• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Dragonfly: Luau Idols

It took Spyro, Cynder, Spike, Ember, and Elora a few minutes to return to the area of Castle Hills that the barn rested in, as in they reappeared in the upper part of the barn and they jumped down without wasting a single moment, because there were two more areas for them to check out before they attempted to move towards the other Elemental Lock they had found earlier, when they were first exploring this homeworld, which would take them to another part of this island and a few more of the other realms Spike had learned about in his reading. From what Spike could tell, based on the magic he felt, it didn't appear that the way to Honey Marsh had been opened and that meant they should check out the boat that would let them get to Luau Island, which was why the group headed to their left and didn't even bother keeping an eye open for enemies, mostly because of the fact that there hadn't been any enemies in the previous homeworlds the group had explored during some of their previous adventures, which was always nice. Cynder did take a moment to ask about that, as according to the books Spike had published he and his siblings had fought many enemies in the five lands that made up the Dragon Realms, as in the homeworlds, and then when they started their next adventure there were no enemies in the homeworlds, where the group informed her that Gnasty Gnorc had prepared for his assault for a long time and none of the other villains did the same thing he did, even though that was their understanding on the matter. In the end there was no real explanation as to why none of the homeworlds in their other adventures had no enemies for them to worry about, though none of them had complained since it allowed them to rest or just talk without being on guard all the time, to which Cynder nodded her head as they reached the dock area they had seen earlier, as the boat that rested near it was their ticket to the third realm that they would be checking out and assisting.

When they reached the dock the group found something interesting, there was a bipedal pig that was dressed in some clothing that made the five of them determine that he was a tourist, and their thoughts were confirmed by the map that he pulled out a few moments after they arrived in the area he was standing in, before he noticed that he had some company and lowered his map, revealing that he had a blue shirt on and maybe a green swimsuit that served as his pants for the foreseeable future, though while he did have some sandals he wore nothing over his eyes, which they did feel was a little odd considering that he was trying to head to an island to relax.

"I don't know what you guys did, but the boat has been repaired and now I can get to Luau Island," the Pig Tourist told them, not that the group was expecting the decent sized vessel to be broken in some manner by Ripto's arrival in Castle Hills or the use of his magic to move some of the dragonflies to the various realms of this island, but none of them said anything to that as they waited to see if the individual had something else to tell them about what was happening to the island, just like the Farmer had done before they entered Crop Circle Country, "of course, you're welcome to come along as well, to relax and prepare for whatever your adventure has in store for the five of you."

While the group knew that the Pig Tourist was being nice, in saying that they could spend some time resting for the next leg of their journey to take down Ripto for the second time in their lives, all five of them also knew that the next leg of their quest was already upon them and would start when they reached the next realm that was open for them to check out and deal with the enemies that were bothering it, hence the reason they jumped down onto the boat and waited for the Pig Tourist to join them before part of the barrier surrounding this area lowered and they headed out into the open water, even though they quickly disappeared as they encountered the portal magic once more. What they discovered was that they reappeared at the edge of a dock that was identical to the one they had been on a few moments ago, so they could get to this realm, hence the reason they climbed off the boat and looked at the area that was in front of them and found that the island did look rather nice, like a place where the dragons and the residents of the other realms would vacation to when they wanted a break from what was happening in their home realms. That was when they paused as the siblings spotted something familiar, as standing on the path of ground that was in front of them, across the small bit of water that was between where the dock rested and the next part of the realm, just so happened to be one of the wooden Idols they had faced back in Idol Springs, though this one seemed to be holding a stick that had a sausage at the end of it, like it was trying to cook it, just like the couple of Idols they had faced in the past. It was odd to see one of them in this realm, even though that meant that one of the Worker Colosi might have sold some to the residents of this island and the Idols might have reacted to the magic that Ripto wielded, reminding them of what occurred during his assault on the lands that made up Avalar.

