• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,342 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

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Baltimare - X

The barbers. I hadn’t been here in awhile; almost a month and a half, in fact. I had been busy all that time with Brass Cog. His testimony had led to several high profile arrests and almost as many convictions. While that was all well and good, it meant that I hadn’t had time to get a manecut. My mane was well out of regulation, even though nopony noticed due to my helmet. But I found it was best to take care of that before somepony did notice. Plus, Snow was starting to complain.

According to my inside mare, Amaryllis Lurce was getting angry, and losing money trying to fight the charges the City Guard put on her more important business partners. Which leads to Amore Dolce and the Itailian mob gaining more territory within the city and within Lurce’s organization, and in turn giving me, even more, information to use against Lurce. This was going very well.

I blew a clump of my fire-red mane off of my nose that had fallen there. I kept silent while the barber continued to trim. I wandered back into my mind.

Jett’s flying was steadily improving; she could stay aloft for longer than thirty minutes at a time and hover twelve feet high before having to come back down to rest. I even had her spot reserved for flight camp, courtesy of her Wonderbolt uncle. She was also in school now, one only two blocks from the Guard Campus. She was doing well so far in her lessons. Another couple weeks and I’d be taking her to go to flight camp.

In other family-related news, according to mom’s letters, there was no change to her condition yet. But the doctors say she could decline anytime, even with the potions and medicine she is taking to delay it.

“All done. That’ll be ten bits,” the barber said, removing the cloth that was around me to catch any stray bits of mane.

“Thank you.” I paid the stallion and left the little shop and took flight across the city toward home once again. With Jett in school and Snow at work, I’d be home alone today. Not sure what I had to do around the apartment but I’m sure I could find something.

Landing in front of my apartment building I made my way up the stairs. I opened the door, and to my surprise, Snow was sitting on the couch completely immersed in what looked to be one of the few Daring Do books I owned. I thought she had patrol today.

She hadn't heard me come in so I didn't disturb her. Moving on tiphoof, I pulled a protocol manual off my shelf, found a comfy spot on the floor and started to read. I made it a few entries through then I looked up to see that Snow hadn't moved a muscle since I got here.

I put my manual down and stepped up beside her. Still nothing. So I tried to peek at what she was reading. Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone. “Good read?” I asked.

As soon as I said those two words, she practically came unglued; she jumped up off the couch, let out the girliest scream I have ever heard, accidentally threw the book into the kitchen with her magic, and landed behind the couch with a graceful thud.

I couldn't help myself. “Ahahahah!” I held my side from the laughter.

“SHUT UP!” she yelled at me with a face red as a tomato and stormed into the bedroom.

I had to get myself under control. “Wait, love, come on!” I called, trying to hold back laughter.

I followed her into the bedroom. She was pouting on the bed, I tried to get in beside her just so we could chat. “NO! I’m mad at you!” she snapped and magically flung me off onto to the floor.

Owch. How is it that mares seem much cuter when they are embarrassed? Note to self, never say that out loud.

I sat up and rested my chin on the edge of the bed where she could see me. “Please, can I come up there?” I asked, giving my best impression of a puppy.

“Fine,” she grumbled avoiding eye contact.

“Yay!” I hopped up and settled beside her. She continued to refuse to look at me. “So you're home early,” I commented.

“There was a scheduling mishap. Sparta and I got too many days in a row of work, not that we minded, and it got missed. We were told to take today and tomorrow off to compensate for the accumulated hours. And as a reward for not complaining like a few of the others did,” she explained, finally looking at me.

“That was fortunate. Especially since I have today off as well. We could all go out to dinner tonight.”

Snow nodded. “I suppose that could be fun. But that's tonight. What about between now and then?” she asked.

I thought about it a moment. “Well. I have one idea on how we could fill the time.” I sat up and maneuvered so that I was behind her.

“How?” Snow asked slowly, looking at me over her shoulder.

I started rubbing her shoulders, and she immediately started to relax into it, lowering her head towards the pillow. “Well, Jett won't need to be picked up from school for another few hours,” I started.

Snow was almost convinced until she remembered that she was mad at me. “No. Not after that stunt, you pulled,” she snapped and used her magic to move my hooves away.

