• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Rage: Bad Day at the Beach

Spyro, Spike, and Ember used the exit portal in Hurricos and quickly returned to the chamber that the large tree was resting in, the chamber that just so happened to have another portal they could use, and paused for a few moments as they stood near the portal to Sunny Beach, the next realm that they would be helping out, since they knew that someone was attacking the realm. Based on what they had seen so far there were two possibilities as to who could be attacking the realms, one was Ripto's forces, in some form or another, and the other was another race that happened to call the realm home, that was in the middle of harassing the residents of the realm, just like the Gear Grinders had been messing with the Electrolls before they arrived to take care of things. As such it made them wonder what sort of enemies and obstacles they would encounter in Sunny Beach, especially when they thought about the realms they had cleared out so far and the things they had seen while they were clearing the realm out, while at the same time Spike would inform his siblings about the realm and why their enemy would be targeting it, thanks to the guidebook. The thing that interested Spike the most, however, was the lack of guards in Summer Forest, as he was sure that there had to be someone that had guarded the homeworlds of Avalar before he and his siblings were called here, but to learn that piece of information he might have to ask Elora about them and see what she said.

After resting for a few moments the siblings jumped up onto the platform that the portal was located on and headed through the portal, so they could head to the realm that was called Sunny Beach and see what was going on to the residents that called it home, and what they could do to help them out, all while gaining another Talisman to use in their adventure to stop Ripto and his minions.

The starting area they appeared in, as it turned out, seemed to be a cave of some kind and the walls were definitely made of stone, which came complete with some metallic gates that seemed to be blocking the way forward, while the walls in question happened to have what seemed to be either shell-like stones that had been inserted into carved out slots in them, or they were actually turtle shells that weren't being used anymore. The other thing that Spike felt they could be was parts of a tree, the trunks to be exact, since he was sure some of them were the same length as a few of the other items, along with some indents that had glowing stones in them, to serve as lights for the area they were in, allowing the residents of the realm to see what they were doing. Wandering around in front of them stood three small turtles, which were actually half their height and came in three different colors, as one was red, one was blue, and one was green, and they seemed to be in the middle of playing around in front of the starting area for this realm, and they did notice the fact that the siblings had arrived, but they were more interested in playing at the moment. The other thing the siblings spotted was a much larger turtle that was standing on all fours and was standing near the gates to the area, meaning there might be a button nearby they could press, before they spotted an elderly turtle that was meditating above a large shell that must have been the one he had been wearing for most of his life, someone who had to be the person they had to talk to so they could figure out what was going on in this realm.

Since there wasn't much else they could see at the moment, thanks to the cave that they were in, save for an upper area that could only be accessed on the other side of the metallic gates, the siblings walked over to where the elder turtle was meditating, as he seemed to be the only one that could tell them what was going on with this realm and what they could do to help the residents out.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, I'm glad you three are here." the elderly turtle said, his tone revealing that he was happy to see that they had come to help him and the rest of the residents of this realm out, and he even opened his eyes, stopping his meditation, so he could see them the moment they came to a stop, "If the three of you could shepherd these baby turtles to safety, with one of the other elders, I would be mighty grateful."

"Sure, we can do that." Spyro replied, as it seemed rather straightforward, all they had to do was clear the path that would take them from the starting area and bring them to the area the exit portal was in, meaning they could take out the enemies that were assaulting the realm while protecting the turtles that were playing at the moment, "Is something going on in this realm that we can help with?"

"Oh, the Water Workers have been harassing us lately," the elderly turtle stated, where he sighed for a moment as he thought about what was going on in the realm that he called home, his tone revealing that the siblings were dealing with a situation that was similar to what they encountered in Hurricos, but instead of taking out the Gear Grinders they were dealing with enemies that were called Water Workers, before he focused on something else he could tell them, "they have been kidnapping turtles ever since Ripto and his minions arrived in Avalar, and, despite our best efforts, we've been unable to deal with them."

"They've been... kidnapping turtles?!" Ember remarked, though that annoyed her, because while they weren't like the dragons back home, who had been trapped in crystal by Gnasty Gnorc, she didn't like the fact that another species was being targeted in such a manner, meaning that she had a bone to pick with the Water Workers as they explored Sunny Beach and escorted the turtles to wherever the other elder was waiting.

