• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Pound's New Diaper

It took a long time for Starlight to clean up the mess Pound had made and get him cleaned up as well. Once all that was done, she brought Pound downstairs and sat him in time out. "That was a very naughty thing to do!" Starlight scolded. "And I'll make sure your parents know about this."

And Starlight was as good as her word, she told The Cakes everything when they came back from Fillydelphia. Needless to say, they weren't too thrilled to learn what Pound had done.

"I just don't know why Pound doesn't want to use his potty, his sister has no problems using her potty," Mrs. Cake sighed. "Maybe he's just not ready for potty training yet and we should wait until he's older."

"Or maybe we just need to take away his diapers entirely," Mr. Cake suggested. "I was a lot like Pound when I was going through potty training. I didn't want to do it at all, I liked my diapers. So my parents threw them all away and started making me use the potty whenever I had to go. And it worked like a charm, pretty soon I was using my potty every time I had to pee or poo."

"And you think the same thing will work with Pound?" Mrs. Cake asked her husband. "I really don't want to seem like a bully to Pound by making him give up his diapers."

"But he can't stay in them forever, he has to start using the potty sooner or later," Mr. Cake insisted. "If we hold off on potty training him because of this, he'll know he holds the advantage over us, and his sister will constantly tease him about needing diapers when she doesn't. That's not to mention what will happen if he's still in diapers by the time he's old enough for school."

Mrs. Cake reluctantly decided her husband had a point. "I guess we'll have to take away Pound's diapers if we want him to start using his potty," she said somewhat unhappily. "I just hope he doesn't hate us for this."

"Trust me, it's gonna work!" Mr. Cake promised. "We'll toss out his diapers after he goes to bed, that way he won't be able to try and stop us. Then every time he has to go or looks like he has to go, we make him sit on his potty and start praising him whenever he does his business in it."

"And what if he doesn't?" Mrs. Cake asked. "I really don't want my nice clean floors to be stained."

"Don't worry, once Pound gets the idea that the potty is what he's supposed to pee and poop in, we can get him some pull-ups," Mr. Cake replied. "After all, it's possible he may have bed wetting problems. It kind of runs in the family."

That very night, Mr. Cake's plan was set into motion. Once Pound had gone to bed and was sleeping soundly, his parents set to work on rounding up every box and package of diapers they could find, as well as the complimentary diaper changing supplies. Quickly but silently, the two grown-ups tossed out every last one of their son's diapers. Since it was garbage night, they knew the trash would be taken away tomorrow before their son woke up, and once it was gone so would any chance of Pound getting access to any diapers.

But unknown to her husband, Mrs. Cake decided to hang onto one small box of diapers and store them away out of sight in the kitchen (specifically in a cupboard that Pound wouldn't be able to reach). "I'm not sure if this plan is going to work like my husband thinks it is," she thought to herself, trying not to feel too guilty for doing this behind his back. "And if it doesn't, I think I'm gonna just hold off on potty training Pound for a while. My family has a history of being late bloomers for it."

By the time the rooster crowed to signal the start of a new day, all of Pound's diapers had been thrown away, slated to be carried off to the dump as soon as the trash delivery ponies arrived.

Pound was usually a pretty heavy sleeper, but for some unexplained reason he felt different this morning. So he woke up earlier than he usually did, yawning ever so slightly as he opened his eyes. Was it his imagination, or was something off? Looking all around, the pegasus toddler didn't see anything in his room that was different, and his sister was still snoozing happily in her clean diaper (why she still hadn't tried to use her diapers at night, Pound didn't know). But when Pound moved to sit down, his bottom mysteriously felt exposed, as if there was nothing on it. That was definitely odd, Pound knew for sure he'd gone to bed with a diaper on, and looking all around he could see that it hadn't slipped off in his sleep. So then, why wasn't it on his rump where it should be?

"Good morning, Pound Cake!" Mr. Cake sweetly cooed, strolling into the nursery with a bright smile on his face. "Looking for your diapers?" he asked his son, to which Pound eagerly nodded. "Well, your mother and I threw them!" Mr. Cake happily declared.

Pound's mouth dropped open in shock! Surely, this had to be a joke! He loved his diapers, why would his parents toss them out just because he liked using them instead of his stupid old potty?!

"Now, now, there's no need to be upset," Mr. Cake assured his son, as he lifted him out of the crib and carried him to the bathroom. "Everypony outgrows diapers sooner or later, and that's when they have to start using the potty like all big ponies do. Your sister does, and pretty soon she's going to be out of diapers too. So it's time you started learning how to do the same."

"Bu I wike my diapees!" Pound cried, he really didn't want to have to give them up.

"Well, now you can start liking your potty instead," Mr. Cake replied, as he sat Pound on his blue potty. "Diapers just slow you down and get in the way of having fun."

Pound was furious, and didn't want to use his potty at all. He hated the fact that his parents were now trying to force him to use it! "I won't give up my diapers without a fight!" he thought to himself. "Just you wait, Mommy and Daddy, I'll find someway to get my diapers back! And then I'm gonna use them until you finally get it through your heads that I'm not going to use my potty! Wait until I'm big enough to use the toilet, then you can make me give up my diapers." But in the meantime, Pound realized that it was probably best if he just cooperated with his parents. So, very reluctantly, Pound did his business in his potty.

