare is discerning but they aren’t used to humans.”

“It’s not that it's more embarrassing than anything.” She rubbed her arm. “I haven’t been stared at like this since I first raised the sun back home, and the library. It looks smaller than the one back home though.”

“Probably because it is dear.” Ed chuckled. “Twilight is a pony pony here and our Twi lives with her fiance and their daughter. Not to mention Spike still stays over from time to time too.” He looked at me. “You better knock.”

I nod and knock two times then walk on in and say. “I'm surprised how many people forget that this is a public space as well, as long as the sign says it is open you can walk right in.” And point at the open sign.

“It’s still also somepony’s home Del." Tia scolded me. “It’s a little thing called being courteous. Okay?”

“I know, but until I can buy my own plot of land I live here too.” I tell her and then smile when I see Twilight and wave. “Hi Twilight, you remember Ed, and this is his wife, Princess Celestia.” She stares at Celestia with wide eyes, then she sits down and closes her eyes.

“Deltorix, why do you keep surprising me like this?” Twilight asked, then sighs. “Spike is ready for his training by the way.”

“Right, I’ll get to that soon.” I told her.

“Hello.” Tia said. “As you heard I’m Ed’s wife and the Celestia from his world. It’s nice to meet you.” She gave a very warm smile. “Oh you're so cute, all I want to do is snuggle you!”

“Hello Twilight, how have things been for you?” Ed waved as a pair of chairs appeared and the couple sat down.

Twilight blushes lightly and coughs into her hoof. “Oh um, I have been well thank you for asking Ed. But I do have a question about something Deltorix showed me.”

“By all means ask him." Ed pointed at me.

“Do you mind if we have some mint and lavender tea?” Celestia asked the pony. “Craving is gnawing at me.”

Twilight nods and heads into the kitchen. She starts making tea from the sound of it. “Actually Ed it is a question for you. Deltorix showed me these two boys who lost their mother, and I noticed one of them looked a lot like you.” She came back with the tea. “What I’m wondering is, was he just using your image, or did you really do that?”

“Twilight.” Ed said calmly. “I am the one with that boy’s image. I have indeed worked with souls and placing them in bodies but they were the souls of the living. But I have never worked with the souls of the dead but I do have spells that deal in reanimating corpses as living dead but not truly alive. They eventually run out of magic and turn to ash.”

Twilight’s ears fold down. “Oh, I'm so sorry for bringing up bad memories. I have been working on alchemy and can now make small solid figures out of one material.”

“So Twilight, how was the rest of the party last night?” I ask her, then Ed elbows me and I frown.

“There is nothing to be sorry about little one." Ed waved it off. “I’m glad to hear that you have been aspiring to be an alchemist and I’m glad to hear that you. Weary of the dark side of the work. Perhaps one day you can even study alchemagic like my own Twilight. She will be a bit busier due to recent events and the fact that she has to plan her wedding but I know she will still study hard like you will." He smiled.

“What’s this about a party I heard?” Celestia said playfully.

“Oh, last night was hearts warming here, and the royal sisters had a party for twilight and her friends, and one of them invited me to come along with it was a good chance for me to give them gifts.” I told her.

"Well, that certainly explains all of the decorations and the snow." Celestia gave a light chuckle. "Where is Spike at? Perhaps reading some new comics?"

“Actually I’m in the kitchen!” Spike yelled from the kitchen. “I’m making dinner, and did I hear that right? Your Twilight is getting married?”

I smirk at Twilight as she starts to blush. “Why is that so surprising Spike?” I ask while staring at Twilight.

“Well let’s just say there is a good reason why I am the one that always cooks.” Spike said.

"Yes Twilight is getting married or at least she will be in a few months." Celestia giggled. "I'm so proud of her and Polearm. Then there is Nyx, I was weary of her at first but I'm so glad she was born. I'm especially proud of our Spike. He's grown into an outstanding young drake."

Twilight looks confused and asks. “Who is Nyx? I don't think I have ever heard of them.”