"Indeed, and we really have no idea why they're doing that," the elder turtle said, showing the siblings that he didn't have all the answers to what was going on at the moment, something that they were either going to figure out on their own or leave in the dust once all of the Water Workers had been taken care of, "but, if you escort these baby turtles to safety, I'm sure you'll be able to interrupt whatever operations the Water Workers are working on... and maybe free the turtles they had captured so far, if such a thing is possible."

The siblings liked the idea of freeing the kidnapped turtles as they took the fight to the Water Workers, to which they turned towards the seemingly locked gates and found that there was definitely a button a few steps in front of the metallic gates, one that they could totally stand on and force the gate to open, but, since there was a large turtle nearby, Ember tapped it with her tail and it moved onto the button, keeping the gate wide open for a good period of time. Before they jumped into the water that was on the other side of the gate, which the three baby turtles were heading for, Spyro made sure to grab the three gems that just so happened to be near the gate before they moved forward and dived under the water, finding a number of gems and five glass vases down there. The other thing they spotted was what appeared to be a rectangular crate that was unlike anything they had seen so far, in their travels across the realms of Avalar, meaning that it had to be what the kidnapped turtles were resting in, but since they couldn't use their fire breath underwater, something they discovered back when they were messing around with the new skill, that meant they needed to find a Powerup Gate that would give them the ability to break the crates and free the turtles inside it. Ember started to follow after the three baby turtles, since they were supposed to be helping them, before stopping as she noticed that Spyro found the way up to where the upper ledge was located, to which he jumped out of the water and landed on the start of the path, allowing him to pick up a couple of gems as his siblings joined him.

From there they found another large turtle resting near the platform that they couldn't reach with a normal jump, as if it was allowing them to use it to get up there, where they found a pair of straw baskets, which they smashed, and then spotted a person that was wearing a tan colored suit of some kind and carried a staff with two prongs that seemed to have electricity dancing between the points. The siblings had to assume that this was one of the Water Workers that were harassing the turtles that called this realm home, and when they got close to him the person raised his shock stick into the air and then placed it on the ground, allowing the electricity to race out towards where they were standing, forcing the three of them to dodge the incoming attack, much to the amazement of their foe. While the Water Worker was stunned by what had happened, and hadn't regained himself yet, Ember rushed at him and knocked him to the ground, and forced him to drop his weapon, which she picked up and shocked him with, to give him a taste of his own medicine, before letting go of the shock stick as her brothers collected the gems that were on the ground and smashed the pair of straw baskets that were near them. Spyro and Spike knew that it wasn't wise to mess with Ember when she was upset, which was why they let her do all that, since it would help her vent her anger and assist her in calming down, though they glided over to another platform and smashed the straw baskets that were over there, along with picking up the nearby gems, before the three of them jumped down into the water once more.

Once they returned to the water, and made sure to dive so they could follow the baby turtles, they found a circular tunnel, with some green gems laying on the ground, that allowed them to access the outside area of Sunny Beach, where they discovered white structures that were connected to the walls that bared the same markings as the walls around the starting area, meaning they were likely houses or something. The area the tunnel lead them to happened to be a pool where they could float with half of their bodies above the water, though it did let them see two more potential enemies that would need to be taken out as they moved through this realm, one that happened to be a fat pink penguin that had goggles over it's face and a harpoon in it's left hand, while the other was a duck-like creature that was wearing a inflatable tube around his waist, one that looked like a chicken, and he was carrying a shovel for some reason. As they looked at the area they were now in, however, the Snorkler, which Spike was going to call the pink penguins, decided to try and attack them with the harpoon that he was carrying, causing them to jump out of the water and avoid the attack, before retaliating with their own as Ember struck him with her tail, allowing Spyro to come in and flame him. With that foe taken care of, and another Spirit Particle released into the air, the siblings climbed out of the water and started collecting the gems that were laying on the ground, though one thing that really interested Spike was the fact that the Shovel Duck that was in front of them, when he was hit by Spyro's flames, seemed to substitute his flotation device in his place, meaning that it would take two hits to take him and the other Shovel Ducks down, as he was sure there were one or two more of them somewhere else in the realm, waiting for them to show up.

