• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 13,647 Views, 188 Comments

New Dragon In Town - Deltorix

  • ...

Chapter 6

I wait and watch hoping my summons worked. Suddenly two golden windows appear with two doors that open.

Out of the door on my right stepped what looked to be Asta from Black Clover. He was wearing a black leather trench coat with the Black Bulls mark on the back with a green t-shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. his hair was longer than the show, tied in a ponytail, and he was rather scruffy around his face.

He looked at me, "You the one who summoned me?"

“Yeah, my name is Deltorix nice to meet you. I’m hoping that you and the other guy will help me on a little mission I have.” I tell Asta while looking at his level then I look over at the left door.

Title: Captain of the Black Bulls

"Nice to meet you," Asta held out his hand and I shook it.

“So you’re from that anime Black Clover; right?” I ask after shaking his hand smiling softly.

"Kind of," He shrugged. "I was cosplaying at a Con when I won a game of Blackjack and was sent to my Equestria. Stand in/Actor turned Magic Knight."

“Huh; neat. I was just a burger flipper at a fast food place, as for my powers I’m the gamer. I can learn almost anything and even help others learn my skills.” I tell him then look back at the left door getting a bit worried.

"Cool, I can give others Grimoires, use anti-magic, a lot of marital arts, ancient magic, and crystal magic," Asta stretched. "So I guess we wait on the other guy now," He looked over his shoulder to the other door.

“Oh? Neat later I may ask you to try to make me one but I’m not sure how it works.” I shrug then nod. “Yeah we are waiting on someone who’s token is a alchemist’s watch from Full Metal Alchemist called himself the Crimson Sage.” I tell Asta while we wait.

Asta slapped his face and slowly pulled his hand down. "Of course."

I look over at Asta oddly. “What’s wrong do you know him?” I ask and just then the door starts to open.

"I know him very well," Asta huffed.

“What’s wrong is he evil or something?” I ask and use requip magic to summon my magic staff.

"No he's not evil," Asta crossed his arms. "He's probably one of the kindest hearted people I know, but he can be an ass."

“Well then let’s hope I don’t bring out his ass side, I don’t have any defense against alchemy.” I say then look over to the door.

The door open and out came a tall Edward Elric wearing the normal FMA garb. "Sup, you summon me- hey there little brother," Edward raised his hand.

Title: the Crimson Sage

I blink in surprise then chuckle. “Well your last comment makes sense now I’ll just have to be careful not to say the ‘S’ word near him.” I say with a playful smirk.

Then I hold out my hand to Ed. “Hi my names Deltorix nice to meet you. Mind helping me out with a small mission?”

"No rest of the wicked," Edward shrugged. "Call me Ed and I don't react to the 'short' differential," he used air quotes.

Asta suddenly rushed past and reeled back and landed a hard punch right on Edward's face, "Asshole!"

I blink in surprise then grumble and hold out my hand. “Bind.” And blue magic robe wraps around Asta.

“Look I know brothers sometimes fight; but would you mind talking it out before you resort to your fists? At least till I’m a safe distance away? Compared to you two I’m weak and you two could accidentally kill me.” I tell them and then hold up my staff between them.

Ed looked at the bound Asta who was surprisingly calm for some who just decked his brother hard enough to go through a couple of walls, "Feeling better Asta?"

"Much," Asta replied

"Good, sorry about that," Ed looked at me.

"Well you let me go or do I have to breakout of this?" Asta looked at me with an annoyed glare.

I blink in surprise at how quickly they both calm down then nod at Ed. “It’s no problem just if that starts again at least make sure I’m not gonna get in the cross fire I’m not very strong yet.”

I look over at Asta and chuckle sheepishly. “Right sorry about that.” I wave my hand and the rope is dispelled. “Now that all that if over want to hear why I summoned you two or would you two like to talk more?”

"Shoot," the Displaced brothers said in unison.

I chuckle then pull out a compass that is pointing east and glowing slightly. “I need your help finding a siren that may be nearby. To make a long story short; her magic focusing gem was ripped out of her and put on a unicorn that tried to make Vinyl Scratch his ‘musical queen’ but I stopped him.” I tell them and make air quotes on the musical queen part.

"Siren; aye," Ed rubbed his chin. "Sure, haven't seen a focus gem in a few millennium. Does it have a distinct magic to it?"
"I'm game, need a new outlet," Asta thumbed himself.

“Already got that covered and had Vinyl do a locating spell on this compass that’s linked to the sirens gem; which I have on me right now.” I tell them and show them the glowing compass and gem.

"So we're after the unicorn then," Ed pointed to me.

I shake my head. “No Spellbinding Serenade was already captured now we are looking for the siren herself so I can return the gem, and by her name I don’t think she is evil, it’s Harmonic Keys by the way.”

I look at the compass and then point east. “She should be this way, but I don’t know if there is anyone guarding her or not and don’t worry about destroying buildings and stuff we are in a illusionary space, think of it as a copy of the real world.”

"So you brought us in to deal with any goons that are protecting her," Asta commented. "Or are we your bodyguards?"

"I think it's both little brother," Ed added.

I have my hand in a so so gesture. “A bit of this a bit of that but the two main reasons: first; I don’t know what I’m up against and if I go all out I could kill someone by accident and two; because of one of my skills Gamer’s Mind; my emotions are suppressed so I could end up making a mistake and killing someone when I should’ve kept them alive. Also; this is the first time I’ve dealt with bad people and not fake monsters, and I don’t want Celestia to have an excuse to attack me.”

"What are the sister like here anyways?" Ed asked with a smirk.

"Mine usually stay out of my way," Asta rolled his eyes as we began to walk.

I think about Ed’s question but shrug. “Sorry I don’t know them that much but I can tell you we are in a quadrupedal universe and we are somewhere in season two, um shortly after Discord's escape and Reimprisonment. I also know that Luna seems to be more reasonable. I even made a deal with her to make a set of armor for her guards in exchange for knowledge on ruins. I even plan on using Vibranium, Uru and Adamantium.” I tell them.

"My arm and leg are made from a combo of all three," Ed pulled back his sleeve to reveal a high advanced arm.

"Mine usually stay out of my way," Asta rolled his eyes as we bagan to walk.

“Huh that’s cool hopefully at the end of the month I’ll be good enough to finish the armor.” I chuckle a bit embarrassed then clear my throat.

“Anyway; what should the plan be? I mean from your tokens you two are supposed to be smart and strong so I’m really following your lead, but if we need to talk this out more I understand.” I tell them then decide I may need more magical power so I use requip magic putting on the Dark Magician’s armor.

"Sorry young one but this is all you, we're just here to help out," Ed shrugged.

"I think we should make a plan and a back up incase things go south," Asta added. "But Ed is right that we follow you."

I am a little annoyed at the young one comment but nod in understanding. “Well then; how about I ask you which do you to think would be smarter to use…magic?” I hold up my staff. “Or a sword?” I summon my keyblade.

"As one who's has experience with diplomats and hostiles," Ed said. "It best if wstage in not armed to the teeth or look as if we're there to harm anyone."

"I agree with big bro here Deltorix," Asta nodded. "Keep a weapon sheathed but ready."

“I can agree with you Ed but thankfully I have requip magic so..” I make all my armor and weapons return to my inventory in a flash of light. “I don’t have to worry about walking in unarmed.”

"Fairy Tail type?" Ed asked

I nod at Ed smiling. “Yep got it from my Multiversal store, I can buy anything and everything even skill books holding skills from anime.”

"Cool. I got mine from my niece," He said as he summoned a dagger.

“Niece; huh? Cool hmm so go ahead and tell me if my plan is stupid, but first we find out where she and what kind of people are watching her, then I’ll try to talk to them; though I’d feel better if Ed did it seeing as you said you have experience with diplomats. After that we either get her out no problem or we fight our way in, try not to kill anyone if it comes to that and keep all the evidence of what they are doing from being destroyed so they can’t say I went wild and attacked for no reason.” I explain my plan to them and offer the compass to Ed.

“Oh one more thing if you two can disguise yourselves that would be great because humans have appeared in this world before and apparently Celestia has marked them as ‘evil’ and ‘monsters’ and I don’t know the full story yet.” I tell them looking a bit worried.

"Sorry, can't change my form," Asta shrugged as he shook head side to side.

"I can shape shift," Ed took the compass. "But it'd just easier to move around in my human form."

I blink in surprise. “You can shape shift? I don’t remember Ed in the anime being able to do that.”

"I'm not from the anime," Ed deadpanned. "I'm a Philosopher Stone that has all of the abilities of the homunculi. Plus a lot of other magic and powers, not to mention equipment."

"You really don't want to annoy him man," Asta cautioned.

My eyes widen and I let out a whistle. “Damn that is a lot of power. You must have had some crazy adventures throughout your time as a displaced.” I cross my arms and think then grin.

