• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Idol Trouble

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, or Ember all that long to leave Colossus behind and return to Summer Forest, where they paused for a moment to take in how peaceful the homeworld was, in comparison to the realms they were tackling, as it was rather odd for them to find peace in an area like this, especially when the homeworlds of the Dragon Realms had enemies running about the place, trying to gather gems and make sure the dragons were imprisoned. Spike was happy to have a moment or two of rest, mostly so he could go over the guidebook and make sure they had gotten everything in Colossus, because if they missed anything they would have to go back at some point in the future, but, thanks to the magic of the Talismans and the Orbs they had collected so far, it appeared that they had recovered all the gems and important items in the realm they had departed from. That made both Spyro and Ember happy, as it meant they could focus on the next realm they would be heading to, Idol Springs, and repeat what they had gone to both Glimmer and Colossus, as in collecting all of the scattered gems, helping the residents of the realm out to get the Talisman they needed to face Ripto, and find some of the Orbs that were hiding in the realm. As he thought about that, however, he flipped the page and turned back to the beginning of the book, so he could learn a little more about Orbs and what their purpose was, as he was curious about that and figured that he could take some time to get some information before they headed to Idol Springs.

"So, do we have any idea why we're collecting Orbs?" Ember asked, as she knew that the Orbs were important, that was an obvious fact that couldn't be ignored, but so far she had no idea why she and her brothers were bothering to take them from the people that were holding them at the moment, while at the same time showing that she was hoping that Spike had an answer to the question.

"According to the guidebook, Orbs are energy sources that power portals and other objects that are scattered here and there in Avalar," Spike said, where he reminded Spyro and Ember of the Speedway portal they had found Elora near earlier, while they were exploring the castle and had collected all the gems that were scattered all over the place, before he sighed as he closed the book and returned it to his satchel, "of course, now that I think about it, the Professor might have another reason for having us collect the Orbs from the various realms, but what that reason is I have no idea... but I'm sure that we will figure out what that reason is in time."

"Well, let's get going and see what sort of challenges Idol Springs has for us." Spyro stated, because while he knew his siblings would love to take a break and rest for a few moments, maybe even ten to twenty minutes, they were here to take down Ripto and could rest once they reclaimed the homeworld that their foe was currently taking over, hence the reason he was heading over to the portal in question.

Spike and Ember followed after Spyro as he crossed over to the area that the portal to Idol Springs was located in and then walked into it, where the siblings headed to the next realm that needed their help, as they were sure that there was something wrong that was going on and that the residents would need them to take down some sort of enemy, just like they did in Colossus. The starting area for Idol Springs, as they soon discovered, was some ground that wrapped around a small lake, where there were some higher points that would require them to jump to reach the next point, and the lake had a short piece of stone in the middle of it, one that they couldn't reach from where they were standing and spotted that it had a circular metallic chest at the top of it. The next thing they noticed was that the residents of this realm were the same as the monks from Colossus, only this time the person that was near them was dressed up in the attire of someone that worked, as he had an overall that was light brown colored, a shirt that was brown colored, a vest of some kind that rested over both of them and happened to be a color that was lighter than the shirt, and a yellow hardhat that would protect him from harm. There was another person like him, standing near a locked tunnel that was carved into the side of the rock wall that the path would take them through, and it seemed he was wearing a gray robe, but in front of him stood a wooden idol that someone must have been working on recently, though this one was moving like it was alive and it was holding a stick with a flaming marshmallow at the end.

The siblings stared at the walking idol that was in the middle of terrorizing the worker that was in front of him, as that was a little interesting to witness since they weren't familiar with such a thing happening, before focusing on the reason they came here and approached the worker that was right in front of them, as they knew that he would tell them what was going on and what they could do to save this realm from the chaos that had followed Ripto's arrival in Avalar, even if he wasn't directly responsible for what was happening to this realm.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, boy am I glad you guys are here." the worker said, though as he started talking he gestured to the idol that was chasing the worker near the tunnel entrance, showing that they had to be responsible for some, if not all, of the problems that this realm was facing right now, before turning to face them once more, "The idols we just finished carving suddenly came to life, as if they were hit by a spell or something, and have started causing trouble for us, as they have forced us out of our temples and, to make matters even worse, they've stolen all of our food."

