• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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To Flush Or Not To Flush

"So you see sis, if even Mommies and Daddies onwy use the toilet, why go thwough all tat twouble of wearning how to use a potty?" Pound asked his sister that night.

"Because it's what Mommy, Daddy, and Big Sistew Pinkie Pie want us to do! And dun you wanna make them happy?!" Pumpkin asked in reply. She and her brother had just been set into their crib and the lights in their nursery turned off, but it usually took them awhile to fall asleep.

"I alweady made them happy by using my potty once, and once is enough fow me!" Pound protested, folding his hooves across his chest. "The potty stinks wowse than my dirty diapees! The toilet is much better, and I dun know why anypony even makes those pwastic potties."

Pumpkin angrily responded with. "Because those potties awe cool, even if you dun tink they awe! At this wate, I'm gonna be out of diapees befowe you!"

"And I'm wilwing to wait untiw I old enough to use the toilet!" Pound once again declared. "And thewe is noting you, or Mommy, or Daddy, or Pinkie, or anypony else can do to make me change my mind! If they got a pwoblem with me staying in diapees fow a while wonger, then maybe I dun bewong hewe."

"You know you not alwoed to snatch my potty, or youw potty," Pumpkin reminded her brother with a smirk. "And I stiww haven't fuwwy fowgiven you for steawing my potty a few days ago."

Furiously, Pound popped his pacifier into his mouth and through it he angrily muffled. "Then I'ww move out and become a potty webel, buiwding up an army with which we wiww take down the makers of potties evewywhere, so tat ponies onwy stawt potty twaining when they old enough to use the toilet! And anypony who gets in ouw way wiww be fwushed!"

"You'd fwush youw own sistew down the toilet?" Pumpkin asked Pound.

"If you wefuse to suppowt my potty webellion, yes," Pound replied. "Besides, you did it to me once. Is onwy fair I do it to you if I get a chance. So you best watch youwsewf the next time Mommy and Daddy go out somewhewe, ow ewse is gonna be 'Pumpkin Cake go down the hooooole!' fow you!" And with that the little rebel closed his eyes, and began to scheme about how he'd plan his overthrow of those accursed plastic objects that dared to stand besides the great porcelain beast that was the toilet.

Deciding that her brother could not be allowed to go through with his plans, and needed to be reminded of what his sister was capable of, Pumpkin ever so sneakily used her magic to snatch Pound's pacifier out of her mouth. Considering that he usually gave it to Gummy, Pumpkin knew just holding onto it wouldn't be enough to make him see sense. "I need to do something with his pacifier to scare him into submission," she thought. "One way or another, his crusade against potties is not going to be carried out as long as I have anything to say about it!" But Pumpkin was too tired to think of what she could with her brother's pacifier, so she just stuffed it into the back of her diaper, before she nodded off. What Pound didn't know, wouldn't hurt him.

The very next morning, Pumpkin slowly opened her eyes, checking to see if her brother had noticed his pacifier was gone. Pound tended to be a very heavy sleeper, most of the time, and Pumpkin hoped that hadn't changed.

Speaking of change, Pumpkin carefully checked her diaper to see if she had used it overnight. She was still considering whether or not she wanted to do it, but wouldn't have done so if given the chance last night due to what she'd stuffed into her diaper. Carefully pressing a hoof to the back of her diaper, Pumpkin felt her brother's pacifier but nothing else. No damp patches or smelly bulges, she was as clean as a whistle, and she breathed a small sigh of relief. "If I'd used my diaper while Pound's pacifier was in it, I'd have been in big trouble." she thought to herself, thanking Celestia for her body's cooperation with her little scheme of intimidation, to thwart the possibility of her brother starting The Great Potty War.

But now that she knew her diaper was clean and her brother wasn't awake, Pumpkin's mind turned its attention to what it had been focused on last night, what to do with her stolen spoil of war. She knew she wanted to teach her brother a lesson, and hopefully use the fate of the prize she'd snatched to get her brother to start using his potty. And she also knew it had to be something that couldn't be easily undone, something that would make sure her brother couldn't just take back his pacifier and go through with his plans.

That's when Pumpkin realized what she had to do with her brother's pacifier, and there was only one room in which she could do what needed to be done for the sake of potties everywhere. The very room where their existence was threatened.

"Sowwy about this, bwother," Pumpkin whispered, as she struggled to levitate herself out of the crib and onto the floor of the nursery. "But aww's faiw in wove and war." At last, still clutching the blue pacifier firmly in her hooves, Pumpkin was able to bring herself down to the floor. Without hesitation, she put the pacifier back in her diaper and crawled out of the nursery. Her destination clear in mind, Pumpkin made her way across the hall to the bathroom.

With the bathroom door left open ajar, Pumpkin crawled her way inside, relieved that her potty and her brother's potty were still there. But if she didn't act fast, that might change! Crawling across the floor, Pumpkin approached the bottom of the toilet, and finally stood up. She then pulled the pacifier out of her diaper, and held it aloft with her magic, dangling it over the toilet bowl. And then, she hesitated.

Pumpkin wasn't sure why she was hesitating so, it's not like she was going to be doing anything really difficult. All she had to do now, was drop the pacifier into the toilet bowl, and then force the handle down to flush the pacifier down the drain. Simple as could be. So then, why could she not bring herself to do it? Pound had snatched her potty once already, and was threatening to get rid of potties all together, flushing his pacifier was the only way to prevent such an outcome!

For what felt like moments (though it may not have been that long, or possibly was longer than the foal thought), the unicorn just stood there and held the pacifier above the toilet bowl. It would be so easy to just drop it in and flush it! Yet part of her couldn't bring herself to do it. "Pound may have said and done some pretty mean things since potty training began, but is it really right to flush his pacifier away because of that?" she thought to herself.

Another part of her mind was arguing. "You have to flush it! If you don't, you may not get another chance to stop the destruction of all potty kind! Either it gets flushed, or your brother flushes you when you try to stop him!"

"But what if he was bluffing? What if he really never meant to strike down potties, and he was just making up stories?" a third part of her mind wondered. "Do you always mean everything you say? Besides, aren't there better ways of getting your brother to like his potty that don't involve flushing his stuff?"

But the other part of her mind firmly insisted! "He didn't hesitate to flush your favorite rubber chicken down the toilet, nor did he hesitate to do number two in his diaper while sitting on your potty! And he was perfectly willing to snatch your potty to keep you from using it! Now you have the chance to make him pay for all of those mean things! He's flushed something of yours, why shouldn't you do the same just this once?!"

Pumpkin was just about to make up her mind about whether or not to flush her brother's pacifier, when she heard her brother yawn and call out from down the hall. "Whewe's my paci?"

Panicking, Pumpkin decided she had no choice! She'd come this far, it was too late to turn back now! Besides, she couldn't risk the chance that her brother was right about his potty rebellion, and that she'd done nothing to prevent it. Reluctantly, she dropped his pacifier into the bowl, it barely made a splash. Then, the unicorn toddler surrounded the handle with her magic. "You asked fow this, bwother," she said and then cried out. "Paci go down the hooooole!"

Upon hearing his sister cry out, "Paci go down the hooooole!" Pound dashed to the bathroom as fast as his little hooves could carry him, but he was too late! He entered the bathroom and dashed to the toilet, just in time to see the rubber bulb of his pacifier be sucked down the drain and disappear! Immediately, Pound burst into tears! He'd loved that pacifier, especially once he started giving it to Gummy, and now it had been flushed away by his sister!

Right then and there, Pound made up his mind. He couldn't stay in this house anymore, his parents had taken away his diapers and tried to make him use the potty even though he wanted to wait until he was big enough to use the toilet, his big sister sided with his parents, and his other sister had just flushed the one thing he'd loved more than using his diapers down the toilet. Seemingly to never be seen again.

Tears flowing down his cheeks and blinding him, Pound ran out of the bathroom and back to his nursery to pack. He needed to leave as soon as possible! In his rush to exit, he failed to hear his sister call "Pound, wait!".

With Pound's departure, Pumpkin was now alone in the bathroom, with the guilt of what she'd done. She really shouldn't have flushed her brother's pacifier down the drain, not when he loved it so much. So who cared if he'd flushed her favorite stuffed animal and snatched her potty, what kind of turd would be so cruel as to get revenge by stealing and flushing his pacifier?

Well, Pumpkin was looking right at that turd, and what an ugly little turd it was. Sure, it didn't look like your usual turd, but a turd was still a turd. And she knew there was only one thing a turd like her could, she had to find a way to get her brother's pacifier back!

Pumpkin eyed the toilet bowl very suspiciously, as if she expected something or someone to pop up out of it at any second. Then it hit her, there was one way she could get her brother's pacifier back. "I just I hope I'm not too late to stop Pound from running away." she thought to herself, and began to make a plan. It was a risky one, but if it worked her brother would have his pacifier back very soon.

Pound continued to shed tears, as he retreated back to the nursery and very reluctantly took off his diaper. He would need it to store all the things he wanted to take with him on his journey to... wherever it was that he could be assured of staying in diapers for the forseeable future. Maybe if he was lucky, he'd be able to build up his army for his little crusade, or find ponies willing to give him more diapers. But more than likely he'd just have to make do without one like his foreponies before him.

"I wish I could say it's been fun living here, but lately it really hasn't," the pegasus foal thought to himself, as he started to place his favorite blanket (a soft baby blue in color) and the stuffed animals he'd spared from the flushing spree days ago inside his diaper.

Clumsily folding the diaper closed around the objects he'd chosen to take with him, Pound prepared to head downstairs and depart before anypony had a chance to stop him. "Weww, as I tink I once heawd Daddy say, the jouwney of a thousand miles begins with a singwe step." he sadly said to himself, and made that fateful first step.

Just then, Pumpkin came running up to her brother, frantically shouting! "Pound, wait, pwease dun weave!"

"And why shouwdn't I?! You fwushed my paci, tat was the onwy good ting weft in my wife here!" Pound angrily replied. "And now is gone forevew!"

"Not quite, wook!" Pumpkin declared, and presented the very pacifier Pound had seen get flushed away. It had been cleaned and polished, and looked as good as new, as if it had never been flushed in the first place. But there was no way that was true, anything that got flushed that wasn't a diaper didn't come back!

But upon popping the pacifier into his mouth, Pound could tell it was the very same pacifier he loved so much, even if he frequently gave it to Gummy these days. "How did you get my paci back?" he asked his sister, his words muffled behind the pacifier's mouth guard.

Pumpkin winked. "Tat's my wittle secwet," she replied, and then she added. "I sowwy I fwushed youw paci down the toilet."

"And I sowwy fow doing all those tings with youw potty." Pound apologized.

"Does this mean you'ww stawt using your potty fwom now on?" Pumpkin eagerly asked.

"Not quite, I dun weawwy know wite now," Pound said in reply. "But now I pwomise I wun fwush you, not aftew you got my paci back fow me. Just pwease dun fwush it evew again, unwess I say you can."

"Dun wowwy, I won't. Just as wong as you pwomise not to weave and start an anti-potty movement." Pumpkin promised.

"You got youwself a deal!" Pound eagerly declared, and the twins shook hooves on their agreement.

Author's Note:

Thanks to BubblePuff for the idea that inspired this chapter.

As for how Pumpkin got Pound's pacifier back? Well, if you really want to know you'll have to ask.

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