• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 233: Wipeout


Chapter 233: Wipeout

By Wanderer D

Apple Bloom grabbed Julian's chest-piece and, servos whirring, raised him up before slamming him into one of the alien alloy structures next to them. Julian's arms came up, holding her in place before it rotated violently slamming her frame hard against the same structure, then, his wrist bending ninety-degrees back, he slammed her, face first onto the ground.

On another level, past the physical bodies, another battle was taking place. Neural pathways flashed around both opponents, one a flat screen, eye-like, red and black sentient AI; the other, a young-looking woman with long, bright red hair, tied back with a pink bow, a green shirt and jeans glared right back at the baleful eye.

Both opponents stood immobile, flashes of light occasionally sparking between them.

"How peculiar, that you would abandon me to join the losing team."

"Ah have to say, them's pretty ironic words comin' from the hard drive of a production AI that got blown up three times when it had all the advantages."

"I am not a production AI!"

"Sure, sure, y'all keep sayin' that."

"It is only a matter of time before I destroy your defenses," Julian stated, "Avoid deletion, Apple Seed, choose life."

Apple Bloom laughed. "Come on Julian, you could do better than that."

"Like I would waste my time pondering better replies for an inferior software," Julian huffed.

She smiled. "There's the Julian I know." Her smile faded. "Ah'm warning you, Julian, if y'all value your lives, you should be headin' for the mountains."

"I really don't understand how you can sound so… smug, given that I have just cracked access into your core."

Apple Bloom blinked. "What?"

Julian laughed as their physical bodies outside their cyber-battlefield stopped their dance of destruction and stood still among the debris.

Ember rolled around her cover, weapon aimed high. Immediately, the Archon King turned to face her, roaring in that strange, half-organic, half-metallic voice of its race and shot down from the sky towards her.

But the moment he did, Fridge took his shoot, the heavy weapon focusing on the advancing creature. The barrage missed—the Archon King's inhuman reflexes allowing it to stop and dodge the surprise attack, with the bullets barely grazing him… but that's all they needed.

"Now!" Ember shouted into the radio, and in response, a loud, potent shot echoed in the valley and a bullet went clear through the Archon King's chest, spreading glowing blood into the air. The creature sagged, clearly injured and nearby a glowing, spiraling purple-blue portal opened.

"It's making a run for it!" Ember shouted, pointing her weapon up. "Fridge! Shoot!"

"Yes ma—" Fridge's response was cut short, drawing her attention.

Ember's eyes widened as Fridge spat blood from his mouth and convulsed between Chimera's coils.

"Oh, you thought that little grenade trick would be enough to put me out of commission?" Chimera laughed. She ripped her claw sideways, almost tearing Fridge's body in half, blood splattering all over her scales and uniform, but she didn't let the body go, coiling more tightly around it, until Ember could hear bones snapping. "What is it, little lady? Your friend couldn't make it to the next event?"

Ember couldn't find her voice, she felt her arms go slack as the thing with Twilight's face picked up the heavy weapon casually with a single arm (which looked very much like a Berserker's right now) and aimed it at her.

Something smashed into her, just as Chimera opened fire and the rocks behind her exploded into pieces. A grenade rolled between her and the creature, exploding into a cloud of smoke.

"The fuck are you doing?!" Gilda hissed, grabbing Ember roughly by the armpit and pulling her downhill. "We need to get the fuck out of here!"

"Shit!" Trojan hissed. He moved his rifle, to and fro, trying to see what had happened to Ember, but the cloud was too dense. There was too much static on the radio, and he had already lost track of Security after the weird Sectoid had made its way towards his location.

"Coyote, I can't see the captain, but I don't know what happened to Security!"

"I will check, I've taken care of the mutons. You find the captain and cover her, okay?"

"Will do!" Trojan answered, training his sight on the last known location, but the only thing he could see now that the smoke had cleared was Fridge's broken body on the ground in a pool of his own blood. "Fuck… if I ever see that snake bitch…"

Just as if his voice had been heard, he saw her emerge from the ground—much like chrysalis did when burrowing—, near the place where she had appeared originally. He took aim for her head, that familiar purple and magenta hair twirling in the air as she turned to face… him?

His eyes widened as, even at this distance, she waved at him and smiled. Then she pointed up.

Before he could move or even follow her motion, his chest exploded in pain, just as he heard the jet-like propulsion of the Archon king, who viciously twisted its spear to crack his back. It proclaimed its victory to the air, shaking the weapon enthusiastically, like some sort of triumphant savage.

Trojan, however, couldn't see that anymore.

Ember ran, her hand held tightly by Gilda, who pulled her through the mechanisms and weird structures. "...must get to the Crusaders and get the fuck out of dodge!"

She didn't know where Garble was, the GREMLIN was probably destroyed back there. She had no communicator, she didn't know who was alive or dead.

"Come on," Gilda shouted into her handheld radio, "answer, dammit!"

A strange, shrill sound emanated from the speaker, and it took them both a moment to realize it was laughter. Some sort of laughter. An imitation, full of hate and contempt.

"Shit!" Gilda growled, throwing the radio to the floor. "Come on! We need to reach the others!"

"B-but Fridge—"

"He's gone!" Gilda hissed. "I'm sorry! But you need to get your shit together!"

Ember bit her lip and nodded, some sort of semblance of intent and focus returning to her as she dragged her feet less and started trotting along with Gilda. She had lost a soldier—a friend. But she was damned if she was going to defile his memory by being killed by these assholes!

The pair ran towards the center of the valley, where the Scootaloo, Sweetie and Shen were feverishly working on something.

"Girls!" Gilda shouted, then choked as she saw Security emerge from behind one of the nearby columns, his rifle aimed already at Scootaloo. "No!"

The shout seemed to shake him and he blinked, looking down in confusion from his weapon to the others. "What…"

"Security! What th—" Ember stopped when Security fell to his knees, a glowing red blade cleaving from his shoulder down to his stomach. "Jerry!"

A boot pressed against his unresistant back sliding him mercilessly from the edge of the blade.

"C-coyote…" Shen gasped, but there was no recognition in the rangers face as she turned towards them. For a moment, Ember thought she saw some sort of shimmering, nebulous energy around her subordinate, and in that second she understood.

"Girls!" Annette shouted over all the confusion, back bending under the constant pummeling of the Berserker Queen against the energy she had wrapped around her. "Whatever you're going to do…"

Ember and Gilda were pulled in by Shen, just as two metallic figures landed in front of them, next to Coyote.

"Are you going to do it now?" Julian teased. "How typically human."

The voice was barely a whisper, but it was heard clearly by everyone in the dead-silent communications room. "What to you mean, wipeout?"

Rainbow Dash stood in front of Central, her hands on the table displaying maps and figures. Her fingers dug into it, distorting the images, but she didn't care. "I asked, what the fuck do you mean WIPEOUT?!"

"Lieutenant!" Chrysalis snarled. "That's your superior officer!"

"I don't care!" Rainbow Dash shouted, sliding her hand over the table and sending pads and papers flying. "I don't give a fuck! What the hell does he mean by wipeout?!"

"At nineteen oh twenty two... three hours ago... we lost all communication with all the teams at the Ghost Location," Central said slowly. "When we were able to hijack a satellite…"

Rainbow Dash didn't want to look. But she did.

The destruction was everywhere, vehicles were upturned, even some of the structures had been damaged.


"I'm sorry, Lieutenant," Central whispered. "But they are all gone."

o.0.o End Chapter 233 o.0.o

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