“Ok how about this; Asta will be sneaking behind up trying to stay out of sight while Ed and I go talk with them and if shit hits the fan we have someone who can more bad guys from following us.” After I finish I shrink myself so I’m the size of spike and give a little salute to Ed.

“What do ya think?” I ask them.

"That's fine with me but there is something you should know?" Asta held up a finger.

I look over at Asta looking interested in what he has to say.

"There's a pretty decent number of ki's coming from the direction that compass is pointing, one is quite odd and I'm guessing it's the siren," He pointed down a corridor.

"We’ll keep that in mind little brother; but for now hang back and cover us," Ed said as red lighting crackled and his shape changed to that of a yellow earth pony with a dark blond mane and tail while his right foreleg and left back leg were grey.

I nod then speak up before we leave. “Mind teaching me how to sense ki later?” I flap my wings and start flying around Ed.

"Not at all," Asta smirked. "If and if you could help me out with something I would appreciated it in exchange?"

I tap my chin then grin. “How about I give you the power to bend one of the elements? And Ed too if he wants.”

"I'm good but thanks for the offer," Ed waved as he trotted along.

"Hell yeah I can get behind that," Asta fist pumped.

I chuckle and fly with Ed and say. “Think about which one you want and I’ll give it to ya after we are done.”

We follow the compass to a building with two unicorns guarding the door.

White Lie

Black Tie

"Wanna play it off as asking for directions first?" Ed asked in a whisper.

I whisper back. “Won’t work we are in a illusionary space only people who want to be in them can enter...most of the time.”

I look ahead at the unicorns seeing their levels. “They aren’t very strong so we may be able to bluff our way through this, I have no idea who is running this show though.”

"What all do you know about what's going on?" Ed looked at the unicorns.

“Just that they ripped out the gem from the siren and either gave it or sold it to Spellbinding Serenade, so this is just a guess but I have the feeling they are a group of ponies that capture and ....take apart other creatures to sell or ‘help’ ponykind.” I say shaking my head.

I look at Ed. “So; want to go with the I’m your assistant or new prize?”

"How about you’re my prey and I'm looking to make some bits," He suggested.

“That works. Bind.” I use bind on myself wrapping myself in magic rope and fall onto the ground.

"Sorry about this next part," Ed said as he summoned a handkerchief and gagged me. "Up ya go," he hoisted me over his shoulder and taking some of he excess rope tied me to himself, then proceed to approach he two unicorns. "Afternoon chaps." he said with a bright faux smile.

The white stallion glares at Ed and I pretend to be unconscious but keep a eye open a little. “Who are you and what are you doing here; mud pony!?”

"No need for name calling here," Ed said with an undertone of annoyment. "I was just coming by to see if your group would be interested in purchasing my latest catch." Ed turned slightly to show me to the guards. "I was looking around for a quick place to drop him off and make some extra bits and heard about your group through the grape vines of the underworld," He said with a fulling convincing grin.

They look at each other then frown at Ed. “You must be new to the abyss if you’re calling it the underworld. Fine; one baby dragon is worth ‘500’ bits take it or leave it mud pony.” The black stallion says in a deadpan monotone.

"Please stop with the name calling," Ed rebuked with a bit of atwitch under his right eye.

I gently kick Ed's side when they aren’t paying attention to me hoping he’ll lay along for now.

The white stallion snorts. “Do you want the bits or not? Baby dragons that already have wings aren’t that hard to catch. You’re lucky we are even offering you any bits.”

“Lie; just give him the bits.” The black one says as he starts to levitate me off of your shoulder.

"Yes I want the bits and who do I see about future endeavors?" Ed cut in.

The white stallion rolls his eyes. “Obviously our true leader; Prince Bl-“ he is cut off when the black stallion hits him.

“He doesn’t need to know that, just give him the bits so he will go away.” I am floating between Ed and the two guards. I open my eyes to Ed and raise a eyebrow asking him what to do.

"Thank you for the information," Ed kept smiling but squinted his eyes slightly as two shadow tendrils came from him and wrapped around the guards. He walked in between the unicorn as I fall and landed on his back. "If it were up to me I'd have you both decapitated for being apart of this nightmare.”

I sit up and release my bind spell and take out the gag. “Thanks for that. Now then; do you want to do the whole stealth thing or guns blasting? Oh and here. Invite Ed and Asta to party.”

I wait for Ed to react but he surprisingly doesn’t so I shrug and continue. “Tap yes and you’ll have some of my gamer powers like an inventory, the map system, the message system and able to check your stats in level up like I do.”

"Um, are you sure I should that?” Ed looked at me and I could tell he was a little nervous about it.

"I did," Asta said as he came out from the shadows and causing the two ponies to start to freak out.

I wave my hand. “It’s fine Ed. You're so high leveled it would take fighting one of the princesses to level you up and besides with the map and message systems we won’t get lost.” I jump off his back and make a shadow clone who walks over with Asta.

"Alright then," Ed said as he clicked yes. "But what should we do about these two?"

I grow to my full size and cross my arms. “I don’t know, we could just kill them but I’m not sure if that is needed” I look down with my eyes closed.

“Killing them is wrong I suppose, do either of you have a way to keep their magic locked away? If not I could just buy some magic surpassing rings.” I tell Ed and Asta.

"Not necessary," Ed smirked as he created a set of suppressor rings. "Put these on them. Arc of Embodiment combine with Nullifier Magic infused with alchemagic. Not even Twilight Sparkle has the power to destroy these."

“Before or after season 4?” I ask as I walk up to the struggling stallions then punch their heads knocking them out.

"I can beat both Celestia and Luna in night and solar mode, you think I'd leave anything to chance," Ed dead panned.

I shrug and smirk. “Hey I don’t know how strong you are man, beside you should see twilight after the end of season 9.” I chuckle and walk up to the door and listen if there’s anyone on the other side.

"I'm well aware of how strong she becomes, Deltorix," Ed placed the rings on the guards . "Asta; you stick to the shadows."
"Will do. I'll go up top and knock out any guards," Asta saluted.

"Take a bag of suppressors," Ed handed his brother a small bag of suppression rings. Asta then faded away once more. "Shall we?"

I nod at Asta and walk up to Ed. “Ok so from what I over heard old Blue Balls is the one in charge here, so make sure to save every peace of evidence.” I then get a pop up and chuckle.

Congratulations on finishing [Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild]
By finishing this game you can sacrifice the saved data for that game for a reward
Would you like to sacrifice your saved data?
Yes? No?

“Well seems one of my clones just finished something hold on.” I tap yes and in a flurry of pixels a shiny new Shika slate forms and falls but I catch it.

"Nifty," Ed remarked. "So is like Shadow Clone Jutsu?"

“It is the shadow clone jutsu, do you know any other jutsus?” I say to Ed as I look the Shika slate. ‘Cool it has all the apps and fully upgraded too even the Amiibo app.’

Ed's eyes shift to a golden Rinnigan, "I know many Jutsus," he placed a hoof on his chest. "I'm also a ten tails' host."

I blink in surprise then chuckle and my eyes shift to blue with a six pointed star. “I got my own special eyes too, so maybe later you can show me some other jutsu.”

I close my eyes and change my eyes back to normal then rub them.

Ed's eyes changed back, "Yes well that's only the third sage of my eyes. They mutated and mixed with me homunculus power to form a unique set. But the worst part is once I change into my true form. Unicorn approaching."

“Wow that’s cool, oh.” I get ready to fly up over the doorway.

"Hold up there Del," Ed placed a hoof on my side, "Change back to your small form. I have an idea.”

I nod and shift back to my spike size and look at Ed. “Ok what now?”

"Bind yourself again," He whispered. I did as I was instructed and Ed quickly grew a horn. "Hey there brother, the two front sent me with this guy," Ed pulled me forward. "And told my to drop him off at the stock room but I can't find it, first day and all. You wouldn't happened to know where it is?"

The new unicorn looks me over and raises a eyebrow. “This dragon has a lot of magic doesn’t it? Yeah go down the hall and make a right and you’ll be there.” He then walks off.

"Thanks, come on you," he gave a mock tug and I followed. We soon arrive at the stock room. "I don't like the smell coming from this door and I don't like the fact that unicorns here can sense the magic levels of others."

“You and me both. I don’t know how your sense of smell is right now but I’m a predator and that room smells horrible...”I look to him and sigh.

“If you see fire coming from my scales try to calm me down because I’ll most likely Hulk out if I see something I truly hate.” I ask him.

"You and me both," He pushed open the door.

We see creatures of all kinds in cages and tied down; some missing body parts and all of them looking malnourished and scared the moment the doors open and they see Ed in his unicorn form. “My god....Ed.. feel free to do what you want; just leave the evidence behind.” I say in a emotionless voice as I try to keep my anger under control but there are red flames coming off my scales here and there.