"The idols have stolen... your food?" Spyro asked, because that was a confusing statement, as the idols looked like they were now made of animated wood and likely didn't have any internal organs, like any of the other creatures that he and his siblings had encountered in the past, so he really had no idea why they would be interested in stealing all the food that the workers ate.

"They're likely curious as to what eating is like and wanted to taste something without being bothered," Spike said, as while he understood that Spyro was confused by what they had discovered, while Ember, once again, didn't seem to care about what they were talking about, he knew that the idols, despite the chaos they were causing, were copying what the locals had done, before he nodded his head for a moment, "Don't worry, we'll save the other workers from the idols and restore order to Idol Springs."

The worker nodded his head in thanks as the siblings started to explore the area that was around them, finding six gems on the path behind them, a straw basket off to the side, and a pair of red gems off to their right, before they turned towards the idol that was blocking the sealed entrance and flamed him, where they watched as their flames charred his body and reduced him to ash. That that Spike that whatever magic that had brought the idols to life didn't like dragon fire and this was the cause of the two interacting, though with the worker saved he and his siblings watched as the grateful worker walked up to the tunnel entrance and raised the hammer and chisel that he was carrying, only to use them on the lock that was on the entrance, shattering the metal like it was nothing and opened the tunnel to the next area of the realm in a matter of seconds. Before they headed into the tunnel, and took out any idols that were on the other side, the siblings headed towards the patch of land that was in front of a large statue of some kind, one that was in the water as well, and picked up five more gems, though once that was done they headed over to the tunnel and found a few gems inside the now open tunnel. On the other side of the tunnel they found three more idols, two of which happened to be holding metal lids that they seemed to be using as shields, which meant that one of them would have to charge into the shields to take them out, and the third idol, who was taller than the other two, who Spike knew were around their height, happened to be holding one of the workers in one of it's hands, though it didn't seem to be in the mood to hurt the worker.

Spike charged into the small idol that was in front of them as Ember focused on the tall thin one that was holding the worker at the moment, where Spike collided with his target and knocked him to the floor as his sister flamed the one that was on the bridge, allowing Spyro to charge into the other small one that was standing near the next locked tunnel, so in no time at all all three of the idols had been taken out. As the now freed worker headed up to the tunnel, so he could break the lock and allow them to move forward, the siblings gathered the gems that were scattered in the area they were in and smashed the metallic vases that were near the water, before regrouping near the passage that would take them to the next area and see what was going on. Of course they picked up the gems that were inside the next passage, though when they reached the next area they found that it was a rather open area and that there was a stone carving in the right side of the area, along with a rather tall rock pillar that looked like they could use it to reach the top of the structures they had walked through to reach this point, before finding three small shield wielding idols and one of the tall fat ones that seemed more interested in terrorizing one of the locals. As such the three of them separated once more and chased down the three small idols first, charging into them and knocking them to the ground, where Spike noticed that each of the idols released a Spirit Particle as they went down, just like all of the enemies they had taken out so far, meaning that there was a specific Powerup Gate in each of the realm and, based on what he had seen so far, empowering the gates seemed to be the best course of action, so they could help the residents of the realms out.

As Spyro headed over to the tall fat idol, so he could save the worker that was being chased around the area and open the way to the next part of the realm, Spike and Ember focused on picking up the gems that were scattered around the area, before heading over to where their brother was waiting for them and found that he had already collected the gems that were in the opening part of the tunnel they would be walking through. This tunnel seemed to go through the actual mountain for a time, and there were some tree roots growing in part of the area, so Spike flamed the tall far idol that was chasing another worker as his siblings picked up the gems, broke the straw baskets, and smashed the metallic vases that were in this tunnel, before coming to a stop as they watched as the worker rushed to the gate and smashed the lock with his hammer and chisel, just like the others they had saved so far. Once the lock was broken, and the door opened before them, the siblings found that there was a small chamber in front of them and picked up the couple of gems that were on the ground, before turning towards the opening that revealed the next area that they would have to go through, one that had a temple a few steps above where they were standing, a path that seemed to lead to a brand new area, and, much to their interest, some indents that had colored stones in the middle of them. Spike had the feeling that they were stepping stones or part of an elaborate puzzle they hadn't discovered yet, where the latter would be more interesting in his eyes, but even as he thought about that he turned his attention to the enemies that were in the area with them and knew that they came first, especially since one seemed to be messing with another worker.

