• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,496 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter XV: Recruits, Keys and Maps

Chapter XV

Recruits, Keys and Maps

Nova, Fella, Simon and Willem were grouped in pairs and circled one another as they practiced combat techniques on one another. Nova’s eyes kept glancing from the blonde haired man in front of her to the dark haired captain. Nova blocked one of Willem’s punched with her hand and gripped his wrist as she wrestled him into a hold.

“Hey, whats eating the captain?” He whispered as he tried to break the hold.

“Not sure, she’s been acting weird all day.” Nova said as she tightened her grip. Willem managed to wrestle his way out of the hold and took a moment to catch his breath. Simon soon came up to them and helped his friend up from the ground. Meanwhile Fella slowly walked up to Ebony.

“Um, captain?” The dark haired woman’s head snapped up and her blue eyes focused on the brown haired woman.

“Yes private?” The usually attentive and razor sharp eyes Fella had come to know were now dull and distant.

“It’s just that we’ve been doing this for close to three hours now, was there anything else you wanted us to practice?” Ebony blinked once and looked at the group of exhausted soldiers.

“No,” Her tone was shaking. “you’re all dismissed for the day.” A loud sigh of relief swept through the guards. Fella saluted and went to rejoin the other three.

“So,” Simon breathed out. “what’s her deal?”

“Think it’s that time of the month?” Willem commented. Nova and Fella shook their heads.

“No, this is different.” Fella said.

“How can you tell the difference?” The two women gave him a pointed look.

“Call it a woman’s intuition.” The orange haired girl smirked as they made their way towards the castle and into the changing rooms. Once they exited in their civilian clothes they saw Saber leaning against the wall a smile on his face.

“Afternoon ladies,” He also gave the two men each a nod. “what are your plans for this evening?” The four looked at one another and shrugged.

“Probably just hang around, why?” Nova asked as the shorter girl crossed her arms under her chest.

“Just wondering if you all wouldn’t mind having a drink with me.” The four all raised an eyebrow at the advisor’s offer. “I’ll buy the first round.”

“I’m in.” Willem said without skipping a beat. The other three agreed with their fair haired friend and accompanied the advisor out of the large castle and into the small town. The four talked mainly of small things as they approached the tavern they’d often go to. They grabbed their usual seat in the back of the establishment and they each ordered a drink.

“Man that hits the spot after a long day.” Simon said after he took a quick swig of his drink.

“Agreed.” Saber said as he sipped his own. They all talked of small things such as the different training the four went through under the captain’s command and life in the castle prior to Ebony’s arrival. “I take it the captain was strict as ever today?” The four glanced at one another.

“Actually she was acting weird.” Fella commented. “She was very distracted and something was bugging her.” Saber felt a small tug at the corner of his lips, but simply shrugged it off.

“Who knows what goes on in that head of hers.” The assassin said in a nonchalant tone.

“Wouldn’t you?” Simon stated. “You two work together after all.” Saber simply chuckled.

“We don’t work together, we just happen to live in the same house.” He said waving his hand up dismissively. Willem narrowed his eyes as they focused on the man’s hand. Since when did a quill pusher have such calloused palms and fingers? The only way you got callouses like those were by gripping a sword handle for hours on end everyday.

A small shiver ran down Fella’s spine as she felt the man’s eyes on her. Her heart started beating faster and faster and every survival instinct she had told her to run and get as far away from the thin man as humanly possible. She hadn’t felt like this since her youth. She shook her head and her brown hair flowed with the shake.

“Are you feeling alright Fella?” Saber asked as he quirked an eyebrow.

“Yes,” She said as she threw on a smile. “I’m just tired from the drills today.” She faked a wince as she stretched her arms over her head and gripped her ring finger to crack it. Nova raised an eyebrow at the motion and felt her muscles pull tight against her skin.

“I swear the captain was riding us like a group of fresh whores.” Simon stated. The two women slowly turned to glare at the dark haired man.

“I don’t particularly care for that word.” Saber said. “There’s no need to call them such an uncouth phrase, their lives are hard enough without a label like that.’” He said before he reached his arms over is head and stretched.

Simon’s eyes flashed as the rooms light reflected off a small metal object coming from the man’s belt. He’d seen enough knives to recognize a dagger’s handle. “So how long have you all known each other?”

