• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,497 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter II: The Bargain

Chapter II

The Bargain

“You so much as blink and I’ll cut you down where you stand assassin.” Solaris stepped away, but remained within striking distance. Saber huffed at the threat as Celestia approached him. She moved with natural grace and her white dress flower like her hair. She winced at the odor coming from the prisoner.

“Sorry for the smell, it’s been a while since I’ve had a bath.” He grinned at the princesses discomfort.

“Tell us, how long have you been imprisoned in Purgatory?” Celestia asked as she did her best to ignore the smell.

“Three years, maybe that and a month? Hard to keep track of time when you spend every day with little to no sunlight.” The mines were deep underground. He and the other prisoners are already in the mine when the sun rises and they don’t leave until the evening when the sun is just starting to set.

“Remarkable considering the life expectancy is less than a year.” Artemis stated.

“Has he made any escape attempts?” Celestia asked looking at the fair haired man.

“Only once, he ran from the mine after taking down several guards-”

“Twelve,” Saber corrected. “if you’re going to tell the story then please, tell it accurately.” The blue armored guard grumbled at the interjection.

“Twelve guards before he made it to the edge of the wall. Then was knocked unconscious.” That had earned him six lashings, three weeks in the box and his current status as living in a pit. It was worth it. Saber chuckled at the words. “Despite the feat you still failed.”

“Only because I let my emotions get the better of me and took care of something personal.” He said as he looked down at the white marble floor. “Be grateful I only killed a dozen and not the other ones I hurt.”

“Why didn’t you kill them too?” Cadence said finally piping up.

“Personal reasons. The others were just unlucky enough to get in my way.” He shrugged.

“Many of them have broken arms, cracked ribs, or several other serious injuries.” Solaris clarified.

“Please send them a bouquet of flowers on my behalf.” His comment earned him scowls from the other people in the room. “Now let’s get down to business shall we?” His tone became more serious.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve to demand anything.” Luna glared at him.

“The only reason I’m still breathing is because you want something from me.” Saber stated as he looked at Celestia. He set his gaze on the three princesses. “So what do you want?” The Princesses looked at one another. Celestia huffed and straightened her posture.

“We’re offering you a chance to buy your way out of prison.” Saber had not been expecting that. He didn’t let his confusion and interest show and remained silent. “We need someone who has experience in your field of expertise.”

“I suppose you want me to kill someone?” He raised an eyebrow.

“The opposite in fact,” Celestia said. Now Saber was even more confused. “I want you to keep someone safe. You’d be released from the mines and if you do your job well then you might get a pardon and walk away a free man.” She put extra emphasis on the word might.

“And just who would I be guarding? If it’s your nephew then just take me back to the mines. It’ll be less annoying.” The two guards shuddered at the mention of Prince Blueblood. A royal pain in everyone’s ass.

“Have you heard of the Elements of Harmony?” Luna questioned. Saber had heard some small rumors before he was imprisoned. Apparently six women were chosen to wield some enchanted artifacts and managed to seal away the God of Chaos, remnants of an evil mage king, helped stop a Changeling invasion and sealed away a massive magical demon.

“Only a little, I’ve never been concerned with politics.”

“So you’re unaware that there is a new Princess?” Luna stated in a flat tone. He’d heard small whispers of a new member to the royal family from the guards, but he thought it was just a stupid rumor. “Needless to say, there are people who are not pleased by it and may take steps to do her harm.”

“And you want me to protect this new Princess?” Celestia gave a reluctant nod. “Why not just get some of your dogs to do it?” He shot a look at Artemis who tightened his grip on the blade.

“Our guards are not trained to deal with expert assassins.” Celestia said. “You are.”

“Why not go to other assassins?”

“We can’t trust them.” Cadence stated. Saber chuckled at the answer.

“And why do you think you can trust me?” He said arching an eyebrow.

“Because we have the one thing you want and we’re the only ones who can give it to you.” Luna stated.

“And if I refuse?” Celestia took in a deep breath and glared right at the man.

“Then you go back into the mines and stay there for the rest of your life.” Saber instinctively gulped. The two guards each felt a small smile tug at the corners of their mouths. He wouldn’t last another year in that hell, let alone the rest of his life.

“So either I agree to do what you say or die a slow painful death?” The Princess’s faces remained neutral. “Of course, that’s how you royals work.” Hit tone had enough venom in it to put down ten men. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news Princess, but I’ve been rotting away in a mine for the past few years and the experience has more than taken it’s tole.”

He lifted up his filthy scrap of cloth that hung off his shoulders to show his chest. The pink winged Princess averted her eyes from the sight. His filthy skin was stretched across his ribs and there were clear signs of starvation and abuse. Laceration marks from whips, bruising and signs of broken bones showed up like a map of pain on the man’s body.

