• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Island Wizards

It took the group some time to get back to Midnight Mountain, time that they were willing to spend resting and getting their energy back for what was ahead of them, though they also spent a couple of minutes discussing the realms that they had left and which one they would tackle first when the rocket reached their destination, that way they would be able to get started without wasting any time at all. As they discussed what little they knew about the remaining realms, however, all of them knew that they were at the end of their quest, as the Sorceress was right around the corner and would be waiting for the four of them to come out and challenge her, hence why Bianca and Hunter were in the middle of gathering the forces that had been helped in the past, preparing them for the battle to come. Spyro still felt uneasy about that, since he wasn't expecting them to be the leaders of an entire army in their eventual battle with the Sorceress, but Spike, Ember, and Elora were just fine with it, since they knew that the people in question would be focused on listening to the orders that Spyro had for them, even if it would be to engage the Rhynocs when the time came. Eventually the group came to a decision on which realm they were going to tackle when they finally reached Midnight Mountain, they were going to tackle Crystal Islands and see what the problem was, since there was a problem with every realm they had been to so far, before heading to one of the other realms once the area had been cleared.

When the rocket finally landed at their destination, Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora climbed out of it and headed for the area that the portal to Crystal Islands was located in, which was just a few moments in front of the keep that the rocket landed in, before heading through the structure and headed towards the realm that was the first one on their list, so they could find the eggs and gems that were scattered around it. What they discovered, when they appeared in the staring area of the new realm, was that there were a number of floating islands that seemed to make up this realm, which made sense due to the name that was attached to the portal, before they spotted all of the crystals that were attached to each island, as the majority of what they were able to see had been transformed due to someone's magic, save for the ground that they were standing on. The ground had to wonder if the Sorceress had been behind this, to test her power out when the eggs had been brought to the Forgotten Realms, or maybe she did it after Bianca questioned her motives, back before the group reached Evening Lake, though they would only find out what was going on by asking the residents of the realm, and it just so happened that there was an orange skinned person, about their height by the looks of things, that was wearing wizard robes and a hat, and was carrying a wand in one hand. That caught Spike's attention, since he was the wizard of the group and knew more about magic than Spyro and Ember did, as Elora had only read about the magic of Avalar, but that really made him interested in what they were going to learn while they were here, before they helped out the couple of residents that were scattered around the realm.

"Shh, we have a secret, but you can't tell anyone else... we stole some of the Sorceress' magic!" the wizard, who Spike found out was a Gnome Wizard according to the Guidebook that he had picked up at the beginning of this adventure, said, though at the same time the group had to wonder why he felt that he and the other Gnome Wizards had stolen some of the Sorceress' magic, since it was likely possible that they had gotten their powers from the magic returning to the entirety of the Forgotten Realms, but they said nothing for a few seconds as they waited for him to finish telling them what was going on at the moment, "We're hiding here whilst we practice using it, but we had an unfortunate accident earlier that, um, turned everything in this realm into crystal, and it also aggravated the indigenous creatures."

"So you need help in quelling the rage of the creatures that call this realm home, so you can prepare for the battle with the Sorceress' forces?" Spike inquired, just to make sure they were understanding what the purple robed Gnome Wizard was telling them at the moment, since it seemed pretty straightforward to him when he thought about it, though it didn't take the Gnome Wizard long to nod his head, to show that he had gotten the gist of what he had been saying, which meant that they could move on and see what the rest of the realm had to offer them.

