• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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The Streak

When Pinkie finally caught up with the twins (and had fished them, Gummy, and all the stuff they'd flushed besides the toilet paper and the bar of soap out of the sewer), she was both relieved and furious.

"Do you two have any idea how worried I was?!" she scolded the twins, as she brought them back to Sugarcube Corner and set to work on preparing a bath for them. "Not to mention the fact that all those cupcakes I made for you are now gonna go to waste! And top it off, you flushed Gummy, just because I put him in charge of watching over you! You two were very naughty!"

Pound and Pumpkin couldn't help but feel guilty, and were even on the verge of tears. They'd just gotten so carried away with flushing stuff, thinking it was all just harmless fun (at least until Pumpkin flushed her brother over a rubber chicken).

"This is aww your fault!" Pumpkin angrily said to her brother. "If you hadn't fwushed my wubbew ticken, I wouldn have fwushed you, and we wouwdn't be in this mess!"

"Hey, I said I was sowwy," Pound replied, also angry. "You didn have to fwush just because of tat, though I'm gwad you came aftew me."

"Yeah, weww next time I may just fwush you and weave you down thewe!" Pumpkin snorted. "So dun EVEW twy to fwush any of my stuffed animaws evew again."

"Onwy if you pwomise not to fwush any of my stuffed animaws." Pound demanded.

Pumpkin nodded. "I wasn goin to anyway, youw animaws make wonderfuw chew toys."

"I'ww just pwetend I didn heaw that," Pound commented, and he and his sister turned their attention to Gummy. "We sowwy fow fwushing you, Gummy, even if you shouwd have been watching us."

"We undewstand if you dun wanna be awound us, so we dun fwush you again," Pumpkin replied, tears welling up in her eyes. "And you can wat us to out to Pinkie abou how we give you ouw pacis."

Gummy looked at the foals, but said nothing. He didn't even blink or wink at them, he just gave them the same blank stare he'd shown so many times before. It was like he didn't even know he'd been flushed, or why the twins were crying.

"Alright, everypony, here we are again!" Pinkie declared, as she brought her young charges back in the bathroom. The twins potties still sat neglected in the same corner of the bathroom they'd always been in, and the toilet showed no signs of damage from the twins flushing spree (though Pinkie did notice the soggy diaper in the nearby trash can, and glared at the twins quite harshly for a moment). Deciding not to take chances, Pinkie closed the lid of the toilet. "No more flushing for you two, not today!" she told the twins, before she turned on the tub faucet, before finally shedding her scuba diving gear.

Pound groaned, and Pumpkin cheered, as the twins were once again placed on their potties. Pound's diaper was removed and set aside, as the trip through the sewers had left it useless.

"Maybe if you two use your potties before we have to get into the bath, I won't have to eat all those cupcakes all by myself," Pinkie offered them. "I mean come on, how can you say no to free cupcakes?" (Pinkie remembered her parents exploiting her newly found sweet tooth quite often while potty training her, frequently offering her sweet treats instead of stickers if she used her potty. With any luck, it would work just as well with Pound and Pumpkin Cake).

Pumpkin didn't need any further encouragement. This time, there was no diaper to get in her way. "Yay, I make potty!" she cheered, as she happily did her business.

Pound, on the other hoof, folded his hooves across his body in a pouting motion. "No potty." he protested with a frown.

"Come on, bwother! 'Use potty and get fwee cupcakes', tat's Pinkie's deal!" Pumpkin offered. "Besides, potty is fun, and easy!"

"Nuh, toilet is fun, potty is boring!" Pound replied, wishing he were still flushing stuff down the toilet, instead of sitting on his potty. "You can't fwush a potty, ow stuff tings down it. Why bother using it?"

"Even if you don't get fwee cupcakes?" Pumpkin asked.

"The cupcakes awe a wie to make us use the potty," Pound said with a shake of his head. "And you dumb enough to buy it!"

Pumpkin sighed, she really wanted her brother to see how much fun it could to be use the potty (though she had to admit using her diapers felt just as fun for some reason). Then, she looked down at her diaperless rump, and a rather naughty idea came to her (even more naughty than flushing Gummy down the toilet). "How 'bout tis, bwother?" she asked, then whispered her offer to him.

Pound giggled rather mischievously, barely containing it with a hoof to his mouth. "Ooh, tat's a gweat idea! And we get to mess with Pinkie by pawing our favowite game with hew."

"So, ya use youw potty then?" Pumpkin asked, hopefully.

