• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 7,496 Views, 363 Comments

The Twilight Assassin - Silentpegasus

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin.

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Chapter I: Rising from Darkness

The Twilight Assassin

Chapter I

Rising from Darkness

Purgatory, the most infamous prison in all the kingdoms was every version of hell anyone could imagine. Saber Alabaster had spent three years within the high stone walls surrounding the mountain prison that was isolated from the rest of the world. There were hundreds of other poor souls sharing his hell as well. Everyone there had either done something horrible, or horribly pissed off the wrong people. Saber had done both. He was under constant surveillance by either the idiotic guards or the warden himself.

Even when he was put in the mountain’s mines for hard labor there’d always be at least four guards waiting, itching, hoping he’d slip up just so they could put him down. He couldn’t blame them. In fact he’d feel insulted if they didn’t take such drastic steps they did to secure him. He was Equestria’s best assassin after all. He was being kept separate from the other prisoners and his so called cell was just a hole underground with a large piece of an iron cage put on top.

The hole was at least fifty feet deep and twelve feet in diameter. The guards used a wooden platform connected to a chain and pulley to take him to and from the mines, along with lowering the scraps of food they occasionally sent down. The hole was not protected in any way from the elements. One blessing was that by the time he left the mines for the day, the hole was cool and the dirt was not hard as stone.

He opened his turquoise eyes one night and saw the full moon illuminating several figures in dark hoods descending on the lift. There were about ten of them in total and they were all wearing dark cloaks that hid their faces. Saber stood up still half asleep and was about to ask what was happening when a gag was shoved in his mouth and a bag was thrown over his head. He felt them shackle his wrists and ankles before shoving him onto the lift. He heard the chain being pulled as they ascended out of the pit.

Once they were at the top he felt the brisk night air against his skin. They walked across the courtyard before the hooded figures shoved him into a cart. Saber heard horses whinnying and the snap of reigns before the carriage started moving. The long uncomfortable ride lasted several days possibly over a week. The bag was always on his head and was only removed when they stopped to relieve themselves.

The shackles were never removed and he was always under guard. He was given small bits of bread and little water during the trip. One day he was roughly pulled out of the cart. The bag and gag were removed and he coughed suddenly and did his best to get the gag’s taste out of his mouth by spitting on the ground.

Saber winced as his eyes were assaulted by the sudden light of the sun. He looked up in the sky and saw that it was late in the afternoon. Looking forwards, Saber noticed he was in front of a large shining palace made of white stone. His chains were tugged roughly and he was pulled inside by the holder of the chains. The white marble floors had veins of pyrite running through it. It described how the noble class was, shining and valuable on the outside, but only a fool would think that they’re actually worth something.

The ten men in hoods surrounded him and walked him in a diamond formation. His chains being held by the tip of the diamond. His turquoise colored eyes glance to the sides and managed to make out several sword handles. The one directly to his right had a golden stallion head that had pieces of citrine in the eye sockets.

The one to his left had what looked like a black raven head with two sapphires for eyes. Sun Breaker and Moon Wind. He knew those swords, or at least heard of them and the men who wielded them “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of having Solaris Clarion and Artemis Tempest, the Princesses’ personal guards escorting me?” He heard a grunt come from the left one. He was getting under their skin, good.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” Solaris said in a flat tone. His eyes discretely glared at each of the guards, sizing them up. If just one of the guards were a few feet closer he could take their weapon and kill everyone within ten feet of him in under a minute. The chains would be a problem, but nothing he couldn’t work with.

“Don’t even think about it.” The guard on the left hissed. Saber took a moment to actually look at the situation he had landed himself in. Why would the Princesses’ body guards come and collect him personally? They could have sent any of the other mindless drones to do that and where were they taking him? He closed his eyes and could smell fresh oil on the blades. Of course, the oil makes sure blood doesn’t stick to the metal and rust it. He was going to die.

His heart instinctively started beating faster as the possibility of death seemed to become the definite outcome. They’d probably toss his body in a ditch somewhere, or cut him up and scatter his remains to the far reaches of the world. He would smack himself if his shackles hadn’t hindered him. Fear cuts deeper than any blade. The phrase echoed through his mind and he let out a few deep breaths to calm himself.

After several minutes of walking through the castle, the group stopped in front of a pair of large golden doors. Eight of the men lined up next to one another in front of either of the doors. The guard beside him walked forward and yanked the chain leading to his shackled wrists. “Move.” Saber hissed at the man and reluctantly trudged forward.

He kept his head high, if he was going to die then he would do so on his feet. The doors opened and light flooded his eyes. He winced and heard the two knights beside him had removed their cloaks. He knew their faces well.

Solaris was a man in his late forties with red hair and beard that had a few streaks of grey running through it. His amber colored eyes were deep and held much wisdom and experience. His golden armor shined like burning fire in the sun light. Artemis was younger, no older than thirty and his hair was a dark shade of purple that brought out his bright blue eyes. His armor was tinted dark blue with silver highlights and chainmail underneath.

His eyes slowly adjusted to the light and looked forward through his filthy white bangs that remained unkempt and covered in dirt. His eyes shrank as he saw three women sitting in front of him, each one sitting on a regal throne. The one on the right had hair that looked like the starry night sky. She had dark blue wings coming from her back that matched her regal dress. On the far left, the woman’s hair was striped with pink, yellow and light purple. Like the other, she had wings coming from her back only they were bright pink and matched her gown.

In the center stood a woman standing seven feet tall. Her multi colored hair flowed like a sparkling river, but was held back by a golden crown placed upon her head. Her white wings were larger than the others. His heart gave pause a beat as he realized who he was standing in front of, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence, the most powerful women on the continent, possibly the world.

As they stood, all the guards in the room dropped to one knee and bowed in respect. Saber only leered in anger at the three and stood tall. He would not bow to his captors. The blue armored guard gripped his sheathed blade and slammed him in the gut with the handle. Saber cursed and dropped to his knees before Artemis slammed his face against the marble floor. The guard had just earned himself a nice cozy spot on Saber’s hit list.

“Bow before the royal family.” At this close distance Saber could take the fool’s sword and ram it through his chest before he knew what happened. Solaris cleared his throat and tapped his hand against the golden handle. Saber grunted through gritted teeth and stared back at his dirt covered reflection that cast against the shimmering marble. His skin was more of a filthy grey color thanks to all the dust and dirt that had accumulated on him from the mines.

“Enough,” Celestia stated in a firm tone. Artemis huffed and removed his hand from the man’s filthy white hair. “Solaris and Artemis remain. All others are dismissed.”

“Your highness, I don’t think it is wise to,” Solaris was cut off as Celestia looked at him. Her magenta eyes fixated on the man. “As you command, your highness.” He gestured to the other guards who saluted and made their way out of the room. Saber stayed down until he heard the door shut. Saber then slowly brought his head up and glared at the three Princesses who slowly approached him.

“Whatever you’re going to do, do it quickly.” Saber said as he spat out a little blood on the clean floor. Luna glared at him and the two remaining guards pulled out their blades. Solaris’ was a long broad sword, while Artemis’ was thinner and had a curved edge. He could tell that the blades had been sharpened recently.

“Get him on his feet.” Artemis grabbed the prisoner and stood him on his feet. Saber’s heart started beating fast again as Solaris approached him with his blade drawn. If they came to watch him beg for mercy, they’d be sorely disappointed. He would retain whatever pride he had left.

He stood still and waited for the cold steely embrace of death. Yet nothing came. He felt no steel against his neck, nor his blood spilling from his body. He opened his eyes and looked at Solaris in confusion. The man had anger in his eyes and kept the blade steady in his hand. The tips of the blades just inches from his throat as the two guards stood next to him.

“Aren’t you going to kill me?” He said in a surprised tone.

“No,” Celestia said in a calm yet firm tone. “I have a proposal for you.”

“What kind of proposal?” Saber said not letting his guard down yet. This had to be some sort of trick or ruse to lure him into a false sense of security.

“The kind that get’s you out of Purgatory.” Silence enveloped the room for minutes on end. Finally, the assassin spoke up.

“You have my attention.”

Author's Note:

New FIC! I hope you all enjoyed the first step in a new adventure.