• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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A Sick Toilet?

After that "eye-scare" there were no more incidents from either Pound or Pumpkin Cake for the rest of the day. But to be safe, they decided not to play fight with their stuffed animals, especially not Smarty Pants.

"See, I told you Pound would forgive you." Pinkie said to Pumpkin later that day, as she helped her use her potty.

"Yeah, guess you wewe wight big sistew," Pumpkin replied. "You suwe you a gwown-up? 'Cause you act a wot wike a big kid."

Pinkie chuckled. "Who says I can't be both, especially for two of the most adorable foals I've ever met? I can be silly when you want me to, and serious when the situation calls for it."

"Tat makes no sense, you as weiwd as Mommy and Daddy, sometimes even weiwder." Pumpkin responded, and concentrated instead on using her potty.

After Pinkie helped Pumpkin wipe and put her pull-up back on, Pinkie took the used pink training potty and emptied it into the toilet. Pumpkin was most baffled by how different the flush sounded compared to what was normal.

"Hm, must be the water pressure," Pinkie thought to herself, and sighed. "Mr. Cake will have to call the plumber to take a look at the pipes. It's too bad he doesn't trust me to do it, that last fixing attempt that caused the pipes to break off was an accident."

But Pumpkin had no way of knowing the water pressure was responsible for the toilet sounding off, to her it sounded like something else was the problem. "Was wong with the toilet?" She asked Pinkie, as she was carried out of the bathroom (after Pinkie had washed her hooves of course).

"Nothing's wrong with it, Pumpkin," Pinkie replied. "You just let the grown-ups worry about stuff like that." And after setting Pumpkin back in her playpen, she bounced away to find Mr. Cake.

"Hey sis, is someting wong? You wook upset." Pound observed, when he saw the troubled look on his sister's face.

"Is the toilet, I tink is sick or someting!" Pumpkin replied with worry.

"Wha you mean it sick?! It can't be sick!" Pound protested, not wanting to believe such a thing was true. As much as he didn't mind his potty, he was really looking forward to being able to graduate to the toilet.

"It made a funny noise, wike it was coughing or someting," Pumpkin explained. "And to make mattews wowse the watew wooked diffewent. It wooked wike it was bwue or someting."

"You mean, bwue wike my potty?" Pound asked, then he gasped. "Did you bweak the toilet by twying to fwush my potty or someting?!"

Pumpkin shook her head. "I didn bweak it, and I didn touch youw potty!" The unicorn toddler vowed.

"How do I know dis isn't aww just some kind of cwuel joke you pwaying on me?!" Pound demanded. "You alweady hit me in the eye with that doww, wha mowe do you want?!"

"Just wook!" Pumpkin exclaimed, pointing a hoof towards the kitchen. "Daddy's tawking to Mommy about it, they seem wather worried!"

And indeed, Pound could overhear parts of the conversation his parents were having about the toilet in the upstairs bathroom.

"Oh dear," Mrs. Cake exclaimed to her husband. "Well, that toilet has been getting kind of old."

"Yes, it's amazing it lasted for so long," Mr. Cake replied. "But I think it might finally be time to consider getting a new one, it's never been quite the same ever since the CMC fiddled with it while trying to get their cutie marks."

Mrs. Cake seemed to be rather unhappy with the news. "And I just cleaned it too. Do we really have to get rid of it? I wanted it to at least last until the twins were old enough to use it." She looked at her husband with the kind of eyes Pound was used to using on his parents quite often (and even on his big sister).

Mr. Cake tried his hardest, but he couldn't bring himself to say no to his wife's sad face. He thought he'd built up an immunity to the pouty puppy dog eyes by now, but apparently he hadn't. Sighing and admitting defeat he said to his wife. "Well, I'll tell you what, sugar plum. I'll call the plumber first thing tomorrow and have him look at it. But if he says he can't fix it, we'll have to get it replaced."

"Oh, I hope that won't be necessary," Mrs. Cake replied. "That toilet's been there since we opened Sugarcube Corner."

"True, but nothing lasts forever." Mr. Cake told his wife, putting a hoof around her shoulder.

Pound couldn't believe it, his sister had been right! "We gotta do someting, and fast! The toilet must be weally sick!"

"Wha you talking 'bout, Pound?" Pumpkin asked her brother.

"Didn you just heaw wha Daddy and Mommy wewe tawking about?!" Pound exclaimed. "They gonna have the toilet replaced if this pwuber, whatevew tat is, can't make it bettew! And Daddy's making it sound wike tat's gonna be the case!" That's when his toddler mind got an idea. "We gotta save the toilet and make it aww bettew some how!"

"Bu how we gonna do tat?" Pumpkin asked in reply. "We not toilet doctors. Besides, is just a toilet."

"So, dun teww me you don at weast kind of wike tat toiwet," Pound protested. "Is the one we fwushed Gummy, Fwurry Heawt, and oursevws down. And the one we twicked big sistew Pinkie into not using."