Ember, while Spike was thinking about the symbols that were nearby, charged into the small idol that had the pot lid shield and then jumped up to flame the tall thin idol, allowing her to free the worker that was being terrorized, where she and her siblings watched as the worker rushed towards the locked temple door and smashed the lock like the others had done, revealing a chamber with an inactive portal on the wall to their right and another worker, who had a hard hat, that was standing near a flag, which was the person that they ended up approaching.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, it seems that you three are just as tough as Elora told us, when she was informing the residents of the various realms of your arrival." the worker said, though his tone suggested that he was a higher ranking worker than the ones they had rescued from the small group of idols, a foreman from what they knew, and that meant that the first resident of Idol Springs that they had encountered had been one as well, "If any of you want a permanent job here, as a guard so stuff like this doesn't happen again, know that I would hire any of you in a heartbeat, as it would be a honor to work with such excellent warriors such as yourselves. For now, since I know you guys are preoccupied with cleaning up the messes that Ripto has left in the various realms of Avalar, I want you to have this, both for your quest and as thanks for helping us reclaim us temples."

The Talisman, as the siblings quickly discovered, was a green stone version of the idol that was in the first lake they had seen after they arrived in this realm, and as Spike let the Talisman take it's place in the guidebook, in the page that it belonged in, the inactive portal turned on, just like what happened in Colossus, to which they turned their attention to picking up the gems that were in the chamber as they thought about which direction they wanted to head in, since all of them knew that there had to be some Orbs in this realm. From there they climbed up the stairs that lead them to a small chamber that had some straw baskets, along with a channel, that transported water to another section of this realm, that sat in the middle of the chamber and split it in half, though thanks to Spike's spell the water wasn't about to stop them from breaking the baskets and claiming the gems that were inside them. Ember then jumped into the water and let it take her down the stream for a few seconds, where she found a ledge that had another straw basket and two gems resting right behind it, so she collected them and then returned to her brothers, where the three of them headed back down the stairs and returned to the foreman that had given them the Talisman for Idol Springs, but instead of retracing their steps they headed through the other opening in the temple and continued exploring another part of this realm. What they found out was that there were gaps between the rocks that served as the path they were following, far enough that gliding and hovering were necessary for them to continue walking along it, though they also picked up the gems that were laying on the ground and smashed one straw basket as they did that.

A few minutes later they came to a stop as they found an interesting sight, as the open area that was down below where they were standing, separated from the main path they had followed by a tall rock wall that happened to be part of the mountain the tunnels were carved into, had a central stone slab that had a boulder attached to one end, where a lady, who looked similar to the workers, foremen, and monks, was chained to the rock, with a tall fat idol standing near her and six other ladies were posited around the area on pillars, with a Powerup Gate near their location.

"What is it with this realm and the idols that are terrorizing them?" Spyro asked, because from what he could tell this sort of thing didn't happen, or if it did it wasn't to this extent, and both the workers and the foremen had been caught off guard by the idols coming to life and attacking them, though even as he said that he knew exactly what needed to be done to save the lady that was in the middle of the area they were staring at.

"Well, according to the guidebook, the magic that brought the idols to life is what the foremen generally use to will the finished idols to life," Spike replied, as he pulled out the book the moment Spyro asked the question, because he was also curious as to why the idols came to life like this, but what he found had interested him more than he thought it would, so he kept reading so he could understand everything, and give his siblings the same understanding, "From what I can tell the workers that live in Idol Springs focus their efforts on making are guardians of other realms, statues like the ones we saw while we were helping Colossus with their yeti problems, and a number of other interesting creations that we might see during our adventures, but this is the first time they went about creating their own protectors."

"Hold on a minute, you mean the idols we destroyed were supposed to protect these people?" Ember inquired, as that was news to her, especially since they knew nothing about the realms of Avalar, due to the fact that it appeared that the guidebook either gained the knowledge about a realm after gaining the Talisman or Spike picked the best moments to learn more about the realms, but she was still surprised by what her brother had said, "How did they mess that up, if they're so skilled at creating things for the other realms?"

"Here, let me show you," Spike said, where he beckoned for his siblings to put a claw on his back, though once they had done so he focused for a few seconds and his horns glowed, showing that he was working with his magic, only for them to see a number of magical strands appear in the air around them, all baring a different color, and that one that was attached to the idol in the area below them had a green strand that had something attached to it, "Tell me, do you see the mutated green strand?"

