• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Year: Treasury's Secrets

With Moneybags dealt with, and imprisoned so he wouldn't be able to flee at this point in time, the siblings, Elora, and Bianca headed up to the area that was near Harbor Speedway's portal and then glided through the air so they could reach the patch of land that the other structure was resting in, so they could see what was inside the Sorceress' treasure vault and claim it for the residents of the Forgotten Realms. Of course Elora had to reactivate the wing form of her armor so she could glide over the gap that was in front of them and Bianca used her magic to teleport over there in a matter of seconds, that way the five of them could land near the portal and ready themselves for whatever might be inside it, even though it was pretty obvious based on what little Bianca had told them. Spyro, Spike, and Ember had to assume that it was like Gnasty's Loot, which was the name that they had given to Gnasty Gnorc's treasury that they raided two years ago, to retrieve the gems that he had stolen from the Dragon Realms, where all they would have to do is track down the pieces of treasure and clear the area out, before figuring out what sort of secrets it had, if it had any in the first place. Once the treasury was taken care of they could turn their attention to the rest of the Forgotten Realms and try to locate the last egg they were missing, since Spike knew there was one left and had no idea where it might be resting, since not even the map Bianca had given them had revealed anything to them, and even their new friend was confused as to where it might be resting, though they made sure to ensure her that this wasn't her fault, as the Sorceress likely moved it.

After that the siblings decided that they would focus on the egg after they raided the Sorceress' treasury, because then all of them could devote their full attention to the search, hence the reason the five of them headed through the portal that was in front of them and headed to the starting area that was on the other side of the structure, though when they finally arrived at their destination they found themselves in a small tower that looked like the one that the portal structure had been built into, which caused them to look outside for a moment. What they discovered over the next few seconds was rather interesting, as it appeared that they were on a mountain peak that had been transformed by some rather powerful magic, just like the rest of Midnight Mountain had been at some point in the past, and that there were a large number of crystal mountains all around the transformed peak they had appeared on, though even as they walked outside the tower that was the starting area they knew there had to be more for them to discover. There were also blue crystals that seemed to be attached to the tunnels and parts of the peak that were around them, even though it looked like there were a few more towers in the area as well, where Spike felt the presence of portal magic and realized that the treasury had more than one location, as it appeared the Sorceress had spread her stolen wealth over a number of areas, before the siblings came and knocked her down. Spike could also see that the key the Sorceress had dropped earlier was reacting to being in this area, as it was glowing a little, something that told him that there was a very real possibility of the Sorceress moving Malefor's archives into her new treasury so she could keep it under lock and key, and make sure that she was the only one that had access to it, before putting the key away so he could focus on their current task.

As he did that, however, the siblings heard a sound that was rather hard for them to forget, as it sounded like one of the Egg Thieves they had encountered during their adventures, or just Thieves at this point since there were no more eggs for the individuals to steal, which made them wonder how they could have gotten into the treasury when the portal back in Midnight Mountain had only just become active for them, even if Spike had an idea on that.

"I think I've got an idea on how these Thieves were able to get in here: Teleportation Magic," Spike stated, where the rest of the group turned towards him for a moment, so they didn't have to focus on the annoying taunt that the Thieves gave off whenever they were making off with whatever item one of them happened to be stealing, be it an egg, a key, or possibly small chests full of treasure, even if the last one was just a guess since they had no idea how the creatures would carry stolen treasure out of an area, "Think about it for a moment, they've likely been trying to pierce the Sorceress' magic for a while now, to get inside the treasury so they could make off with her riches, and we presented them the perfect opportunity to do that, by battling the Sorceress and making her draw in so much of her power, which likely weakened the barriers protecting this place and allowed the Thieves to teleport themselves inside."

"Huh, that's... um... yeah, that's totally possible." Bianca said, though she was used to the Sorceress being the one she talked to whenever she wanted to learn or discuss something when it came to magic, but after having met Spike she was beginning to see just how little she actually knew about magic and how others might use it for their own gain, but when he mentioned all of that she determined that he had to be right and focused on what she could tell them, "Well, this is the Sorceress' treasury, there's no doubt about that, but it looks like the Thieves have arrived in mass, given that it appears they have brought some sheep saucers in to abduct some of the treasure as well, so it seems that if we want to reclaim the treasure we'll have to figure out a way to knock them out of the sky."

