• Published 1st Sep 2016
  • 3,402 Views, 279 Comments

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Toilet Trouble!, Part 2: Pound Takes The Plunge

Pound was quite frantic when he realized what he'd unintentionally done! If his parents and big sister found out, he'd be in big trouble! Already, the pegasus toddler knew he had to find some way to rescue his sister, but he also didn't want to flush himself down the toilet to do so. There had to be another way.

"Come on, Pound, think! Use that thick head of yours!" Pound thought to himself, scanning all around the bathroom for anything that could be used to rescue his sister. Pretty soon, Pound noticed something about the toilet. Specifically that the water seemed to be overflowing, a sure sign that something was clogging it. "It must be my sister's pull-up, she always said it was easy to slide on and off," Pound realized. "It must've slid off her when she got flushed!"

It was then that Pound heard what sounded like a garbled cry for help, coming from the hole at the bottom of the toilet bowl. That was a sure sign his sister was stuck somewhere in the pipes! But how was he going to free her?!

"Howd on, sis! I'ww fwee ya, somehow!" Pound called, jumping down from the toilet bowl. He felt tempted to run and get a grown-up, but he quickly ruled that idea out. "If anypony finds out I flushed my sister, I'm sure to get a spanking!" He thought, so he decided it would be up to him to fish his sister out.

Frantically running about the bathroom, Pound looked for anything that could help him out. But the only thing he could think of, was the roll of toilet paper next to the toilet bowl. And that wouldn't be a big help, the toilet paper was too puny and would easily break apart after just a few seconds. He needed something more heavy duty!

Then, Pound's brown eyes fell upon a bright red plunger sitting all by itself in a corner of the bathroom opposite of the doorway. Pound went over to it, and he began to recall a memory he thought he'd forgotten. Before either he or his sister had started potty training, one of the bathrooms downstairs had made all sorts of funny sounds one day. Pound specifically recalled seeing his mother grab a plunger similar to the one standing before him, and that after it had been used, the funny sounds in the bathroom had stopped. So maybe this plunger could work for a rescue operation?

There was only one way to find out, and Pound knew he had to move fast!

Grabbing the plunger as best he could, Pound dragged it across the floor to the toilet. The plunger was heavy, but somehow Pound found the strength to make it budge. The cry for help could be heard again, and this time it sounded far more frantic. Time was running out before the obstruction would be cleared, and Pumpkin would be sucked further down the pipes, possibly into the sewers!

"Hang on, Pumpkin! I'ww get you out!" Pound called, as he grasped the plunger and tried to flap his wings. The plunger, unfortunately, refused to cooperate. Pound flapped harder, and harder, and harder! But he still couldn't move the plunger!

Then, Pound got a different idea in his head. He placed the plunger on the ground in front of the toilet bowl, and backed away from it. Then, once he had put a good deal of distance between himself and the plunger, Pound rushed towards it as fast as he could! When the plunger came into view, Pound jumped up and grabbed it, barely managing to plant his hooves on the seat of the toilet! At the same time, his leap into the air had pulled the plunger up from the ground and with a great deal of effort, the toddler was able to plant the rubber end into the bowl! "Come on, please work!" he thought to himself, and started pushing the plunger up and down as best he could.

Several audiable splashes could be heard, as Pound continue to plunge away to the best of his ability. He didn't seem to be having much luck though, the toilet remained backed up and there was no sign of his sister. But she had to be in the pipes, she just had to be! Otherwise, all that water was being splashed around for nothing.

All of a sudden, Pound felt the plunger's rubber end make contact with something (or someone he hoped). Frantically, Pound grabbed the plunger's wooden handle and lifted it out of the bowl! The water retreated, which was a sign that the obstruction had been cleared. Had he done it?! Had he saved his sister from being sucked into the sewers?!

Pound looked at the plunger, and his heart sank. He'd managed to fish out his sister's soaking wet pull-up, but there was no sign of its owner. "No, it can't be!" he thought, frantically looking down into the toilet bowl in the hopes that he'd missed something.

"I wight hewe, bwother." Pumpkin called, just barely grasping the rim of the seat with her hooves. Below her, the toilet water was slowly refilling.

"Sis, you awive!" Pound replied, extending a hoof out to pull his sister out. "I sowwy, I didn mean to fwush you. It was an accident!"

"Is alwight, Pound, I know," Pumpkin nodded in reply. "Is a good ting I used my potty befowe I twied to hewp you though, or I would've used my pull-up when I went down thewe," then she took notice of her brother's diaper. "But it wooks wike aww that hard work did a numbew on your diapee! It wooks wike is gonna expwode!"

"Wha do you mean-" Pound began, before a rather nasty stench hit his nostrils. Looking down at his own diaper, he soon spotted the source of the stench. "-Oh." he realized, feeling a huge wave of embarrassment wash over him. His face flushed bright red.

"Guess you need a changie, huh?" Pumpkin asked her brother.

"Yeah, and a new diapee! Bu I dun cawe, at weast youw safe!" Pound said to his sister, as they jumped down from the toilet bowl.

"I know," Pumpkin agreed. "Dun wowwy, this wiww just be ouw wittwe secwet." And then she left to retrieve a new diaper for her brother, a new pull-up for herself, and some wipes and powder (she'd taken a lesson from her big sister and started making stashes of such supplies in case of emergencies).

Author's Note:

Part 2 of an idea suggested by BubblePuff. I should warn you now that the next chapter may contain more "sensitive" material for some readers.

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