• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,497 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter IV: Swords and Chains

Chapter IV

Swords and Chains

The next few weeks went as follows; wake up, eat, train, eat, sleep, repeat. By the time a full month since he left that pit, Saber had recovered much of his old strength. He still wasn’t at his best, but enough for him to be somewhat satisfied with. Since his little sparring match with Ebony, several of the guards gave him a nod or raised in his direction a glass when the Lieutenant wasn’t looking.

By day, Saber trained and honed his unused skills. By night, he read and read and read. Devouring books like a child in a sweet shop that was giving away their goods for free. There was a hard knock on his door early in the morning and Ebony walked through as he sat up in his bed. “Hurry up and get dressed.” She demanded.

“Good morning to you too,” He said as he stood up and stretched. Saber looked out his barred window and saw the sun was just starting to rise. He turned his direction to the clock in his room and saw it was no later than six. “Why so early?” He groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes.

“Don’t ask questions, just do as your told.”

“So they didn’t tell you why either?” Her silence answered his question. “Fine, I’ll be ready in a minute.” Ebony examined his physique as he walked to the restroom. He was still fairly thin, but he definitely had more meat on him from when he arrived.

She still didn’t know how he managed to defeat that guard on the first day of training and any attempt to get the information out of him usually lead to a snide comment or him changing the subject. Saber was surprised to see that instead of a normal tunic and pants, he was given a black dress shirt with fine golden stitching for the edges. The pants and boots were in a similar fashion.

Saber dressed himself in the nice clothes and he ran a hand through his now shorter head of hair. “So what’s on today’s list of torture? Running ten miles? Pushing a large rock up a hill just so you can kick it back down?” Ebony turned wordlessly and Saber followed her out the door. The castle was unusually quiet due to most sensible people being asleep at this god forsaken hour.

He yawned heavily and he could feel his bed calling his name. Alas, he was bound to follow this woman or else he’d be in a world of hurt thanks to the magical collar still around his neck. He was surprised when they entered the grand hall where saw the three Princesses standing, along with the other two guards standing beside them.

“Mind telling me why you’ve woken me up so early and dressed me as though I were a soft headed noble?” He asked as he crossed his arms. Celestia cleared her throat before speaking.

“You’ve been here for some time and your health has improved considerably.” She said as he looked down at himself. He wasn’t at his best yet, but he was vastly stronger than when he was dragged to her feet a month ago. “We would have liked a little more time, but certain events are changing that.” Saber raised an eyebrow at the words. “We have received a concerning letter regarding Princess Twilight.”

“Death threat?” He guessed.

“No, but they mean to do her harm and we have yet to identify the individual.” Luna stated. “Therefore, you will begin guarding her post haste.”

“I have yet to meet or even see this Princess, how am I supposed to guard her if I don’t know anything about her?” He said as he scratched his chin.

“She will be here momentarily.” Ebony stepped next to him and glared.

“Bow as she enters, and don’t speak unless spoken too.” Saber hissed at the woman as the doors started to open. As Ebony bowed, Saber played the role of a good little lordling and copied her movement. He heard shoes against the marble floor, but kept his head low. As he heard Ebony moved he lifted his head and looked upon the Princess.

She’s so young. Was his first thought, she couldn’t have been older than twenty. She was wearing a lavender dress that matched her similar colored wings. Her hair was indigo with a line of dark pink running through one of the strands and her eyes were the deepest purple he’d ever seen.

This wasn’t right, Princesses are supposed to have an air of authority and control about them to the point of stifling any air unless they wished it to enter your lungs, but this girl? She seemed to have a vibe of curiosity about her and the air was as free as the wind. He felt as if those purple eyes of hers were taking in everything in the room, him included.

“Twilight,” Celestia gave her a smile that could melt the harshest winter storm. “It’s so good to see you again.” The young Princess walked up and hugged her mentor.

“It’s great to see you too Princess. Things are quite busy down in Ponyville since Tirek was dealt with. I’ve been mostly getting used to the castle,” She then turned back towards her wings. “and these things.” The Princesses all giggled a little.

“I am deeply sorry about the loss of your tree house.” Celestia stated. “I can’t begin to think of how you felt.” Saber saw the young Princess’s hand clench and bit the side of her lip as if she was stifling something.

“It was a loss, but I’m getting used to things now.” She said with a fake smile. As if desperate to change the subject, Twilight’s eyes locked onto Ebony and Saber. Ebony’s body went rigid as a board as she felt her gaze on her. Celestia then spoke up.

“Twilight, this is Ebony Northwind, a lieutenant in the Royal Guard.” Ebony bowed her head low.

“Your highness,” She said before she lifted her head back up. A light in Twilight’s eyes seemed to flicker as she looked her up and down.

“A pleasure to meet you. My older brother has written to me about you.” She smiled. “I just thought that someone with your reputation would be a little,” She paused for a moment. “older.” Saber bit his lip to prevent a smile from growing across his face as he saw Ebony’s jaw clench. Twilight suddenly became flustered. “I meant no disrespect Ms. Northwind, it’s just that you’ve accomplished so much that it’s amazing that you’re as young as you are.”

“You have no reason to apologize your highness.” She said in a neutral tone. Saber only rolled his eyes slightly and it wasn’t long until he felt the girl’s analytical gaze on him once again. Celestia shifted her eyes to the white haired man and let out a small sigh.

“This is,”

“Saber Alabaster,” He finished as made a bow to put Ebony’s to shame and ended it with a flourish of his hand. “at your service my lady.” He said with a grace that would make a cat jealous. Even though they didn’t show it, he could tell that the others in the room were a little more than surprised by his well behaved demeanor.

“Very nice to meet you.” Twilight smiled as she pinched the edges of her dress and curtsied for him. He pulled his head back up and he could feel Ebony’s gaze fix on him. Twilight then turned back to her mentor. “If you don’t mind me asking Princess, I was told you needed to see me immediately.” Celestia nodded and sat on her throne. The other Princesses did the same.

“Twilight, now that you have become a Princess, this means you are about to start on a path more dangerous than any you’ve walked before.” Celestia’s tone was firm yet gentle. “The noble court is filled with dangerous dealings and even more dangerous people. I have called these two here to aid you along this path.”

Two? Saber thought. “Ebony Northwind,” Ebony stiffened at the sound of her name and immediately dropped her head in respect. “approach.” Ebony turned on her heel and walked with all the elegance of a guard as she climbed the steps. As she reached the top, Celestia rose and Ebony dropped to one knee. Celestia stretched a hand out towards the woman’s sheathed blade.

The dark haired woman obeyed and pulled the sword from her scabbard and faced the handle towards her. The blade was made of simple iron and was ordinary in every possible way. Celestia gripped it with gentle care and raised it above her head. “Ebony Northwind, in recognition to your services to myself and my court,” Celestia put the tip of the blade on Ebony’s right shoulder. “I hereby bestow upon you the rank of captain.” She said as she moved the blade to her other shoulder.

“Rise.” Ebony slowly rose to her feet and looked Celestia in the eye.

“I do not deserve such an honor.” She stated as she fought back the smile trying to break free.

“Nonsense, I can think of no one better.” Celestia held the sword in front of herself and inspected it. The blade glowed a brilliant, blinding light and Saber was forced to shield his eyes. When he looked back he saw the dull grey sword was gone and in it’s place was an elegant blade, black as night. It's handle was a pristine gold and the black pommel was shaped into in the likeness of a roaring panther that had two yellow eyes.

“May this blade protect you always, Captain” She said as Ebony took the blade from the Princess and bowed once more.

“My blade is and always will be yours.” She sheathed the blade and stepped down from the throne.

“Your first assignment as Captain is to accompany Princess Twilight to Ponyville and take command of the guards stationed there.” Ebony saluted before bowing to her.

“It will be done your highness.” Saber was silently grinding his teeth into dust. Just when he thought he’d be free of this wretched woman. Ebony approached Twilight and bent a knee.

“By my life or death, I swear by the sun, moon and stars above to serve you with every fiber of my being.” Twilight was flushed having been completely taken off guard by these events. She cleared her mind and remembered everything that she’d read about these rituals.

“You will always have a place at my side, food at my table and bed to rest. I pledge that I will never bid you to do anything to dishonor you. I swear by the all that hangs in the sky and beyond.” Celestia smiled at her apprentice before turning to Saber.

“Saber Alabaster,” He turned to face his captors with a neutral look on his face. “you will accompany Captain Northwind and Princess Sparkle. You will do whatever is necessary to aid them.” Saber had to give the Princess credit, her face was like a porcelain mask, but he could see the cracks forming around her threatening magenta eyes. He gave her a similar bow that he gave Twilight.

“Of course, your highness.” As he bowed he felt his neck grow hot and felt as if someone had reached into his chest and wrapped their fingers around his heart. He grit his teeth and forced a smile as he raised his head. “Might I better explain my duties to Princess Twilight?”

“You may, in private. As you know, they are of a delicate nature.” He saw her narrow her eyes slightly and he gave her a respectful nod.

“As you command.” With that, the meeting ended and the four Princesses walked off together with Artemis and Solaris in tow. As they left the room, Ebony pulled Saber aside.

“I’m surprised you didn’t do anything stupid.” She said allowing half a smile to show on her face.

“I can behave when I wish to.” He said as he panted slightly as he felt some lingering bits of pain in his chest. Her yellow eyes flickered like two flames as she noticed his heavy breathing.

“What’s wrong? Chest a little tight?” He glared at her with his turquoise eyes. “It’s a living link spell Celestia casted between you and Princess Sparkle.”

“Living link?” He said as a bead of sweat formed on his head.

“I’ll spare you the inner working of ancient arcane spells and put it bluntly,” A smirk appeared on her face. The first one he’d seen her give and it unnerved him. “You and Princess Sparkle's lives share a one way link. If she dies, you die.” He gulped at that.

“And if the opposite happens?”

“Nothing, aside from the world being rid of one assassin.” She said.

So that’s what she meant by one way. I may as well be chained like a dog. He sighed heavily and walked with the dark haired woman back to his room.

Author's Note:

For Saber's character I was inspired by these assholes.
Qrow Branwen from RWBY.

(Yeah you, you glorious piece of shit)
Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop

And finally, Ezio Auditore Da Firenze!

(Step back bitches, the master is here.)

As for Ebony, I based her off of these badass ladies:
Winter Schnee from RWBY

(Winter is coming. Yes that joke was necessary.)
And Saber for the Fate/Stay series.

(Bow before the Undefeated King.)