The first thing they discovered was that the area around the starting area had a small bit of water between the patch of ground they had started on and the next part of the realm that they had to progress through to fight their way through the rest of the realm, though that was when Elora smashed a pair of straw baskets that were nearby and picked up the gems that were around them, allowing them to progress once more. That was when they discovered the first couple of enemies that they would be facing in this realm, a creature that looked like a flower, only made out of crystal, that didn't like looking at the four of them and shook one of its arms at them, as if beckoning them over to fight it, and there just so happened to be another Crystal Flower, as that was what Elora called them before Spike could say anything, on the other edge of the area. The other foe that was in the area was a beaver that, oddly enough, could fly through the air and for the moment it seemed passive, though whenever it stared at them it seemed annoyed, meaning that they would have to deal with some Flying Beavers while they were exploring this realm, but even then it only made the group wonder if there had been Rhynocs here at one point and the accident that the Gnome Wizard had mentioned was responsible for turning all of them into crystalline creatures. The only reason Spike even considered that was due to the fact that all of the Rhynocs they had encountered over the course of this adventure had been transformed gems, just like what Gnasty Gnorc did for his attack on the Dragon Realms, so whatever spell the Gnome Wizards had messed up might have been influenced by the original nature of the Rhynocs, even if he had no evidence to back that thought process up.

Either way he and the others watched as Ember leapt over the small bit of water and landed near one of the Crystal Flowers that were going to be their enemies for this realm, where she spun around and slammed her hardened tail into her target, smashing the crystalline foe to pieces in an instant and deposited a gem for her trouble, to which Spyro took a moment to approach the other one and flame it, the heat blowing the Crystal Flower apart. Spike was a little surprised by that information, as he wasn't expecting this type of enemy to be weak to fire based attacks, or at least dragon flames, but it was good to know for later, in case they discovered an enemy that resisted Ember's hardened attacks, but as he and Elora crossed over to where his siblings were waiting he loosed a Wind Shuriken and knocked the Flying Beaver out of the air as well. With the upper area cleared Spyro dived into the water and found that there were a few gems down there, as well as a few glass vases to smash, though what he was surprised by was the red octopus that tried to grab him, almost like it was going to strangle him if he was caught, so what he did was charge into his few foe and crashed it into the wall that was behind it, taking out one more enemy and giving them another gem for the collection. From there he rejoined the others as they stood near the edge of the area, where all four of them stared out at the area that was in front of them and spotted a large clue colored creature that was definitely made out of gems and looked like a bear, to which the group wasted no time in labeling this particular enemy as a Crystal Bear and glided over to the island that it and two Crystal Flowers were waiting on.

This time around Spike was ready and loosed a larger Fireball than what he was used to, one that slammed into the Crystal Bear and blew it to pieces, though as he did that Ember smashed one of the Crystal Flowers with her hardened tail, leaving Elora to charge her new palm blaster for a moment before firing at the other foe, where they were surprised to find that her attack was successful and that the Crystal Flower that she had targeted had been blown apart by the attack, showing that the Mark III suit was definitely more powerful than the Mark II suit. With the enemies taken out the group took a few seconds to clear out the rest of the area, picking up the loose gems that were just laying on the ground, even if Spyro backtracked a little to pick up two that they had missed near the edge of the first island and then rejoined them as Elora found two metallic vases and had them smashed as well, allowing them to enter the building that was in front of them so they could progress through the realm. It was when they entered the building, after climbing up a few steps to get inside the structure, that they found a blue robed Gnome Wizard being bothered by a pair of Flying Beavers, no doubt due to the fact that he helped modify the realm on accident, but that didn't stop Spike and Elora from blasting their targets out of the air, with Spike choosing a Lightning Bolt this time and Elora sticking with her palm blaster. While they did that Spyro and Ember dived into the water that was beyond where the Gnome Wizard was running around and smashed the couple of glass vases that were down there, along with charging into the pair of Octopus that wanted them dead, allowing them to clear the area of enemies and pick up the gems that had been both on the ground and laying in the water, though once the entire section of the building was cleared the group gathered near the Gnome Wizard.

"Thanks for saving me. Say, would you guys like to see a magic trick?" the Gnome Wizard asked, causing the group to raise their eyebrows for a moment, as they knew that none of the wizards that were in this realm really had a great deal of mastery with their magic, since it appeared it was a recent acquisition on their part, though Spike did report that there was some lingering magic in the area and decided to see what the Gnome Wizard wanted to show them, "Watch carefully now! As you can see, there is nothing up my left sleeve, and there is nothing up my right sleeve, but with a wave of my hands and the magic word... Alakazam!"