“We all met in basic training.” Nova answered. “We were the bottom of the barrel.” She admitted with a groan. “It was rough, but we all managed to make it through that hell.” They continued to talk of small things while the hours ticked by and the sky soon grew dark.

“We should probably get back to the castle.” Simon said as he set his money on the table and cracked his back. “We still have early morning training tomorrow.” The other three nodded and stood up. Saber stretched his arms and nodded.

“I should head back too or else the Princess will have my hide.” Saber paid for his drinks and accompanied the four friends back. The outside air had turned chilly and night had blanketed the sky and the only light came form the various lamps on the road and the stars above. The hair on Nova’s neck and arms suddenly shot on end. Her eyes glanced to the sides and saw her other three companions all felt the same chill wrapping around them.

She kept up her posture, but made a subtle gesture with her right hand, signaling her other three companions. They didn’t make a move, but understood what she meant. As soon as the opportunity arose they’d jump the white haired man and figure out what he was doing. “Impressive perception,” Saber said as they reached the castle’s empty main hall.

Nova whirled and curiously shot a quick punch at the man. Her clenched fist hit nothing but air and only saw her three companions each in a fighting stance. The four looked around their surroundings, but saw no trace of him. A clapping sound made all their heads’ turn upwards to see him standing on the ceiling looking down at them clapping his hands slowly. “however you still have much to learn before trying to sucker punch me.”

“What do you want?” Simon said as his blue eyes narrowed as Saber jumped down and did a three point landing a few feet away from them. He rose and rolled his shoulders before straightening his clothes.

“You four are interesting,” He cocked his head to the side. “not entirely so, but you have promise.” Willem cracked his knuckles and snarled at him. Saber flashed them a predatory grin that showed all of his white teeth.

“Answer the question.” Fella said as she stepped beside the dark haired man.

“Simply put, I’d like you four to work for me.” He crossed his arms in a feline casualness. “Aside from advising Princess Sparkle I’m also,” He paused as he thought how to phrase his words. “personal security and I gather information for her and the captain.”

“A spy master.” Simon spat out.

“If you want to be poetic about it,” He shrugged. “the problem is I’m only one person and the captain has given her permission to select a few individuals for me to take under my wing.”

“And you chose us?” Nova said with a raised eyebrow. “Why?”

“Because you four aren’t like those other self important idiots with delusions of grandeur and you’re the only ones who managed to detect my little tests.” He flashed them another toothy grin and the four felt another shiver run up their spines. Nova looked at her friends and could see the gears turning in their mind as they processed his words.

“What’s the catch? There’s always one to these kind of things.” Fella stated firmly as she brushed a bit of her dark brown hair behind one shoulder.

“Think about it and if you’re interested meet me tomorrow at midnight in the Southeast clearing three miles outside of town and we’ll see if you’ve got the kind of grit I’m looking for. Bring whatever weapons you see fit, you’re going to need them.” Before they could probe for more information he vanished as he reached the edge of the shadows.


Twilight had not seen hide or hair of Saber ever since she saw his back. That image was burned into her mind and it haunted her. As she entered her library she saw the Prince reclining in a chair with a book in his hand. His eyes glanced up and his brow furrowed as he saw the lavender winged Princess enter. Petra turned her head and a similar expression was on her usual stoic face.

“Your majesty,” Ramil said as he turned back to his book. Twilight felt the air around the Prince grow colder as he spoke.

“Is there something wrong?” Twilight inquired. Ramil closed his book so hard the stacks of bound pages made a loud slapping sound that echoed through the library’s vacant alleyways of shelves.

“I did not like Argent’s performance.” He said with a huff. Twilight had to agree that the performance the white haired man did was a bit shocking. “I detest people forcing others for entertainment.” His orange eyes burned like two embers.

Twilight was about to protest, but if she explained the deal she made with Saber it would no doubt raise suspicions about his true identity. Ramil got to his feet and made his way towards the door with Petra falling in behind him. He stopped as he passed the Princess. “It shows a lack of integrity.” He said with disdain clearly present in his voice.

Twilight only stood in the doorway until the two changelings left the library. Her feet seemed rooted to the ground s her mind drifted back to his performance and the scarred flesh that coated his torso.

“He seems mad.” Twilight slowly turned to the door and saw the white haired man leaning against the door frame. A sly smile on his lips. “Anyway, we need to have a private conversation.”

“About what?” She asked.