"Well, before we deal with the saucers, let's hunt some Thieves!" Ember commented, because this would be a good way for them to relax after battling the Sorceress and liberating the Forgotten Realms from her iron rule, something that her brothers and Elora agreed with, and their dragonflies seemed eager to get started on what was around them, as they could see a number of gems that were resting around the area already.

Bianca nodded and informed them that she would focus on seeing what she could do to help them get into the air so they could attack the saucers, along with the fact that she knew that Hunter might have slipped in here while they were dealing with Moneybags, to which the group of four nodded their heads and headed off, collecting the couple of gems that were near the starting area and followed the trail that was in front of them. One thing they noticed, in addition to all the snow that was on the ground of the mountain peak, was that there were a number of flagpoles that had green flags at the top of them, which seemed to be resting near the edge of the area so they didn't fall into the depths of the area, but that was followed by them focusing on the Thief that was right in front of them, who was holding a small wooden chest in one of his hands and was grinning at them. What they discovered was that the Thief ran in a basic circle around the tower that was the starting area for this realm, allowing the four of them to pick up a few gems in the process and find that there were two more paths that they could take, which might link up at some point since this place didn't seem all that big, and it wasn't long before Ember collided with the Thief's back, knocking it to the ground as it dropped the chest it was carrying, to which Elora claimed it as the Thief sighed and teleported out of the realm, no doubt heading back to the land that he and the others of his kind called home. That was followed by them opening the chest and discovering that, according to Spike's count on what was inside the wooden container, there were about a hundred or so gems inside the chest, as that meant that the chest was actually a Chest of Holding, much like the Bags of Holding he had created for all three of their adventures, though instead of discarding the chest Spike claimed it and slipped it into the second sack he carried, the one that had held the mind control necklaces Moneybags had sold to the residents of Felinia, so it was empty right now and was a perfect place to store the chest.

From there they walked up one of the paths they had spotted earlier and found that they had been right about what the rest of the realm looked like, as there were a number of towers that seemed to have closed doors, each of them also having a gem icon on the door with a number to indicate how much they needed to open the way forward, along with a pool of pink lava that they were going to ignore. After taking all of that in they group spotted a Thief nearby and the path that it took them on was to jump over a gap that was in front of them and enter the structure that was where the other path they had spotted earlier, when they were chasing the first Thief, was located, and the path eventually looped back up to the area that the Thief had been standing in earlier, allowing them to pick up a few more gems in the process as they cased their target down. It didn't take them too much longer to knock their foe to the ground and claim the chest that he had been carrying, allowing Spike to add the gems that were inside it to the bag the rest of their treasure was resting in and place the empty chest inside the second bag, though while he did that Spyro, Ember, and Elora looked out at the rest of the area and quickly spotted one of the other Thieves that were running around this realm, since that would allow them to complete their mission that much easier. The third Thief happened to be at the top of the curved walkway that they had found the second one near, where it seemed to run around the highest tower's base and around the area they were in, even if that revealed another Thief that was standing near one of the locked doors, where a bullseye chest happened to be resting, but instead of pulling off to deal with the new target they dealt with the one that they were currently chasing and eventually crashed into its backside, claiming another chest before focusing on the other one they had spotted, who had the simplest circle of them all and was easily flamed into submission.

Once that was done they emptied both of the Chests of Holding into Spike's bag and smashed the bullseye chest that was near them, giving them a great deal of gems in the process, before they spotted a fifth Thief resting near the rest of the towers and ran out to deal with him, where they had to jump over a few gaps between the patches of ground and made sure to avoid the lava, before colliding with him near another bullseye chest that they smashed... though with all of those gems the sixteen thousand gem door opened and allowed them to enter the tower it was linked to, where it was easy to find Hunter on the other side of the portal.

