• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Yeti Cleanup

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, Ember, or Elora all that long to head through the portal that Bentley had gone through a few moments ago and headed to the realm that their new friend had gone through, as it was time for them to assist the yeti in clearing the Rhynocs out his home, recover the couple of eggs that had been scattered around the area, and add whatever gems were there to the bag that Spike was carrying. As such it took them a few moments to appear in the square chamber that both Sheila and Sgt. Byrd had used before heading to either their own home realms or the sections of the realms that they were assisting in some manner, and Bentley's area was just as decked out as the others they had seen so far, so it was possible that the yeti might be looking at the information he had before heading home. It did make them wonder what the rest of Bentley's home looked like, even if they did think it might be cold based on Bentley's appearance, which was why Spike made sure the Heat Aura spell was on him and the others before they did anything else, mostly since they had no idea just how cold the realm in question actually was. Elora had made sure to switch back to her wing form as well, just in case they found some places where they needed to glide over a gap or something, a common occurrence in all of the realms they had been to, but that showed anyone that was familiar with them that the four of them were ready for whatever the realm they were heading to had to offer, which was why they came to a stop near Bentley.

As they suspected it only took a second or two for Bentley to even notice that they were there, as he was much taller than they were and could easily see more than they could at any given moment, where he quickly smiled as he turned towards them, showing the group that he was happy to see them again, despite the fact that they had just seen each other a few moments ago when they freed him from the cage he had been trapped in, while also revealing that he might be more focused on something else at the moment, which was understandable when the group considered that both Sheila and Sgt. Byrd had been the same when they entered their realms.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, Elora, its good to see you again," Bentley said, his tone revealing that the group was right in their thoughts, he was happy to see them despite whatever might be happening to his realm, though it did seem that he might be thinking about his realm at the moment, before he turned back to face the group, "Forgive me for inquiring, as I know it might be a touchy subject for you, but I have heard a number of tales that tell that dragons were exterminated a thousand years ago, something I now know to be a fabrication of some kind, so what brings the three of you, and your faun friend, to these lands?"

"Based on what we know, the Sorceress lied about dragons being killed off, or whatever tale you and the others have been told over the years." Elora replied, because this was something that they had to answer whenever they talked to one of the heroes that they rescued from the cage that they had been trapped in, either by convincing Moneybags to open the door or let Spike do the honors with his magic, before focusing on Bentley's question, "Basically, they were banished from these lands a thousand years ago, by the very person that is currently ruling over the lands they once called home, and she had her forces steal the latest batch of dragon eggs from the Dragon Realms recently, which is why we're here in the first place, to take back the eggs and take her down... though we've also learned enough about the Sorceress to know that she needs to be taken down as well, so we have two objectives, instead of the original one we started with."

"I see, so you're on a quest to recover something that was stolen," Bentley stated, showing that, even with how Elora explained it, he understood what he was being told and that he got the gist of what they were doing, especially the part that involved taking down the Sorceress and freeing the Forgotten Realms from her grasp, before he stood straight up and glanced at the portal behind him, "I will gladly help you in your quest to recover your stolen eggs and take down the one that stole them in the first place, but first I must attend to my younger sibling, as I'm afraid that he might have gotten himself in trouble during my absence, as he often does whenever I leave him alone, though I ought to teach him to be more responsible one of these days."

"Well then, allow us to assist you to the best of our ability," Spike said, mostly because that was what the four of them did, they helped out the residents of the realms and the captured heroes were no different, even if he and his siblings had been unable to actually help Sheila and Sgt. Byrd out when they visited their realms, due to some jumps and ledges that he and his siblings couldn't get over, which had left Elora to use her incredible armor to follow after them, but this time he was hoping for something different and could tell that Ember was hoping for the same thing.