I rub my chin and look at Ed. “Go ahead, she knows about the other Equestrias so she could understand.”

"Nyx is the product of a somewhat successful but failed attempt at the revival of Nightmare Moon." Ed explained to Twilight's horror. "A cult made of Nightmare Moon possessed ponies tried to revive her by using several magics and Twilight's blood with the remains of Moon's armor as catalysts. The ritual was interrupted before Moon could form but enough was done to call forth a little alicorn filly in her shape. Though she looks like Nightmare she is far from what the evil look like. Being it was Twilight's blood that was the living catalyst that gave Nyx form that makes Twilight her mom by default."

“That is so scary but also sad. Did my other self take her in?” Twilight asked as Spike walked in with sandwiches and drinks.

“Nyx calls our Twilight mom outright.” Celestia smiled. “She is quite happy living at the library with Twilight and Polearm. Pole officially became her stepfather not long after they started living together. She plays with Morning Star and Solar Eclipse quite often.”

“That sounds adorable.” I say then hiss in pain and hold my eyes as they sting. “Well, I think my eyes just leveled up again.” I open them and pull up my skills and use illusion magic so they can read it too.

Skill: Kamigami no Sugata [Sight of the Gods] (active & passive)
Next level:0%
This skill is an ocular ability created by Deltorix, the user can see through solid objects up to 7 feet and the player’s field of vision is expanded to 270° in every direction.
Costs 500 points from all energies for the first minute, then an additional 100 points for each minute after that.

First tomo: lock on: level 1 This ability lets you lock onto a target and keeps it in your sights and increases the chance of hitting it.

Second tomo: Bullet time: level 1 This Ability allows you to speed up your perception when aiming a projectile weapon and allows you to lock onto one target.

“They are quite the trio.” Ed rubbed the back of his head. “Looks like ya got some good stuff.”

“In all honesty When I think of all the children playing together I can’t help but laugh.” Celestia placed a hand on her stomach. “I wonder what our child will be. A colt or a filly? I told Ed no peeking as I want to find out when they’re born.”

I peek and smirk. “I see, well I'm sure whatever they are they will be happy.”

Twilight and Spike both looked at Celestia with looks of confusion. I chuckle and say. “Ed’s Celestia is pregnant, and Ed here is the father.”

“I’m married to both of the girls back in my world.” Ed chuckled. “And I and Luna are the parents of Morning Star and Solar Eclipse.”

“And our Spike is also my adopted son.” Celestia added. “He’s been trained by Edward in magic, fighting, and what he at the most, gemstone alchemy.”

Spike's eyes light up. “So I'm super cool and tough? Not just waiting back at the library for Twilight and her friends to save the day?”

“Far from it young drake." Ed pointed at Spike with a smirk. “You actually no longer live at the library in our world but you moved in with your girlfriend." Spike’s eyes got wide. “You also helped save the world nearly a week ago from my Demon known as Malice.”

Spike grins and jumps around. “So cool! I bet I kicked that demon's butt!” He started play fighting around.

I chuckle and shake my head. “You'll get there one day but I'll give you the first step in your training if Ed here is willing to make a training gi for you.” I make a picture of Spike in an orange and blue gi appear. “What do you say, Ed? I'd say about five pounds for the wristbands and boots and ten pounds for the undershirt?”

“Hehe… sure." Ed snickered as the specific gi formed around the dragon. “I recommend you take it is little fella. An extra twenty pounds is a lot of weight even if it’s distributed evenly.”

“Thanks Ed, and now for my part.” I pull out my omni badge and aim it at Spike. “Omni badge splice in a small amount of Saiyan DNA.” The omni badge fires a beam at Spike and when it fades nothing changed.

“You really think that's a good idea?” Ed raised an eyebrow. “The kid’s a dragon like you. Though he doesn’t have the gamer body he is still a species that already excels at fighting. I would not change him at all but build on what’s there already.”

