• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,497 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter XIV: A Silence of Three Parts

Chapter XIV

A Silence of Three Parts

It had been a few days since the Prince and his two guards arrived at the crystal palace and saber was grateful there was finally someone interesting to talk to. The two mostly talked of small things and were always accompanied by Petra, Malik or both. Had they known his true position the two would most likely try to kill him, so he kept the facade of Argent up at all times. Even with his skills he couldn’t be everywhere at once and while Ebony had significantly improved the guards’ skills they were still amateurs compared to him and the Prince’s guards.

He thought of a way to remedy this, but he needed the captain’s permission. The assassin thought on it as he approached the Ebony’s office. He knocked this time and Ebony allowed entrance. The dark haired captain sat behind a large wooden desk as the puppy woke up from its nap and ran up to Saber wagging its tail.

“Maya here,” She commanded, but the puppy ignored her and put it’s front paws on the man’s boot. Saber chuckled at the small canine.

“Maya?” He asked as he looked at the captain. “Why that name?”

“Her eyes.” She stated calmly. “They remind me of Lake Maya that is close to my home.” She clarified and Saber nodded in approval of the name. He then turned his attention back to the puppy.

“For once I’m not being chased by a guard dog.” He said as he closed the door behind him.

“She still has a long way to go.” Ebony said as she sat up straight. “Is there something you want?”

“No, but there’s something I need.” He said as he walked up to the desk. “Do you know how many blind spots there are in this castle?” Ebony shook her head. She’d been too busy to mark every weak point in the palace.

“Too many for me to cover and account for, that’s how many. This town might not be as large as Canterlot, but it’s still too big for one person to cover, even someone with my skills.” Ebony folded her hands on her desk.

“What are you suggesting?”

“I need a detachment of guards under my command to help me gather information and cover the positions I can’t. I may have a few tricks up my sleeve, but I can’t be in six places at once.” She was wary of him having his own private force.

“What would these individuals be doing?” She asked.

“Gathering information about anything that seems fishy or could potentially be a threat. Information that would be passed onto me then to you.”

“So a spy ring?” Saber shrugged.

“Call it what you will, but the fact remains that I can’t cover the entire town alone and there are several gaps in security that need to be filled.” Ebony sat back in her chair and thought over his proposal. What he said was true, there were several blind spots in the castle’s defenses and anything could happen in town, even one as nice as Ponyville. She had an idea as to how she could turn this to her advantage.

“I’ll allow it,” Saber waited for the shoe to drop. “on two conditions.”

“Here we go.” He muttered under his breath. “What are they?”

“You need to run this proposal by the Princess so in case it fails she won’t think it was my idea.”

What are you, a child afraid of getting scolded?

“Fine, what else do you want?”

“I want you to gather information on Prince Ramil.” Saber raised an eyebrow at this.

“The Prince, why? He mostly spends his time reading and training with his guards.”

“He’s not a Prince like Blueblood. He regularly sends coded messages to his contacts both in and out of equestria.”

“A Prince that actually does something productive? Now there’s a rarity. So, you think he’s planning an invasion?” He said with a chuckle. The captain frowned.

“It’s no joking matter. We don’t know what he could be planning when he takes the throne.” She said in a serious tone.

“So spying on him is the appropriate course of action?” He said in a flippant tone.

“You’re the one who said we can’t trust anyone.” She had him there and it was true that Ramil was considered a wild card. Not to mention something was bugging him about the three changelings.

“Fine, but I don’t know why you just get some of your guards to shadow him instead of coming to me.”

“Most of the guards here are still quite upset about the invasion.” He rolled his eyes. The invasion happened while he was still in Purgatory, but something that big would well reach the ass end of the world. The percentage of Changeling inmates there nearly tripled in the following months.

“Oh please, that was well over two years ago and there were barely any casualties.” He said in a flippant tone.

“Regardless, many of the guards don’t like the fact that there are three in the castle. No to mention you are friends with him.” Saber crossed his arms and turned away so the captain only saw his right side.

