• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,496 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter VIII: Forgotten Melodies

Chapter VIII

Forgotten Melodies

The following weeks went by excruciatingly slow. Thanks to the command seals, Saber had to put his best foot forward whenever Twilight or Ebony were nearby, which was practically almost every minute of everyday. He had held up his end of the bargain and ceased antagonizing the captain and chose to avoid her like a plague victim. Ebony was mostly busy with getting the guards up to her near impossible standards. At least he didn’t have to take orders from her.

He mostly spent his days in the library reading, but reading only held it’s appeal for so long. Saber wandered the halls of the shining castle and marked anything that he could use to escape should the need, or and opportunity arise. As he walked through the halls, he saw that a door cracked open and he went o investigate. The room was large, not big enough to throw a ball in but large enough for a small dinner party.

The room was vacant safe for some furniture with some sheets to cover them. What caught his eye was a large object in the far wall. He walked over to it and removed the sheet to show a large black piano. He ran his fingers across the smooth black surface of the instrument and sat down on the bench. Saber lifted the cover and looked down at the white ivory keys that glistened in the sunlight.

As he pressed a key he let the note move through the air and fill the empty room. It had been years since he’d heard even a note of music. Without a moment’s hesitation he stood up and left the room. He came back a few minutes later with some music sheets that he’d come across in the library. He flipped open the first page and he started to play.

Down in the Barracks, Ebony was sifting through piles of paperwork. Mostly just anonymous complaints about her new training regiment which made great kindling for her hearth’s fire. She thought back to Saber and although she wouldn’t admit it, she did feel somewhat bad about what she had called him. She shook the thoughts from her mind and reminded herself that he was an assassin, a killer for hire who wouldn’t think twice about ending her and everyone else’s lives.

A knock at the door pulled her thoughts to a grinding halt. She sat up straight in her chair and folded her hands. “Enter.” The door opened to show the princess wearing a simple lavender shirt and dark pants. Ebony was about to get to her feet, but Twilight gestured for her to stay seated.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything captain.” She said as she looked around the room.

“Of course not, please have a seat.” She gestured to the chair in front of her desk. “Was there something you wanted?” Twilight straightened her posture and brushed a bit of hair behind her ear.

“What do you know about Saber?” She asked. Ebony sat back and thought long and hard about the question before giving her answer.

“Nothing I haven’t told you.” Twilight sighed and rubbed her temples.

“But who has he killed, where has he worked, where did he come from?” She said pointedly. Ebony remained silent. She didn’t know, nor made any effort to ask the assassin about his past and she doubted he’d even tell her if she asked.

“I don’t know that myself Twilight.” Par the Princess’s request, Ebony had started addressing her as Twilight. All she knew was that he was an assassin who had been captured years ago, yet she knew nothing of anything of his career. Twilight sat back and sighed.

“Care to take a walk with me?”

“That sounds nice. I need to stretch my legs anyway.” Ebony hitched her blade to her side and followed the Princess out into the hallway.

“Tell me, how are the troops coming along?” Ebony let out a disapproving sigh.

“They’re not ready for combat yet. You’d think that they’d never been through basic training.” She stated harshly. “I’m fairly certain most of them joined the guard because they thought they’d look good in a suit of armor.” She said with a huff.

“Why did you join the guard?” Ebony stopped walking and looked down at the floor. Twilight stopped and looked back at the woman. “Ebony?”

“That's a rather,” She bit her lip and thought of the right word. “complicated story.” Twilight too the hint and dropped the subject. They walked through the halls in a comfortable silence. Twilight stopped walking and Ebony stopped beside her. “Something wrong?”

“Do you hear music?” Ebony listened closely and could indeed hear the sound of music echoing through the halls. The two women followed the sounds through the hallways until they came to certain door. Twilight pressed her ear against the wooden door. “It’s coming from in here.” As she turned the knob to open the door the music came to a jarring halt.

She stepped back as she heard footsteps and the door opened to show the white haired man. He rolled his eyes as he leaned against the frame of the door.

“Yes?” He said in a drawn out tone. Ebony looked at him curiously, before she looked over his shoulder to see the vacant room and the piano in the back.

“We were looking for the source of the music.” She stated. He made a grand gesture with his left arm.

“You found it.” He said bluntly. “Does it not please you my lady?” His tone could cut through steel.

“I didn’t know you knew how to play the piano.” Twilight said.

“It’s an old hobby.” He said as he went back over to the piano and closed the ld over the keys. “Helps me unwind.” He collected the books and covered the piano with a sheet.

