• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 146: Sharklike


Chapter 146: Sharklike

By Wanderer D

Instead of running as fast as she usually did, Sunset went for short distances to allow for Fridge to follow her lead. This demanded some patience from the others, but also allowed her to keep alert for other ADVENT troops.

Already she could see another patrol approaching from the other side of the building they were getting closer too. "There's another patrol approaching. Casual. No need to attack immediately… we might be able to take them all out at once."

"Understood. Claymore is in place."

Sunset nodded at Fridge, who had just reached her position. She studied the area, and indicated their next position. The new patrol would be rounding the building soon, but they were en-route to the main area where the others were passively camped.

The pair moved together. The ADVENT troops had set up their security area in the middle of the road, but there was no sign of civilians. They had probably evacuated the majority of people from the city then. If they had been processing them, or even killing them, there would be a lot of… ambient energy, and she couldn't smell any real amount of blood in around half a mile.

Sunset grinned and licked her lips as she took cover behind her selected barrier: a large, decorative outcropping of the building, where she could overlook ADVENT. Her eagerness to begin was somewhat dulled by the slow realization of the fact that she could not only smell bloodshed, but also tell the distance.

Even her bloodsight wouldn't cover that far, and now, on some instinctive level, she knew. She could follow the trail like a hound. She could tell it was human blood, not ADVENT. She could tell the quantity, even how old it was.

She couldn't smell burns or anything that far. Her sense of smell was normal otherwise. That meant that she had developed a passive blood magic ability. 'But… that was supposed to be a spell that I had to consciously activate… I never saw the use…'


Jane's voice on the comms made her realize she had spaced out. There would be time for Blood Magic abilities later. Right now, she needed to concentrate. "Yeah, I'm here. Fridge… get that grenade launcher ready. Everyone in position… that patrol will be here any second. "

"My Claymore will rip the ones at the base of the structure to shreds."

"Fridge, you heard Outrider. Maximize the area of damage. Trojan, Elena, I want the Captain out as soon as possible, then the MECs. Leave the Priest to me. There's something I want to try. Jane, Angel, Annette, pick your targets from those that survive."


"Roger that," Trojan called in.


"Got you covered," Jane added.

"I'll kill them all."

"Let's fire it up then."

"Boom, baby!"

Just as the patrol stepped out of the corner and wandered close enough to the others, Fridge stepped from cover, and used his grenade launcher to send one flying in a graceful arc. It landed just a few feet away from the troopers, and bounced once, the momentum carrying right to their feet.

The explosion blew what little cover ADVENT had, along with most of one of the regular troopers. The Captain ran out of the flames and was immediately shot in the head and through the chest by Elena and Trojan.

Sunset was already out of cover and dashing out towards them.

One of the MECs turned to face her, but received a plasma bolt from Angel's rifle on it's already damaged shoulder. Jane dashed out and rolled into cover behind a bench, taking her own shot at their robotic enemy, blowing it into pieces.

Annette's shot hit the newest MEC that had arrived, a light-blue colored version, which instead of firing back, immediately shot smoke grenades over their position, effectively covering most of them from sight.

But it was not enough to stop Sunset. She ran straight into the smoke, able to see her target perfectly. It was time, she smiled viciously as her magic flowed into her hand.

Perhaps she made too much noise, or perhaps a sixth sense warned the Priest of her presence, but it turned just in time to see her charge from within the shifting smoke, and barely had time to shout before she connected.


"I got it! I got it! Don't get your… coils… in a knot…" Trojan shook his head, his scope slowly tracing the smoke until he spotted the hint of blue. "Gotcha."

He caressed the trigger and his rifle pushed back with its familiar kick. Below, the robot twisted and buzzed before its servos exploded and it collapsed in a heap. "I took care of the last one. Is Sunset okay?"

Fridge responded through the comms. "The smoke is clearing, I think I can see her… oh my god…"

Frowning at the comment, Trojan looked through the scope again, his eyes widening. He could see Sunset. Her arms were covered in and dripping orange blood, which almost matched her armor. Where the ADVENT priest had once been, there was little left but two armored legs on the floor and a large splatter of blood, as if it had been split in half.

Fridge couldn't see her face from his position, but Trojan could. That smile was just… unnatural. Before his eyes Sunset shook her head a little and blinked, smile fading and looking down at her hands, just as she was raising them to her face—


"Aagh!" Trojan twirled around almost reflexively about to raise his gun, when he remembered who the Viper was. "Don't do that!"

Angel gave him an unamused look.

Bradford's voice cut through the chatter like a hot knife through butter. "Menace, we have detected a large energy signature nearby, it seems one of the Chosen has decided to crash your party."

"Fuck!" Trojan forgot about Sunset, scanning the area around them, until his scope settled just a few blocks down the road. The view was blocked, but a dark column of energy flashed for a few seconds there and then fizzled away.

A new voice entered the comms, buzzing with the potency of the channel override on all open channels. "Woo! It's not even Taco Tuesday and you've already made my day!" Now, get ready children, because auntie huntress is about to turn you into wall trophies!

This was the bitch that had killed all of Eagle Team? Trojan shuddered, imagining them going down to such a happy-sounding, almost innocent voice. "I think I saw the Hunter's landing location," he said through gritted teeth. "Three blocks down East. There's buildings covering the area, so I can't get a good angle."

"Roger that, Trojan. Good catch. We'll clean up a little of the area before you and Angel choose a new nest. Keep an eye out for where you want to go." Sunset responded. "We need to keep ADVENT busy here for Ember to do her mission."

"Understood, Captain."


Trojan glanced at Angel, who wasn't paying attention to him. Her eyes were focusing down on the street, where Sunset Shimmer was organizing the others. He had grown up in a farm near what used to be Indiana, and had encountered the occasional Timber Rattlesnake as a kid. Thankfully, those snakes were generally benign, even if poisonous, and gave plenty of warning, which he had learned early on from one of his uncles.

Angel was showing some of the same nervous signs: her breathing seemed faster while her tongue tasted the air repeatedly. She was intensely focused and her tail twitched in ways that, had she been a rattlesnake would have been a warning to nearby predators and victims.

She was scared. But was she scared for Sunset… or of her?

o.0.o End Chapter 146 o.0.o

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