• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Engaging Crush

It didn't take the siblings all that long to return to the area of Summer Forest's castle that the portal to Aquaria Towers rested in, though once they landed on the ground Spyro headed back towards the tunnel that would take them back to the chamber that contained the large tree, where Spike and Ember followed after him without delay, as they knew exactly what their brother wanted to do. They had cleared out the realms of this homeworld, righting the wrongs that were happening upon their arrival and assisting the residents of those lands to the best of their abilities, collecting the various Talismans and Orbs that were in each realm, and the last thing their brother wanted to do, before heading after Ripto, was see what the Speedway had to offer them. Spike was of the opinion that it was much like the Flight Realms back in the Dragon Realms, where they would be given the ability to fly for as long as they wanted and that there were a few things that they had to break in order to recover more of Avalar's stolen gems, before even thinking about returning to the castle, while Ember agreed with him, as she knew that Spike was likely correct in his assumption. Still, that didn't stop Spyro from closing the wooden gate behind them once they were in the chamber with the tree, which opened the other wooden gate that allowed them to head up a set of stairs and pause when they reached the portal they were looking for, the one that would take them to the Ocean Speedway, as that was the name that Spike noticed on the front of the portal.

None of them said anything as they walked into the portal and headed to the island that it lead to, as all of the Flight Realms they had taken on had been islands that were located near the various homeworlds, and they were interested in seeing what the Speedway had in store for them, especially since Avalar and it's realms were slightly different from what they were used to seeing in the past.

When they arrived in the area that the Speedway was in they found that it was definitely an island and that they were able to fly through the air, just like the Flight Realms they had taken on, though what was interesting to them was that there was a track of some kind that seemed to wrap around the entire island, which had some buildings that had white stone roofs and a golden setting for the roofs to sit in. There was an area off on their left that contained a number of people that were standing on some stands, one that looked like a Queen that was enjoying whatever show was happening at the moment, though while most of the people in the stands looked like fish that could walk, the Queen looked more like a mermaid, before the siblings focused on something else. What they discovered was that the first of the four obstacles they had to deal with were red colored rings that formed a path that happened to lead them through a tunnel that brought them to the other side of the island, where they had the option to pick between following the golden arches, ones that had blue crystals attached to them, or following the tracks and chasing down the vehicles that were currently moving on the tracks. Spyro headed to the left and followed the path that the arches formed, though while he did that Ember charged down onto the track and headed to the left as well, so she could run on the tracks and smash the vehicles that were coming her way, allowing Spike to head to the right and find an area, in front of where the mermaid was located, and found eight boats that seemed to be moving around the area in a formation of some kind, before he followed after them and started flaming them, as he knew they were the last obstacle they needed to take care of.

It didn't take Spike all that long to take out the eight boats that were moving around the area, especially since he did place himself in a way that would allow the boats to move towards him, so once all of them were taken care of he landed nearby and watched what his siblings were doing, as Ember smashed the last of the vehicles off the track and Spyro flew through the last of the arches, breaking it in the process, to which they regrouped on top of the island, to see how many gems they recovered from this realm.

"That was awesome!" Spyro said, where he stretched his wings for a moment, showing that he had enjoyed their time in this realm and felt that there was more for them to do before they returned to Summer Forest's castle and challenged Ripto, before he glanced at the area that they had come to a stop in, where Spike had found the gems from what they had been doing and was counting them at the moment, while Ember stared out at the realm, "So, Spike, do the Speedways have as many gems as the Flight Realms back home, or is the count different than what we're used to?"

"Well, each of the five Flight Realms gave us three hundred gems when we finished taking out all of the obstacles that were in those realms," Spike stated, informing his siblings of something they had likely forgotten, since he was the one who kept track of these sorts of things, before he focused on answering the question that he had been asked, while their dragonflies waited to collect the gems that were resting in front of them, "The Ocean Speedway, however, has given us four hundred gems for taking out the obstacles that were scattered throughout this island, so that means the Speedways will be giving us more than what we're used to, but, according to the guidebook, there might be an Orb somewhere in this realm... and, based on what I've seen, I think the mermaid might have it."

"Then I'll go chat with her and see what we need to do to win it." Spyro replied, as he had the feeling that there was a race or something that was associated with the realm they were currently in, as it sure seemed like there was a course that could be followed, to which he jumped into the air and flew down to where the stands were located, before he came to a stop near the mermaid that his brother had mentioned.

