• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 251: Waiting

XCOM: Ranger

Chapter 251: Waiting

By Wanderer D

The Skyranger parted the clouds as it descended towards the outskirts of Angel Point, where Fluttershy had led a group of people to wait for for the XCOM agents to arrive.

"I-I don't know if I can do this," Rarity stammered. "This is… I haven't physically seen her since she graduated. I even had a crazy dream where I met a bunch of Sweetie Belles, and they all looked different, like… a cartoon and Angel was there, and I—"

She was interrupted by a hand squeezing her arm gently.

"She knows why you couldn't," Fluttershy assured her. "She was in the same situation, after all." She glanced at the incoming craft. "How vile that they would use your safety against her, and hers against you."

Rarity winced. Ever since EXALT had extracted her out of Canterlot City as a teen and offered her to protect Sweetie in exchange for Rarity's loyalty, her life had been a jumble of choices made only to ensure her younger sibling would be safe.

When given the option to change… to transform into a field agent, even if it was through mutations that made her body feel disgusting and alien for long, long years, she had chosen to go through with it… because she would be able to protect her sister.

She had told herself that, as much as they played with her body, she was still herself. That she'd become stronger. Faster. More resilient and dangerous. One day, she'd escape. One day she'd make them pay.

She had stood, naked in front of a mirror, studying her skin, which now had a scaly sheen to it. She had stared into the sapphire, reptilian irises that used to woo even the most coldhearted boy or girl she turned them to, and now could only horrify them. She had elongated her nails into claws and back… and she had cried for hours, until Adagio and Aria had helped her up and dressed her.

Sonata had told her that she was beautiful. Almost like a siren. And despite herself… despite knowing who these creatures were to EXALT… she had allowed herself to believe. Even when they stopped talking to her and appeared to mostly forget her.

She'd extend her claws and think what color of fingernail would look best. She'd run her fingertip on her iridescent scales and think of what a low-cut dress would do for her. In the few periods of free time she had, she'd draw and design.

That's how he had selected her.


The voice drew her away from her thoughts and she stared at the vision currently holding onto a handle inside the Skyranger as the ramp and the ship slowly came down.


The ramp at the back of the Skyranger had barely touched the grassy fields outside of Angel's Point before Sweetie Belle, dressed in light white, pink and purple overalls ran out, arms open to hug her sister.

Rarity—who was wearing body armor borrowed from the Rabbits—stepped away from Fluttershy to fully embrace her sister, laughing and sniffling a little. "I know we've talked, but until now, I didn't fully believe you were okay."

"I'm sorry I scared you sis," Sweetie said, "I wish I could have let you know in advance, but Julian almost got us all… It was the only thing I could think of to send you that message with the Commander's help."

"Nonsense." Rarity tightened her hug. "I'm just glad you got away. The Speaker and the Elders will pay for what they did to us. I promise you they'll never get their hands on you again."

"Can't… breathe…"

"Oh." Rarity released Sweetie Belle, holding her by the shoulder to make sure she was steady on her feet as her younger sister took deep, almost desperate breaths. "Sorry, Sweetie, I haven't had much practice being gentle, as you can imagine. Almost did the same thing to dear Fluttershy."

"It was… like getting embraced by Angel. Except with less coils," Fluttershy said, smiling. "I've told you before, I'm used to it."

"Still, it is not ladylike."

"Well, Ah hope you don't mind me gettin' one too," Apple Bloom spoke up, having walked down from the Skyranger at a much slower pace to give the sisters a bit of space, and now stepping up to Rarity also with open arms.

Rarity smiled and embraced her as well, admiring her new body. The work she had done with the nanobots was incredible, and other than a slightly plastic look to her face, she looked almost as organic as she had originally been. Although a couple of years younger. Rarity smirked, shaking her head.

She released Apple Bloom go after a few seconds, stepping back. "I heard what happened from Fluttershy, dear. I'm very sorry, but I hope you know that you've made all the Apples ever very proud." She cleared her throat. "I'm… also aware of how it feels to go through something similar, if you need someone to talk to."

"It's okay, X-COM saved us in the end… and even if I lost my body, I am still here," Apple Bloom emphasized, tapping her head with her finger. "But I might take you up on a chat sometime."