"It's hard to miss," Spyro replied, because it was in the middle of the area they were staring at, where there were only a few strands to begin with, but even then all he could see was an orange and purple color that was wrapped around parst of the specific strand his brother wanted them to see, and he could tell that Ember had seen it as well, before Spike made his horns stop glowing and the strands disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, "What was that spell?"

"It's an Altered Sight spell, allowing one to temporarily see strands of magic, which are usually invisible to everyone in the realms, and it's one of the more advanced level spells I've started to learn." Spike replied, showing his siblings that his lessons with Cosmos and the other Magic Crafters had given him more than the ability to sense hidden passages and what they had seen so far, before he glanced down at the area they were staring at, as it was time to answer the question that he knew his siblings wanted to ask him, "Anyway, that strand represented the life energies that no doubt went into the other idols we've seen, but, as you no doubt noticed, it wasn't purely green, rather it had orange and purple bits wrapped around it, like a snake."

"Those bits we saw, do they represent Ripto's magic?" Ember inquired, as both she and Spyro weren't the best when it came to magic, not to mention the various terms and powers that one learned about while studying the subject, as this was Spike's domain and, as Cosmos and the other Magic Crafters had said, he was one of the most skilled magic users in the Dragon Realms, even though he was only eleven years old, and when he finally matured he was likely going to be far stronger than any other magic user the dragons had seen for a long time.

"Indeed it does, which confirms that he's messing with the realms of Avalar," Spike stated, as while he and his siblings didn't doubt the word of the residents of the realms they had been to so far, including Summer Forest for that matter, this did confirm what they had been told, before he got up from where he was sitting and headed down to the Powerup Gate, as he had a feeling he knew what this one, with the lightning bolt symbol, would give them.

"Could you break off the bits of Ripto's magic, to save the idol instead of destroying it?" Spyro asked, though at the same time he knew that it was about time for them to keep moving, as they had used up a few minutes to stare down at the area that was in front of them, learn more about this realm and the idols, and then learn about another spell that their brother had been working on with the other Magic Crafters.

"No, not yet." Spike admitted, because while he knew that his siblings expected him to have the vast majority of the answers to their questions, about magic and the realms they were visiting, the truth was that he still had a lot more to learn before he was a master of the magical arts, or even a single field of magic like Cosmos and Nora were, and he knew that he had limitations like everyone else, even if he's were common for magic users, "However, I feel that, when we finally mature into adults and get used to our new abilities and responsibilities, I might have the power to do something like that, but for now all we can do is take out the idols and make sure peace returns to this realm, before heading out to see what sort of chaos is happening to the other realms of Avalar."

Spyro and Ember found themselves agreeing with Spike, as it was hard not to agree with their brother, even if there were times where they didn't like to do so, but as they reached the area that was below them, and noticed there were a few gems laying here and there, Spike walked through the Powerup Gate and starting charging like he was running along a supercharge ramp. From there they watched as he charged around the area they were in and struck the six pillars that the six ladies were standing on, which was when they discovered that breaking one of the pillars sent that lady into the air so they could land on the central stone slab, though that was when the pair discovered something odd, as the ladies didn't stop dancing after they landed. Spyro found that Spike didn't need to run around the area a second time, as he managed to hit all six of the pillars and let the ladies take their position around the idol that was standing in front of them, who was also carrying an umbrella as well, to which he and Ember watched as the ladies continued their dancing as some of the clouds gathered above them, forming a small dark cloud that would rain on someone. They then witnessed the six ladies using a bit of their own magic to influence the storm cloud, something that Spike recognized from what Altair messed with the weather in front of them, and called a powerful bolt of lightning out of the air that struck the idol and caused it to shatter in an instant, pieces flying everywhere while leaving nothing behind.

Spike had to admit that he was impressed by weather manipulation magic, hence why it was one of the skills that he wanted to learn in the future, but the next thing he and his siblings did was walk over to the lady that was still chained up and helped the other ladies in freeing her from her restraints, which pleased her as she touched the surface of the stone, and, of course, made the other six ladies dance as they jumped off the stone and started to move around the area that they were in, showing how happy they were.