As the Shovel Duck went down two Water Workers attacked them from both sides, sending bolts of electricity towards where they were standing, though Spike intercepted the attacks with the barriers he used to great effect during their last adventure, before smiling as he reflected the bolts and sent them back at their owners, shocking the Water Workers and taking them out in the process.

"I thought you said that you had a hard time using the Reflection spell," Spyro said, though as he said that, and turned to look at his bother, Ember jumped up to where another Shovel Duck was standing and knocked him off the platform he was standing on with her tail, showing that she really enjoyed using that attack, before taking him out with a well placed flame to the face.

"That, Spyro, is the benefit of engaging in magic duels with Cosmos as part of my training, he's allowed me to boost my own powers and make some of the spells more usable," Spike replied, though he couldn't fault his brother, or his sister for that matter, not knowing what he was truly capable of right now, as he really hadn't gone into that much detail about what his training was like, but he was more than happy to show them the results of his training.

Spyro thought about what he had seen Spike do and knew that he was telling the truth, that he had used his magic to great effect during their previous adventure and how, thanks to Cosmos and the others boosting his knowledge and his skills, he was doing the same thing all over again, only this time he was actively using his magic in a different manner that actually helped them out. Instead of spending too much time thinking about all of that, however, he and Spike resumed searching the area for gems and straw baskets, where they found a couple of each and made sure to pick up the gems that had been scattered everywhere, as well as making sure to break the straw baskets, before they rejoined Ember and determined that the area had been cleared of enemies and gems, save for one of the thick metallic chests that none of them could break without a missile or an ability from one of the Powerup Gates. As such what the siblings did was have the large turtle that was resting nearby move for them, where he approached the area that the three baby turtles were in and sat down on the button that was in the way, allowing the metallic gate that was in front of them to open so they could move onto the next part of Sunny Beach. What they discovered was that the next area happened to be an incredibly short passage between the area they had just cleared out and the real next area they would be focusing on, though Ember did spot a ladder to their left and climbed up it, before gliding over to the other side of the passage, and then returned to them a few seconds later with some more gems to add to the collection, before they continued moving.

As it turned out all they had to do was encourage the nearby turtle to walk onto the next button, opening the gate that was at the end of the passage, where they found two more Water Workers and a Shovel Duck guarding a platform that the Powerup Gate for this realm was resting on, meaning they were either preventing the residents from this realm from even approaching it, or they just happened to be in this area and there was nothing special about what they were doing at this point in time. Spike had his siblings step back for a moment as the three enemies spotted them, though what happened next was that he cast his Arcane Missiles at their foes, where two of them struck the Water Workers and knocked them to the ground, taking them out in the process, before the remaining two zeroed in on the Shovel Duck, the first taking out the flotation device while the second finished the job. He knew that he could have left the three enemies alone and they would have taken them out the normal way, like they had been doing so far, but using this spell did save them a little bit of time by taking out all the enemies he had seen, meaning that all they had to do was gather the gems, break the straw baskets, and then climb the stairs to see what else the realm had in store for them. What made them stop, however, was the fact that one of the elderly turtles, the ones that liked to sit like they were meditating and floated above their shells, happened to be in the area, near the Powerup Gate to be exact, so the first thing they did was walk over to him, since they were sure he had something important to tell them, before they followed the baby turtles to the next area.

"Ah, Spyro, Spike, Ember, it's good to see that you made it to Sunny Beach," the elderly turtle said, his tone revealing that he was happy to see that they had arrived, no doubt once more to Elora telling the residents of Avalar that help was on the way, in the form of three young dragons, and they were no longer surprised when someone talked and mentioned them by name, "I wish I had good news, but the Water Workers have been working hard and have captured the majority of our baby turtles, why we don't know, and they've placed them all in incredibly tough crates, ones you might have seen laying around the place, which a normal fire attack won't be able to break."

"But a much more powerful fire attack, like a Superflame attack, should work, right?" Spike asked, because based on what he was hearing that sounded like the reasonable explanation for what the Powerup Gate would give them, access to the Superflame Powerup, something that would definitely break those crates apart if he was right in his thinking, and so far he was rarely wrong about a topic, so he had the feeling he was right.

"Precisely." the elderly turtle replied, as he was pleased that one of them understood what he was talking about, and he could see that the others agreed with what Spike had said, showing him that they knew there were a few more foes they had to take out before they could access the Powerup Gate in question and that he was more than willing to wait for such a thing to happen.

