• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,405 Views, 9,177 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 93: FMP pt. 3


Chapter 93: FMP pt. 3

By Wanderer D

"Yes, Commander, I'm sorryā€¦ I'm not entirely sureā€¦"

"Whatever it is, Princess, we can deal. This is less of a mission anyway, and the surprise will have to wait until Jane and the others get back. Sort whatever magical mishap you need to sort. Do you require any assistance?"

"Not at this time, Commander, thank youā€¦"

"Make sure to file a report if it requires it.

"Will do, Commander."

The pad turned off and Twilight sighed. She turned around to look at her unexpected guest. Sunset was sitting on the bed, looking around in obvious awe.

"So, what's going on, Sunset?"

"I-I don't know! Don't you think it's weird that we're here? Is this a spaceship?"

Twilight's slight annoyance became slight worry. "Um. Yes." She studied Sunset. Even though she was still older than Twilight herself, she had a newness to herā€¦ a bit of wonder about the place they were at that was at odds with the stoic acceptance and familiarity she'd had just a few days prior.

Sunset poked around the room, avoiding the guns, and generally being really impressed. "Wow, so you're likeā€¦ the lead scientist in a spaceship?" she laughed. "No surprise there," she grinned a smile that carried with it familiarity and opennessā€¦ it wasn't the guarded smiles from before, or the confident smirk of Lieutenant Shimmer.

It was jovial.




She could almost feel itā€¦ the friendshipā€¦ echoing from within Sunset's soul. Not that she didn't feel any friendship at all from Sunset before butā€¦ this was different. It wasn't... jaded.

Despite herself, Twilight felt a smile worm up to her face and she flushed a little. "Wellā€¦ not lead scientist."

She shook her head. "Wait. You should know that! What's going on, Sunset? Did the Blood Magic cause you an aneurysm or something?"

"B-blood magic?!" Sunset gasped, shaking her head. "Nononononoā€¦ I would never do that! I mean, it was bad enough running away as I did from Celestia andā€¦ if it wasn't for you, I'd probably have done much worse things, but I would never learn Blood Magic! I'm not a monster!"

That statement made Twilight sit down on her chair. She glanced at Sunset, who looked genuinely disgusted at the prospect. "Youā€¦ you're not Sunset."

Sunset blinked. "Umā€¦ I'm pretty sure I am? Sunset Shimmer? Former unicorn apprentice of Celestia? Ran out in a bit of spite, tried to take over the high school despite having no reason to do so and having a pretty good life all things considered? Stole your element? You and the girls blasted me with rainbows? We played in a band together? You helped us defeat the sirens?"

With every word, Twilight grew more and more pale. "Alternateā€¦"


"You're an alternate version! But how? You look exactly like her!"

"But I am Sunset! The same!"

Twilight gritted her teeth, her mind running a thousand miles an hour.

"Stand up."

Sunset did as instructed, looking nervously at Twilight, then the nervousness turned to confusion when Twilight stood up. "Waitā€¦ did you get smaller?"

Twilight sighed. "Noā€¦ you're an adult in this dimension."

Sunset gasped, smacking her forehead with her palm. "Oh! Stupid! How did I not realize that! Everything points to it!"

The pair stared at each other. Then Sunset snorted. Then they started laughing.

The black car slowed down in front of the school, and four people stepped out, two men and two women. She looked up at the building with mild amusement. "It's been years since I was last here. Is this where the call originated from?"

"That's correct."

"Well then come on, Central. 'Lieutenant Shimmer' awaits."

"That's not funny."

"Oh, I find it hilarious."

"Do you want us to wait here, Commander?"

"We shouldn't take too long getting the Lieutenant back, why don't you two come with me and I can show you my old stomping grounds?"

Central grumbled as the four walked up to the school entrance.

A woman was waiting by the door to the school, a pleasant smile in her face, which turned slightly worried. "Ah, Mr. Bradford, how are you today?"

Bradford nodded. "Miss Cheerilee. Is everything okay?"


"We're here to see Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna," Chrysalis said, smiling. Then she grinned a more mercenary smile, raising her wallet with her ID. "We're Military."

Bradford sighed.

The teacher went deathly pale. "Um. T-there's really nothing weird here happening at all!"

"Well," Chrysalis leaned in, "why don't we be the judges of that?"

"What's going on here?" a voice asked, and soon Celestia strode to the door, where she blinked in surprise. "Chrysalis?" She looked from her to Bradford. "Mr. Bradford? How did you get here so fast? We didn't call you yet."


