• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,497 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter IX: Fists

Chapter IX

Friendship and Fists

The next morning Saber, Twilight, the captain and Spike boarded the earliest train to reach Canterlot by noon. Saber yawned as he looked out the window to see the morning sun just starting to peek over the horizon. He felt something moist against his right shoulder and looked to see the lavender clad Princess using his shoulder as a pillow. He made a note that she was also drooling.

He quickly reclaimed his shoulder out from under her chin. The quick sensation made the princess stir. She looked around the cabin then back to Saber.

“I am not a pillow.” He said as he wiped her drool off his shoulder. Twilight blushed in embarrassment.

“Sorry,” She said as she straightened her posture. Saber ignored the words and returned his attention to the window. Twilight looked at him and saw he was dressed in newer clothes than the ones she’d seen. “Where did you get those clothes?”

“Your friend Rarity was kind enough to make me them for me.” He said looking at his dark red cloak, matching pants and a pristine white shirt. “She’s quite handy with a needle and thread.” He said as he admired the craftsmanship again.

“Rarity is quite the tailor.” Twilight said. She looked across at Ebony who was in her full armor. “Maybe you should get some fancy clothes too Ebony, I’m sure Rarity would love to make you a dress.” The captain adverted her eyes from the Princess.

“I am not one for formal wear your majesty.” While Ebony had started calling her by her first name, she needed to keep up the formalities while they were in public.

“Oh nonsense, I’d bet you’d look great.” Twilight nudged Saber who turned to look at the dark haired captain sitting across from him. His teal eyes looked her up and down taking in all her assets. He gave a simple shrug.

“I suppose.” He stated calmly. “Although you’d probably have an easier time of getting me in a dress than this one.” Ebony didn’t respond. Twilight huffed.

“While we’re meeting with the Princesses I trust that you’ll refrain from making any comments.” Saber turned his attention to Twilight.

“I am not your slave.” He said harshly. “I have the most to lose in situation and from now on you need to address me as Argent. I’m a young Canterlot noble assigned by Celestia herself to assist you in royal matters. It’ll be a huge problem for both of us if my cover were to get blown.”

The train soon pulled into Canterlot station and there was an armed escort waiting for them. Three guards walked on either side of the four companions as they made their way to a carriage destined for the castle. “I wager half the Canterlot nobles will be there to greet us.” Saber stated.

“How do you know? The Princess didn’t make an announcement.” Spike said. Saber chuckled at the words.

“The nobles have this place watched like a military compound. I spotted several messengers no doubt ordered to flock back to their employers and notify them that we’re here.” Spike, Ebony and Twilight looked at one another in confusion.

“I didn’t see anyone.” Ebony said.

“That’s the point, no one sees them and the nobles get an entire network of information.” Saber leaned to the side and looked out the window. He gestured outside and Twilight looked to see several important looking well dressed nobles. “Called it!” Saber said as the carriage pulled to a stop. He turned back to the occupants. “Now remember to walk like you own the place and the air within a ten mile radius.”

Saber stepped out first and offered his hand to Twilight. She played along and took it as he helped her out of the carriage. Spike and Ebony both got out on their own. As the four walked towards the castle the whispers of the nobles could be heard by the white haired man who put on an air of arrogance to rival Prince Blueblood’s.

Once they were inside the four were greeted by a butler who escorted them to the throne room where Celestia and Luna sat. By their sides as always were Solaris and Artemis. Saber avoided eye contact with the them as they entered the massive room. When the Princesses turned to face them Ebony bowed low as did Twilight. Saber remained standing and pretending they weren’t even in the room.

The Princesses ignored him as well before turning to Twilight and smiling at her and the other two.

“It’s nice to see you Spike.” Celestia smiled at the drake.

“Nice to see you two as well.” He smiled. The guests each took a seat at the table, however Saber decided to sit near an open window and gaze out at the city below. Celestia sipped her tea and looked at Ebony.

“Tell me captain, how are the troops coming along?” Ebony forced a small smile.

“They’re coming along well, not as well as I like, but they should be up to standards soon.” She stated with confidence.

“Ebony has been drilling the guards vigorously since she took command.” Twilight stated. Luna nodded in approval at this.

“It’s nice to see that she’s taking her new role seriously.” She shot a look at the white haired man who ignored the jab. Instead he stood up and walked towards the door. “Where are you going?” Saber turned to face them.

“It’s evident that I’m not needed nor wanted here, so I figured I’d see myself out.” He said in a bland tone.

“Stop. You’re not leaving.” Solaris stated.

“No,” Twilight spoke up. “he can go.” Everyone turned to look at the lavender Princess. “I’m in the presence of Princess Celestia, Luna and three of Equestria’s elite guards. I believe I’m safe enough.” Saber gave her a nod and exited the meeting room.

The white haired man exited the castle but soon heard footsteps behind him. He groaned as he saw three royal guards in full armor following behind.

“Can I help you three?” He asked as he looked at the men.

“We’re under strict orders from Lord Solaris to accompany you should you decide to leave the castle sir.” One of them stated. Saber let out a huff but decided that arguing would be pointless.

