• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Checking out the Spring

With Sheila freed from her cell and allowed to return to the realm that she called home, and Moneybags was dealt with for now, Spyro, Spike, and Ember continued to explore the rest of the homeworld that they had found themselves in and Elora followed after them, watching what they did while helping them out to the best of her ability, which was mostly collecting the scattered gems that were around the portal to Sheila's realm. As they walked away from Sheila's portal, and started to see what the rest of the homeworld had to offer them, which was a passage between the pair of miniature mountains that lead to part of the land that they hadn't been to yet, and it appeared that Hunter was standing up on a ledge that was above the path they were now following. Based on the area he was in, and what the siblings remembered from their time in Avalar, he either wanted to see if they remembered how to jump and glide, as well as Hover, or he was on the lookout for eggs and had ignored Moneybags completely, thanks to the memories that the bear brought to mind, which was understandable if that was the case. There was also a portal beyond where Hunter was standing, without a direct path to where it was located, and it seemed to have more of a circular design to its border, almost like a cloud of some kind or some sort of weather pattern, so instead of moving through the rest of the path, and seeing what the rest of the homeworld had to offer, they headed up to where their friend was located, just to see if he had found any eggs or anything of importance to their quest.

"Oh, hey guys, I see you found the portal I just spotted," Hunter remarked, though his tone did tell them that he had seen Moneybags and had decided to put the bear out of his mind so he could focus on the task at claw, which was finding and recovering all of the stolen eggs that had been taken from the Dragon Realms, "it seems like you'll have to glide over to where its resting, but that shouldn't be a problem for the three of you, though I can't say the same about you, Elora, since I have no idea how much training you have in jumping over gaps like this."

Elora raised her eyebrow for a moment before she rushed over to the edge of the ledge that they were standing on, where she jumped into the air and moved over the gap that was in front of them, just like Hunter had done when he was testing Spyro and his siblings back in Avalar, before she landed in the area that was in front of the portal to Cloud Spires, as that was the name that was attached to the portal.

"I would say that I have around your level of skill, Hunter," Elora remarked, showing the siblings that she must have gone through some serious training to reach this point, which made sense since she wanted to help them in some manner after they had taken care of Ripto, though while they smiled and glided over to her, and smashed the baskets that were near Hunter to get the gems inside them, all three of them noticed that Hunter had frowned for a moment.

"Well, you may be able to cross over small gaps like this, but how about jumping over to that cave?" Hunter replied, where he pointed over to the opening in the mountain that was to the left of the path the siblings would be heading down in the next couple of seconds, even though he had to jump over to them as well before he could do that, before he took a moment to think about something, "Also, I could have sworn that I saw something in there while I was passing through a few moments ago, hence why I backtracked to see what the glow was... who knows, maybe one of the eggs was hidden in that cave, no doubt due to whoever stole them thinking it might be safe in that area."

"Only one way to find out." Spyro stated, where he jumped into the air and glided over to the cave entrance, where he had to use his Hover technique to land inside the cave, before he turned around and watched as Spike and Ember did the same thing, showing their mastery over the technique he had created once more, only for them to notice a hole in the ground, which might be important later, as they waited for Elora and Hunter to join them.

Elora put a bit of effort into jumping the gap, more than she seemed to be thinking it would take, showing that she still had some way to go before she could reach the level that the siblings were at, though Hunter jumped over with little effort on his part and that put a smile on his face, even though Elora simply shook her head as she looked around the small cave they had jumped over to.

"Hunter, there's nothing here." Elora said, even though she could clearly see the pair of baskets that were nearby and the hole that might lead to a passage of some kind, but even as she said that she didn't see anything important that would justify the effort they went through to get to this cave, hence the reason she and the siblings turned towards Hunter, as it appeared that he just wanted to test their jumping skills again.

"What? There's a few baskets and a passage below us," Hunter replied, but even as he said that he stared right into Ember's eyes for a moment and could feel her gaze, to which he sighed and reached into his pack for a second, where he withdrew a dragon egg and placed it down in front of them, mostly so he didn't tick off Ember, "also, I found this egg a few moments ago and was going to hand it over once we were done exploring this cave, which I thought had more in it and would take longer to go through."