Rarity was about to respond when another voice reached her. "Aww, don't we get a hug too?" She turned around, eyes widening as Rainbow Dash took off her helmet, walking down to join them alongside Gilda of all people.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity embraced her friend, who laughed, hugging her back, she looked over Rainbow's shoulder at Gilda, smiling as she made motions with her hands to join them.

"Ah, what the hell," the former mercenary muttered, walking over to hug them both, soon joined by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Fluttershy. "What a reunion, eh?"

Rarity, Fluttershy, and some of her Rabbits had been taken via Skyranger back to the Avenger, given a meeting room, and now Rarity was getting to meet the rest of the team she'd be working close with during this operation.

It almost brought back memories of her time at EXALT, but unlike the vacant, or deluded looks of the other agents back then, the soldiers of XCOM had clear eyes and a sense of belonging that didn't reek of falsehood or coercion.

Now, she stood once again giving her report in front of people counted on her to do her job… not because her sister's life was on the line (in fact the Commander herself had insisted that if she didn't feel like helping it wasn't going to affect Sweetie Belle, who would be safe regardless in the Avenger), but because it was the right thing to do.

And well… for revenge too, obviously, although she hadn't really told anyone that.

The leader of one of this mission, a young woman with short cropped blue hair and a muscular frame, nodded as Rarity finished giving her report.

"A lot is riding on these missions," Ember explained to everyone gathered in the room. She knew it wasn't necessary to say that, but as aware as everyone in the room was of just how dangerous things might be, she needed to emphasize it for impact.

Deadwood nodded gravely. His team sat or stood around the room next to the one survivor from her own team's last fight against Chimera and Julian: Breaker. Bjorn "Breaker" Karlsen did not exactly shake, but the bags under his eyes, the tight jaw and the slight tremor of his eyes was a clear indication that this mission was just as personal as it was desperate.

She studied the newest additions. Gilda she was familiar with. The mercenary had been as effective as any XCOM member she could think of, and her years of experience fighting aliens had shown clearly. She could trust her.

Shen and her project, SPARK… she had to hold herself from taking a deep breath. The possible loss of her childhood friend during this mission would be high, and even though she had full faith in Shen's father's masterpiece, SPARK was still very much new to them. Shen had assured her the robot was more than up to the challenge but…

She sighed. They needed all the help they could get. Which brought her to the last few warriors in the room.

Apple Bloom was a known factor. She had worked with her and Shen to exhaustion in order to figure out Julian's earlier success in breaking through her defenses, and she was as comfortable as she could be trusting the cyborg to survive another fight like the last one, but this one if not emerge victorious, at least maintain control away from their enemy.

Rarity… the former designer for the Speaker was… vouched for by Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Adagio, the Commander, and Annette Durand. Those were weighty and trusted (for the most part) endorsements, but even looking at the professional, young-looking former enemy's air of danger, she once again justified her inclusion and that of Fluttershy's as choices of circumstance.

All in all it was two-teams worth of combatants. All of them bloodied, all of them able to take on most enemies. But… would that be enough?

Unbidden images of Chimera's ability to transform; her mutated monsters; Julian's merciless cruelty, and his resilience to their best attempts at hacking him came to her mind. The death of her friends… she shook her head.

"A lot is riding on these missions," Ember repeated, a little softer. "Not only has this caused the loss of friends and family, but also the deaths of thousands of people, both soldiers and civilians. Chimera's creations serve only the purpose of destroying everything we try to defend. She's been a traitor to the human race from the beginning, and experimented mercilessly with both humans and aliens. Julian killed everyone in a city out of pettiness. We cannot allow them to continue. They cannot take anyone else from us again.

"We have figured out the location of Chimera's secret hideout. She's created an underground facility under what used to be Everton College in the immediacy of Canterlot City. That is where we're headed. Now—what the hell!?"

The door to her meeting room slid open suddenly, and she stared at a panting Estella, who held up a finger while bending down to take deep, desperate breaths.

"I-we have a communication from Equestria!" Starlight gasped, holding up a large quartz with several wires, carved symbols and a base attached to it. "You'll want to hear this."

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