"Twue, we do have a wot of memowies linked to it," Pumpkin realized. "Bu tat stiww doesn change the fact tat we dun know how to hewp it. And is not wike we can get it to teww us, toilets dun talk."

Pound facehoofed. "You so stupid, sis! Tink fow five seconds! Wha do Mommy and Daddy give us whenever we get sick tat awways makes us feew bettew?"

"Bandages?" Pumpkin asked.

Pound shook his head. "No, tat's fow boo-boos and the toilet doesn't have boo-boos. Was the othew ting we get whenever we get sick?"

Pumpkin scratched her head for a moment, then the answered hit her as hard as Smarty Pants had hit Pound earlier. "Medicine!" She exclaimed.

"Exactwy, we gonna give the toilet medicine to make it feew aww bettew," Pound explained. "Then Daddy and Mommy wun have to get wid of it, or hiwe tat.... whatevew they mentioned. Now come on, we need to huwwy if we wan to save the toilet!"

Having gotten sick several times in the past, Pound and Pumpkin knew by now where to find the medicine. It was stored up in the top most cabinet in the kitchen, and even with their flying and magic, it was not an easy task to obtain the proper medicine without being seen. The medicine was the cherry flavored kind the twins were always given whenever they got sick with anything, and if it worked on them Pound had no doubt it would work on the toilet as well.

"Come on, sis! Wet's go! We've got a sick toilet to make aww bettew!" Pound encouraged, taking the medicine bottle into his tiny hooves.

"Just hang on, bwother! I gonna twy to tewepowt again!" Pumpkin replied, straining to light up her horn.

"You mean wike when we pwayed tat twick on Miss. Starwight?" Pound asked.

Pumpkin didn't answer, she just nodded slowly and continued to concentrate on channeling all the power she could muster into her tiny horn. Several minutes went by, before the unicorn toddler managed to draw enough power to teleport herself, her brother, and the medicine bottle into the upstairs bathroom.

"Alwight, you did it, sis!" Pound cheered, as they landed right next to the toilet.

"Tanks, bu I dun tink I can do tat again," Pumpkin panted. "It took a wot out of me."

"Is okay, I can take it fwom hewe! Doctor Pound Cake is in the house!" Pound replied, as he saw that the lid to the toilet was open. Still clutching the medicine bottle tightly in his tiny hooves, Pound flapped his wings again and flew up to where he was hovering over the toilet. He then removed the cap on the medicine bottle and said to the toilet. "Say aw!" Before he poured the cherry flavored liquid into the toilet bowl, the water turning from a dark blue to a more purplish color as it mixed with the red colored medicine.

"Pound Cake! Pumpkin Cake! What in the name of Celestia do you think you're doing?!" A familiar stern voice shouted, prompting both twins to freeze. Slowly, they turned around to see the harsh glare of Mr. Cake staring back at them.

"Is aww Pound's idea!" Pumpkin snitched. "He woped me into it!"

"Bu you hewped me!" Pound snitched back. "You wanted to hewp me make the toilet get bettew!"

Upon hearing that, Mr. Cake's angry mood faded and was replaced with a series of chuckles. "The toilet isn't sick, and pouring medicine into it isn't going to make it better." He laughed, as he took the medicine bottle away and flushed the toilet, it once again made the strange noise Pumpkin had heard earlier.

"Bu, bu, bu we dun wan the toilet to go away! We wike it!" Pound protested.

Mr. Cake tried his best to explain the situation to his foals, as he picked them up and carried them out of the bathroom. "I'm sure you do, and so does your mother, but the toilet isn't working properly and it's very old. But we're going to try and hire somepony to see if they can fix it."

"Is tat what a pwumbew or whatevew you cawwed it is fow?" Pound asked, as he and his sister were carried downstairs.

Mr. Cake smiled. "Yes, and they don't just do toilets either. They do sinks, faucets, and tubs. Think of them as doctors for plumbing."

"So the toilet is going to have a doctor come and make it aww bettew?" Pumpkin asked hopefully.

"I can't make any promises, but hopefully yes," Mr. Cake replied, setting the twins into their playpen. "And for the record, don't ever take anything out of the medicine cabinet again. If you need something, you tell me, your Mommy, or Pinkie Pie. And remember, medicine is only for when you're sick."

"See, bwother? Evewyting would've been just fine!" Pumpkin frowned, while sitting in her playpen.

"Weww, you can't bwame a foaw fow twying," Pound replied. "Besides, how was I to know a pwumbew was a toilet doctor?! Nopony tewws me anyting untiw aftew the fact!"

"Weww, the next time you get a 'bwight idea' just weave me out of it," Pumpkin snorted. "No offense, but evewy one of youw ideas have ended howwibly, in and out of the bathwoom."

"Some of them onwy end up tat way because of you." Pound replied, even though he knew his sister had a point.

Author's Note:

This idea just came to me one day.

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