In the following instant he turned and cast his spell on the area that was between the floor they were on and the small opening that would take them outside, creating three large red gemstones that would serve as steps for them to get out of the building, though Spike was sure that they would disappear in due time and made sure that the group was through the opening before that happened, even though the Gnome Wizard seemed overjoyed by what he had done. The moment they were outside the building they found a Crystal Bear and a Crystal Flower waiting for them, to which Ember hardened her tail and jumped into the air as she spun forward, utilizing her spinning attack as she crashed into her foe's face, which smashed the Crystal Bear to pieces in a matter of seconds, showing the rest of the group that her hardness was stronger than what this particular type of enemy had. The Crystal Flower, on the other claw, was blasted apart by Spyro loosing a quick burst of fire at it, allowing them to clear the immediate area and resume looking for the rest of the gems and any eggs that they might be able to save before locating any of the side portals to the other sections of the realm, which was the moment that Spike actually found an egg nearby, he just had to glide down to where it was resting. The egg was on a small floating bit of rock, so all he had to do was land, check it out to be sure that the Rhynocs had done nothing to it, and then sent it off to the Dragon Realms, before gliding back to the entrance of the building and quickly making his way back through it, even though he reactivated the spell that the Gnome Wizard had used so he could get back to where the others were waiting, this time making sure it was permanent for as long as they were in this realm.

Once they were back together they smashed a few more straw baskets for the gems that were inside them and Elora blasted apart a Crystal Flower with her palm blaster, which she had to admit was a rather nice addition to the suit of armor that she was wearing, before they glided over to the next island and found a reddish robed Gnome Wizard standing near the edge of the area, which had two Crystal Bears guarding the area in front of them.

"You know, all of this magic is just misdirection," the Gnome Wizard stated, as if he was trying to inform the group that they had been lied to and that this realm had always been like this, though none of them were buying it, mostly due to the fact that Spike could easily detect the truth of the matter and knew that all of the Gnome Wizards had some bits of power, no doubt due to their wands, but they said nothing as the wizard continued his statement, "which is why I'm going to activate that whirlwind over there... Abracadabra!"

Sure enough the Gnome Wizard fired a beam of energy into the center of the next structure that the group would be making their way towards, this one looking more like a small temple than the building they had passed through a couple of minutes ago, though Spike ensured that it would remain active and not disappear, since the Gnome Wizards seemed to be under the impression that making paths appear and disappear was a fun thing to do with their magic. With that done Spyro smashed the bullseye chest that was right in front of them and claimed the gems that were inside it, allowing them to head into the area that the pair of Crystal Bears happened to be guarding, where Ember spun through the air again and smashed one of them to pieces with her hardened tail, though Elora surprised them by kicking the other one in the face with her right hoof and smashed it. Since she happened to be wearing the Mark III armor they knew why it was possible for her to kick solid crystal and come out as the victor, given the strength of her attacks and the boost that the armor gave her, but the more interesting part of all that was that the leg that had struck the Crystal Bear was undamaged, where she reminded them that the Professor had designed this suit to be a total upgrade from the last one, though even she was rather impressed by what their friend had created for her. With those two enemies taken out, and they got over just how awesome Elora's new armor was, the group spread out and collected everything that was in the area, be they loose gems, smashing the metallic vases, break a few straw baskets, or diving into the water to smash a couple of glass vases, pick up the gems that were under the water, and charge the three Octopuses into the walls, to clear the area of enemies and every gem that had been left behind.