"Never thought I'd see those guys again, much less so close to the Dragon Realms," Elora commented, because she did know about the Idols and how they came alive when Ripto assaulted Avalar, especially when she recalled what Spike had written on the matter, though it was still odd to see one of them here, making her wonder how many of them were on this island and how many of them wanted them dead, something that they would figure out as they progressed through the rest of this realm and dealt with the obstacles that were in their way.

"True, though we won't have to worry about them all that much," Spyro remarked, though it wasn't because he was arrogant or anything, rather it was because of the fact that he knew they could deal with the Idols and not get caught in their attacks, but even as he said that he glanced around the rest of the area and found a few more foes for them to face, one of them being a green Riptoc who was dressed in the attire of a tourist and had the form of a T-Rex, meaning it and the others of its kind were going to be Riptoc Tourists or Tourist Riptocs, when he considered Spike's naming methods, and, unless his eyes were deceiving him, there was a Riptoc in the water with some scuba gear on, meaning there was also the Scuba Riptoc enemies for them to face as they explored this island, before he turned towards the others, "Come on, let's see what sort of chaos Ripto's forces are causing for this realm and take them down, along with rescuing all of the dragonflies that were sent here and recovering the stolen gems for those that call Castle Hills home."

Cynder, Spike, Ember, and Elora nodded their heads as they started to walk down the dock that was in front of them and noticed that there were a few tikis resting near them, which was when Ember cleaved one in half, did a backflip that allowed her to push off of the first one and jump to the other side of the dock, before cutting a second one in half, which revealed two gems for them to collect, though as she did that Spike made sure that Elora had the Water Safety spell on her armor, to prepare her for what this realm might have them do. Once the area around the dock was cleared out, and they were sure the gems had been acquired, the group dived into the water and started to scout out the rest of the area, where they found some of the glass vases that four of them were familiar with and Cynder had been told about earlier, so they smashed their way through the couple of glass vases the group could see while Elora, instead of focusing on what the four dragons were doing, rushed through the water and kicked the Scuba Riptoc in the chest, earning her a gem as she made her way out of the water. With four dragons swimming through the water, and by that Elora knew they were charging in a sense, it wasn't long before the group made sure that there was nothing left in the water, which included finding a second Scuba Riptoc and taking it down in seconds, before they burst out of the water, where they landed on the ground that would allow them to head into the main part of the island and see what else they would have to force their way through this time around, though while they did that Spike spotted a dragonfly nearby and it rushed over to where they were standing, allowing him to use his magic to send it back to the others. With the first of the dragonflies of this realm saved, and likely nine more to go based on what they had seen so far, the group took a moment to see what was around them before moving, which was when Spyro loosed a burst of his Fire Breath on the Idol and burned it down as Cynder jumped into the air and hardened her body, showing her power to call upon the Warrior's Armor, and struck down the Tourist Riptoc that was standing near the Idol, even though there was a green button that was behind it, something they filed in the back of their minds for now.

Once that was done Spike found another fragment of the jade statue, which looked like a shield of some kind that was formed by wings, though since none of them seemed to grant him and the others any new powers, to which he made sure to put it inside his satchel as the others joined him, though while they regrouped it was easy to see the location of one of the portals to the side sections of this realm, something that the group knew they would find a way to in no time, so they moved away from the water and headed to another part of the realm, which was why they headed for a locked gate that one of the Pig Tourists was standing behind.

"Hey, I'm glad you guys have showed up," the Pig Tourist said, though even as he said that it appeared that he might be terrified of something, which was understandable given the fact that the Riptocs seemed to be attacking every realm in Castle Hills and they were bothering everyone that called the realms home, hence the reason they remained silent as they waited for him to tell them what in the world was going on in this realm, "the Riptocs, after invading the island, have come to the decision that they're going to hold a luau feast to celebrate their success, even if they haven't found any of those missing dragonflies yet, and they're planning on cooking everyone they've captured so far... and I've heard a few of them whispering about hot and spicy sauce."