"Oh, hey guys, sorry for disappearing on you like that," Hunter said, as when they returned to Midnight Mountain he had disappeared after they had been there for a few moments, though they were just fine with him doing that since it was to find the last couple of eggs, even if there was only one missing at the moment, before he gestured to the end of the passage that they were currently inside, where the group found a submarine resting nearby, "I did a quick check on this old submarine earlier and determined that its okay to go underwater and fire missiles, so it should be ready for two of you to use to chase down any underwater Thieves and claim the treasure they're trying to steal... I mean, I know its not the eggs we're looking for, but we might as well take the Sorceress' loot and give it back to the people it was taken from, if they want it back anyway."

The siblings realized what Hunter was saying, as he was referring to the fact that Elora had told them to keep all of the treasure they had gathered while they were saving Avalar from Ripto and the chaos he was causing, with the help of the bear Spike had imprisoned, to which the group nodded their heads and headed into the water, where Elora and Spike used the submarine while Spyro and Ember stayed outside it, just in case there were any vases to break or additional gems to pick up. The area that they entered was like an underwater version of an area that one of Midnight Mountain's towers rested in, so it was interesting to ride the submarine around the area as they noticed that there weren't any vases to smash or gems to pick up, though there were seven other vessels moving through the cavern and they were what Spike and Elora focused their missiles on. Of course Ember, despite the fact that they had missiles that would pierce the armor of the submarines the Thieves were using and take their targets down, rushed through the water with her Warrior's Armor on and smashed her way through two of the submarines that foolishly got in her way, surprising the Thieves that were in the middle of using the vehicles in question. Spyro, on the other claw, just decided to relax and swim around the area as Sparx helped him collect the gems that fell from all the enemies that were falling, allowing them to be transported to the bag that Spike was storing all of them inside, before all four of them turned their attention to the remaining submarines that were in the area and continued to chase after them, showing the Thieves that were piloting them that they weren't going to let them get away with the gems that they were trying to steal.

After a few more minutes of following the rest of the submarines around the area, and smashing them with either a well placed missile or Ember getting annoyed and using her power to smash them, the group returned the submarine to the tunnel that Hunter had been standing in earlier, as it appeared that he had moved on after telling them about the fact that the submarine was good to go, and Spike did a quick check of the gems. It was then that he discovered that they now had over seventeen thousand gems, more than enough to break the lock on the other door they had seen earlier and left the area that the first door had brought them to, where they quickly returned to the main part of this realm and headed over to where the other door was located, where they quickly approached the portal that was behind the now opened door and headed through it. As such it only took them a few moments to arrive in the side area that the portal would allow them to access, where they found a peak that looked like it had been transformed into a skateboard course of some kind, which really seemed odd when the group considered what the Sorceress looked like and the fact that this seemed a little too weird for her to create, at least until Spike took a moment to feel the magic in the air and realized where most of the treasure was located. The treasure that rested in this part of the treasury, or the vast majority of it anyway, was resting in the form of the six Yetis that were waiting at the start of the track, with what appeared to be sleds inside of the boards they were expecting to use, and Hunter was standing near them with his skateboarding equipment on, showing that he wanted to test the area out and might have been challenged to a race by the Yetis, no doubt under the lines that if he and the four of them lost they had to forfeit the treasure they had claimed so far.

"Man, you guys sure took care of those submarines fast, as I just finished putting on my gear a few moments ago and then you step out of the portal," Hunter remarked, showing that he was actually going to spend some time on the course and see how skilled the Yetis were, while they took care of all the submarines that were in the underwater area, before he gestured to the individuals that were patiently waiting for someone to challenge them, "Bianca told me that this place is supposedly the best turbo-skateboard course in the entirety of the Forgotten Realms, and that its been missing for, well, a thousand years, no doubt due to the Sorceress using her magic to steal it so she could cripple the residents of the lands that she was taking over. She also told me that these guys are magical replicas of the Sasquatch Six, an infamous gang in the past, who used souped up snow-discs as their skateboards, since they came before the skateboard was even created, so it seems like they're the guardians of this portion of the Sorceress' treasure... and, since I figured she doesn't need it anymore, we could race the legendary team and take them down, and take the treasure."

