• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 5: Rescue


Chapter 5: Rescue

By Wanderer D

Sunset took a deep breath, letting the magic flow. She felt it. Heartbeats. Distant and close. Calm and nervous. Alien and human. Keeping the blood magic spell on the back of her mind, she started walking towards the center, waving amiably at the ADVENT trooper as she passed, distracting it from Bradford and Jane running closer and hiding behind a car parked across the street.

The guard at the door didn't know what hit her. One moment she was warily watching Sunset walk, the next she was dead. Otis' shot was true and effective, the bullet didn't blow up her head, but it painted the door behind with orange splatter.

Before the body had hit the ground, Sunset was already there lowering it and keeping overwatch as Jane dashed across from her hiding place to start hacking the door. So far none of the very few civilians around had even noticed something had happened.

"Time?" Jane whispered into the comms.

"Looking good," Otis said. "No sign of the patrol yet. Alessandra, you might want to be ready, the moment that door is unlocked..."

"...we'll be on a very tight schedule, roger that," Alessandra replied. Sunset could see the shadowy figure shift slightly. Her heartbeat was fast, despite the calm tone of her voice.

"Don't worry, I got you covered. Nothing escapes my rifle." Otis' smirk could be heard through the comms.

'Come on… come on… I can feel them, they're going to come around the building soon,' Sunset thought. The Viper's heart had a very different rhythm than the others, and thus it was easier to sense. She could almost see them… little red spots of flickering, pulsating light, moving slowly around the building.

"Oh, I can think of a few things, Otis."

"That patrol will be here anytime," Sunset hissed into the radio. "Put your game faces on."

"On three… two…" Jane whispered. "Go!" She activated the door and Bradford ran through it.

Almost immediately a loud alarm blared in response and a shot burnt the ground to the left of where Alessandra was crouching behind cover. "I've been spotted!" she shouted, leaning over and taking a few return shots of her own. "Run in!"

"Crap." Sunset followed Bradford into the room, quickly making sure that the lab was as empty as her spell made it to be. It was. Other than Bradford's own heartbeat, there was only one more, slow, strong and steady in the back of the room. "VIP spotted!"

She felt it then, just as the pulsing red light outside flickered out.

"Alessandra's down!" Otis' voice crackled into the radio. "God, they melted half her face!"

"Calm down!" Jane shouted from the door, dodging back as plasma flew next to her head and tore a hole on the wall. She shot something outside and Sunset saw the Viper go down. Jane dodged another shot. They could all hear Otis' panicked, ragged breathing. "Get a hold of yourself!"

The ADVENT Trooper outside took another shot and they all heard Otis give a ragged shout on the radio, then start shooting desperately. Sunset saw the red spot where the trooper was outside move violently, but it remained. The trooper had probably taken cover somewhere.

"Moving to secure the package," Bradford called out.

"Let's hope our intel was correct," Lily Shen, XCOM's Engineering genius replied on the comms.

Sunset followed Bradford into the room with the container where the heartbeat came from and took cover next to the entrance. She motioned to Jane, who nodded and rolled into the room, bracing against the wall as more plasma shots came through. "We're getting owned here!"

"We need another exit!" Sunset shouted, taking a shot at a trooper that had ventured too close to the entrance. With a shrill cry, its body flew back, spilling orange blood. She heard glass smash behind her and she risked a look to see Bradford taking out the person inside the container, throwing them over his shoulder in a fireman's carry.

"Package secure!" Bradford shouted.

"Sunset!" Jane shouted, moving away from the door towards the back of the building. "Cover me!"

She could see the older soldier pulling out a grenade and rushed to the side of the door. She could see several heartbeats approaching. "We're going to be rushed soon! Where the hell is Otis?!"

There was no sound from the radio, neither acknowledgement nor heavy breathing. Sunset pressed her lips, then braced herself as the whole building shook.

"Exit procured!" Jane shouted.

"Covering fire!" Sunset was quick to add, doing just as she said the moment she saw Bradford running with their precious cargo behind them. She then started backpedalling towards the hole in the wall Jane had blasted.

Outside, she could see a blue-white light marking the spot where Bradford and Jane had already taken hold of their lifelines and were being pulled up.

Green plasma seared and scorched the ground around her as she took a running leap and held onto the line, wrapping herself around it as it was pulled up. She fired a token two shots at the hole in the wall, where troopers were starting to spill out.

As she reached the Skyranger and the ramp began pulling up, she could see the building where Otis had been nesting. The top of the building was on fire, and at the base, she just managed to see a pool of blood, ruby and glittering to her magical eye just before the ramp closed and she let the magic go.

