• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Lava Pits of the Badlands

After assisting the Ice Builders of Crystal Glacier, by saving the Shaman and helping them take out the draclet infestation, the siblings returned to Autumn Plains and started to walk towards the ladder that would allow the three of them to head inside the castle once more, but after a few seconds they shifted their course and headed over to the portal that would take them to Skelos Badlands. Spyro wanted to finish off the last of the realms that were outside the castle, as he felt that tackling all of the realms that had Talismans was the important thing right now, especially since it would allow them to break into the castle's dungeon and face Ripto, and both of the Speedways could wait until they had all of the remaining Talismans, just like they had done back in Summer Forest. Spike and Ember understood what their brother wanted to do, especially since they were getting used to him picking out the realms that they would be tackling, which was the reason that they followed him as he walked over to the last portal in this part of the homeworld, as they were eager to see what Skelos Badlands was like and what sort of disaster was happening to the cavemen that apparently called the realm home. With that in mind they headed through the portal that was in front of the pool of water and let it take them to their new destination, so they could restore order to the land, recover the gems that were scattered all over the place, and gather the Orbs by helping the residents that were standing at specific points of the realm.

When they eventually arrived in the starting area of Skelos Badlands, however, the first thing they discovered was that, at a glance, it looked like a desert version of Crystal Glacier, because there was no snow thanks to the heat that seemed to be filling the area, especially due to the fact that there were open rivers of lava, and even the rocks seemed to be dried out due to the heat.

"You know, I want to say that this is nicer than Crystal Glacier, but it's rather hot here," Spyro remarked, because while the cold environment of the last realm had been pleasant, thanks to Spike's enchantment so they didn't freeze while they were there, the same could not be said for this realm, and even as he said that the temperature seemed to change for a moment, causing him to glance at Spike once more, "You cast another spell, didn't you?"

"Yes, the opposite of the heat aura spell, a frost aura spell," Spike stated, though while he and Ember could withstand the heat that was all around them, thanks to their own lava immunity, something that he was still shocked by since Spyro was the only one that didn't have such a skill, he knew that Spyro would need something to lower the temperature and this was the result, even if he still cast the same spell on himself and Ember, as practice was always welcome, "it works just like the other spell does, it keeps some of the heat away so you don't get heat exhaustion from exploring a rather hot environment, such as what's around us."

"Well, now we can tackle whatever the realm can throw at us," Ember said, as she was ready to get started on finding one of the residents of this realm and figuring out what they would need to do to restore order to this place, especially since it appeared that one of the cavemen they had been told about, thanks to one of the Ice Builders telling them about their cousins in this area, was waiting for them to approach him.

The caveman that was near them looked nearly identical to the Ice Builders, except they weren't wearing the heavy coats that their cousins were wearing and instead wore a light brown shirt of some kind, maybe it was some leather that was dry thanks to the heat of this area, and he was holding a staff that looked like what the Shamans of Crystal Glacier had been holding, but they had the feeling it's significance was different in this realm.

"Hello dragons, I hear that you guys are pretty tough." the caveman said, speaking the moment that they approached him and came to a stop, though, at the same time, they were a little surprised that he wasn't as well spoken as the Ice Builders they had encountered during their visit to the last realm, but they said nothing as he continued to talk, "I bet my cousin Glug you wouldn't be able to make it through the Badlands without getting singed."

"Is... is that it?" Spike inquired, as this was the first time that the very first resident of a realm didn't inform them of the trouble that they were in, like how the Electrolls were being bothered by the Gear Grinders or how the Ice Builders had been under attack by the Ice Wizards, before the caveman turned to look at him for a second, "Surely there has to be something bad that is happening to this realm, like some sort of enemy that needs to be taken out or some sort of device that needs to be turned off? Especially since Ripto has been terrorizing the majority of the realms, to keep any heroes busy cleaning up the messes that he has created ever since he arrived in Avalar a week ago."

"Well... there is the fact that the Fire Wizards have been attacking us lately," the caveman replied, though it was like he had to think about it for a few moments, to get around the fact that he was more interested in his bet than the safety of his land, something that ticked off the siblings more than they were willing to admit, but once he said that he seemed to focus more on the bet and less on what Spike had asked him, causing them to sigh as they walked away from him.

"Okay, take out the Fire Wizards and whatever allies they have, that we can do." Spyro commented, speaking more to his siblings, since they weren't near the caveman anymore, who didn't seem to care about them all that much since he was looking at something else, before he shook his head and glanced at Spike, who already had the guidebook out, before he even said anything, "So, want information does Elora have for us?"