"Good job, Pound Cake! That's the way to do it!" Mr. Cake cheered happily, his plan was working to perfection. "Just do that every time you're on your potty, and you'll be a big pony, just like your sister!"

"So, Daddy and Mommy threw out aww youw diapees, huh?" Pumpkin asked her brother, as the two sat in their playpen. She couldn't resist a smirk and an "I told you so." expression.

"Yeah, bu not fow wong!" Pound vowed. "I dun why they got wid of my diapees without asking me fiwst, bu I stiww ain gonna use my potty if I can hewp it! Not even Pwincess Cewestia hersewf can make me!"

Pumpkin was most curious as to what her brother had planned this time, so far every single one of his attempts to avoid using his potty had failed. "Oh yeah? And how you gonna avoid using youw potty tis time?" she asked him.

Pound gulped, he hadn't thought of that, mostly because he hadn't been expecting his sister to ask such a question. But he had to come up with an answer if he didn't want to look stupid. "Weww, I... I...." he began.

"Yes?" Pumpkin asked with a grin, even though she was certain her brother didn't have any sort of plan. It was fun watching him sweat.

"I...." Pound went on, then an idea struck him. Why hadn't he thought of it before?! "I'll make my own diapee and use it!" he proclaimed.

"Out of what, exactly?" Pumpkin asked with a chuckle. "Is not wike Daddy, Mommy, and Pinkie Pie wiww wet you borrow sheets ow cwoths. And dun even tink about borrowing my diapee!"

"I wasn't gonna, not that I wouwdn't mind," Pound replied. "You dun evew use it," then he looked around in search of stuff he could use as a make-shift diaper. The only stuff in the playpen that he could see at the moment, was a bunch of stuffed animals. Some belonging to him, and some belonging to his sister. It was then that inspiration struck the little pegasus. "I'll just use a bunch of stuffed animaws as a weplacement diapee!"

"Ew, tat's gwoss!" Pumpkin cringed. "You ain't using any of my stuffed animaws!" And she used her magic to pull several of the stuffed animals in the playpen towards her (including her favorite rubber chicken).

Pound wasn't deterred even the slightest by his sister's comment. "Tat's otay, I gonna use stuffed animaws I no wonger pway with to make the diapee!" he proudly explained, and grabbed a whole bunch of the colorful plushies that were once his snuggle buddies. He began placing them around him, and started to stretch them, as he worked on tying them together in the general shape of a diaper (which was harder than he thought). Eventually, he was somehow able to achieve what he wanted. All together, he had used about half of the stuffed animals in the playpen, but it was worth it. With a little bit of string he'd had Gummy swipe for him, Pound tied the animals around his waist tightly enough to keep them from falling, but loose enough to where he could slide them down if necessary. "Tada!" he proudly exclaimed, showing off his colorful diaper to his sister. "Bet you wish you had a diapee wike tis, huh sis?!" he teased.

"It is impwessive," Pumpkin observed. "But wiww it wowk if you use it wike an actuaw diapee?"

Just then, Pound felt an ominous gurgle in his stomach, he knew that meant. "Guess thewe's onwy one way to find out!" he told his sister, and grunted hard. It took very little time for him to do his business in his new diaper, and surprisingly enough it held. "See, sistew? This new diapee wowks just fine!" he smirked.

"Oh weawwy?" Pumpkin asked, raising an eyebrow. "It wooks wike youw new diapee is alweady fawwing apawt!"

Pound looked down at his diaper, and gasped when he saw his sister was right! His diaper was starting to sag quite noticeably from the load, it looked like it could collapse completely in a matter of seconds! Frantically, Pound shouted. "Mommy! Daddy! Come quick!"

Mrs. Cake came rushing to the scene of distress, and soon spotted what the problem was. Pound's "diaper" made of stuffed animals was sagging, if somepony didn't act fast it would fall off Pound's rump and drop to the floor of the playpen! Reacting quickly, Mrs. Cake scooped up Pound and then shouted into the kitchen. "Honey bun, get a diaper, quick! Pound tried to make one out of stuffed animals and pooped in it, and it's going to fall apart!"

"But we don't have anymore diapers for him, sugar plum!" Mr. Cake shouted in reply. "We threw them all out last night!"

"There should still be one box left, it's in the leftmost cupboard on the very top shelf!" Mrs. Cake told her husband. She didn't care that she was confessing to holding onto a box of diapers, despite his wishes. Right now, she had to make sure what was in Pound's "diaper" didn't spill onto the floor! She dashed upstairs to the bathroom as fast as her legs could carry her!

Mr. Cake looked in the very cupboard his wife had mentioned, and saw that she was right. "I guess I should've seen this coming," he thought to himself, as he took out the box of diapers and the changing supplies stashed behind it. "I tried to do the same thing Pound just did when I was his age. The only difference is, I used a whole bunch of napkins instead of stuffed animals. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Author's Note:

Thanks to BubblePuff for the idea, though this is also similar to a scene in the Rugrats episode "Chuckie v.s. The Potty" where Lil suggested Chuckie could use a bunch of napkins as a diaper, and he said he'd tried it.

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