Bentley nodded and beckoned for them to follow him, to which he quickly walked through the portal that was behind him and headed back to his realm, where the siblings followed after him and found themselves in a tall passage that had been carved into what might be a mountain, even if the passage was finely crafted and had torches that lit the way for them, along with the fact that it was tall enough for Bentley to move around without having to worry about hitting his head on the ceiling. The siblings and Elora found a few metallic vases in front of them, which Spyro smashed with a charge as Elora picked up the gem that was in front of the stairs that lead to a blocked opening, one that happened to have some snow, in the form of a ball, blocking the way, before they spotted a smaller yeti standing near the stairs, looking like he might be bored of what was going on and was waiting for something exciting to happen.

"Bartholomew! Its relieving to see that you're okay." Bentley stated, revealing that this had to be his sibling, as in a younger brother based on the name he had said, though the group remained silent as they watched the pair, because they were more interested in what the rest of the realm had to offer and what sort of enemies they might encountered once they moved out of the passage they were standing in, but they stood still and waited for their new friend to make sure that his younger brother was alright.

"Of course I'm okay!" the younger yeti replied, almost as if this was common for the pair, like the younger one was a troublemaker and Bentley had to clean up whatever mess he got himself into, or at least that was what the group had to assume at the moment and would have to wait and see if their thoughts were proven right, before Bartholomew looked at the ball of snow that was blocking the way, causing everyone else to look at it, "Anyway, there's a boulder blocking the way home... do you mind smashing it with your club?"

Bentley nodded and approached the ball in question, which seemed to be a boulder and not just snow, which was the moment that he swung his ice club at it and shattered the snow covered rock like it was nothing, opening the way for the six of them to enter the next part of the realm, because this time it seemed like the siblings would be able to help their new friend out and not have to sit back like they did the last two times. As such they followed Bentley and Bartholomew into the next area of the realm and found that it was a mountain cavern that would lead them outside, provided they find a way to get over the gap that was between where they were currently standing and the area that went through the rest of the realm, but that wasn't what the group focused on this time, because there were a few enemies in the new area that Bentley had opened the way to. The pair of Rhynocs that were in front of them happened to be wearing wool clothing to keep themselves warm, as in a red colored shirt and dark green colored pants, which came complete with a little wool hat for their heads and they were even carrying torches in their right hands, to offer as much warmth as they could get as they did whatever it was the Sorceress ordered them to do to this realm. The group glanced at each other for a moment and it wasn't long before they nodded their heads in agreement, as these foes would be Torch Rhynocs, but they seemed to be paying no attention to the area that they were in and that allowed Bentley to approach the first one that was in front of them, who seemed to notice someone was coming its way and swung the torch that it was holding, where Bentley just swung his club and smashed the Rhynoc into the ground, where Elora rushed passed him and kicked the second one in the side of the head, allowing them to bring both of their foes down in seconds.

Once that was done the group started to clear out the area by picking up the couple of gems that were laying on the ground and smashed a lone metallic vase, though it was Bentley who assisted them in getting two circular metallic chests since they were resting on some totem poles, which had the carved heads of a hawk, a bird, and what looked like a badger or something, and by helping them that meant he smashed the poles apart to break the chests. One of the chests Ember smashed with her hardened tail, surprising Bentley and Bartholomew for a few moments, before their yeti friend used his club to smash open some ice and allow them to get some additional gems for their efforts, only to eventually stop when they cleared out the rest of the area, meaning it was time to move forward. Fortunately Bartholomew knew what to do and gestured to the gong that was on the other side of the gap, the one that would allow them to leave the cavern that they were currently standing in, and pulled out a snowball, one that he threw towards Bentley when his older brother understood what he was trying to do. It was in that moment that Bentley demonstrated a skill that he must have spent a few years perfecting, as he spun his club around in a circle in front of his body, using a single hand to direct the wind that he was creating, and the snowball that Bartholomew tossed went right into it, only to be deflected right in the direction that Bentley was pointing in, allowing it to hit the gong that was their target. Not even a few seconds later the sound of the gong caused one of the stalactites that was hanging from the ceiling, and happened to be made from dense looking ice, to fall from the ceiling and stopped when the edges landed on both their side of the area and the side the gong was on, to form a bridge of sorts for them.