"Okay, so we'll take them down and free everyone," Cynder remarked, speaking what was on everyone's mind at the moment, even if no one wanted to say it right now, though even as she thought about that she knew that the Riptocs had to be some of the more ridiculous enemies she had encountered over the years, as some where smart and some weren't, before Spyro and the others nodded their heads to show that they agree with what had been said, which was followed by them leaving the area so they could focus on locating the rest of the dragonflies.

"Keep an eye open for a switch for each gate, they'll let you open them up," the Pig Tourist stated, giving the group one more piece of information before they left the area that the first gate was located in, though it was clear that this was everything he was going to give them for the time being, which was fine when they considered what was going on with this realm, though they could tell that he was putting his faith in them and knew that the five of them would do everything in their power to save the day.

What the Pig Tourist told them, before they walked away from the gate, was enough for Spike to determine that the Riptocs had to be carnivores and that all of the gem creations they had seen, which were mimicries of the real deal, were trying to see what food even tasted like, even if it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, hence the reason the five of them focused on everything else that was going on in the realm and what they could do to help the residents of the island out, especially given what they had just discovered. Of course the information about the switch was nice, as that told them that the button they had seen earlier was important and it wasn't long before Elora kicked the button, something that was followed by the gate opening and allowed the Pig Tourist to escape from the cage that he had been held in, causing him to cheer for a moment as the group walked over to where he was standing and focused on the area that they was next on their list to clear out. From there they walked over to where a large clam shell was resting, or at least a fragment of one by the looks of things, and found an Idol minding its own business, though when they appeared it the wooden construct tried to threaten them with its stick, something that was followed by Cynder loosing a burst of shadowy flames at their foe and burned it down, allowing the others to clear the area of gems and straw baskets, before heading back towards the 'cage' that the Pig Tourist had been locked away inside, which was actually a tunnel that lead to another part of the realm and must have been sealed before they hit the button. The tunnel brought them to an area that was mostly water, with some places for them to walk on, a cage that needed to be opened, which one of the dragonflies was currently trapped inside by some magic, and an underwater section that the group had known was coming up at some point, meaning they had to clear out the area and then unlock the gate, hence the reason Spike loosed a burst of Ice Shards that struck down an Idol and a Tourist Riptoc that were to their right, eliminating the guards that were protecting the dragonfly.

The next thing they did was fly over to the other gate that was in the area, bypassing some floating platforms that they felt could be flotation devices in some manner, before Ember spun around and struck down the Tourist Riptoc that was in front of them, something that opened the way for them to talk to the Pig Tourist that was stuck in the cage, but since they knew the situation none of them felt the need to really talk to someone at the moment and headed to their right, as that seemed to be the most reasonable area for them to explore. They quickly discovered that the button for the next gate was located on a cliff that was on the other side of the area, one that didn't have a normal path for them to use, to which they dived into the water and dealt with the Scuba Riptocs that happened to be underwater, no doubt guarding a hidden path or looking for dragonflies, and once their enemies had been dealt with the group collected the gems that were around them and kept their eyes open for anything that might help them out. Eventually their search yielded a cave that they could use, one that brought them to an area that had a few straw baskets and some metallic vases, and once the gems in the small area were collected it was easy to find a stone ladder that resembled the ones the group had used in the past, though at the top they found another cage and realized there was a second button in the area for them to press, to let this Pig Tourist out. Fortunately it appeared that the button for this cage was resting right behind them, as there was a ledge where two of the Tourist Riptocs happened to be standing and Spyro wasted no time in striking it down with a burst of fire, allowing the others to collect the gems that were in the area and, more importantly, press the button they had been guarding, which opened the gate they had just discovered and caused the Pig Tourist to cheer.

