• Published 1st Sep 2016
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Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (And Misadventures) In Potty Training - SuperPinkBrony12

Pound and Pumpkin Cake's parents decide the twins are finally old enough to begin potty training. This is a collection of the various comedic escapades that the twins got up to as a result. Rated Teen as a precaution, but should be mostly G/PG.

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Ripped Pants

Pinkie was quite surprised to find out that her parents had brought her and Marble's old high chairs for the twins to sit in at the table, as she fastened bibs around the twins' necks and then sat down next to them. "You guys still have all my old foal stuff, don't you?" She asked her parents.

"Well, you never know when one of our sisters is going to settle down and raise a family," Igneous said with a wink. "Someponies are getting to that point in life where they can use the choosing stone to find their mate."

"For the last time I'm not leaving this rock farm, you put me in charge of it!" Limestone protested, sitting down across from her father. "Maud's busy working on her rocktorate, Pinkie has to wait until Maud and I go, and Marble isn't old enough yet."

"You don't have to be so grouchy," Maud said in a flat tone, sitting next to Limestone. "You're going to scare Boulder."

"And the babies," Marble advised, sitting next to Pinkie. "I don't think they like you being 'Captain Grumpy' as Pinkie puts it. Funny how you were the only one of us who had trouble leaving pull-ups. Probably because you drank so much lime juice all the time."

Everypony laughed, except for Limestone (as well as the twins who had no idea of what Marble was talking about). "You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?" She asked with a groan.

"We don't think any less of you for that, in many ways it really speaks volumes about how independent you are now," Cloudy replied, as she set down eight bowls of soup with rock floating in them and took a seat next to her husband. "Now then, everypony, let's eat! And don't feel ashamed about asking for seconds, I made plenty of rock soup for us all."

Pound and Pumpkin found rock soup to be surprisingly enjoyable, at least the soup part (they didn't care much for the rocks and Pinkie didn't think their teeth had developed enough for them to eat stuff as hard as that). They even had seconds, despite thinking they wouldn't be able to stomach even one bowl full of it. That being said, rock soup pailed in comparison to the stuff their parents fed them.

However, Pumpkin soon discovered there was thing not to like about rock soup. Just minutes after being set down when lunch was over, she could feel her bladder screaming out for release. "Gotta go potty!" She exclaimed, standing on tip hooves to emphasize her point.

"Rock soup went right through you did it?" Cloudy asked, scooping up Pumpkin. "It's alright, it does take time for your body to get used it." And she carried the little unicorn to the bathroom to do her business.

That left Pound to find a way to occupy himself until his sister came back. He'd already promised Pinkie he wouldn't fly around the house, and he wasn't about to go back on his promise. But he found his Aunt Limestone too grouchy, his Aunt Maud too boring (why did she treat Boulder like he was a pet? He was a rock and rocks didn't talk.), his Aunt Marble only had Mr. Pebbles, and his Uncle Igneous was currently looking for an old scrapbook or something.

It was then that Pound's eyes fell upon Smarty Pants sitting lonely and unattended in a corner of the living room next to Pumpkin's rubber chicken and the other stuffed animals. Remembering the deal he and his sister had made involving the doll and his pull-ups, Pound trotted over to it. "I'm sure my sister won't mind if I just 'borrow' Smarty Pants for a while. What she doesn't know won't hurt her." He thought, as he snatched up the doll.

"Hewwo Smawty Pants, wanna pway?" Pound asked the doll.

"You bet I do! What you wanna pway?" Smarty Pants asked in an overly nerdy tone.

"Hey, you got a pwetty soft body, wight?" Pound asked Smarty Pants.

"Yup, thewe awe benefits to being aww stuffed up." Smarty Pants giggled.

"Then you gonna be my dwumstick!" Pound boasted. "And I got just the ting in mind fow a dwum!"

Pumpkin exited the bathroom, feeling much more relieved than when she had entered. "Tank you fow hewping me use the potty, Aunty Cwoudy." She said politely.

Cloudy smiled. "You're more than welcome, Pumpkin Cake. In a way, it brings back memories of when my own daughters were going through what you're going through now. Limestone had no trouble training, up until the pull-ups stage that is. Maud was a little harder, Pinkie had her ups and downs, and while Marble was the easiest to train she still didn't always cooperate."

"You got pwenty of experience, it sound wike," Pumpkin replied, as she crawled over to where Pinkie had left the stuffed animals laying around. But to her surprise she couldn't find Smarty Pants anywhere. "Whewe's Smawty Pants?" She asked.

"Who's Smarty Pants? Is she like Mr. Pebbles?" Marble asked Pumpkin, offering the stuffed bear to the unicorn toddler.

"She a stuffed donkey, I caww hew 'Fwuffy' sometimes!" Pumpkin explained. "She a gift to me fwom Pwincess Twiwight. I nevew sweep ow nap without hew."

Just then, Maud came trotting up. "Boulder says he saw your brother take Smarty Pants and go into the kitchen," She told Pumpkin. "But Boulder doesn't know what your brother is going to do with the doll."

"What?! Pound steal Smawty Pants fwom me?!" Pumpkin exclaimed with fury, crawling to the kitchen. "I give him a piece of my mind!" When she entered the kitchen a moment later, she was shocked to see Pound banging Smarty Pants like a drum stick on one of the empty soup bowls!

"Yeah, dis wocks!" Pound happily exclaimed, continuing to bang Smarty Pants against the bowl in plenty of ways. Unfortunately, he was being rather careless and not paying attention.

"Pound, stop!" Pumpkin cried, but it was too late. Pound brought Smart Pants down hard on the bowl, and a noticeable hole formed in her causing some of her cotton to spill out (Pumpkin had noticed a small opening in Smarty Pants at one point, likely from what she was first sewed back together by Big Macintosh). "Smawty Pants!" Pumpkin exclaimed, rushing to the site of her beloved snuggle buddy's distress!

Pound turned his head and saw his sister rushing over to him and Smarty Pants, then he realized his mistake. "Oops." Was all he could bring himself to say.

Pumpkin was quite furious, as she snatched up the stuffed animal and hastily tried to stuff the spilled cotton back in. "You a big meanie fow steawing Smawty Pants and bweaking hew!" She said to her brother.

"I sowwy sis, it was an accident!" Pound vowed. "I can fix hew!"

"You'd bettew!" Pumpkin replied angrily. "Othewwise I nevew speaking to you again!"

Pound was quite worried, as he tried to think of how to fix Smarty Pants and get his sister to talk to him again. His comment about how he could fix her had been rather rash in coming out. Truth be told, he didn't know if he could do it himself. So that left the question of who he could ask to fix the doll for him?

But before Pound had a chance to really think about the situation, he was surprised to find the doll snatched out of his hooves by Limestone of all ponies. "Give that doll!" She said seriously. "I fixed up Mr. Pebbles for Marble after Maud played too rough with her, and there was also the time Maud ripped her vest while we were out looking for rocks for my mine."

"You can fix Smawty Pants?" Pound asked, hopefully.

"Well, I can't make any gurantees," Limestone told Pound, then while adopting a more motherly she added. "But I do know a thing or two about needle work. So I think I can patch her up decently, it'll just take some time."

"How much time?" Pound asked Limestone, that sort of response was never promising when the grown-ups said it.

"However long it takes," Limestone replied. "But I need absolute concentration, so why don't you and your sister go play with my family for a while? I promise Smarty Pants will be ready for your train ride back though."

Pound and Pumpkin reluctantly did as they were told, but upon exiting the kitchen Pumpkin immediately went to go find Pinkie while making good on her promise not to talk to Pound ever again.

"I hope Limestone is telling the truth about the doll," Pound thought, as he went to go find his Uncle Igneous. "I can't stand the idea of my sister never speaking to me again."

The next few hours seemed to pass agonizingly slow for Pound, even though he was able to alternate between playing with his Uncle Igneous and his Aunts Cloudy, Maud, and Marble. Not having his sister to talk to was a punishment far worse than anything he could ever think of.

Not even learning that the Pie family did have a functioning toilet (albiet an older model with a pull chain and not a handle) seemed to lift Pound's spirits. And if Smarty Pants couldn't be fixed, he feared he would never again hear his sister's voice for the rest of his life.

At last, just when Pound had resigned himself to the possibility that he would never again be able to talk to his sister, he heard his Aunt Limestone declare "All done." She then called Pound and Pumpkin to her room, where she proudly presented Smarty Pants all patched up as if she were brand new.

"Yay, you fixed Smawty Pants! You the best Auntie Limestone!" Pumpkin cheered, jumping up and hugging one of her aunt's legs. Limestone couldn't help but let out a small smile.

Author's Note:

Please don't post Spongebob jokes or references, I think most of us know how the episode goes.

BubblePuff suggested the idea of Pound playing with and breaking Smarty Pants, as well as Pumpkin not wanting to talk to him ever again until he gets it fixed when she finds out.

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