“We’re not friends. He’s just the only person here who can have an interesting conversation. Most of the guards are self entitled morons and the other half are boring beyond hell.” Ebony wondered which category she fell into, but pushed the thought out of her mind.

“How many guards do you need?” Saber turned so he was facing her fully once again.

“Ten men should do.” He didn’t really need that many and he doubt he’d get them, he just like to bargain every once in a while.

“Forget it.” She said firmly. “I’m not sacrificing ten good men. You can have two.”

“Two? What the hell am I supposed to do with two extra bodies?” He threw his hands up for added drama. “I need more than that captain. What about seven?” He planted the bait he’d just hoped she’d bite. The captain shook her head.

“I don’t think so. This castle hardly has a full company of guards and I need as many men to patrol the castle and the town.” Saber pretended to look irritated. In all honestly, the more men you have for his kind of work, the more difficult it is to keep their operations hidden.

“Four,” He said as he held up four fingers on his right hand. “just four troops that I personally get to pick, train and have under my and only my command.” Ebony leaned back in her chair and folded her hands as she calculated the numbers in her head.

“Fine, but only four and none of them can be officers.” She cemented her proclamation with a stern glare.

Check and mate. He thought as he kept his face neutral. He didn’t want officers, they were already loyal to the Princess and Equestria and were rigid in their misguided beliefs. Grunts were far more malleable and were easier to sway into his line of thinking.

“Remember, this only happens if you get the Princess’ permission.” She said as she picked up Maya and put the puppy on her lap.

“I’ll talk to Twilight about it.” He saw himself out and made his way through the halls in search of the Princess.


Twilight roamed the halls of her castle until she came across a somewhat familiar room that held a large piano. She approached the instrument and pressed a key. She never had a talent when it came to instruments, but she appreciated the music. There were several sheets of paper scattered about the immediate vicinity

“Ah there you are.” She turned her head to see the assassin entering the room. “What are you doing in here?”

“Just wandering around,” She said as she picked up one of the papers and started to read it. The paper had several music notes written on it in neat handwriting. These did not come from her books. Saber quickly snatched the papers from her hands.

“Do I go into your room and read your things?” He said as he folded the paper in half.

“I don’t know, do you?” Saber paused as he looked at the Princess. He had snuck into her and the captain’s rooms once or twice. He never found anything interesting apart from the Princess’ diary that was just filled with different notes on friendship. Nothing that interested him in the least and nothing he could use as blackmail.

“Regardless I need a favor. I made an arrangement with the captain, but I need your permission.” Saber then went into more detail about the squad of troops he requested. Twilight rolled the idea around in her head. She couldn’t deny that having more eyes and ears around the castle would help, but at the same time they would be under his command.

She pondered the bargain and was surprised that Ebony would go along with it. She did like that she and Saber were no longer at each other’s throats.

“I’ll agree to it, if you do something for me.” Saber bit back his tongue to stop a comment. She looked at the piano for a moment. “I want you to play something for me.” She gestured to the piano as Saber clicked his tongue against his grit teeth. “You’re in here almost everyday.”

“Spying on me are we?” He said in an irritated tone. “My music is not for your ears.” He said as he folded his arms.

“Why is that?”

“Because you couldn’t handle it.” His tone was firm and unmoving.

“That’s my price.” Saber growled as a thought worked his way into his mind and a wolfish grin spread across his face. His eyes flashed with a predatory glint.

“Fine, I’ll play something for you. But not now, I need to decide what I’m going to play and feel free to invite some people, the captain and the prince for example.” Something in the back of Twilight’s mind was telling her to cut her losses and run. She felt like a rabbit that had accidentally wandered into a fox den. Yet she knew almost nothing about the assassin’s past and she figured this would possibly open a doorway to that.

“I’ll think about it.” She said as she held her ground. “What time do you think you’ll be ready?” Saber scratched his chin.

“Later tonight perhaps we’ll have a little welcoming party for the Prince?” It was true that Pinkie had been so swamped with baking that she didn’t have time to prepare a proper party for the three newcomers.

