• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Interlude: Celebration

Spike yawned for a moment as he, along with Spyro and Ember, finally rose from their slumber and prepared to meet the new day that was in front of them, though they had fallen asleep in a different part of Stone Hill than what they were used to and took them a moment to remember what was going on when they looked at the area that was around them, which was pretty easy for them to do. After discovering the Arcanaeum and the artifacts that were inside it, along with the powerful staff known as Akilesh, the group had returned to the Dragon Realms and the siblings, who were finally feeling tired after exploring all of the realms that Avilion had to offer and battling the Sorceress twice, had sat down in Town Square, had a meal with their friends, and then, once that was done, they finally returned to the area that was their home and fell asleep in the area that Nestor and the others had prepared for the three of them. What that meant was that once the older dragons knew the eggs were hatching when Spike returned them to the Dragon Realms, something that still caught the siblings by surprise when they thought about it, Nestor and a few of the others came here and moved their stuff to a safer area, so that way none of the hatchlings would ruin anything they left behind, like the art pieces that they kept around to remind them of their first art session and so on. Of course the siblings knew that one day, likely when the hatchlings settled down and didn't need constant supervision from the older dragons, Nestor would likely finish work on the area that he was preparing for the three of them, as sleeping in a field all the time was fine for the first few years, but after saving three lands from danger he was of the opinion that it was time for them to have their own place to lay their heads and rest.

After thinking about that the siblings wished each other good morning and glided down to the main courtyard of the realm that was their home, where they found that Nestor and the other Artisans were already up, tending to the twenty-five hatchlings Lateef and the other Dreamweavers had determined were the ones that belonged to their homeworld, or rather all twenty-six of them, as the final egg they had recovered, which contained the twins called Yin, the green dragon, and Yang, the white dragon, belonged to the Artisans and, interestingly enough, the unhatched egg they recovered from the Sorceress, during their first battle with her, also resided in their homeworld. What they were seeing reminded them of what happened when they were younger, the older dragons were tending to the hatchlings, as in making sure they were fed and had them burp every now and then to be sure everything was alright, and they could see Lindar and Zoe standing near the unhatched egg as they waited for it to hatch, since the Year of the Dragon was still technically upon them, due to the length of time it ran, but they were sure it would happen soon enough. Of course the main part of the Festival was over, due to what happened before the eggs had been taken, though there was plenty of time for the egg to hatch and all three of them suspected that it would be fairly soon, based on the looks on Lindar's face while he focused on what he was doing at the moment, but as they landed nearby the hatchlings, seeing them, flocked over to where they were and tried to get up on their backs for a moment, to which they complied, since it would be fun to help play with the hatchlings. Yang climbed onto Spyro's back, Yin got on Ember's, and Spike wasn't exactly sure which hatchling got on his back, since there were twenty-three more hatchlings scattered around the Artisans lands, which wasn't counting the one that was inside the remaining egg Lindar was watching over.

With their passengers in position the three of them carefully rushed around the area, which was a speed between their usual walking speed and their charging speed, basically a quick walk, and the hatchlings giggled as they were carried around the courtyard that they were located in, giving the siblings a chance to see the rest of the new hatchlings that were in Stone Hill, all while giving the three hatchlings a greater view of the area they were in. When they neared the area that Lindar was in, and some sheep scattered in the process, the hatchlings headed off to do something else, either bored of the ride or deciding that the others were doing something funner and that they wanted to join them, not that the siblings were all that surprised since their focus hadn't been that great when they were little, until they gained a few years of experience and matured a little. From there they walked over to where Lindar and Zoe were standing and watched as the egg actually started to shift on its own, showing that their timing couldn't have been better and that they had woken up at the right moment, to which they watched as the egg cracked open and a small green hatchling emerged from it, who took a few seconds to stare in their direction, which was when Zoe picked up one of the nearby apples and offered it to the newly hatched hatchling, who devoured it in seconds and prompted Lindar to make sure the little one burped. While all of this was happening the other dragons that called Stone Hill home smiled as they tended to the hatchlings that were here, where the siblings were a little surprised to find that a few of them could actually take to the air for a few moments and could remain at the full height of an adult dragon for a few moments, showing that there might be some skilled dragons that would be joining their number in the future.

