• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Silly Sweetie Belle

"You want me to foalsit Pound and Pumpkin Cake?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, the filly had been most surprised when they'd approached her while she was enjoying a milkshake.

"Just for tonight, seeing as Pinkie should be coming back from that boat trip tomorrow and by that point she should be well rested enough to take over foalsitting duty again." Mr. Cake explained to the filly.

"But I thought Diamond Tiara was doing that?" Sweetie Belle asked, scratching her head.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake exchanged nervous glances, as if they were worried about saying something wrong. Then Mrs. Cake cleared her throat and said to Sweetie Belle. "She was, but she said she wouldn't be able to foalsit tonight because she's doing something with Apple Bloom. And she wouldn't tell us what it was."

"And let me guess, Scootaloo didn't want to foalsit again after what happened with Pound's diaper." Sweetie replied in a deadpan tone.

"Actually, she's out of town with her parents," Mr. Cake answered. "Plus, we figured you might like a chance to try your luck."

Sweetie Belle beamed brightly, and immediately started bouncing up and down in delight. "Oh, you've made me so happy! Of course I'll do it, it'll be so much fun!"

"It's more than just fun, Sweetie Belle," Mrs. Cake cautioned. "Especially now that the twins are in potty training."

Sweetie smiled. "Oh, that makes it even better. That means I probably won't have to change their diapers, or pull-ups, or whatever they're wearing."

"Just be careful, Sweetie Belle," Mr. Cake warned, trying to get Sweetie to tone down her enthusiasm just a bit. "Pound and Pumpkin have been a bit 'cheeky' at times."

"It's okay, I'm great with foals!" Sweetie boasted, even though she knew that wasn't true. She'd only assisted Rarity into taking care of the twins for a brief amount of time a few days ago. But she was far too excited to remember that fact.

"Very well then, but please be careful," Mrs. Cake said seriously, as she waited for Sweetie to settle down. "I'm sure you and the twins will get along okay, just make sure to keep a close eye on them. And don't let them stay up too late. We'll be back late, so don't bother having them stay up until we come home."

"Don't worry, I promise everything will be one hundred percent under control at all times." Sweetie vowed. Of course, any wise pony would tell you that such a vow would be impossible to keep, especially with twin toddlers. And Sweetie was about to find out the hard way the importance of not making promises you can't keep.

"Pumpkin, hold still!" Sweetie instructed, as she tried to use her magic to wipe down Pumpkin's rump. The unicorn toddler had suffered a small accident (thankfully it was just number one), and Sweetie Belle was trying desperately to clean Pumpkin and get her into a fresh pull-up.

Pumpkin was being anything but cooperative, she was giggling and flailing her tiny hooves about. She did like Sweetie Belle, but she was the younger sister of the rival for Pumpkin's affections for Spike (to say nothing of the threat Sweetie Belle might pose).

"Pumpkin, come on! I have to get you changed!" Sweetie groaned in frustration, trying to dodge the flailing hooves of the unicorn. "Do you really want to get a rash?!"

"Nu-uh, washs hurt," Pumpkin replied, finally deciding to cooperate. "Otay, you can finish wiping me. Just make it quick, they tickwe."

Sweetie smiled, lighting her horn up once again and delicately working the foal wipes with her magic to remove all traces of Pumpkin's accident. Then she dropped the wet pull-up into the waste basket with minimal effort. But when she tried to envelope a fresh pull-up in her magic as well, Sweetie Belle found her horn was refusing to truly cooperate, she was levitating and manipulating too many things at once. "Come on.... stupid... horn..." the filly groaned.

Suddenly, Sweetie's horn stopped glowing! The next thing Sweetie Belle knew, the clean pull-up landed directly on her face.

Pumpkin started to giggle uncontrollably, Sweetie Belle looked oh so silly with a pink pull-up stuck to her face. "You funny!" Pumpkin said in between bursts of laughter.

Sweetie tried to get her horn to light up so she could remove the pull-up, but not only was part of the pull-up covering her horn, but her horn itself needed time to recharge after all its magical energy had been spent foolishly by the pony it was attached to. Attempting to use her hooves to remove the pull-up proved to be impossible, as the undergarment covering her face made it difficult to see. "What a fine mess I've gotten myself into," she thought. "And I thought that ridiculous hat Rarity made me wear made me look silly. This just takes the cake, and probably ate it too. Mmm, cake."

"You need hewp, Sweetie?" Pumpkin asked in a teasing voice.

"I think so, never knew it would be so hard to get a pull-up off my face, or that I'd ever have one on my face to begin with," Sweetie replied, the pull-up muffling her voice a bit. "Just please promise not to tell your brother about this, or your parents, or anypony else. This is SO humiliating.

Pumpkin nodded. "Welax, youw secwet's safe with me. Now howd stiww, tis wiww onwy take a second." And indeed it did, despite a bit of straining on her part, Pumpkin had no trouble getting the pull-up off of Sweetie Belle's face.

Sweetie Belle breathed a small sigh of relief. "Thanks," she said to Pumpkin. "Never thought I'd need to have help from a foal to do something. You swear you won't tell anypony, right?"

"Cwoss my heawt and hope to fwy, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pumpkin replied.

"Good, because a 'Pinkie Promise' is never broken," Sweetie smiled, while looking all around if she feared Pinkie might pop up from anywhere at any time. When she was convinced the coast was clear she added. "Because breaking a promise is the fastest way to lose a friend's trust, and losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend, forever!"

"You got tat fwom big sistew Pinkie, didn you?" Pumpkin asked Sweetie.

Sweetie nodded and winked. "After a while, her ways kind of rub off on you. Now, why don't we check on you brother and make sure he doesn't need a change as well?" And Sweetie lifted Pumpkin off the changing table and carried her out of the nursery. All the while, the filly hoped Pumpkin would keep her 'Pinkie Promise' not to tell anypony about what had happened a short time ago.

Author's Note:

If you want to know what Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom were doing off-screen in this chapter, PM me and I'll tell you. But please don't share the information with anyone reading this fic, if you PM me you'll probably understand why.

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