“Very well.” He said as he walked into the shinning city. It was true that he’d hoped to get some shopping done. He had some money he’d lifted off of some of the idiot guards back in Ponyville. The down side was the three sets of eyes told to watch him. No doubt they’d report anything he’d buy directly to the Princesses and worse, Ebony. He heard the guards whispering to one another and thanks to his well trained hearing he could just make out what they were saying.

“Why are we on babysitting duty?” One of the guards complained before being silence by a swift hit to his side by the guard to his left.

“It’s our job.”

“I didn’t sign on to be paraded around the street by some lordling.” Saber bit his lip to prevent himself from uttering a rather nasty curse that threatened to leave his lips. An idea came to him and he turned to face the guards.

“Gentlemen, I have a proposition for you.” The three guards stopped walking and looked at him incredulously. “I happen to know an establishment not too far from here that has an abundant female population that love guards in uniform.” The guards’ eyes lit up at the words. “I’d be more than happy to show you where it is, for a price.” The three men looked at one another and talked amongst themselves.

“What do you want?”

“Just to have some privacy while I do my shopping.” Saber said. “I’ll show you where it is and even pay for the first round of drinks for you and three lovely ladies.” Three smiles appeared on the guards' faces. “No one has to know anything and if someone asks, I’ll say I gave you the slip.” The three guards looked at one another and shrugged.

“You got yourself a deal.” Saber grinned and lead them through the streets and some alleyways one would not want to walk down even in broad daylight. Saber stopped in front of a three story building between a bar and a taxidermist. The sign above the building read ‘The Velvet Glove.’

“Here it is.” Saber said as he tossed one of the guards a small bag of coins.

“How much time do you need?”

“Only about two hours, maybe three?” Saber shrugged. “I’ll come back here when I’m done shopping and then we head back to the castle right?” The three nodded and went inside the establishment as Saber walked away and did some shopping of his own.

Three hours later, Saber and three very satisfied guards returned to the castle where the guards broke off from the assassin to go relax after their hard day of work. As Saber walked by the royal guard training ground he saw something quite peculiar. A Changeling, three to be specific. Two were sparring with one another with training in hand to hand combat while the third watched.

As he approached he saw their jet black skin shine under the sun light. One of the ones who were sparring was female and had her light purple hair tied into a braid that went to the middle of their back, while the other had short orange hair and matching cat like eyes. As he drew closer the one who was leaning against the wall stood up and put his hand on his sword's handle. The two in the sparring circle also stopped and looked at Saber. “Oh please, don’t stop on my account.”

“What do you want?” The purple haired woman asked in a heavy accent as she made a gesture across her chest. Saber closed one hand into a fist and slammed it against his chest before flattening it and brushing it down his shirt as if he were dusting some dirt off the front. The three looked at him in surprise. The one with the shorter purple hair mimicked the gesture.

“It is rare to find one of your people who knows our hand speak.” The man said in a clearer cadence then his companion.

“I spent some time in your country a few years ago, before the invasion.” Saber stated. “I’m rusty.” He said with the hand gestures. The woman spat on the ground beside her and glared at him.

“What do you want?” She asked in a harsh tone. The intensity in her orange eyes made a chill crawl up Saber’s spine.

“Now, now Petra,” The orange haired man said. “let’s not be rude to one of our hosts.”

“I don’t live here.” Saber pointed to the castle behind him. “I’m here because my charge has an important meeting.” He said with a roll of his eyes. The orange haired Changeling laughed.

“It appears we are in similar boats. That is the expression right?” Saber nodded as he felt the man’s eyes looking him over. “Want to spar? It should help pass the time.” Saber noticed Petra and the other changeling looking at their companion with wide eyes.

The changeling looked at his two companions. “Don’t mind them they won’t interfere,” He narrowed his eyes on the two. “will you?” They shook their heads as Petra exited the sparring circle. Saber removed the fine blue cloak Rarity had made him and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows.

“I should have you know, that I don’t pull punches.” He flashed a look at Petra who glared at him.

“I have a similar rule.” He said before he jabbed at Saber’s side. He quickly side stepped the blow and went for a kick. The changeling caught the limb with his free hand as he kicked the other foot out from under the white haired man. He followed up with a swift punch to the chest that sent Saber crashing to the ground. Saber grunted as he got to his feet and cracked his fingers.

“My name is Ramil Alburtuqali.” He said with a bow and a flourish of one hand. Saber grinned and cracked his back.

“Argent Cavalier,” He brushed himself off and gestured for him to wait a moment. Ramil complied and waited as Saber ran back inside the castle. He came out a few minutes later wearing less fancy attire. “Apologies, but I just got those clothes and I didn’t want to get blood on them.” Ramil grinned a dark grin.

“I can’t promise you’d leave without a scratch anyway.” He said as Saber stepped back into the circle.

“Who said it was going to be my blood?” He said as he went back into the fray.


Twilight had spent most of the time she’d been at the castle talking with Celestia and Luna about small things while Ebony remained quiet. However, soon the Princesses’ tones grew serious and they had informed Twilight that a member of the Changeling Royal family had sought asylum in Equestria. A question had been hanging on the young Princess’s mind.

