• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 221: Found


Chapter 221: Found

By Wanderer D

Atop Daring Do's cottage, Galahad sat, watching the forest around them, still as a statue, and in such a way that a casual observer would never notice him.

Gilda had dozed off near the tied up Caballeron, tying an additional rope from him to her hind paw, in case he tried to escape. The pony himself was unconscious after being given some strong herbal medicine and some help from Twilight's magic.

Lunatitia had taken off a bit earlier, full of energy and wanting to fly as high as she could in the darkness and moonlight.

Gabby slept curled close to Alejandra, who watched with mild amusement her younger-counterpart's legs, wings and tail twitch as whatever she was dreaming of took place. It was late, but no-one had felt like going to sleep yet.

There were plans to make, and also many, many references to her home-country's mythology to not boggle the mind. Ahuitzotl? Tenochtitlan? Camazotz? Next thing Quetzalcoatl and Tlaloc would drop by to talk shop.

Still, it was an eye-opener to see the sort of tragedy that Sunset Shimmer had gotten herself into. Heroes always rose in mythology to kill the monsters… on Earth, Greek heroes had defeated Medusa and the Leviathan, or the Minotaur and the Cyclops, then gone home, usually to be killed by more mundane means, like poison. It was strange to see that things in the past were a lot more grim for a world of pastel-colored ponies and other creatures who hadn't seen war in centuries.

Was Sunset truly one of those? Admittedly she was fighting monsters, but then again, so was every other XCOM soldier, and they weren't turning into demons. Yet.

She glanced over at Twilight and Daring arguing back and forth on ancient magical artifacts, with Rainbow Dash occasionally throwing in her own half-muttered comments, seemingly engrossed in some of the books Daring had pulled out earlier.

Twilight's eyes had a slight hint of desperation, and Alejandra could understand that. Sunset was a sister in arms, and a bit of an XCOM legend in her own right…

Her loss was—even ignoring personal relations—a big punch to the gut when it came to XCOM. She had become a symbol of their power to fight the Chosen, who were for all intents and purposes, the ultimate ADVENT agents.

Sunset had produced results, but she had known all along that she was going to go mad someday. As for Laetitia… her sacrifice made Alejandra proud to be a human, and also a member of the same army where someone so devoted would serve. Even as a loaner from the Templars.

Alejandra shivered, extending a wing over Gabby's form both to keep her warm, and as an involuntary effort to comfort herself a little. Ever since finding out about Sunset's fate, Alejandra had wondered how it would feel to know that you were going to one day lose your mind? What kind of state of mind someone would have to be in to prepare ways to have others kill them if it all went wrong.

When she had arrived in this world, she'd thought that Sunset and Twilight were somewhat unique in their willingness to fight the good fight whatever the cost, especially considering Fluttershy's infuriatingly naive view of the—well, not her world, specifically—but certainly the multiverse.

Given how blatantly horrified she and the others were at any sort of violence that went beyond some bruises, it was surprising to find that pony heroes of the past had knowingly sacrificed themselves to stop monsters, even knowing their fate could be worse than death.

And if the stories were true, Twilight's friends were actual, living, legend-like heroes in their own right. Saved-the-world kind of heroes out of Ndlovu's or Galahad's stories back home. They had stopped an evil goddess from casting everything into darkness… with a rainbow ray that had purified her.

They had defeated an invasion of body-snatchers/changelings and blasted their Queen… with love.

They had overcome their weaknesses and trapped Chaos himself… with rainbows… and then later on befriended him with honest friendship.

They had taken down wannabe Sauron with a crystal heart.

And yet, despite the danger, they had been so lucky, so… protected by the benevolent nature of this world that they still had the privilege of arguing whether killing in self-defense against murderous enemies was ethical.

What if Sunset had sacrificed herself somehow, thinking that she was stopping a Blood Demon without knowing that that sacrifice would turn her into something equally bad, if not worse?

By all accounts Sunset was just as educated as Twilight, so when she had started researching and creating her own gem… had she known? Had she been aware of just how much she would lose to this monster that called herself Fugue? Sunset, unlike Twilight's friends, was well aware of how bloody and dangerous the real world outside of this sphere of pastel magical horses was. They all knew the universe was unforgiving and ready to devour them at the slightest excuse.

A bit of twitching and Gabby cuddling up closer to her and purring for a second made Alejandra smile and look down. She didn't know what she was exactly for Gabby. A new mom? A big sister? A friend? All she knew was that Gabby didn't belong on Earth and that the thought of leaving her behind made her feel like someone was grasping her heart and squeezing it..

When the time came to return to Earth… would she be strong enough to let go? Or would she find another solution?

For all she criticised Fluttershy's view of the world… she'd rather have Gabby grow up here than where the real monsters ruled.

"Look, all I'm saying is that your friend is already on the right track," Daring stated. "Sure, it sucks that she had to create these bullet things to kill herself, but she clearly understood the matter much better than either of us. Not only by your own account she studied Blood Magic for years, she also studied the siren gems, and knows full well what they did while they existed in Equestria. We don't know half the stuff she does, and I'm not willing to condemn my soul just for the sake of someone that did it knowingly, and planned ahead for the eventuality. I'm sorry. It sucks. But it's true."

"How can you say that! Sunset is willing to sacrifice her very essence and memory for this and you just want to let her do it!" Twilight snapped. "Just because you can't see a solution, that doesn't mean there isn't one! I know I can't solve everything on my own! That's why I came here, because two heads are better than one!"

"You just asked me to look for the Eye of Vecna!" Daring Do hissed. "It's not real! It's an Ogres and Oubliettes invention!"

"I said "something like the Eye of Vecna!" Twilight retorted.

"It doesn't matter! Because even if it did, its powers have nothing to do with the current situation!"

"My sister is going to die!"

Daring closed her mouth, biting her retort.

Twilight trembled. "She's… not my sister by blood," she clarified softly. "But—"

Daring sighed. "I understand. I'm sorry… I just don't know how to help you, Princess," she said more gently. "I've never found anything in my travels that could cure a blood witch. By all rights Sunset should be mad with power right now, but it seems that she's somehow able to act and think like a siren… she might not even be a blood witch anymore! She seems to be something completely different."

Twilight simply nodded miserably.

"I'm not telling you to give up it's just… it's never been done."

"Girls?" Rainbow Dash spoke up, drawing their attention. She looked up from the book and turned it around, showing the entry to the other two. "Would this help?"

"The Algae Photis" Daring whispered slowly, eyes widening. "I-it could work!"

Twilight blinked. "The what?"

"The Algae Photis," Daring Do repeated. "It was the legendary sword of the Underwater King, Divecurrent, he was said to be the king of the seaponies, married to Queen Seabiscuit and overseer and keeper of the deep ocean. His sword's powers were barely passed through legend, but it is said it could heal wounds, and more importantly, cut through magic and curses without killing the opponent."

"What?! Why didn't you—"

"Mention it before?" Daring interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "Do you have any idea how many legendary items I have to constantly remember?"

Twilight sighed. "Okay, you're right. I'm sorry… but, can we get it?"

Daring bit her lip. "We… can investigate it. But we deal with Ahuitzotl first, okay?"

Twilight smiled. "Deal."

Daring nodded then stood up. "Now to write a letter to Queen Novo…" she muttered once she was out of earshot.

o.0.o End Chapter 221 o.0.o

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