"Well, since you and your siblings have beaten the normal challenge, I bet you're feeling pretty good about yourselves and your skills, but I wonder if you're good enough to take on the current champion." the mermaid commented, her tone showing that she had been watching them as they moved all over the realm and that she knew each of them were skilled in their own ways, before she focused on what she was going to tell him, while Spike and Ember made sure the gems were collected by their dragonflies, "Why don't you meet the champion and race him... though to win the race you'll have to fly through all the rings that the course is made out of, but beware, once Hunter flies through one of the rings they'll start to shrink, and if you fail to go through one then you fail."

Spike and Ember watched as Spyro grinned as he took off, heading to the area that seemed to be the starting point of the race he had been drawn into, which was the moment that Hunter, wearing a pack of some kind that allowed him to fly through the air, which actually explained how he was able to test them earlier, when he was seeing if they could glide and hover over a small course he had created. Spyro followed the cheetah as he flew through the first pink ring, which turned green and started to shrink, just like the mermaid had told him, though it wasn't long before he passed through the ring and followed Hunter towards the next one, all while wondering how many rings they would need to pass through before the race was over. He found that the rings were spread out all over the island and that Hunter had a specific path that he wanted to lead him through, so Spyro followed him and passed through the various rings that were in the way, all while his siblings watched them move through the area and wrecked the rings in the process, and they even noticed a slight smile on Hunter's face as he flew over their heads, as if he was happy by what Spyro was able to do. It wasn't long before they reached the end of the course, where the last three rings were near the stands that the mermaid and the others viewers were standing on, where the siblings watched as their brother passed through the last ring and gave Hunter a high five, showing that he enjoyed what they had done, before he headed over to where the stands were located and came to a stop near the mermaid once more.

"Wow, that was some excellent flying." the mermaid said, where she reached into a small pack that was resting by the end of her tail and withdrew something from it, where Spyro found that it was the Orb that Spike had mentioned, which told him that they would have to be careful when they explored the rest of the Speedways in the future, "Here, take this Orb as a reward for your performance."

Spyro nodded his head and took the Orb, where he flew up to where his siblings were waiting and let Spike add it to the guidebook, and the other Orbs they had acquired so far, before they took to the air once more and started the short flight towards the edge of the realm, which would return them to Summer Forest's castle and allow them to focus on taking the fight to Ripto and his minions. Sure enough, as they expected, only a few moments passed before all three of them disappeared from the area that Ocean Speedway was in, where the siblings quickly returned to the area of Summer Forest's castle that the portal was in and started moving once more, as it was time for them to head to where Elora was waiting for them. Instead of heading down the stairs, pressing the button to change the wooden gates around so they could access the other tunnel, and then head over to the area that the dungeon's entrance was in, the siblings jumped over the ledge that was at the edge of the chamber they were in and glided down into the area that the portal to Aquaria Towers was in, before they started walking once more. It took them a few moments to reach the area that was their next destination and found that Elora was still standing in front of the large wooden gate that seemed to be blocking the way into the dungeon, but as they approached the gate and came to a stop she turned around and smiled at them, as she must have felt the magic of the guidebook, or that was Spike considered when that happened.

"You guys have done well, because with the six Talismans of Summer Forest we can break the seal that Ripto placed on the entrance of Summer Forest's dungeon," Elora said, though that was the moment that Spike knew what she was referring to and pulled out the guidebook, where the power of the Talismans they had collected connected to the wooden gate and shattered the seal in question, as he could see it happen with his own eyes, even if his siblings had no idea that such a thing had happened, before he slipped the guidebook back into his pack as the gate opened, revealing a decent sized hole that had to be the entrance to the dungeon.

"Nice. Now we can go down there and face Ripto." Spyro replied, as this was what he and his siblings had been waiting for since they had found themselves in Glimmer and had been told about the person that had revealed himself not even a few minutes after their arrival, and even if their foe ran off for Autumn Plains they would just repeat what they did for the residents of Summer Forest until Ripto called it quits.

"Now, before you guys go down there, there is something I feel that you should know, and that's how Ripto came to Avalar in the first place," Elora stated, to which the siblings paused for a moment, as they had been curious as to how their foe had come to be in this place in the first place, since it appeared that he wasn't a natural resident of Avalar, causing the three of them to sit and face her so she could tell her the tale of how Ripto came to Avalar, "A week ago the Professor was showing Hunter and I the progress he had made with his Super Portal technology, a type of portal that, according to him, is supposed to give us access to an entirely different world, somewhere in the vastness of the universe... or, at the very least, that is what the Professor said."