“Can you play something?” Saber turned to look at the lavender clad Princess with a raised eyebrow.

“No,” He said as he flattened the sheet.

“Why not?” Ebony asked.

“Because I’m beyond rusty, it’s been three years since I’ve even seen a piano let alone play one. I need to relearn how to play it.” He said as he put his hand on the instrument. “And even after I relearn it theres not a chance in the nine circles of Tartarus I’d play it for either of you.” The two women looked at him in surprise. “Not to mention that you two seem adamant about ruining any shred of enjoyment I may have while I’m here.”

“You need to start showing Ebony and I some respect.” Twilight said as she narrowed her eyes on him. “That’s the only way this arrangement is going to work.” Saber glared an angry glare at the two women.

“You don’t demand my respect, you earn it.” He shifted his gaze to Ebony. “Remember that next time you’re instructing your men. Might actually get them to listen to you then.” He turned to Twilight.

“Why should I give you the time of day let alone my respect? All you’ve done since we’ve met is berate me and enforced your will on me like a goddamn tyrant. If I had known it was gonna be like this I would have preferred to stay in that Celestia forsaken pit. At least there I have more freedom and that’s saying something.” With that he stormed out of the room and banged his shoulder into Ebony’s on his way out.

She glared at him as he turned the corner and left her field of vision. He decided to get his mind off things by taking a walk through the streets of the small town. He was still getting use to the small town. He was more of a city dweller, but he could appreciate the quiet the town had to offer and the people were friendly enough. Saber headed into the tavern and saw a group of guards lounging in booths.

He took a seat at the bar and called to the bartender. The bartender had dark brown hair and a matching beard.

“What can I get you?” He asked.

“Anything to get my mind off today.” He groaned. “Make it strong.” The bartender nodded and set out a glass and filled it with some auburn liquid. Saber slammed the drink back and winced. “Oh that’s good stuff.” He slapped a few bits on the table and ordered another.

“What’s eating you?” One of the guards called out. Saber turned to face the four. One was a muscular man with short blonde hair. The one to his left was a woman with short orange hair and pristine green eyes. To her right was another woman with dark brown hair and similar brown eyes. The last one was a tall man with dark shoulder length hair that was naturally curly.

“It’s about six foot, long black hair and has an attitude problem.” The four all let out a groan in understanding. Saber grabbed his drink and joined the guards. “I take it you four have met the new captain?”

“Oh yeah,” The blonde one said.

“Won’t she be even more pissed if she finds you here?”

“We’re off duty today.” The brown haired man said as he put his hand out. “Willem Switch.” Saber shook it. “This is Nova,” He gestured to orange haired the girl. “She’s Fella and this is Simon.” The woman with blonde hair nodded along with the other man.

“Argent.” Saber said as Nova leaned forwards.

“We’ve seen you around the castle.” She said as she narrowed her eyes. “A lot of time spent with the captain. Are you two,” She raised her eyebrows. “together?” Saber almost spat his drink out and chuckled.

“Oh god no,” He said as he set his drink down. “we aren’t involved more than just being forced to work together.” A thought came to him and he smiled. “She isn’t hard on the eyes though.”

“She is quite attractive.” Willem said as the assassin and the other male guard gave the slightest of nods.

“She’s got nice hair.” Fella stated.

“Nice eyes.” Simon added.

“Not to mention she’s got a nice ass.” The four guards all looked at the white haired man in confusion. “A few weeks ago we got into a little sparring and I managed to cup a little bit of a feel.” He chuckled.

“Bullshit.” Fella said. “How are you still breathing if you did that?” Saber threw his hands up and shrugged.

“My charm?” He chuckled to himself. Saber sat back and thought for a moment as he remembered the slap. The four guards’ faces went ashen white. “She was firm, with the right amount of bounce. Perfect blend of muscle and cushion.”

They each shook their heads and Nova made a slicing motion across her neck with one of her hands. Saber raised and eyebrow before letting out a sigh. “She’s right behind me isn’t she?” He turned his head to see the dark haired captain with a face red with anger and embarrassment and golden eyes filled with fury. He turned back around and continued drinking while the four guards’ looked at the captain.

“You four should leave,” She seethed before her eyes went back onto the man. “now.” Her tone was low but weighed close to ten tons. The guards quickly made themselves scarce and even the bartender had the wits to leave and take some inventory in the back room. As the door to the back room closed shut Ebony took a seat across from the assassin and glared at him.

“Need something?” He asked as he sipped his drink.

“Why do you insist on making me look bad in front of my men?” She hissed.