“If I told you here it wouldn’t be private now would it?” He gestured for her to follow and she did. As they walked through the crystal halls she couldn’t keep her eyes from his back that no doubt still held the scars. He stopped as he came to a door that he opened for the Princess. She hesitantly stepped inside to find it completely vacant safe for a record player in the corner and a few chairs.

“What’s this for?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” He said as he locked the door and walked towards her. Twilight felt her heart starting to beat fast and a voice in her head told her to run, run, run. She slowly started to gather arcane power in her palm. He walked past her and over to the record player.

He fingered through the records and set it on the turn table before setting the needle on the disk. “Your dancing of course.” He said as music filled the room. “It’s important that we cure those two left feet of yours.” Twilight relaxed and canceled the defense spell she was preparing.

“Since I don’t trust anyone from Canterlot to come here to teach you and keep their mouth shut while they’re doing it, I will have to instruct you.” He said as he took his fine coat off to reveal the deep blue tunic underneath.

“Is dancing really that important to the court?” Saber looked at her as if she’d just struck him across the face.

“Of course.” He said as he threw his hands over his head. “When you’re dealing with the court they will look for any sign of weakness they can use against you. It should be obvious considering how many times I’ve explained how dangerous the court is.” He said with a groan. She furrowed her brow at him and crossed her arms.

“As I said, I will instruct you on how to carry yourself so you don’t embarrass yourself and more importantly, me.” He said as he started to stretch. “I suggest you limber up a little.” Twilight sighed and started to follow his lead. Twilight could see his lean rippling muscle under his shirt and was surprised at how limber he was.

He instructed her on how to walk with grace and authority, which was a chore in itself. He did make a note that she had good posture, but she needed some work on how she moved. “Like I said, move with authority.” It was the fifth time he’d told her. He demonstrated it for her again. His movements were fluid and had an air of power that radiated with each step and motion.

Twilight only grumbled as she sat back in a chair to give her legs a rest. They’d been at this for hours and Saber only seemed to find more mistakes every time she tried to correct the ones she’d previously made. Saber took a seat a few feet away from her and stretched his hands over his head.

“Honestly, did Celestia teach you anything before you became a Princess?” He said as he wiped his brow with his sleeve.

“I put my effort into studying magic, not politics.” She replied. “It’s only because I studied so hard that I was able to become a Princess in the first place.”

“Now this I’ve got to hear.” He’d been in prison when Twilight had taken the throne and didn’t know the story behind how she did. Twilight explained the events of Starswirl’s journal and all the problems it caused her and her friends. By the end Saber just looked bored. “That was the most anti-climactic rise to power I’ve ever heard.” She furrowed her brow at the words.

“Knowing magic is good and all but what's the point of knowing it if you can’t use it at the drop a hat?” He shrugged. Twilight snapped her fingers and a lavender fireball appeared in her palm. Saber raised an eyebrow, usually a spell like that needed at least ten-seconds to conjure yet she did it in less than one. “Okay, so you have some skill.”

“I beat an Ursa Minor bare handed.” He raised both eyebrows at the remark. He’d only read about the large bear like creatures and prayed he’d never see one. “I think that’s more than just some skill.” She said in an indignant tone.

A long silence formed between the two and Twilight kept her gaze on the shining floor. After minutes on end she spoke up. “I’m sorry about the other night.” He quirked an eyebrow at the words. “When I saw your back.”

He didn’t have a reaction to her words and kept as still as a statue. “It wasn’t right that I looked.” Saber still remained motionless for a few minutes before speaking up.

“If you’re fishing for forgiveness, you won’t find it.” He said in a flat tone. Twilight kept her expression equally blank.

“What did you do to get sent to that place?” Saber rolled his eyes.

“Why the interest in my history?” His tone was sharp enough to cut through steel. “Believe me when I say this; the less you know about me, the better.” Twilight kept her purple gaze on him.

“Fine, I’ll give you the short version.” He cleared his throat. “I fought, killed, traveled, loved, lost and was betrayed. Write it down and stick it where ever you want for all the good it will do.” His flippant tone made her eyes narrow.

“Trust me I’m doing you a favor, I’m not some protagonist in a children’s fairy-tail.”

“Then what kind of story would you be?” His eyes met hers and there was a small ripple of power and annoyance that came from his form.