“That's why I only gave him a small amount, enough to help him catch up with me.” I tell Ed then smile at Spike. “Enjoy tonight because I'm gonna start your training tomorrow, and the only times you'll be allowed to remove that is when you're in the bathroom and when you're sleeping.”

Spike nods and slowly walks around in his new outfit. I take this chance to send a message to Ed using the stone in my inventory. ‘Ed, he is going to be my backup plan, if I ever go overboard he will take me down.’ I Then look over and smile as Ed’s Celestia and Twilight and talking.

’Good plan but I’d also make the kid sleep in the undershirt, it’ll help him develop stronger breathing and help him grow used to using larger breathes’ Ed mentally noted. “So Twilight.” Ed got the pony’s attention. “Have you started to ask the right questions?”

She bushes lightly and shakes her head. “Not exactly all I've done is research so far I haven't had the courage to ask Celestia.” I walk over to spike and tell him the new order about sleeping in the undershirt.

“Twilight.” Tia pulled the little pony’s attention to her. “You need to speak up and be much more open with your teacher. My Twilight was almost lost because I doubted her when she was asking the right questions. If it hadn’t been for Ed we wouldn’t have found her. Tell me, why are you afraid?”

Twilight fidgets a bit and looks down. “I um...well, I'm afraid I will fail her and she will kick me out of the school or worse banish me, or throw me in jail or throw me in jail in the place she banishes me to!” Twilight starts panicking and hyperventilating.

I sigh and look at Ed while I think to him. ‘Oh great she is Twilighting.’

Ed motioned to the pony with his head. “Twilight calm yourself." Tia wrapped her arms around the little pony. “It’s okay. I know it's hard to ask someone questions like those that need to be asked. Especially if the pony is someone you’ve idolized since you were small and is now your teacher." She pulled away and looked into Twilight’s eyes with a warm smile. “But those questions lead to answers that must be heard and someone must ask them. If those closest to us do not take a stand when someone needs to be in our way then we are no less than nothing.”

Twilight slowly calms down and then smiles and nods. “Ok princess, I'll take your words to heart.” She then wipes her eyes before saying. “I'm sorry for panicking.”

“It’s quite alright Twilight." Tia smiled. “I find it quite refreshing to see this side of you, even if you are from another world. My own former student no longer has such attacks due to the hellish training her other teacher has put all his students through.”

“Former?” Twilight asked.

I clear my throat. “Twilight they are from further into the future, best not ask for spoilers.”

Celestia gave a little wink. “You’ll go on to do great things Twilight and Spike will too.”

Twilight's eyes sparkle and Spike grins. “Really!?”

“Yes, you will.” Ed nodded. “Especially, if you ask the right questions and trust in your friends.” He pointed at me.

I chuckle and rub the back of my neck. “Yeah, trust Ed when he says something.” I pick up a sandwich and start eating it.

“Tell me Twilight.” Ed interlaced his fingers and leaned forward while Twilight tilted her head. “What are your feelings and thoughts about… Dark Magic?”

“Dark magic? You mean like curses and hexes? Those aren't real.” Twilight giggles. “Magic is magic, there is no good or evil magic just how it is used.”

“That’s very true little one.” Celestia nodded. “But there are such things as curses. The creature that was once known as Blueblood here and now greed is under punishing curses that Ed placed on him. Those glowing marks that cover his body are those curses. I take it your teacher never told you the truth of what happened and how he became like he is now.”

Twilight shakes her head looking confused. “I saw Blueblood yesterday but he was oddly quiet until Deltorix came with his friend, and Deltorix said something happened but he didn't tell me.”

I sigh and shake my head. “I guess Celestia silenced the news.”

“Not surprised seeing as it was her darling Nephew and what had happened to him was done by the hands of an evil human.” Ed leaned his head against his right hand. “Should I tell her or do you want to?”

“I think you should, when I summarize stories, I always start rambling until I have told the whole story out of order.” I told Ed, shaking my head.