“So you won’t do it?”

“Just stating the fact that I’ve been in better shape. The warden certainly knows how to make a man such as myself feel right at home.” He covered his chest once more with the cloth. “If I accept, then how long will I be in your servitude?”

“If things go smoothly and you do your job, five years.” Saber poked his tongue against the inside of his mouth and tilted his head toward the ceiling.

“Okay, five years. Will I be paid?”

“You’ll have a roof over your head, food that doesn’t taste rotten and no chains around your wrists. I’d say that’s payment enough.” Luna said. She wasn’t wrong. A hay bale in horse stables would be more accommodating than spending another night in that pit.

“And how do I know that as soon as I’ve served my time you won’t just make me disappear?” He said in a skeptic tone.

“I give you my word.” Celestia said in a firm tone.

“The word of a Princess? I’d sooner trust a man with a pocket full of wooden bits.” Solaris pressed his blade against Saber’s throat. The assassin only grinned. “Seems I struck a nerve.” Celestia motioned for Solaris to lower his blade. The knight did so, although begrudgingly. “Why in the name of whatever god there is should I trust you?”

“Because this is the only chance you’ll get of getting out of that place alive.” Celestia’s tone grew serious. The two locked eyes and the air in the room became so tense it became hard to breath.

“On that, we’re in agreement.” He gave a heavy sigh and looked at the ground. He picked up his head and looked at the three Princesses. “You have yourself a deal, but I do want a few favors before we begin.”

“Bargaining?” Luna narrowed her eyes.

“It’s nothing outside your power or some ludicrous request.” Saber stated. “I want everything you took from me before I was sent to Purgatory. If I’m to do my job I need the right equipment.” Celestia pondered for a moment.

“Done, although it will take some time to procure them and you’ll only be allowed access to them under strict supervision.” That was to be expected.

“Also, I want some time to get back in shape. With the way I am now I’m sure even one of your guards could wipe the floor with me.” He said as he looked down at his gangly frame.

“We were about to get to that.” Celestia stated. “You’ll be allowed full use of the Royal Guard’s training services. You’ll be staying in one of the castle rooms for the duration and will be escorted everywhere you go.”

“I’m glad we’re starting off this new partnership by placing so much trust in one another.” He understood the precautions they were taking, he’d be insulted otherwise. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t take a few shots when he could. “So which mindless dog is going to watch me?” He looked between Artemis and Solaris who held stern expressions.

“That would be me.” A female voice rang out. Saber turned towards the farthest corner in the room and his eyes shrank. A woman with flowing raven black hair made her way forwards. Her golden eyes were focused on the man like a hawk about to swoop down on it’s prey. She was wearing some silver chest and leg armor, a similarly styled vambrace on her gloved right forearm. Her left hand resting on the silver handle of her sword and the other on her hip.

He recognized her immediately, Ebony Northwind, one of the youngest recruits to ever be accepted into the Royal Guard. She quickly rose through the ranks and was soon given the nickname; ‘The Panther’ for her ferocity in combat and her jet black hair. He’d heard rumors about her, but this was the first time he’d actually laid eyes on her. “Never thought I’d actually meet the infamous Panther.”

“That’s Lieutenant to you,” She hissed.

“Congratulations on being a glorified thug,” He said with a roll of his eyes.

“This coming from an assassin?” He had to give her that one. The only difference between the two of them was that he got paid and she worked for the kingdom, well technically he worked for the kingdom now as well. Saber shifted his gaze back to Celestia.

“So she’s my escort? Wonderful, I’m sure we’ll become great friends.” He said in a sarcastic tone. “Any more surprises?”

“Just one more thing,” Solaris pointed a finger at him and a spell circle formed around his neck. Saber felt as if someone had just dragged a hot piece of metal around his neck and clutched his flesh in pain as his knees hit the floor.

“What did you just do to me?” He coughed as the pain faded.

“Should you try to escape that will activate and explode.” Solaris’s eyes narrowed on the man as he glared back at him. They really weren’t taking any chances.

“Anything else?” He huffed as he winced from the stinging of the mark that soon turned to a dull throbbing pain.

“No, you are free to go to you quarters.” With that, he was ushered away from the large room by Ebony ,who had a firm grip on his chains and watched him like a hawk. Once they were gone, Cadence looked at her aunt in concern.

“Celestia, I’ve never once doubted you before, but can we really trust him?” She said in an unsure tone.

“We must agree with Cadence sister. Do we really want someone like him protecting Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia looked at her guard and sister before letting out a heavy sigh.

“I know it is a gamble, a large one at that, but I believe that he is the only one capable of protecting Twilight.” She looked at Solaris who held an equally worried look on his face. “Keep an eye on him.” The two guards nodded and escorted the Princesses back to their quarters in silence.