“Oh, come on love. It's not like we have many chances to be alone like this anymore.” I kissed the back of her neck.

“I suppose that is true,” she admitted slowly, lowering her head to the pillow.

I went back to massaging her back, and she didn't resist this time, letting out a quiet hum. “I don't suppose I could convince you to try on--” I started to say.

“No,” she giggled.

“Oh come on how do you know what I'm gonna ask?”

“Those are for special occasions. Like your birthday for example.” She rolled onto her back and grinned.

That would indeed make the wait worth it. “I think I can wait, I guess,” I sighed.

She patted my head. “Good boy.”

We had about thirty minutes left until we had to go get Jett but I was exhausted. Seems like Snow was too. Apparently, we had a lot of, um, energy. Yeah, energy, let's go with that. I wondered what she’s thinking about.

“What you thinking about?” I asked.

“I’m thinking that we probably smell and should take a quick shower before we go get Jett from school,” Snow mumbled.

“Or I could go take a shower and then while I am going to get Jett you can take a shower and not be rushed.”

“I like that. But then you’d miss out on sharing a shower.” she purred in my ear.

Chills went up my spine. “It’s a sacrifice to make the mare I love more comfortable,” I said in a dramatic tone of voice that made Snow roll her eyes.

“Suit yourself. Then go get clean I can smell you from here.” She pushed me off the bed toward the door.

I made my way toward the shower. “Part of this smell is from you, ya’ know!” I called back.

“Mares don’t smell anything of the sort. You're delusional!” she yelled from the bedroom.

I laughed to myself as I got the water running and began to wash up. I had a lot going well right now, now that I thought about it. I have a wonderful and curious daughter who shows exceptional flying abilities, I have a marefriend whom I love, my career is going very well right now. My life felt complete. I think in a couple weeks when I go to drop Jett of at Flight Camp I’ll stop and see mom. I just want to see if she has any advice before she…

Wow. I just depressed myself. Think happy thoughts, Strider. Think about Jett. Think about Snow. Think about Snow in lingerie...no! Bad Strider!

Before I knew it I was done taking a shower. I hopped out just as Snow was making her way into the bathroom. “See you smell much better now. Not so much like sweat and sex,” she commented.

“You still smell like that too, though.” I bumped her flank with mine as I passed her.

“I do not smell like sweat and sex!” she protested.

“If I smelled like that, trust me, you smell like that too.”

“Quit antagonizing me and go pick up your daughter already.” she used her magic to push me out of the bathroom, and close the door behind her.

I smiled to myself as I left the apartment. My life was definitely in a good spot at the moment.

“Did you get a haircut?” Jett asked on the way back to the apartment.

“I did, just earlier.”

Jett smiled. “You look more guard-like like this. It's a good look.”

“Oh, well thanks,” I said. We walked a while longer.

I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my neck, an instinct whispering to me that something wasn’t right. Looking around I saw lots around on the streets. But my eyes focused on a pair of pegasi across the street, standing outside a cloth shop. I couldn’t figure out what my subconscious was trying to tell me at first: they were just loitering, leaning against the wall. And then I slowly realized that they were both looking at me.

“Dad, can I ask you a question?” Jett asked, snapping my attention back to her.

“Of course,” I nodded.

She skipped along beside me. “Are you and Snow gonna get married?”

I felt my face going red. Why were ponies asking me this question? “Eventually, maybe. There are things to consider before that though.”

“You seem happy though. Why not just get hitched?” she suggested. Where was this kid getting these ideas? Who taught her “hitched?!”

“You'll understand when you're older, and I'll explain then too. I promise,” I said. We came to the apartment and started up the stairs. “You got any schoolwork that needs doing?”

“Uh-huh,” Jett nodded, opening the door for us. “You wanna help?”

“Help with what?” Snow asked, looking in from the bathroom. She had a towel wrapped around her mane and was brushing her tail with a brush.

“My teacher asked the class to write about what we want to do when we grow up,” Jett explained getting onto the couch.

“And what did you choose?” I asked.