Ed nodded. “What I tell you now is a state secret for this world. You are qualified to know it given your status as an Element of Harmony. Only you and your immediate circle of friends." She gulped hard and nodded. “Last time I was here my brother and I helped Del uncover an underground creature butchering operation." Twilight gasped in horror and placed her hooves over her mouth. “We found documents loading us to the source. The one who was funding it and heading the operation was Blueblood. I call him a genius if it wasn’t for the vile experiments he did to gain his power. The whole point of his ring was to turn himself into an alicorn and he was successful at the cost of many lives and innocents. I took his wings, horn, and magic completely away to never return and gave the princesses the choice of his punishment. I turned him into a homunculus and cursed him to forever serve those he tried to overthrow.”

“Blueblood did all that? I don't understand how one pony could fall so far.” Twilight said looking down.

“There will always be those who seek power by any means necessary, it's up to the ones that hold the moral high ground to show them that they are wrong.” I said then smirk and add. “And if that fails you get a badass like Ed to kick their ass.”

“Back to my earlier question young one." Ed smirked. “Would you like to be taught how to properly wield true dark magic?”

Twilight nods quickly. “I always love to learn new magic.” She lights her horn and a sandwich is pulled to her.

“Good but know the magic you’ll be learning will be taught to you by no pony less than a slave driver.” Tia smiled.

Twilight’s eyes shrank. “Don’t scare her like that Tia." Ed scolded his wife. “You will be taught by my Luna. Though she isn’t nearly as soft as Tia is either. As she does put you through the ringer and her tests are trial by fire. Knowing all this do you still want to learn under my wife?”

Twilight thinks about it for a few seconds then nods with a smile. “I will do my best to live up to her expectations.”

I look to Ed. “Try to keep the lessons when your Twilight won't be there, don't want them to meet yet.”

“She will be busy for a while with her own studies. My Twilight has already read a good portion of the Dark Library anyways.” Ed shrugged. “She never really cared for dark magic and only studied it for the sake of knowing it." He held out his hand and a black key appeared along with a crest with a crescent mont and black cross on it. “You will need these. The crest is to be worn at all times, It lets you speak with mainly Luna or I telepathically across the void. The key is the key to the Dark Library and you use it on any mirror and then step through the mirror. The crest will also shield you from dark magic corruption so never take it off.”

Twilight looks at them as picks them up and pulls them closer. “Ok, I'll be sure to do that.”

“As much as I would enjoy getting more spells I will pass on the library, No offense to you but I could accidentally absorb an old book.” I said with a shrug.

“No, ya won’t.” Tia chuckled. "Both Ed and Starswirl enchanted against theft of any kind, accidental included.”

“Besides, I never offered you a key to Luan’s library.” Ed deadpanned. “A highly emotionally unstable fire drake that burst into flames when he even gets slightly pissed in an interdimensional tower chock-full of ancient paper. Gee, I wonder what will happen?”

“Hey I don't turn into flames when I get a little mad, it only happens when I am truly pissed off.” I told Ed. “As for the second thing, when I have a book in my hands that counts as a skill book a screen will pop up asking me if I want to learn it. If I tap yes it becomes energy and is absorbed into me and I learn the spell.” I cross my arms and huff.

“It won’t work that way in Luna’s tower anyways.” Ed shrugged. “Like Tia said, there are a ton of enchantments over everything not to mention the void barrier to keep the unwanted out. Starswirl and I moved it to its own pocket in the void, thus the need for its own key and portal system." Ed then stood up and helped his wife to her feet. “It was nice to see you again Twilight and nice to see you’re progressing in alchemy but here’s a little bit of a token for working so hard." He smirked and placed a hand on Twilight’s head, I heard a quick zap and Twilight’s eyes got big for a moment. “Remember to ask the right questions, stand up for yourself, and most of all… trust in your friends and your friendships.”

“It was lovely to meet you Twilight." Tia smiled. “I’m very glad to see you’re open to learning new things and whenever you come by and see Luna for your lessons be sure to let me know.” She bent down and gave the lavender book pony a warm hug. “And don’t hide away in the books, look for love too…” She whispered causing Twilight to blush.