At this point the group wasn't even surprised by the fact that the Sorceress stole something that didn't belong to her, given what she had done to take control of the Forgotten Realms a thousand years ago, which was why it didn't take any of them that long to find the area that allowed them to get on their boards and take their positions behind the Yetis, who had become active after realizing they had challengers at long last. Once all of them were ready, and the group was sure of it, the race officially began and all of them headed down the ramp that was in front of them, though as they did that Elora did spot an area they would have to jump up to later, as there was a gem up there, and the dragonflies did pick up every gem that they moved by, that way the siblings, Elora, and Hunter could focus on the race and not on collecting all of the loose pieces of treasure that the Sorceress left in this section of the realm. The first round was spent getting to know the layout of the course, since none of them actually knew it and the Sasquatch Six had an advantage over them, but even then the few tricks that the group pulled off allowed them to pull ahead of the last place Yeti and leave him in their dust, which was rather weird and Spike just determined that since they weren't the real deal, and had likely been waiting here for over a thousand years without anyone to practice their skills on, they were incredibly rusty and that was what allowed them to get ahead of the first Yeti. As soon as the first lap was over the group proceeded to perform a number of tricks that gave them a good boost, since Hunter was kind enough to make sure all of them had the same type of skateboard again, and it wasn't long before they pulled ahead of all the Yetis, who seemed confused as to what was going on as Hunter, the last of their group oddly enough, passed by the Yeti that had been in first place since the race started.

By the time they got ahead of their opponents the second lap was over, allowing the group to spend the entirety of the final lap putting some distance between them and the Yetis, while at the same time collecting the couple of gems that they had missed during the last two laps, basically allowing them to clear out the course of all the treasure that had been resting along it and let them claim victory since none of their opponents managed to catch up with them... though once all of them had crossed the finish line for the third time the Sasquatch Six shattered and the magic formed into a rather large chest that rested near the portal that would take them back to the main part of the realm.

"Yeah, we schooled them like a bunch of frost-bitten, flat-footed, molasses-eating, lead-pants-wearing, cross-eyed glacier-trolls riding slabs of plywood with sandpaper on the bottom!" Hunter exclaimed, showing that he was excited by the fact that they had won the race against the magical copies of the legendary Sasquatch Six, even if the siblings and Elora were more of the opinion it would have been correct if they had beaten the real deal, which was impossible since none of them existed anymore, before he glanced in their direction for a moment and rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry, I got a bit overexcited there... but hey, at least we got the treasure they were guarding."

Spike opened the chest and his eyes widened for a moment as he saw all the treasure that was inside it, as it was yet another Chest of Holding and it seemed to contain at least a thousand gems inside it, maybe more along the lines of one thousand two hundred and fifty gems by his estimates, which put them well above eighteen thousand gems, meaning they could access another tower as they bid Hunter farewell, since it was clear he wanted to use the course some more. Once the four of them were back in the main section of the treasury they headed back to where the twenty thousand gem tower was located, making sure they left no gems behind, before opening the door that was their current destination, the one that required them to have eighteen thousand and five hundred gems, which was easy considering what they had picked up and gathered by that point in time. It was in that moment that they discovered that the door didn't reveal a portal to another part of the realm, rather it allowed them to walk over a bridge and enter another tower that had two openings, the first being the one they entered through while the other was where a Superfly-Superflame Powerup Gate rested, which meant they were going to take to the skies and blast the sheep saucers out of the air for the gems they carried. Normally that was when the siblings took off and sought out their enemies, though this time around they were surprised when Elora rushed through the Combination Gate and flew into the sky, where she located one of the sheep saucers and loosed a fireball at her target, blowing the saucer to pieces like the siblings would. Since her actions surprised the siblings she told them that the Professor had figured out how to allow her to use the offensive Powerups with her armor, even though she had refrained from doing so since there weren't any in the previous realms, something that caused them to smile as they headed out and sought out the remaining six saucers as Sparx, Talon, and Cinder collected the gems that fell from the foes they knocked out of the air.

