• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,344 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

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Tall Tale II

Clockwork. The morning routine of a Guard is like clockwork. Wake up as soon as the bell goes off, hurry down the hall, shower, back to your room, and put your armor on. If you can do that before a Sergeant comes by to wake the barracks you can get top marks. Knight Gaze and I were both already in the mess hall having breakfast when the Sergeants came in. They all looked confused at our presence.

“Look at that! The rookies are up before anypony else,” one Sergeant commented. They weren't talking directly to us so we kept eating.

Another nodded in agreement. “That's new.”

They continued talking as they got their meals. “Yeah,” the first Sergeant nodded at us. “Fresh meat, second class at that. Something we almost never see here in Tall Tale.”

The Sergeants continued their idle chatter while KG and I had our breakfast. I had a newspaper in front of me that I was scanning.

Wonderbolts Las Pegasus race results: First Place, Captain Spitfire, Second Fleetfoot, Third Firestreak.

Case Cracked in the city of Vanhoover! PI Phillip Finder breaks a case that baffled local Guard for weeks.

Whomever this Phillip Finder was, it sounds as if he is good at his job. A shame he is a private investigator; the Guard could use every good detective it can.

Sergeant Solar Aurora marched in, heading toward us with a rapid step. “Ah, just the pair I wanted to see.”

KG and I stood and faced her direction. “Yes, Sergeant?”

She suppressed a grin. “At ease. Since you two are up first you get the good assignment. As soon as you're done with your meals, get down to the Lantern District and relieve the two guards there. Keep the tourists from getting out of hand.”

KG and I responded with full energy. “Yes, Sergeant!”

She nodded, suppressing another grin. “Carry on.” She turned and regrouped with the other Sergeants as we sat back down to finish breakfast. We could hear the Sergeants asking Solar Aurora questions like, “Why are they here?” or “Aren’t second class guards worried about their careers?” She quietly explained our situations.

On our way out of the complex, KG picked up a map. I figured it would come in handy later. Turns out that the Lantern District is in the old town on the south side of the city, between the newer area of the city and the forest. It also held the convention center in the area.

Once in the Lantern District we started to look for the two guards we were replacing for the day. In our search, we saw a large selection of bars, clubs, restaurants, mare’s clubs, and stallion’s clubs. I slowed as we passed one of the stallion’s clubs; I’d never been to one before, and I could hear curiosity calling my name. However, Knight Gaze snapped me out of my daze with an eye roll and a flick of his tail to my face.

“There they are,” he grunted, jerking his head towards one of the bars. The two Guards were standing in front of the swing-open doors, and they both looked a little wobbly.

I shook my head at insufficient discipline these two were displaying as I approached. “We're here to relieve you for the day,” I stated. “Get back to the complex and sleep whatever you drank off before the Sergeants see you.”

The third class guards nodded in agreement and walked lazily off, stumbling and weaving with every step.

“These are what the Guards we’re working with are like?” KG asked me incredulously. “Don't the businesses here know they shouldn't be serving on duty Guards drinks?”

I just shrugged my wings as we started on our patrol. “Perhaps we should remind the shopkeepers, and bartenders while on patrol today?” I said in a sarcastic tone of voice.

He nodded in agreement. “It would probably mean less drunken Guards returning to the complex in the day to day.”

That wasn't the expected response. “Wait, are we actually considering this?” I asked quickly. KG nodded seriously. “Wait, wait, I was joking—”

“It will give us something to do at least.” KG started down the street on patrol. “We should start with the end, that way we know where we've been.”

I followed after him “A wonderful start to the career huh?” I asked with a fake smile on my face. KG just rolled his eyes.

I followed after him. At least this might give me a chance to look for good places to hang out after work.

The Lantern District was where the tourists hang out, so it was probably only a good idea to come here during the week. A bar called the Caustic Moon caught my attention the first time we passed, and Knight thought it was an agreeable place to look for lunch. It was a rather dark colored place, black wood, brick, and silver trim. It was run by a few Bat Ponies. Our waitress found us a seat that looked out into the street through the window.

“This place isn’t bad,” I commented, watching ponies pass by on the sidewalk. “The mares around here look especially nice.”

KG looked up from his hayburger. “Yeah, I suppose they do look nice.”

