• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,509 Views, 9,180 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 218: Forget


Chapter 218: Forget

By Wanderer D

"Well, this place is a dump."

Twilight glanced over her shoulder at Rainbow Dash who had just walked into the battered home. She and Alejandra had their weapons out ever since they had spotted the kicked-in door, and the several objects strewn outside the hut.

Galahad and Gabby waited outside, the latter peeking in from the window, while the rest of them investigated the place.

"Who lives here anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking around the place, her eyes narrowing with slight recognition at some of the objects.

Twilight smirked. "You haven't figured it out?"

Rainbow Dash blinked, slowly looking around again, while Gilda gave Twilight a curious look. "Why would Rainbow Dash know who lives here?"

"Wait." Rainbow Dash's voice was low. "No way."

"What?" Gilda asked. "This place is full of books and old stuff. Why would you possib—"

"What's going on here? Who are you?" A voice asked from the door, and the group turned around to see a heavily-dressed female pony slowly walking into the room.

"No way! No way!" Rainbow Dash gushed. "Y-you're A.K. Yearling!"

The pony made a disgruntled sound while Alejandra and Gilda shared a look of confusion.

"Who?" Gilda asked, to which Alejandra's response was a shrug.

"She wrote Daring Do!"

"She wrote what?" Gilda asked, glancing from the new pony back to Rainbow Dash.

"Daring Do! The best book series ever!" Rainbow Dash gushed, before her eyes widened and she stared at Gilda. "Uh, not that I would know! Hehe..." she gulped. "But I've heard a bunch of eggheads claim that!"


The pony at the door didn't seem impressed. "That doesn't answer my question. Why are you here and what are you doing to my things?"

"I'm afraid your home was like this when we arrived," Twilight said, lowering her gun. "We're here to consult you on some ancient artifacts—" she stopped as AK Yearling walked past them to check on a fake book with a large, golden ring inside.

"It's safe…" she glanced over at her unexpected guests with a frown. "If you don't mind, I really have to—"

"Stop whatever you're doing and help us out," Twilight interrupted, eyes narrowed and not appreciating the earlier attitude. "We have lives on the line and very little time to help them. I need your expertise, miss Yearling, and I need it now."

"Figures. Somepony just gets wings, and now she thinks she's an authority." Yearling's eyes narrowed as well and she marched up to Twilight, glaring at her straight in the eye. "Well, excuse me, princess, but the bottom line is I'm not for hire for whatever inane friendship problem you might have. This here is one of the Rings of Scorchero, and I have more than enough problems with it because—"

"Oh, get over yourself!" Twilight snapped. "I didn't say a friendship problem. I said lives are at stake, literally!"

"Twilight," Laetitia said, walking into the house, and drawing a wide-eyed stare from Yearling. "There are a few ponies approaching the cabin. They seem to be…" she hesitated. "trying to look intimidating." She cleared her throat. "C'est tout simplement adorable."

Rainbow Dash gasped. "Are they here for the Ring?"

"Probably," Yearling said. "Now, if you could get out of my way…"

"No." Twilight said, stepping in front of the author. "Alejandra, Laetitia, take care of them."

"Right," Alejandra said, "you coming, Gilda?"


"Oh, and girls," Twilight called. "These ponies are probably not a real threat, so use as much force as necessary, but don't kill them."

"Your world, your rules," Alejandra said. "I've already gotten enough attitude for that giant lizard."

The trio left the house, allowing for Gabby and Galahad to step in. Yearling however, didn't pay any attention to them. "You're really getting in the middle of something you don't understand."

"Come on, Do," Galahad said, drawing the attention of everycreature in the room. "Don't be like that. Twilight does have a good reason to come here."

"Do?" Rainbow Dash asked. "As in Daring Do?"

"As I live and breathe," Yearling growled, taking off her additional clothing.

"A.K. Yearling is Daring Do!" Twilight and Rainbow gasped in unison, then Twilight looked at Galahad. "Wait, you know each other?"

"Hold on, hold on," Rainbow Dash muttered, looking from Galahad to Daring Do, then back to Galahad, then back to Daring Do. "Older griffon gentlecolt that happens to be an assassin..." she pointed an accusing hoof at Galahad. "You're Gefährlich?!"

"No way!" Twilight gasped, her professional face dropping. "You're the griffon that took down the Saddle Arabian Guard while Daring infiltrated the castle to steal the Crown of Gil the Mesh!"