With the four of them flying around the skies of the realm, and being able to loose fireballs at their targets whenever they got close to each other, it didn't take the group that long to find the remaining six sheep saucers and blow them out of the sky, allowing them to gather the rest of the gems, though as they flew around Spike noticed that there was a veil that seemed to shimmer as he got close, no doubt where the key he acquired went to, but for now he regrouped with the others as they counted the gems they had... a grand total of twenty thousand, which allowed them to enter the final tower and see what it had in store for them, even though they were totally surprised by what was on the other side.

"No way... how can she be here?" Spyro asked, because what they were seeing at the moment was a massive arena that looked like the one they had fought the Sorceress in earlier, and had beaten her in, though the main thing they were staring at was the individual that was hanging out in the center of the area, either ignorant of the fact that they were there or waiting to pull them into a trap of some kind, as the person in question was none other than the Sorceress, and she had a new scepter with what appeared to be the last dragon egg on top of it.

"I don't know how she survived our last fight, but she's not walking away from this one," Ember remarked, as she had had enough of the Sorceress and her plans to dominate the world, especially since it meant the deaths of hundreds of dragons to fuel her delusions, as she believed that Malefor was gone and this was just the Sorceress being insane about the entire thing, though that didn't stop her from growling for a few seconds.

"If you must know, I managed to cast a temporary Lava Immunity spell on myself, one that only lasts for a short period of time thanks to the strain it puts on one's magic," the Sorceress replied, showing them that she could hear them and that she wasn't happy that they had found out where she was hiding, hence the reason she turned and glared at the area they were standing in, which was currently above the arena that she was standing on, "I was hoping that you three would have left these lands for a time, allowing me to regain my power so I could invade your domain and kill every dragon while you slept, to gain the power I would need if I was going to face Malefor, but, once again, you decided to throw another wrench into my plans by showing up where you aren't wanted!"

"Just give up, you can't beat us." Spike stated, because that was the truth of the matter, as while he and his siblings were still a little winded from using the Aether for the first time, something that took longer to recover from than when he used his other spells and elements in a fight, the Sorceress had practically drained herself with those final attacks of hers and a new scepter wasn't going to do much for her, so if they got into a fight she was going to lose, and it seemed that both Spyro and Ember realized that, even Elora, who wasn't as familiar with magic as he was, knew it.

"Arrogant fools, I'll show you just how wrong you are," the Sorceress said, where Spike could feel the magic in the air as their foe gathered it and transformed the platform into another massive stone set of armor, just like she had done at the end of their previous battle, though it was odd for her to do that since her power had to be incredibly weakened after what happened earlier, though as the group considered what was going on Bianca stepped into the area and frowned the moment she spotted her former mentor again, "I didn't want to use this, not until I was ready to steal the power and life energies of every dragon in the lands you call home, but after our last battle I'm not going to take any chances, so I'm going to use all the stolen magic in this treasury to take the three of you down and steal your powers first!"

"Stolen magic?" Bianca inquired, though that was something that also surprised most of the group as well, despite the fact that Spike was considering what the Sorceress had just said, but it wasn't long before he figured out what she meant and Bianca was a few seconds behind as she connected the dots herself, "No way... you mean to tell me that after you used a spell to banish the dragons from our lands, all because one dragon beat you in a magical battle, instead of helping us out you spent the last thousand years stealing our magic and storing it in a safe place for you to use?"

"When I discovered that my foe was still alive, and that I needed to prepare, I make sure to take enough magic so that we would have to invade their lands for their eggs when the time came," the Sorceress stated, revealing that her plan was totally insane and that she might have gone mental at some point, which was believable given what they were seeing and hearing at the moment, but at the same time it revealed how much effort she went into planning out her revenge on an ancient dragon that was likely dead, "but with the power these three possess, and how they beat me earlier, I'm going to use everything I have access to at the moment, because taking your powers will allow me to overpower the rest of your kind and steal their powers as well! And then I'll hunt down and kill Malefor!"

