• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 112: Incoming


Chapter 112: Incoming

By Wanderer D

"Sir, the Skirmisher contact has been retrieved from the rendezvous point. They will come in with the newest supply caravan."

"Excellent," Bradford said, summoning up the details on his pad. "Inform facilities to make sure a bunker bed is cleared for our newest teammate."

"Yes, sir."

Bradford turned and walked down the row of Engineers. "Jessie, what's the status of ADVENT movements in the Assassin's territory?"

The young woman kept her eyes focused on the screen, bringing up statistical reports. "No change since she was defeated, Central. It appears like the other two Chosen are still sticking to their territories for now."

"Excellent, that's all we needed to hear. Keep track of those numbers. I think it's time we act on that pending issue we have in New India."

"Yes, sir!"

Smiling at the engineer, and trying not to think about Sunset's prediction from twenty years prior, he focused his thoughts on the matter at hand and proceeded to the Commander's Quarters. He knocked on the door and stepped in when it slid open.


"Central," Chrysalis replied in acknowledgement. She kept her eyes on the documents on her screen. "What do you have for me?"

"Updates," Bradford replied, walking up to stand to her right, looking down at his pad. "Dr. Tygan and his team have submitted their proposal for beginning to work on figuring out Alien Encryption. They have figured out that the encryption consists of a combination of mechanical and biological cyphers as well as a psionic signature. They will begin as soon as they finish Project Hanzo, which Tygan expects to be done within the next couple of hours."

"Remind me, Bradford, why do I let you choose the name for the projects?"

"We watched the same movies."


"Lily reports that the results from Project Mjolnir, and her research into her father's old designs are enough for her to start working on Project Goliath."

Chrysalis nodded. "Good. After what happened in the last battle, those upgrades are sorely needed. Does she have an EDD?"

Bradford raised an eyebrow.

"For Goliath, Bradford. Unless you want to tell me something I don't know."

Bradford shook his head, keeping his face straight. "I'm not sure what you implied I was misunderstanding."

The look she gave him would have broken lesser men. "I'm not going there, Bradford. Any news on the battlefront?"

"As expected," he replied, swiping the pad to the next report. "...there has been no change in the Chosen's current status. Engineering reports that both the Warlock and the Hunter are sticking to their known territories. It is unlikely that they're aware of our knowledge of other hidden facilities in the area."

Chrysalis frowned. "That's annoying. If the Hunter had reacted we might've been able to find out more information about her own base." She shook her head and stood up from her desk, motioning for Bradford to join her at the holotable she used for meetings.

"At this point we have a clear path to follow. The Blacksite that the council sent us information about is currently not protected by any major player we can predict," she said, bringing up the location in the holographic map display. "That's not to say it's going to be easy. It's a fairly large base. However, we can act on it now without the added threat of the Assassin showing up."

"Initial scans of the area don't reveal anything new, but that doesn't preclude the possible intervention of outside forces."

Chrysalis hummed. "Whoever is behind the Alien monarchs, you mean. We've only seen two so far… and Vahlen reported three. Which reminds me…"

Bradford sighed. "We've sent word. All of our allies are keeping their eyes open. If Vahlen so much as comes to buy supplies, we'll be informed. But we might want to consider…"

"She won't have died yet," Chrysalis said, narrowing her eyes. "Even when the experiments escaped, she managed to make her way out. None of the bodies we found matched her. She's out there, somewhere."

Bradford nodded. "We'll keep looking."

Chrysalis turned her attention back to the map and pulled up the precious few details they had of the Blacksite. "I want Menace to tackle this one."

"Sunset has been out of the medical wing for about a day," Bradford pointed out. "Even with her magical abilities—"

"How is the rest of the team?" Chrysalis asked.

"Combat ready." Bradford hesitated. "We could send Wolf or Dragon to the blacksite."

Chrysalis shook her head. "We need to get them in action sooner rather than later… and I hate to be blunt on this, but Menace is arguably our most adaptable team."

"Are we sending Annette with them?"

"This one time, yes, but not after it. I'm promoting her and Sunset if this mission goes well, and Annette already has a pending team as it is. I can't put all my eggs in one basket, Central. That would be folly." Chrysalis sat down, and took a deep breath, her eyes still on the map. "She needs to start organizing her own team. She'll be working with Acevedo and the new Skirmisher, for now."

Bradford sat down as well. "So no Skirmisher for Sunset's team?"

Chrysalis gave him a look. "She already is the Skirmisher for her team." She leaned back. "Besides, we can't have all our weird people in one team. We'll need to set up tests for the other teams as well to see if any of their agents have Psionic powers. With Annette and Laetitia here, we could have some real training done for them too…. I want Wolf and Dragon to be able to tackle the types of things I expect Menace to take on and survive."

"Understood, Commander," Bradford said. "I'll go brief Menace."

Chrysalis nodded. "If Tygan finishes Project Hanzo in time, let me know. I think Menace would benefit from that research."

"Yes, Commander."

"You don't sound happy about it, John," Chrysalis said, looking at her second in command.