“I suppose, if I had to name a genre, it’d certainly be a tragedy.” He put his hands on his knees and stood up. “Now if you’re done interrogating me, can we can get back to it? Time is not on our side.” She let out a sigh and obliged. As they started again the door opened to reveal the dark haired captain dressed in a simple tunic and pants her unnamed sword still at her side.

“Am I interrupting something?” She asked as she saw Twilight and Saber’s arms around one another. They separated and Saber groaned.

“No, I think we’re done for the day.” Saber said as he cracked his back. Twilight gave him a neutral nod and made her way out of the room blaming the small redness on her cheeks from the exercise. “By the way Captain,” Ebony turned her attention to the assassin. “I heard a small rumor that a few guards might try to sneak out tonight for a night of drinking.” Ebony ground her teeth and her lips formed a thin line.

“Who?” Saber just shrugged.

“Not sure, I didn’t hear any names but it might be better if you put some extra guards on the main exits.” She bit her lip and nodded as he collected his belongings.

“What were you and Twilight doing in here?”

“Attempting to cure her two left feet.” He shook is head as he recalled all the mistakes she made. “You’d think someone like her would know how to at least waltz.” A thought came to him and he turned to the dark haired woman. “While we’re on the topic, do you know how to dance?”

“Of course, I learned when I was younger.” She grimaced at the lessons she was forced to learn.

“Well, one of these days I’ll have to ask you for one.” She let out a quick laugh.

“I’d rather dance with a corpse.” He gave her a smirk.

“I’ll consider it a standing offer then.” He gathered his belongings and headed back to his room.

All that day, Saber’s words buzzed around in Fella’s head as she attended to her mundane duties. A day filled with sweeping empty hallways, polishing armor and weapons that will probably never be used. She looked from her bunk in the barracks at Nova and she could tell that her orange haired friend was in a similar state of mind. Nova looked across and shrugged her shoulders.

“Might as well see what this deal is.” The two nodded and dressed in civilian clothes. Nova went into her travel sack and pulled out an unstrung bow and a quiver filled with arrows along with two single bladed axes that she secured on her belt. Fella grabbed a rapier and pulled out two slim, yet sharp stiletto daggers and hid them in her boots.

Nova signaled that the coast was clear and she gently pushed the door open and peered into the hallway. Torches and braziers hung on the shining crystal walls casting dark shadows. The two headed out making as little noise as possible. The two froze as they heard armored boots fast approaching. They both hugged the wall and Fella waved her fingers and the brazier was extinguished as if she were doing the same to a candle with her fingers.

Nova nodded in approval as the guards passed them. The two quickly made their way through the castle as quickly and quietly as they could. As Fella rounded a corner her face hit something firm yet was soft. She was about to shriek when a strong hand clamped over her lips. Her brown eyes focused and the first thing she saw was Simon’s blonde hair shimmering in the dim light of the torch a few feet behind him.

He pulled his hand back and Fella lightly punched him in the shoulder as she stuck her tongue out. He raised and eyebrow and shook his head as she noticed that he was dressed in simple clothes and a long sword hung at his side, a shield was on his back. Behind him was Willem, his black hair pulled back into a messy knot. Two handles of short swords peered over his shoulders.

Nova checked to see if anyone else was in the hallway before turning to Simon who gestured questioningly to her bow. Nova just shrugged and gestured to her waist to show she also had a single handled axe on her belt. Willem hissed and gestured for the group to follow him. Fella made a note about the guard’s rotations and how they seemed to be more frequent than normal nights. The four continued through the halls dodging patrol after patrol.

They even had to circle around certain hallways to avoid more guards. The four soon came to the side entrance that exited out into the courtyard. Simon cracked the door open and peered out into the night. His eyes flashed and he motioned for everyone to stop as his breath hitched. He cracked open the door more so the others could see. In the light of the moon, Ebony’s black long sword shined like black glass as she swung it.

Sneaking by the other guards was one thing, but if the captain caught them they’d be courtmartialed for sure. She swung her dark blade and panted as sweat beaded on her forehead. As she started to sheath her sword, her whole body seemed to go rigid and she pulled her blade back out. She turned with feline grace towards the door and Simon slowly started to step back along with the other three. She stalked towards the door and was reaching for the handle when she whirled. Her dark hair flowing in the night air.

“Who’s there?” She yelled out as he golden eyes scanned the courtyard and she stalked out of view of the door. Simon waited a few seconds before opening the door wider and looked for the captain. He looked back towards his friend debating the lunacy of the situation. He gave them a look that said ‘we can still go back.’

Nova bit her lip and looked to Fella who simply shrugged, Willem let out a sigh and headed out into the night air quickly and quietly, the others following close behind. Once they cleared the castle grounds and made it into town, they had almost no trouble. They kept to the alley ways of the town and avoided the main streets. Fella took the lead and guided the group to the outskirts of the sleepy town.

Once they got to the tree line, Nova took the lead and found some slightly trampled grass. By her guess, someone had run through not ten minutes before they showed up. Willem pulled his two long swords out and covered the rear as Nova lead them on though the brush. After a few minutes the trees opened up into a small clearing. The four kept on the edge and scanned the area. Willem’s eyes flashed as he saw the man’s white hair shine in the moon light.

“Well, you four took your time.” He strode into the clearing wearing some fighting leathers and Caelena strapped to his back poking over his right shoulder. “Still, not bad for amateurs. With a little refinement, you four could be quite the group of undesirables.”

“Out with it.” Simon barked. “You dragged us out here, risked our careers for this.” He rested his hand on the pommel of his sword. Saber shook his head and chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” Willem hissed. Saber looked at the group.

“Just curious that out of all the highly trained guards only you lot managed to detect my tests.” He gave them all a too white smile. “I expected at least a few of them would pass and yet here I have an outcast, a bandit, a bastard and a whore.” The four all felt a rage pound through their veins and they all tightened their grip on their weapons. “That’s what you four are and that’s all you’ll ever be in the Royal guard’s eyes no matter how hard you work for them. Your ‘careers’ are nothing but a joke to the higher ups.”

Nova quickly knocked an arrow and fired at the man. Saber didn’t move as the bolt shot over his shoulder and embedded itself in a tree behind him. Saber raised an eyebrow and looked at the arrow. “If you’re trying to scare me then you’ll have to do better than that.” She shot another arrow, this time aiming between his eyes.

Saber quickly ducked out of the way and threw a knife at the group. Willem quickly deflected the blade with his two swords. Fella and Simon pulled their weapons out as Saber balanced another dagger on the flat of his hand. “Right then, welcome to the most deadly job interview of your lives.” He sheathed the dagger and cracked his neck.

“The rules are simple; try to kill me in whatever way you can. If you impress me, I’ll open your eyes to the real danger. Disappoint me and well,” He looked around the clearing and to the woods that surrounded them. “it’s very easy for people to go missing in this forest.” The four recruits tensed at the words and watched him like a pack of wolves staring at a stag.

Saber liked the look in their eyes and gestured for them to start as he stepped back towards the tree line and vanished in the thick foliage. The four took one last long look at one another feeling if they wanted to cut their losses and leave, then this would be their last chance. Once they passed that threshold, they’d enter a world they weren’t sure they’d be ready for. They all let the thought settle in before they raced toward the tree line and entered darkness.

Saber smirked as he watched from an up high branch as the group trekked through the forest. The trees were massive in size. The thick green canopy blocked out any light from the moon or stars. The branches were thick and strong. Perfect for climbing and stalking.

Saber saw the branches a few feet in front of him rustle slightly. The branches burst apart as Willem dashed out with his two swords in his hands. Saber palmed his fighting knives and met him on the end of the branch. Metal sung as they clashed high above the ground. Saber parried the blows and stepped back.

“You fight well. Your tribe trained you well before you left,” Willem grunted and engaged him again with his blades. “or is exiled the correct term?” He hissed loudly and slashed. Each strokes of his blades were precise and lethal.

Saber parried them expertly with his knives and sent both longswords flying from his grip. Willem gritted his teeth and flexed his fingers before clenching them into fists and slammed them into the tree branch. The bark seemed to crawl up and wrap around his hands and arms.

“Blades are boring.” He threw both arms out as if he were tearing something in front of him before he slammed both his fists together. His arms started to shift and his skin started to become more like rocks. With a quick punch he sent some of the rocks connected to his skin flying. Saber quickly dodged the flying rocks and heard them embed themselves in the tree bark behind here he once stood.

Saber dodged the fist Willem threw at him. Saber kept himself on the balls of his feel making sure to watch his footing in the thick branches of the dark forest. Willem halted his attack just as two arrows shot towards them. Saber ducked just in time for Willem to charge at him with his foot encased in stone. As Saber brought both arms up he caught the armored boot and gave it a sharp twist.

Willem felt his footing slip and felt himself fall from the tall branches. He righted himself in the air and did a three point landing. Immediately his attention darted to where the man stood to find the space empty. He checked his surroundings and saw the familiar glint of his blades in the moonlight. Willem carefully approached the fallen swords.

As he reached down to retrieve them, he felt something wrap around his legs and rip him into the air. He grunted in more frustration than pain as he felt himself dangle from the snare. Despite the utter helplessness he was feeling, he did not feel the same razor sharp focus the assassin had on him previously. He felt the rope go slack and he went into a roll as he landed. He looked back to see the arrow that cut the rope embed itself in a tree.

Seventy feet away, Nova allowed herself a small smile as she saw her companion land. She always did have the best shot out of the recruits. She checked her quiver and felt she still had several arrows left. As she went to move a slim dagger flew through the foliage and cut her arm. She bit down on her lip and rolled out from under the shrub and scrambled up into the branches and jumped form branch to branch as nimble a squirrel.

She pushed a branch out of the way as a firm arm came out from a nearby trunk and caught her under the chin. She grunted and felt herself fall back onto the ground. As she jumped to her feet she slung her bow over one shoulder and pulled out the twin axes from her belt. She brought them up just as Saber brought his sword down on her.

“Tell me, did you learn to shoot that well from attacking caravans?” She grunted and forced him back before charging at him. Her swings seemed wild, but she was just trying to keep him off balance. He managed to leave her melee range, but kept his sword ready to defend.

“You’re a slippery little prick.” Nova said as she reassured her grip on her axe handles. Saber smiled at her words. He raised as brow as her form started to become distorted and then vanish entirely. He let out a sigh and stood with predatory stillness with his sword firmly grasped in his hand. For a moment there was nothing but silence, even the bugs seemed to cease their chirping. He whirled left and his sword met against her axe blades.

The orange haired woman stepped back and vanished once again. They clashed three more times in the same manner before the spell wore off and Nova was left visible. She threw one of her axes at the man in frustration. As the axe flew end over end, Saber took a single step back as he reached his hand out and caught the weapon just below the axe head. Saber whirled and threw the axe to the far right.

The blade stuck into a tree trunk just above Fella’s head. Nova quickly pulled out her bow and shot several arrows at the man. Saber batted them away with his sword and threw two daggers at Nova. One hit her in the shoulder while the other cut into her leg. She dropped to one knee as Saber rushed in and kicked her in the side of her head.

Her form crumpled and fell forwards. Fella clamped a hand over her mouth as she saw her friend fall. She calmed herself as she saw Nova’s chest rise and fall with each breath.

“Come out witch.” Saber said as he looked around the forest. Fella slowly reached down and gripped the handle of her rapier and silently drew it from it’s sheath. In her other hand she clutched a dagger. She took a step back and froze as a dry twig snapped under her boot.

Saber whirled and threw himself at the hiding spot. Fella lunged towards him with the rapier firmly grasped in her hand. “There you are.” He said as they locked swords. Fella jabbed the stiletto at him, but Saber stepped out of the way of the thin piece of metal.

Fella panted and righted her footing as her eyes focused on the assassin. There was the sound of breaking branches and Simon came out with his sword and shield firmly grasped in each hand. “And the bastard arrives.” Simon grunted and charged in. Saber brought his blade down on his longsword. Simon’s footing didn’t falter and he lashed out with his shield.

Saber dodged and slammed his shoulder into the shield making the top lip hit the man’s forehead stunning him for a moment. Simon reeled back and had just enough time to bring his shield up as saber brought his blade down. The wooden shield groaned and the wood started to split. Simon slipped his hand out of the handles and jumped back a few feet. Saber felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and whirled just as Willem burst from the trees both swords drawn.

He brought both down on Saber as Simon charged. Saber blocked Willem’s blades with Caelena and Simon’s sword with his bracer’s blade. His arm muscles started to strain under the mens’ weight and his legs started to quiver. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Fella casting a spell to heal Nova and bring her back to consciousness. The two women got to their feet and went to join their companions.

“Got you now.” Nova said panting. Saber let out a breath and for a brief moment let the swordsmen gain a little ground. In a sudden motion, Saber shot both arms out and they were pushed back by an unseen telekinetic pulse. Saber retracted the bracer blade and looked at the four who had now formed a circle around him.