"Who all in here is alive?" Ed called out in a soft tone the betrayed his anger.

There are a few that flinch back in their cells but I walk over and say. “It’s ok we are here to free you all.”

I see a changeling and walk over to its cell and slip through the bars and hug it thinking of all my loved ones hoping to help and she gasps as she starts to heal. “Ed do you mind freeing the rest?”

"I hope Asta doesn't see anything like this," Ed remarked as a wave of green magic rushed from his hooves through the whole room. Soon the entire rooms occupants were fully healed, except for the missing limbs. "If he does, God help who ever he comes across."

I look in awe at how easily he healed them. “Use the message system. It has voice and text settings, he may listen to you if he gets pissed off.” I look at the changeling as she stands up and I step back.

“Wh-who are you two w-why are you helping us?” She asks shyly almost afraid of our answers.

"Asta doesn't listen to anyone when he's pissed off," Ed looked at me and tapped his hoof and the ground sending red electricity out to the cages and bending the bars. "The only ones who can stop him are himself and the mares he loves.

“Well shit; at least tell him to leave all the evidence behind so we aren’t framed as monsters.” I sigh and walk out of the cell and help the other creatures into the middle of the room.

“Hey Ed; can you make solid clones? Mine only have one HP.” I look over at Ed .

"He'll slaughter the entire complex's populace except for the one his knows are mistreated if he goes into Rage mode," Ed explained, "He might be pissed but he's not blind, just very protective. And how many clones you need?"

I nod in understanding then wave a hand at the prisoners. “Just enough to lead them outside and keep them safe while we go deeper into the building.”

I turn to the changeling and say to her. “We are here to help and if possible I’d like to meet with your queen sometime later.”

Ed clopped his hooves together and with a puff of white smoke ten clones of himself appeared, "These fellas will help all of you get out of the awful place. they'll also protect you until the authorities get here."

I nod to them as they seem hesitant but they all start following them out and I sign rubbing my face. “Ed this place is horrible, I really hope this is the only place like this.”

"You're a fool if you think that," Ed exited the room.

I snort and give a flat glare at Ed as I follow him. “I said I ‘hope’ not that I think. Like I always say ‘hope for the best, prepare for the worst.’ Now then let’s see what’s next. Sense anyone ahead?”

"Sorry Deltorix but if there is one thing I know very well; there is always hope, I did not the mean to offend you with my comment." Ed sighed, "Yes, I sense someone moving through the upper floors rather rapidly taking down smaller signature with ease."

“Asta must have seen something bad up there then, any one near us? Maybe more prisoners?” I ask as I start using ki to float behind Ed.

"There is a rather large source of magic coming from below the building," Ed's gaze traveled down. "I suspect that is the leader for this location. There are also several faint signature along the floor in various spots."

I sigh and summon my staff. “Then I think it’s time to stop the sneaking around.”

I look down at the floor and tap it. “Are they right below us? Because I should be able to make a hole since there’s enough earth in this floor for me to bend, unless you want to use alchemy?”

"As long as I can have a piece the asshole too," Ed raised a hoof and slammed it down with red electricity shoot out as a tube appeared in front of us. "Asta come in," he said over the voice.

"What do you want Ed? I'm busy cleaning this place out of all its trash, OW!" Asta shouted. "Little bastard; I’ll teach you to shoot magic at me. Can I just kill them all? I really want to just kill them all."

I open the message system and yell. “Look I’m pissed off at them too but if you kill them I’ll be blamed and Celestia will brand me as a villain I don’t want to deal with that.”

I then look down the hole Ed made then jump down.

"Keep them a live little brother but that doesn't you can't rough them up," Ed retorted.

"Fine," Asta huffed.

I look around then get blasted from behind and slammed into a wall. “Ow...” I pull myself off the wall and growl red flames combing off my scales but I do my best to keep my anger controlled. “You done fucked up now.”

-1000 damage taken

"Chalk that one up to eagerness to die," Ed remarked as he trotted out of the tube. "And not to knowing who your are?"

Subject 117
Title: Subject 117

On the other side of the room is a large stallion that looks like he is a mixed pony both earth and unicorn he glares and lights his horn. “You’re intruders and a traitor to ponykind, that’s all I need to know.”

I roll my eyes and look at Ed. “Give me a break. I’ve only been fighting zombies so far besides one unicorn.” I then lift my staff aiming it at the big pony and get ready for his attack.

"Who said I was pony?" Ed asked the big guy. "I could be a demon from the depths of Tartarus for all you know."

He snorts and fires a blast of magic at Ed then runs right at me to try and trample me. “Magic arrow!” I say as I fly up sending magic arrows at his legs but they just break on contact.

"Let me guess," Ed looked at me. "He has either cast a Null Spell on himself or his level is to high for the attack to affect him?"

I grunt in annoyance. “Yeah his level is question marks to me; meaning he is at least 30 levels higher than me but my attacks can still hurt him if I aim at the right spot.”

I then activate my eyes and look him over as he tries to blast me with magic then I aim a finger at him. “Death beam.” And blast his horn but I don’t break it.

"Then have at," Ed remarked. "I'll be over here tending to the prisoners that are still alive."

I look at Ed a little annoyed but understood and agree that the prisoners come first, just as I look back at the stallion he is close and jumps up grabbing my tail and slams me onto the ground. “Fuck..that hurts asshole. Fuck this.”

-500 damage taken

I use the force to push him off me then hold my hand out. “Life drain!” And green energy starts flowing from him to me healing me and he starts aging extremely fast.

+100 health

+100 health

+100 health

+100 health

+100 health

+100 health

+100 health

I stop using life drain after the stallion is old enough to not be a danger then sign and use bind on him to hold him still. “Hey Ed can you get me another ring for this guy?”

"There ya go," Ed said from the sidelines as he bandaged a little dragon's arm.

“Thanks...this is the first time I’ve used that spell on someone..” I say as I put the ring on Subject 117’s horn.

Level up

Level up

"Life drain," Ed said as he moved to the next prisoner and used alchemy to free them from changes. "I wouldn't use it to much. Del, these guys are much worse off than the ones upstairs. A lot of them are very sick "

I look at them and sigh. “Do you know what’s worse? This guy wasn’t a employee he was a test subject at least that’s what I get from his name; Subject 117.”

I walk over to Ed. “Can I help? I got some healing abilities.”

I suddenly flinch and grab my head and my eyes burn I look at Ed. “Wh-what’s happening?”

"You just got a Tomo," Ed replied.

“R-really? I didn’t even know I could.” I blink a few times and check the skill.

Skill: Kamigami no Sugata [Sight of the Gods] (active & passive)
Next level:2%
This skill is a ocular ability created by Deltorix, the user can see through solid objects up to 5 feet and the player’s field of vision is expanded to 250° in every direction.
Costs 500 points from all energies for the first minute then a additional 100 points for each minute after that.
First tomo: lock on. This ability let’s you lock onto a target and keeps it in your sights and increases the chance of hitting it.

“Huh, neat. I got the ability lock on from the upgrade.” I tell Ed.

"Good for you," Ed got to his hooves and walked over to 117. "Now, well you please tell us what exactly is going on in this place?"

The now old stallion looks over at Ed slowly one eye milky white. “I am not going to betray my masters, you traitor!”

"The masters that so blatantly used you a disposable guard dog," Ed said with sincerity. "Who performed crude experiments on you just because they wanted to? You’re not a purebred unicorn either; so you were less than trash to them. Why help them?"

He weakly lifts his head and smiles. “I am the first, I am proof that they can create the perfect being, the perfect pony. My life doesn’t matter if it means they can succeed.”

I put a hand on Ed’s shoulder. “Do you got anything that can let you see his memories? I know of one spell but I’d have to buy it first.”

"Sharingan usually works better than a spell," Ed smirked as his eyes shifted to the first stage of the Sharingan.

I nod and step back. “Just be careful he is old now older then Granny Smith.” I cross my arms and watch over him and Ed.

"You want me to use Link and share the memories?" Ed asked.

"Where the hell does this thing go," we heard from behind us. We looked to see Asta emerge from the tunnel. "Hey guys. Christ that guys old."

I shrug and say. “If you can, my mind is protected by Gamer’s Mind, it would take someone stronger then a god to effect my mind. even Discord’s chaos magic couldn’t crack it.”

I look over at Asta. “Yeah he is old but don’t underestimate him he was knocking me around a few minutes ago.”

"Don't let that go to your head man, your Gamer's Mind is no match for Ed's strength," Asta smirked at me. "Ed is over 15,000 years old with more access to magic than all of the alicorns and Discord combine together."

“Well that is impressive he may actually be able to effect both my body and mind permanently if he tried to then.” I say to Asta then turn to Ed.

“Whenever your ready Ed.” I give him a thumbs up.

"Clench your cheeks and don't look back," Ed shouted. "Link," there was a quick red spark and suddenly everything went white.

I blink and try to keep my eyes forward. “It worked. Maybe because it’s not used as an attack?” I mumble to myself.

"Even if it wasn't directed as an attack; I'd still be able to get you," Ed trotted over. "Mental barriers are somewhat of a specialty of mine due to have several thousands upon millions of living screaming souls in my body."

“What? Wait is that because of the whole living philosopher stone thing?” I ask surprised but then shake my head.

“Let’s get those memories.” I say and cross my arms not looking forward to this.

Asta looked to the said. “But how do we find what we need?”

I also look to Ed as I have no experience with how this works.

"Depends on we need," Ed remarked as he trotted around and what looked like bookshelves came up from the floor. "This is 117's mental library and each book contains his memories. All we need to do is look for whatever pertains to his leading up and being in this building. Anything to do with the Abyss would probably be helpful to."

I cross my arms and nod. “I agree with Ed find anything that has to do the abyss and what happened to him here.” I walk up to one of the book shelve and pick a book at random.

Asta walked over and picked a book up to, "This guys is from Dodge Junction, it explains why he's so built. Got memories of working at the Cherry Farms and Apple farm at different times."

“I got memories of being a colt but it looks odd. Ed; mind looking this over?” I point at a looping image of him playing with what looks like a fully grown blue blood.

"Let me see those," Ed commented and they both hand the Alchemist pony the books. "Hmmm..." he read through the books thoroughly.

I watch Ed as he looks over the books then I look at the shelves themselves. “Hey Ed I’m no expert but wouldn’t the shelves age along with the pony themselves or at least their life experience? these look practically new.”

"Not necessarily Del," Ed remarked as he went over and pulled a new book off a shelf and scrutinized it as he read it. "They would show use over anything else. If we relive memories it's like reading the book; so the more you relive your memories the more worn the books become. But you’re right these books are all to new. Many have Blueblood in them too. This has him mining near Ponyville for gems. A couple have Twilight Sparkle in it." he put the book back. "None of these memories add up at all and lead me to believe that the ones like what Asta has are artificial constructs. Implanted since 117's birth."

I cross my arms and growl upset. “Does he have any real memories? Or is he a test tube baby?”

"Definitely artificial conception," Ed nodded. "But the memories that we just looked over are recent. But most of them are implanted, he was made to be loyal to Blueblood."

“Damn it. Does he have no respect for life?” I sigh and rub my face.

“Ed in your opinion would be better to let 117 live or kill him? I mean I drained too much life and have no way to give it back.” I look at Ed upset but I’m mad at myself.

Ed slammed the m book shut and placed it back on its shelf. "I can fix his life force but first we need to fix this poor creatures head.”

I nod and smile. “I can agree to that Ed, what do we need to do?”

"First we need to gather anything to do with Blueblood," Ed started to explain as he let his horn and sent out a wave of red magic. "That was a trace spell and anything glowing bring it here immediately."

I nod and walk through the shelves and pick up as many as I can some floating in my telekinesis then I return. “Hey Ed did you just target the fake memories or just ones with Blueblood?”

"I target the them both, why?" Ed tilted his head.

“Well if there is a chance Blueblood came and saw 117 for real that would be proof he is behind this right?” I ask as I set the books down and start going through them looking for anything that could be useful.

"We're going to make copies of all these," Ed place a hoof on the book stack. "You'll be taking the original to Celestia and Luna. These memories have every unicorn's that made them magic signature. it's as unique as a finger print. Anything with Blue in it that’s real well be copied and sent to her while the originals stay here.

I smile and set the book down and say. “That’s great I can’t tell you how many fic’s I’ve read where the main character gets screwed over because of Celestia being stubborn. But she can’t ignore all this!” I pat the books.

"Ed won't let her," Asta set a few stacks of books down. "Neither will I after what the sister's tried to pull with me back home. But Ed has a... 'special' relationship with them," he used air quotes.

I look between Ed and Asta then chuckle. “Ah honestly I’m not looking for a relationship yet, but Asta I suggest you stay out of sight remember humans are ‘monsters’ and ‘evil’ and I don’t want Luna or Celestia to be hurt because of they act before they ask questions.”

"Don't remind me," Asta rolled his eyes.

I think for a minute then look at Asta. “Let me guess they were all buddy buddy till they found out you have anti-magic then they meetly tried to seal you in stone or something because they assume that you were planning on doing something evil with it. And before you say anything if I’m right or wrong I use to read a lot of fan fictions.”

"They tried to put me to sleep until they could figure out what to do because I posed a possible threat to them and ended up hitting on of my future girlfriends," Asta crossed is arms. "We're better now but mainly because I beat the crap out of another Celestia."

“Yeah that sounds like most of the sisters I’ve hear of and read of, let’s hope mine can actually see reason.” I say to Asta then look over to Ed. “Hey Ed is there anything we need to do or are you good working on that?”

"Luna blasted me into a wall when we reunited," Ed added as he made copies of the books and placed the originals in a the inventory.

“Ouch... I’m guessing either you made her mad before you two were separated or she got mad at you because you’re the one that caused the separation or some thing, but that’s just a guess from the fan fictions I’ve read.” I say holding a hand up towards Ed to keep him from getting mad at me.

“One story I read had the main character appeared back before Luna’s fall to Nightmare Moon and she accidentally walked in to Celestia’s bathroom and used up all of Celestia’s soap and ever since then Celestia has hated her, and it was actually Celestia that fell in that timeline if I remember correctly.” I tell them and start laughing.

"I just walked into the castle and she was on guard because she didn't remember me," Ed scratched his head. 'Yea Tia can be pretty bad about her soap. Last time I used it she cold clocked me and locked me out of her room."

I chuckle and shake my head. “I guess there are some similarities throughout the multi-verse somethings stay the same all others change.”

I think then grin evilly. “Oooo I just thought of a awesome prank: using my ability to create instant dungeons I can sneak into the castle and replace Celestia’s shampoo with hair dye that makes her mane pink!” I then start laughing.

"Won't work," Ed deadpanned. As he started to place books back on the shelves. "Her mane and tail are naturally pink. She uses light magic to make it like she has rainbow hair."

I slump in disappointment but then shrug. “Oh well and really? I always heard that the elements turned her mane into the rainbow mane after she used them to seal nightmare moon.”

"Nope," Ed patted me on the back. "If you really wanna mess with a Celestia you do something with their cakes. in one world I laced he secret banana fudge cake with ghost pepper."

I laugh and smirk. “That is mean and a good prank but I don’t want to get her mad at me till I prove I’m not a threat...say Ed I plan on telling the girls that I use to be human eventually but I don’t know if I should wait till they get to know me or just tell them, mind giving me some sagely advice?”

"Shoot," Ed said with crossed arms.

I sigh and explain. “I don’t know the whole story of what happened but apparently humans have appeared long ago and they did something and Celestia labeled them as evil and banished them. They are somewhat remembered to this day so I’m worried that if I tell the girls that I use to be human they will think I’m like the ones that appeared a long time ago and Celestia may choose to try and ‘banish’ me too, in short should I tell the girls now or later?”

"Nothing can should be put off that can be done today Del," Ed said with mystic vibe,

I nod slowly and sigh. “Right I’ll remember that and tell them, so are we almost done in here?”

I look around at all the book shelves. “Because if I’m honest I want to get this business over with.”

“Yes we're finished here," Ed nodded.

“Alright then let’s get out of here then you can heal him then go help the ex-prisoners, keep in mind we are in illusionary space a copy of the real world, so we will have to bring them back to the real world before getting them to a hospital.”

"If i had the equipment I could treat them myself but it takes time for my nanites to multiply and the need my than just dust for material to reproduce on the skill I'd need them for," Ed sighed, " Hang on," he clapped his hooves and we were back in the waking world.

I blink and rub my eyes and then over to my left and see my reflection in a one way mirror and see my eyes are still activated I quickly deactivate them. “Damn it..I just wasted a bunch of energy by having my eyes activated the whole time I forgot to deactivate them before we went into his mind.”

"Catch," Ed tossed me a bottle of blue potion. "Now let see here; how about we revert you back to a child," he pondered. "Any objects Del?"

I catch the bottle and use observe on it.

High grade mana potion:
This potion will recover all of your magic points.
Creator of this potion Edward Elric.
Rarity: common.

“Yeah I think that’s best. I bet he will have a better life..actually maybe you should remove either his unicorn or earth pony magic too, I mean I don’t know if hybrids are normal in this Equestria but either way he probably will be made fun of by others Colts and Fillies for being different.”

"Contrary to popular belief, pony hybrids are natural, though the usually don't get large portions of their parents magics," Ed explained as he placed a hoof on 117. His eyes glowed white and 117 started to age backwards until he was a colt. "The hybrid usually takes after the mother, nut is the same sex as the father. As for this little guy, I can't take away what he was born with, that would like robbing him of who he is, or can be now?"

“Yeah I can see your point..hmm I wonder if Bulk Biceps is a half earth pony, half Pegasus what kind of makes sense with his build and all.” I say as Ed works then I drink the potion.

“Thanks at least I’ll have magic if we run into trouble, I really should learn a martial arts or something.” I mumble the last part to myself.

"What will you do with with the little guy?" Asta asked as he faded into the shadows.

"One more thing I want to check," Ed said dashing to the fat side of the room to what looked like a table littered with papers.

I cross my arms and shrug. “Well most likely I’ll ask Celestia to take care of them because I don’t even own a house of my own yet, there’s no way in hell foal protective services or whatever they call it here would allow me to adopt him and even if they did my life is going too be too dangerous for him.”

“Oh and Asta if I can work something out would you mind wearing a disguise?” I ask him.

"I'm down for that, shadows aren't really my thing," Asta said with cheer. "I can only move around thanks to my Chameleomon digicard."

“Right, hey Ed you mentioned nanites; can they re-program stuff?” I ask Ed as I open my store and look for something specific.

"Talk to the Chibi," he waved a hoof while going through papers.

I blink and look to Asta confused and mouth. “Chibi?”

"Hello," came a voice on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly and out of the corner of my eye I saw a mini big head large eyes Ed.

I blink in surprise then ask. “Are you the chibi Ed talked about?” While I ask it I also buy the item and a digital watch appears in the air in a flurry of pixels and I catch it.

"I am a total independent artificial existence manufactured through a collective of nanites modeled after Edward Elric by Ed," The chibi spoke technically. "in short I'm Chibi-Ed."

“Ok..well are you able to reprogram this watch to project a holographic image of an anthropomorphic pony? If you can make it a random combination but always match the gender to the wearer and make Alicorns impossible.” I tell him while holding up the watch.

Chibi's eyes wen solid green for a second before returning to the amber of normal Ed. "Operations complete, disguise generator has been reprogramed and optimized. Alicorn function will only work under the given command of Deltorix."

I blink and smile then give the watch to Asta. “Cool thanks, and here Asta but I want it back before you go home.”

I then look at the chibi. “You're a cool little guy.”

"Transfer of owner acknowledged ," He responded. "I look forward to working with you from this day forward."

I blink in surprise then rub my chin. “No offense but are you able to change into something else? Humans are seen as evil in this Equestria, also mind telling me what you can do?” I ask him and sit down on the floor getting into meditating position.

"What form would you like me to take?" Chibi tilted his head.

“Hmmm A parrot. I’ll say that you’re my new pet and if you’re a bird it would explain why you’re not always with me at all times.” I say as I start to meditate.

"Very well," Chibi shifted to the form of a green parrot. "As for my function I serve a a repository of of knowledge, a personal computer, a communications array, materials generator, as will as a medical unit for severe injuries."

“Well that’s good, what are your limitations for generating materials? As in how much can you make at one time?” I ask while I relax and meditate and start glowing slightly.

"Limit is set on what is available to convert," Chibi flew on top of my head. "From the amount of dust in the air Chibis can generate any martial into a number of ingots daily. The more dust; the more material. If need be Chibi can convert raw materials such as rock if they are available."

"My god!" Ed shouted from across the room.

“Hmm alright good to know.” I open my eyes and look at Ed. “What?”

"This," Ed came over and tossed the papers in front of me. "This isn't part of some underground exotic parts shop. This is a warehouse slash lab for gene splicing." Ed stomped with anger. "They're trying to artificially create an alicorn. And to top it off; Blueblood giving the approval and funding."

I growl as well and red flames consume me for a second but I shake my head and do twilight’s breathing exercise and the flames go out. “We need to bring this to the princesses attention...Ed, Asta get all the evidence you can and let’s go up top, also Ed mind sending more clones through the building to collect all the knocked out goons and scientists and bring them outside too?”

I get up and growl looking at this hell hole one last time before I start heading up the tube.

Ed sent his clones out and we met up with the prisoners outside. Soon the clones came with the goons and scientists as well as the evidence. They also came with more prisoners. There weren't many survivors. There was also 117, Asta named him Hard Strike. Asta took on the form of red earth pony with a grey mane and tail while keeping his clothes.

I cross my arms and look them over. “This is horrible, I’m gonna take us back to the real world and take them all to the castle, Ed change into a anthro too please.” I tell them as I use my store to buy The golden tiger claws and they appear in a flurry of Pixels and I catch them.

Ed quickly morphed into anthro mode and applied his clothes, "Now what?"

I put the Tiger claws on my right hand. “Get them to hold onto each other then both of you hold onto them and me and I’ll bring us out.” I tell him as I glare at the building and form a ki ball having the urge to blast it but just stand there.

"I wouldn't do that Del," Asta placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm very tempted to burn it down myself."

"Listen to him," Ed added. "The building is key evidence. I can leave a few clones here to watch over it."

I nod and close my hand making the ki ball disburse. “Your both right now them here’s my plan, once we are back in the real world I’ll use these,” I wave my hand holding the golden tiger claws. “To open a portal directly into Celestia’s throne room, then Ed will go through first to make sure things are calm then will send the ex-prisoners through and finally me and Asta will go through.” I tell them.

"Very well." Ed nodded.

"I'm on board," Asta gave a thumbs up.

I nod then once we have everyone together and holding onto each other I hold up a hand and call out. “I.D. escape.” And the world around us cracks and brakes apart revealing a bustling Manehattan and as soon as one pony sees us they scream and everyone is watching us.

I walk a few steps away and hold up my arm and slash at the air. “Golden tiger claws!” And a Rip in reality opens leading to a gray vortex. “Ok Ed you’re up.”

I then step to the side and try to keep the ex-prisoners calm.


I stepped through the portal in to Celestia throne room and am met with the princess herself. I give a bow to her as quickly as could. "Good afternoon Princess, my name is Edward Elric and I am here on behalf of Deltorix. We have an urgent matter that needs the utmost discretion and your immediate attention."

She stands up and glares at me suspiciously. “How did you get in here? There’s anti-teleportation warding along the entire castle.”

She looks between me and the portal. “Alright; what is this urgent matter?”

"Deltorix tracked down the location of a lab in Manehattan where the occupants were preforming less then humane experiments on many different species across Equestria. Deltorix sought out help in the form of my younger brother and I to take this horrible place down," I explained in a brief summary. "We rescued a few prisoners that are in bad shape. I was able to heal some but there are many who are in need a drastic treatments and medication."

She closes her eyes to think then sighs and nods. “Tell me where these creatures are and I will have my guards go there and take care of them.”

"They are on the other side of this portal along with Deltorix, my younger brother, the building, and mountains of evidence against a member of royal family," I gestured to the portal from which I came.

She raises an eyebrow and looks between me and the portal and that’s when the ex-prisoners start coming through. “H-how many are there? Guard; go get the Royal doctor and get as many nurses as you can.” She asks me then tells a guard.

Not long after the ex-prisoners came through Asta and Del followed with the labs staff in tow. I turned back to Celestia, "First thing you should know is that this is no small operation and these are the only survivors except for the experiment that was left to guard the lab."

Deltorix POV

“What do you mean, this isn’t a small operation? My little ponies would never do anything like this. How do I know that Deltorix didn’t make you and do all this himself?” Celestia says aggressively as she steps forward glaring at Edward.

"Because I'm no stranger to this type of magical and biological scene," Ed slammed a hoof on the floor as I raised my voice in anger. He pulled out the paper for the lab and handed them to her. "Look at these and look whose signature is on then."

She actually flinches when Ed stomps his hoof then she lights her horn and takes the papers he’s handing her and starts reading them which newspaper she reads she grows paler somehow until eventually she’s glaring at the papers and yells in the Royal Canterlot voice.


I cover my ears and look at Ed. “Hey Ed; your Celestia ever use the royal caps lock right in your face like that?”

"Are you kidding," Ed chuckled. "Whenever she's pissed or when we're in area we can get away with it." Asta let out a stifled grunt.

I rub my ears and watch as the guards trip over themselves trying to leave the room to follow her orders and just then a bunch of doctors and nurses come in to the room and immediately rush over to the ex-prisoners.

“Princess I know that you’re mad but look at them they’re already scared and terrified from what ponies very done to them you’re yelling in The Royal Canterlot voice isn’t helping. Please focus your anger on where it belongs.” I say to her while hiding slightly behind Ed.

I then slap my forehead. “I nearly forgot why we did this whole thing in the first place.”

I turn around and look for the siren once I find her I walk up to her and hold up her gem for her.

Harmonic Keys

"So this is the one you were searching?" Asta asked.

I nod and smile. “Yeah I can see her name above her head. Miss Keys; are you able to reattach this gem or do you need help with that?”

She looks at the gem in awe like she would never see it again then she slowly reach for it and take it from me holding it in her hooves. “I..I’ll need help to get it back in...thank you, thank you so much!” She hugs me and I pat her back a little uncomfortable and look to Asta for help.

"What needs to be done?" He asked.

She shows her chest where the hole is with some bad infected scars are. “I need the gem to be magically fused back with me, b-but I don’t know how to do that.” She starts to tear up.

"I can heal with magic and ki manipulation but the latter depends on the healee's body," Asta explained. "Seeing as how the stone is part of you this method would be the best."

I look at Asta and bite my lip. “Are you sure you can do it safely? No offense but you do have anti-magic running through you and this is a magical artifact.”

"Anti-magic is when I use my grimoire, but with ki I use my energies to pull on hers," Asta motioned to Keys. "In short I speed up the body's natural healing process by stimulating it's natural life energy, not magic."

“Ah, I see... say is that the same technique that the young Dende used on Dragon Ball Z?” I ask as I step out of the way and look over and smile when I see the ponies taking care of the other creatures.

"Similar yes but not exactly the same," Asta kneeled down and held his hand out. "May I see your gem," She hesitantly gave Asta the stone and he placed it in the hole in her chest. "This may feel odd," he said softly as he held his hand over her chest and the gem as it started to glow white. to my shock the scars and infection soon completely heal up. It was as if she never lost the gem.

“Damn that is impressive. Mind adding that to my list of ‘please teach me’.” I laugh a bit.

"Sure, but be forewarned; that it's fairly new to me too," Asta said with a bit of a huff before get to his feet. "It puts a bit of a strain on the user's body and can leave you fairly drained if whoever or whatever you're using the technique on doesn't have a strong body or life force." He turned to Keys. "How are you feeling now?"

She turns her head and looks down at her chest and gem smiling then she yawns and slowly lays on the floor. “Thank...you.” She then falls asleep.

I chuckle and smirk. “I see what you mean. Hey little buddy; do you have information on keyblade armor?” I ask the parrot on my head.

"Searching data," Chibi Ed parrot squawked. "over 30 files found, please specify what it is that you'd like to know."

“I want to know how to make my own, and if it’s possible to make it out of Uru and Vibranium.” I tell the bird as I stick near the wall so I’m out of the way and watch Ed talk with the princesses as Luna has shown up.

"Rakkkk," he squawked. "It is possible as long as the blacksmith is a key wielder."

I nod and say. “Good because I have a keyblade; now how do I make it?”

"By using a forge," The bird tweeted.

I raise a eyebrow. “That’s it? I heard a theory that a keyblade wielder takes a block of whatever metal that they want and aims their keyblade at it and fire is a beam of light at it focusing on something and the metal slowly shrinks into the shoulder piece.”

"Incorrect," Parrot Ed added. "While the beam does help impart magic in to the armor; it must still be forged using traditional means."

“Damn so much for the easy way. Please start making blueprints for keyblade armor for me, I’ll give you details later.” I get up from the wall and walk over to Ed, Asta and the princesses.

“Ah young dragon it seems you are full of surprises.” Luna says as I join the group.

"I wanna know when the guards are gonna get here with his royal assness," Asta grumbled.

Just then the doors open and there are guards holding a tied up Prince Blueblood who is oddly quiet I check his name and my eyes widen and I growl. “Asta; use a small amount of anti-magic on him. It’s not the real Blueblood; it’s another one of their creations named Subject 299.”

Asta hand become covered black anti-magic and he grabbed onto 299's horn canceling out all of his magic, "Let's see what you really look like."

He screams as his magic fails and blue flames burn away his Blueblood disguise revealing a pony changeling hybrid that looks exactly like Blueblood.

I growl and red flames cover me for a second “That bastard must’ve known we were coming and had this guy made in advance. He’s probably long gone.”

"No, this one has been here since before you Del," Ed said as he held up a and while his eyes changed to the Sharingan again. "He has real memories going back almost three years."

I take a deep breath and calm down but still have a scowl on my face. “Well that just means he knew what he was doing was wrong and had a plan for his escape.”

I stomp over to the window and look out the window. “Unfortunately I don’t have any more information for you princesses. If you need help you can call me.”

"You both do realize what he was trying to do?" Ed asked the princesses.

Celestia looks away not wanting to admit it but Luna steps for glaring. “That excuse of a prince is experimenting on living beings trying to create an alicorn or make himself so he can overthrow us.”

Ed nodded. "And the louse has been in hiding for three years now. that means that three years ago there was a major breakthrough in his experiments. If I had to guess; he's fairly close to reaching his finally goal."

I cross my arms thinking while Celestia speaks up. “Do you really think he is behind this? That he is such a horrible pony?”

“Tia, face it; he is not fit to be a royal and is spoiled rotten, we will find him in his dreams.” Luna says with confidence.

I look over to her. “Ever since you’ve returned have you ever entered Prince Blueblood’s dreams?”

Luna is about to nod and speak but freezes and her eyes widen in shock.

"That's what I thought as well," Ed crossed his arms. "There is a way to find though."

“How?” Both me and Luna ask at the same time then we look at each other.

"Even though he's hiding he can’t hide his magical aura." Ed explained and walked over to 299. "His son can help us find him."

I smirk and chuckle. “Well I can honestly say it’s a good thing I called you Ed because if it was just me I’d be out of options and have to wait till he shows up.” I say then I walk up to Ed and whisper.

“Ed; if we run into him and he is a alicorn I won’t be able to fight him. From what I’ve read; alicorns here are gods: full immortality and all.” I tell him.

"I can take him on, just keep the princesses back. Have Asta help you," Ed whispered back. "Asta is more than capable to take down Alicorns but don't want him activating Black Form in front of the sisters. He's too enraged and could fall to the demon’s influences."

I nod and sigh. “Right I’ll do what I can Let’s get this done.” I then walk over and whisper the plan to Asta.

Ed walked over to the princesses. "I know you two don't trust me, Del, or my brother but believe me when I say you need to stay back. I don't want to any unnecessary casualties. That being said I will let you try and convince Blueblood to stand down; but if he doesn't," Ed looked them both in the eyes, not a hint of remorse showed. "I fully intend to kill him, understand."

Celestia’s eyes widen and she tries to step forward but Luna blocks her with her wing and says. “We understand and I personally agree with you sir Ed. Please let us put a end to this...one way or the other.” She ends with a stoic look on her face.

Ed nodded, "Give me a moment," he walked over to 299 and held out his and as his eyes shift to the Rinnegan, "That snake is hiding under the mountain."

I look down at the ground. “How far down? Because if the princesses don’t mind I can just use Earth bending to make a hole directly to him if he’s directly below us.”

"No need," Ed snapped his fingers and we were teleported to a dimly lit cave.

I am surprised and quickly look around expecting danger.

"I'm not gonna show mercy this time," I heard Asta and turned to see him looking over the bodies of a number of foals.
My eyes widen when I see the dead foals and growl loudly as my body in engulfed in red flames my body starts growing bigger and bigger until I’m twice my size and built like a bodybuilder I let out a thundering roar and rush towards the first door I see.

“Oh no he let his emotions get the better of him. Dragons can’t control their emotions and their flames become uncontrollable. He’s nothing more than a beast now you’ll have to put him down too.” Celestia says to Ed.

"CONTROL YOURSELF!" Ed demanded as he released a small lake of bloodlust, snapping me back to my sense. the princesses shrank back behind Asta. "If anyone it going to that bastard; it's gonna be me."

New Skill Earned.
Skill: Detect Bloodlust.
Detects bloodlust within 30 meters from the user's location. It also alerts the user of its origin.

I stop in my tracks growling and point at the door. “Mean pony bad! Little ponies hurt not come back!” I roar at Ed still consumed in flames.

Ed raised a hand and nailed me in the head sending to the floor he turned and looked down, "Believe me when I say, you should stay out of my way," Ed's eyes had shift to what looked like a black sun on a red background. "No one wants this bastard more than I do right now; but we won't get him if you go and try to melt the place down. GOT IT!"

-20,000 damage taken

My flames start going down and I grown and rub my head as a return to my normal size. “Damn it...I’m sorry Ed that’s the second time that’s happened to me I need to learn more control over my emotions.” I mumble to myself and get up weakly and check my stats and pale. “Shit Ed; you took most of my life points!”

I start summoning and drinking Health potions like crazy until I’m fully healed.