After a few minutes Spyro, Spike, and Ember big their elders farewell for a time and they headed through the castle so they could use the exit portal to take them back to the main hub area of their homeworld, mostly so they could head over to Town Square and see what Elora, Hunter, and Bianca were up to, as they insisted on sticking around to help them tend to the hatchlings, and it was the best place to get breakfast since none of the hatchlings were allowed in that realm, due to the danger areas they knew about.

"Its good to see that the three of you are energized for whatever the future holds," a voice said, where they found that Bianca was actually sitting near the area that the portal to Stone Hill was located in, though she was sitting on the shortest of the three pillars the siblings remembered climbing on in the past and she was closing a book after putting a bookmark in to keep her place, not that the siblings were surprised by this.

"Well, we needed a good nights sleep after all the adventuring we did," Spyro replied, to which Spike and Ember took a moment to nod their heads in agreement, as they had explored the entirety of the Forgotten Realms, now Avilion and they realized that they needed to constantly remind themselves of what the land's old name used to be, so they didn't slip up in the future, before he focused on Bianca, instead of worrying about what to call her home, "I'm surprised you're out here, in the hub area for the Artisans homeworld, instead of being with Hunter and Elora, especially since you were so keen on helping them and the other dragons tend to the hatchlings."

"I wanted to take a break from all that... and besides, Cosmos was kind enough to lend me a few books," Bianca said, where Spike noticed that they were all books that covered the basics on how to wield magic and the spells that a novice could use, where she rubbed the back of her head for a moment as she noticed that Spike had seen the titles, no doubt recognizing them due to the fact that he had read them once in the past, "After seeing you guys fight the Sorceress twice, and discovering the sheer amount of magical knowledge in the Arcanaeum, I realized that my knowledge on the subject of magic and my overall skill were... lacking... and Cosmos was willing to lend me a few books so I could actually learn how to wield the vast powers that come with tapping into the elements and the types of magic, even though I'm sure that I'm not going to reach Spike's level for a number of years."

"I'm sure you'll do fine." Spike stated, because he was sure that Bianca had the skill to be a rather decent magic user, potentially on the level of power that Cosmos commanded, since he was the strongest Magic Crafter in the Dragon Realms at the moment, even though he was sure some of the dragons considered him to be the strongest magic user in the lands they called home, especially after he revealed what he did at the end of their last adventure, "You were able to break the Sorceress' seal on the area we fought her in, were able to open a few portals for us, and were able to restrain your former mentor when we confronted her the second time, so I'm positive that, once you have some real training, you'll be able to cast even stronger spells in no time."

"I'll take your word for it, Spike," Bianca replied, where she glanced down at the book she had been reading before the siblings had approached her, taking a moment to think about what she had seen Spike do and wondered if that was even within her abilities, even if summoning and controlling the Storm's Wrath on her own was out of the question, though that was when another thought came to mind as she glanced back up to the siblings, "Oh, before I forget, you guys won't have to worry about the celebration that the residents of the Forgotten Realms... sorry, Avilion, that's going to take some getting used to saying... are going to be hosting today, as Sheila and the others promised me that it would be ready at the time they specified earlier, as in this afternoon."

"So, are you and Hunter going to kiss during the celebration?" Ember asked, mostly because she had seen how Hunter reacted whenever Bianca was in danger, especially when they found her practicing her spells in Midday Gardens and he was the first one to rush to her aid when her creation got out of hand, as Hunter later put it, as it was clear to her that their friend was in love with Bianca, even if they had only just met.

"I don't know... when are Spike and Elora going to go on a date and kiss?" Bianca replied in kind, because while she really didn't know the group all that well, given that she only had a day or two's worth of spending time with them, it was clear that they were like her and Hunter, or at least that was her assumption based on what she had seen, but even as she said those words she did wonder what would happen during the celebration.

Spike was definitely a little embarrassed by the direction the conversation had gone in, but, at the same time, it did seem like Bianca was trying to hide the blush that was on her face, no doubt thinking about what she and Hunter might do when the celebration happened, something she was definitely looking forward to since it would declare their freedom and welcome in the new future that was in front of them, now that they didn't have to worry about the Sorceress and her foul plans anymore. Of course thinking about that made Spike recall the fact that Bianca had passed on the information about the two crystalline statues he had left after using the Scepter of Crystallization on both Moneybags and the Sorceress, an item that he returned to its rightful resting place, and suspected that Moneybags' statue had been moved already, likely to either part of Avilion or maybe back to Avalar, though the Sorceress was likely going to be moved to a public area in the lands she tried to rule over. Elora, on the other claw, that was something he wasn't sure about, as he knew they had done a few things since Ripto's defeat, like dancing and having fun in the others' presence, so he wasn't sure if the two of them were a thing like Bianca and Hunter were, but he guessed he would have to see what the future held for him, instead of worrying about what their friend had just mentioned, even if Spyro rolled his eyes as Bianca made her comment about him and Elora. He really wasn't surprised that Spyro did that, mostly since his brother wasn't in the mood for love and his relationship with Lila was likely going to come crashing down at some point, even though Spyro was trying it out and it really didn't seem like things were going anywhere... though there was also the chance that his brother was only interested in dragons and that was why he didn't like the conversations, since there were no other dragons their age.

In the end, however, Bianca decided that they had talked enough about their relationships and headed back to Town Square so she could join Hunter and Elora, to which the siblings joined her and followed her through the portal, and once they were back in the realm in question they found their way to where their friends were waiting and joined them for the morning meal, which was the reason behind their visit to this realm in the first place... what they weren't expecting, on the other claw, was the fact that Titan and Cosmos were still visiting their homeworld, since the siblings would have expected them to go back to their lands once everything was taken care of.

"Titan, what are you and Cosmos still doing here? Shouldn't you be back in the Peace Keepers homeworld, tending to all of the hatchlings that we rescued?" Ember asked, as she was a little confused as to why the two Leaders were even still here in the first place, hence the reason she was asking one of them what was going on, though if something was wrong she knew that she and her brothers, along with Elora, Hunter, and Bianca, would be able to take care of it, though she did see that their friends weren't worried by the presence of the Leaders.

"And we'll be leaving soon, but not before speaking to your friends," Titan said, showing that they hadn't stayed back in Nestor's land purely to speak to the siblings, rather this time around they were here to speak to the individuals that had helped them during their latest adventure, or at least that was what Ember was assuming and that seemed to be the case as he turned towards Hunter and Elora, "Hunter, after having a chance to witness what you're capable of, and hearing about your training in Avalar, I would like to offer you the opportunity to train with me and the rest of the Peace Keepers, to further advance the skills you displayed during the battle against the Rhynoc army, and I would like to offer the same to you, Elora, as I have no doubt that the skills you have gained over the last year helped you out, as you assisted Spyro, Spike, and Ember in their quest to recover the eggs, so you may hone your skills as well."

"Hold on, you want us to become Peace Keepers?!" Hunter stated, as he hadn't even considered such a thing to be the reason why the Leaders had chosen to stick around Town Square so they could talk to him and the others, though even as he said that he had to wonder what sort of training they would start with, since Titan had no idea where he and Elora were in terms of their own lessons, despite the fact that Elora was far ahead of him.

"Honorary Peace Keepers, to be exact, similar to how we labeled Ember until her knighting ceremony," Titan replied, not that he was surprised by Hunter's remark, as he had seen how the cheetah used both his bow and arrows, along with a pair of short swords that he had a rocky understanding of using, something that could be corrected if he were to accept the lessons that he and the other Peace Keepers had to offer, before he returned to the topic they were discussing, since it was the last thing he needed to do before he went home, "Think of it this way, we can help you become better warriors so that you can defend Avalar from any other threats that might come knocking... or help out with another adventure, if one happens to come our way again."

"And with everything we might learn from the Arcanaeum, there very well might be one in the near future," Cosmos added, because what he and the others had seen was far more than what they were expecting to find, as the contents of the Arcanaeum would keep him and the scholars busy for years as they discovered all the lost knowledge and powerful artifacts that Malefor went through so much effort to hide from the enemies of their kind, though the part of his statement about the 'near future' was more in reference to the siblings, mostly since Spyro, Spike, and Ember had a habit of finding themselves in odd situations that further expanded what they knew about the world, before he shook his head as he put those thoughts off to the side for a time, "however, just as Titan is offering the two of you some training in the art of battle, I would like to do the same, only my offer is for you, Bianca."