"We're on our way back, Dr. Tygan," Bradford said, setting up the person inside the body suit into a comfortable position on the floor. "Be ready to assist."

"Roger that, Central," came the reply. "How did the troops fare? Do we need any medical assistance for anyone else?"

Jane, Bradford and Sunset looked at each other.

"We lost Otis and Alessandra," Jane finally reported. "Sunset, Central and I are unharmed."

There was silence on the line, then, "Understood, Tygan out."

Arrival at the Avenger was a flurry of movement, Jane and Sunset were pushed to the side by the medics and science team as they picked up their charge onto a high-tech gurney and whisked the commander and Bradford out of the docking bay, but not before Bradford looked over his shoulder.

"You two are in line for a promotion, I will follow up as soon as we know the status of the commander."

"Yes, sir!" both Sunset and Jane saluted, watching them go.

It didn't take long after for them to make the round up to the sleeping quarters and start packing things, shifting through mementos and pictures of their fallen comrades. The other soldiers gave them resigned looks before they walked out of the room.

"I hate this part," Sunset admitted. She wasn't crying. Otis had been with them just a bit under a month. He had been a resistance sniper, working from one of the outposts in Nebraska before he'd heard about XCOM taking in recruits. As far as she knew, he had no family and had been a nomad of sorts, jumping from outpost to outpost and never staying long. "I can't believe he panicked like that."

Jane shrugged. "He watched a friend's face get turned into smoking chunks of meat. Most people would have a reaction to that." She gave Sunset a look. "Don't tell me you never felt anything when you watched someone die."

Sunset gave a noncommittal grunt in reply.

"Still, if he had kept his cool, he could have escaped, even if he had to run in the opposite direction."

"He wasn't a coward."

"I didn't say he was."

"It just figures that we finally got reliable information about the commander's whereabouts and we'd lose soldiers rescuing them…" she gave Jane a look. "Have you ever met the commander?"

"No," Jane snorted. "I would've been a kid when Bradford and the commander were running things from a hole in the ground."

Sunset smirked. "I wonder what they're like," she said, looking in the direction of the lab.

"There you go again," Jane muttered, throwing the last of Alessandra's things into the assigned sack. "You know, people think you can see through walls."

"Oh, do they?" Sunset chuckled nervously. "Why?"

"Those looks you sometimes get…it's uncanny how you can sometimes predict who is coming. Are you sure you're not psychic?"

Sunset shrugged, finishing her own packing and stood up. She looked at the empty bunker bed. "Isn't it sad?"

Jane raised an eyebrow.

"Just how quickly their lives are gone and we're not even talking about them but rather my parlour tricks."

They walked out in silence, and once they were out of the room, a small procession of soldiers followed them to the bar, where on the wall, she and Jane pinned the pictures they had found of Otis and Alessandra.

Soon enough, drinks had been passed around to toast the honor of the deceased.

Even though Otis had been a recent addition, Alessandra had been a part of XCOM for over a year, and with the soldier pool being the smallest of all in the Avenger, they all became fairly close in a short period of time.

Soon, after a few drinks, the mourning mingled with the celebrations. Not only had they rescued the commander, Jane and Sunset were now being promoted. And the somber side of the deceased was left aside for reminiscing about their shenanigans.

"...and that's when Otis found out that Alessandra had put cling film under the toilet seat!" Jane said, causing more than one soldier do a spit take.

Sunset shook her head, grinning. She drank a lot less than the others, preferring a strong spirit to mull over, but soon found her personal space invaded by a very drunk Irish woman. "And speaking of funny stories, why don't you ever share how you joined XCOM? I hear… I hear you met Central in a bar! That must've been somethin'!"

"It wasn't at a bar," Sunset growled. "Well, not exactly."

"Tell us!" Jane lowered her head, all seriousness gone, as an almost lecherous look came across her face. "From what he's said, you were already trained. Where did you train, luv? Why won't you share anything with your little Kelly?"

Sunset forced herself to take a calm sip of her whiskey while she ignored the wolf-whistles. She knew Jane would regret this the next morning. Especially since there would be recordings.

"Please?" Jane whimpered.

"Tsk. Fine… I uh, was part of a team that picked me up in one of the cities, I had… walked out of my original camp to seek adventure and met more than I could handle… I stayed with them for a little time, before they dropped me off in Canada…"

"As all people who want to get rid of rabid dogs do," Jane interjected.