With that conversation done, and Spike tucked away the fact that they knew where one of the Orbs for this realm was located, since anyone that talked to them in these realms seemed to have one of the Orbs in question, or a clue on where they could find them, he and his siblings moved away from the elderly turtle and resumed searching the area, so they could gather the gems and smash the straw baskets before they moved to the next area. As it turned out there were a few gems inside the small cave that was near the elderly turtle, one that had a button that connected to the nearly metal door and revealed a crate that contained the trapped baby turtles, though without the Superflame ability there wasn't much they could do at the moment, so they let the door close as they returned to the stairs to see what else Sunny Beach had in store for them. There was a Shovel Duck standing near one of the other crates, where it was a good thing that they were seeing all of the containers ahead of time so they would know where to go once they got access to the Powerup, to which Ember smacked him in the face with her tail and let Spyro finish him off as she moved forward, letting Spike smash the lone straw basket and pick up the gem before they found out that a Water Worker was blocking the way forward. They also found a few gems and a straw basket near the crate, so Spyro took care of them as Ember smacked the Water Worker and cleared the way forward, making sure to put her opponent down in the process, before they found two Snorklers that were swimming in the small pool that was at the end of the path, though they stood no chance against Spyro and Spike as they jumped in and flamed them down, opening the way forward once more.

The pool had a tunnel that brought them up to an area that seemed more peaceful than the other parts of the realm, even though there were a few Snorklers nearby, as it appeared the path the three baby turtles were following might have reached the end, so it was possible that they were a few moments away from arriving at the area the first elderly turtle wanted them to bring the baby turtles to, and, possibly, where the Talisman rested. The first thing they did was take out the two Snorklers that were swimming in the water, since they knew that the pair would try and attack them the first moment they let their guards down, before they explored the rest of the area and took out two more enemies to make the area totally clear, one more Snorkler and a Shovel Duck. For the most part the Snorklers were really easy to take out, as a quick flame was all that was needed, leaving Ember to tackle the Shovel Duck and knock him to the floor with a charge, only to finish the fight with a short burst of fire, allowing them to search around the area for anything they might have missed when they first burst out of the tunnel that lead to this area. They found a number of gems resting at the bottom of the pool of water that was all around them, which also contained a pair of glass vases and another crate that contained some of the baby turtles, but what interested them the most was the ladder that lead to a higher level, one all three of them knew they were going to look at once they were done helping the elderly turtles out. Once they were done exploring the area that was around them, which didn't take all that long due to the size of the area, the siblings gathered near the pool that contained the tunnel back to the area the Powerup Gate was in and walked forward, convincing the large turtle to move onto the button that was near the top of the ramp, where the door was, and he did so without delay.

As soon as the turtle was on the button the siblings watched as the door opened and revealed the chamber that was at what Spike guessed was the peak of the entire realm, with the area the ladder lead to being the second highest, and when they joined the baby turtles in the room they found another deactivated exit portal on the other side, waiting to be turned back on, along with a rather happy elderly turtle, the one that they were supposed to bring the baby turtles to, that was waiting for them.

"Spyro, Spike, Ember, thank you for your assistance in bringing these baby turtles here, where they will be safe for the foreseeable future." the elderly turtle said, his tone also revealing that he was happy that the siblings had helped him and the residents of the realm out, as by taking down the Water Workers and their allies they made the realm safer, until the guards arrived to take care of the rest, if there were any guards anyway, before he held a hand out, "Here, I want the three of you to take our Talisman, to thank you for helping us secure these baby turtles and taking care of the troublesome Water Workers that were standing in your way."

The Talisman in question appeared to be round like a medallion, and just as tall as the other Talismans that they had been given so far oddly enough, though while the main part of it was golden the turtle that was in the center of the metal was dark green colored, and when Spike added it to the guidebook the exit portal powered up, allowing them to leave the realm if they wanted to. What they did was backtrack to the area the second elderly turtle was in, the area that held the Powerup Gate, as Spike was sure that they had taken down more than enough enemies to power it, and he was interested in freeing the baby turtles that were being trapped against their will, especially since none of the Water Workers were going to be coming to steal them away from the land they called home. It took them a few moments to return to the area in question, where they found that the Powerup Gate was active and was waiting for them to use it, to which they glided down to the platform it rested on and let Spyro be the first one to walk through it, where Spike noted that his brother's form did look like what happened when one of the Fairy Princesses that had given them the Superflame power back in the Dragon Realms, meaning this was definitely a Superflame Powerup. The first thing Spyro did was head over to the small cave they had seen the button in, leaving Spike and Ember to head through the Powerup Gate and move to the other parts of the realm, all so they could wrap this part of the mission up quickly, where he loosed a fireball as soon as he stepped on the button, tearing the crate apart and freed the baby turtles that were inside it, while making sure to stay there long enough for them to leave the chamber the crate had been located in.

