• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 13: Missions


Chapter 13: Missions

By Wanderer D

Sunset typed away on her laptop, completing her report. Usually they weren't that hard, but like Shintaro had said, things had been different not too long ago. This time, she had been in charge… in a way, a real step to what she wanted, but not exactly what she expected it to be.

Paula's injuries were severe. The moment they had landed, she had been raced out of the Skyranger and straight into surgery. There was no doubt from the medical team that if an accomplished medical expert hadn't been at the scene, she would have bled to death incredibly quickly.

Sunset found herself trying to detach the emotional weight that came from writing down how exactly one of her close acquaintances had been almost killed under her command.

It wasn't her fault, exactly, but it was still her responsibility. Not only with the event happening, but also making sure it didn't happen again. She should have taken control of the situation and made sure they were spread out a bit further, to prevent a grenade from taking them out. That was modern warfare 101. It had been drilled into her by the Skirmishers, repeated to her by the Reapers and hammered into her and other rookies by Robert and other trainers in the Avenger.

She wanted to blame Paula for not remembering. But she needed to face her own failures too.

Jane had been very lucky. Paula… she would be out for over a month, and it was anyone's guess what her mental state after that would be, or if her recovery would be full enough for her to join battle again.

And speaking of which, Shintaro's loss from her team was like a punch to the gut. The man had been a solid soldier for as long as Sunset had known him, and she had never expected him to lose it as he had. If there had been any warning signs, she had missed all of them. Writing out his breakdown in the plane and attaching the formal request for removal from active duty had been painful. Menace: newly minted, and already short by two.

And yet she had gotten another promotion, was allotted extra training time with their close combat expert, because apparently, her lack of reaction to the muton was a cause of concern… and, as a team leader, she was now supposed to attend officer meetings as well.

She hadn't anticipated the paperwork or the meetings, although in retrospect it made sense. She had memories of Celestia begrudgingly performing this particular aspect of leadership.

The thought of her mentor made her pause.

She stood up and walked over to her locker, fishing out her diary. It was dusty, having stayed in that same spot ever since Sunset had boarded the Avenger. She couldn't count how many times she had thought about throwing the damn thing away, but she hadn't. Now, Laetitia's words came back to her.

'Reach out to someone there who cares, huh?' Her memories of Celestia were of a quasi-maternal figure that had kept her at arms-length, only using a motherly tone to reprimand her, but never growing any closer than a teacher with a promising student.

She had lived in the castle; she had a room, a mare to assist her with basic needs if necessary, access to practically anything that Celestia hadn't expressly forbidden (like her other book)—she made a brief mental note to go back and study the blood-freeze spell she had tried on the Assassin—and the ability to contact, consult and even hire experts on different fields, such as Galahad, for tutoring.

It just hadn't been enough. Anypony could be a good student. Hell, great or even genius students—as rare as they might really be world-wide—were not lacking in Celestia's school. Emotionally speaking, 'you're a great student, my little pony,' was far from rewarding. It wasn't real acknowledgement.

Was she really ready to reach out, though? The diary seemed to weigh more in her hands, the more she thought about it. 'How simple… "Hello, are you still there? I miss you. I'm sorry."' she chuckled dryly. 'Right, and then deal with the inevitable "I'm glad you've learned your lesson, my dear student," as if a lesson about being acknowledged by the most important pony in your life is something only one of us should learn…'

Sunset sighed and slid the diary back in place, closing the locker and walking back to finish her report.

All the time, she felt as if the diary was staring at her through the metallic door.

"At ease, soldiers," Bradford said, entering the debriefing room. "We have a list of things the commander wants done, so we should get things going… first things first, Omiata… two members from your team have been selected to work with the Skirmishers. They have a mission for us, and Rookies Durand and Kim are some of our best infiltrators. They are also the least likely to start a firefight when they see a Viper or a Sectoid walking down the street towards them. We'll be dropping them at the meeting point in the coast of Brazil, where the Skirmishers will pick them up, where they will help in investigating the location of the Assassin's base."

He cleared his throat. "Of course that brings your squad down to two members, but you and rookie Sanchez will come with me… we're meeting with the local resistance in South America, and I'll need backup."

"Um, sir," Omiata rose his hand. "No offense, but why isn't Sunset going on that infiltration mission? Not only is her team short, but, no offense to Durand and Kim, they are not the best infiltrators we have. Sunset is—"

Bradford interrupted him, raising his hand. "Under normal circumstances, yes, I would send Sunset and Jane, but the nature of the mission prevents it." He walked to a monitor on the wall, and quickly loaded a file. "Unfortunately, this is why."

When he pressed play, the screen filled with noise for a few seconds, before the face of the Assassin appeared. "Hello Commander, I know you can hear me. I extracted this emergency frequency from one of your delicious little toy soldiers." Her laugh made Sunset's skin crawl. "And hopefully your little Blood Witch is feeling better. I have the feeling I haven't seen the last of her. You squander your gifts, Commander, but don't worry, I will find you. And I will bring you back."

The video ended.

"As I was saying, given the nature of the mission, Sunset is not only a known factor to the Assassin, but a subject of interest."

Sunset wilted a little under the looks of the others.

"That doesn't mean she won't have a mission," Bradford continued. "Sunset will be assigned three new members to Menace, and their mission will be to destroy a facility we have been informed of." Bradford passed her a pad with several documents already open. "This will also serve the purpose of further distracting ADVENT from our infiltration team. Brief your team once they all report in."

"Yes, sir!"

Bradford turned, picking another pad and giving it to another officer. "Captain Yeung, you and your team will contact the Black Market. According to Dr. Tygan, we need some additional supplies."

Captain Yeung grinned. "Yes sir. It will be nice to see my old comrades again."

Bradford nodded. "That is all."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't 'the commander'."

"Oh give it a rest, Galahad," Sunset sighed, marching into the training area in full gear. While on the air, the Avenger possessed several large storage rooms which had been adapted into specialized areas, such as the combat training room.

New recruits usually spent several hours there, learning about old foes encountered on the field in the old XCOM's time, as well as updates on newer threats. Robert Bree was one of XCOM's old agents, and reminded Sunset heavilly of her old Gryphon teacher, Galahad. Mannerisms, philosophy and even the jokes were very similar. Hell, his hair-color matched her old teacher's feathers. The main difference was that Robert had a British accent, where Galahad's was a bit more Germanic if there was an Earth comparison.

"So I heard that you were charged by a muton intent on skewering you and you froze like a deer caught in the headlights," he continued.

"Yeah, well, how about you get your stomach butchered by a hag from space the week before, then we can talk about what the appropriate response to an unnervingly similar situation should be."

Robert tilted his head, then shrugged and opened up his shirt, revealing a large, jagged scar that went down from his shoulder, across his chest, down to his waist. "Operation Golden Swan, UFO infiltration. Chryssalid decided it wanted there to be more than one of me."

"Oh, fine," Sunset mumbled, looking away. "And don't call me 'commander'. The real one's here, remember?"

"I guess," he replied, shrugging as he buttoned up his shirt again. "But I heard the runner-up is 'Blood Witch'. Do you really want that?"

Sunset grimaced.

"So, 'the commander' it is," Robert grinned. "If you two have issues with that, I'm sure we can fill up a tub with KY."

"I have no idea what that means," Sunset said. "And no, I don't want to know. I'm here for my training."

"Oh, this will take a while," Robert sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Anyway, we need you to be more familiar with your sword."

"Overgrown Machete."

"Sword," he repeated. "Scuttlebutt has it that Tygan got inspired with the stuff you guys brought. Might be getting an upgrade sometime soon. But if you're going to be running around with an even sharper sword, you need to be able to use it, or there's no point."

"Fine, fine," Sunset rolled her eyes. "How come you know so much about swords anyway?"

"Honestly?" Robert smiled sheepishly. "Funny story. Before I joined the RAF, I was really into martial arts and theatre… so I went around the world learning those skills, and learning weaponry because my original plan was to be a choreographer for action movies or historical shows. I thought the RAF was a good career choice, that I would do service for a few years and after that, my dream job." He chuckled. "Turns out, my service period got extended."

Sunset shook her head, smiling ruefully. This world had taught her a lot about opportunities, sacrifice and privilege… things that would have changed her life completely had she learned them as a filly. Old XCOM soldiers, of which there were about a dozen left, always had this sense of stolen-destiny to them. They all had wanted something different, and forces greater than their own had taken that chance away from them two decades before, and transformed the world into something they could barely recognize.