"Sure… anyway, this guy, let' call him… Gunthar," Sunset grimaced. There was no way she was telling them she'd been hanging out with ex-ADVENT. "...he escorted me to this ramshackle outpost, right?"

o.0.o Three Years Earlier o.0.o

Sunset gazed at the ramshackle arrangement of structures put together with some distaste. Here and there she could see guards and a few groups of well armed individuals, but for the most part, it was a complete refugee camp, complete with running, rag-wearing children and possibly weeping mothers. "Is this really where I'm going?"

Gorack, her chaperone of sorts ever since she had started training with the Skirmishers, shrugged, his large, armored shoulders making the simple motion into a real statement of disinterest. Being on mission, he was wearing his full-face helmet, so it was difficult to guess what he was thinking.

Her own armor was different. They didn't have anything that would fit her, so bits and pieces had been adapted and molded for her. It was bulkier than she would have liked, but it was solid… and it made her feel a lot less vulnerable than her leather jacket and jeans combo.

She rubbed her forehead. "Seriously, Gorack, you've got to take me somewhere else."

"Betos said this was where we drop you off." Gorack kneeled to fish out some things from his knapsack. "Here. A gift from Betos."

'There! The bastard is smiling! I can hear it!' Sunset took the grapple-hook with a sour face. "Oh. Haha. Funny."

"Some of the others are trying to copy your trick," Gorack said, also passing her a combat knife and a shotgun. "They think it could be a useful technique if we can master it."

Sunset blushed despite herself. The memory of her first attempt at using the grappling hook like a skirmisher had ended up with the exact opposite of what she was supposed to do. Rather than pull the dummy to herself… she had been too light to hold her ground and she had flown across the training ground to smash on her target.

"Whatever. Weren't there any complaints about sending me away? I thought we were getting along so well."

Gorak seemed to study her. "Betos was aware of your attempts to become some sort of leader."

Sunset pressed her lips.

"You're lucky she likes you and that Pratal Mox vouches for you… most of the other officers were not very pleased," he continued. "Betos thinks you have promise and that you should have your own command."

"Well then, why wasn't I allowed to stay?!"

"Because your command should be with your own people." Gorak gave another shrug. "I don't care that much… I thought you were good on the field when you weren't trying to show off with the grappling hook. And most of the others agree that you would make a good leader."

"They were afraid I'd take their place?" Sunset snorted.

"No, but we all know you would, given half the chance." Gorak then lowered his head to look straight at her from within his helmet. "Whether we wanted you or not."

Sunset felt a bit of cold sweat. They had really known her well.

"But it's not just that," he said, straightening up. "Pratal Mox thinks you might make a leader worthy to follow once you get that and your tendency to throw up when you kill an alien under control... but we are not your people. We are becoming our own with every ADVENT trooper or officer we liberate. And when it comes to commanding a tribe of skirmishers… it has to be us, not… normal humans."

Sunset sighed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "So why here?"

"It's close. And it is also a fairly centered outpost, you will have an easy time finding a team to join… Betos said there were some important humans there too," he glanced at the settlement with evident lack of conviction. "Or something."

She shook her head. "Whatever."

Gorack finally stood up and after hesitating a little, passed her a black card. She knew what it was. It was emergency codes they gave to infiltration agents to reconnect if necessary. There was a cypher for it too, so it couldn't just be used to contact them by just anyone. It was a big sign of trust.

Despite her disappointment at her first army being taken from her, she felt oddly honored.

"We're moving away… but if you ever need help, you'll find a way to contact us." He seemed like he wanted to say more, but shook his head. "You can ask at the big building for a job. Good luck."

Sunset watched the Skirmisher walk away and felt like she had been punched in the gut. Things had changed… being there with them, watching them bleed and die… being trained to survive by people that were harsh but fair and… somehow understood where she was, lost and not belonging anywhere… it was calming. It was encouraging. It was embracing and, she had felt, welcoming.

Now she was being let go… free of the nest, no longer a baby bird that couldn't jump and take off. She had learned to fly, in a manner of speaking and they were telling her she was ready for more.

It still hurt. It still was leaving another… not exactly home, but…

She had to move. She had to step into this new world, now a little bit more prepared.

She kneeled down and opened her backpack to store her black card, when she caught sight of the diary. She didn't know why she had bothered bringing the thing.

She slid it out and opened it, past the first, foalish notes to Celestia until she found the first empty page. She thought about Canterlot. About the Skirmisher Tribe. About not having a home. About how it was all her fault.

Grabbing the pen she used normally to mark places in maps, she slid it across the page, writing in her native equestrian only three words.

"I hate you."

She stared hard and long at them before snapping the diary close and sliding it into her bag.

"Better stop whining," she muttered, running the back of her sleeve across her eyes. "I have a town to impress."

o.0.o End Chapter 5 o.0.o

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