"Neither do you."



Celestia gazed at Luna, almost as if seeing her for the first time. How had she never noticed that her sister wasn't here half the time? She had thought herself more loving than before, more aware of her sister's moods and life. And yet…

"You are not to blame, Celestia," Luna said, smiling gently at her sister, nuzzling her before heading over to her end of the table. Tonight it was just the pair of them. The girls had been recalled to Ponyville to deal with a strange new growth that had appeared there, and were due to report back to Canterlot eventually via dragon fire.

"Am I not?" Celestia asked. "Did I not let you down once, Luna? And now, you've split your time here, your duties and everything… to help somepony protect my daughter."

"Someone," Luna corrected, her smile not leaving. "Someone who really grew to care about Sunset Shimmer... perhaps too fast for her people's standards. But she did it with conviction enough to want to do it despite her ultimate destiny being to at one point... " she trailed off, summoning a small cloud which turned flat and reflected memories of herself in the body of the Templar.

"The merging that you did is not simply one way," Celestia stated. "Such a young soul… how is it that you did not consume it?"

"The truth."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I thought… that Sunset Shimmer would already be lost to the magic. That her good traits were nothing but a lie. That her loyalty was to herself. That her ambition would be greater than her kindness. That she demanded of others what she wouldn't ask of herself. That she was incapable of bringing joy to others."

Luna sighed. "I'm sorry that hearing those words hurts you sister, but at the time… I saw a pony I had never met before. Who I only knew as a deserter and practitioner of foul magic… but when I followed her through the mirror… what I saw was… not that. I saw a warrior that inspired loyalty; who would sacrifice herself for duty and to protect others…" she trailed off and chuckled.

"You know what I speak of." Luna grinned, shrugging. "Those traits and qualities that we admire so much we have made them a cornerstone of harmony. It… humbled me to see who she really was… and it hurt to consider the possibility that she would succumb—that she might still fall for the corrupt magics that she uses.

"I've seen in her dreams her desires and her fears. I've fought beside her against enemies… seen her wield the blood magic like a fish swims in water. Her only limits are her own reserves and her willpower. I watched her, when she thought no one was looking… she is very much in danger. But this came to be after Laetitia offered her life to protect her.

"I ride in her body, providing willpower, sometimes magic—sometimes taking control when her soul fails. Her psionics are almost gone completely. She is still sensitive, but what she uses is my willpower, not her own anymore. It is a symbiotic relationship, of sorts, I would say… but it costs her… channeling my willpower is like holding a hand… or hoof… over a flame. 'tis pain."

"But why? For Sunset?" Celestia asked. "This goes beyond a crush, Luna… even love would be hard pressed to continue to live like that, especially if she knows you could continue when she's gone."

"Amour," Luna sighed. "Is one of the many reasons, as I came to discover. All worthy reasons." She looked up at her sister, swallowing the lump in her throat. "Laetitia she… wants Sunset to save the world. 'tis not just love, c'est... merveille… the name of her faction is the Templars. Originally—centuries ago—they were Holy Warriors, dedicated to their cause. A romantic version, of course, of the real men of the time... but nevertheless what inspired the groups name.

"Laetitia swore her loyalty, her soul and ambitions to Sunset's cause. She did it in secret, and never told Sunset of the promise she had made. The only one that knows is Geist… her faction's leader."

Celestia's eyes were wide. "That is… quite the commitment."

"A love that is not limited to reciprocal terms. Sunset was—is her leader. Her guide. And Laetitia will give every bit of her essence to see Sunset's wishes fulfilled." Luna took a sip of her coffee, not looking up. "As you can imagine… when I perceived that commitment, even if I could not have known the depth of it… I couldn't turn my back on her, Celestia."

Celestia nodded, feeling more than a little overwhelmed. The passion of Laetitia was so strong… that even Luna's ancient soul, in all her power, in all its undeniably eternal, overwhelming substance… had still allowed some of the Templar's traits to seep through.

It was staggering to think that the power of such a young being would be such. Staggering and touching… and sad. The more she looked at the projection, at Laetitia looking at herself in the mirror, or staring at her hands… she sensed the loss that was coming…

Celestia shook her head and turned to face Luna, who was looking at her with slightly tearful and fearful eyes. "Luna?"

"I-have seldom seen that look in your eyes, sister," Luna confessed, turning to look at the projection as well. "And but for a moment… it filled me with dread for our Templar friend."

Celestia sighed as Luna dissipated the image. "It is a considerable loss. I am sorry, Luna."

Luna smiled, nodding a little. "I must go… Sunset and the others are preparing themselves for a new mission, and I would not leave my charge on her own for this. It does not appear to be a simple one."

"Thank you for protecting Sunset, Luna," Celestia said, "...give my thanks to Laetitia as well."

"She knows," Luna said, "but I will."

Celestia watched Luna leave and closed her eyes. Sunset had guardians. More guardians than she ever thought.

It made her happy.

But also... sad.

o.0.o End Chapter 112 o.0.o

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