“I wanna be a City Guard like you. Or a Wonderbolt!” she cheered. “Whichever happens first,” she added meekly.

A City Guard? That was a little surprising, but she is young still, plenty of time to change her mind. “That sounds like an excellent place to start. You have excellent sources too.”

“So you wanna help?” Jett bounced on the couch.

Snow smiled. “Of course, darling. Let me just finish with my mane.”

So we started on Jett’s schoolwork. She wrote the whole thing, we merely answered any questions she had while she wrote. It was an excellent way to kill time as we waited for nightfall.

We were all on our way to a little restaurant Snow had found on her patrols. I had to say I missed that part of the job; walking around on hoof, meeting and speaking to ponies going about their days, knowing where everything is. But this Sergeant position paid better and had more perks, like the apartment, healthcare, dental; there was even a daycare on the guard campus, surprisingly, although I had no use for it right then.

“We’re here,” Snow sang, gesturing.

I looked at the sign. “‘Thelma's,” I read off. “Seems like a nice enough place.”

“Oh, it is. Sparta and I come here for lunch whenever we can.” Snow lead us inside.

A waitress pony was there waiting for guests; her face was starting to show strain like she smiled way too much today. “Hi, welcome to Thema’s. How many?”

“Three,” Snow returned the smile.

“This way please.” The waitress led us further inside.

We followed her inside, my Guard training taking note of my environment. White walls painted to look old, black molding, dim lighting, a little cramped, but enough space for two lanes of hoof traffic. I could hear the faint clanging of pots and pans in the back of the restaurant, and the idle chatter of the other patrons created the background track for the restaurant.

The waitress set three menus on the table she led us to near the middle of the restaurant. “Here are your seats. Can I get you anything to drink?” the waitress asked.

“Two waters, and a glass of lemonade, please,” I requested.

“I'll be right back,” the waitress nodded and went to get our drinks.

“Isn't this place great?” Snow smiled happily, climbing onto the seat. I sat next to her, and Jett sat on the other side of the bench from us.

“It’s nice,” I agreed.

“I like it!” Jett beamed.

I smiled at her and Snow. I couldn’t help but be happy. Soon enough the waitress came back with our drinks and we ordered our food, which was delivered in minutes. Snow had a cranberry salad with thousand island dressing, Jett had a fruit salad, and I had a grilled vegetable sandwich. We made idle chatter while we ate.

When we were all done, like the gentlestallion I was, I paid for our meals and the waitress waved us goodbye. We began the walk back to the apartment; Jett tried to hurry us along, evidently thinking about the ice cream waiting in the icebox.

“...with chocolate syrup and whipped cream and chocolate chips…” she sang, bouncing along ahead of us.

It was about this time the coat hairs on the back of my neck started to stand on end. Feeling the weight of someponys’s vision, I started to subtly look around. While I was pretending to look at Snow, I spotted the same pair of pegasi across the street from earlier today, following us from a distance.

Uh-oh. Fun time with daughter and marefriend was over. Time for work.

I got close to Snow to whisper instructions. “We are being followed. Put Jett on your back, and when we turn the corner, run.”

“Guards don't run,” she whispered back.

I put the most emotion I could into my words. “I'm asking you to protect my daughter. Were she not here, you AND I both would stand and fight. But we have a job to do. So please.”

Putting it in perspective always seems to work. She nodded and wrapped Jett in her magic. “Hey!” Jett protested, wiggling in midair.

“Jett. Please hold onto Snow. And do not leave her side until I catch up,” I instructed, trying to keep my increasing panic out of my voice. Jett instantly looked terrified and went still and quiet. I looked at Snow. “Go to the Guard Campus. I'll find you there.”

“What are you gonna do?” Snow asked as we rounded the corner.

“I'm gonna slow them down. Go now!” I stopped just out of sight and watched Snow and Jett run down the street, before turning my attention to our pursuers.

What I wouldn't give to have Dino with me right now.

Not ten seconds and they rounded the corner as well in a hurry. “Looking for me?” I asked them.

“Time to break, pig.” the first thug said pulling a guard baton out from under his left wing and snapping it open. The other one cracked his neck muscles; he seemed to be going hoof-to-hoof.

I got into my fighting stance. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” I taunted, trying to exude confidence rather than fear.

I was only trying to slow them down, so, wing and leg injuries will do. The thug with the baton swung and I immediately grappled one of his hind legs and hyper-extended the tendon with enough force to render the leg temporarily useless. He fell to the ground, cursing in shock and pain.

The second pegasus tried to box me. I ducked under one of his hoof-punches, grabbing his hoof and punching the elbow, pushing it in a direction that it wasn’t meant to go. I followed up by dislocating the shoulder socket of his left wing. He howled in pain on the ground.

The first was back on his hooves and pulled a knife from his right wing, slashing at me. I dodged, but was a split second too slow and cried out as the tip of the blade opened up a gash beneath my eye. As he followed through with the knife swing, I took advantage of the exposed right wing and dislocated it as well, kicking his legs out from beneath him as I did so.

For the second time, he fell to the ground, cursing at me. The second one started to get back to his hooves. I leaped into the sky and bolted after Snow and Jett, leaving my attackers behind on the ground. I followed the streets, taking the most direct route to Campus. As I approached, I spotted Jett and Snow at the front gate and swooped down to meet them.

“Dad!” Jett, called out as she caught sight of me, immediately jumping off of Snow and into my arms.

“You alright Sergeant?” the gate guard asked. “Do you need a medic?”

“I’m peachy,” I snapped, hugging Jett and letting her bury her face into my mane.

“Sergeant?” Snow asked.

“Jett we need to go home and pack your things. You're going to Flight Camp early.” I swung her up onto my shoulders.

“Sergeant, you were just attacked, and you’re bleeding,” Snow pointed out.

“I'll see the medic when I come back.” I flew up over the buildings.

I was furious, but I was still thinking clearly. Amaryllis Lurce. She had to be the one who had decided to attack me while I was with my marefriend and my daughter. I could picture her sneering face right in front of me as I flew.

I opened the door to the apartment. Jett was my VIP at the moment, no matter my situation she needed to be safe before I did anything else. “Go get anything you need for Flight Camp. You'll be staying with Orion and Fleetfoot in the meantime,” I instructed her. I had to struggle to keep my voice steady.

Jett said nothing and did as told. I went and retrieved my armor. I had a feeling that I'd be wearing it for a while.

Once I picked up my helmet and tucked it beneath my wing, I called out to Jett. “You got your stuff?”

“Yes, dad,” she whimpered. She sounded scared. Best I try to calm her. I walked into her bedroom and found her sitting on the bed, sniffling.

“Jett, I'm not mad at you. Nowhere near in fact.” I said, hugging her.

“Then why are you mad?” she asked.

I had an honest answer for this one. “Because I’m scared.”


I needed to tell her the truth. She deserved it. “The bad ponies who were after me. I think they saw you, and they might try to hurt you too. I'm bringing you to the safest place I know. My brother lives on the Wonderbolts’ training ground with Fleetfoot. It’s the safest I can think of that’s far away from here.”

“But what about you?” she asked, burying her face into my mane again.

“I'm gonna do what I do best.” I put on my helmet. “I'm gonna bring them down.”

Asking for the next day off from the Lieutenant wasn't difficult once I had explained the situation in full detail. Before I left I had my face stitched up so I wouldn't be bleeding this whole trip. I left early in the morning, with Jett on my back and all her things strapped tightly to my sides.

By that evening, Cloudsdale was in sight but they must have the wind machines turned up because there was lots of wind, and it was raining. The weight of Jett’s bags wasn’t helping; why she needed to bring all those comic books with her, I will never know.

I looked back to check on Jett one last time. She had her goggles on to block the rain from hitting her eyes, and a jacket to stay warm. She just stared at Cloudsdale as we approached, not speaking.

I flew straight to the Wonderbolt housing with Jett on my back. I needed directions. Wonderbolt Cadets were always on duty at one time or another around here.

Soon enough I found one. She stiffened to attention when I came in for a landing. “At ease, Cadet. I need directions. Where can I find Sierra Squad Leader Lieutenant Orion?”