Spike took a second to gather some of his magic and then breathed on the egg, allowing the green fire to wash over it and teleport it back to the Dragon Realms, which would also hatch it based on what they had learned earlier, though once that was done Hunter headed out to see what else he could find, leaving the siblings and Elora to break the baskets and pick up the gems before they slipped through the hole in the floor and see what was below them, only to stop as they discovered a Powerup Gate in the passage Hunter head lead them to.

"A Superfly Gate? Here, of all places?" Elora inquired, as she knew that the various Powerup Gates were common in the realms of Avalar, and that the siblings had used them to great effect while they were taking down Ripto's forces, but it was rather surprising to see that they were in the Forgotten Realms, something she wasn't expecting to see, before she noticed that Spike was thinking about something, "Spike, is something wrong?"

"No, I'm just piecing together the pieces," Spike replied, as while it was interesting to see this sort of thing in a brand new land, one that they knew nothing about and were sure that the Powerup Gates were unique to Avalar, he was capable of taking all of the pieces that they were seeing and putting them together, "The Forgotten Realms used to be ruled by the ancient dragons, based on what I've read and what Sheila just told us, which means that they must have used several of these Powerup Gates in their daily lives, either to make their lives easier or to assist the residents of the various realms, just like we did in Avalar. At some point a sorceress, either the same Sorceress that Moneybags is working for or one of the descendants of the one that took over the Forgotten Realms, banished the dragons and forced them to find a brand new home to settle in, meaning they had to fly over the seas and oceans to get to a new island, not to mention even using boats to move the young dragons as well. Based on that information, and what we're seeing, its possible that the ancient dragons might have arrived in Avalar at some point in the past and didn't stay long, but they stayed long enough to leave behind a couple of Powerup Gates and the book that you guys read after Ripto arrived... and, at the same time, its also possible that they found Ripto's home as well, but decided to leave that place as well, even if the residents retained a strong dislike for dragons."

"So... Avalar and Ripto's land were places the ancient dragons visited, before eventually settling in the lands that one day became the Dragon Realms?" Spyro asked, because that was what he was getting from what Spike had said, mostly due to the fact that he wasn't fascinated by history like his brother was, though he could see that Elora was interested in what Spike had to say, especially since she seemed to be thinking about it at the same time.

"That is my theory," Spike stated, showing that he really didn't have all the necessary evidence to back his claims, even though he was ninety percent sure that his thoughts on the matter were correct, as it would explain why there were nearly identical Powerup Gates in Avalar and the Forgotten Realms, even if the two lands didn't seem to be connected at first, but his tone also revealed that, if he was wrong, he would admit such a thing if they discovered the truth.

Spyro and Ember glanced at each other for a second, as they weren't sure what to make of Spike's theory, but quickly decided not to worry about it too much, as right now they needed to recover the stolen eggs and see if they could take a bit of sense into the Sorceress, which was why they moved out from the area the Superfly Gate was in and searched the rest of the cave that they were in. There happened to be a number of straw baskets and scattered gems in front of them, something that the four of them collected rather quickly before they reached the end of the passage, which was when they noticed something interesting, there happened to be an egg near them, only it was higher than any of them could reach right now, hence the reasoning behind where the Superfly Gate was located. As they headed back to the powerup in question Spike determined that this could have been an old area for dragons to teach hatchings how to fly, before taking them to the Flight Realms of the various homeworlds, assuming that the Forgotten Realms had those as well, which he was sure they would find at some point, due to the fact that the Flight Realms were in the Dragon Realms. While he and his siblings used the Superfly Gate to reach the ledge the egg was on, however, Elora simply used the whirlwind that had formed near the opening they had jumped through and returned to the surface in her own way, where Spike teleported the egg back to Nestor and the others before he and his siblings glided down to the area that Elora was standing in, which happened to be the ledge that Hunter had been standing on earlier.

From there the group made their way through the passage that would lead them to the rest of the homeworld that they were exploring at the moment, Sunrise Spring as Spike came to call it, as that was the name that the Guidebook he had picked up earlier gave this land, where they picked up the gems that were on the ground, broke the straw baskets that were near them, and even smashed a pair of metallic vase as they moved forward. When they reached the area that was below the portal to Cloud Spires they found a couple of trees that lead the way to the next part of the land, with a pair of stone walls that looked like they belonged to a castle or fortress of some kind, something that they noted as they walked forward and continued to pick up the gems that were in their way. As they did that they also made sure to smash the few straw baskets that were around them as well, picking up the gems in the process, before they quickly reached the end of the tree area and found an area that had a circular structure that had a portal attached to it, one that was pointed in the direction of the trees they had come from, but that was when they noticed that the magic of the portal wasn't active, as all of them could see the stone behind where the portal to another realm would normally rest. That was confirmation that the magic of the Forgotten Realms was fading and that something needed to be done to correct what was going on, which Spike knew they would focus on once they had recovered all of the eggs that had been stolen and confronted the person that Moneybags worked for.