Spike, on the other claw, headed to the left of the Powerup Gate and blasted the crate that was right next to the gate, tearing it apart and freed the baby turtles that were inside it, while at the same time Ember climbed up the stairs and did the same thing to the crate that they had spotted on their way to the area the Talisman had been resting in, before she headed for the pool and he headed for the circular metallic chest. Spyro caught up with him a few seconds later and they both smashed the two crates that were in that area, blasting them apart as they freed the turtles that were trapped inside them, as well as breaking the chest that they had seen earlier and picked up the gems that had been thrown all over the area, before jumping into the pool that was near them. From there they headed back to the starting area of this realm, or more specifically the underwater crate they had seen earlier, something that was easy for them to blast apart with the last bits of energy they got from the Powerup Gate, freeing the turtles that had been forced inside it, before turning around so they could head back to where the elderly turtle that had told them about the kidnappings was located. Spyro and Spike only had to wait for a few seconds before Ember burst out of the pool and glided down to where they were standing, where they could tell that she had completed her objective as well, to which they headed over to where the elderly turtle was meditating so they could give him the good news.

"We've freed the baby turtles from the crates that Water Workers put them in." Ember stated, as she wanted the elderly turtle to know that the task had been completed so she and her siblings could see what the other area of Sunny Beach, the one the ladder would take them to, had in store for them, and she was sure that Spyro and Spike were just as interested as she was.

"You three are quite impressive." the elderly turtle said, as he had seen what they had done as a team and knew that the fate of Avalar was in good hands, or claws in their case, to which he produced something that he had found earlier and held it out for one of them to take, as he could see that they knew what it was within a matter of seconds, "Here, to show our everlasting gratitude, I want you to have this... um... sacred thingamajig..."

"It's an Orb, which are used to power things throughout Avalar." Spike spoke up, though he was a little surprised by this turn of events, as it wasn't common for one of the races of the lands they were visiting to not know what an Orb was, but he was more than happy to take it off the elderly turtle's hands, since it didn't appear that he and the others needed them as much as some of the other lands did.

"Either way, I want you to take it as a sign of our gratitude." the elderly turtle stated, showing that, while he might have accepted Spike's explanation on what the item was, he didn't seem to care all that much and wanted to get rid of the Orb, to which the siblings accepted it and let Spike place it in the guidebook, before bidding him farewell so they could move onto the last area of the realm they wanted to check out.

"Okay, I know why Ripto had Hurricos in his sights, but why did he target Sunny Beach?" Spyro asked, because he did understand why their foe attacked Glimmer, Colossus, Idol Springs, and Hurricos, as each of them had something that would allow him to take over Avalar faster or had something that would distract them as he prepared for the battle between his minions and them, but regardless of why he was assaulting the other realms, and was tormenting the people who called those lands home, he still didn't understand the reasoning behind targeting this realm.

"Well, according to the guidebook, it's the beach realm of Avalar, and it's much larger than what we have seen so far," Spike replied, though as he said that all three of them burst out of the water and landed on the walkway that would take them to the exit portal for this realm, only to turn towards the platform the ladder was near, where another elderly turtle was waiting for them to arrive, "basically this realm is just like Dragon Shores, as residents of Avalar come from far and wide to take a day or two off and enjoy the beach. My best guess is that Ripto either doesn't like the thought of the residents of Avalar escaping to a place where they can relax and be safe, while someone like us tackles the people he's been sending to the realms, or there's the more ridiculous option that is very unlikely... maybe he just hates sand and is letting his minions run wild in this realm."

Personally Spyro felt that the latter option would have been hilarious, that Ripto was assaulting Sunny Beach, in a way, all because he didn't like sand, but since all they could do was guess as to why this realm was under attack, or had been before their arrival, he and his siblings glided over to the other platform and stopped in front of the elderly turtle that was meditating near it, as they were sure he had something to tell them.

