• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,496 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter V: Questions

Chapter V


By mid day, Saber was escorted onto the train bound for Ponyville by Ebony, who’s belongings had already been loaded onto the train. Ebony sat him down in a booth beside Saber before Twilight came towards their cabin. Ebony went to stand, but Twilight held up a hand to stop her. “There’s no sense in you standing just to sit back down again captain.” She smiled as she sat herself across from them.

“Of course your highness.” Ebony said wit a nod. Saber ignored the situation and looked out the window as they started moving. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Well, since you two will be staying with me I was wondering if you could answer some questions?” She asked.

“Of course Princess.” Ebony said as Twilight’s eyes shifted to the white haired man. She turned back to Ebony and smiled.

“Okay, who have you trained with?”

“Upon my entering the Royal Guard, my drill sergeant saw I had untapped potential and recommended me for special training under Sir Artemis and Sir Solaris.” She stated proudly. “Myself, along with a few other recruits went through vigorous training in tactics, tracking, combat and arcane. In the end, I was the only one who remained either because the other’s couldn’t hack it, or because they’d been severely wounded.”

“What kind of magic and to what extent can you do?”

“I am skilled in wind and ice magic. I focus it through my sword and I have been able to cut through a shield of griffonian steel that is six inches thick and I can create barriers of ice thick enough to stop a crossbow bolt.” Saber raised an eyebrow at that.

“Impressive,” Twilight said as her eyes drifted back over to Saber who was still staring out the window. Ebony then elbowed him to get his attention.

“What?” He asked in an annoyed tone. Ebony gestured her head towards Twilight and Saber turned to meet her curious purple eyes.

“I was wondering about your training.” Twilight said. Saber looked at Twilight then back to Ebony, then back to the Princess. He took in a deep breath.

“That depends. Do you want to hear what you want to hear, or the truth?” Twilight looked at him in confusion.

“The truth,” She said in a firm tone. “always.” Saber sat back in his seat and thought long and hard. How long had it been since he thought about the training he’d received? Saber gestured to the sliding door and Ebony shut it with her free hand. He leaned in closer and looked at Twilight intensely.

“You may come to regret saying that.” He said as he leaned back into his seat and thought. “I’m not one of Celestia’s royal lap dogs like the captain here.” He stated flatly as Ebony's eyes sharpened. “Up until a few weeks ago I wanted nothing to with the Princesses or this one.” He pointed his thumb to Ebony. Twilight blinked in surprise. “I’m an assassin, or rather I was an assassin.”

Twilight felt her heartbeat quicken at the words and she gulped at the words. “Now I suppose you’re wondering why the Princess would assign someone like me to guard you?” He gave her a wicked grin. “It’s because I’m the best there is. I know how to disappear in plain sight, I can craft potions that could kill twenty men in twenty different ways, I can sneak into almost anywhere and kill anyone with anything. I know every trick in the book and then some. That’s why Celestia,” He paused as he thought of the correct words. “persuaded me to do this.”

The Princess swallowed hard and felt a knot form in her stomach. She looked to Ebony who’s hand was firmly gripped on her sword handle. “Just so we’re on the same page, I’m not some poor soul who had a change of heart and wanted to turn my life around. I’m here because it was choice between guarding you and slow agonizing death.” He turned to look at Ebony, who’s eyes were fixated on him.

“She’s here to keep an eye on me and make sure I don’t do anything,” He scratched his chin. “counter productive.” He turned his head and the magic seal around his neck appeared. “This is linked to your heartbeat so if you die, I die.” He crossed his arms and cracked his neck. “I’m telling you all of this because our lives are intertwined, so you’re going to have to trust me.” Twilight took in a deep breath and narrowed her purple eyes on the man.

“If what you’re saying is true, then why should I trust you?” He smiled at her.

“Because Celestia was right. The second you became a Princess you had a target painted on your back for Celestia and Equestria’s enemies. No one would dare attack Celestia, Luna or Cadence out in the open and expect to survive the backlash, but you? You’re fresh meat ripe for the taking.” Twilight was surprised at his words.

“Equestria doesn’t have enemies.” She stated.

“You mean besides a certain crazy Changeling Queen, a god of chaos and a giant demon you sealed away not two months ago?” He counted off on his hand with his fingers.

“Discord is reformed, we are hunting Chrysalis as we speak and Tirek is back in chains.” Ebony answered.

“What about the other noble houses?” He asked.

“What about them?” Twilight stated.

“Do you honestly think a change in the power structure this big won’t ruffle a few feathers? You probably pissed off almost every high ranking noble in Canterlot when you got your crown.” Twilight blinked in surprise.

“Why? I didn’t do anything to them.”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re a piece on the board now.” He sat back and put his hands behind his head.

“If I may speak freely your highness?” Twilight nodded at the captain. “While I wouldn’t put it as bluntly, I will say the inner workings of the noble court are very lucrative and dangerous. I prefer to keep myself out of politics as it as lethal as any other battleground, sometimes deadlier.” Twilight looked stunned.

“These are dangerous people Princess Sparkle,” Saber started. “people who wouldn’t think twice about using someone like me to remove an obstacle in their way just to get more power, better standings in the eyes of the other nobles, or just because they want to.” His tone was flat and serious. “Considering your relationship with the Princesses, this also makes the nobles drool at the thought of the rewards and favors they might recieve if they suck up to you. Those are the ones you need to keep your eye on.” Twilight shook her head.

“You make it sound like I can’t trust any of them.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” He said as his eyes bore into hers. “Let me tell you something for free Princess; in this game you win, or you die.” Twilight sat back and let out a deep sigh as she rubbed her head. “Scared?”

“A little.” She admitted. Saber gave her a grin.

“Good, you’re in the great game now and the game is terrifying.” He said as he clicked his tongue. “The only people who aren’t afraid are crazy like Chrysalis.” After that a long silence fell over the booth and it remained that way until the train pulled to a screeching halt. Ebony stood up first.

“We’re here.”