• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 4: Belong


Chapter 4: Belong

By Wanderer D

"Pratal Mox," the female repeated, grinning and jumping down from the vehicle to approach him.

He took a moment to study his opponent. She was still wearing her old Advent armor, but it had been spray painted all over, with the Advent logo scratched and covered completely. Her shoulder-pads were reinforced with wire and other bits and pieces, making the armor look almost barbaric; there were other additions that gave it that feeling, such as fur around the neck.

She was not wearing her helmet, either.

If anything that made her look more dangerous, and reminded him intimately of how...nonhuman they were.

He made no move in reaction, nevertheless all the other ex-Advent rebels pointed their guns at him. "Betos."

The female grinned, twirling her gun almost casually. "We knew setting the jammer here would land us someone eventually, we just didn't expect it to be one of the rising stars of Advent. General Pratal Mox of all possible agents." She chuckled, as confident as if she were immortal. "You've made yourself quite the name fighting Reapers and leading purges."

He cursed under his breath. He hadn't even considered the possibility that Betos and her crew would be anywhere near this location.

"Not as famous, or rather infamous, a name as your own, I would imagine," he replied, straightening up. "There are no officers in Advent who haven't heard about your betrayal to the Elders. I suppose there is no possibility of you just letting me be picked up by ADVENT and pretending we never met."

Betos snarled in anger, walking up to him and glaring at him, as if she could see through his helmet and straight into his eyes. "You don't think their invasive thoughts—their orders, burning straight into your brain are an abuse of power? Denying us our freedom?"

Pratal sniffed in disdain, but didn't argue the point.

Unexpectedly, his silence drew a smile from her. "You don't hear them anymore, do you?"

Before he could answer, they were interrupted by several warning shouts and a scuffle. They both turned in time to see Sunset bat the helmet off of one of Beto's recruits before he could grab her. The others raised their weapons and incredibly, she only seemed to prepare to fight them in melee combat. It was like she'd never seen a gun… in that instant, Pratal had a moment of absolute, horrifying clarity: she hadn't.


His voice carried over and Sunset looked at him, startled. She lowered her bat and was quickly disarmed and held by the other soldiers.

"And who is this?" Betos asked, walking up to Sunset. "A human? What are you doing here, child?"

"I'm trying to get out of this place," Sunset retorted angrily. "But your goons here attacked me!"

"She was holding this," one of the 'goons' said, passing the communicator to Betos, who studied it. "It's one of ADVENT's… but it's been modified, it wouldn't transmit on any of the ADVENT wavelengths. It's almost as if…" she glanced at Pratal a clear look of amusement in her face. "Were you actually helping this human escape?"

"What of it?" Pratal replied gruffly. "She saved my life, I am honor-bound to return the favor."

Betos seemed amused. "Honor is not something the Elders would allow ADVENT troops to have. How long have you been free, Pratal Mox?"

There were no gasps of surprise or sudden reactions, but he did notice her followers were regarding him with something akin to a modicum of respect. He debated briefly, then glanced at Sunset and snorted, shaking his head. Who was he really fooling, other than himself?

"Months," he confessed, then lowered his voice. "Their voice disappeared one day. I woke up from stasis and… I was alone. There were no orders from them but… I still remembered the… the other. I never realized they were not the same. The Elders were voices of anger, demanding and absolute… the other… the other had purpose, honor… regret."

Betos didn't say anything, but she nodded. And that was all he needed.

He sat back. He wasn't alone. They all had… they all knew. They knew. A hand touched his shoulder, and he looked up to Betos, who was looking at him with determination and conviction. "It's time to leave, Pratal. Before it eats you up. You already took your first steps earlier with this human…"

"Hey," Sunset called, walking up to them, a look of annoyance crossing her face. "I have a name, it's Sunset Shimmer."

Betos ignored her. "...and if you remain with ADVENT they will execute you when they find out. And they will find out. If a Sectoid looks at you the wrong way you're dead, or if a scan reveals your implant has malfunctioned, you will be… reset."

Pratal nodded silently. He remembered who he was before… and who he was before would not have survived the encounter earlier. "I will… go with you. But I want Sunset to be taken to a human settlement."

Betos shrugged. "Agreed, but not now. Radio chatter has several dozens of Advent vehicles headed to this area. We need to move."

"The settlement to the North—"

"Has been burned down by Advent," Betos said. "We move now," she glanced at Sunset. "And help you later."

Sunset huffed, but nodded, and soon they were loaded into a vehicle and speeding away into the wilderness.

Inside the vehicle, Pratal kept an eye on Sunset. It seemed this human child needed a lot of coaching.

The vehicles, which were heavily armored and armed, had taken a few hours reaching their destination. It seemed that Betos' claim that they had gotten lucky was pretty much spot on. If they hadn't been in the vicinity, Pratal Mox would be back with his original masters, and she would probably still be waiting to be rescued by an unknown.

And Sunset hated being rescued. Whatever happened, she would not return to Equestria as a weak dependant. If she was to build her armies, if she was to impress Celestia with her acumen and conviction, she couldn't rely on others saving her flank.

That was until she had witnessed what the weapons the ex-ADVENT troops held could do.

Shortly after arriving at an underground bunker with Pratal, Betos and her troops, she had been given a tour… and seen first hand what a barrage of bullets did to a training dummy.