Ed picked up his pace and walked down the tunnel his coat lightly fluttering behind him. Asta help me to my feet and told me and the princesses a shocker, "Ed is father to twins. A boy and a girl, no more than a few months old."

I look at Ed then back to Asta. “Blueblood he’s about to face an angry father that just saw a lot of dead foals..yeah Blue is as good as dead.”

We came to door and Ed wastes no time in kicking it down. It opened in to a spacious cavern and raised his right pointer finger and a ball of light appeared above it. the light ball burst and flood the room with light. Everything in the room was straight out of a nightmare with vats containing fetuses up to adult ponies.

I growl again but Asta slaps my head and I calm down. “Thanks...this is horrible...”

"What do say to this, Celestia?" Asta asked.

I look back to hear what she has to say but she is back at the door throwing up and Luna is rubbing her back with a wing. “I take it this Celestia hasn’t seen horrible things like this in a long time.”

"I can't speak of not meddling in creating bodies, but those I did; I made for the souls of those who needed a body so they could live," Ed spoke softly. "For my niece and my little sister, but this," Ed began to sake as a crimson aura enveloped his body and red lighting crackled. "THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE!" The whole carven started to shake as if the mountain itself were cowering in fear.

I flinch and look as I get a new skill then chuckle weakly. “I agree Ed. There are five unforgettable crimes in my eyes: hurting young ones, slavery, rape, murder and messing with someone’s mind.”

New Skill Learned.
Skill: Sense Danger.
This skill allows the user to sense when a bad thing might happen.

"Luna, Celestia, what will you do with all of these ponies," Asta looked at the sisters. "I can sense they're all alive and well."

Celestia is panting and looks over to Luna looking concerned, while look closed her eyes and takes a deep breath. “We shall help them have normal lives. It is not their fault they were made.”

I look at the tubes then Asta. “Asta; I think you, me and the princesses should take care of these ponies while Ed deals with the final boss.”

"He's here," Asta remarked as he looked across the room.

My eyes widen and I look to where Asta is looking and summon my staff. “Damn he really did it...he is a alicorn.”


Ed threw his hand out, "He's mine," Ed growled. "Princesses, I told you I'd let you speak with him; so say what you want or speak your peace."

Celestia steps in front of the group and her eyes are wide. “Oh Blue why did you do this...please don’t fight; just surrender I don’t want to fight you.”

Luna snorts and stomps up next to Celestia. “You are a disgrace to royalty! Surrender and maybe you’ll have a small trace of your honor left, or fight us and lose; not just your life but your title as well!” She slams her hoof down cracking the floor and the mountain shakes but not as much as when Ed was mad.

"ME; a disgrace for royalty," Blueblood snorted as he flared his wings out. "What about you two; my so called Aunts. You; who hold more power than any creature on this planet. We should be ruling on high like the gods we are and not promoting this faux friendship crusade that you tasked your so called student with. A student who I thoroughly looked into by the way," He slammed his hoof down. "You intend for that lower born unicorn to become an alicron and not me, then to make her royalty. Oh and I did some blood work on her to," he smirked evilly. "Turns out she's descended from a branch family of ours, meaning even though she's low born she's still worth enough to be my queen. It also explains why she can wield the Elements so easily and why she has so much magic, Twilight Sparkle; direct descend of Bright Star, aka Starswirl the Bearded."

I glare but make mental notes of what he is saying. “You don’t understand, she is destined to become an alicorn, and her bond with her friends is what makes her so strong. Blue please look around you! Look at all this death you’ve caused! Have you no respect for life itself?!” Celestia finally yells at Blueblood.

Lunas horn glows and her eyes narrow. “You; who would grow life just to throw it away; I’m not worthy of the title prince let alone the power of an alicorn and you have made your choice if you do not surrender by the time I stomp my hoof you leave us no choice to take you down!”

"You think you can take me down?" Blueblood laughed.

Luna snorts but before she slams her hoof I lift my staff and say. “Hey Blue balls; I don’t care if you’re a unicorn or a alicorn I’m still gonna kick your ass for what you did to all those innocent creatures!”

After my little speech I use magic arrow aiming for his horn and I also slam my foot bending the earth below him making him lose his balance.

The arrow connected but shattered on impact; not even a scratch on the bastard. "You lowly lizard, and worthless mares are all nothing to me," He shouted as he lit horn. "BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT, TRASH!" He sent a blast that would've burnt me and Asta to ash and god knows what to the princesses but Ed stepped in front and caught the beam with his bare hand.

I blink in shock then gulp and look to Asta. “I see what you mean about his power now.”

"How is this possible?" Luna and Celestia looked on in shock.

I look back at Celestia and Luna. “From what I’ve been told he is older and he has more magic then both of you combined. Right now; that’s a good thing.” I then look back to watch Ed.

"I'm sick of listening to the filth that comes from what you call a mouth," Ed growled as the room began to twist. Before we knew it we were all in an open plain.

"Oh he's more than pissed now," Asta shuddered. That's when I remembered he could sense the ki of others.

I gulp and look to Asta. “I’m guessing that if Ed is giving off a lot of ki?” I then look back and growl wishing I could help.

Ed's unicorn persona crumbled away to reveal his human form. "You think just because you were able to become an artificial Alicorn and boost your magical power that you’re hot stuff; do you?" Ed held up a clenched fist.

Celestia gasps and steps back but Luna just looks confused from Ed’s transformation.

“I am not a artificial alicorn! I am a purebred. Now there is no doubt I AM A GOD!” Blueblood declares as he flares his wings and begins to fly his horn already lighting up for an attack.

"A god you say, hehehnananahahNANAHAHAHAHA!" Ed laughed. "All I see is a spoiled brat who could've attained greatness if he'd worked for it; instead losing his soul for worthless power by sacrificing the lives of the innocent. If you'rE a god; then so am I!" Ed roared, not a shout but an actual roar.

Both princesses cover their ears and I do the same when Ed roars. ‘Damn you’d think he was a Dragon Slayer with that voice.’ I think to myself.

Blueblood is knocked away by Ed’s roar then when he corrects himself he glares at Ed and says probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. “Innocent!? Those monsters? Don’t be stupid! They are nothing but trash beneath pony hooves just as you are; you abomination. I have no idea what you are; you’re definitely no pony now BE GONE!”

Blueblood tries to blast Ed with what looks like a large beam of magic but Ed doesn’t move at all and let’s it hit him.

Ed stood there and took the blast head on and this time there was a lot of smoke, "Hmf, all talk. A false god is no match for a real one. Now on to you four-"

"Is that bite all you could muster," We heard Ed as the smoke clear to reveal him missing his left arm and chunks of his flesh from all over his body. "Because it didn't hurt at all."

My eyes widen but then I remember he’s a living philosopher stone and smirk. “Ed is just toying with him before he kicks his ass, isn’t he?” I ask Asta.

But as I watch I can just barely hear Celestia muttering to herself. “No it can’t be. There’s none left. No it can’t be. There’s none left, No it can’t be. There’s none left. I wiped them all out I’m sure.”

"Yes and no, he's trying to scare the hell out of him but also keep himself together,” Asta explained.

I nod in understanding and pay attention. “I see, between you and me; what do you think Ed’s gonna do to him?”

"My brother is many things, but when it comes down to it at this moment," Asta stared at Ed as his body regenerated. "I've never seen him this enraged before, there's not telling what Ed's gonna do."

I take a deep breath and keep myself calm. “Well it’s too bad I don’t know any shield or defense abilities to protect us from the backlash of all the attacks that are going to come from those two.”

"Personal barrier activated," Squawked a parrot from my shoulder. "Expanding to cover Asta and princess." God I love this bird.

I smile and pet it to keep up the act. “Remind me to thank Ed for my new friend.” I tell Asta then Blueblood roars in rage and attacks Ed over and over.

"Oh look; little princey it throwing a TANTRUM!" Ed growled as he lands a hard punch into Blueblood's gut send him to his knee puking up everything in his stomach. "Looks like he has a stomach pwobwem," Ed kicked his chin knocking out a few of his teeth. "Now he needs the tooth fairy. Here; have a bit," Ed tossed a coin at him.

I actually chuckle at how Ed is treating him. “Y-you bastard! I...am....going...to..kill you.” Blueblood says through his labored breath.

"Wanna know a secret little pony?" Ed asked evilly bending down.

Blueblood glares up at Ed as his horn tries to light but he can’t focus through the pain.
I grin and watch with satisfaction.

"I've already died several times during wars you can even imagine," Ed looked down. "I've been sliced open, gutted, and my favorite; beheaded but yet here I stand to this day."

Blueblood’s eyes widen in fear and he starts flapping his wings trying to fly away.

Ed vanishes to appear above Blueblood with own set of wings that were a metallic silver with shining red tips. He grabbed him by the horn and slung Blue balls pretty hard because we all heard a snap. Blueblood landed and made a crater. "Oops; it broke," Ed said as he held Blueblood's horn in his hand. "Hey Del, want a souvenir?"