"Me? Are... are you sure?" Bianca asked, as while she knew that she had impressed Spike a little, or at least she had to assume she did to some degree, she wasn't aware of the fact she had done the same to the Leader of the Magic Crafters, especially since her skills were nothing in comparison to what the star of their clan, even if she knew Spike wasn't one of the Magic Crafters, could do with his power.

"Indeed. You have potential, that much I know for sure, and I'd like to help you grow," Cosmos replied, though even as he said that, and knew that Bianca would end up accepting the offer, because he could see that she desired to know more about magic and this was her chance to finally stretch her wings and soar, in a sense, but as he did that he turned towards the individual that he really wanted to talk to, since he knew this was going to make an impact on what the young dragon would be doing in the near future, "however, I'm afraid that I have some bad news. Spike, due to the emergence of the Aether in your arsenal of power, you are going to surpass what little I have left to teach you in three to six months, and I have no doubts that you'll take to the Arcanaeum once we find out what sort of magic is left inside there... but, well... how do I put this?"

Spyro, Spike, and Ember had never seen Cosmos like this, as it seemed that the Leader of the Magic Crafters was in the middle of getting ready to say something that would shock them and was worried about what Spike might think of him once he said what was one his mind, while their friends had no idea what was going to happen, even if they were caught off guard by the fact that Cosmos admitted that he wouldn't be able to teach Spike for much longer.

"Cosmos, what is it?" Spike asked, because he was sure that whatever seemed to be bothering the Leader right now was something that they could talk about for a few minutes, as he was positive that the Artisans that loved to cook would be done in the near future and breakfast would be served soon, and he really wanted to hear what Cosmos had to say about him learning magic from him, even though he was well aware that he was getting dangerously close to clearing out the rest of the tomes, magical or otherwise, that the Dragon Realms had to offer him.

"We're going to elevate you to the rank of Archmage," Cosmos stated, deciding to get straight to the point of what he wanted to tell Spike and that there was no use beating around the bush, especially since the young dragon had the power to peer into the future and could have seen what he was going to say if he wasted too much time in getting to what he was going to tell him, though that was when he saw the shocked looks on the faces in front of him, "I have discussed this with the other Magic Crafters, and we have gone over everything you have done since we started teaching you how to wield the vast magical powers that we know about, and while a twelve and a half year old dragon becoming an Archmage is totally unheard of, save for the possibility of Malefor, it is a position that you deserve. Of course you'll need to go the ceremony of calling your staff to you, like all of the Archmages that have come before you, but something tells me that you'll do well once it comes time to undergo this honor."

Spike, even though he was silent for a time, nodded his head as the Leaders excused themselves and headed back to their homeworlds so they could tend to their own hatchlings, but after a time Bianca and the others asked him what was going on and he told them, as breakfast came, that an Archmage was a dragon that had mastered all of the types of magic that were available to all of them, or at least to a degree. It was, in some ways, similar to the title that Ember had gained after her knighting ceremony a year ago, only issued to magic users like him or Cosmos, and it also allowed one to be a potential candidate for the position that Cosmos currently had, but all of the other Archmages had been named as such after they reached their maturity, basically after reaching fifteen years ago, so if this ceremony worked he would be the youngest Archmage in the entirety of dragon history. He further explained that calling a staff was part of the process, one where he would tap into his magical power and summon his staff to his side, which meant that it would either be crafted out of the available material that Cosmos would be preparing for the event, something that was how most of the other dragons who went through this created their weapon, or an existing staff would be summoned to his side, which was rather unlikely given how the previous dragons went through this process. Hunter then decided to joke about the chance that he might end up calling Malefor's staff to his side, though Spike didn't humor him by talking about it, because the only dragon that could wield Akilesh was the one who created it and even he wasn't sure he could handle the sheer power that the staff possessed, before they left the conversation behind and dug into their food.

After eating breakfast, and spending some time resting and making sure the hatchlings were okay, Bianca finally got up and told them it was about time that they returned to Avilion so they could head to the celebration that Sheila and the others were throwing to celebrate their liberation from the Sorceress and, more importantly, to honor the heroes that had freed them and their realms. Thanks to the portal that the Professor had set up, in the area that the portal to Dragon Shores rested in, the siblings and their friends were able to return to Midnight Mountain with ease, where they spent the next hour using the rocket to get back to Evening Lake, as Bianca told them that the celebration was being held in Fireworks Factory, this time actually using fireworks to celebrate something. The Professor's ship, as they rediscovered, was large enough for all of them, as in the four of them that had used it before and now they were being joined by Hunter and Bianca, though it was a chance for them to rest and allowed Spike to continue his work on the third book he was writing for the series, just to pass the time before they arrived at their destination, while the others either looked out at the area they were flying through or just read the books they had brought with them, which the latter was what Bianca did for a good portion of their journey. Hunter and the others were thinking about what they had learned over the course of this morning, about Titan wanting to train some of them to be better warriors and Cosmos wanting to do the same with Bianca, though for the most part all of them were more interested in seeing what the celebration had to offer them, as all of them were sure Sheila and the others had something grand planned for the event.

When they finally returned to Evening Lake, and the ship came to a stop, the group headed for the water and Spike made sure that all of them had the Water Safety spell on, that way none of them had to worry about goggles and all of the stuff Hunter used whenever he and his siblings found him underwater, and once that was done they headed through the portal to Fireworks Factory and headed to the realm in question.

What the siblings and their friends discovered upon their arrival in Fireworks Factory, and they appeared in the area that they had started their adventure in this realm in, was that there were a number of individuals already here, such as Princess Ami and Prince Azrael, the leaders of the other races, Lord Capulet and Lord Montague, their friends that they had rescued from Moneybags, and a number of individuals from all the realms of Avilion, who were smiling as they talked about things and helped themselves to the food that had been provided. It was interesting to see their friends and allies from Avalar interacting with their new friends and allies from Avilion, especially with a number of dragons that were here as well, even though the Leaders opted to stay behind and look after the hatchlings with some of the others, so some of them could enjoy the celebration and the others would tend to the next generation. That just meant that once this was over, and everyone went back to their realms, that they would make good friends with each other once the Professor was done linking all three of the lands together, in a better way than what they currently had at the moment, especially since the siblings had to spent an hour on the rocket to get from one homeworld to the next, but they were happy to see what everyone was up to. In fact there were Satyrs from Fracture Hill providing music that everyone danced to, the Fauns of Molten Cone were dancing with the Purple Villagers and Lions, and the siblings were sure they spotted Romeo and Juliet off in the distance, no doubt the reason their fathers were present, to make sure nothing happened to them, and that wasn't mentioning all of the other individuals that were scattered around the realm, as they were using every bit of the factory for their celebration by the looks of it.

Shortly after taking in the sights the group ended up splitting up, where Spike and Elora went over to the area that the dancing was taking part in, allowing them to join the dance session that was happening at the moment, while Bianca and Hunter joined hands as Bianca quickly took them to a higher position so they could have some alone time, leaving Spyro and Ember to do whatever they wanted. Ember was fine with this, mostly because it allowed her to walk over to where the rest of their new friends were standing and let her see how they were doing, where Sheila informed her that she had to deal with the Mountain Goats that were still trying to prank each other, especially since one of them had been hit into the side of a rock wall after she left to help the siblings in the other sections of the realms they found her in. Sgt. Byrd was with his Fairy friend, where he actually admitted to the fact that, while it was against the rules that he was used to following, the two of them were in a relationship and that they were interested in seeing where it took them, which was a surprise to most of his friends that heard him say it, but all of them were happy for them. Bentley, on the other hand, informed her and Spyro, who walked over to join them since it would be funny to tell of of this to Spike once the celebration was over, that he and the others were going to form a Council that would be made up of several important individuals, such as the four of them, due to them being the heroes of their respective homeworlds, Bianca, for all the work that she put into trying to help all of the realms out, and Prince Azrael, since it seemed like Felinia might soon become a land of Avilion now that the Sorceress was no longer in charge. Agent 9 surprised the pair with how calm he was, mostly because they expected him to be a little crazy after the war with the Rhynocs, but according to him, who got this information from the Professor, that battle had finally snapped him out of the crazy point in his life where he needed to act that way, basically showing that he would be returning to his previous self, the one that Elora and Hunter knew, in no time, even though he would still have a few bouts of intense excitement in the future, so he'd be about the same as he was when the siblings freed him from the cell Moneybags had put him in.