"Oh, hello young ones, might I trouble you for some assistance?" the elderly turtle asked, where the siblings found that he was much sadder than the rest of the elder turtles they had seen so far, which made them wonder what he wanted some help with and what they would be doing in the near future, before he beckoned to the top of the ladder and caused them to look up at the peak once more, "There's a chef up there that's planning on making soup out of our turtles, despite my attempts to plead with him to stop. Could you go up there and see if you could get him to stop?"

Ember growled as she latched onto the ladder and climbed to the top, as from what they could tell all the turtles in this realm were the residents that were being harassed by the Water Workers and their allies, as there were the baby turtles, who either walked on two legs or four legs, and the grown up turtles, the large ones that pressed the buttons for them or the elders they had been talking to, but even as they thought about that Spyro and Spike raced after her, only to find a large blue penguin, with a chef hat, standing in front of them.

"Your turtle friends will make for a very nice soup, if I can catch them anyway." the penguin replied, his tone revealing that he was quite pleased with what the others had been able to do, where the others were no doubt the enemies they had taken care of, before he jumped down into the large area that was in front of them and glanced back at them for a few seconds with a smirk on his face, "You can try to save them if you like, but I'm awfully hungry and there's no stopping me when I'm like this!"

As soon as he was done talking he raised his triangle shaped bell and rang it, causing three turtles to come out of the pipes that connected to this area, where he moved and directed them towards the pot that was in the middle of the area he was standing on, but that was when the siblings moved forward and focused on what they were going to do, as none of them were going to let this happen. Ember, being ticked off, focused on the chef and chased him around the area, even though she did have to hit him to get his attention first, while at the same time Spyro moved to the side of the turtles and charged into them, sending them sliding across the platform they were on and allowed them to reach the pool of water that was off on the let side of the area, where Spike determined to be a safe zone that would let the freed turtles leave this area without having to look back. Once that was done Spike joined his brother and knocked one of the remaining turtles towards the pool, where they watched as the two turtles slide across the platform and dropped into the water, leaving the area and causing the chef to call it quits, showing that he was admitting defeat and that he couldn't get anything done with the three of them bothering him. As such they returned to the platform he had been standing on when they climbed up to this area a few moments ago, where the chef mumbled about his luck the entire time, though the siblings hoped that he had learned his lesson and that he wasn't going to try this again, otherwise Ember would be forced to take drastic measures to make him understand his folly.

"So you saved those turtles, big deal." the chef said, showing that he was annoyed with them and that he really didn't like them at the moment, but, at the same time, he withdrew an Orb and placed it right in front of them, almost like he was going to hand it over to them or something, which was odd when they considered what he was up to, "Here, take this Orb and go away... I need some turtle soup and there's plenty more where those three came from."

In the end the siblings did let him ring the bell again, to release the imprisoned turtles, but what they ended up doing after that was keep him away from the platform the turtles were walking in, as in Ember stood on top of him and smacked him with her tail repeatedly, telling him that it was a bad idea to do what he was trying to do, while both Spyro and Spike redirected the turtles towards the pool so they could return to what they were doing earlier. There were quite a number of turtles that came out of the pipes, meaning that the Water Workers and the chef had captured way too many of them before their arrival, where Spike made sure that all of them got to the water without anything stopping them, even though the only person that wanted to stop them was currently being pinned down by his sister. Spyro made sure to direct the now freed turtles over to the pool, though while all of them did that their dragonflies flew into the pool and recovered a few gems that were down there, gathering the rest of the gems for this realm, and simply waited for the siblings to stop what they were doing so they could head back to Summer Forest. After a few minutes the last of the turtles emerged from the pipes and was directed over to where the pool was located, meaning that they freed all of them and had left nothing for the chef to cook, though he was out of commission thanks to what Ember did, who happily grabbed the second Orb that the penguin had and gave it to Spike.

Once that was done, and the penguin was knocked down into the water so the elderly turtles could deal with him when he woke up, the siblings glided down to where the exit portal was located and entered it, as it was time to see what the final realm of Summer Forest had to offer them and what they needed to do to help the residents of that realm, before focusing on Ripto and whatever he was doing in the dungeon.

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