• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Two Foals, One Outhouse

When Pumpkin was done using the toilet, Mr. Cake wiped her clean as best he could, before putting her back into her diaper. Then, after flushing the toilet and washing his hooves, Mr. Cake put Pumpkin back in the stroller, and wheeled it to the check-out lanes.

Once the pull-ups had been purchased, Mr. Cake brought Pumpkin home, and decided to put her in one of the pull-ups so that she could get used to the feel of them.

Pumpkin was surprised at just how much like a diaper the pull-up felt, despite looking almost exactly like the padded undergarment. In fact, were it not for the lack of tapes (and the fictional ponies displayed all around it), Pumpkin would've thought she was still wearing a diaper.

"So, how do you like your new pull-up, Pumpkin?" Mr. Cake asked, once Pumpkin had a chance to waddle around in it for a little bit.

"Feews good." Pumpkin smiled in response, she especially liked how the pull-up didn't restrict her movements as much as her diapers did. She couldn't wait to put this new freedom to good use!

"Glad you like it," Mr. Cake said, cooing a little at his daughter's adorableness. "Can I trust you to keep it clean when Princess Twilight comes to foalsit you and your brother tomorrow?"

"Uh-huh!" Pumpkin nodded. It was the least she could to repay the princess for giving her Smarty Pants (which was quickly becoming Pumpkin's favorite new snuggle buddy).

"Glad to hear it!" Mr. Cake smiled. "Now, I'd better go find your brother and let him know as well. It certainly is a surprise that she'd request to have you two all to herself for a day, but if the princess wants to foalsit you two, far be it from me to say no." And with that, Mr. Cake went upstairs to check on Pound Cake, leaving Pumpkin Cake to her own devices.

"I wonder why Princess Twilight would want to foalsit me and my brother so soon after she looked after me? It's not like Pinkie, Mommy, and Daddy are all going to be gone," Pumpkin thought to herself. Then a worrying thought struck her. "What if something happened to Princess Twilight?! Or maybe the Twilight at the castle was an imposter?!"

Pumpkin (and Pound) soon found out why Twilight had requested to foalsit on such short notice. The very next day, she arrived at Sugarcube Corner just as the twins were finishing breakfast. And when Pinkie opened the door to let Twilight in, she burst out laughing at Twilight's appearance.

Somehow, Twilight had transformed herself into an animal called a kangaroo. She now had stubby little things called paws in place of hooves, a rather large tail, two very strong legs, and a noticeable sack in her belly that was called a pouch. "Hi, Pinkie," Twilight greeted, trying not to be disturbed by her friend's laughter. "Are the twins here?"

Once Pinkie had regained her composure enough to wipe the tears from her eyes, she said in between giggles. "Yeah, they've already been fed and have used their potties once already. Pumpkin actually just graduated to pull-ups yesterday, she's getting to be a big filly!"

"I'm sure she is," Twilight smiled, then asked Pinkie. "I take it you didn't tell them about my," she paused and coughed into a paw. "'Appearance', right?"

"Nope, they have absolutely no idea," Pinkie assured her friend turned kangaroo. "How did you turn into a kangaroo in the first place?"

"It's a long story, let's just say I got more than I bargained for reading some ancient tomes," Twilight explained, frowning a little. "Spike and Starlight are searching for a cure as we speak, but in the meantime I figured 'Might as well make the most of this new body'. I read that female kangaroos carry their young around in a pouch, and that gave me the idea to be a foalsitter for hire until this whole mess blows over."

"Ah, I see," Pinkie replied. "Well, don't worry. I think Pound and Pumpkin won't be too put off by your appearance. Just make sure to bring them back from the park by sundown, Mrs. Cake doesn't like them staying out too late."

"Don't worry, Pinkie, time won't be a problem." Twilight commented, hopping past her pink coated friend.

Pound and Pumpkin were sitting in their playpen, idly playing with some of their toys (or at least Pumpkin was, Pound was distracted by the garment known as a 'pull-up' that his sister was wearing). Suddenly, the twins were interrupted by a familiar voice clearing its throat. They looked up to see what looked like a kangaroo version of Princess Twilight staring right back at them, smiling brightly.

"Hello Pound Cake, Hello Pumpkin Cake. So nice to see you again." the kangaroo greeted warmly.

Pound and Pumpkin stared at the kangaroo Twilight, then both foals burst out laughing loudly. It was the most hilarious sight they had ever seen in their young lives.

Twilight waited for the twins to stop laughing, before she told them in a sweet and cooing tone. "I'm still the same Auntie Twilight, I just look a bit different, that's all," then she added. "Do you two wanna go to the park in a little bit? Today's a great day to be out and about, it's not too hot and not too cold."

The twins looked at Twilight for a moment, then they whispered to each other in a way that made it impossible for Twilight to overhear. Then they said to her. "Yeah, pawk sounds gweat!" Maybe this time they'd have the courage to try that slide they'd heard so much about.

"Alright then, just give me a minute or two to get ready," Twilight instructed. "In the meantime, you two can just keep playing with your toys." She then hopped away to start packing, a task that she knew would be easier said than done with her stubby new paws (though she supposed it could be worse, she could've been stuck with claws or talons, then she'd have to take extra care not to accidentally hurt anyone with them).

While Twilight started packing for the trip to the park, the twins conversed with each other about what they'd just seen. Pound was the first one to speak up. "How in the hay did Pwincess Twiwight tuwn hewsewf into that cweature? Did she mess up a speww or someting?"

"I dun know," Pumpkin replied with a shrug. "But she wooks so siwwy. Especiawwy with that sack in her tummy, she wooks wike she gained weight with that on."

"Or wike she's gonna be a mommy," Pound joked. "I wondew if tat's what Mommy wooked wike when we were in her tummy?"

"Who knows, maybe if thewe awe pictures of hew fwom that time we can find out?" Pumpkin proposed.

"I guess we can ask Pinkie or Mommy or Daddy sometime tomorrow," Pound considered, then he noticed Twilight hopping back to the playpen. "We'ww tawk more watew, Twiwight's coming!"

"Okay you two, are you ready to have fun with your Auntie Twilight?" Twilight asked the twins, a small saddle bag hung over her right shoulder.

"Yeah!" The twins cheered, and Twilight took that as a sign to scoop them into her pouch. The twins were quite surprised at the view they could get when they poked their little heads out of said pouch, it was sort of like being in an elevated stroller.

"Comfy?" Twilight asked the twins, who looked at her kangaroo face and nodded happily in response. "Good, now hold on tight. Next stop, the park!" Twilight said, and briefly hesitating she hopped out into the bright sunlight. She'd been lucky not to run into anypony on the way to Sugarcube Corner, but was curious (and a bit worried) about what the citizens of Ponyville would think if they saw her in her current state.

Twilight was quite relieved when she arrived at the park, a few ponies had spotted her but they thought nothing of her unusual state of appearance. Apparently, seeing Equestria's newest princess transformed into a different species, was far from the most unusual thing the average citizens of Ponyville had seen over the years.

Pound and Pumpkin were set down in the playground sandbox, along with a few buckets and shovels with which to construct sand castles. "If you need anything, come and get me." Twilight told them, and hopped over to a nearby park bench to rest. Carrying two foals in the middle of potty training, along with some of their toys and supplies, was quite the exhausting payload for the recently transformed princess. Carefully positioning herself on the park bench, Twilight sat down and took out a book to read. As she did so, she occasionally lifted her nose up and glanced ever so slightly towards the sand box, just to make sure the twins were still within her sight.

It didn't take long for Twilight to become engrossed in the novel she was reading, and she likely would've kept on reading had she not felt a tug on her rather long tail. Setting the book aside, Twilight looked down at her legs to see Pound and Pumpkin were the culprits responsible for the frantic tug. "What is it?" Twilight asked them, trying to maintain a sweet and gentle tone.

"Auntie Twiwight, did you wemeber to bwing our twaining potties?" Pound asked in reply.

"Yeah," Pumpkin added. "We WEAWWY have to go!" She and her brother both doing a little potty dance.

Twilight mentally kicked herself (and felt sorely tempted to physically do the same, were it not for how strong a kangaroo's kick could be she probably would've done so), how could she have forgotten to pack the twins training potties? But she couldn't let the twins have an accident because of her mistake, she began to rack her brain for a solution, while also searching all around the park. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon an outhouse a short distance away from the bench and the sandbox. "Well, I didn't remember to bring your potties. But, I do have an alternative," Twilight explained, as she carefully scooped the twins into her pouch again. "Can you guys hold on for just a little bit longer?"

"We try." Pumpkin promised.

"Pwease huwwy, Auntie Twiwight!" Pound pleaded.

"I'll do my best, just hold on tight!" Twilight instructed, and began to quickly hop across the park (though she tried to control her hops enough to avoid upsetting the twins and making them release while in her pouch, that was the last thing she wanted).

It didn't take long for Twilight to reach her destination, she forced the outhouse door open with one well placed kick, and hopped inside. Once she quickly shut and locked the door behind her, she let the twins out of her pouch. "Okay, here we are." she told them.

Pound and Pumpkin looked all around, but they didn't see anything that looked even remotely like a bathroom. They didn't see a toilet, a sink, or a tub. All they could see, was what looked like a toilet seat placed above a hole in the ground. "Whewe's the potty?!" they asked Twilight, not sure how much longer they could hold back the call of nature.

"You're looking at it," Twilight said with a smile, pointing a paw to the seat above the hole. "This is an outhouse, and that's where you do your business."

"It dun wook wike a potty." Pumpkin observed.

"That's because it really isn't," Twilight explained, removing Pound's diaper and Pumpkin's pull-up and setting them aside on the floor of the outhouse. "Outhouses are basically country versions of what ponies used to use as bathrooms. About 1,000 years ago or so, ponies used these things called chamber pots. I guess that's where the modern word 'potty' came from. Outhouses like this were used in more rural areas where building chamber pots was too expensive. Then, about one hundred years ago or so, ponies started using flush toilets and outhouses stopped being used. But some ponies still keep them around, because they're less expensive than building flush or squat toilets. And they help fertilize the soil."

"How do you know so much abou potties and toilets?" Pound asked.

Twilight blushed, as she helped the twins to sit on the outhouse toilet seat. "I'd... rather not say. It's nothing anything you two would be interested in." She figured it was best not to tell them about her explorations of Celestia and Luna's old castle in The Everfree Forest. One of the few places largely spared from Nightmare Moon's wrath and the subsequent decay from neglect, had been the bathrooms. Twilight had actually been rather surprised when Rarity discovered the chamber pots still worked (though the pipes had rusted up a bit), and that had made the bookworm princess curious enough to do further research on pony plumbing fixtures.

Pound and Pumpkin felt tempted to ask for more details, but they quickly forgot all about doing so when their bodies stopped holding back. Once they had concluded their business, Twilight carefully removed them from the toilet seat and set them on the floor of the outhouse, where she wiped them clean and then put their undergarments back on them.

"Auntie Twiwight, awen't you gonna fwush the outhouse toilet?" Pumpkin asked, as her pull-up was secured around her rump.

"The outhouse toilet doesn't flush, Pumpkin," Twilight explained, pulling out a bottle of hoof sanitizer. "There's no running water at all in this outhouse, that's why we're going to use hoof sanitizer instead of soap."

Once Twilight and the twins had washed their hooves clean with the sanitizer, Twilight placed the two toddlers back into her pouch and hopped back across the park to the sandpit. "Let me know if you two need to use the outhouse again, or if you need anything else." Twilight instructed.

"Okay, and dun fowget to use it youwsewf so you dun make any kangawoo sized messes." Pound teased, prompting both him and his sister to laugh.

Twilight couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, even if the twins were only joking. "I just hope Spike and Starlight find a spell to change me back soon," she thought to herself. "I don't think ponies made plumbing structures intended for kangaroo useage."

Author's Note:

This prompt is another idea partially resurrected from the deleted Padded Ponies colab, this one truly is partially resurrected since the prompts that this idea is based on ("Kangaroo"-"Park", one of which Diokno44 wrote) involved Twilight transformed into a kangaroo as per a pic on Deviant Art by MLPCutePic. But I feel like that idea would be better suited to an actual fanfic, now that the colab is gone.

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