“Splendid, just don’t invite the whole town. Even if you did I wager less than half would show up.” He said as he walked towards the door. “Now if that is all, I need to decide what I will play this evening.” Saber walked out of the room and made his way through the castle chuckling to himself.

As he neared the courtyard he heard a loud booming noise coming from outside. He turned his head and looked outside to see the three changelings. He raced outside before any guards could get out there and stop whatever it was they were doing. As he got closer he saw that Ramil was holding an odd object. It had a metal barrel on top with a wooden handle attached to it.

He pulled a trigger and there was a bright flash of light along with a puff of powder coming from the end of the barrel followed by another loud booming noise. “Damn,” The Prince said as he looked at the hay training dummy standing in front of a wall made of rock that had two black scorch marks on either side of the dummy. The Prince turned and smirked a he saw the white haired man approaching. “Ah, good afternoon Argent,”

“You as well your highness.” The two guards acknowledged him and didn’t reach for their blades. They didn’t let their guards down, but they had grown used to the man’s company. “Might I inquire what that is?” He pointed at the strange device in the Prince’s hands.

“Ah, it is of my own design.” He said as he held it up and the sun reflected off the metal. “I call it a hand-canon.” He aimed it at the target again and another blast shot out and burned into the wall beside the dummy. “Unfortunately, it’s not that accurate.”

Saber couldn’t help but marvel at the design. If there was one thing he could appreciate it was cleverness. “Want to try?” He shrugged and took it in his hand.

“A little heavy,” He said as he weighed it in his palm. Ramil told him how to load the devise and how to fire it. Saber raised it to eye level and lined up the metal sights on the straw man. He pulled the trigger and as the small metal ball exited the barrel Saber felt the recoil of the shot and his hand jerked back. “and it packs quite a punch.”

He huffed a he saw the scorch mark beside the straw man’s arm. “You weren’t kidding about the accuracy.” He said as he examined the object. “Not to mention it’s very loud.” He said as he gave the object back to the Prince.

“Yes well, that’s black powder for you.” Ramil stated.

“Is this hand cannon common in your country?” Ramil shook his head.

“No, first of it’s kind as far as I know.” Saber nodded and eyed the two guards to see that they didn’t have copies of the device on them.

“Tell you what, I’m a bit of a tinkerer myself. I could take a look at it if you desire?” Ramil looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “I’ve taken apart a few pocket watches and made some small modifications.” Ramil considered the offer and a smile spread across his lips as he spun the weapon in his hand so it’s handle was facing Saber.

“By all means, I have another.” Saber nodded and took it from the Prince already thinking about the design of the object.

“Also, there’s going to be a small dinner party for you all tonight in the castle.” Malik and Petra perked up at this. “Just Princess Sparkle, the captain, the other Elements of Harmony and myself will be attending for now.” He took in a breath before continuing. “Par the Princess’ request I will be providing the musical entertainment.” Ramil smiled slyly.

“An advisor, tinkerer and a musician? Where have you been all my life? You’re a man after my own heart Argent.” He laughed.

“Careful Prince, I might just steal it.” The two men shared a laugh. “Further more, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be seen with anything like this.” He gestured to the hand cannon. “There’s still a lot of tension between Changelings and the Equestrian guards.” Petra narrowed her eyes.

“You think we can’t handle them?” She inquired and Ramil shook his head as he sighed.

“I think it’ll only be a matter of time before one of them does something stupid and you put them in the infirmary. Then the captain will be on my ass about it.” He groaned as he thought of another tongue lashing from the dark haired woman. Saber bid the trio farewell as he turned back to the castle and went inside to go back to his room. As he walked through the hallways he heard the familiar sound of paws and nails against stone.

Ebony and the small puppy were making their way down the corridor as he rounded the corner. Seeing him the puppy left it’s owner’s side and ran up to him despite ebony calling for her to stay. “So how goes the training?” He chuckled.

“As good as it gets.” Ebony stated as she looked at the puppy wagging her tail. Her eyes then drifted to saber’s hand. “What is that?”

“A fascinating new toy,” He held it up in the light and looked at it. “On another note, the Princess agreed to my request.” Ebony nodded and crossed her arms.

“Provided you play for us tonight.” A sly smile spread across his face.

“Oh I will and trust me Ebby, it’ll be a performance unlike any other.” Her golden eyes focused on the man’s smile and a shiver snaked up her spine. “So I’d like the personnel files on all the soldiers here.” She huffed and lead him through the castle to her office and pulled out a dozen or so files.

“I want those back.” She said in a pointed tone.

“Pleasure doing business with you captain.” He said as he walked off with the papers in hand. As he left ebony stared at his back and tried to place why her body shivered in that manner. It was like a snake had slithered around her body and flicked it’s forked tongue at the back of her neck. She pushed the thought aside and went back to her duties.

Hours later, the sun had started to set and cast orange light against the clouds. Rarity, Applejack and the other elements of harmony had gathered at the crystal palace wearing some fine clothes. They were busy talking amongst one another as Twilight walked up to them with a smile on her face.

“I’m glad you all could come.” She smiled.

“Why do we have to be here?” Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes. Rarity shot a look at her friend.

“Rainbow it’s uncouth to refuse a request to a party. Especially if it’s a royal party.” She stated.

“They’re Changelings Rarity.” The rainbow haired flyer said. “They feed off emotions.”

“That’s actually a misconception,” The group whirled around to see Ramil wearing a fine emerald green tunic. Malik and Petra were dressed in similar styled clothes but in orange and purple. “we Changelings feed off the residual magic living creatures give off to restore our strength. The reaction from that is that the one we feed from is usually a little tired which is why the whole ‘love sucking’ rumor started.”

“Like vampires?” Twilight’s faced paled a she looked at Pinkie. The last thing she wanted was to make an enemy out of the Prince. Ramil gave a soft chuckle.

“No, I’d say it’s more akin to milking cows.” The women all raised an eyebrow. “You see, we Changelings cannot naturally replenish our magic so we must refill it from an outside source. If our mana levels get too low then we slip into a coma and die and if we ever get to critical levels then we will feed off of an individuals mana which usually leaves the source tired pending on how much we take.” He said as if he were teaching a class.

“How exactly do you,” Twilight swallowed. “feed?”

“We just have to make physical contact. Whether it’s a hand shake or any other kind of skin on skin contact.” Rainbow took a small step away from the trio. “Don’t worry that’s only in an extreme situation and I’ve yet to use any of my magic since I got here.” He was about to go more in depth but saw a familiar white haired man wearing a nice deep red outfit approaching them.

“I see everyone is enjoying themselves.” Saber said in his usual calm demeanor. He looked at the three changelings and nodded to them. “You clean up well Prince.”

“You as well.” He nodded at the advisor. Saber looked over to see that the captain was once again donning her dress uniform. While this wasn’t a formal dinner, he still grimaced and shook his head. The group all sat at the large round table and started to chat about small things. The girls mostly talked about the happenings in the small town.

Most of it was just idle gossip or how much the price of grain and other goods had gone up. Nothing that remotely interested the assassin. Saber kept feeling his eyes wander over to Petra who looked about as bored as he did. He couldn’t place his finger on it, but something was off about the guard. Even under her fine clothes, Saber could tell that she’d seen many fights that had turned her body into a lean weapon devoted to protecting her Prince.

Soon the eating and chatting died down and it was time to Saber make good on his deal. He approached the instrument that Twilight ordered down into the grand hall for tonight. He traced his hands over the ivory keys and played a few to make sure they were tuned correctly. By the time he finished, the guests had each taken a seat or in Ebony’s case, found a wall to lean against her arms folded under her chest.

Saber could feel all their eyes on him as he began. He started off with a few simple songs to warm up. The notes were relatively simple to follow and even easier to play. He continued this somewhat simple playing for a few minutes to lull them into a false sense of security. After he finished the last song he took a quick break.

He took a moment to look at this audience. Dash looked bored while Ebony, Malik and Petra looked unimpressed. The rest looked somewhat neutral on his performance, perfect. He had them right where he wanted them. He cracked each finger with his thumb and then his shoulders and back. Ebony, Twilight and the trio of Changelings raised an eyebrow as they saw his body posture had changed from calm to rigid, almost in a constant state of tension. Like a spring about to snap.

They say that when an artist paints they put a piece of their being into the canvass. The same could be said for musicians and their music. Saber believed it too. That’s why just this once he would let them all see what creeps in the dark below. He took in a deep breath and looked at the ceiling before closing his eyes.

Ebony could feel the tension around the man rising as she saw the muscles under his shirt ripple and could just pick up the sound of his joints cracking. He slowly raised both hands over his head and held them there for what felt like minutes on end. The room became so deathly quiet ebony could hear her own heart beating. Her eyes glanced to the side and saw that the others, including Rainbow were in a similar state. She opened her mouth to speak but the tension was so thick she felt like she was about to choke on it.

In a sudden flash Saber’s eyes snapped open and his fingers came down on the keys like a tidal wave against a shoreline. His fingers danced across ivory and black keys. The music pouring out was not the melodies they’d heard previously, no this was different. It started out as a somber tone that slowly rose and dipped as his fingers hit each key. Just as it slowed down a rolling thunder of notes slammed against their ears and rolled back down once again.

As soon as the song came to a halt he started playing again only giving the slightest of pauses for them to recover. This song held a weight that felt like it might snap everything in two if his concentration was broken. His hands danced across the keys as if they had a mind of their own and delivered a strike to each key. Twilight’s eyes wandered up from his hands to his face and saw that his eyes were glassed over. Saber was no longer in this room, he was off wherever the music he was making took him.

Hundreds of thoughts shot through the man’s mind as his fingers continued to dance. At first the image of a large stone building surrounded by a large grove of trees filled his mind. The stone steps leading up to a platform that six pillars stood and held up the roof. The archway between the inner post pillars made it seem like the building was outstretching it’s arms to welcome him home. Standing in between the pillars was a woman with long curling brown hair.

Her eyes were the deepest shade of brown and a smile that could shine through the darkest of shadows. Her face was somewhat plain looking with a few freckles on her cheeks and dimples on her face. As soon as he took a step towards it the building and the woman erupted in flame. The fire burned black and burned until not even ash remained. The woman was burned to a crisp and just as Saber reached out to touch her she crumbled away and was scattered to the wind.

The next thing he knew shards of glass pierced his back as he was thrown from a room through a large stain glass window. He looked over his shoulder to see the ground one hundred feet below him. He looked back up to see more glass raining down around him that mixed with the rain. His eyes focused on the shattered window and the eight shadowed figures watching him fall from above. One looked away while smiles grew on the rest. He felt the impact just as the second melody came to a jarring halt.

For a third time the piano was silent for only a moment before the keys played a deeper, darker tune. His mind drifted back to that pit he was in not three months ago. The memories of the chains and whips used against him. Suddenly the music shifted and became erratic yet each note was in sync with the ones that followed and came before. As if a piece of his mind had become irrational yet was still holding onto sanity if only by a thread.

The music was building and building to the breaking point until a waterfall of notes and sound crashed down on him and the listeners. The speed and power of the music skyrocketed before it slowly started to slow and eventually come to a halt. There was sweat on his brow and his fingers began to ache and scream at him. He was reaching his breaking point.

What followed was a vast silence made in three parts. The first was the silence of the audience. Not one of them could form a word to respond to what they had just witnessed. Ebony hadn’t even realized that a tear had rolled down one of her cheeks until she blinked and felt the familiar warmth in her eye. Petra’s face was paler than her usual dark obsidian complexion and she too had tears in her and had not realized.

The Prince’s face was a mix between awe, horror and sadness. His eyes shifted to his left towards Twilight and his expression shifted to that of disdain and disgust. Twilight herself felt as if a large had had gripped her whole body and was clutching her so tightly that she couldn’t even breath much less speak. The rest of the group was awestruck and even though the tears ruined her makeup, rarity couldn’t wipe it awe as the music continued to dance in her mind, almost as if she were under it’s trance.