“I think it’s time we moved on Del” Ed looked at me.

“Yeah, I agree.” I said as I got up and opened the door for them. “So how about pinkie next?”

“That works for me.” Ed shrugged. “I bet Tia would love some sweets about now anyways.”

“Maybe…” She muttered as she fidgeted a bit while Ed smirked. We all headed onwards to Sugarcube Corner.

I put my hands behind my head and ask. “So Ed, what do you think of Twilight's progress so far?”

“Considering I was only gone for a little under a month or so she’s done very well with very little instruction.” Ed crossed his arms. “But you should continue to monitor her to make sure she doesn’t start to pursue the darker aspects. And I’ll be able to help as she’ll be coming to Lulu for regular lessons too. All in all, she’s done very well.”

I nod and smile. “Yeah, I'll do what I can. Hopefully, things calm down for me but I have a feeling I'll have to do some hunting soon.” I said to Ed as we got to Sugarcube Corner.

“You’re not in it alone Del.” Ed said. “I’m more than willing to help you where and when I can.”

I nod and pat his shoulder. “I appreciate the offer and I will call you if I get in over my head but I plan on doing most of this on my own, can't get stronger if I let everyone else do the work.”

“Hi there! What can I get ya?!” Pinkie asked after popping up behind the counter.

“Hey there pink sugar demon, how ya been?” Ed waved. “I’ll have the red velvet surprise if you please.”

“Can I have a cherry-changa?” Tia asked.

“One cherry-changa and one red velvet surprise coming up!” I blink and she is gone. I sigh and shake my head.

“She will always be this hyper I bet.” I said and looked over and found a table. “Do you two want to sit and eat or eat as we walk?”

“Pinkie is Pinkie except when she’s depressed.” Ed sighed. “Then she turns into Pinkmenia, a totally flat stone-faced pony. Let’s sit as we just had another on our list come by. Applejack is in the back I just heard her voice.”

“Oh? That saves us a trip.” I walk over and sit at the table. “Hey Ed could you use a huge robot?” I ask.

“Are you asking if I need one or if I can actually drive one?” Ed asked.

“Either, I got myself one that I can't use.” I tell Ed and lean on my hand. “Cost me a ton of money too.”

“Sorry Del.” Ed shook his head. “I have a whole collection back home so no need for it. Why can’t you use it?”

I showed him an image of Gurren Lagann. “It needs spiral power to run and I guess, with gamers body I don't have any.”

“Spiral power is just another name for evolutionary power or fighting spirit." Ed shrugged. “In the story, the beast men could pilot gunmen just fine and they did not have it either. You do still have the ability to evolve and grow stronger so you’re fine.”

I shake my head. “I was in the middle of a fight when I got it, and it wouldn't even light up when I tried to use it. I think it sees me as something like the anti-spiral.”

“All I can say is keep trying.” Ed shrugged as Pinkie came back with their orders and Applejack in tow.

I wave at them and smile. “Hey Applejack what's up?”

“Ah was just making a delivery to the Cakes.” She said tipping her hat.

“Good to see you again Applejack.” Ed waved. “Let me introduce you to my wife and one of the sisters from my world.”

“You ponies are so adorable!” Celestia giggled. “I just want to cuddle you so much!”

“Easy there Tia." Ed chuckled.

I chuckle and smirk. “As funny as it would be to see Celestia cuddle ponies, how about you two tell us how you've been?” I ask Pinkie and Applejack.

“Yes, I'm quite curious to know if those crystal apple trees are fully grown by now?” Ed asked. “They should’ve been bearing fruit that are ready to eat by now.”

Applejack nods and smiles. “They sure are, lota hard work but worth it.”

“That's good, hopefully you'll make more profits now.” I said.

“Oh, that reminds me Granny wants ta talk with ya.” Applejack said to me. I nod and tell her I'll see her soon.

"They are an apple that are made to grow in harsh environments." Ed took a bite out of his cake. "So they'll be a bit tougher to harvest but it's a fast-growing plant that grows almost by itself. These apples at one time were actually more prize than zap apples in the winter times. Cider that they make is much sweeter than other apples in early spring."

“Boy howdy, that will definitely help in the winter.” Applejack said.

"The apples have always been good with growing most anything." Tia added. " I need to go see Granny Smith when we get home."

"Tia, you're rambling off-topic again." Ed deadpanned. "I can't wait to hear about your first crop. How'd your family take to the new apples?"

I chuckle and lean back as Applejack answers. “Well, they weren't that happy at first but once they planted them they changed their mind.”

'At least they were willing to try." Ed shrugged. "How have you been Pink one?"

“Oh, I've been super duper terrific!” Pinkie bounces. “I have been trying out every recipe in the books that Del gave me!”

"Pinkie, have you ever considered being a Gourmet Hunter?" Ed asked.

Pinkie tilts her head. “What's that? Somepony that chases food?”

"Pretty much." Ed nodded. "They go out and hunt down monsters and hard to get plants and fight stuff. They usually partner up with a chef and make an eight-course meal of their own."

Pinkie looks uncertain. “I don't know, looking for rare ingredients sounds fine and all but I don't want to hurt some poor monster.”

"You don't have to go after monsters dear." Celestia burped slightly.

“But who could I work with?” She tilts her head the other way.

"Monsters and plants of all kinds." Ed explained. "Just cause they're monsters doesn't mean they're bad or ya have to kill or fight them. Many species are quite tame and ingredients can be harvested from them with little to no effort. Many plants are the same way but just cause they're plants doesn't mean they won't fight back or even try and eat you."

“Sounds interesting, but like she said, who would she work with?” I ask.

“Gourmet hunters are well known for finding and hunting rare hard-to-get ingredients.” Ed stroked his chin. “While they do hunt and do have a measure of cooking talent well beyond that of any normal chef you need a partner that can truly shine in the most hellish and outdoors of places." He looked over at Applejack. “Hmmm…”

Applejack blinks and points at herself. “You want me ta work with her on this hunting stuff?”

“You’re both more than both physically strong enough to deal with any monsters, beasts, and plants, and ya both know your ways in, out, around, and twice to Thursday in a kitchen.” Ed explained. “You both grew up in the outdoors and have more than enough survival instincts. So yea, I hint you and Pinks would make a great combo. You can both be chefs and Gourmet hunters and swap out on missions until you start to get a feel for what you both specialize in hunter, not to mention you’re both very good friends already.”

They look at each other unsure. “Well think about it ok?” Applejack said.

“Ya don’t have to lie to me Applejack.” Ed booked her nose. “I was only messing with ya both. I never intended for you two to go out and hunt for stuff. It’s one thing when you have the heart for fights to do so but you little ones don’t have the heart or right state of mind for that type of work.” He patted their heads. “Best you stick with apples and sweets. It's what you’re good at.”

They both look a little upset and I chuckle. “Uh oh looks like you pissed them off, and here I thought you were the ladies man.”

“I never said I was." Ed raised an eyebrow. “I honestly wasn’t trying to be mean about it. I do think I took it a little too far…” He rubbed the back of his head

“Do forgive him you two." Celestia stepped in. “Ed’s sense of humor isn’t for most but who he was joking he was truly sincere about what he said. You two aren’t meant to fight monsters for sport and instead should stick with what you know. Like Ed said you’re both good at what you do and not that you bad have bad hearts. You just don’t have the mindset to go out and do what it is that a hunter does.” She smiled and wrapped the ponies in a warm hug. “But Ed made a very good point. Be good little ponies and be there for each other and your other friends.”

“Thank you for the snack Pinkie.” Ed and Tia both stood up. “And again sorry for the bad joke girls. Good luck in the future and I hope you have a good winter harvest Applejack.” They walked out and waved as I followed.