“Princess, what does this Changeling Prince have to do with my being here?” She asked as she looked up at her mentor. Celestia stopped walking and looked at Twilight.

“There are many nobles along with several guards and citizens of Canterlot who have not yet healed from the invasion.” She stated firmly. “The Prince is our last hope for peace with the Changeling Imperium so keeping him safe is our highest priority until Chrysalis is caught.” Twilight nodded in understanding, but she along with Ebony, were still lost. “To keep him safe, I am having him stay with you in Ponyville.”

The two women looked at the Princess in surprise. Twilight didn’t hate Changelings, but she still held a grudge against the ones who ransacked her home city and almost ruined her brother’s wedding. “I know I am asking a lot of you Twilight, but it is necessary if we wish to keep the peace between our nations.”

“Ponyville is small and away from the prying eyes of Canterlot.” Luna stated. “Most people would not think to look there.” Twilight gulped.

“Think of this as a chance to learn about a different culture and I’m sure the Prince is eager to learn about Equestria too.” Celestia said with a smile. “I hear Prince Ramil has an interest in ancient Equestrian history.” That set Twilight at ease a bit knowing they had some common ground.

“When do we meet this Prince your majesty?” Ebony asked.

“If I recall he said he wanted to tour the castle with his two guards.” Ebony nodded but something caught her eye. She turned towards the window overlooking the training ground and her blood ran cold as she stopped walking.

“I think I found him your highness.” She pointed a finger out onto the training ground where the orange haired Prince was locked in a brawl with a familiar assassin. Rage and worry filled Celestia and Luna as they watched them exchange blows. Saber jumped back and stood across from the Prince. They were both bruised and a bit bloodied.

“You are good.” Ramil said as he spat some blood on the ground.

“Not so bad yourself,” Saber panted. “for a noble.” Ramil grinned darkly at the comment. The two charged at one another again with their fists raised. The two stopped short of each other as a familiar veteran soldier teleported between them.

“What in the nine circles of Tartarus is going on here?” Solaris glared at Saber who had a cross look on his face.

“Sparring practice.” He stated flatly as the rest of the group joined them on the field. Celestia’s eye as she thought of the political storm that he’d just wrought.

“This is Prince Ramil Alburtuqali of the Changeling Imperium.” Ebony stated through grit teeth. Saber didn’t even have to look at Ebony or Twilight to know they were burning a hole through him with their glares. Saber instead looked past Solaris and at the Prince who had a questioning look on his face.

“My charges.” Saber said in hand speak as he motioned his head to Twilight and Ebony and made a grimacing face. “I’m in a lot of trouble.” He gestured. Ramil grinned and shot him a wink.

“Princess,” Ramil started. “I asked one of your men to help me better understand your Equestrian ways of fighting.” He said nodding to Saber. The group had their eyes on the assassin again who nodded.

“I wasn’t about to say no to a guest as esteemed as him. What kind of example would I set if I did?” Saber stated in a nonchalant tone it was almost natural. Saber cracked his back and made the gesture for polite excusal to the Prince. “Apologies your grace, but it appears you have urgent business to attend to.” Ramil looked at the royal family and nodded.

“Indeed I do, but I would like to see you again.” Ramil said as Petra and the other changeling walked up to him and handed him his coat while Saber departed to where he stashed his clothes. Ebony was not far behind him and she was not pleased.

“What the hell were you thinking?” She yelled at Saber who simply shrugged off the yell. “Do you have the slightest idea what could have happened if he pressed charges?”

“You heard him Ebby, he asked for it, literally.” He said as he started to unbutton his shirt. “Besides, I wanted to size the Prince up.” Ebony balled her hands into fists and let out a deep breath.

“I cannot believe you got into a bloody fist fight the rightful heir to the Changeling throne. Of all the people in Canterlot you could hate, it had to be him?” Saber looked at her in confusion.

“Hate him? Who said I hate him?” Ebony gestured back to the sparring circle that still had a bit of blood in the dirt. “That was just a friendly fist fight between two friends.” He smiled.

“You’re friends with the Prince?”

“No, we're just two men who wanted to let off some steam.” He said calmly. “He could have stopped the fight any time with a single gesture, or motion to one of his guards and I would have back off. Besides, he seems like a capable fighter.”

“You could have at least gone easy on him.” She said as she crossed her arms under her chest. Saber stared at her blankly.

“Ebony,” He said in a bland tone. “if I hadn’t pulled my punches then Celestia and Luna would be having their peace talks with a corpse and there’d be bits of his body guards scattered around the training grounds.” He said it in such a calm collected tone it made Ebony’s skin crawl.

“Just refrain from fighting him in broad daylight with all of Canterlot as an audience.” She said before leaving to rejoin Twilight and the other Princesses. Saber felt a small bit of blood run from the corner of his mouth. He touched the warm red liquid with one finger and he smiled.

Author's Note:

Get your butts ready for the next chapter ladies and gentlemen.
Here's a few ideas of what's to come: