• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,497 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter XIII: Hatchet

Chapter XIII


This time when Twilight stepped off the train there was an armed escort waiting for her and her companions. They were escorted back through the castle post haste. After Saber got his things in order he needed to head into the small town. He was on his way when he saw Spike heading towards the door.

“Going somewhere Spike?” The teenager turned to see the advisor.

“Hey Argent, Twilight told me that Rarity needed some help with something.” There was a light in the boys eyes as he said the woman’s name.

“I was heading there myself to talk to Rarity, mind showing me the way? I’m still not use to this town yet.” Spike raised an eyebrow as the two left the shining palace. The sun was shining brightly over the small hamlet of stone houses.

“So what did you need to talk to Rarity about?” Spike inquired.

“I told her I’d fill her in about our trip to Canterlot when I got back. You know how she likes to gossip.” He chuckled to himself. Spike nodded as they walked through the cobblestone street until they happened upon a posh looking establishment. Spike opened the door and called for the fashionista. Not two minutes later, Rarity descended the stairs with a smile on her face.

“Ah Spike, right on time.” She smiled as she saw the ashen haired man. “Argent, what a surprise.”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” He said as Spike started to pack various things away.

“Oh of course not dear, I’m just finishing up an order for Sapphire Shores.” She said as she levitated some rolls a fabric to a corner. “Now tell me, how was Canterlot?”

“Before we get to that I was wondering if I could ask the two of you a question.” Rarity nodded. “Would you say you two are close to Twilight?”

“Oh of course, we’re the best of friends.” She smiled. “Spike has known her all his life as well.” The teenager nodded proudly.

“Okay so here’s my question,” The man took a seat and straightened his posture. “have either of you two seen Twilight dance?” The room suddenly became silent and still as an empty crypt. Spike had dropped the folds of fabric and Rarity had stopped her organizing. Both of them turned simultaneously towards the man with a look of horror strewn on their faces.

“Did you say Twilight danced?” Spike asked as he raised a clawed finger. Argent stroked his chin for a moment.

“To call what she did dancing would be like calling dying screams of pain music.” Rarity put a hand over her face and sprawled herself on a large sofa.

“Why did she start dancing?” Spike asked.

“Twilight, the captain and I were invited last minute to a party at Fancy Pants’ manor.” He began. “Everything was going fine until the band arrived and Twilight started doing,” He shivered. “whatever it was she was doing.”

“Did she do the things where sticks her thumbs out and wiggles her hips?” Spike imitated the motion and Saber cringed.

“You knew about this?” He asked.

“She did the same thing when we had her birthday party one year in Canterlot.” Rarity said in a dramatic fashion. “I thought she had improved since then.”

“She’s always been like that. You’d think with the infinite amount of books she has she’d read one about dancing.” Saber let out a laugh at the quip. “I never had the heart to tell her about how bad it actually was.”

“Did she make a fool out of herself?” Rarity asked sitting up right.

“Thankfully I stepped in and just said that she’d had too much to drink. A lie, but a plausible lie and one that would help her in eyes the court.” Saber pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. “Still, that can’t happen again. I’m going to hold a meeting this afternoon and I need you two along with Twilight’s other close friends there.”

“Of course darling, I’ll be free in the late afternoon around fifth bell.” She said with a smile as she stood up and brushed herself off. “Is that all?”

“No there’s something else too.” He said in a more serious tone. “It has come to my attention that Captain Northwind does not possess any kind formal attire.” Rarity looked as if she’d been struck across the face. Her eyes grew to the size of pin tips.

“What?” Her voice was loud enough to crack glass. “What did she wear to Fancy’s party then?”

“Her military dress uniform.” It was too much for Rarity and she collapsed back onto the sofa. Spike was at her side in seconds. “Does that happen a lot?” He pointed a finger to the passed out fashionista.

“Oh yeah, sometimes three times a week.” Saber nodded and pulled out a slip of paper.

“When she comes to, tell her I need a few bits of clothing made.” He set the paper on her desk. “All my measurements and specifications are there.” Spike nodded and returned to caring for Rarity as Saber saw himself out of the posh establishment. As he made his way back to the castle he saw one of the Elements of Harmony, the element of honestly to be precise.

“Morning Applejack,” Saber said as he walked up to her apple cart. The farmer looked at him and forced a smile.

“Morning Argent, how was Canterlot?” Saber shrugged.

“The goods are over priced, the nobles are over promoted and it’s far too posh for my taste. The same it’s always been.” She gave a half chuckle at the joke. “I did need to speak to you on an important matter.”

“What a coincidence, I wanted to talk to you too.” Saber raised an eyebrow at the tone of her words.

“Ladies first,” The apple farmer walked up so their faces were inches from one another. Her deep green eyes bore into his teal.

“What’s your game?”

“My game? I’m proficient in several games and I’m learning Chess.” No smile formed on her face.

“I might not be some fancy Canterlot noble, but even I can smell bullshit a mile away and you’ve reeked of it since you got here.” Saber held the neutral expression as best he could, but he could feel her eyes boring down on him looking for any sign of weakness. “Now listen here, ah don’t give a flying feather who you are. If you try to take advantage of Twilight then I’ll,” She paused as she tried to think of what she could do. “I don’t know what I'll do, but it won’t be pleasant.”

Saber stood back with his arms crossed and looked the farmer over. Not a hint of a lie lay within her eyes or posture.

“Wow, what an honest threat.” He said almost sounding impressed. “Usually it’s ‘I’ll kill you’ or ‘I’ll break your legs’ or something dramatic along those lines.” Applejack looked at him in confusion. “It’s quite rare I encounter such harsh honesty, that’s why I like you.”

“No offense, but I don’t like you.” She narrowed her eyes on him. He laughed and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Yes, just like that.” He gripped her shoulder tightly and pulled her close to him so he was right next to her ear. “Listen to me AJ,” He said in a hushed, half mocking tone. “you don’t have to like me, in fact should the need arise it’ll make my job easier. I cannot tell you the nature of my work, but know that my highest priority is Princess Sparkle’s safety, that is the truth.”

His tone was calm, but chilling to the core. “My job is to keep her safe from threats both within and out of the court. That means I have to get my hands dirty once in a while, or mislead people from the truth for her safety.” The farmer looked at him and saw not a hint of a lie in his eyes. He let go of her shoulder and stepped back.

“Alright, I believe that much and I suppose it’s enough.” She said as she crossed her arms under her chest. “Now what did you want?”

“I need you to attend a meeting this afternoon with Twilight and the rest of your group of friends.” The cowgirl rubbed the back of her head.

“I don’t know if I can make it. It’s almost cider season. What’s the meeting about?”

“Twilight’s dancing skills, or rather lack there of.” The farmer had a blank expression on her face and sighed.

“I’ll be there.”

“Thank you, Rarity and Spike know as well, but please let the rest of your friends know.” She nodded as he went about his business and made his way back to the castle. He couldn’t help but take in the sights of the small hamlet. As much as he hated it, he was getting use to the small town and all the quirks of the towns people. He knew that once a week the local carpenter Caramel, Pierce the jeweler and Mac, Applejack’s brother met and played cards.

He knew that one of the flyers on the weather team was currently in a relationship with two women who are both sisters and neither them are aware of it. He was shaken from his thoughts when he saw a messenger caravan arguing with an orange winged guard.

“I keep telling you, no one ordered anything here.” The guard said in an irritated tone. The changeling merchant blew a pice of his green hair out of his face and pointed to the shipping manifest.

“And I keep telling you it says on the manifest that someone did.” He pointed to the order on the paper.

“Move your cart, before I make you move it drone.” The merchant snarled at the guard for the remark. Thankfully Saber came over to the two.

“What’s wrong Sergeant?” The two men turned to see the assistant.

“Just dealing with some pest control.” The merchant bared his sharpened canines at the guard. Flash was reaching for his sword but Saber put a hand on his chest to stop him. He gestured for the merchant to hand him the manifest and he started looking through the pages. “He’s got no business being here.”

“Actually he does.” Saber said as he pointed to a line to the merchant. The changeling nodded and headed to the back of his cart and came back out with a small wooden box with holes cut in the side.

“What is that?” Flash asked as he looked at the box. The merchant handed Saber a quill and papers for him to sign.

“All you need to know is that it’s for the captain.” Saber stated. “Trust me you don’t want to be the one to tell her why her order is late.” A wave of fear ripped through the guard and his spine stiffened. Saber finished the paperwork and handed it back to the merchant.

“Go inform the captain I need to speak with her, I’ll be in her quarters.” Flash grunted but obeyed after giving the merchant a dark look. The merchant crossed his arms and muttered a foul curse under his breath that made Saber chuckle. “You can say that again.” The merchant turned to look at the white haired man in surprise.

“He’s a special kind of stupid.” He said in the merchant’s language before he paid the man and gave him a tip before going inside the castle with the crate that seemed to move in his arms. “Oh the captain is gonna love this.”


The dark haired captain made her rounds through the castle making sure everything was running smoothly and efficiently. It wasn’t long until she came across Saber’s room with the door cracked open. She opened the door to see the simple room with several books stacked on the desk and the sword mounted on the wall next to his bed. Ebony couldn’t shake the feeling like something was watching her. She approached the sword in it’s sheath and looked at it inquisitively.