To think that she had been thinking of fighting them with a bat! It was a good thing that Pratal Mox had stopped her. Perhaps if she had been aware of their capabilities, she could have survived the initial barrage with her magic… but with it depending completely on her own reserves, it would be a miracle regardless.

"You need to learn about the dangers out there," Pratal said as they watched ex-ADVENT troops practice close combat. "What guns can do. What weapons are used. You need to know so you can stay away or protect yourself."

She didn't argue the point. Her mind raced through possibilities. The weapons of this world were much more powerful than those of her own. They didn't appear to have magic, but was it really needed? Idiot, magic is an advantage… if I can make it work with this technology. If I can control both… I'll be unstoppable and Celestia will have to acknowledge me.

"Can you teach me?" If she could… control them…. maybe gain some sort of rank within their organization… "Can I stay with you?"

"No," Betos said, walking up to the pair. "I have no objection with you learning some basic survival skills… facing a gun with a bat screams 'stupid' more than 'brave'. Pratal Mox can train you a little."

Pratal snorted. "Perhaps. I can teach you the basics. But Betos is right… this is not a place for a human. I think some skills can be drilled into you, but your place is with your own."

Sunset bit her lip. "I'd rather be with fighters than cowering."

Pratal grinned and even Betos couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't worry, young one," the latter said, "very few outside of the cities are content to cower. You'll join training tomorrow morning. For now, you should rest. We have a bed free for you."

Sunset grumbled, but acquiesced. She could get the information she needed and antagonizing her future troops by acting up was not going to make things easier. Besides, the weight of her backpack reminded her she had plenty to read and study. Maybe the book she had taken would have useful spells for fighting.

She followed Betos to where the beds were and then just made her way down once she was pointed towards her bed.

The weapons here seemed deadly, but everything could be improved with magic. She sat on her bed and rummaged through her bag, pulling out the book. It's cover warned of its contents to any who understood the runes… but it was that what had grasped Sunset's attention. She was due to become an alicorn, after all… and what better way to understand royal blood… than blood magic?

o.0.o Present Day o.0.o

At this time of the night, most of the streets were empty or emptying. Thus it wasn't strange that a young woman, walking down the street mere minutes before curfew would attract the attention of the local enforcement.

"Shikahl tahl!" the ADVENT Trooper spoke up, marching up to her while a Viper slithered menacingly behind him.

Sunset smiled pleasantly, hoping her hair would cover the communicator. "Hello, officer."

"Talk to me, Sunset, where are you right now?"

"She can't answer, Central," Jane Kelly's voice replied through the com, her Irish accent barely noticeable after so many years in living in a confined environment. Sunset had heard her speak once with another Irish soldier, and what she sounded like then, was nothing like how she sounded in general missions. "She was stopped by an ADVENT Trooper and a Viper."

A moment of silence foreshadowed Central's uneasiness.They all knew what was a stake this night. "Status?"

"Anyone willing to place some bets?" Otis, unlike Jane, had a thicker accent which he had been unwilling to identify. "I'm calling dismemberment."

"Don't be silly," Alessandra said, her mediterranean accent thick enough to be noticeable, but suave enough to be charming. "I say she'll brainwash them."

"She's engaged with them in conversation," Jane spoke up. "They seem at ease now… they're leaving. I'll never get over that."

"You owe me a drink," Alessandra said.

"I still say she's a psychic," Otis' voice rasped into the comms. "Maybe one of those Templars we've heard about."

"Templars don't drink," Jane pointed out. "If she were a Templar, Central wouldn't have met her at a bar."

"Templar or not, whatever it is that she does, it's still unnerving how they calm down," Alessandra threw in. "She should… ah, fezz up as you say. Confess about her powers, maybe she's like those Valkyries from old XCom Central told us about, ya?"

"As long as she doesn't get cocky," Central spoke up into the com. "They still shot her in the back that one time."

"I'm here you know," Sunset whispered as she walked away, pulling her cap down a little. Fortunately since her brief stop with the agents, most of the other aliens seemed to have lost interest in her once it was apparent that she was not a threat. "You don't have to talk like I can't hear you. And just so you know, I didn't meet Bradford at a bar."

"Just a word to the wise, Sunset," Central retorted. "We wouldn't want to rely on ADVENT agents having bad aim for you to survive the encounter again. That's all. Are you in position?"

"In a moment," she said, glancing at the other side of the road, where Jane was hiding in the shadows. She slowed down, pretending to study a screen. "Ready. I'm flanking the entrance, on the left. I see only one guard, but the patrol from earlier will probably do another round soon and they will not be happy to see me."

"Understood, I also see the one tango," Jane said. "Otis, Alessandra?"

"Ready," Otis replied into the radio. "I can see our little Sunset and I have my scope focused and ready. One tango confirmed."

"Don't shoot until I tell you to," Jane responded. "I'm already on the move."

"I am here as well," Alessandra's voice added. "One tango, confirmed."

"I can see you," Otis reported. "Sunset's patrol went around the block so they'll be coming back on your side."

"Roger that."

"Alright, Skyranger is on over-watch, ready to pick you up," Central spoke into the comms. "Let's take care of this. Our VIP is the priority, obtain at all costs and get the hell out of there. Marking Skyranger pickup site on your UIs."

"So this is it, huh?" Sunset closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Already she could feel her magic tingling in anticipation, and her subconscious was caressing the psychic waves in the air.

"Yes it is." Central's voice was barely a whisper. "Let's rescue the commander."

o.0.o End Chapter 4 o.0.o

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