• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,496 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter X: The Test

Chapter X

The Test

After addressing his minor wounds, Saber cleaned himself up and made himself look presentable before he rejoined the Princesses and the three guards. As he entered the meeting hall he immediately felt eyes on him. He ignored them and noticed there was no table or any sign of the Prince or his guards.

“Negotiations over already?” He asked as he looked at the room. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was just starting to peek behind the horizon so torches were lit up on the sides of the wall to illuminate the hall’s interior.

“Yes,” Luna stated. “Prince Ramil will be staying with Princess Sparkle in Ponyville.” Saber couldn’t help but grin at the words.

“You are not to attack him in anyway.” Celestia stated firmly.

“It was just sparring practice and besides, it felt good to fight someone on somewhat equal footing for once.” Ebony grit her teeth at the words.

“It has come to out attention that we do not know the extent of your abilities.” Luna stated. “We need to make sure you are physically capable of protecting Princess Sparkle.”

“It is time we give you a test.” As the words left Celestia’s lips, Saber heard the sound of charging armored boots against the fine marble floor. Four armored guards surrounded him each having a different weapon clutched in their hands. Saber noticed that Solaris had erected a barrier between them and the rest of the room. The guard with the large double edged sword charged at him and swung the large blade. Saber quickly backed away from the guard as another charged at him with a shorter sword and shield.

The guard tried to jab him with the sharp blade while keeping his shield up. Saber ducked left and right staying just out of reach of the guard’s blade. He noticed the third with a long spear was charging at him from the other direction. The guard tried to use his spear to swipe his feet but Saber quickly jumped out of the way and landed in front of a pillar. As he looked back at the guards he saw something large and silver being thrown at him. He quickly moved his head out the way as a spiked ball on a chain slammed into the marble pillar behind him.

The ball made a large dent in the pillar before it was yanked out by it’s owner. Saber eyed the four guards who stood ready for him. “Okay,” Saber took in a deep breath and exhaled as he brought out his two knives strapped to his lower back. “my turn.” With a sudden burst of speed, he charged at the four guards.

The sword and shield guard went in first and tried to knock him off balance with his shield. The assassin dodged the blow easily and got in close to the guard. Sparks flew as the guard’s parried Saber’s knife away from his chest. With one perfect step, Saber backed away as the guard holding the large sword swung at him. Saber spun out of the way and slammed his fist into the guard’s jaw, stunning him. Saber brought his dagger down, but the knife was launched from his hand as the flying spiked ball caught the blade’s edge.

To save his hand, Saber let the blade fall and took a few steps back just as the blunt end of the spear collided with his ankles. Saber swore as he toppled down, but before his head hit the hard floor, his hands sprang out and connected with the smooth stone. He pushed himself back and his feet were once again firmly planted on the floor. Saber charged in again and engaged the great sword. As he dodged, he pulled one of the clay canisters from his coat pocket and threw it on the ground.

The canister shattered and a large cloud of smoke enveloped the group. The guards went into a coughing fit as the smoke burned their throats and eyes. One of the guards ducked as a throwing knife shot through the smoke. More knives pierced the smokey veil and each time they just barely managed to dodge the knives. There was the sound of shattering glass and the guard holding the sword felt a cool breeze as the smoke started to thin.

As the smoke vanished, they had realized that all but one of the torches were extinguished. Next to the still lit torch, there was a throwing knife embedded in the wall beside it. The shielded guard made motion and the group formed up back to back with their weapons drawn.

“Coward!” One of the guards yelled as he peered out into the darkness. Footsteps echoed in the darkness and the group tensed. “Easy lads, he’s just trying to spook us.” The steps kept echoing and the guards all felt beads of sweat on their foreheads. The steps suddenly stopped and all sound had left the room safe for the guards’ breathing. Minutes ticked by and the guards were only getting more on edged.

“Where are you?” The guard with the spear yelled out in the darkness.

“Right here.” The guard with the longsword whirled around just as Saber slammed Caelena’s handle into his jaw, stunning him before he kicked his head with the heel of his boot. The guard crumpled to the floor like a mass of boneless skin. The one with the spear charged at the assassin. Saber side stepped as he did before, but this time he caught the staff with both hands and broke it in half as he brought his knee up against the wooden weapon.

He slammed his forehead against the guard’s before he wrenched the broken poles from the guard’s hands. Saber slammed his head between the dull wooden ends and the loud cracking of metal and bone filled the room. The guard fell back on the stone floor, bleeding from the sides of his head. Saber immediately ducked just as the spiked ball and chain came flying at his head. He gripped the flying chain and pulled hard. The guard fell forwards and his armor clattered against the floor.

Saber was on the guard in an instant and he got on the man’s back before wrapping the metal around the guard’s neck and pulling it taught. As the last guard charged, he held up the guard as a shield in front of him. The swords couldn’t get to him without hurting the meat shield. After the guard had stopped struggling, Saber threw the limp body at the one with the shield.

The guard cursed as he dodged the unconscious body and felt a hand grip his hair and yank his head forward into side of the shield. Once, twice, and on the third time he started to see stars. He felt a firm fist find it’s home in his cheek and the man toppled over. Saber leapt on him and pinned his arm that sill clutched the sword with a knee while the other rested on his chest. Saber gripped his hair once more and held the edge Caelena’s blade to his throat.

“Well, did I pass?” He could feel the burning sensation in his throat as Celestia snapped her fingers and the torches were ignited once more. Solaris quickly ran over to the guards and Saber got off the one. Solaris was fuming with rage and would have killed him were the Princesses not there.

“Look what you did!” He gestured to the bleeding guard. Saber looked surprised as he sheathed Caelena.

“Me? I didn’t do this.” He turned to Celestia and gave her a dark smile. “She did.” Celestia clenched her teeth and was balling her hands into fists. “She knew full well what she was doing when she called those sods in here and set them against me and now she hates herself for it.”

Ebony walked up and slapped him across the face with the back of her hand. Saber didn’t flinch or stagger back. He just looked at her with his cold empty teal eyes. “I could have killed them in more than a dozen different ways.” He said as he cracked his neck and relaxed his posture.

“Why didn’t you?” Artemis hissed. Saber shrugged and shook his head as Ebony went back over to Twilight's side.

“Please, it’d be like lambs to the slaughter. No challenge, no fun.” He said as Artemis glared at him.

“Besides, they’re not who I want to kill.” His tone grew darker.

“And who might that be?”

“No one you should be concerned about.” He said as he cracked his back. “Is this all for today, then I’ll just return to my room.” He yawned as he stretched.

“We’re not finished here.” The guard who once held the great sword yelled as he stood up.

“Oh I know, that’s why I’m leaving.” As he turned around he felt a familiar stinging sensation slam against his back. He stopped and his body went rigid as a bar of steel. Saber didn’t need to turn to know what had happened. He’d felt this feeling hundreds of times over the course of three long, agonizing years. The guard had just whipped him.

It wasn’t the fact that the guard had attacked him, it was that he’d used a whip. When that leather hit his back, every memory of him getting whipped in the pits of Purgatory came crashing back like waves against rock. They say when someone is angry they feel a white hot ball of flame in their chest. For most this is accurate and they act on pure instinct, thrashing about randomly like a madman, but for someone like Saber, it’s more of an ice cold feeling that seeps into every muscle, bone and every part of his body.

As he turned back around, Twilight’s stomach dropped and felt as if she was staring down twelve of Tirek. The man’s expression was dark and his teal eyes held nothing but murderous intent. She looked to the other’s in the room and saw that they were in a similar state. Ebony and the other two officers were clutching the handle of their blades so tightly they were shaking.

Saber took in a deep breath and exhaled. His body went from rigid to relaxed. Two of the three had woken up and were getting to their feet and picked up their weapons. When Saber opened his eyes the three guards felt as if they were staring into the eyes of death itself. Saber did not reach for his blade, instead he put the palms of his hands together as if he were praying. A loud cracking sound filled the room as he flexed his hands and cracked each finger against his thumbs.

“You should not have done that.” As the words left his lips his eyes sharpened. Twilight was captivated by his angry teal eyes that seemed to pierce everything they took in. She wasn't sure if it was her imagination, but she swore that there was a small ring of red encircling his right pupil. The guards blinked and the white haired man vanished from their sight. The others looked around but saw no trace of the assassin. A sudden scream of pain hit their ear drums as they saw the shielded guard fall with a spray of blood coming from his chest.

Before the first guard fell to the floor, the second guard cried out in pain as Caelena cut across his back. Saber made a dash towards the guard who still had the whip in his hands. The guard was rooted to the floor as he looked into the man's eyes. As Saber closed the distance he saw a familiar silver blade come into view. Artemis’ sword pierced his chest and he glared into the guard's dark blue eyes that were now like that of a snake’s. “I hate it when interlopers cut in when I’m dancing!”

The assassin’s body started to shift and erupted into a swarm of ravens. Artemis covered his face as the black birds pecked at him. Suddenly, the bird’s vanished and Artemis whirled around to see Saber swinging his blade at the stunned guard’s neck.

“Stop!” As the words left Twilight’s lips saber’s whole body went stiff as iron. His blade stopped just as it made contact with the guard’s throat. Saber’s angry eyes glared at the lavender Princess. He struggled against the command seal, but his arm would not budge.

“Drop the sword.” His hand acted against his will and Caelena clattered against the stone. The guard stumbled back eager to get away from the man. He put a hand to his neck and saw there was blood on his palm, not a lot, but still his. Solaris pulled his blade out and pointed it at Saber’s throat while Artemis picked up Caelena.

“The next time you try something like this, I’ll kill you.” He said in a serious tone. Saber remained silent as the guards were taken away to the infirmary. After several minutes, Saber felt the seal’s influence leave him. Without a word, Saber turned to leave the Princesses and their guards. He stopped as he reached the door and whistled.

Artemis felt an invisible force rip the Caelena from his hands. The blade spun end over end towards the door until it flew into it’s owner’s hand. Saber swung Caelena with a flourish and a line of stained the floor where he swung. He twirled the blade in his hand before sheathing it.

“The next time one of your dogs takes a whip to me,” He turned and glared at the three princesses and the guards. Twilight gulped as she saw the bright red ring in his eyes, this time it seemed smaller and less vibrant. “I collect their head and put it them display in your bedroom.” They all stared at him. “This is not a threat, it’s a promise. If it’s one thing I pride myself on, it’s that I always keep my word.” The ring seemed to vanish before he turned back around and exited the room. A thought wormed it’s way into all of their heads.

They wanted an assassin and gods help, them they got one.

Author's Note:

Here's Saber's first big fight scene. Don't worry there will be more of this to come!