With that done the group headed for the tunnel that the Pig Tourist had been locked away inside and discovered that it brought them to where the other button rested, allowing Ember to smash it and open the gate that was resting on the other side of the area, freeing the trapped individual that was inside it, before they smashed some straw baskets, picked up the gems that had been inside them, and then used the wooden platform that was to the right of the button to jump over to the next ledge that was in the area. From there they used a second wooden platform to jump over to where two of the Idols were wandering, where Ember smashed one into the ground and Spike froze the second so one of the others could break it with a swing of their tail or a swift kick from Elora, before discovering that their enemies had been guarding a button that just so happened to go to the cage that the dragonfly was in, releasing it from the cell the Riptocs had put it in when they invaded the world. Once the gate was open the group paused for a moment as the dragonfly flew up to the area the five of them were standing in and let Spike send it back to Nestor and the others, though once that was done they turned their attention to the stone ladder that was in front of them and climbed it rather quickly, where they found one of the Challenge Gates waiting for them and Spike was able to determine that it was another 'strike the target' type, which just so happened to be what the rest of them had been, hence the reason he, Spyro, Cynder, and Ember rushed through it and took to the air as they noticed three wooden masks appear all around the upper parts of this section of the realm, which made it really easy for the four of them to determine what their targets were. As such the four of them took a moment to decide on what they were doing and that ended with Cynder returning to the Challenge Gate and landed to the right of Elora, which allowed Spyro, Spike, and Ember to fly around the area they were in and strike the masks, which ended up moving the two platforms that were in the water up to the area they were in, something that was followed by Cynder jumping over the pair of now floating platforms and found a dragonfly waiting at the end, who flew over to her and followed her back to the Challenge Gate.

Once the others returned to the pair Spike made sure to send the third dragonfly of this realm back to the others, and that just so happened to be when the platforms returned to normal, before they made sure the area around them had no more gems for them to collect, and neither did the platform below them, and then glided down to the location of the first Pig Tourist they had found in this area, who cheered as they entered the tunnel he had been trapped in and headed for the next section of this realm. On the other side of the tunnel they found another section of the realm that was mostly under the water, not that anyone was surprised by this, and this time around it appeared that there was an impressive ruin of some kind in the middle of the water, so what they did was let Elora smash the Idol that was in front of them while Ember smashed the metallic vases that were to their left, before they dived into the water. The group split up for a couple of moments as they smashed through the Scuba Riptocs that were scattered all over the place and made sure to pick up all of the gems that were around them, just like they had done whenever they entered a new section of a realm, before Spike amended their earlier thoughts, as the ruin was just some pillars that formed a path that might lead to another part of the realm, and it wasn't long before they burst out of the water and landed on an area that had an Idol that happened to be guarding some straw baskets and metallic vases. From there they found some stone ladders that allowed them to reach an area that a Tourist Riptoc was standing in, where Elora kicked it in the side of its head to take it down, before the five of them jumped over to the stone ladder that was across a small gap and climbed it up to where an Idol was standing, one that was smashed by a Lightning Bolt to the chest, allowing the others to collect the gems before they glided through the air and landed on a raised section of stone that was just above the water.

It was there that they found a Tourist Riptoc that just so happened to be guarding the fourth dragonfly of this realm, though when they made that discovery Spyro and Cynder smashed into its chest and took it down, allowing Spike to use his magic to send the dragonfly to safety while Ember and Elora collected the gems that were around them, before they returned to the water and headed for the ruined path they had seen earlier, once more choosing to ignore the portal that would lead them to the first side section of this realm, as it would be done once the rest of the realm was no longer being threatened by all of the enemies they were fighting. What they found, as they explored the ruined path, was that someone had put up some nets under the water, no doubt intending on catching some fish or the five of them, so they took it nice and slow as they moved through the underwater tunnel, which was rather short since they came to another underwater section of the realm, just like the last one they had been in, so their first order of business was charging their way through the water and struck down the couple of Scuba Riptocs that were scattered all over the area, before collecting the gems as each of them resurfaced near a stone covered area. The first thing they did was smash the couple of metallic vases that were near the stones, while Cynder headbutted the Tourist Riptoc that was nearby so Elora could kick it into the ground, which allowed them to access the stone ladder that was behind their foe and used it to ascend to another section of this area, one that had a pair of Idols guarding it, a number of straw baskets to break and a number of gems to pick up, and a button they suspected would lower the gate that was right next to it.

As it turned out they were right to press the button, as the Pig Tourist thanked them for releasing him and one of the missing dragonflies of this realm, the fifth one, flew over to them, where the individual they had freed would see it like a reward that it was giving them, before Spike sent it back to the others and they continued to explore the rest of the area, as there was more to do before they even considered moving towards the next part of the realm, even though they had to be getting close to the area that the exit portal rested in. Once that was done they flew through the air and found another dragonfly that was on one of the wooden platforms, hence the reason Spyro flew a bit further and quickly flamed down the Tourist Riptoc who was standing behind it so Spike could land and send the sixth dragonfly of this realm back to the castle the others were being sent to, before they walked along the rest of the wooden walkway that was in front of them, took out an Idol that was standing in their way, and then came to a stop on a ship, a larger one than the one they had used to get to this realm, which had a cannon on its deck. The cannon, once ignited, loosed a cannonball that smashed the fallen rocks to pieces and revealed a small cave that a dragonfly and some metallic vases had been trapped inside, either due to the Riptocs trapping them inside it or this being where Ripto's magic sent it and the couple of vases had been in there when it arrived, though it didn't take them long to fly over to the cave, send the seventh dragonfly back to the others, and then smash the metallic vases for the gems that were inside them, before heading back to where the last Pig Tourist had been imprisoned, as it was time to see what was in the next area of this realm. As it turned out the tunnel in question contained the exit portal for the realm and brought them back to the starting area of this island, meaning they could just glide over to the area that the other portal to a side section rested in, though it was nice to know that none of the Riptocs would be succeeding in their mission in this realm and that the residents would be able to party or rest without having to worry about intruders for the foreseeable future, since once Ripto was taken down they wouldn't have to worry about any enemies coming to bother them or interrupt what they were currently doing.

In the end the group ended up heading back to the portal they had passed when they were swimming into the final area of this realm and picked it without delay, though when all of them appeared on the other side of the portal they had picked they found that the area around them was either part of the island or another island that was close by, though this one had a massive underwater section to explore, a manta ray that most of them recognized, and, sure enough, Hunter just to happened to be standing nearby, clearly getting ready for something based on the scuba gear that rested near him, and they had an idea on what he could be doing.

"I figured you guys would show up at some point, though I was planning on taking care of some Riptocs with my pet manta ray, Poseidon," Hunter remarked, though at the same time he finished checking the rest of his gear and made sure all of it was put on correctly, while the five of them noticed that the manta ray was outfitted with everything they had seen during their third adventure and maybe a few other things, before they focused on Hunter and wondered how many of the missing dragonflies they would be able to get from this area, "From what I heard the Riptocs have assaulted a manta ray farm that the residents of the realm set up, don't ask me why they have something like this, and this is the area that its located in, so I was going to set things right before I got back to looking for the other dragonflies, even though we might find one once the Riptocs are dealt with."

Instead of saying anything this time around, like they would normally do, Spyro and the others said nothing as Hunter climbed onto his pet manta, quickly made sure that everything was in order as he slipped the mask over his face, which did allow them to notice that his warrior gear was resting nearby so none of it got wet or anything, before he dived under the water and they moved towards the edge of the area so they could see what was going on and if they needed to follow him for some odd reason. There seemed to be a few Scuba Riptocs in the area, just like Hunter said there were, and it did look like there might be a few small octopuses that wanted to prevent Hunter from completing his self imposed mission, though for the most part it looked like Hunter didn't need their help and there wasn't anything for them to collect, so the group remained silent and stretched their wings, or arms in Elora's case, while they watched what was going on around their friend, who was doing quite well on his own.

"You know, he's certainly not the same Cheetah that you guys met a few years ago," Cynder remarked, as she found it odd that such a skilled warrior could have started out as someone who didn't want to fight anything and had preferred to let others do it for him, especially when she recalled what Spike had written on their second adventure and what they had learned during that time period, though now he was likely one of the most skilled warriors in Avalar and she could see that he didn't need help in clearing out something that he could have called a game between him and one of them.

"No, he's not. Hunter is a fine warrior, and excellent pilot, and one of our best friends," Spyro said, though he and his siblings, not to mention Elora, knew what Cynder was talking about, as it did seem like just meeting and seeing the three of them in action had been enough to convince Hunter to grow up and take a more active role in protecting Avalar, which had spread to Elora since she had developed into a fine warrior as well, even if she was more used to using her arms and legs, instead of whatever weapons were near her, but that was when he glanced back down at what was in front of them and knew that the Riptocs would be taken care of in no time.

A few moments later Hunter surfaced and pulled the mask off his face, where he pulled himself off Poseidon and took a second to give his manta ray a treat, though once that was done he smiled for a moment as he faced the group, meaning he must have found the eighth dragonfly of this realm, which would make sense given what they had seen so far, and that it would come to them once everything was said and done, hence the reason the group remained at the read as Hunter got ready to reveal what was going on.

"Those Riptocs didn't stand a chance against us," Hunter remarked, though at the same time he reached into his pack for a moment and withdrew his hand, where the group found a spherical container that had a dragonfly inside it, showing them that the enemies Hunter had taken down had been carrying the next dragonfly, before he handed it over and Elora opened the container in a few seconds, as it was rather easy to do so, before Spike sent it back to the others, "and we were able to recover one of the dragonflies, so things are looking up for us."

"Good job Hunter, you were great out there," Elora replied, as that was the truth of the matter, their friend had been able to deal with the enemies on his own, even though he had his pet manta ray helping him take the Riptocs down, and she suspected that the more time he spent with Spike and his siblings the greater his skills would become, though it was clear that there wasn't anything else for them to say, to which the group bid Hunter and Poseidon farewell and took off from the island that they had discovered Hunter on, so they could head back to the main part of the realm and see what the other side section had to offer them.

When they returned to the main part of Luau Island the group took to the air and returned to the starting area and found one more Tourist Riptoc to take down, before they collected the rest of the gems that were in the area, where Spike felt that they might have found nine hundred throughout the entire realm, and headed through the portal and reappeared in an area that had what the group had to assume was a concert area of some kind, consisting of drums and four Idols that seemed to be drummers, who outright challenged the four dragons. As such Spyro stood at the head of the pack, to mimic the head of the pack of drummers, Spike stood diagonally to his brother's left, Ember did the same to Spyro's right, and Cynder brought up the rear as the four of them faced the drummers, while Elora stood off to the side and watched what was going to happen so Spike could have the best notes on what happened and how long it took them to master the art that was apparently being turned into a test. Once all of them were in position the Idols started, sounding the first note and waited for one of them to follow, before they sounded the first and second note so the group could follow them and perform the song that they were trying to teach them, even though it was pretty easy to follow what they were doing since there were four of them and four of the Idols, meaning all the group had to do was memorize the movements their own Idol was doing and follow the pattern that was being established. As it turned out the Idols had them do five movements before cheering, somehow earning them the ninth dragonfly of this realm, even though the group was sure that they would have been forced to do more before earning the right to rescue one of the dragonflies, before the Idols started a second set of notes that seemed a little more complex than what the first one was, mostly in the sense of it being nine notes that were in a different order than the first song.

In the end the group were able to complete the second song and walked away with the ninth and tenth dragonflies that could have been found in Luau Island, so Spike sent them back to Nestor and the others before they headed for the exit portal, as it was time for them to see which realm they could pick next and tackle the challenges that it had to offer them, all while their allies focused on opening the way to where Ripto was hiding so they could put an end to his schemes and restore order to Castle Hills and the realms that were connected to it.

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