• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Pumpkin Makes A Decision

"We gonna have so much fun togethew, Smawty Pants!" Pumpkin exclaimed, once she and her new friend came home from Twilight's. "We can eat togethew, and sweep togethew, and pway togethew, and maybe even use the potty togethew! Just watch out fow my bwother, he a bit of a twouble maker, especiawwy since he doesn wanna use his potty."

"I heawd tat," Pound snorted, emerging from the nursery and approaching his sister. "Fow youw information, sis, I just stawted using the potty today. And this time, I wealize I have to use it even if I dun want to. I dun have any awternatives," then he spotted the doll his sister was carrying. "Who is that?" he asked his sister.

"Her name is Smawty Pants, and she's a gift fwom Pwincess Twilight!" Pumpkin proudly boasted. "So dun twy anyting funny with hew!"

"Wat, you tink I gonna twy someting with youw new fwiend?" Pound asked, trying his hardest to sound as innocent as possible.

"You did fwush my wubber ticken down the toilet." Pumpkin replied, tightening her grip on Smarty Pants as if she feared she might lose her.

"And because of that you fwushed me," Pound said, accusingly pointing a hoof to his sister. "Besides, I said I was sowwy."

Pumpkin held onto Smarty Pants even tighter, and put the stuffed animal behind her back as she told her brother. "Just making suwe you dun get any ideas! And dun tink that just because I have a new favowite sweeping mate, that you can fwush my old one."

"Wouldn't dweam of it," Pound replied, then he rubbed a spot on his front left hoof. "That doctor gave me a shot, even though I towd Mommy I didn't want one! This is why I hate doctors!"

Pumpkin knew how that felt, if there was one thing she and her brother ALWAYS agreed on, it was that shots hurt! "Sowwy you had to get a shot, I wouwdn't have been so hawd on you if I'd know." Pumpkin apologized to her brother, while silently thanking Celestia that her next check-up was a long way away.

"Is alwight, it dun hurt so much now as it did when I got it at the doctor's office," Pound nodded in reply. "But at weast he didn't give me a shot in my butt! The wast time he did that, I couwdn't sit on it fow days!"

"Oh, I hope I dun have to get a shot in my butt at the next check-up," Pumpkin nervously commented. "Because then my wump will be so sowe, I wun be able to use my potty!"

"Now you're actuawwy making me wish I had gotten a shot down thewe," Pound complained. "Then at weast I'd have an excuse to go in my diapees again. That weminds me, you know how we tawked about you using youw diapees at night?"

Pumpkin nodded. "Yeah, so?" she asked.

"So, why dun you stawt doing it, just a wittle?" Pound suggested. "It dun have to be fow poo poo if you dun want, it can just be fow pee pee. But isn using youw diapee at night bettew than having to get up in the middle of the night to go? You can just let it go, and sweep soundly."

"But I weawwy wike using my potty, I dun wanna have to give it up by using my diapees!" Pumpkin protested, in fact using her potty is what had netted her Smarty Pants in the first place.

Pound anticipated his sister would say that, and as luck would have it he'd already come up with the perfect response. "Who says you can't do both?" he proposed. "Is simple, you use youw potty during the day, but during the night you use your diapees. And nopony but the two of us has to know you doing it on puwpose. Mommy and Daddy say accidents happen, so they and Pinkie Pie wiww just tink youw having nighttime accidents. Is what I'm gonna do, at weast fow now. And if you did it, it would make me very happy!"

"I dun know." Pumpkin nervously replied, the offer was very tempting. Truth be told, the unicorn toddler did hate the fact that if she wanted to use her potty at night, she had to interrupt her sleep to do so. But intentionally using her diaper, even if it would make her brother happy? She wasn't certain if she could do it.

"Just tink about and twy to do it tonight, otay?" Pound told his sister.

"Otay, I guess." Pumpkin shrugged, unsure of what else to say.

That very night, Pound and Pumpkin went to sleep as usual. And it didn't take long for the both of them to dose off. However, at some point during the night, Pumpkin woke up with a very familiar urge to use the potty. She was just about to call out for either her Mommy, her Daddy, or her big sister, when she remembered what she and her brother had been discussing a few hours ago. Now, Pumpkin had a decision to make. A really important one at that.

"I want to make my brother happy, but I also don't want to have to use my diaper if I can help it," she thought to herself. "Oh, what should I do?!"

Then, the silver rays of Luna's moon shined down on Smarty Pants, resting next to Pumpkin's pillow. The doll was looking at Pumpkin with its button eyes, which seemed to be judging the toddler very carefully.

"Bu Smawty Pants, I a big fiwwy! I haven't had an accident fow weeks!" Pumpkin protested. "Do I weawwy wanna give up that twack wecowd, just fow the sake of making my bwother happy?"

Smarty Pants said nothing, she just continued to look at Pumpkin with her button eyes.

Pumpkin sighed. "You wight, Smawty Pants. I may not have made a pwomise, but is wha my bwother wants. At the weast I can do fow tonight, since he had to get a shot today. Besides, why waste pewfectly good sweep by getting up to use the potty?" And with her mind made up, Pumpkin dropped back down to her hooves and curled up tight beneath her blanket. Before shutting her eyes, the unicorn double checked her diaper, just to make sure it was nice and secure. It was, and that meant it would hold whatever she did in it until she woke up and was changed. Just as Pumpkin was drifting off to sleep again, her body stopped holding back. A familiar smell reached Pumpkin's nostrils, but it didn't bother her. "I guess this isn't so bad." she thought to herself, though she hoped she'd be changed before too long.

Author's Note:

The Killer Legacy suggested the idea in a PM of Pumpkin using her diapers at night to make her brother happy, and after some consideration I decided to do so. He's actually told me that he's interested in doing something similar to this fic, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet.

Edit: Actually, I misunderstood what he wanted. He only wanted Pumpkin to WEAR her diapers at night, not use them.

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