The siblings sighed and determined that there was no talking to her, not when she had clearly gone mental and that she wasn't listening to them at all, which was why Bianca did the next best thing and tapped into part of the stolen power as well, something that definitely pissed off the Sorceress as she prepared to lash out at them by hurling a large Fireball at them, which Spike stopped with a barrier. It was only a few moments later when the three of them flew out of the smoke and took to the air, as Bianca had used her portion of the stolen power to grant them a temporary Powerup, as in all three of them gained the ability to fly around the skies of the arena, the Superfly Powerup, and Spyro was given the Superflame ability as well, to compensate for the fact that he didn't have magic like Spike or the armor skill like Ember, though he was more than fine with this arrangement. The first thing the Sorceress did, after seeing that all of them had escaped from her first attack, was create more spells to throw at them, as in she loosed a rather impressive Hellfire spread at Spike, as it was three times the size as the last one she used, Spyro was on the receiving end of a volley of Ice Shards, and Ember had a few Lightning Bolts heading her way, showing them that their foe wasn't playing around this time and that she was fighting to take them all down. Spyro decided to loose his own Superflame enhanced fireball at the incoming shards of ice, which caused the icicles to melt and disappear in a matter of seconds, Ember just ignored the Lightning Bolts by rolling through the air as she locked onto the chest area that the Sorceress was in, and Spike used another barrier spell to stop the Hellfire in its tracks, basically showing the Sorceress that all three of them were more than prepared for whatever tricks she had for them and that they wouldn't stop until she was taken down.

Since Ember was the closest one of them she rushed straight through the air and approached the area that their foe's suit of rock armor happened to be standing in, though as she hardened her entire body once more, and made sure that her claws were the sharpest of them all, the Sorceress channeled her power and caused a wall of stone to erupt from the lava that was all around them, but Ember was having none of that as she spun around in midair and used her speed to smash her way right through the Earthen Wall, before she swung her claws and cut a deep gash into the stone that was protecting their foe, not enough to hurt her but enough to show her they weren't playing around. While that happened Spike did feel the magic in the area they were in pulse for a moment, like the Sorceress was preparing to do something big while they were distracted, and it wasn't long before some dark clouds started to gather over the area that they happened to be fighting in, just like what happened whenever he used the Storm's Wrath spell, which was rather amusing since it was a hard spell for most dragons to use, especially since he was the only one that could cast it on his own, so what he did in response to that was nothing, merely adding a bit of his own magic to the spell while returning to the fight, making it seem like he had missed it. Spyro and Ember, who had seen him use the spell at least twice in the past, realized that there had to be a reason for him to do that and decided to ignore the darkened sky as well, while at the same time Elora knew that something was going on and beckoned for Bianca to say nothing, where she nodded her head as well as they focused on the fight that was taking place right now.

From there the Sorceress restricted herself to only Fire based attacks, where Spike understood that she was trying to boost the power of the attack she was forming and then, when it was ready to be thrown at them, she would attempt to unleash it upon him and his siblings, though in response to that Spyro used his own Superflame to cancel out the attacks that came in the direction he was in, Ember just smashed her way through hers as she dug her claws into the rocky armor their foe was using, and Spike either used a barrier to protect him or used one of the other spells he knew to cancel out all of the Sorceress' attacks that were coming for him.

"What's wrong, little dragons? Surely all of you have more power than this!" the Sorceress called out, where it wasn't hard for them to realize that she was taunting them into attacking her, which they could do quite easily since that had been what they did during the last fight, but this time around they were playing things smart and not just burning through their energy supply, especially since they hadn't rested after their previous battle with the former tyrant of the Forgotten Realms, "Or are all of you winded from all the power you spent earlier? It doesn't matter either way, because with this spell I'm going to waste all three of you and then claim your powers for myself!"

The siblings happened to be near each other when the Sorceress said that, giving her the idea to summon the Storm's Wrath without even bothering to make sure they were standing in one spot and wouldn't be moving for a time, but that just so happened to be the moment where Spike used his power and ripped the spell out of the Sorceress' hold, even if she had no idea what was going on, before the coiled serpent roared and burst out of the sky... where it slammed into the armor that the Sorceress was using and blasted it to pieces, scattering rock everywhere as she collided with the floor that Spike hurriedly created, before the three of them landed near by.