"Well, these guys are called Bone Builders," Spike replied, beckoning to the caveman for a moment, which, in his mind, did make sense since both they and their cousins in Crystal Glacier liked to use bones for everything, but these guys didn't have snow and could only use what was on hand, hence the reason they were known as Bone Builders, and not like Desert Builders or something like that, "and, just like he said, the Fire Wizards like to mess with them, with some of the local Catbats assisting them from time to time, so it seems that we have two enemies to look out for, which seems to be the norm for all the realms that we have been tackling so far."

Spyro and Ember agreed with that fact, that there were generally two types of enemies for them to take out in each of the realm they had visited so far, sometimes three if they were lucky, before Spike slipped the guidebook inside his satchel and they started to explore the realm that they were in, which was why they turned around and headed to the area that was right behind them. It was in that moment the siblings discovered what a Catbat looked like, as there happened to be a rather large cat-like creature, which had bat wings in place of a cat's front paws, a pair of sharpened teeth that made sense due to the prehistoric vibe this land gave off and some whiskers that definitely belonged to a cat, though it was in the process of chasing one of the younger Bone Builders around one of their huts, built in the same style as what their cousins used for their own houses. To get to where the Catbat was located the siblings had to jump over a rather small river of lava, which seemed to be pouring over the edge of the area and was helping fill up the immediate area around this part of the realm, but it was rather easy for them to jump over it and attack their target, who turned and faced them the instant one of them approached it, only for Spyro to discover that even the Catbats weren't immune to their fire breath, as a quick burst of flames took the creature down. Once that was done they quickly collected all of the gems that were around the hut that the younger Bone Builder happened to be running around, who was celebrating at the moment, and smashed the metallic vase that was right behind the structure, before the three of them regrouped and returned to the starting area so they could explore the rest of the Badlands.

In the area that was to the left of the first Bone Builder the siblings found a fiery version of the Ice Wizard, meaning it had to be one of the Fire Wizards that Spike had just read about, that was in the middle of tormenting another member of the caveman's tribe, though what happened next was that Ember rushed it and struck it with her tail, and since she had hardened her body along the way she suffered no damage as the Fire Wizard was knocked to the ground, releasing a Spirit Particle in the process, to show what she had done. The moment she had taken care of her foe, and saved the young Bone Builder, Spyro and Spike smashed the nearby pair of metallic vases and followed the path that was in front of them, which brought them to an area that was to the right of where the first Bone Builder had been standing, which came complete with some rather large looking rocks, some large bones that served as points for them to step on, a bridge that could take them over to where part of the village was located, and a tunnel, with a massive skull at the front of it, that could no doubt take the three of them to another part of the realm. The first thing they did was take out the nearby Catbat that seemed to be blocking the entrance that the Bone Builders must normally use to enter this part of the Badlands, though while Spyro did that Spike spotted another Fire Wizard, who happened to be standing near a pile one stones, which was when he let loose a single Arcane Missile and struck his target in the chest, blasting him backwards and taking him out. With those two taken care of the siblings continued to explore the area that they were in, with Ember striking down another Fire Wizard that was standing near the tall rock a circular metallic chest was resting on, but instead of heading over to the lone Bone Builder that was off on their left the siblings jumped down into the area that was in front of them and made their way over to the tunnel, to see where it lead them.

Their reasoning for this was the same as the other realms, taking out the threat and getting the Talisman was what they preferred to focus on, and once that was done they could circle back to wherever they noticed the lone members of the races they were helping were standing, to assist them and get the Orbs that they were carrying, which would usually be the last thing they collected before departing for another realm.

As the siblings approached the tunnel, however, they found a tall purple and orange colored lizard-toad creature that was standing on top of the skull, juggling what appeared to be a bone of some kind, so Spike made a note of where it was, because he had the feeling that they would need to come back for it at some point, while his siblings collected the gems that were laying on either side of the tunnel's entrance, before they finally headed inside it. The first thing they noticed as they walked into the tunnel was that there was a side passage, so while Spike picked up the gems that were a few steps in front of them Spyro and Ember headed through the opening, where Spyro flamed the unlucky Catbat that happened to be sitting nearby, ready to pounce on them, while Ember jumped over the small river of lava that was beyond her brother's foe and struck down the Fire Wizard that was on the other side. When Spike caught up with them he spotted Spyro as he broke a glass vase for the gem inside, while Ember picked up the pair of gems the wizard had been guarding, before noting down the location of a second Lava Toad, as he decided to call them, as there just to happened to be one resting on the platform that was right behind where his sister was standing. Of course he made sure to smash the pair of straw baskets that happened to be in the same area as the second Lava Toad, who seemed to be ignoring all three of them while he juggled his bone, and pick up the gems that had been inside them, before they headed back to the tunnel and resumed following it to see what else awaited them in this realm.

Once they were back inside the tunnel they jumped over a stretch of lava, which likely connected to the river that was right outside the tunnel, and found an inactive Powerup Gate, leaving them to wonder what it could offer them this time around, before stopping as they found two more Fire Wizards standing guard over this part of the area, though that was when Spike used his Arcane Missiles to take them out. As Spike did that Spyro climbed the stone ledges that were across from the Powerup Gate and picked up the gems that were on each stone, before coming to a stop as he found a small pool of lava that spat out a lava rock, one that he could possibly grab and spit out at the section of wall that was across from where he was standing, one that was made out of bones, allowing him to enter a new part of the tunnel, and that was exactly what he did. Three rocks were all he needed to break the bone wall down, allowing him to glide over to where a third Lava Toad was located, making him wonder just how many of them there were in the Badlands, before he smashed the three metallic baskets that were off on the left side of the small room, picked up the gems that had been inside them, and then glided down to where his siblings were waiting for him, mostly so he could tell Spike were the Lava Toad was sitting for the future, since both he and Ember agreed that they would have to come back for them at some point. As soon as that was done they ignored the Powerup Gate for the moment and followed the tunnel to the end, jumping over the two small lava rivers and flaming a Catbat to get to the end, which allowed them to see a rather larger area that was filled with lava, areas of stone that would allow them to walk around a little, and a number of bones that formed a set of steps, and there was even another large skull in this area, with some rocks in the center to make them walk around, instead of letting Spike and Ember use their immunity to get places faster.

"You know, I imagined that we would have to go through a desert at some point, but I wasn't expecting all this lava to be everywhere," Spyro commented, as that was the one thing that really annoyed him at the moment, not the enemies he and his siblings were taking out, so they could restore order to this realm, rather it was the vast amounts of lava that were in their way, especially since he was the only one without the lava immunity that his brother and sister had, "I'm seriously hoping that the Powerup Gate has some sort of invincibility power to grant us, so I can see what it's like to travel through lava like you guys do."

"Well, the Powerup Gates have given us some interesting powers so far," Spike replied, and that was the truth, as he and his siblings had found some interesting powers that the magical gateways gave them over the course of their travels in the realms they have visited so far, and, more importantly, they were still a ways away from wrapping things up with Ripto and Moneybags, "who knows, maybe the Powerup Gate in this realm will give us something like that, or maybe we'll get something else, like the Spring Jump ability or the Superfly skill, or maybe something completely different. We won't know what it'll give us until we take out enough enemies to restore the power to the gates we've seen so far, though I do think we're getting pretty close to hitting that mark."

"We should keep moving, since we've got a few more enemies to take out anyway." Ember stated, though even as she said that she glided over to the next patch of land that they could walk on, leaving her brothers to pick up the pair of gems that she left behind, and quickly smacked the Fire Wizard that was waiting for them with her tail, knocking him down in seconds, before flaming the Catbat that was floating near the lava, eliminating it as Spyro and Spike joined her.

The first thing they did was break the nearby straw baskets that were rested right up against the rock wall to their left, though once the gems had been picked up the siblings glided over to the next patch of land, which was smaller than the first one and only have the Powerup Gate and a straw basket, to which Spyro dealt with the Catbat that was near them as Spike smashed the straw basket, before they glided over to the area that was in front of them and found a Bone Builder that seemed upset about something.

"Is something wrong?" Spyro asked, mostly because he knew that he and his siblings could help the caveman out and do whatever it was that he needed them to do, though even as he said that he spotted a pile of bones that happened to be resting to their right, which he had no idea why the bones were even there and felt that the Bone Builder might tell them why the bones were there in the first place.

"Oh, I'm just so sad. Those pesky Lava Toads have stolen several of my friend's bones, making it impossible for him to move or have fun." the Bone Builder stated, where he beckoned to the pile of bones for a moment, informing Spike that they were enchanted bones of some kind and that, once all of them were together, something interesting would happen when all of the stolen bones were returned to the pile, "If you guys help me put him back together again, I'm sure my friend would thank you by showing you how much fun he can have."

"We know where several of the bones are, so we'll be back once we have them all." Spike replied, though this was why he was glad that he had made a note of where the Lava Toads they had seen were located, as they had found the resident those bones were connected to and now they knew why he wanted the bones back, so now it was just a matter of heading back and collecting the ones they had seen so far, before locating the others.

As the Bone Builder nodded his head, to show that he would be awaiting their return, the siblings headed to the right and walked over the stone path that brought them to where another Bone Builder was standing, who just so happened to be next to an inactive exit portal, though the first thing they did was pick up all the gems that were laying on the ground, as there were six of them in total in front of them, before coming to a stop in front of the Bone Builder.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, excellent! You guys made it through the Badlands! I knew I would win that bet... my cousin Gronk was a fool to bet against a group of dragons!" the Bone Builder said, revealing that he was Glug, the caveman that the first Bone Builder had told them about when they first arrived in this realm, though none of them were really happy that the pair was more interested in their bet than asking for assistance in taking out the Fire Wizards, before he focused on them a few seconds later, "Here, you guys can take this Talisman for helping me out."

The Talisman of Skelos Badlands, as the siblings discovered, was a golden bone and Spike added it to the guidebook as soon as the Bone Builder gave it to them, empowering the exit portal that was next to the caveman, before he and his siblings headed to the right and continued to explore the rest of the realm, even though he loosed an Arcane Missile to take out the Fire Wizard that happened to be guarding the area in front of the lowest bone in the lava. From there they jumped up the stone ledges that formed a set of steps, ones that lead them to an area that was right above the first area they had walked through, and it just so happened to have a number of Catbats flying around the place, each of them looking like they were ready to attack something. Spike, quickly determining that it would take a bit of effort for him or his siblings to take out the Catbats with their fire breath, loosed four more Arcane Missiles into the air and knocked them all down, clearing the area of enemies, and once that was done they picked up the gems that were on the ground, broke the pair of straw baskets, and smashed the metallic vase that was near them, before lighting the fuse on the missile that was nearby and watched as it flew off into the distance, only to smash into the circular metallic chest. It was nice to see that they had opened that chest, but instead of heading back to the start of the realm, and working their way back here while collecting the various bones from the Lava Toads they had seen, they headed back to the Powerup Gate that was in this area, as they were sure they had cleared out enough enemies to empower them at long last.

When they reached the Powerup Gate they found that the symbol was one they hadn't seen before, as it was a blue shield and that meant it protected them from something, before Spyro headed through it, where Spike and Ember took a moment to watch as their brother's scales seemed to take on the appearance of a molten floor and the rest of his body quickly took on the same appearance, like he half fire elemental, like the Fire Wizards, where Spyro glanced down at his body for a few seconds and then jumped into the lava, where he found that he suffered no damage and his scarf was also protected from what he was doing, causing him to smile as he jumped out of the lava.

"Well what do you know, it's an Invincibility Powerup," Spike commented, though he took the time to write down what he and Ember were seeing at the moment, as this was interesting and he wasn't going to pass up the chance to study this powerup in great detail, and while it appeared that one could only use it for a short period of time Spyro slipped through the gate again and restored it, only to walk on the surface of the lava itself, where Spike determined that it had to be connected, in some manner, to what the user was thinking and what they wanted.

"This is totally awesome!" Spyro stated, his tone revealing that he was quite happy with this powerup, as it allowed him to do things that Spike and Ember could do with their natural skills, and he even walked over to the center of this area and picked up a pair of gems that were resting in the partly open center of the rock formation they had spotted as soon as they entered this area, before returning to his siblings with a wide smile on his face.

"Glad to see that you're enjoying yourself," Ember said, though even as she said that she rushed by the Powerup Gate and jumped onto the lava that was behind it, where she touched the lava and seemed to walk on it, just like Spyro did a few seconds ago, and jumped up the lava filled platforms that lead the way to the other tunnel they had spotted earlier, only to turn back after a few seconds and beckoned for her brothers to follow her.

Spyro and Spike quickly followed after her, Spike using his own natural ability to do what Ember was doing while their brother had to use the Invincibility Gate to follow after them, though it only took them a few seconds to reach Ember's position, allowing the three of them to slip inside the tunnel and see what it had in store for them, even though they had the feeling that a few Lava Toads might be in this area as well. The first thing they found were a few gems that happened to be laying on the ground, before discovering some large spine bones that were floating in the lava that was right in front of them, which brought them to where a Lava Toad was juggling a bone, so Spyro headbutted it and knocked it backward, allowing him to pick up the bone as his siblings broke the straw baskets that were nearby. With the bone claimed they jumped back over the spine bones and found that there was a second Lava Toad in this area, as there happened to be one that was riding a geyser in the middle of the area off to the left, if they were coming from the tunnel's entrance, so all they did was wait for the Lava Toad to be at the top of the geyser and then let Spike glide at it, as a quick burst of fire took the creature out and knocked the bone to safety. The instant that happened Ember smashed the metallic vases that were off to the side as Spike collected the bone he had freed from the Lava Toad, though once those two things were taken care of the siblings headed back to the entrance of the tunnel and then glided down to where the Powerup Gate in this area was located, so they could move to another area.

What they did next was head over to the bones that were positioned like they were a set of steps that went around the central rock formation, where Spike made sure to hit the Question Mark Jar that was off to the side, as they would look for it later, before they arrived at their destination and took turns ascending the bones, and since Ember was the first one to do so she could take out the enemies that were in their way, leaving Spyro and Spike to collect the gems that she just walked by, adding them to their collection. The only enemy they countered was one of the Catbats, who wasn't expecting to be taken out by Ember, and there happened to be a Lava Toad that was standing on one of the bones they were using, so she was able to collect one of the bones as well, though that was when she jumped over to a rock ledge on the large rock formation, allowing her to climb around the entire structure and pick up a few gems in the process. There was one more Lava Toad up there, allowing her to pick up a second bone, before jumping down into the center of the formation she had been climbing on and found a purple gem in the center of it, which was when she returned to the Invincibility Gate and waited for her brothers to join her. Before they moved forward Spike had his siblings wait for a few seconds as he climbed the lava steps that had brought them to the first pair of bones they had recovered, causing them to raise their eyebrows for a moment as he did so, though a few moments later he returned with a smile on his face, as he informed Spyro and Ember that he had found the new location of the Question Mark Jar inside the tunnel that lead them to the first pair of bones they had collected, and since he smacked it, like they had done before, it had moved to a new area.

As such the siblings continued to retrace their steps, heading back into the first tunnel they had walked through and quickly returned to where the first Powerup Gate was located, where Spyro climbed up the stone steps and glided over to the area the Lava Toad he had seen earlier was located, though it took him a few seconds to take the creature out and retrieve the bone, allowing him to return to his siblings. With that bone in their possession Ember walked around the gate they were standing near and entered the other area that they hadn't explored, where she found a Lava Toad and quickly took it out, to which she claimed the bone and then broke the pair of straw baskets that were nearby, though once she had the gems that had been inside them she returned to her brothers once more. From there the next area they took on happened to be the side passage they had spotted earlier, when they first entered this tunnel, and it didn't take them long to find who they were looking for, as Spike collided with the Lava Toad that was juggling the bone they were after and knocked it down to the ground, allowing him to take the bone and let the three of them return to the first part of the Skelos Badlands, where the final bone was located. Instead of focusing on the bone, and the Lava Toad that was jugging it on top of the skull that served as the tunnel's entrance at the moment, Spike smacked the Question Mark Jar that was near the entrance they were heading towards, sending it further away, before he joined his siblings as they walked over to the area that the circular metallic chest had been located and collected the gems that they had freed earlier, while giving Spike the chance to break the jar they had been chasing and claimed the gems that were inside it.

Once all of that was done, and they were sure that they hadn't missed any of the gems so far, the siblings used the set of bones to jump up to the highest point they could, which was when they glided over to where the bridge they had seen earlier was located, so they could talk to the Bone Builder that was near the start of it, as they were sure that he had one of the Orbs for this realm and wanted to see what was troubling him.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, boy am I glad to see you." the Bone Builder stated, where he glanced at the area that the bridge lead to, a village of sorts by the looks of things, as it seemed to be similar to what the Ice Builders had built in their realm, before he glanced back to look at them, with a look of concern on his face, "Our village is being overrun by Lava Lizards, who enjoy eating us whenever they can, and right now it looks like they might be attempting to end the village, while we're distracted by the Fire Wizards. Can you guys get rid of them for me?"