Of course that was only six members and they were currently deciding who else might join them to make it seven, just in the off chance they ever had to vote and could make sure there was no tie that left them unable to make a decision on something, though as that happened Lila, the Faun that Spyro had been hanging with for some time, approached them and asked if she could speak to Spyro, alone, who agreed and walked off with her... to which the rest of the group watched as the pair had a private conversation that was far away from everyone else, though it ended with the two of them going their separate ways, which was followed by Spyro rejoining them as Lila walked over to one of the Satyrs, who seemed to be waiting for her so they could dance.

"Oh my," Sgt. Byrd commented, as the group had an idea of what might have happened, even if Spyro seemed to be unfazed by what Lila had likely said to him during their rather quick private conversation, despite the fact that the Faun had other plans for the celebration and was in the middle of partying, or maybe she was just enjoying herself and would be on the lookout for someone else to date in the future, "Spyro, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Spyro asked, because while it was a little sad that the more romantic part of what he and Lila had been doing was over, even though they only shared a few dances to the best of his knowledge, it wasn't like he was losing a friend or something, so he wasn't sure why the rest of his new friends were looking at him like they were just waiting for him to cry about what had just happened.

"Spyro, dude, you just got dumped." Agent 9 remarked, where he actually kept his voice down for once, which was a surprise for his friends and showed that he was making sure not to broadcast it to the rest of the guests that were in the middle of enjoying the celebration, even though he was pretty sure someone would figure out what was going on when Spyro rejoined the party and danced with someone else, "I'm sorry for your loss, since I'm sure you were enjoying it as much as she did."

"Guys, its no big deal. We both agreed that, while we enjoyed the other's company, it was never going to work out for the two of us, so we decided to break up and go our separate ways," Spyro explained, showing that his relationship with Lila wasn't like what Bianca and Hunter had, or what Spike and Elora might have, and that he wasn't sad about what they had just done, as he was sure Lila would find someone else who connected with her more than he did, though at least he could see that Ember understood what was going on.

"Oh, I understand why the romantic bonds between you have been broken, you're looking for an individual that is of the same species!" Bentley stated, showing them that the smart Yeti had figured things out for himself, which caused the others to nod their heads in understanding, especially Spyro, whose nod confirmed the statement Bentley had made, and that also showed his friends from Avilion that he was looking for someone special, even if he had no idea when that would even happen since there weren't any other young dragons in the world that were near his age, or at least that was what he and the others assumed anyway.

Ember, however, did refrain from mentioning the art piece that Spyro had made during their first art session, the one that seemed to depict a young black dragoness, if what she recalled was to be correct, and yet her brother had no idea who it was supposed to be or why it had suddenly come to him while he was making his art piece, but she said nothing about it since it wasn't her place to talk about it. Of course, as she considered that, one of the Hummingbirds flew over to where they were standing and informed Sgt. Byrd that it was time, whatever that meant, to which their friend excused himself for a time and headed off to join the Hummingbird, something that caused the Fairy to shake her head for a few seconds, like she was annoyed that the military life was interrupting him once more. Not even a few moments later their attention was turned towards the sky as fireworks started to shoot into the air and explode in a vibrate display of colors, to celebrate their victory over the Sorceress and the liberation of Avilion from the evil rule that had been forced upon them, and that wasn't the only thing that happened as Sgt. Byrd and the Hummingbirds let off the fireworks. It was during that moment that Hunter and Bianca, who had been dancing on a roof that overlooked the area the music was coming from, stopped and kissed, showing that what they felt was definitely true love and not something that was temporary, while at the same time Romeo and Juliet did the same thing, showing their fathers that they were not messing around either, and that was when Spyro and Ember watched as Spike and Elora sat down next to each other and Spike draped a wing over Elora as they watched the fireworks.

Ember chuckled for a moment as she and Spyro joined the celebration, mostly keeping the chuckle light so only her brother could hear it, though for now her attention was on enjoying the party that was unfolding around them, as she did know that the next couple of weeks were going to be rather busy and there might not be a moment to enjoy something like this, so she intended to enjoy the party to the fullest as she waited to see what the future held for them.

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