As the group walked over to the other side Spike found one of the missing dragon eggs and checked it out, allowing Bentley and Bartholomew to see what they were looking for, though once he was done making sure that it was alright he sent it off to the Dragon Realms with his Teleportation Breath, a trick that seemed to excite the younger yeti, before they resumed moving through the realm they were in. While they moved forward Ember picked up some gems and then came to a stop when she spotted a seal, more like an animal than the ones they had assisted in Seashell Shore, playing with a ball of snow that it hit over to where she was standing, but, instead of falling for the same trick twice, she hardened her body once more and let the ball hit her, revealing the rock that was inside it as the collision tore the stone to pieces in a matter of seconds. Spike took the opportunity to move forward and blasted the Snowball Seal that was off on the small platform, the same one that attacked Ember, with an Arcane Missile that took it down, before he shifted his stance and did the same thing to the second one that was just a little further down the path they were following, allowing him to clean up the area around them so Bentley could smash a totem pole to get at the circular chest for them, which would let Sparx, Talon, and Cinder claim the now freed gems and add them to their collection.

"What was up with the rock inside the snow?" Bartholomew asked, informing the siblings and Elora that this wasn't a common occurrence in this realm, not that they expected it to be since even the normal animals of a realm had aggressive versions of them created by the Sorceress and her spell, the same one that Gnasty Gnorc used in the past, though while he did that his brother continued moving, allowing one of them to answer the question while they continued to move through the rest of the realm the yetis called home.

"Its the only way for snowballs to be effective against enemies, by hiding rocks inside them," Spyro replied, as it wasn't hard to remember what happened the first, and only, time that one of them had been hurt by the objects in question, as a foe had hidden a rock inside one of the snowballs and struck them with it, hence why they took damage when they felt that they were safe from harm, "but don't worry, we'll help your brother clear out the area and return everything to the way it was before the Sorceress sent her Rhynocs to bother you, so you won't have to worry about those seals throwing snow covered rocks at you or anyone else."

Bartholomew said nothing to that, showing that he was either shocked by the information that he had been given or that he didn't care as much as his brother did, though as they moved towards the next gong Bentley showed the siblings and Elora that he could deal with the Snowball Seals as well by actually redirecting the incoming snowball right into the one that sent it over to them, clearing out another foe in the process before he smashed another totem pole so Ember could break the chest. The second totem pole that he moved to smash just so happened to have a Torch Rhynoc standing on top of it, why the group had no idea, but to prevent Bentley from being attacked Elora shifted gears and switched back to her Spring Jump Form for a moment, allowing her to spring up to the area that the Rhynoc was standing in and kick him off the top of the totem pole, something that allowed Bentley to break it if he wanted to do so still, only for him to change his mind when he realized there was nothing else up there. Elora guessed that he had been planning on stunning the Rhynoc with the totem pole being destroyed and then smacking it with his club, but he didn't seem annoyed by what she had done and moved to smash some more ice so they could enter a side passage, where another Torch Rhynoc happened to be located, who appeared to be lost for some odd reason, along with a few more large snowballs that might block the way to another area. What happened was that Spyro flamed the Torch Rhynoc and let Bentley clear the way by smashing the three snowballs that were in their way, allowing them to pick up some gems before finding a second Torch Rhynoc that was standing in front of some ice, only for Bentley to smack him into the ice and break it, something that let Ember walk out and smash a circular metallic chest that was at the end of the path.

Once the side path was cleared out they retraced their steps and returned to the area that Bartholomew was standing in, which was when he tossed another small snowball into the air and Bentley used his wind technique to send it flying into the gong that rested over the gap that was in front of them, something that caused an even larger snowball to fall into the gap and form a bridge for them to walk on, though the siblings and Elora didn't even question where the object had come from, since it was possible it had just rolled off a ledge nearby and stopped here.

With the way cleared the group was able to cross over to what appeared to be the entrance to an area, possibly the place that Bentley and Bartholomew called home, but there happened to be a large metallic crate, which was as tall as Bentley was, standing in their way and proved to be too much for Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora to move, as they tried to move it at the same time and could barely get it to budge. Once they were done Bentley stepped forward and pushed the crate with his empty hand, opening the way for them in a matter of seconds, though none of the siblings or Elora were annoyed by that fact, since it made sense for a yeti to be stronger than three young dragons and a faun, before they followed him into the area that he had unlocked. On the other side of the short passage he had revealed rested another egg for them to collect, though while Spike checked it out, and made sure it was alright, Bentley headed out and started to smash the large snowballs that were in the area, break the ice apart, and crush the lone totem pole to bits, allowing Ember to strike down the Torch Rhynoc that was in the area with her hardened tail while Spyro and Elora picked up the gems that were all over the place, the ones that had been there before their arrival and the ones they freed moments later, especially the ones that came from a circular metallic chest that Ember smashed open. The side path that Bentley opened up also had a Snowball Seal at the end of it, something that he took out by redirecting the snowball back into his foe's face, which allowed him to open one of the circular metallic chests and a straw basket so the dragonflies could collect the gems that were freed, before they rejoined the group once more.

From there it was a simple matter for Bentley to move two more large metallic crates into position and form a short walkway that brought them to the front of a house, even though the group smashed two more metallic vases as they moved through the area, before Bentley smashed two more totem poles to get at the circular chests that had been resting on top of them, allowing the dragonflies to collect the gems that had been inside them.

"And with that, we're back home." Bartholomew said, though at the same time he moved to the side for a moment and pulled out one of the eggs that they had been looking for, which just so happened to be when the nearby exit portal reactivated so the group could head back to Evening Lake, to which he looked at the siblings and Elora for a moment as he thought about something, "You know, I was going to offer this to my brother, so he could add it to that rock collection that he's been building over the last couple of years, but know that I know its an egg, one that you're looking for, you guys can have it instead, as I'll just find another rock to replace it at some point."

The group really didn't have much to say to that statement, other than thanking Bartholomew for keeping the egg safe like he had, even if he had no idea it was an egg, before Spike sent it back home, which was the moment that all three of their dragonflies revealed that the realm had been cleared of gems, to which they bid Bentley farewell for now and used the exit portal to return to the chamber that the portal to Bentley's realm was resting in, which was followed by the four of them returning to the whirligig and setting off for Midday Gardens once more.

Thanks to the whirligig it took the group fifty minutes to return to Midday Gardens, instead of the hour that they were told which had to be because of the fact that they stopped for the ambush when they were heading to Evening Lake, but that did give them time to relax and ready themselves for what they were going to do when they reached the homeworld they were heading back to. Spike spent his time adding Bentley's Outpost to his journals in all the detail they had seen during their visit, that way the dragons back home would be able to see the realm they had just assisted and, at the same time, the Gnorcs that ran the amusement park in Dragon Shores would be able to make better costumes once he published what happened during this adventure. Spyro and Elora glanced out at the area they were passing through and kept an eye out for any Rhynocs that might be coming to take them down, since there was no telling whether or not the Sorceress had assigned more enemies to the area the large creature had been in, but in the end they found no more enemies and just enjoyed the ride back to Midday Gardens, even though they wouldn't be able to do much since Bentley would be doing all the work when they reached the section of the realm that was their destination. Ember, of course, spent her time either cleaning her bracers, to make sure that they weren't totally dirty from all of the realms they had been through, or just resting until they reached the homeworld that the whirligig was heading towards, though she knew that the residents that built it wouldn't be in the keep when they landed in the near future.

Eventually the whirligig came to a stop inside the keep that the hot air balloon had brought them to when they first came to Midday Gardens, only to be replaced by the new device they were using to travel between the homeworlds, but the moment that happened the group climbed off of it and headed for the portal to Bamboo Terrace, where it only took them a few moments to pass through the portal and head back to where the exit portal rested, since that was where the portal to Bentley's section of the realm was located... before they passed through it and found their new friend standing in the middle of a square chamber, just like Sheila and Sgt. Byrd had done in the past.

"Ah, I was not expecting to see you guys so soon, especially after our last encounter," Bentley remarked, though at the same time he didn't seem annoyed by that fact, rather he seemed happy to see them again, even if it had only been an hour since he had seen them, before he glanced at the portal that was behind him and what he was going to be doing on the other side, "I was actually about to leave for a walk to my favorite hill, but first I'll have to clean the place up, as the Pandas have informed me that some Rhynocs have taken over the place and that they're not allowing visitors anymore, almost like they're trying to hide something."

"Well then, let us help you take them out," Ember said, because after the ride to Midday Gardens, as quick as it was, she was ready to fight someone and take them down, even though she knew that the last thing they needed to do in this homeworld was check out the sign that Zoe had left behind for them, which would result in their dragonflies heading out to clear an area out and claim anything that they found in the area that Zoe discovered, while the mention of the Rhynocs trying to hide something in this place made her even more eager to clear the area.

Bentley nodded his head and headed through the portal that was behind him, allowing the group to follow after him and discover that Bartholomew was present in this section of Bamboo Terrace as well, where this section did have one of the temples they had passed through earlier, and, of course, had a couple of Rhynocs blocking the way, just like their new friend had informed them. As it turned out Bartholomew informed them of an egg that had been taken to the top of the hill that just so happened to be the area that Bentley was heading to, so what they did was walk out and look at the rest of the section of the realm that they were in, where three Umbrella Rhynocs happened to be in the next part of the area and, at the same time, there were a few bounders that were shaped like panda heads, as odd as that sounded. What happened was that Elora rushed by the closest foe and jumped into the air so she could spin around and kick the one next to the wall in the face, taking it down as Bentley used his club to take out the one she ran by, while Ember hardened her tail and smashed the third and final Umbrella Rhynoc into the ground, allowing them to pick up the gems that were in the area, take out the lone straw basket, and, at the same time, break apart the boulders that were in the area, something they left to Bentley and his ice club.

Once the area was cleared out, and they were sure of that, Bentley walked over to the opening that would allow them to enter the temple and smashed the boulder that was in the way, revealing a slanted walkway that would let the five of them get higher in the area, where an Umbrella Rhynoc sent a boulder their way, like it was trying to flatten them and force them into submission, only for Ember to step forward and smash her way through the boulder by hardening her entire body and letting the rock collide with her. The moment she did that was the moment that Spyro charged forward and dealt with the Rhynoc by loosing a quick burst of flames at it, allowing him to claim the gems that were nearby and break a straw basket that was resting in the small pavilion that he had claimed, while at the same time the rest of the group moved up the slanted walkway that was resting to their right. It was basically the same thing that the first pavilion had, one of the Umbrella Rhynocs was standing next to a boulder and sent it down to them, where Bentley smashed it in seconds with a single swing of his club, though this time their foe decided to rush at the area that they were in, where it was stopped thanks to Spike setting up a quick barrier in front of it, something that allowed Elora to jump into the air and knock it into the ground with a quick kick to the face, before they were able to reach the pavilion itself. The next pavilion rested at the end of another slanted walkway, where this time there was an opening blocked by a pair of boulders, which could house a meditation area of some kind, so the group marched up the slanted path and watched as the Umbrella Rhynoc that was outside the next pavilion hit the next boulder with enough force to make it bounce, not that such a thing meant much to Bentley as he swung his club and smashed it out of the air, before breaking the boulders that happened to be blocking the way into the meditation area.