"Can't we just do it without that wequirement? I weawwy dun wanna use the potty wight now." Pound complained (even though his body was telling him he couldn't hold back nature's call much longer).

"Sowwy bwother, bu either you use potty, ow we dun pway the game and you miss out on fwee cupcakes," Pumpkin immediately replied. "So, do we have a deaw?"

Pound looked at his sister, then at his potty, then at Pinkie, then at his potty again, and then finally back at his sister again. His sister's idea sounded like a lot of fun (granted, not nearly as much fun as flushing stuff down the toilet), and he really did want those free cupcakes. Plus, as much as he didn't want to admit, he did feel the need to poop, and Pinkie probably wouldn't appreciate an accident on the floor. After a very reluctant sigh, he said to Pumpkin. "Oh, awwight, just dis once. But tat's it!"

"Whatevew, now just wet it go, and wait fow my signal." Pumpkin responded, then turned her attention to Pinkie so as to give her brother some privacy.

At first Pound was still reluctant to use his potty, but before long he decided there was no point trying to fight it. "A deal's a deal, as much as I wish it wasn't." he unhappily thought, and began to push. In a matter of seconds, it was all over, and he felt incredibly relieved. "Gwad tat's ovew with." he said to himself.

"See, is easy, and fun." Pumpkin cheered, when she saw her brother had done as she had requested.

"I guess it wasn't too bad, but I wike my diapees mowe," Pound shrugged, then he asked. "I kept my wowd, so when we do spwing the suwprise on Pinkie?"

Pumpkin looked at Pinkie, and saw that she was just about to turn off the bathtub faucet, which could only mean one thing! "Wait tiw aftew the bath. Untiw then, act natuwal." she whispered.

"Alrighty, it's bath time!" Pinkie proudly declared, as she inspected the water with a hoof. It was neither too hot or too cold, it was just right. Then she approached the twins on their potties, and asked them to stand up. What she saw when they did, nearly made her rocket into the air in surprise and happiness! "Oh, you two did it! You used your potties, just like I knew you could!" she cheered. "Oh, your parents will be so proud!" Pulling out a package of wet wipes from her mane, she asked. "Who wants to be wiped up first?" Pumpkin was the first of the twins to raise her hoof, so Pinkie set to work on wiping her clean first. Pumpkin giggled at the cold feel of the wet wipes, and was a bit bummed when the tickling stopped, and her bottom was squeaky clean. Pinkie then turned her attention to Pound, who wasn't nearly as thrilled about being wiped, but still cooperated as best he could. Once both twins butts had been wiped clean, Pinkie tossed the wet wipes into the trash. "I'll leave your potties as they are now, so your parents can see them!" she told the twins, before she picked them up and placed them into the tub, before she stepped into the tub as well (seemingly unaware that Gummy was once again clinging to her tail).

"Wondew why Pinkie didn fwush the wipes?" Pumpkin wondered.

"Or why she used them instead of toiwet pater." Pound pondered.

"You tink maybe wipes awen supposed to be fwushed, onwy toiwet pater?" Pumpkin asked her brother, as Pinkie began scrubbing their coats thoroughly with soapy suds.

Pound shook his head. "Tat's the dumbest ting I evew heawd. Why wouwd anypony make such tings then?"

"I dun know." Pumpkin shrugged, and nothing more was said on the matter of wipes. The twins just let Pinkie scrub them clean (alongside herself and Gummy), though it took a lot longer than their normal baths for some reason.

To Pound and Pumpkin, it seemed to take ages for their bath to draw to a close (even though it had only really been about fifteen minutes or so).

Pinkie was the first pony to get out of the bathtub, her fur dripping water onto a series of well placed towels. After pulling out the drain plug, she grabbed Pound and Pumpkin, and helped them out of the tub. "There we are, all nice and squeaky clean," she cooed at them. "Now, who's ready for cupcakes?!"

But at that moment, Pumpkin looked across at her brother and muttered something to him in their foalish gibberish (which Pinkie could sometimes kind of understand, and sometimes be completely stumped on). Pound seemed to reply with an agreement to whatever his sister had asked, and before she knew what was happening, a towel was thrown over Pinkie's face.

When Pinkie lifted the towel back up, she saw the twins running away without their diapers on! "Good grief, they're naked!" she exclaimed, before she remembered a very important fact. "Oh wait, they don't normally wear clothes, and they just used their potties before taking a bath. But still, they're running around butt naked! Gummy, why didn't you stop them?!" she asked her baby alligator (who had gotten out of the tub while Pinkie was drying herself off).

Gummy looked at Pinkie with his usual blank stare, then waddled off. Pinkie sighed, as she realized what he was trying to tell her. "You're right, Gummy. I can't depend on you to do my work for me. That's what lead to you getting flushed. The Cakes entrusted me with watching over the twins, and that means it's up to me to catch them and re-diaper them!" she realized, and dashed out of the bathroom. "Don't know what I'd without Gummy's advice," Pinkie thought to herself, then shifted her focus to the twins. "Look out Pound and Pumpkin Cake, Pinkie's coming for ya!"

Meanwhile, Pound and Pumpkin were laughing hysterically. "Oh man, did you see the wook on Pinkie's face when she saw us wunning awound naked?!" Pound laughed. "That was totawwy wowth using the potty fow!"

"Yeah, but now she's gonna twy to find us! Which means we need to find somepwace to hide!" Pumpkin replied, and anxiously began to search for such a place.

"Weww, we couwd hide in one of the bathwooms downstaiws." Pound suggested.

"Oh no, I ain't wetting you tawk me into anothew fwushing spwee!" Pumpkin protested, the memories of the last one still fresh in her mind. "You wanna fwush stuff down the toilet, do it youwsewf and dun come cwying to me if you fwush yoursewf or someting you wove!"

"Nah, the bathwoom is too obvious!" Pound replied. "We need somewhewe tat Pinkie woudn't tink to wook fow us in this game!"

"And whewe would tat be?" Pumpkin asked her brother.

Pound smiled. "I so gwad you asked sis, now wisten carefuwwy." And he explained his plan to his sister.

Pinkie was starting to get just the tiniest bit frantic. She'd searched high and low in all of the twins usual hiding places, but hadn't found hide or hair of them. "Pound! Pumpkin! Where are you?!" she called. "Come on, your cupcakes are gonna get stale if we don't eat them soon! I can't keep them stored in the fridge all day!"

Emerging from the kitchen, Pinkie felt like she was ready to give up. She was running out of places to search, and yet the twins were nowhere to be found. Surely, they hadn't flushed themselves again! She'd just gone through all that trouble of fishing them out after all, and it was not a journey she cared to repeat.

Heading back upstairs, Pinkie was going to check the bathroom with the twins potties again, just to make sure she hadn't seen things. Then, as she approached the twins nursery, she could've sworn she heard giggles. "Could it be?" she thought, as she ever so stealthily crept inside. The lights were off, and the window blinds were down, but there was no mistaking the giggles that she was hearing.

Pinkie approached the first thing her eyes locked onto in the darkness, the crib, and inspected it thoroughly. The twins seemed to be huddled up inside it, sleeping peacefully. "I guess the sewer trip and the flushing spree wore them out. Oh well, I'll just save the celebratory cupcakes for next time." she thought, pulling a blanket over them and turning around to head out the door.

But as soon as Pinkie had done so, the window blinds suddenly flapped up and the lights flickered on! "Surpwise!" two foalish voices cried out, before Pinkie was suddenly tackled. It didn't take long for the culprits to reveal themselves. Pound and Pumpkin were still as butt naked as they had been when they'd fled from her earlier, but they didn't seem to mind.

"Oh, well done you two, I didn't see that coming!" Pinkie replied with much fanfare. "But you two really had me worried for a moment."

Pound and Pumpkin seemed to briefly look guilty, before they giggled and turned around so that their naked butts stared Pinkie straight in the face. They quite liked this feeling of nakedness.

Pinkie immediately got up, and grabbed the two naked foals as she chuckled. "Alright, I think that's enough streaking from you two for one day. Now come on, let's put new diapers on you, and then go downstairs and enjoy your celebratory cupcakes for using your potties like big foals!"

"Guess the fun's ovew, huh sis?" Pound frowned, as he and his sister were placed on the changing table in their nursery.

"Weww, it was fun whiwe it wasted," Pumpkin replied, as Pinkie bent down to retrieve new diapers and some foal powder. "Oh weww, I can't wait til Mommy and Daddy get back and see tat I went potty!"

"Yeah, weww they'd bettew be happy with it, because I nevew doin it again!" Pound protested. And began to scheme up a way to make sure they'd know this.

Author's Note:

Well, ponies don't normally wear clothes, and with the exception of "28 Pranks Later" all of the twins recent appearances have seen them without diapers on.

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