The second silence came from the instrument itself. How long had it been sitting unplayed, untouched, unloved? Yet in the hands of this man it sang like a chorus of birds all in sync with one another. It would never know if it would ever be played like that again and the mere thought of that would bring tears to even the coldest of hearts.

The third silence came from the man himself and it was the loudest silence of the three. He sat on the bench of the piano and looked down at his aching finger tips as if he were looking for something. As he closed one hand his fingers cracked as he made a fist and opened them again. With the grace of a cat he stood up and started to make his way towards the door. No one made a move to stop him.

There was an air of dread about the assassin as his shoes clicked against the crystal floors. He moved like a stream, flowing and smooth. As he put his hand on the handle of the door the trance that encompassed the lavender Princess seemed to falter. She turned her head towards the man and only caught the briefest of glimpses of his face, but she was sure she saw a tear in his eye.

The sound of marching boots snapped her out of the trance completely and saw the three changelings exiting through the door. “I think I’ll retire for the night.” Ramil said in a harsh tone. Malik closed the door with a slam behind him that knocked the others out of their trance. Rarity realized her ruined make up and started to doctor it as best they could.

Twilight was still frozen in place as the full weight of the music came crashing down. It was the music of a man who had lost, seen and done things she cannot even begin to imagine. He was right, she couldn’t handle his music. She was back to her old self as she felt the captain’s hand on her shoulder.

“I think it’s best if we called it a night.” Ebony’s face was just as pale of hers and even through she wiped it away, Twilight could see the trail of the tear that came from her eye. Twilight agreed and the guests started to funnel out of the castle and return to their respective homes. The Princess herself returned to her room and got ready for bed.

As she lay atop her covers she heard a soft banging noise coming from the wall where the secret tunnel between her and the assassin’s room was. She slowly got out of bed and used her magic to gently and quietly slide the secret door open. The small hallway was empty safe for a small sliver of light coming from the other side of the passage. She conjured a small ball of mage light and walked towards the room.

She wasn’t sure why she was doing it. What could she possibly say to him after that? She thought about knocking but she doubted he wanted to talk to her. She peered through the crack that the light was sprouting from. She could only see the far wall and his desk where the disassembled hand canon rested.

She heard steps approaching and backed away, but still stayed closed enough to peer out the crack. The man was shirtless and was a bit wet. She figured he must have just gotten out of the bath tub. He leaned over the desk and looked down at the device. Twilight felt warmth rise to her cheeks as she saw the lean muscles of his back made only more prevalent by the droplets of water running down his back.

The muscles shifted as he stood back up and reached for the metal chain around his neck. He pulled the necklace that she’d seen when he reclaimed his equipment up over his head and set it on the desk. She saw his back shimmer and the skin shift and change. The Princess couldn’t hold back the sharp gasp as the smooth skin was replaced by one that’s heavily scarred canvas of skin. Scars from deep cuts and burns coated his back like a tapestry of depravity and pain.

She was so stunned she didn’t see him whirl as he heard her gasp. His chest was in a similar state. As the stone door was ripped to the side piercing her eyes with light. Her eyes refocused and with the light to his back she could still make out the scars, ones from slicing, piercing, burning. Her brain stopped listing all the possible ways he was tortured as her gaze became locked onto his teal eyes.

Her knees began to shake as she stared into the two deep crystal pools of pure rage. Her heart was beating faster and faster as the tension between them rose.

“Get out.” He hissed through grit teeth.

“I-I just,”

“Get out!” His voice was deafening in the small tunnel. Red lines slowly started to appear around the corners of his teal eyes. Twilight quickly staggered back before going into a full on sprint going back to her room. As she came back to her bed room she threw up a hand and the door was sealed behind her.

Author's Note:

This is the idea I had for the hand canon:

As for the music I mostly inspired it from these In order:

For the second I couldn't decide between these two So pick whichever one you like better:

For the third:

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.