That was when they found three more Umbrella Rhynocs, a few more boulders, and a circular metallic chest in the area the pair of boulders had been blocking, to which Bentley smashed one of their foes into the wall, Spike blocked a pair of attacks from the other two so Spyro could flame one and Elora could kick the other into the floor, and Ember smashed the chest so their dragonflies could claim the gems that had been inside it. The other pair of boulders, as it turned out, were covering another entrance that lead to the pavilion that the Umbrella Rhynoc with the bouncing boulder had been standing in, while at the same time there was no structure to their right, just a walkway that would take them to the top of the hill after some time spent walking, so Elora kicked the foe to their left as Ember smashed the circular metallic chest that was behind it. From there they walked over to the structure that served as the entrance of the temple area and found a few gems and straw baskets on top of it, so Spyro walked over to them and collected the gems that they spotted, which was when Bentley continued up the slanted walkway that seemed to be taking them to the top of the temple and used his club to smash his way through the boulders that were coming his way, allowing him to reach an area that an Umbrella Rhynoc was standing in, who was the one hitting rocks at them, which let Ember crush it into the ground. From there Spike used an Arcane Missile to knock out the other Umbrella Rhynoc that was at the top of the hill, allowing Spyro to smash the straw baskets that were nearby and Ember to smash the circular metallic chest that was close by, which was the moment that Spike claimed the egg that was resting up there, the last one that was in this realm.

With the temple area secured, all of the gems collected, and the eggs sent back to the Dragon Realms, the siblings and Elora bid Bentley and Bartholomew, who joined them a few moments later, farewell as they headed for the portal back to the main part of the realm and then headed back to Midday Gardens, which was where all four of them came to a stop as Sparx, Talon, and Cinder followed after Zoe as she took them to another area that had an egg, one that only the three of them were able to reach.

"And now we wait." Ember remarked, where she sat down and closed her eyes again, because she would rather get some of her energy back while they waited for the dragonflies to return, instead of staring out at the rest of the land that was in front of them and daydream about whatever she wanted to think about, like the training that she did with Titan and the other Peace Keepers, which was why she chose to sleep and left the others to what they were doing at the moment, which was sitting near the sign as they waited for the dragonflies to return.

"Indeed, though I will use this time to research the other realms we'll be visiting." Spike stated, because that was the only thing he could do at the moment, as he had finished writing down everything in his journal earlier and was saving the part about their backtracking for the ride back to Evening Lake, which was why he pulled out the Guidebook and picked up where he left off so he could understand the upcoming realms a little more, starting with Frozen Altars, the first portal they had encountered, and possibly ending with the Speedway, the last place they would clear out later.

Spyro and Elora said nothing as they sat down as well, mostly to relax a little more, though they both knew that once Sparx and the others returned they would have an egg for them to send back home and would have added some more gems to the Bag of Holding that Spike was carrying, but other than that there wasn't much for the four of them to do while they waited for the dragonflies to return to this part of the homeworld. Based on what happened the last time they let the dragonflies go off on their own, to the area that the crawdads were in, they were able to clear out the area, recover all of the gems that were there, and rescue the egg Zoe had found, which was why the siblings and Elora weren't worried about them, as they knew the three dragonflies would be able to overcome anything that was thrown at them. After a few moments Elora headed over to where Spike was sitting and discussed what he had written about Bentley's Outpost, as she wanted to make sure that it was correct, even though she knew that Spike would have gotten everything correct on his own, but at the very least it was something to pass the time while they waited for Sparx and the others to return. Spyro did wonder if Bianca might show up while they were waiting and ask them what they were doing, but their other new ally never made an appearance in Midday Gardens and left the group to their own devices, which was fine since he was sure that Hunter would be annoyed if they were visited by Bianca again and he wasn't, since he totally had a crush on her and wasn't even bothering to hide it the few times he had been there with them when they saw Bianca.

Eventually Zoe, Sparx, Talon, and Cinder returned to the sign and revealed that the three dragonflies had collected all of the gems in Spider Town, which was the name of the place they had visited, a small town that only they could access thanks to their size, along with the fact that they had recovered the egg that Zoe had found, which was when Spike looked it over for a moment or two before sending it back to the Dragon Realms, before they bid Zoe farewell and headed back to the whirligig and took off not even a few seconds later, as it was time for them to return to Evening Lake and pick which realm they were going to assist first.

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