"Sure we can." Spyro replied, though instead of waiting for the Bone Builder to say anything else he and his siblings rushed over the bridge and headed into the area that the village was located in, as it was time for them to kick some tail and put an end to yet another assault that was going on, to help restore order to this realm, even though something told him that it would be a number of years before the Bone Builders finally gained control over this place.

The siblings quickly found out that there were eight large red eggs that were scattered around the village and that the Lava Lizards, tall red scaled beasts with tiny arms, eventually emerged from those eggs, but in the end none of them were a match for the three of them, as Spyro flamed the lizards that got close to him, finding that they didn't have the ability to withstand fire like some creatures did, while Ember hardened her scales and smacked her target with either her claws, her tail, or even her head, sometimes even spinning into the air to collide with one thanks to Spike helping her, who used his magic to blast the lizards out of the area. It took maybe a minute for them to clear out the Lava Lizards that emerged from the eggs, saving the village from being eaten, and once they were sure no more enemies were coming they crossed the bridge and returned to the stunned Bone Builder that had been watching them fight the enemies he had told them about, as if he couldn't believe what he had seen.

"I heard you were good... just not that good!" the Bone Builder stated, showing that he was impressed by what they were able to do in such a short period of time, against enemies that his fellow villagers usually ran away from, before he tapped his staff on the ground and pulled something out of the pack that was by his feet, "Here, you can have this shiny thing we found a day or two ago, maybe it will help you guys in your jour..."

"What's wrong?" Spike asked, though at the same time he accepted the Orb that was being offered to them and put it with the others they had recovered so far, but once that was done he looked at the area that the village was in, as he was a little curious if he and his siblings had missed something or if something was bringing in more reinforcements to attack the village, as the creatures of this realm didn't seem to like the Bone Builders all that much.

"Pterodactyls are bringing in more eggs!" the Bone Builder replied, his tone informing the siblings that this must have been what happened earlier, before their arrival to be exact, but it just meant they needed to cross the bridge again and repeat the movements they had gone through to save the village the first time, only this time with some alterations since there was another foe to take care of.

The alteration to their plan was that Spike didn't attack the enemies on the ground, rather he focused his magic and loosed several Arcane Missiles up into the air, blasting the pterodactyls out of the sky, regardless if it was before they let go of the eggs they were carrying or if it was after the eggs had been dropped, leaving Spyro and Ember to deal with the Lava Lizards that managed to hatch after being dropped... yet in the end, even with the pterodactyls helping the lizards out, the siblings were able to stop the villagers from being eaten and chased off the flying dinosaurs, to which they headed back to the Bone Builder with a smile on their faces.

"I... I have no words for what I just witnessed," the Bone Builder said, as he was both impressed and stunned at the same time, which was why he reached into his pack and withdrew a second Orb from it, something that he handed over to them and Spike accepted it in seconds, an action that brought a smile to his face, "though you deserve a second shiny thing for your efforts."

With the village safe, and the dinosaurs informed that it was a bad idea to attack this area, the siblings turned around and made their way back to the tunnel that would take them to where the exit portal was located, where Spike hit the last Lava Toad with one last Arcane Missile and knocked it down to the ground, allowing them to collect the final bone as they headed towards the final area of this realm, so they could turn in the bones, get an Orb, and then, once they were sure all the gems had been picked up, they could leave for another realm.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, you guys are great!" a voice said, where they found the Bone Builder they were heading towards had been waiting for them and he noticed they were carrying the bones of his friend, which all three of them gave to the caveman as soon as they came to a stop in front of him, as it was time to get this task done as well, "Now I can finally put my friend back together! Here, I want you guys to have this shiny thing that a fairy left with me a few days ago, as a token of appreciation for your assistance in helping us out."

The siblings told him it was no problem as Spike accepted the Orb in question, though once it was in the guidebook they watched as the skeleton reformed itself and stood near the Bone Builder, where it started to dance with what seemed to be a flossing motion of some kind, before shifting to it pointing diagonally towards the sky and then the same towards the ground, and then did a number of backflips around the area as it returned to the spot it had started it, where it crashed for a moment and then got back up so it could bow. As the skeleton started to repeat itself, however, the siblings excused themselves and headed for the exit portal, as they had all the gems this realm had for them and they had done everything they could to restore order, so it was time to head back to Autumn Plains and pick a new realm to take on, to repeat the process once more with a brand new realm.

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