"Gilgamesh." Daring whispered to herself. "Stupid editor thought it wasn't a real name."

"And then the two of you escaped together and hid in a tiny compartment in the Sultan's own boat!" Dash squealed excitedly.

Galahad smirked, and bowed. "I did like that nickname," he said, winking at Daring, whose scowl did not fade at all. "Although you left out a lot of what happened when we got to spend the night in Foaledo."

"Y-shut up!" Daring snapped. "You disappear after the temple comes down, and then you just show up as if nothing happened years later?! What's wrong with you?"

"Assassin." Galahad shrugged as if the statement explained everything.

Daring was about to reply when two very loud noises were heard outside, followed by an obvious scream of pain.

"Fuck." Twilight muttered. "I thought I told you not to kill anyone!" she shouted, turning around and hurrying to the door, followed by the others.

Outside, they found a bunch of terrified and beat up ponies, being tied up by Gabby along with a slightly sick-looking Gilda. The younger griffon looked conflicted, glancing from the group to one of the ponies—who was dressed in better clothes than the others—and was squirming on the ground, screaming in agony every time he moved his left hind-leg.

"What the hell, Alejandra?" Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at the injured pony.

"He tried to stab me," the griffon replied. "I told him to put the knife down, but he didn't listen. So I shot him in the leg."

"He'll live." Laetitia added. "Alejandra's shot should have gone mostly through muscle at the point of entry, and the blood is not spurting like a serious wound would."

"You're trained soldiers!" Rainbow Dash shouted, staring at the fallen pony. "Couldn't you have just—"

"Twilight," Alejandra interrupted. "What's a soldier to do when a hostile comes rushing at them with a knife?"

"We're not going to risk our lives unnecessarily," Twilight took a deep breath. "Fine. But unless it's imminent danger to our lives, let's try and not shoot anyone else, alright?"

Alejandra looked away. "If that's what you want, but if anyone… any creature of any sort threatens you—"

Twilight patted her shoulder with her hoof, and walked up to the downed pony. "You. What the hell do you want?"

"Help me!"


"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash gasped, face pale. "We can't just—"

"Listen Dash," Twilight interrupted, shaking her head. "This guy attacked us and was willing to use a knife against trained soldiers, so whatever it is he's after, he believes it's worth his life. Our hero, Daring Do, is clearly more concerned with her own adventures to help us out, and since I don't have the inclination to shoot her too, I'm just going to take what I can get and solve this as quickly as possible so we can get this over with."

Rainbow Dash didn't look happy, but stepped back. Daring Do walked over, standing next to her. "Uh… I thought Twilight was the Princess of Friendship?"

"Was." Rainbow Dash whispered bitterly. "Then she went to war."

"Listen up, uh… you."

"That's Dr. Caballeron," Daring provided, still looking at Twilight dubiously.

"Right," Twilight acknowledged. "Caballeron. I'm sure that hurts, but that's a good thing. It means you're still alive. Right? Now, I know you want my help…" she pointed a hoof at her chest, "and I want to help you, but you have to help us. Why do you want the ring?"

"Please, I'm bleeding here!"

Twilight took a deep breath. "Yes. I can see that! It is a very bad thing! And guess what? I have magic that can heal you. So why don't you do us both a favor and tell me what I need to know so I can use it?"

"Twilight," Gilda spoke up, "come on. This guy's one of the bad guys, but he doesn't deserve this."

"Princess…" Caballeron whined, lifting a begging hoof to Laetitia. "Please help me…"

"Oh, mon petit cheval, I'm afraid that is not my decision."

"Twilight." Rainbow Dash hissed, pulling her friend back. "Remember where you are. This is Equestria. This is a pony… a bad pony, sure, but not one of your killer monsters. You need to snap out of it!"

Twilight reared back, blinking and looking from Rainbow Dash to Caballeron, to the others. She gritted her teeth then turned around. Her horn flashed and Caballeron stopped squirming, still moaning in pain. "The wound is shut, but there's nothing much I can do for the pain." She licked her lips. "I… I need a moment. Someone get the info out of him."

Rainbow Dash watched Twilight trot away behind the house and grimaced. "Uh, excuse me. I'll be right back."

"Twilight is under a lot of pressure, Daring," Galahad said gently. "She really does mean it when she says lives depend on this."

Daring Do clenched her mouth, her eyes fixed on the blood.

o.0.o End Chapter 218 o.0.o

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