I laughed a bit. “You ‘suppose’? Do you like mares or not?”

KG shrugged. “I’m partial to both mares and stallions. Although I’ll admit mares do look nicer.”

I nodded at his explanation. “Well, there is nothing wrong with that. Have a look at our waitress.” I pointed quickly.

KG looked over his shoulder at her. She was a nice stone gray bat pony with a two tone blue and light blue mane and tail. Lovely figure: she reminded me of Snow. When KG looked back at me his face had reddened. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” he muttered, stuffing hay fries into his mouth to try to kill the conversation.

“Of course you don’t,” I smirked.

Our waitress came over. “Will there be anything else?”

“No!” KG said loudly through a mouthful, causing me to snicker. Glaring at me, he swallowed his food before amending. “No, thank you.”

I got her attention, trying to hold back my laughter. “If we could get the check please.” She nodded and trotted off to get the check.

I grinned at my partner, who glared stonily back. I think I just found the chink in KG’s armor. I would definitely be bringing him back to this place.

The sun was beginning to dip below the cityscape. Our shift was coming to a close. KG had told every place that sold an alcoholic beverage to not sell anything intoxicating to on-duty guards. I waited outside every time. We had some good chats with a few tourists that were asking for directions, luckily we had a map on us. We were now headed back to where the shift change happens.

“Well, this was a pretty uneventful day,” I commented.

KG looked a bit confused. “That a bad thing?”

I shrugged. “Eh, I was just kinda hoping we’d get to settle one issue. Instead, we told bartenders what not to do.”

“I told them. You stood outside.” KG corrected.

“I know that.” Right about then we heard a loud crash from an alley behind us, causing me to almost jump out of my armor. “Tell me that was you,” I said to KG quietly, daring to hope the impossible.

He gave me an annoyed glare: not as intimidating as Snow, but pretty scary nonetheless. “Did you see my horn glowing?”

I sighed. “No. Let’s go have a look,” I suggested, moving toward the alley.

KG groaned. “Oh come on. We're almost off the clock.”

“You know we’re never off the clock right?” I chuckled.

We started into the alley, a brick-lined narrow street between a bar and a hotel. KG sent out a spot of light with his horn to pierce the darkness as I attached my flashlight to my shoulder plate and turned it on. “I know I envy civilians for that small detail,” he muttered.

We searched for whatever made the sound, sweeping every inch of the alley. Our lights eventually fell on a trash can that had been knocked over, scattering its contents everywhere. “Why do you care? We’re on the clock twenty-four-seven. We get paid the entire time,” I reasoned, continuing down the alley.

KG was examining the knocked over garbage with his magic. “True, so I shouldn't be complaining.” Once he was done, he caught up to me.

“Hey, you went through Army training right?” I asked, looking at a pile of boxes.

KG was looking down a dead end off-shoot of this alleyway. “Yeah, I told you before I was supposed to go into the Army.”

I paused my search to look at him. “That means you weren’t taught the stun spell the Guards are supposed to learn. You learned something with a little more kick, didn't you?”

He looked at me, unintentionally shining his light into my eyes and causing me to flinch. “I hadn't thought about that,” he admitted. “I suppose I should ask the Sergeant for a quick lesson when we get back?”

“You should indeed,” I replied, rubbing spots out of my eyes. I looked around the remainder of the alley. “There is nothing here. Come on.”

KG nodded. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.” We started out of the alley when a griffon darted out of the shadows behind us, shoved past us, and bolted down the alleyway.

“I’d call that suspicious behavior,” I grunted, helping KG back up.

KG and I immediately began pursuit. “Halt! By order of the Guard!’ I shouted. Naturally, the griffon didn't stop. I flew down the alley in pursuit, KG not more than a few gallops behind me. The griffon turned into the dead end. “Suspect going right!” I shouted back to KG.

I rounded the corner into the dead end, I got a brief look at the griffon. Male, gold colored beak and talons, black feathers, gray fur, and tail. Unfortunately, I only had time for a brief glance before he threw a full metal trash can onto my head. I fell down to the ground, dazed by the impact and blinded from the can over my head.

“Help!” I shouted, staggering around and struggling to get the trash can off my head. I banged into the wall and stumbled away, my head ringing from the reverberations.

“Hold still,” came KG’s voice, muffled through the metal. A moment later, the can was jerked off my head, causing me to stumble.

“Where is he?” I shouted, whirling around.

“The griffon took to the air and fled as soon as you were down,” KG explained. “He got away.” He helped me up. ”It’s a good thing you got that helmet.”

I rubbed my neck, massaging the sore muscles. “Yeah, a good thing,” I muttered.

“Well, there is a bright side to this,” KG sighed.

“Yeah, what’s that?” I asked, confused.

KG started chuckling. “You got some action on your first day.”

I stared for a moment, then I started laughing with him. “I did ask for it, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you did,” KG grinned at me for a moment before returning to seriousness. “Come on. Let's go fill out a report with the Sergeant, and then have the medic look you over to make sure.” KG started back to where we came from.

I followed. “That sounds like a plan.”

When we got back to the Guard complex, we reported to Sergeant Aurora on what we did the whole day. She was mildly pleased we reminded the barkeeps to not sell to on-duty Guards. She was, however, less than happy the griffon assailant got away. Fortunately, she wasn't mad at us. While I was filling out a report on the matter, KG got a quick magic lesson in stun spells.

“Rules of engagement are to only use lethal spells in a life and death scenario, where yours or somepony else’s life is in immediate danger,” Sergeant Aurora explained as KG practiced the stunning spell at a small target that she had conjured. “Fall back on the stunning spell on any other scenario.”

“I understand. Thank you for the lesson, Sergeant,” KG nodded, hitting the target three times in rapid succession.

After that, KG insisted on taking me the medic for a check, firmly cutting off my every protest. “Getting hit on the head with a trash can is no laughing matter, Strider,” he stated as he almost literally dragged me to the infirmary.

“Actually, it kind of is,” I stated; I had to admit, after the fact, it was kind of funny. KG just rolled his eyes again.

No injuries, and no concussion thankfully. I was in a hurry to get back to our room and end the day. Once we reached our dorm, both KG and I took our armors off, then headed over to chow for dinner.

“So what are we gonna do for our day off?” KG asked me, taking another bite of his daisy salad.

“Well, I was thinking,” I started, twirling my fork through my warm spaghetti. “After we get off work, we could go to one of those bars and see what the nightlife is like,” I explained.

“That sounds fun,” KG said flatly. “As long as you don’t try and hook me up with anypony.”

I had to suppress a grin. Funny, that was exactly my plan. “I wouldn’t. I was gonna try and get some tail myself, therefore you gotta be my wing-pony.” I was lying through my teeth, but it was for a good cause. Knight Gaze needed to let loose. He was too serious.

KG looked at me for a moment. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?”

“Relax. Our day off is so we’re not working with a hangover.”

“I don’t often drink,” KG admitted.

“That is what a wing-pony is supposed to do,” I explained. “Make sure the other doesn't get too hammered.”

KG raised a brow. “I have a feeling that you have an ulterior motive for going out.”

I gasped. “You wound me with your words,” I said in false offense, holding my hoof over my heart. “The notion that you think I’m untrustworthy!”

KG gave me unfazed look. “We’ve only known each other for two days.”

“Still,” I said, returning to my food.

“I’m onto you,” KG warned.

“Sure you are,” I finished.

The rest of our dinner conversation went onto topics about the next few days work. After dinner, it was time to hit the showers, and then bedtime.

As we started walking back to our dorm, we ran into Sergeant Aurora, who was coming out of the showers with a damp towel over her shoulders. Her coat was still wet and gave a shine to her flanks. KG and I both snapped to attention as I commanded my wings to remain at my sides.

“Oh, Strider,” she greeted me as she passed. “Just wanted to let you know, I’ve sent out the description you gave of the griffon who attacked you to the newspapers. But don't keep your hopes up, it not very likely that we'll find him.”

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you, ma’am,” I nodded. Aurora continued on her way, allowing us to head back to the dorm for a well-earned rest. I'd never say it aloud, but our NCO was hot.

Anyway, assaulting a Guard is a serious crime, but it also happened a lot more often than we like to admit. And in a city like Tall Tale, the chances of catching this perp are low.

Author's Note:

A special thanks to PonyJosiah13 for editing this chapter for me.

This Chapter took a little longer than I wanted it to. I have other stories that I'm working on so chapters may be delayed at times.