"A portal... that can access other worlds?!" Spike exclaimed, because while he knew that some of the dragons in the five homeworlds liked to study the stars, and a few even believed that there were other worlds out there, this was the first time that he was hearing that someone was trying to do something about it, and now he was interested in visiting the area that the Super Portal was in, just to see it up close, though at the same time that told them something else, they were no longer on the world that they called home, as it seemed that Avalar and the Dragon Realms might actually be on entirely different worlds, which would interest the dragons back home.

"That's what the Professor said," Elora said, though her tone showed that she sort of understood what she had been told, when she and Hunter went to see what the Professor was working on, but it also told them that a lot of what she had been told had gone over her head, despite her best efforts to get what the Professor had been saying, before she returned to the rest of the tale, "Anyway, after the Professor ran his last calculations he said that we could test it out, to see if his theory worked, which was when Hunter grabbed the remote that was linked to the Super Portal and put in 22475, as that was his birthday, and before I could even warn him not to mess with the portal he clicked the button and connected to the world that Ripto came from. Since he, Crush, and Gulp came flying out of the large portal, like the three of you had done when we were looking for a dragon to help us, we could only assume that the Professor had tapped into one of the portals that were scattered around Ripto's home world and we snatched him while he was in the middle of traveling between two realms, once more like we did to get you guys. Ripto, after his initial confusion vanished, when he realized what there were no dragons in Avalar, declared himself as our new king and ordered his minions to go through the portal and acquire the rest of his things, which was when I had the bright idea to have Zoe and her friends take the Orbs that powered the Super Portal and move them all over Avalar, to deactivate the portal and to stop Ripto from bringing more allies to Avalar, just in case he had more minions like Crush and Gulp."

"And Hunter was the one that suggested that you guys get a dragon to combat them?" Ember inquired, because that seemed to be something that Hunter would do, as he didn't seem like the type that would actually fight someone and would latch onto something that could potentially help them take care of Ripto, where she found that her siblings were agreeing with her.

"Yeah, and when I asked the Professor he suggested that we use Glimmer, since it was better aligned to your world," Elora replied, where her tone revealed that she was actually pleased with what Hunter had been able to learn while she and the Professor had made sure Ripto couldn't return to his world, even if she was also slightly annoyed that this was all Hunter's fault, due to him messing with the remote that controlled the Super Portal, "you know the rest of the tale, since we told you what we could earlier, even though it took us a week to gather the items that the Professor needed to make a smaller Super Portal with, giving Ripto time to mess with all the realms of Avalar."

"You know, that reminds me of a question I wanted to ask," Spike commented, because there was something that had been bothering him since Hurricos, when they were helping the one Electroll with the Lightning Thieves that were stealing his Lightning Stones, and it made him think about all of the other realms they had visited so far, "How was Ripto able to do so much damage to the realms of Avalar, when he's only got those two minions of his and the only tool he had to aid him in his conquest was that scepter, which was destroyed shortly after we arrived in Glimmer? I would have thought that the guards could have dealt with him and his minions, instead of all of this happening."

"Oh, we do have guards. In fact, both Hunter and I are part of the guard, but we're part of different branches," Elora said, where she noticed that the siblings had a variety of expressions, as Ember seemed amused that someone like Hunter was part of Avalar's guard, Spyro appeared to be raising his eyebrow in surprise, and Spike was interested in what she had to say in response to his question, "Hunter was originally training to be in the section of the guard that went into realms and helped the residents deal with the people that were causing them trouble, like the Gear Grinders messing with the poor Electrolls or the Water Workers harassing the turtles of Sunny Beach, but he decided that he wasn't cut out for that sort of life and found the technical division more to his liking. By that I mean he spends a good deal of his time helping the Professor with his various gadgets, testing them out and making sure they work to the Professor's specifications, which does earn him some free items every now and then, where he will describe something that might sound insane and, after thinking about it for some time, the Professor will make it a reality, regardless of what Hunter said, starting the cycle over until there's nothing for him to test. I, on the other hand, am part of the magical division of the guard, specifically reading and understanding all the knowledge in the archives, helping the residents of the land identify any magical items that they might not be familiar with, and, more importantly, guarding all the magical treasures of Avalar from those that might try to steal them... not that I succeeded to the best of my abilities, since that scepter that Ripto had, and destroyed, was one of the treasures I was supposed to guard... it's such a shame to lose something like that."

"So Hunter is a soldier turned project tester, and you are, in our terms, a Keeper of Secrets." Spyro said, because that was what he was understanding from what Elora had told them, and he was sure that if it wasn't for Crush and Gulp she would have tackled Ripto and knocked him out when he first appeared in the Winter Tundra, but, since those two had been there, it was a good thing she didn't endanger herself.

"Yeah, I guess so," Elora stated, her tone showing that she agreed with what Spyro had said, though that was followed by her pausing for a moment as she considered what she had heard and seemed to be thinking about it, to which Spike waited for her to say what was on her mind so they could continue with the rest of the tale that she wanted to tell them, before they headed down into the dungeon to deal with Ripto, "Um, what's a Keeper of Secrets?"

"Its a term that describes a dragon whose supposed to guard the secrets of the Dragon Realms, without letting any of the other dragons, save for the Leaders and a few specific dragons, know about them." Spike replied, as he knew Elora was going to ask the question and had been ready for it, because he had asked Lucas a few more questions during all of his training with Cosmos and the other Magic Crafters, and he could see that Elora now understood what they had been talking about, which meant it was her turn to speak again.

"I see, that's very interesting." Elora said, as she was interested in everything that she could learn about the lands that the siblings came from, especially since the only thing they knew about the dragons was what Hunter had recited to her when they were gathering the components that the Professor needed for his smaller Super Portal, "Anyway, to answer the question that you asked, the rest of the guard was wiped out over the last week, trying to stop Ripto and his minions as they rampaged across Avalar, and no, I don't mean they died, as Ripto knocked them out to the point where they would have to spend some time in the infirmary. There's also the fact that it wasn't just those three that the guards had to fight over the last week, as Ripto broke out all the prisoners that the guard imprisoned over the years, like the Lightning Thieves and the Gear Grinders, and they overran the guard with Crush and Gulp leading the charge, before dispersing to the realms that you three have been finding them in."

"Makes sense that Ripto would use prisoners to do his dirty work," Spyro commented, because that definitely seemed like something their foe would do, especially since he and his siblings had come to that decision during one of their visits to the previous realms, but it was nice to see that Elora agreed with what they had been thinking, or that they had guessed what the truth was earlier in their adventure.

"He also broke into the treasury and stole a number of gems," Elora added, showing the siblings that there was more to what Ripto had done during his time in Avalar, though her tone also revealed that this was the last thing that she was going to tell them at the moment, as she was more interested in sending them down into the dungeon so they could deal with Ripto and put an end to his rampage, "though as the self-proclaimed King of Avalar, as he likes to call himself from time to time, Ripto also declared that all of the treasure is his and that technically it isn't stealing, rather he prefers to call it investing in the safety of the realms."

"I guess something in his past is making him act this way," Spike said, because it almost sounded like they might be dealing with someone that was similar to Gnasty Gnorc, who refused to listen to them thanks to his anger at the dragons for what they did to him years ago, even if all they had done was banish him to the land they had encountered him on, the land that was going to become the homeworld of the Machinists dragons.

"That could very well be the case, but he's not going to listen to reason," Elora replied, though her tone told them that it was time for them to deal with Ripto and his minions, as she had told them everything she felt that they needed to know and knew that she shouldn't delay them for much longer, where she stood to the side and made sure that the way into the dungeon was fully open for the siblings.

Spyro, Spike, and Ember nodded their heads in agreement as they got up from where they were sitting and jumped into the circular hole that was in front of them, as it was time to see what was waiting for them in the dungeon and what they needed to do to defeat Ripto and his minions, since they knew he was going to send those two dinosaurs after them, before fighting them himself. It didn't take them long to glide down the tunnel that was on the other side of the opening, where they found a massive chamber, one with a giant circular platform in the middle of it, below them, one that had a number of openings that had green liquid being poured into the area, though what caught their attention was the one closed tunnel, which was larger than the other openings, that Ripto happened to be standing in front of. After seeing their main target they found that he had moved one of his minions into the center of the chamber, the large blue dinosaur that had to be Crush, who glanced up at them and watched as they glided down to the other side of the platform, which was when they landed and focused on their foe, since Crush would need to be taken out first, before they faced Ripto. At the same time the siblings knew that they could go all out for the first time since they arrived in Avalar, without having to worry about anyone else getting hurt, which was why they prepared for the battle to start and knew that Crush seemed to be waiting for Ripto to order him to attack them.

In the end all Ripto did was shout "Crush, get them" and Crush started to move, though what he did was move over to one of the circular devices that were around the platform and let the magic that one of the devices held flow into his body, where Spike guessed that it was giving him some sort of invincibility, meaning none of their attacks would be able to do any damage to him, but that was when Spike smiled for a moment as he prepared himself for what he was going to do, while at the same time Spyro and Ember moved forward. The pair quickly loosed a flame at the blue aura that their foe was wrapped in, causing Ripto to chuckle at them as Crush sent a few blue waves of energy at them, which Spyro and Ember were able to dodge since their opponent was only able to target one of them at a time, before Spike loosed a set of Arcane Missiles at his target, where the bolts passed through the aura and slammed into Crush's chest, knocking him back a tiny bit as a look of confusion appeared on Ripto's face. Sure, Spike wasn't all that familiar with the magic of Avalar and was still learning about it, but he had quickly come to the conclusion that this invincibility was only against physical attacks and the flames his siblings used on Crush, though magical attacks, on the other claw, were a different matter, and he was happy to see that his guess had been correct, that the aura couldn't block spells. It was also clear as to why Ripto didn't know this, because it seemed that he could only cast spells with a scepter, something that he was missing right now, so there was no way for him to test the aura to the best of their abilities, but the siblings focused on Crush as he got back up, shook his head, and roared as he beat his club on the ground, to show he was annoyed about all of this.

Spike found that Crush wasn't very bright and that he ran over to another device that gave him another blue aura as he faced them, where Spyro and Ember distracted him with physical attacks and flames that did nothing to him, allowing Spike to blast him with some lesser magical spells, before he finally emerged from the aura and slammed his club into the platform a little harder than what he did earlier, causing a section of the ceiling to fall on his head, where he growled and brushed off the damage, even though that gave the siblings an idea of how to end this battle a lot quicker. More magic danced through the air as Crush empowered himself, where Spike struck him with spells as he took advantage of the fact that the blue auras didn't give him full invincibility, as he seemed to think they did, and when he finally moved out of the area that the device was in Spyro and Ember were waiting for him, as Spyro launched Ember into the air and she spun forward into a spinning attack and struck him in the chest, knocking him backwards once more. As Ember landed on the ground, and rolled away from their foe, Crush beat the ground and hurt himself again, though this time around Spike noticed that the devices stopped emitting a blue aura and that they were now emitting an orange colored aura, where he wondered what the different color meant, since blue gave their foe the ability to resist physical attacks and their flames, meaning this could turn the battle in his favor. In that moment Crush jumped into the air for a moment and landed on the device, where he released a sphere of energy, one that looked like a fireball, that raced toward Crush's intended target, which the siblings found out was Spike, though that was perfectly fine as Spike summoned a shimmering barrier and let the attack collide with it, causing Ripto to chuckle for a moment, but that stopped when Spike emerged with no damage done to him and a smile on his face... and, more importantly, with the fireball resting in front of him.

In that instant he loosed the fireball back at Crush, where the dinosaur, who was in the process of firing another ball at one of his siblings, turned towards the incoming attack and his eyes widened as he seemed to notice what was coming his way, where the reflected attack collided with him and blasted him off the device he was standing on, much to the surprise of Ripto, as he clearly wasn't expecting something like that to happen.

When Crush rushed to stand on one of the other devices, however, Spyro had an idea that hadn't occurred to him and his siblings just yet, as he rushed over to the device that was the closest to where he was standing and let the orange aura wash over him, which was followed by him grinning as he loosed his own large fireball at Crush, who used the power of his own device to parry the attack with an identical one, causing the area between them to explode. Ember, seeing what her brother was doing, did the same thing, though instead of just breathing a fireball, like Spyro was doing, she made sure to create a fireball and then jumped into the air, where she knocked it in the direction of their foe, blasting Crush off of the device he was standing on, forcing him to rush over to the middle of the platform, where a seventh device rested. That was the worst decision he could have made, because at that point the siblings were standing on three different devices, in a triangle to be exact, and they loosed three large fireballs at Crush before he even had a chance to loose his own attack, blowing up the area he was in and caused him to roar when the smoke cleared, and the following action, of him hitting the ground in anger, caused a few more stones to fall from the ceiling and strike him in the head. When that happened Spike watched as the six outer devices changed, where three of them continued to channel the orange color and the other three returned to the blue color, and it just so happened that all three of them were standing on what were now the blue colored devices, meaning they would be able to resist any type of damage, since Crush was purely a physical type of foe and didn't have an ounce of magic in him.

Of course this was another moment where Crush proved that he wasn't the most intelligent creature in the world, as he rushed over to where Ember was standing and brought his club down on her, though because she was being protected by the blue aura she was perfectly fine when he raised his weapon a few seconds later, and, at the same time, Cinder took no damage due to her being unharmed. Ember took advantage of that by using a skill she learned from the Peace Keepers and hadn't told her siblings about, even if she was sure that Spike might recognize it thanks to all the books he had read so far, where her scales shimmered for a moment as she spun around and slammed her tail into the side of Crush's left leg, where the dinosaur nearly dropped his club as he hopped about for a few seconds, showing Spyro and Spike that her attack had been stronger than the others and that she had hardened her scales to the max for a few seconds. It was a skill that wasn't like what the Magic Crafters would use, since they used their magic to attack from afar, rather it was designed for warriors that preferred to fight in close quarters and to prevent them from taking damage, while at the same time boosting the attack power of whatever limb they decided to use in battle, be it claws, wings, their teeth, or even their tail, and this proved that it worked as intended. Ripto, on the other hand, seemed to be in shock by what he was seeing, as if he had believed that Crush could take them out with ease, instead of what was happening at the moment, but thanks to the fact that their foe wasn't paying attention to them Spyro rushed over to where Ember was standing and she boosted him into the air, where he spun around like she had done earlier and struck Crush in the chest, knocking him back into the middle of the platform, just in time to be struck by another burst of Arcane Missiles in the back.

In that moment Crush seemed to snap, as he beat the floor several times, like he was trying to challenge the siblings to fight him without the devices that they were using, even though he had been the first one to use them, before a much larger section of the ceiling broke apart and fell on top of him, this time burying him under the stone, though when he didn't get back up for a few moments the siblings determined that they were the victors of this fight, even though Spike was of the opinion that the dinosaur might just be unconscious, to which they turned towards Ripto.

"Noooo! Crush!" Ripto said, where it sounded like he might actually be mourning the "death" of Crush, the dinosaur that was his enforcer, who beat up whoever ticked him off to the point where he didn't want to use magic to punish them, before he turned and glared at the siblings for a few seconds with a look of rage in his eyes, "You may have been able to defeat that simpleton, especially since you cheated with all of those spells... seriously, I've never heard of a dragon that can use magic before, much less to that level... but Gulp will be more than a match for all three of you and all of the various dirty tricks you have used so far!"

"Sorry Ripto, but we were playing fair." Spyro commented, as if they really wanted to play dirty he was sure that there were a few more spells and tricks that his siblings could have used against Crush, ones that would have turned the tide in their favor almost immediately, before they focused on their foe and got ready for what was coming next, "But, if you want to call Gulp here so we can fight him, we're more than ready for whatever he has in store for us."

In that moment Ripto, outraged by Crush's defeat and supposed death, shouted for Gulp to come to the chamber that they were in, where the massive green dinosaur burst through the metallic door that was right behind him, like the door was nothing and had been made of paper, before Gulp looked around the area he was now in, even though Spyro, Spike, and Ember could see a tunnel that lead to an unknown location right behind their foes.

"Destroy them, and make sure it's..." Ripto started to say, though that was before the part of the ceiling that was right above him started to shake, meaning that Crush's tantrums must have caused more damage to the area that what they originally thought, to which he glanced at Gulp for a few seconds as he came up with another command, one that would replace what he had nearly said, "Gulp, get me out of here!"

Spyro, Spike, and Ember watched as Ripto climbed up onto Gulp's back, causing the dinosaur to turn around and head down the tunnel that he had come from, though before the siblings could follow him the section that was above the door collapsed and buried it, meaning they were going to have to find another way to wherever Ripto had wandered off to, but their first order of business was to tell Elora the good news, even though Spike was sure she already knew the castle was no longer in Ripto's hands, if the glow from the guidebook was any indication, and then figure out where their foe had gone so they could put an end to his rampage.

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