“He lives in the Lieutenant Commander's quarters now. Just down there, housing number five-nine-four-seven,” the cadet pointed.

“As you were, Cadet.” I walked briskly past in the direction indicated.

As we got out of earshot of the Cadet, Jett spoke up for the first time since we left the apartment. “Dad, I’m cold.” I felt her shivering through my armor. Even though her thestral wings had pegasus feathers partly covering them, I doubt they were as insulated as mine.

“We’re almost there sweetie,” I said picking up the pace. “Just a few more moments.”

We came to the housing the cadet indicated, five-nine-four-seven. I heard laughter from inside. They were home, and from the sound they had company. I hated to break up a party, but I didn’t have time to waste. I knocked hard three times and heard the laughter inside stop.

A few seconds later, Fleetfoot opened the door with a stern expression on her face, probably expecting some starstruck cadet or fan. “Strider?” she asked, her distinct lisp surprising me again.

I saluted her before speaking. I was in uniform after all. “And Jett. May we come in? Jett needs someplace warm and a blanket if you have an extra.” I listed.

“Of course.” She stepped to the side.

“Thank you.” I stepped inside and got Jett off of my back. “Is my brother here? I need a favor of you two.” I started to help Jett get her wet jacket off.

“Yeah. Orion! Your brother is here,” She called.

Orion entered the room, looking confused. “My broth—brother! It's good to see you. And how is my favorite niece?”

I got Jett’s sopping wet jacket off of her as she responded. “I'm your only niece,” she reminded him.

“Doesn't make that less true,” Orion grinned, looking us both over. “You two look like you just flew through that storm, and you look like you've been in another fight.” Orion pointed at my stitches.

I didn't look at him. “I have.”

“And they did,” Fleetfoot added referring to the storm.

“I'm cold,” Jett reminded us.

Fleetfoot started toward a hallway. “I'll get some towels.”

“So what brings you here, and in uniform?” Orion started to ask.

I was about to answer but I spotted Captain Spitfire and Commander Soarin looking in from around the corner.

“Ma’am, Sir!” I saluted.

“At ease Sergeant. I’m wondering why you flew through a storm with your daughter to get here,” Captain Spitfire stated the currently obvious.

I took in a deep breath and spoke clearly. “A crime boss in Baltimare has been less than happy about arrests I've been making. She sent thugs to attack me yesterday. Jett was with me at the time, and I can't be sure they won't target her to get to me. So I brought her to the safest location I know. Here.”

Commander Soarin stepped forward. “So what you're asking is?”

“For my brother to watch his niece from now until Flight Camp starts, or until it’s safe for her to come back,” I stated, suddenly realizing just how large a burden I was placing on my brother, and on Fleetfoot.

Fleetfoot came back and wrapped Jett in towels. “Captain, Flight Camp doesn't start for two weeks,” she pointed out. I knew from her tone that she was hating herself for even bringing it up.

Spitfire thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded. “Since she is your niece and her safety is in question, I'll let her stay. Orion, just keep her safe and make sure she doesn’t go wandering off on her own.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Orion nodded.

“I’ll even allow her to sit and watch our training sessions. Maybe she'll pick up a few things before flight camp too.” Spitfire said with a confident grin.

“Are you staying the night brother?” Orion asked me.

I took a step toward the door. “No. I need to get back as soon as I can.”

“I’m gonna have to disagree there Sergeant,” Commander Soarin interrupted. “This storm is scheduled until morning. You felt how it was getting here, and it’s going to get worse. It won’t be safe for you to try flying back.”

“With respect commander, I need to risk that. These thugs threatened my family. I don’t take that lightly.” I headed for the door.

“He really doesn't,” I heard Orion commenting.

“Daddy!” Jett called. I turned and knelt to face her. She reached up with her hooves to hug me. “I love you, dad. Please come back safely.”

“I love you too, sweetie,” I said, hugging her tight. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Once we parted I stepped back into the rain and took flight back to Baltimare. It was time to take the foalshoes off. Amaryllis Lurce was gonna wish she hadn’t messed with me.

Author's Note:

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. I was determined to get it done before this Wednesday.