Of course that was when they noticed a creature that seemed to be made out of a darkened stone, like a golem based on what Spike had read, but it seemed to be wearing an outfit that reminded the siblings of the hula girls they had helped when they visited Idol Springs and its hair seemed to be a short mohawk, and it seemed a little excited to see them, so the four of them came to a stop to see what the problem was.

"Is something wrong?" Elora asked, because she had the feeling that the golem was supposed to be returning to its realm and the fact that the magic was no longer active was definitely bothering it to some degree, but she knew there was always the chance her thoughts were wrong and that something else might be worrying the creature, while at the same time the siblings remained silent.

"Yes, actually, I'm late for a dinner party at the Tiki Lodge," the creature, who had to be a Tiki from what the siblings could gather, said, where he even gestured to the portal that was near them and seemed to look at the area that the magic had been located in, before he sighed for a moment as he turned back towards them, "and, as you can see, the portal to my home realm has stopped working, rather suddenly I might add. Bianca said that she was working on a way to fix this mess and that the dragons were the key to everything... I do hope she fixes this mess soon, before the rest of the magic in our homes dries up as well."

The siblings and Elora glanced at each other for a moment, as it sounded like Bianca had to be one of the names of the two important people in the Forgotten Realms, either being the Sorceress in charge of everything or the lady that had stolen the eggs earlier, but for now the only thing they could do is continue to look around the area, even though they did find some sheep as they did that. As they explored the area that was around the Tiki's portal, however, Elora found a small boulder that looked like it had a crack in it and, more importantly, that it had been moved recently, as part of it was dirty, like it had been pulled out of the ground, to which Ember stared at the rock as she hardened her tail, where she crushed the rock in seconds. That was when an egg was revealed to them, resting in a small indent in the ground that the boulder must have been in earlier, though as Spike moved the egg out, and brushed the dust and dirt off of it, that was when Elora asked if it had been a wish idea for Ember to do that when the boulder was on top of the egg, where Ember told her that the eggs were supposed to be hard, designed to protect the hatchlings until it was time for them to hatch, so with the rock taking the brunt of the damage her attack hadn't done any damage to the egg. Elora thought about that for a moment and then nodded her head in understanding, where they and Spyro waited for a few seconds before Spike teleported the egg back to the Dragon Realms, while noting that using his Teleportation Breath like this was having an effect on the magic of the Forgotten Realms, as he could feel it getting stronger as each egg was sent home, telling him that hatching the eggs in this manner was helping the residents of this land in more ways than one.

Once the egg was gone, and Spike was sure that everything was just fine, they smashed a few metallic vases, broke a straw basket, and collected all the gems that were scattered behind the structure that the Tiki's portal was attached to, and the moment the area was cleared out they returned to where the Tiki was standing, and by that they faced him once more, and headed to the right this time, where a lake happened to be waiting. What they discovered was that there was another powered down portal on a small patch of land in the lake, near a stone wall that was connected to the main structure that was to their right, which seemed to be a castle of some kind, even if it was smaller than what they had seen in Avalar, and there was even an opening for them to go through when they were ready to investigate the area. Ember glanced into the water for a moment and found that there were a number of gems scattered around the bottom of the lake, including a decent number of glass vases and, more importantly, one of the stolen eggs, so what happened was that Spyro dived into the water to get the gems and vases while she dived down to retrieve the next egg they had discovered, something that she quickly returned with so Spike could send it on its way. It didn't take Spike long to send the egg back home, though as soon as he was done with that he glanced at the other powered down portal and found that it was in the middle of a large structure that looked like a seashell, which made sense considering that there was a Seal in a shirt in front of it, looking like he was sad about something, but they didn't have to talk to him to figure out what was going on.

The only other structure of note for this area was the lighthouse that was above the area the Tiki's portal was in, but Spike didn't have to investigate it as Spyro got out of the water and searched the area in question, breaking the couple of straw baskets and metallic vases that were near him, as well as picking up the gems that were there, before staring at the structure for a few seconds and then glided down to where the group was standing. Spyro revealed that the lighthouse had to be another powered down portal, one that had a closed door in front of where the portal was located, meaning it would become active once a few more eggs were found and hatched, according to what Spike said anyway, to which they headed for the castle and started to pick up the gems that were around the opening. While they did that Ember noticed a sign that had an image of Sparx, Talon, and Cinder on it, showing that Zoe must have found the possible location of an egg and that only their dragonflies would be able to get it out of the area in question, only they would have to come back at some point in the near future to see if the sign had changed, even though Elora found it interesting that they had found this in the first place, before heading into the castle itself. As it turned out there was next to nothing inside the castle, save for a circular chamber that had an opening in the roof, where a decent sized hot air balloon was resting and, interestingly enough, it had a few ropes attached to it, where someone might be able to pull it down to this area, making them wonder if there was something to this that they weren't seeing, as this wasn't in the Guidebook that Spike had found.

As the siblings stared at the hot air balloon, and were trying to see if there was anything they could do to it, Elora took a moment to break the straw baskets that were nearby and then smashed the metallic vases that were on the other side of the chamber, allowing her to collect the gems that were inside them, before storing them inside Spike's bag as they left the area and thought about what they were going to do next.

"Spike, how many gems did we find?" Spyro asked, because he was interested in what they were able to recover, as he was of the opinion that these gems needed to gathered in one place before they decided what to do with them, due to the fact that, when they thought about it, these gems were technically property of the ancient dragons that lived in these lands and should be returned to Nestor and the others, but, at the same time, they had no idea who the gems belonged to before their arrival, so it was possible they had been stolen from the residents of the various realms, meaning that they could return the gems as a sign of good faith.

"Four hundred so far," Spike replied, though he understood why Spyro was asking the question, even if he knew what his brother was really thinking about, which was why he was more interested in thinking about the realms that they had access to and which one they should assist first, while Ember was more focused on finding the eggs and recovering them and Elora was just curious as to what they were going to do, especially since this was the first time she was seeing how they worked when they explored a brand new homeworld, "So, out of Sunny Villa, Cloud Spires, and Sheila's Alp, which of the realms are you interested in tackling first?"

"You know, I'm interested in seeing what Sheila's realm is like and if she needs any help," Spyro said, as there had to be a reason behind why the Sorceress captured the kangaroo and why Moneybags was the one that had been assigned to watch over her, until they came along anyway, and he could tell that his siblings were interested in seeing that as well, and, as it turned out, Elora was the same way, mostly since this was the first major adventure she had been on.

The moment he said that, and let his opinion be known, his siblings and Elora shared a glance before nodding their heads in agreement, showing him that they agreed with his decision and that they were ready to leave, to which they left the area the hot air balloon was in and retraced their steps to where the portal to Sheila's realm was located, which would let them see what their new friend's home realm looked like. It didn't take them long to reach the portal in question and pass through it, where they appeared in a square chamber of some kind, one that was roughly the same size as the room they had left a few moments ago, where they found wooden posts in the four corners of the chamber, which looked like Sheila maintained them and made sure none of them were about to break. The walls were made out of stone, possibly even polished to gleam in the light of the pair of torches that were in the room, which actually gave off more than enough light for whatever their friend was doing when she was in here, and parts of the walls were made out of a blue stone, one that might not be a precious type, otherwise the group was sure that someone would have come and taken all of this for themselves at some point. Sheila, as they discovered, happened to be standing to the left of the area they arrived in and was looking at the desk that was in front of her, meaning that she had to be thinking about something at the moment, but what interested them was the fact that there was an opening in the chamber they were in, opposite of where they were standing, one that looked like it might contain a portal to another location.

That was when they noticed that there was a second opening behind them, looking just like the first one, but as soon as they started to question why the chamber was like this, Sheila turned her head and was surprised to see that she had some guests, to which she moved away from the desk that she had been standing at and hopped over to where the group was standing, with a smile on her face.

"Spyro, what a wonderful surprise, I wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon," Sheila said, her tone revealing that she was happy to see them again, even though they could tell that just by looking at her face, but the group said nothing for a moment as they waited to see what else Sheila had to say, as it looked like she had more to tell them, "I wanted to thank you guys for taking care of Moneybags and convincing him to let me go, which was the right thing, since I'm no criminal and that's what the Sorceress labeled me as some time ago."

"No problem, we're used to dealing with that bear." Spyro replied, though at the same time he knew that his siblings and Elora were looking at the room, trying to figure out why the area was like this, so he thought that he might as well ask the question anyway, even though he was sure that Spike would be able to figure it out with time, "So, what's up with this chamber? We're not used to walking through a portal, to enter a realm, only to appear in a chamber that has two portals in it and nothing else."

"Oh, this is an old area that the allies of the dragons used to use to head out into the other realms and help some of the other residents of our lands," Sheila explained, revealing that this was a staging area of sorts, where she could go over anything that's happening to the realms that this area allowed her to go to, as Spike determined that there had to be an item of some kind in this area that allowed her to determine which realm she could visit, "these days I use it for the same thing, just to make sure the residents of the other realms are okay and to help them with anything that might be beyond their abilities, or take out the Rhynocs that serve the Sorceress. In fact, since I've been locked up for a couple of days, I was going to head back to my home realm first and see if anything has happened since I've been gone."

"Would you like some help in cleaning up your realm?" Elora asked, mostly because she knew that Spyro, Spike, and Ember were really good at this and, if Sheila accepted their help, they would be able to tackle whatever was waiting on the other side of the portal that was in front of them, which would show some of the residents of this land that they were here to help, even if they were mostly after the stolen eggs.

Sheila seemed to think about that for a moment, as if she hadn't actually been thinking that they would offer such a thing to her, before nodding her head and beckoned for them to follow her as she headed through the portal that would take her to her home realm, and when the group followed after her they found themselves on the side of a mountain, or on a flat path to be exact, and discovered that there was a sheer drop off to their right, something they planned on staying away from, before following Sheila.

"Hiya Sheila... and friends." a voice said, where the group noticed three Mountain Goats, about the same size as Sheila and happened to be wearing brown pants, a yellow shirt, and a red open vest on top of their shirts, standing a few steps in front of them and that it was the first one, the closest to them, that had spoken up, "Its good to see you again, because while you were gone a bunch of Rhynocs came and kicked us out of our homes, but its okay though... Bobby, Pete, and I have been working on a clever way to get them back, which will work now that your here."

Before the group could say anything the three Mountain Goats rushed over to the area on their left and jumped over the small stream that cut through the area, landing on the ledge that was on the other side of the water, only for them to notice that it was much higher than what the siblings were used to using, and without any stones to form a walkway it would be hard for them to even progress at all, especially since Spike would have to exhaust his magic with a number of teleports just to make sure they could move through this realm.

"Well, this is a good time to try out something the Professor designed for me," Elora commented, where the siblings watched as she looked at her bracelet for a moment and tapped one of the small buttons that they had seen earlier, but as the seconds ticked by it didn't look like there was anything different about her, making them wonder if the test had been a failure and that she would have to talk to the Professor the next time she saw him.

"Elora, I don't think that did anything." Ember remarked, deciding to voice what she and Spyro, at least, were thinking, while Spike was interested in what the buttons were supposed to do and Sheila just tilted her head, showing that she had no idea what they were doing and was choosing to remain silent as she waited for them to stop what they were doing, as it appeared, in her eyes, that she was the only one that was capable of moving forward.

"Well, only one way to find out," Elora replied, where she rushed towards the stream and jumped into the air, though instead of it being her normal jump, which they had seen earlier when they were following Hunter to the cave, this time it almost looked like she used the Superfly ability, only a weaker version of what the siblings had used in the past, before she turned around and looked at them for a moment, "I'd say it works as intended. The Professor designed part of this armor to contain a lesser version of the powerups you guys used when Ripto was running around Avalar, but he wasn't able to get the combat ones, like the Superflame, working before the eggs were stolen, so all I have is the Superfly ability right now, and some other tricks you'll see later."

"I would say that the armor is interesting," Spike said, though at the same time he gestured to Talon and his partner nodded his head, to which his dragonfly flew over to where Elora was standing and took up a position near her shoulder, where she raised her eyebrow for a moment as she noticed that, "Spyro, Ember, and I will remain here while you assist Sheila in taking care of the Rhynocs that are bothering the Mountain Goats, though while you're doing that Talon will be following you guys and picking up the gems that are scattered around the realm."

Elora nodded her head to that, as she knew that Spike was trusting her with Talon, even if the dragonfly was bonded to him and likely wouldn't intervene if she got hurt by something, but as Sheila jumped up to join her, while revealing just how high she could jump without help, Ember made sure to pick up the couple of gems that were near the entrance, so she wouldn't have to worry about those ones as she followed Sheila into the rest of the realm. Once Elora and Sheila were standing side by side, and the siblings had to remain behind for the time being, they moved towards the next ledge and jumped up to the next area, while Talon took a moment to pick up the gems that the pair were walking by, letting the two of them focus on any enemies that were in this area and helping the Mountain Goats out. It was in that moment that they discovered one of the Rhynocs, a purple skinned creature that walked on two legs and happened to look like a rhino, and while it was wearing some clothing that looked nearly identical to what the group of Mountain Goats was wearing it also held a pick in its hand, which had to be its weapon. Sheila reacted immediately, lashing out with a swift kick to the face that knocked the Rhynoc to the ground and caused a gem to land, where Elora raised her eyebrow to that as she recalled what Spike had told her about the first villain he and his siblings had taken down, who used a magical spell to turn gems into warriors for his cause, making her wonder if the same was happening here, before focusing on the task at hand as she and Sheila broke a few straw baskets and let Talon pick up the gems that they either found or freed.

As soon as the area was cleared of gems, and that included straw baskets, Sheila jumped a few times and reached the cave that was high above where they had been standing, where she found a circular chest that she smashed by coming right down on top of it with a powerful smashing motion of her feet, freeing the gems inside it and allowing Talon to pick them up, before she hopped down to where Elora was standing and they then jumped up to the next area that they had to move through to help the Mountain Goats out. That was when Elora found a decent sized wooden house resting in front of them, with the back of it resting against the mountain side, and one of the Mountain Goats happened to be standing by the front door of the structure, no doubt waiting for them to approach him, though Elora walked over to where the nearby tree was located and found some straw baskets hidden by the side of the house. There was also a ledge above her that also had a few gems resting up there, which Talon eagerly collected so they could be added to the pile that was inside the bag that Spike had brought with them, before she headed over to where Sheila was standing so they could talk to Billy, even though it was hard to tell the three Mountain Goats apart since they looked identical to each other. Billy was thankful that they had helped him get back to his house, so much so that the other two had already progressed onward to see what was blocking the way to their respective homes, and revealed an egg he had found that he had intended on turning into an omelet, but then decided that Sheila deserved it more and handed it over to them in seconds.

Elora took the egg and headed back to where the siblings were resting, even though they were a little surprised to see that she had found one of the missing eggs, but instead of sending the egg off immediately, like he did with the others, this time Spike was going to wait for her and Sheila to finish helping the Mountain Goats out so they could send all of the eggs back at the same time, to which Elora nodded and headed back to where Sheila was waiting so they could move forward and see what else was waiting for them.

From there the pair headed into the cave that was to the right of Billy's house and found that the next house might be at the end of the area, which would take them to the third house, but instead of focusing on all of that at the moment they spotted another small cave to the right of the entrance, where Sheila jumped up and smashed apart the boulders that were blocking the way with her feet. It was then that Elora, who managed to get up there as well since it wasn't a bad jump this time around, found a moose blocking the way, one that had a hat on its right antler, though it was aggressive and tried to charge them, to which the both of them moved out of the way and then, as the moose went by them, Elora tripped it by using her hooves to catch its legs, allowing Sheila to kick the moose in the side. Elora was sure that there were moose that called this realm home, and weren't aggressive like this, as the gem that came from the creature, which disappeared like the Rhynoc did earlier, told her that she might be right about how she was thinking about things, before watching as Sheila smashed another circular chest open and let Talon collect the gems, only for them to head back to the main part of the cave that they needed to walk through. There happened to be another moose in the area that was in front of them, which was something that Sheila took care of as soon as she saw it, while Elora saw a Rhynoc approaching them and raised her left arm to block the incoming attack, before gripping the handle of the pick, pulled it out of her foe's hand, and then kicked her foe in the chest, knocking it into a gem state as well. As that happened Sheila smashed the rest of the boulders that were in the area and let Talon pick up the gems that came from them, before she smashed a pair of circular metallic chests that were up in the side cave that she discovered, giving them even more gems to collect, and once those were picked up she joined Elora as they approached the next house, while breaking a few straw baskets near it.