“I was not making you look bad. I was actually complimenting you.” He said in a nonchalant tone. Ebony only glared at him with a blazing intensity that was met with one of equal intensity coming from the white haired man. “If you keep glaring like that you’re going to get wrinkles.” Ebony bit her lip and wanted to bite his head off but instead set her anger aside and let out breath of air she didn’t realize she was holding.

Screaming at him would do nothing other than escalate the argument and potentially get physical. While she didn’t have a problem knocking him around, she needed to maintain a respectable image in the castle and in town. If she beat him up whilst he was under the guise f a noble and the Princess’s assistant it could end badly. Reluctantly she swallowed her pride and shoved her anger aside before speaking.

“I would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from,” She bit back the rage that was boiling in her. “speaking about my posterior to my men.” Saber was surprised at the amount of self control the woman displayed. He smiled.

“Well, this is a surprise. I suppose you do have manners after all.” Her eyes grew angry again, but he held up his hand. “I’ll refrain from making any more jabs at you in front of your men.” She looked at him intensely. He was either the best liar she’d ever met, or he was telling the truth. The questions Twilight had asked were heavy on her mind, but she knew better than to try the direct approach, so she started small.

“Where did you learn to play the piano?” Saber raised an eyebrow at the question.

“Why?” She shrugged as she folded her arms.

“It sounded like you weren’t a beginner.”

“I’m not. I knew how to play dozens of songs before,” He bit his lip and Ebony saw a small flicker of rage show up in his eye. “before I was sent away.” He said delicately. “I learned from my mentor I guess.” He said as he sipped his drink.

“Your mentor?”

“I wasn’t born with my skills. I had to learn from someone.” He said in a flat tone. “She taught me nearly everything I know.”

“What was her name?” He frowned slightly at her.

“Why the sudden interest in my personal life?” He said with a raised eyebrow. Ebony sat back and crossed one of her legs over the other.

“It’s come to light that neither Twilight, nor I know much about you.”

“Does that really matter? My job is to protect her, who cares about my past? My past is in the past. No sense bringing it up.”

“If we’re going to trust you then we need to know more about you.” Ebony stated bluntly.

“You two have got to be the nosiest clients I’ve ever dealt with.” He sighed. “I don’t think this is either the time, nor place to talk about my job history, but if you insist I’ll be sure to go into excruciating detail.” He eyed the closet door that was cracked open a hair or two. Ebony sighed and stood up.

“I’m heading back to the castle, I expect to see you there soon.”

“Yes mother,” He said as she left the establishment. Saber finished his drink and ventured out into the small town. He stopped by several shops including; the town’s carpenter Caramel, Rarity’s boutique and even came across Zecora, the town’s resident shaman who sold all manner of potions and rare herbal ingredients. It was evening when he got back to the castle and he went to his room. He pulled out some of the ingredients and tools he bought with some of the money he swiped from various guards.

A mortar and pestle, various herbs and ingredients, some clay canisters. He started to grind various herbs up into the clay bowl and added various other ingredients into the canisters. As he finished the last one, he felt a prickling sensation and he set the book aside and walked into the hallway with Caelena strapped over his back, her handle rested above his right shoulder. As he rounded a corner he saw a hooded figure running towards him. He jumped back as the hooded figure slashed at him.

In a moment, Celeana was in his hand and was ready. He quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the assailant’s stance. The hooded figure charged again with a knife drawn. Saber dropped his guard and waited. The knife stopped an inch from his neck.

“Is this supposed to be some sort of test Ebby?” A familiar grunt escaped her lips as she pulled the knife away and pulled the hood back to show her dark hair.

“How did you know?” She asked as she sheathed the small knife.

“You’re rigid stance was a dead give away, anyone in my field knows how stiff the royal guards’ movements are.” He pointed to his nose and sniffed. “I also know that you’re the only one in the castle who wears that perfume.” He sniffed the air again. “Saffron Breeze, correct?” Ebony’s face flushed a bright red at the words as he chuckled. “I honestly never expected you, of all people, to wear perfume.”

“I never expected an assassin to be a perfume connoisseur,” She said in a flat tone. “and don’t sniff me. It’s creepy.” She folded her arms under her chest. “Twilight received a letter this evening from Princess Celestia.” Saber rolled his eyes at the mention of the woman. “She is needed there for an urgent meeting in Canterlot tomorrow at noon.” She narrowed her eyes on him. “You are to come as well.”

“Of course I am.” Ebony turned on her heel and walked away.

“We leave at dawn.” Sabe sheathed his blade and went back to his room humming to himself. He crawled into bed and sighed heavily as he stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep.