• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Everypony Poops

Pound was very relieved when Princess Twilight came, and after a second or two of laughing at him, cast the necessary spell to free him from having his potty stuck to his butt forever.

After accepting the praise for her service, Twilight departed back to her castle, and Pound was finally allowed to leave the bathroom. He never wanted to see his potty again, at least until a certain somepony apologized for the stunt she'd pulled with it.

But for the rest of the day, Pumpkin kept finding ways to avoid Pound. It was not until night time, when Pound finally got his chance to give his sister a piece of his mind. And what a piece it was!

"So, bwother. Did you wike youw suwprise?" Pumpkin innocently asked, before chuckling quite hard.

Pound snorted in fury. "Why you wie to me, sis?! My potty didn fwush at aww, it got stuck to me wike a diapee!"

"So you didn use it?" Pumpkin asked, even though she was certain she knew the answer.

Pound shook his head. "Of couwse not! Did you weawwy tink twicking me with a sticky potty wouwd make me use it?! Maybe I shouwd do the same to you, and see how you wike it!"

"You couwdn get me stuck on my potty if you twied," Pumpkin replied with a smirk. "Unwike me, you can't do magic."

"Not youw kind of magic, but you'd be suwprised what a pegasus can do!" Pound warned. "I stiww haven't fuwwy fowgiven you fow cawwing me a tuwd and fwushing me down the toilet! I have half a mind to do it to you, next time Mommy and Daddy weave us with Pinkie! And aftew what you did today, I'm sewiosuly considering doing it! Tat is, unwess you say ya sowwy!"

Pumpkin, a bit concerned about that remark, decided it was best to apologize. She doubted Pound would actually follow through on either of his threats, but there was no way she was going to risk the possibility of her being wrong. "Okay, I sowwy fow twicking you," Pumpkin apologized. "But I stiww say you missing out by not using the potty."

"Whatevew, but at weast you apologized," Pound shrugged, and went to sleep. "Goodnight, sistew. Maybe you shouwd twy using youw diapee in youw sweep sometime? Is woads of fun." he whispered.

Pumpkin pondered what her brother had suggested, but decided she was too tried to think about it at the moment. "Goodnight, bwother." she whispered back. And the twins shut their eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Pound and Pumpkin woke up at their usual time, aroused from their slumber by the familiar hoof of their mother. "Good morning my little ponies," she smiled brightly and cooed, as she lifted them up their crib and checked their diapers. "Good, all nice and clean," she commented. "Now then, if anypony would like to use the potty now would be an excellent-" But suddenly, Mrs. Cake seemed to freeze up, as if something was wrong with her. Setting Pound and Pumpkin down on the floor, she put a hoof to her stomach, which the twins could swore they heard making really funny noises.

"Wha do you tink is up with Mommy?" Pound asked his sister.

"I dun know, gwown ups awe always acting weird," Pumpkin shrugged. "Mommy's pwobably just being a siwwy pony wike she always is."

"Tat's pwobably true, but I nevew seen hew act wike tis befowe," Pound replied. "I hope she's alwight."

"Thewe's onwy one way to know fow sure," Pumpkin concluded. "Follow my wead, bwother."

Mrs. Cake continued to hold her hoof close to her stomach, as her children asked. "Mommy?" with the most concerned looks on their faces. She knew she had to do something to address their worries, and calm them down.

"Mommy's fine, sweeties," Mrs. Cake said to her children, as she slowly (and awkwardly) walked out of their nursery. "She just... needs to tend to.... something!" And then she dashed down the hallway and disappeared.

The twins waited and waited, but their mother didn't come back. It didn't take long for them to grow worried. What if something had happened to her?!

"Is Mommy sick?!" Pumpkin anxiously asked her brother, peeking around the corner from the nursery door. She saw nothing.

"She wasn acting wike she was sick," Pound replied, somewhat concerned. "I tink she just fowgot to do someting, wike Daddy sometimes does."

"Yeah, ow wike how Pinkie often does," Pumpkin nodded. "But stiww, I kind of worried about hew? Whatever she fowgot about must've been weawwy impowtant."

Just then, from down the hallway there came an unfamiliar sound. It sounded like some sort of strange device had been turned on, but whatever that device was the twins had no idea what it was called or what it did. However, they could also hear faint traces of their mother's voice, although they couldn't make out what she was saying.

"Weww, shaww we go find out what tat noise is, and why it's coming fwom the same pwace as Mommy's voice?" Pumpkin asked her brother, once again looking out into the hallway.

"Hang on just a second, thewe's someting ewsw I have to do fwist." Pound replied. His sister turned around, just in time to see his diaper fill up with a noticeable bulge.

Pumpkin could hardly believe her eyes! "I dun bewieve it! Mommy's acting weawwy weird and yet youw messing youw diapee?!" she complained.

"Weww, I had to go anyway, but I didn wanna use my potty," Pound explained. "Besides, dun act wike you dun miss being abwe to do this aww the time befowe those potties came awong. Now, just give me a second to get changed into a fwesh diapee, and then we go find Mommy."

"Alwight, but make it quick." Pumpkin sighed, and turned her to give her brother some privacy. "Well, at least he's not doing it in his diaper while sitting on my potty." she thought to herself, relieved that he'd stopped doing that.

Once Pound had changed into a clean diaper, he and his sister left their nursery to go search for their mother and find out what was making that strange noise that was covering up her voice.

The twins strolled past the bathroom where their potties were kept, their mother wasn't in there and neither was the source of the mysterious noise. In fact, the noise seemed to get louder as they past it by completely.

Pretty soon, Pound and Pumpkin had reached the end of the hall. The only door facing in front of them, was the door to their parents room. The noise seemed to be coming from somewhere in there, although where they had no idea. "Mommy's got to be in there!" they thought, and so they trotted into their parents bedroom, prepared for just about anything. Having been in their parents room a few times before, the pegasus and unicorn toddlers knew some of the basic stuff that was in it. A rather large bed was in the center of the room, though it lacked the protective bars of Pound and Pumpkin's crib. Near the pillows on either side of the bed were a series of drawers that displayed pictures on the top shelf, while encased in some sort of protective frame.

Their eyes scanning towards the rightmost corner of the bedroom, the twins spotted the door to their parents bathroom. It was currently closed, and a light was on. However, both their mother's voice and the unusual noise could be heard loud and clear from behind it.

"Oh my, that was a close one!" Mrs. Cake said to herself. "I really need to remember to come here more often, even if Pound and Pumpkin are making progress on their potty training. It's not good for me to stay away from here for too long."

"What do you tink Mommy's tawking about?" Pound asked in confusion, scratching his little head.

Also scratching her little head, Pumpkin replied to Pound. "I dun know, but thewe's onwy one way to find out. We have to go in thewe and wook fow Mommy."

"But won't Mommy be mad with us?" Pound asked, worried about what sort of punishment he and his sister might get for going into their parents bathroom when the door was locked.

"Maybe a witte, but I sure she'ww undewstand," Pumpkin concluded, and lit up her horn. She concentrated her magic on the door handle, and with a great deal of straining (though not nearly as much straining compared to when she'd levitated Gummy and her brother), she was able to turn it and open the door said handle was attached to. "Come on, wet's find out why Mommy came in hewe." she declared.

Pound followed, quite reluctantly. "I hope we don't get in too much trouble for this." he thought to himself.

Once they were inside the bathroom in their parents bedroom, it didn't take long for Pound and Pumpkin to find their mother. For just seconds after they had trotted inside, they found themselves staring directly at her, as she sat on the toilet. She was holding a newspaper in her hooves for some reading, occasionally flipping the pages, and commenting on what she read. As a result, she couldn't see them.

As for that strange noise... well, Pound and Pumpkin had no clue where it was coming from. But pretty soon a familiar smell reached their nostrils, and they began to realize what the noise existed for. For some unexplained reason, it was helping to control the smell so that it wasn't too unpleasant.

"We found Mommy! She's okay!" The twins cheered, a little too loudly. They alerted Mrs. Cake to their presence.

Mrs. Cake lowered her newspaper, and found herself looking directly at her twin toddlers. The both of them were staring back at her with their eyes as wide could be. Mrs. Cake's mouth dropped open in shock, but for a moment no words would come out of it! When at last she did find her voice, she immediately screamed! "Pound! Pumpkin! What in Celestia's name are you two doing here?! Haven't I told you not to come into Mommy and Daddy's bathroom when the door is closed?!" Were it not for the fact that she was sitting on the toilet, Mrs. Cake was certain she would've fainted right then and there. As it was, the shock did help with one thing, her reason for visiting the bathroom in the first place!

"See, Pumpkin!" Pound said with a smirk. "Mommy only uses the big potty! And I'ww bet Daddy does the same!"

"So what, they and Pinkie Pie awe big enough to use it. We awen't." Pumpkin replied.

Sighing, and trying not to look too embarrassed, Mrs. Cake waited for a moment. Then, thoroughly convinced she'd done her business, she rose from the toilet. "Pound, Pumpkin, please look away while Mommy cleans herself up," Mrs. Cake instructed, and waited for her children to turn their heads. Once they had done so, she wiped herself clean with toilet paper and dumped the used rolls into the toilet bowl. Then, approaching her twin toddlers she asked them. "Do you two wanna help Mommy flush the toilet?" The twins nodded their heads in agreement, so Mrs. Cake scooped them up and brought them close to the toilet handle.

Pound and Pumpkin reached out at the same time, and pressed the handle down. "Bye-bye pee-pees." Pound called.

"Bye-bye poo-poos." Pumpkin waved, as the toilet's contents disappeared down the drain.

"Alright, now let's wash our hooves and get out of here." Mrs. Cake cooed to her children, taking them over to the kitchen sink after closing the toilet lid. In her mind, she made a mental note to invest in a magic proof lock for her bathroom door, just to prevent any further incidents.

Author's Note:

I guess Mrs. Cake should've taught her foals to knock before entering. :rainbowlaugh:

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