Sheila quickly smashed the boulder that was preventing Pete from entering his house, though once that was out of the way he gave them one of the stolen eggs, even though he thought it was a random egg and wanted Sheila to help him play a prank on Billy by smashing the egg on Billy's house, where Sheila disagreed and let Elora take the egg back to the siblings, since she knew that it was important to them.

Once Elora returned to where Sheila was standing, which wasn't a long walk since it seemed that the alps were much smaller than what they were expecting, and once the pair were back together they moved through the next opening, once they were sure that all of the gems in the cave were picked up, and found that a moose was waiting for them, only for it to get a kick in the face from Sheila. As Elora smashed a pair of metallic vases, however, she and Sheila found that there were a number of mushroom shaped houses between them and the area that the last house was in, which the Rhynocs were coming out of, but without saying anything at all Elora could see that Sheila had a plan and that she needed a distraction to do whatever was on her mind. After what she had experienced, at the end of what the siblings did for Avalar, it took Elora a second to jump down into the area that the Rhynocs were in and beckoned for them to come at her, where they charged at her and she braced herself for what was coming her way, though the first one that reached her swung his pick at her, only for her to grab the weapon and pulled it away from him as she kicked him in the chest. From there she did the same thing to another Rhynoc and armed herself with the two picks as the rest of her foes rushed at her, where she made sure to dodge the various attacks that were coming her way, to the best of her ability anyway since she wasn't a fighter like Ember was, but these particular foes happened to be rather clumsy and weren't that great at trying to hit her, as they did hit each other and get into smaller fights with each other.

While she was doing that, however, Sheila jumped onto the tops of the mushroom houses and jumped high into the air for a moment, before using the same kick she used earlier, the one that allowed her to smash the couple of circular metallic chests they had encountered, to flatten the houses and crush them, reducing the number of foes that were in the area, as it appeared that they were allowed to infinitely spawn as long as a house was up, not that such a thing mattered due to how poor the Rhynocs were at fighting, and soon all of the houses were gone.

"You know, you're a pretty decent fighter," Sheila commented, though at the same time Elora, who finished taking out the last of the Rhynocs that were in the area, dropped the weapons and joined her in looking for all of the gems that were in this area, be they in straw baskets, metallic vases, circular metallic chests, or even one of the boulders that littered the area they were in.

"Thanks, but I'm still learning how to fight," Elora replied, which was the truth since she had only been training for less than a year, due to the fact that she had started training with Aeros after seeing what Spyro, Spike, and Ember were even capable of during the war they stopped, something that caused her to chuckle for a moment, "now Ember, on the other hand, is the more experienced warrior... trust me, if she was here you would have been even more impressed by what she's capable of doing."

"I can tell you have a history with them, something you'll have to tell me about later, once you guys are done with the quest your currently on." Sheila said, because she had the feeling that the Sorceress had pissed off the three dragons that Elora was with, no doubt due to the eggs that they were interested in collecting, which meant that it was a good thing she had befriended them, as she was sure that being on their bad side was a bad thing, especially when she thought about what happened to Moneybags earlier.

Elora nodded her head as they finished clearing out the area, which involved taking out a moose as well, before they jumped up to the area that the last house rested in, where Bobby gave them an egg that had been put inside his house at some point while he was gone, though as she collected that the portal that was nearby activated, reminding her of what the siblings told her about their adventure in Avalar. Before she headed through it, and then headed back through the portal that would take her where to the area the siblings were in, Sheila smashed some boulders that were above where the house was located and headed into the cave area that she discovered, where Talon joined her as she smashed what she found inside it, be it more circular metallic chests or a few metallic vases. The moment that was done, and she came back to the area that Elora was in, Talon revealed that there were no more scattered gems in the area, to which Elora bid Sheila farewell for now, even though she was sure she and the others would see her again, and headed through the portal so she could return to Sunrise Spring, before heading back to where Spike and his siblings were waiting for her, even if it meant going through the portal to Sheila's realm again. The siblings were happy to see her again, especially since they had been curious as to what the rest of the mountain area looked like, before she put the third egg down and let Spike use his Teleportation breath on the small group of eggs, sending them back to the Dragon Realms.

With that done, Sunrise Spring cleared of gems and eggs, and Sheila assisted in helping the Mountain Goats get back to their homes, the siblings got up from where they were sitting and headed back through the portal that would take them back to the first homeworld of the Forgotten Realms so they could figure out which of the other realms they should check out next in their quest to recover the stolen eggs and, eventually, confront the Sorceress.

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