From there, once they were sure the area was cleared, the group returned to the structure and used the whirlwind to raise into the air and glide to an area that had two more Crystal Flowers and a Crystal Bear, though those enemies paled in comparison to the true foe that lurked in the area that they were heading to, as Moneybags was standing near the edge of the area in question, so Ember smashed the Crystal Bear with a well placed Headbash while Spyro and Spike torched the pair of Crystal Flowers, before they landed and frowned at the greedy bear that was in their way.

"Ah, hello again young heroes. Did you know that I happen to be a very talented amateur magician?" Moneybags said, though at this point, as Elora smashed the pair of straw baskets and the pair of metallic vases that were nearby, the group was under the impression that he was purposely forgetting each of their previous encounters, like one would try to bury an event that they didn't want to talk about, though it was possibly that he was just stupid and they were having to deal with the idiocy that he possessed, but they decided to stop and hear what he had to tell them, "My specialty is the, err, the 'Amazing Extending Bridge' trick, and while I would love to show it to you, so you can be on your merry way to find the rest of the dragon eggs, I'm afraid that I can't do that... not without being given a small donation..."

"Moneybags, we don't have to be told that, as we know that you're a talented amateur magician... because you're very good at making our patience disappear." Spike remarked, to which his siblings and Elora nodded their heads, to show that they agreed with his statement, though that was when he ignited his own magic and caused the bridge that the bear was guarding to extend and connect this island to the next one that was in front of him, before he glanced at Moneybags for a few seconds, who was shocked by what he had done, "Also, you should know by now that this bridge stunt of yours isn't going to work on us, especially not with one that can be extended by magic."

Moneybags stood there for a moment, where it looked like he was sweating after seeing that his latest scheme to get some of their gems had failed, which made since due to the fact that none of them were buying what he was seeing, which was when Elora raised her hand and blasted the bear in the chest, knocking him over the edge of the area and caused him to fall, even though Spike knew that the magic of the realm would deposit the bear back in Midnight Mountain so he could prepare for the next trick he had in mind. From there the group walked over the bridge and entered the next island that they were going to explore, though that was when they found a green robed Gnome Wizard waiting near the other end of the bridge, to which the four of them stopped for a moment so they could see what he had to tell them, before worrying about the Crystal Bear and the three Flying Beavers that were beyond the starting area.

"You know, I've been working on a new trick, one that I can show you as long as you promise not to tell the Great Zamboni what you see... he steals all my best work!" the Gnome wizard said, apparently not caring about the enemies that were in the area that he was standing in, even if the group knew they were going to take care of them, but they nodded their heads to show that they agreed to his terms, even if they had no idea who the Great Zamboni was, to which he raised his wand and readied himself, "Alakazam!"

The magic word that the Gnome Wizard decided to use informed them of who he was talking about, because he just so happened to be using the same term that the second wizard had used when they helped him out, and there was more evidence that pointed them to who the green robed wizard was talking about, as the trick that he used was to create three large crystals that formed a partial set of steps that would allow them to glide to the upper part of the area. Before doing that, however, Spike spent a few seconds to make sure the steps remained where they had been summoned, just like he had done to all of the other tricks that the other Gnome Wizards had used over the course of their visit to this realm, and while he did that Ember jumped into the air and smashed the Crystal Bear that was in front of them, opening the way for the others to deal with the remaining enemies. While she did that Elora raised her arm, focused for a moment, and blasted one of the Flying Beavers out of the air, allowing Spyro to ascend the gem steps and then flame the remaining two Flying Beavers that were near the final gemstone, clearing the area above the water of enemies, before he dived into the water and smashed into the pair of Octopuses that he found. Spike, as Spyro cleared out the underwater area of enemies, gems, and glass vases, glided over to a side area and found a Crystal Flower that was ready to smash someone into the ground, so he simply blasted it with a Fireball and blew it apart, allowing him to pick up a few gems and smash the straw basket that was in the area he had spotted, before locating one of the side sections that seemed to be through Bentley's portal, to which he returned to the others since he knew they would find it in no time.

Once the area was cleared out they climbed up the crystal steps and then glided to the upper part of the area, where they found another structure that had a Gnome Wizard standing in front of it, even though they spotted an inactive exit portal inside the building in question, which informed them that they had succeeded in helping the residents of this realm out, even if there were no Rhynocs for once, but that didn't stop them from coming to a stop in front of the wizard so they could hear what he had to tell them.

"Oh, hello. You guys can have this," the Gnome Wizard said, where he revealed one of the stolen dragon eggs that the group was looking for, something that put a smile on their faces when they saw it, though at the same time it wasn't hard to see that he was annoyed about something and that he was going to speak his mind before they moved to explore the rest of the realm, "I was going to use it in a trick that I've been practicing, but my magic keeps bouncing off of it."

Spike knew that such a statement made sense, mostly because dragon eggs were rather resistant to magic, meaning that if someone cast a spell on them the spell in question would be bounced away like nothing had happened in the first place, where the only exception that he knew about was, well, his Teleportation Breath, as it was about the only magic that seemed to work on the dragon eggs. In fact Spike waited for the Gnome Wizard to leave the area before he even sent the egg back home, just so the wizard didn't get annoyed about his magic working on the egg, though once he did that, and the exit portal was active once more, the group moved around the area and found that there was a Crystal Flower that wanted a piece of them, not that it mattered since Elora simply blasted it with her palm blaster. With that foe taken care of they smashed a metallic vase that was nearby and did the same to a pair of straw baskets that happened to be resting near a cave opening that was near the structure that housed the exit portal, one that took them to a short passage that possessed something interesting, what appeared to be a slide of some kind that went from the high point that they were currently standing on and went down to what appeared to be the exit, meaning that there were two different portals for entering and leaving, instead of just one like all of the other side realms they had been to in the past. Instead of heading forward immediately, and possibly walking into a trap if there were additional enemies in this realm, the group let Spike see what sort of magic was in this area, only for him to find that the entire smooth stone slide had a slipperiness spell cast on it, meaning all they would have to do was lay on their stomachs and slide forward.

As such it wasn't long before the four of them, with Spyro in the lead, slid out of the starting area for this part of the realm and followed the path that happened to be right in front of them, where Sparx, Talon, and Cinder made sure to grab all of the gems that they slid down the slide that was in this part of the realm, even though they did have to maintain a bit of control by steering themselves, before they eventually reached the end of the slide and found that a dragon egg was at the end, allowing Spike to send it back home as well.

Once the side section of the realm was cleared out, and they made sure to smash the three straw baskets that were resting near the egg, the group headed through the portal that was in front of them and returned to the area the entrance was connected to, allowing them to continue moving as they explored the rest of Crystal Islands, since there were a few more eggs to recover before this realm could be crossed off the list. With one side area cleared the group made their way back to the edge that the last Crystal Flower had been located and found out something that they had missed, there was a patch of land that was floating off in the distance, far enough to where they had to glide to reach it, though that wasn't the most exciting thing, as there was a locked chest and a whirlwind resting on the area in question. When they glided over to the area Ember tapped the chest with her tail for a moment, clearly debating whether or not she should just smash it and be done with it, before the others watched as she hardened her tail and smashed it anyway, deciding to not bother with finding the key that went to it, allowing them to collect the gems before figuring out where the whirlwind might take them to, even if Spike already had an idea as to their next destination. Not a few seconds of gliding through the air they landed in front of the portal that he had found earlier, the one that would allow them to head to the side area that Bentley would be in for some time, to which they headed through it to see what their yeti friend was doing in Crystal Islands, mostly since this place seemed to be far different from where they usually found him.

As such they headed through the portal and found the square chamber that Bentley was waiting in, where he seemed happy to be in this realm and seeing them only made him much happier, though they knew that he was trying to not think about the fact that he and the other heroes were going to be declaring war on the Sorceress, or at least her Rhynoc army, in the very near future.