She had seen the bare blade before and it didn’t seem any different than any normal sword apart from the blade’s curved design. As she glared at it she couldn’t help but feel as though it was glaring back at her. She stretched her hand to touch the handle, but as her fingers got close to the handle she felt as if someone had slapped her hand away.

Ebony quickly withdrew her hand and rested it on her blade’s handle prepared to draw. She stared at the mounted sword for several minutes until she heard a knocking on the wooden door. She turned abruptly to see Flash saluting her.

“Sergeant,” She returned the salute. “what is it?”

“Just informing you that your package has arrived and Argent wishes to speak with you.” Ebony’s eyes sharpened at the mention of the assassin.

“What package?” Flash looked confused by her words.

“The one Argent said you ordered from Canterlot.” She bit her lip and cracked her neck in frustration.

“Where is he?” She asked as she marched out of the room.

“He said he’d be waiting for you in your quarters.” Oh she couldn’t wait to hear this. She dismissed him and quickly made her way through the castle on a war path to her office. Many of the guards ducked out of sight as they heard the familiar stomping of boots against the crystal floor. She approached her room and threw open the door to see the assassin sitting on her bed.

“You know, your room gets so much more natural light than mine does.” He said as he looked around the larger room. A desk and bookshelf were on the far side of the wall and she even had a hearth built into the wall. There was a large rug on the floor that really tied the room together as well.

“What are you doing in my room?” Her golden eyes filled with anger. Saber stood up and straightened his clothes.

“Calm down captain, I’m not here to fight.” He said putting both hand up in front of him as if he were calming a wild animal. “I’m actually here to make peace.” Ebony felt her jaw drop at the words and waited for the snark quip she was expecting, yet nothing came.

“You’re here to make peace?” She said as she folded her arms under her chest. “What brought about this change?”

“Because as annoying as it sounds, Sparkle is right.” He said as he leaned against the wall.“Neither of us like the situation we're in, but we’re both stuck here regardless and If we’re going to work together then we have to at least be civil towards one another in front of her and the populace. So I suggest we burry the hatchet before one of us decides to pick it up and kill the other with it.”

“Does this mean you’ll stop acting like an ass?” He frowned, but bit his tongue.

“I will try to cut back on the sarcastic remarks if you stop being so hostile towards me. I even bought you something to help smooth things over with the money I got from Celestia for the Thorn job.” He stepped aside to show the wooden crate from before. Ebony took note of the holes on the side and how it occasionally moved.

“What’s inside?” He simply shrugged and gestured for her to open it. Ebony focused her gaze on the box before lifting the hatch. As light filled the crate her eyes shrank and pulled out a small dog with jet black fur safe for it’s paws, chin, a patch on it’s chest and the tip of it’s tail were a pristine white. It’s bright blue eyes focused on the captain and it’s tail started to wag.

“A dog?” The way she said it made Saber regret buying the thing from that pound. “I love dogs!” He looked back at the captain again and could barely believe his eyes when he saw her laughing and gushing over the small canine like a child.

“I never pegged you as a dog enthusiast.” Ebony looked at him seriously.

“Dogs are the loyal servants of man! They are the embodiment of loyalty and follow their master’s command above all else!” And there it was. Only Ebony could turn a pleasant and somewhat hilarious moment and militarize it. “What kind is he?”

“It’s a she and as for the breed, unknown.” Saber stated. “The seller said some hunters’s dog had a random encounter with some stray and that pup was the only one to make it through the winter. None of the Canterlot snobs wanted it since it wasn’t a purebred.” Ebony turned to him then back to the puppy and couldn’t think of any reason why anyone wouldn’t want her.

“How big will she get?” Saber held his arms out to their fullest extent and her eyes widened.

“The hunter said the mother’s breed was big so it’s only natural her pups would be too.” He stretched his arms over he head and made his way towards the door. “Now if you don’t mind I need to arrange the meeting for this afternoon.”

“Meeting? What meeting?”

“It pertains to what happened at Fancy’s party in Canterlot.” Ebony was about to speak up, but she held her tongue. “The rest of her friends will be there too. I need you there since you saw what happened.”

“I’ll be there.” He nodded and made his way towards the door. Ebony looked down at the dog and then back to the assassin. “Saber,” He turned and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. It had been the first time she’d called him by his name. “thank you and I’m sorry.” He smiled at the captain and made his way outside.

“Just promise me you won’t name the pup something stupid like midnight and we’ll call it even.” With that he made his way out of the room and back to his own to prepare for the intervention.


It was late in the afternoon as Twilight walked with Spike through the crystal halls. Spike had told her that she needed to see something strange in the meeting room. She highly doubted she overlooked anything in that room, but it gave her a chance to stretch her legs. The two wandered into the meeting hall to see Saber, the captain and the five other women sitting at the table. She was a bit surprised to see her friends gathered around the table.

“What’s going on?” The girls all looked to Saber who rubbed his face.

“Twilight before we begin, let me just say that everyone in this room cares about your well being for one reason or another.” He said as he walked up to her.

“So what’s going on here? I could be napping right now.” The rainbow haired flyer said in a flippant tone.

“This is an intervention.” He said as he put an arm on the Princess' shoulders.

“An intervention? What for?” Saber took in a deep breath and exhaled.

“Your two left feet, that’s what for.” A groan echoed through the room. Twilight turned towards her friends who had grimacing looks on their faces.

“What are you talking about?” Saber folded his hands and took in a deep breath.

“Twilight, as your advisor it's my job to be honest with you, so that's what I'm going to do." He paused for a little bit of dramatic effect. "Your dancing stinks.” He said in a flat tone. Twilight looked as though she’d been struck by the white haired man.

“I don’t stink.” She looked to her friends who avoided their eyes and the apple farmer started to whistle a tune trying to look as innocent as possible. “Girls, I don’t stink do I?”

“Have you ever seen yourself?” He asked as he folded his arms. Twilight looked to her friends and then to Spike who avoided her eyes. “Captain, you were there surely you must have seen her.” Ebony muttered a curse under her breath and bit her lip.

“I’ve definitely seen better.” She admitted. Twilight started to move like she did during the dance and Saber went to stop her, but was interrupted by the doors to the meeting room slamming open. Four familiar guards and three Changelings entered the room.

“Terribly sorry to intrude Captain but,” Nova stopped talking as she saw the Princess’ dancing. It took the guards an incredible amount of will power to not laugh while the Changelings just stood there as if they weren't sure why they were looking at.

“Are you alright Princess Sparkle?” Prince Ramil said as he, Petra and Malik looked at her in confusion. “Have you got a fever?” Twilight froze and her face went cherry red as she saw the Changeling Prince.

“No, I was just,” She swallowed. “dancing.” Ramil looked to his two guards who gave her a skeptic look.

“Princess I realize I’m a stranger in these lands but if you showed up doing,” He fished around in his mind for the correct word. “whatever that was, I’d tie you to a bed and give you a sedative until whatever demon possessing your body left.” Saber bit back a laugh.

“Told you it was bad.” Saber whispered to her. Twilight pursed her lips and frowned at him. The five friends’ attention shifted from Twilight’s convulsions and were now focused on the three Changelings. Dash was the first to speak up.

“What the hell is this?” She pointed at the three newcomers. Petra and Malik snarled at the flyer. Ramil stepped forward and bowed to the sitting women.

“I am Prince Ramil Alburtuqali of the Changeling Imperium,” He said as he raised his head once more. “and all of you must be the Elements of Harmony. A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.” Dash leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms. Fluttershy panicked, stood and gave him a bow.

“I-It’s nice to meet you.” She said in a meek tone as the other girls followed suit.

“The Prince will be staying here in the castle for a while.” Ebony explained as she turned back to the three. “Although we weren’t expecting you here for another three days, your highness.”

“Apologies, but Princess Celestia thought it’d be best to send me here as soon as possible. Was no letter sent?”

“Oh, sorry.” Spike spoke up as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a scroll with the seal intact. “I got this early this morning, but forgot about it.” Twilight rolled her eyes and levitated the parchment over to her. She opened the piece of paper and saw that it did indeed mention the Prince’s arrival that day.

“My apologies, your highness.” Ebony said as Ramil raised a hand.

“It’s no trouble. Slip ups happen and I’m not one for formalities to begin with.” He smiled. Saber then stepped back over to Twilight.

“We will put this matter on hold for now and see to our guests’ needs.” Twilight agreed with him and dismissed everyone before she started to give the three changelings a tour of the castle. Ebony was about to join them but was pulled aside by Rarity.

“Can I help you Lady Rarity?” Ebony asked as she felt the fashionista’s piercing blue eyes on her.

“Yes, there is a matter most urgent I must address with you.” Ebony could sense the seriousness in her voice and could see the fire burning in those sapphire blue eyes of hers. “It has come to my attention that you have no formal clothing! We must remedy this at once!” Ebony felt her stomach drop and she slowly turned towards Saber who actively avoided eye contact.

He’s gonna pay for this! She thought as Rarity took her by the wrist and practically dragged her to her boutique. Saber couldn’t hide the grin as he heard the captain being dragged off.

“What’s so funny?” Twilight asked as she looked at his smile.

“Vengeance Princess. Sweet, sweet vengeance.” He chuckled to himself as they continued the tour.

Author's Note:

Yes, I got the dog bit from Colonel Mustang from Full Metal Alchemist.

As for the dog in question, I modeled it after a czechoslovakian wolf dog.