"Ugh... what happened!" the Sorceress demanded, her tone revealing that she really didn't understand what had just happened and that she was trying to make sense of the situation that had rapidly unfolded before her, though as soon as she spotted the three of them she raised her scepter and prepared to lash out at them, which was the moment that their friends stepped in as Bianca used her magic to restrain her arms and legs while Elora snatched the scepter that held the final dragon egg, before returning to the others.

"I stole the Storm's Wrath from you, that's what happened." Spike replied, though it wasn't easy stealing a spell that another magic user was forming, especially one as powerful and as destructive as the one the Sorceress had picked out, as there was a good chance of the other magic user noticing and detonating the spell early or luring a foe into a false sense of security and then smashing them with a spell they thought they had taken from their enemy, among other things, "Thanks to the fact that you were fighting all three of us, and your attention was split four ways thanks to that spell, I was able to add a small fragment of my power to it and you were none the wiser, allowing me to steal the Storm's Wrath from you and use it against you, hence the reason your Stone Armor spell shattered like that."

"So you've beaten me again, so what?" the Sorceress stated, where she struggled against the magic that Bianca was using to keep her in place, showing that she didn't much care for what her former apprentice was doing, though he eyes were on Spyro, Spike, and Ember, as it appeared that she had gotten a taste of their true power and had been hoping to bring them down so she could take it for herself, even if she was trying to win a battle against someone that wasn't alive anymore, showing the depths of her insanity, "I'll just come back when you least expect it, when your guards are down, and then I will make sure that none of you ever see anything again!"

"Yeah, I figured that you would say something like that," Spyro said, to which he glanced to Spike for a moment, who nodded his head as he focused on his bags for a moment and started to look for the time that would allow them to deal with the Sorceress, permanently to be exact, as it was a good thing that Spike had thought to ask the other dragons about the item before they left the Dragon Realms earlier, before noticing that the Sorceress was confused about what the two of them were doing, "We recovered some special during our first adventure, a scepter that our first villain carried and used to trap all of the dragons in crystalline statues until the three of us freed all of them from their prisons, and we have been studying it for the last two years, based on what I was told earlier, so that's what your punishment is going to be, for all of the crimes that you committed against dragon kind and the residents of these lands."

The Sorceress, realizing that they had something planned for her, started to really resist the magical bindings that had been placed on her body by Bianca, though even as she did that Spike pulled out the Scepter of Crystallization and fired a burst of magic right into her chest without wasting a single moment, which was where the group watched as the material started to cover her body and then shielded their eyes as the flash happened, creating a crystalline statue of the Sorceress, a mimicry of the statue she forced the Purple Villagers to make, that rested before them.

"There, she won't trouble anyone for a time," Ember remarked, as she knew that there was always the chance that someone might accidentally touch the statue and free the Sorceress from her prison, if they happened to be a resident of the Forgotten Realms anyway, though even as she said that Spike sighed as he slipped the scepter back into his satchel, to which she glanced at her siblings and their friends for a moment, "I guess this adventure is over."

Before anyone could say anything the egg that was attached to the top of the Sorceress's new scepter shuddered for a moment and Elora removed it so she could set it on the ground, where they watched as the egg hatched before their eyes, revealing not one hatchling, as was common, but two hatchlings resting in the eggshell, where one was a green dragon and the other was a white dragon.

"Is... is this common?" Bianca asked, because this was the first time she had seen two dragons hatch from the same egg, even though she hadn't seen the other eggs hatch after they had been rescued from where they had been placed after she and the Rhynocs had taken them, but she had to admit that this wasn't something she was expecting to see and was happy that the siblings had saved the pair from the Sorceress.

"Multiple hatchlings is uncommon, but not unheard of," Spike replied, though even as he said that he made sure to put a few enchantments over the new hatchlings, that way when they left this area they wouldn't be harmed by using the various portals to go from place to place, even if such a thing was highly unlikely, nearly impossible to be exact, but it was never a bad thing to be on the safe side.

With the Sorceress defeated and punished for her crimes, against both all of dragon kind and the residents of the Forgotten Realms, the siblings, Elora, and Bianca headed through the portal that had brought them to where their foe had been hiding and started to make their way back to the portals that would take them back to the Dragon Realms, as it was time to relax before they did anything else.

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