"Would you look at that, the rain dance the hula girls called upon blew up that idol like it was a candle!" the lady said, showing that she was happy that the other ladies had come to her rescue, even though she knew that they were only able to do that thanks to Spike knocking them over to where she was being held captive, to which she jumped down onto the lower level and pulled something out of a bag that Spike had seen while he was charging around the area, though when she returned to them she held out an Orb, "Here, take this Orb as a token of my thanks, as I'm sure it will help you go places in the future... while I pursue that dancing career that I've been dreaming about for so long!"

Spyro and Ember waited for a few seconds, to be sure that Spike collected the Orb they were being given, before they searched the area that the hula girls were in and picked up the couple of gems that were laying on the ground here and there, before heading up the stairs that were near the Supercharge Powerup, so they could collect any gems they might have missed on their way down into this area and continue their exploration of the rest of the realm. From there they took turns jumping over to the next part of the path they were following, though with Spyro leading the way he was the first one to pick up the gems that were on the ground and smashed the straw baskets that happened to be in the way, and it wasn't long before they were heading around the top of the area that the hula girls were dancing in. It didn't take them long to reach what appeared to be the end of the path, which was in front of a rock wall that was in the area that had the single lone rock pillar they had seen in the area before where the main temple was located, but as they finished collecting the gems, and breaking the straw baskets, Spike spotted a split in the path that would allow them to jump over to the large platform that was on top of the pillar. Once they landed on the earthy platform Ember smashed the straw baskets that were on it, allowing them to collect the gems that were inside them, before they glided over to the next walkway that seemed to be leading the siblings back to the starting area of this realm, maybe giving them a way to break the circular metallic chest they had seen after arriving in this realm.

At the end of the path all three of them found a missile that looked like the one from Colossus, which was what they had used to break the chest in that realm in the first place, so all the siblings did was ignite the fuse and watches as it flew through the air, where they glided down to the starting area and watched as it collided with the chest, blowing it apart and scattered the gems that had been resting inside it, some resting on the pillar and some being flung into the water that was around the pillar. Ember changed her course to land on the area the chest had been resting in, while Spyro and Spike jumped into the lake and dived under the water, so they could collect the rest of the gems and see if the lake had any gems or vases for them to smash, along with any potential passages that might bring them to where one of the other Orbs in this realm were waiting for them. While Spyro and Spike did that, and Ember jumped in to join them a few moments later, which showed that she was done collecting the gems that had been on the pillar, they found a number of gems that were laying on the bottom of the lake, a few glass vases that they smashed, and, interestingly enough, a number of fish that were swimming around them, where some were blue colored, some were yellow colored, and the rest were red colored, but they paid the fish no attention as they found a passage that they swam through.

The short tunnel brought them to a small room that allowed them to jump out of the water and explore the rest of the area, which contained a few gems and a much larger chamber, one that had a rather large chest in front of them, a foreman that seemed to be worried about something, and a set of eight large stones that were arranged in a square, like a puzzle of some kind, before the siblings turned their attention to the foreman, so they could see what his problem was and if there was anything they could do to assist him.

"What seems to be the problem?" Ember asked, because from what she and her siblings could see there were no enemies keeping the foreman trapped in this chamber, since there had been none in the water and they had already taken care of all the idols that were harassing the workers of this realm, which only made them interested in what sort of problem the foreman was facing.

"I've been in this chamber since the idols attacked us, pleading with the giant idol heads to let us use our tools, which are locked in this chest." the foreman replied, where he gestured to the large chest for a moment, showing the siblings that it was important to him and the other workers, before focusing on the stones that were to his left, where they found four of the stones were glowing, the four directional ones and not the four corners, "They won't let us open the chest, not unless we complete the three puzzles that are connected to them, and the first of them is to turn all of the blocks, which are to my left, yellow... and, to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how you're supposed to do this one, though I can reset the blocks if you reach the same conclusion that I did."

Spike raised an eyebrow for a moment as he stared at the blocks, as it looked pretty straightforward to him, and both of his siblings agreed with him, as Spyro jumped on the northeastern and northwestern corners while Ember did the same to the southeastern and southwestern corners, as none of the corners were lit when they started and soon all eight of the blocks were glowing a few seconds later... leaving the foreman to stare at them for a few seconds, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, before he lead them outside the chamber and stopped when he was in front of the first idol statue they had seen when they arrived in this realm.