"Ah, hello friends, the Amazing Randini is about to put on a display of prestidigitation!" Bentley remarked, though at this point none of the group were all that surprised by what was going on, as all of the wizards that they had encountered in this realm were basically street magicians, something that involved low amounts of magic and was more about slight of hand, or claw in their case, but while they had seen a few Magic Crafters that excelled at this type of magic they had to admit that they were a little curious about the wizard that was putting on a show, "I've heard that it's quite impressive, so I'm going to watch the show. You're free to come along, if you wish."

The siblings and Elora glanced at each other for a moment, like they were debating whether or not they should follow him into the area that he was heading to, before deciding that they would join him, mostly in the off chance that any of the remaining eggs and gems might be in the side section that he was going to be entering, to which the five of them passed through the portal that was behind Bentley and discovered the area that they would be in for a time. It appeared that the area that the show would be held in was one one of the further islands, away from the ones that they had been exploring earlier, though that was when they found a few tall stone pillars that Bentley had to move, though the one to the right did let them enter a small side area that had four circular metallic chests, ones that Ember eagerly smashed apart so she could get the gems that were inside them. That allowed Bentley to move the next one out of the way and enter the area that the show was going to be held in, where a purple robed Gnome Wizard, who looked similar to the first one they had met, even if they were two separate people based on the wands, beards, and robe colors, only to determine that he had to be the Amazing Randini that was going to be hosting the show. As it turned out the moles that were part of the show seemed to be far too excited and the wizard asked Bentley for help so he could get ready for the actual show, which was where their friend took his club, marched out into the flattened area that was in front of them, and started swinging his club at the moles that came up out of the ground, while at the same time avoiding the Gnome Wizards that seemed to be the aids of the one Bentley was assisting. While he did that the group looked around the rest of the flattened area and picked up the couple of gems that were laying around and smashed the straw baskets that were nearby, since those didn't seem like they were part of whatever show was going to be happening soon, before returning to the wizard as they waited for their friend to finish whacking the moles.

As it turned out one of the assistants recovered an egg while they were helping Bentley with the moles, to which the Gnome Wizard that was in charge of this area gave it to them as their reward for the help, though while they went back to their work Spike made sure the egg was unharmed and then sent it back to the Dragon Realms, leaving two dragon eggs that had yet to be discovered, to which they bid Bentley farewell for now and headed back to the main part of the realm to continue their search for the missing eggs.

Once they were back in the main part of the realm they discovered that there was more to the area that housed the portal to Bentley's small side area, as there was a Superfly Gate nearby and, more importantly, an Egg Thief that was using a plane to take off with one of the eggs they were looking for, to which the four of them rushed through the gateway and took off as they chased their target into the sky. They followed the Egg Thief through the air for a few moments, allowing it to make a loop around the entirety of the main part of the realm, before Elora loosed a blast at the back of the plane and caused it to crash in one of the flatter areas that the four of them had passed through earlier, allowing them to land a few moments later and claim the egg that the thief was trying to make off with, to which Spike sent it home after that. With the egg safe the four of them took off and returned to the area that the Superfly Gate was resting in, to which they flew right through it and recharged the time they had to use this particular power, something that allowed them to fly all over the rest of the islands and collect all of the loose gems that were scattered everywhere, since they didn't want to leave any of the treasure behind. Of course that brought them to the roof area of the first building the group had passed through some time ago, at the start of their adventure in this realm, which also happened to be where the key to the locked chest had been located, though they were more interested in the number of glass vases that had explosives attached to them and the few gems that were laying on the ground, especially when they spotted the sixth and final egg for this realm, since that was the common number for the normal realms that they visited.

The moment they had cleared out the area of everything that they could collect Spike looked at what they had found in this realm and counted all six of the eggs, along with a grand total of seven hundred gems from everything that they had collected during their time in this realm, to which the four of them headed back towards the exit portal and headed through it, so they could pick the next land that they were going to help out as they freed the rest of the Forgotten Realms from the Sorceress' grip.

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