My eyes widen and then I look at the horn in Ed’s hand but shake my head. “No thank you.”

"Some alicorn you turned out to be," Ed held up the horn and looked it over then tossed it to Blue ball but as he was about to catch it the horn caught fire and burned to ash.

Blueblood looks at the ash that use to be his horn in shock. “H-how is this possible? I am a king! A god! It is my destiny to rule over all those pathetic beasts not die to some freak of nature!”

"I give you back the chance if you’re willing to pay for it," Ed said with a shrug.

He looks up at Ed at first still in shock then his face twists with rage and then he yells. “Pay!? You broke my horn off you son of human! I’ll never give you a single bit! Now fix my horn or I’ll order my aunties to have you executed!”

"And there is the real scared brat that thinks he's still a royal," Ed gave an evil smirk. "Look over there and ask them to execute me and if they say to I'll gladly die by their hands."

He turns his head to them and whimpers. “Aunties; this beast attacked me! Please arrest him and have him executed for attacking royalty!”

Asta looked at me then to the Princesses.

I look back at them too and see Celestia look away and close her eyes, but Luna snorts and lifts her head before saying. “He’s no longer a prince that’s no longer royalty. I do not know what manner of creature you are; sir Edward but you have my permission to execute this traitor.”

"Very well your highness," Ed nodded as his gaze then shifted to Blueblood. "Any last words before I reveal your fate; former prince of Equestria?"

His eyes widen then he scowls at Luna. “You insufferable bitch! How dare you say I’m no longer a prince I am of Royal Blood you will bow to me. All of you will-“

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO EITHER OF THEM THAT WAY AGAIN!" Ed roared. "I gave you the chance to make a deal and I gave the chance to say your last words and you still spit in my face; you insufferable bastard!"

I scowl at him as well then I hold up my hand aiming my finger at him at him and blast his horn stump with a death beam enough to hurt him but not kill him.

"I'm done with you," Ed growled as his body started to crackle and hum with energy. Ed's form started to change as he started to grow and become cover in shows. Red twisted metal started to cover his body while the wings on his back stayed but grew larger, Soon he sported a tail and then a large eye opened diagonally across his chest and it was a Golden Rinnesharigan but instead of a pupil in it; there was the oroboros symbol. He kept growing until he reached twelve feet tall. In the cracks and folds of his armor you could see many red eyes and shadowy hands leaking out.

“My god...this is Ed’s true form isn’t it?” I ask Asta in shock staring at Ed.

“Wh-what in Tartarus are you!?” Blueblood screams in fear and starts to run away.

"It must be what he considers his true from," Asta told me just as shocked. "I've never seen this till now."

I see Blueblood getting away and quickly use bind on him and he trips as the magic rope ties him up.

"Tell me trash prince," Ed picked him up by his mane. "How do you think I came to be like this?"

He whimpers and struggles in Ed’s grip. “I don’t know! Let me go! I’ll give you anything!”

"Anything, you say? I know. What about the lives of all the innocents that you sacrificed for that pathetic power you no longer have. Can you return them life, to their loved ones,” the eyes on Ed body all glared at Blue, his voice was that of many. "What about the children you sacrificed; can you return them!"

His eyes widens and he actually pisses himself. “N...no I can’t. B...but they weren’t real ponies j...just flesh puppets my scientists made in tubes!” He tries to beg but I can tell it just makes Ed madder.

"Tell that to the souls I saw in those tubes; to the soul in your son," He said with disgust. "He wasn't artificial at all; but he was aged up by his father using an aging potion." the eyes squinted.

I can see Blueblood swallow and his eyes shrink to pinpricks. “Wh-what son? I never had any ch-children.”

I shake my head and say to Asta. “He is just digging his grave deeper isn’t he?”

"Filthy swine," he tossed blue at the princesses' hooves.

Celestia looks down at him with disappointment but Luna glares down at him with pure hatred. “Oh Blue look how far you’ve fallen, I wish you could see what you did was wrong.”

“Tia he is not a colt that stole some cookies! He is a murderer and traitor! As a princess of Equestria I sentence you; former Prince Blueblood to death! Sir Ed; would you like the honors?”

"I have a better punishment for this swine," Ed glared as Blue tried to wriggle away. Ed's eyes started to bleed and he took a drop of his blood. That’s when I realized what he planned.

My eyes widen and I step forward. “Ed are you sure? What if he lives through it?”

"That's the plan Del," Ed smirked.

I blink then it clicked and I nod. “Alright; and Blue I suggest you stay still.” I grin showing him my teeth. “It will hurt less...maybe.”

"Say Ah," Ed smiled a toothy grin as his shadows held Blue’s mouth open. He dropped it down the vile creature's mouth and he immediately started thrashing as he was broken down and put back together. Soon he stopped and just laid on the ground as an oroboros formed on his hoof. "From this day you are no longer Blueblood; but Greed. Now CURSE OF SUBJUGATION AND CURSE OF ETERNAL DAMNATION!" Ed shouts with out stretched wings as red chains came from the ground and bound the now dubbed Greed. He howled in pain as the chains seared into his flesh leave red chains printed on his body. “You can't deny the Princess, nor can you regain your magic. You will be damned to be reborn through flames every time you die, And you well never find rest."

After all that I walk up to Ed and watch as the newly named Greed stumbles over to Celestia trying to beg for something. “Damn Ed I didn’t know you could do all that. I just wish I was strong enough to help. I hate that I’m not that strong yet. Let’s take the princesses back to the throne room and then you, me and Asta can go do a bit of training before I send you guys home.”

In a red flash Ed was back to human Ed. "Yes."

I smile softly and use the Golden tiger claws to open a portal to the throne room and call out. “Eye one way trip to the throne room all aboard!”

“How! How are you here!? I know I got rid of all the humans on Equis! You shouldn’t be here!” Celesta snaps and yells at Ed.
"Relax your highness," Ed threw up his hands. "And let me start off by correcting your sentence as I'm no longer human and haven't been for a very long time."

She glares and lights her horn and the air starts warming up but Luna speaks up. “Then what are you? And what is a ...hooman?”

"Humans; a sapient race that are descended for apes Princess," Asta cut in. "Ed used to be one but that ceased over fifteen thousand years ago."

Celesta shoots a glare at Alta then looks to look with a softer look. “Don’t listen to them Luna. Humans are monsters that’s why I banished them from this world.”

"Not all humans are evil," Ed stepped up. "And if you get any madder; you set yourself a light Solar Princess."

She glares at Ed and I step up. “Ed’s right, not every human is evil just like not every pony is good.” With that I look over at greed.

"And I can think of a few things that "got rid of" means princess," Ed scowled as Celestia. "And if you think you can take me on then by all means have at me; but if you do; we need to go somewhere the civilians aren't in harms way."

I look between Ed and Celestia But before I step in Luna walks in front of her sister and says. “Tia; sir Ed has a point and there has been enough fighting for one day. Let us take care of the injured and imprison our former nephew and hopefully you will calm down after that.”

Celesta looks at Luna like she betrayed her but closes her eyes and sighs. “Fine...let’s go.”

And with that Celestia is the first through the portal followed by Luna, I look to Ed and say. “Damn I was not looking forward to that. Good thing Luna stepped up.”

"Luna is much more rationally then Sunbutt is," Asta said. "She is the one I mainly dealt with in conversations."

"My advice to you Del is to watch your back when you’re around Celestia," Ed added. "Now; so more than ever; sorry I screwed the trust up between you two."

I sigh and nod to both of them as I pick up greed and throw him through the portal. “Celestia already didn’t trust me. Hell; I have four guards watching me most of the time. They aren’t so bad but I already suspected Celestia thought I was going to be trouble the first time she met me was because her guards arrested me after I landed in the city and I asked to see her. The first thing she asked was why did I attack her little ponies.”

I shake my head and look to them. “At least Luna is reasonable. So; did you two want to go back to the throne room to check on the ex-prisoners or do I just throw the evidence through the portal and then go do some training?”

"I want to give Luna some of the evidence we have," Ed crossed his arms. "She's the only one we can trust and can see with eyes unclouded by hate or love for that bastard." Ed walked through the portal.

"Man I don't envy him right now," Asta sighed.

I nod in agreement and once Asta goes through I follow, and look around seeing Luna but Celestia and Greed is gone. “Hey; where are Greed and Celestia?”

"She's went to see if his mind has changed any and if he says yes then she planned on trying to remove my curses," Ed huffed as he was checking on the ex-prisoners.

I shake my head and walk over to Ed. “Hopefully she doesn’t just let him go.”

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with both The golden eyed sage and The Equestrian anti-magic knight

here is what his eyes look like now