Newer recruits had either been born into a world where they were conquered and brainwashed—if they had been fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to live in the new cities—or if they were from settlements, a deep sense of anger at the atrocities their new masters committed almost on a daily basis.

Her adolescent tantrum, which had cost her a life of security and—she had to face it, prominence—was an embarrassingly bitter memory now. It was sad that only until she was faced directly, and also affected by the suffering of others, did she finally understand just how good she had it.

A sharp, clipping sound made her blink and jump. She glared at Robert, who what snapped his fingers right in front of her face.

"You awake there? If you need rest you just need to say so, I have this urge to eat the most massive burger I can make, and if you'd rather be spacing out…"

"I get it, I get," Sunset mumbled, hefting her mach—sword.

"We'll be practicing your swings and reactions. It'll take some time, and plenty of practice here and in the field, but I intend to really make you a master of the blade. Hell, no alien will be able to get within a meter of you. But first," Robert said. "Show me that drag-and-decapitate thing you did on the Zombie that one time."

Sunset's face burned as she read the email Geist had sent her directly.

My Dearest Sunset,

Imagine my delight, when I was informed that you of all people would be in charge of the team where my precious Templar was assigned! I know I can trust you with the proper care of my soldier, as you have a deep respect and understanding of Psionic gifts. Furthermore, a little bird told me you already quite liked her!

This is indeed good news, although I do apologize for not sending her wrapped up. Or perhaps that is not a problem?

"Are you okay, Sunset?" Jane asked, a little concerned. "Your face is all red."

Sunset lowered her pad and avoided looking directly at Laetitia, who was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and with a little smile that spoke volumes about her knowledge of Geist's message. "Yes, well, Geist is just giving me a hard time."

"If we are to work together, there should be no question of your health," Mox added.

Sunset rubbed her forehead. The Commander—with capital 'C'—had decided that for some reason, she was to lead a team consisting of no less than all the faction soldiers. Meaning she would be giving orders to Mox, Elena and Laetitia as well as Jane.

No pressure.

"I promise you, Mox, my health is fine."

"Oh, it definitely is," Laetitia spoke up. "I checked every inch of her. If she were not fit for duty, I would not have released her."

"Judging from her expression, she might not have had a problem with that," Elena drawled.

'Deep breaths, deep breaths. Must not ignite the Avenger. Must not… burn everyone that teases me. Must not hunt down Bradford. And Geist. And the Commander. That bitch. Why. Why. Why me?'

Sunset cleared her throat. "Okay, well, yes. I get it, we all know each other here, but we have a mission, and I'd like to leave the teasing out of it. We're all professionals here, people."

There were some smiles—and a snort from Dash—but everyone took a seat as Sunset began.

"In order to assist our Skirmisher allies, we are going to create a distraction significant enough to guarantee ADVENT's eyes will be on us, instead of them. The Avenger will be dropping our agents near what used to be Sao Paulo at 1420 hours, local time. We will be destroying a facility further up north, where several scientific studies are providing ADVENT with advances on the psychic network roughly at the same time. The Skyranger will then fly us even further north, towards Guatemala to meet up with the Avenger in a local resistance camp."

A screen turned on with a tap on her pad, displaying a satellite view of the base. "The base is fairly standard as ADVENT bases go. It should be a fairly straightforward mission; go in quiet, plant the explosive, leave ASAP." She took a deep breath. "So I imagine things will go south the moment we step near it, and it's more than likely that there are teams of ADVENT troopers ready to come to the rescue from nearby locations, not to mention…"

She faced her team. "We are, for some reason, the Commander's experiment on teamwork. Efficient completion of the mission is instrumental to the future of XCOM, the Skirmishers, Reapers and Templars' efforts to work together. We have all the higher-ups breathing down our necks, and quite honestly, I'd rather jump into a cave full of Vipers than having that weigh over me."

"If the last viper was any indication, I can totally see how you'd prefer that," Dash quipped.

"Yes, well, affectionate reptile-humanoids aside, we need to pull this. Not just because our street-rep hangs on it, or because if we don't we'll be dead; but because we can be the example other teams will follow. This is our chance to really put all that better-than-thou sanctimonious crap behind us and strike where it hurts," Sunset said, completely serious. "We're not just pulling off pointless attacks anymore: we're restarting the war. And this time, I aim to win."

o.0.o End Chapter 13 o.0.o

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