"Celestia." Chrysalis purred, "It's been a while! Let me introduce you: you already know the Sweater wearing the man," she waved at Bradford, who grumbled, but said nothing, "that's Ryan, and this lady here is Annette."

"A pleasure, I'm sure," Celestia said, "But what brings you here?"

"John here got a call fromā€¦" Chrysalis snorted, "the Lieutenant, so we came to check."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Butā€¦ you? Uhā€¦ t-this wayā€¦" The group fell in line behind her as she guided them to her and Luna's offices.

Along the way, kids were giving them odd glances, a few waving at Bradford meekly. Bradford did the best he could to smile back, but he stopped when he saw something.

"What happened to Applejack?"

Celestia sighed. "Let's get to a more private placeā€¦"

"So. Celestia," Chrysalis said when they were outside of people's earshot, "what's really going on?"

"I'm not sure, I'm not the one responsible for you being here." Celestia ushered them into her office, then closed the door behind them. She hesitated. "Well, most of you. But I imagine if you brought armed guests, things are not as simple as I might think."

Chrysalis' smile faded. "The Lieutenant said couple of very, very, very secret phrases in a way that's very, very specific. The type that can cost lives and puts world security at risk."

Celestia went pale. "I'm sure she's notā€”"

"Well, that is something we'll figure out," Chrysalis interrupted. "I'm sorry, Celestia, but this is way outside your pay-grade."

"So why did she call?" Bradford asked. "This hardly seems like something related to the school. And why is she in there."

Celestia grimaced. "Well, Sunsetā€¦ sheā€¦ you asked about Applejack?"

"Really?" Chrysalis interrupted. "Sunset Shimmer?"

Celestia nodded.

Bradford growled. "That was Sunset?"

"She did far worse butā€¦ I think you should talk to her."

"And we shall," Chrysalis said. "But only Bradford and I, for now."

"...and then, they made me their leader," Luna explained to a rapt Sunset just as the door opened and two people walked in.

Luna blinked in recognition, but Sunset was immediately on her feet, standing at attention. "Commanderā€¦ I uh, wasn't expecting you."

Chrysalis smirked, but took a seat, along with Bradford. "At ease... Lieutenant, wasn't it?"

Sunset gulped. Maybe the plan hadn't been the best.

"Weren't you handcuffed?" Luna asked dryly.

Sunset smiled nervously, handing Luna the dismantled cuffs. "Oops?"

"Handcuffed?" Bradford asked, raising an eyebrow at Luna.

"Necessary measures, I assure you, Mr. Bradford." Luna said, taking the offered restraining devices. "For protection, although I see now I was naive."

"Vice Principal," Chrysalis spoke up, "I would like a word with Sunset, if you don't mind."

Luna looked up at Celestia, who stood by the door with two other people. After a nod from her sister, she stood up and left the room, leaving Sunset alone.

Before she could get a word in edgewise, Bradford slammed his fist on the table, making her jump.

"Alright," he said, frowning and looking at Sunset straight in the eye. "I want to know what exactly happened here today, young lady. How in the name of the seven hells did it occur to you to assault Applejack? And I want to know now how exactly did you know those code-phrases."

"Umā€¦ Galahad told me whenā€”"

"That'd better not be a lie, Sunset, because if it is, you're grounded for far longer than I am already going to do so. In fact, far longer than you might ever consider possible."

"Umā€¦ I'm not following," Sunset said, blinking in surprise at the reaction. "I called you because this world is different than I remember."

"Different how?" Chrysalis asked.

"Wellā€¦" Sunset motioned with her hand at the building. "This is still in one piece. Central still wears a sweater and his scar is missingā€¦ the world is not dominated by the Eldersā€¦"

Bradford looked baffled for a moment, then frowned and crossed his arms. "What do you mean? Are youā€”did you have a vision?"

Sunset shook her head. "More likeā€¦ time-space dilation that ended up in consciousness displacement across the continuum?"

"Still a nerd in the future," Chrysalis muttered under her breath. "Well, Lieutenant, how about we talk a little?" she stated more than asked. "I'm sure John here would like to know what his daughter fromā€¦ what year?"

"Twenty thirty-five."

"Yes," Chrysalis nodded. "I'm sure he would like to know what you did for the next 17 years."

A pause.

"Wait, what?" Sunset blurted out, staring at Bradford.

o.0.o End Chapter 93 o.0.o

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