"Okay, maybe the first puzzle was too easy for you, but the idol heads assure me the second puzzle is much more difficult than the first," the foreman said, to which he raised his hand and gestured to the idol head that was in front of them, where the siblings glanced at it for a few seconds and wondered what sort of challenge this puzzle would give them, even though they were hoping that it wasn't as simple as the first puzzle was, "This idol head has informed us that he's hungry and that he wants to eat ten fish, which will appease him and unlock the third puzzle, and it's rather hard for us to throw the fish into his mouth, but he's also got a sensitive stomach, so you'll have to be mindful of the color of fish that you give him."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember had no idea why this classified as a puzzle, as it sounded like the idol head was just hungry and could have just asked the workers to help him out, instead of helping the other idol heads in locking the chest that contained the tools the residents of this realm used everyday, but, at the same time, they simply focused on the matter at hand and stared at the idol head, who opened his mouth to receive the fish that would be offered to him. This time it was Ember who sat at the edge of the area they were in and readied herself, because the fish, as if sensing what they were trying to do, started to swim around the water that was in front of them and jumped into the air, one by one to be exact, and all she had to do was flame them once, where they were knocked into the idol's mouth. As it turned out the idol liked the blue and yellow colored fish, as it accepted both of those colors without any problems, but the red fish, despite the fact that they looked like the other two colored fish, caused the idol to eject three fish in the process, something Ember found to be ridiculous, but she went with it anyway and avoided flaming the red fish, eventually landing ten fish, of the blue and yellow colors, in it's mouth. With the deed done, and the foreman showed that he was impressed by what they were able to do once more, the siblings followed the foreman through the rest of the realm as he lead them to the third and final puzzle, which just so happened to be the different shaped stones they had seen near the exit portal, an area that Spike had focused on for a few moments when they first came to this area.

He was pleased to find that they were associated with a puzzle, as it seemed rather odd to have all six of these stones resting in this area, with no purpose, and this time around the stones were raised out of the ground, indicating that they were more like buttons and that pressing them in the right order was what they needed to do, which was why Spyro and Ember let Spike deal with this puzzle.

"Here's the final puzzle, where all you need to do is jump on the stones in the correct order," the foreman said, his tone revealing that he had no idea what the pattern was and that he was glad to have the siblings here, as they had taken care of the first and second puzzles rather quickly, before he focused on the stones again, which was the same thing that Spike did at the same time, "however, on this puzzle I can help you out a little, as I know that the first stone is the one that is resting in the middle of the six stones."

Spike found that the stone in question was square shaped and had a glowing blue star on it's surface, though before he did anything he stared at the other five stones, where he discovered that one of them was star shaped and had an orange crescent moon on it, one was hexagon shaped and had a green star on it, one had the form of a hexagon and had an orange square on it, and the last two were triangle shaped, where one had a green crescent moon and the other had a blue circle on it. With that in mind Spike jumped onto the green star, watching as it sank into the ground and nothing bad seemed to happen in the process, to which he grinned for a moment as a path formed in his mind, as the next one he jumped on was the orange square, one that also sank into the ground as he moved into the next one on his list, showing the foreman how skilled he was. The fourth stone he jumped onto was the one with the orange crescent moon, before turning towards the final two stones, where the fifth stone he jumped into was the green crescent and the sixth was the blue circle, to which his siblings and the foreman watched as the stones sank into the ground, but when nothing terrible happened all of them smiled. From that point the foreman lead them back to where the locked chest was located and found that the idol heads were true to their word, as the chest was no longer locked and he was allowed to open it so he could access the tools that his fellow workers used everyday, before the foreman noticed something odd that wasn't supposed to be in the chest.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, you guys are pretty smart for a couple of dragons," the foreman said, almost as if he had been doubting their intelligence or something, though before any of them got angry with him, especially Spike, he pulled out the offending object he had spotted, which just so happened to be one of the Orbs that they were looking for, "Now, I'm not sure what this shiny thing was doing in our toolbox, but you guys are more than welcome to it, as thanks for helping me solve the puzzles the idol heads gave us."

Spike wanted to whack the foreman, as he really didn't like having his intelligence questioned, but instead of doing that he accepted the Orb and departed from the chamber that the foreman was in, allowing him and his siblings to head back outside so they could see if they had missed anything, though their dragonflies informed them that they had all the gems in this realm and the guidebook seemed to be suggesting the same with the Orbs, so they headed back to the exit portal so they could turn their attention to one of the other realms that rested in Summer Forest.

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