“Not quite,” Saber said as he cracked his neck. “just goes to show that I’m still out of shape.” He rolled his shoulder making them pop. “Still you four show talent and I think I’ve seen enough.” He sheathed his blade and started to make his way towards the trail that led back tot he town.

An arrow passed over his shoulder and he paused. He turned back to the four and saw Nova had another arrow drawn and aimed at his chest. “Really, you’re threatening your new boss?” Nova loosed the arrow and saber blocked it with Caelena. “Right then, it seems you four need more discipline and it’s my job to do just that.” He grinned a manic grin as the moon ducked out behind the clouds. The man’s form vanished safe for a pair of gleaming red eyes staring back at them. As the light returned to the clearing, Fella screamed as darkness engulfed them.

Captain Northwind caught herself as she started to slump agains the smooth pillar that was adjacent to the main entrance of the castle. She relieved the guards who were keeping watch a few hours ago. She kept thinking that Saber had sent her on a wild goose chase and made a mental note to make him pay for it. She was just about to give up as the door opened. She straightened herself and rested her hand on her sword as she thought of the perfect way to punish the disobedient soldiers.

Her words sputtered and died and new rage formed in her gut as she Saw Saber saunter through the doorway. He was dressed in a fine shirt and pants, but she noticed that there was some mud on his boots.

“Ah Captain, a bit late isn’t it?” Saber said as he casually stretched his hands over his head.

“What are you doing out so late?” Her teeth were clenched together.

“I see no reason to explain what I do in my free time.” He yawned indignantly. “However, along the way I did pick a few things that might interest you.” He waved his hand and in stepped the four recruits. Their eyes were sunken and Ebony saw bruises and a few cuts covering their bodies, their clothes were also sullied with mud. “I asked them to help me with a few people who were causing trouble.”

Simon and Willem each had an unconscious individual slung over their shoulders, Nova and Fella were also dragging someone behind them. “These three got drunk and started making a ruckus.”

“Did they now?” Ebony said as she looked at the four recruits. Fella quickly nodded not daring to look at the assassin. She turned back to Saber and scowled. “Why didn’t you come to me with this?”

“There wasn’t time.” He said plainly. “Besides, I couldn’t stand up to three trained guards all on my own.” If anything, Ebony had to give him credit for his acting skills. She let out a sigh and looked at the three unconscious guards. She could smell the booze on them and saw a few bruises on their faces. She flecked her gaze to the four battered recruits and nodded.

“Good work, take those three down to the dungeons. You’re dismissed.” Saber rolled his eyes and leaned closer to her.

“Don’t you think they deserve something a little more than just a pat on the back?” He whispered to her. She turned her head towards him and fixed him with a glare. Saber shrugged as he backed away with his hands splayed out. She took in the recruits’ various states of damage and exhaustion.

“You four may have the next three days off.” Simon almost stumbled as he heard her words. “However, you are on standby. If there’s an emergency then I expect you four to do your duty.”

“Yes sir,” They answered before saluting her. They quickly gathered the three unconscious guards in their arms and made their way towards the lower floors of the castle. Saber yawned and soon wandered off to bed for a good night’s rest. As soon as Fella found a private corner with a bucket she doubled over and emptied the contents of her stomach into the bucket. She peered over and saw that her three friends were in no better shape.

Even in the dim lighting she could see that Willem’s usual tanned complexion was very pale. Nova was also heaving into a corner of an empty cell.

“What the hell was that?” She said before vomiting again.

“That was,” Simon steadied himself on his knees. “I mean, you all saw that right?”

“I don’t think we could ever unsee it.” Willem said as he leaned against the wall, grateful for the stone’s cold surface to cool his head.

“Stuff out of my goddamn nightmares.” Nova said as she wiped her mouth clean of the bile, though the taste still stained her mouth. Nova heard fella gasp and she whirled to see the white haired man leaning in the doorway. Simon and Willem visibly tensed as he stepped into the hallway and looked at the four.

“You lot do show promise and you had the fortitude to not lose your minds in the face of overwhelming odds. Most would’ve gone mad, or worse.”

“What the hell did you do to us?” Willem hissed.

“Just tested your mettle a little.” He turned on his heel and started to walk back to his quarters. “Rest up, you’re all going to need it.” Saber turned the corner and headed back to his room. On the way there he felt a breeze brush over his shoulder.

He slowly turned to see the crystal wall illuminated by the torch. The flame was still, but it flickered as a small gust of wind blew across the flame. Saber approached the wall and ran his hand across it’s smooth surface. He traced the wall and found a small seam that allowed the air to pass through. He took one of the torches and examined it.

The crack was not from degradation, it appeared to be put there by the original architect. He ran his finger down the grove and found the edge to be smooth. He pressed his hand against the rock and it would not budge. He felt around more and found another groove. He traced it and found that they intersected in a ninety degree angle.

Saber took a step back and examined the wall with a tilt of his head. He ran his fingers against the smooth surface and something subtle brushed his palm. He pressed against the spot and the stone around his hand slid inward. There was the sound of stone scraping against stone as the rest of the section of the wall did the same and then slid up to reveal a set of crystal steps going down.

“Of course there’s a secret passage way.” He said to himself. With the torch in hand he started to descend the steps. As he past the tenth steps he whirled as the stone door closed and sealed shut. He let out an irritated sigh and continued downwards. The staircase started to spiral and Saber peered over the edge to see a faint light far below. Slowly but surely, he reached the bottom and found a stone door cracked open.

Saber pushed in and the door slowly swung open to reveal a vacant room safe for a circular table in the middle that had a complete diagram of the castle above. There were several names above small dots scattered around the diagram with names above them. Ebony was on the West wing in her office, Twilight was on the top floor in her room and the four recruits were in the barracks. Saber looked down and saw the projection was coming from a slim shining jewel the size of his palm.

As he reached for it the projection vanished and the light faded. Suddenly a large image of a woman’s head appeared where the map was. Her hair was cut short and in a tight bun. Her eyes were fierce and focused on saber.

“Who are you?” She barked as he blue eyes narrowed on him. “Are the lord of this castle?”

“No, I’m not.” Saber said as he collected himself. “It’s polite to give your name before asking another.” A menacing grin appeared on the head’s face.

“I am Uriel, the Hammer. I am a Maker. It was by my kind’s hands that the white castle was built, we turned clouds to stone and built upon them a floating city.” Saber had to fight to keep himself from bombarding the entity with questions.

“I am called Saber.” He said as he gave her a bow. “I am employed by the Princess of this castle.” The head snorted at him.

“Why is it that the servant has found me and not the Lady of the castle?”

“Let’s just say I pay attention a little more than she does.” He grinned. “What is this place?”

“This is the heart of the castle. The place where my consciousness resides and where once can control the castle.” Saber raised an eyebrow at this.

“What do you mean by this?” The large head smiled a feral smile.

“You can create new hallways that lead to nowhere, lock rooms or have them cave in on itself if you wish.” A thousand deadly ideas started to from in the assassin’s mind. “However, this is only for the Lady of the castle, not her servant.” His mouth made a thin line at the word servant.

“In my experience, someone who’s too dumb to figure something out usually doesn’t deserve the reward.” The head rolled back and let out a howl of laughter.

“That is usually true. However, rules are rules. I must admit I am surprised that you are currently not screaming at my appearance.”

“Let’s just say you’re not the first severed head that’s talked to me.” His tone was firm and serious. A low rumble of a chuckle came from the projection.

“You’re an interesting one, although I don’t think I’d want to know what goes on in that head of yours.”

“Trust me, you don’t.” An idea started to form as he looked at the table where the map once showed. “I understand that you have a duty to fulfill to the Princess, but what about that map? What can it do?”

“It shows everything and within the castle grounds as I’m sure you’re aware. It also can open any locked door in the castle.” Saber grinned at hearing the last part.

“Something like that could be quite useful for someone in my position.” Uriel narrowed her eyes as he spoke. Saber could feel the entity’s gaze looking over every inch of him. “I’m charged to defend her you see.” The head raised an eyebrow at his words.

“Fine, the map is yours. Provided you are true to your word.”

“Of course,” The crystal reappeared on the table and Saber took it. The map of the castle shined out and he saw every living person in the castle. “pleasure doing business with you m’lady.” She snorted and the head vanished as the door opened again. Saber smiled to himself as he admired the gem and saw that Ebony was pacing in her office.

He did not try to hide his giddiness as he returned to his room with the jewel in hand. After all, in a castle of locked doors, the man with the key is king.