• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 1,344 Views, 176 Comments

Strider - Olakaan Peliik

My name is Flame Strider, I am a Pegasus, and City Guard. This is my record of my time in the City Guard, and travels across Equestria.

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Las Pegasus VIII

Getting everything ready was a challenge, but we managed to pull it off in the end. Everypony was filing into the cheap rental chapel now and taking their seats. I was standing with my entourage next to the altar. Nassor stood in his dress uniform as well; behind me was Jett in an adorable tuxedo. I had made the offer of her having a dress but she liked this better. Next to her was Orion, Atlas and Thasus in their dress uniforms. The bridesmares were across the altar from us: Icicle, being Snow’s Mare of honor was first in line. Then it was Buttercup, Vanity (to my great surprise), and lastly a mare I didn't know.

I looked out into the crowd and I saw a very large portion of my family on my side of the room. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Snow had laid claim to more than a few of our friends on her side. She had the fewest family members attending so I guess she was trying to even things out across the room. Stone was here, Sergeant Arrow was here sitting in the back. Knight Gaze had respectfully declined unfortunately, he was in the middle of an operation and couldn't leave. There were a few of our friends and former co-workers that had declined. But this was still big for what was supposed to be a small on-the-fly wedding.

“You nervous?” Nassor asked.

I nodded. “And excited.”

“You’re nervicited!” Jett chirped.

“I feel like I’ve heard that word before,” Thasus mumbled.

“You too?” Atlas asked.

“And can’t remember where you heard it?” Orion chimed in.

I ignored their banter and nodded to Jett. “Yes, ‘nervicited’ would be a good word. If it is one.”

“Just breathe. From what I've read in books and the stories I've heard, once you see her come down that aisle everything will melt away, ” Nassor stated.

“I've heard that as well, kind of counting on it,” I admitted.

I watched as our family finished taking their seats. The piano player was taking his place and flipping to the page of music he needed. Snow got to have all the say when it came to the music, so I had no idea what he was gonna play.

Of course, the first song was the traditional wedding march. Everypony stood, their heads turning towards the back of the room. The doors opened with a squeak and Snow and her Grandfather, Barback, stepped into view. At that moment I realized Nassor had been right in a way. I couldn't take my eyes off of her; all of my doubt and stress melted away and I felt a warm glow fill me up from my tail all the way up to my nose.

Her dress was shimmering white-silver in the lights of the rental chapel. Instead of a veil she wore a tiara, her hair was done up in a fancy bun decorated with crystals. At that moment, I was convinced there was no mare in the world as beautiful as her.

I noticed that her eyes were locked on me as well. I couldn't tell if it was her makeup, but she had a constant blush on her face. A small, nervous smile spread over her face, making her look even more beautiful.

When they finally reached the altar, I walked over to stand next to Barback, opposite Snow. My heart was doing a tap-dance in my chest, and my wings were tingling.

“Who gives this mare away to be wed?” Nassor asked.

“I do,” Barback answered. He turned to Snow, hugged her, whispered something, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Barback then turned to me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “Do better,” he ordered, giving me a scowl that would’ve put some of my drill instructors to shame.

“Yes, sir,” I answered as he stepped down and sat next to his wife. I looked at Snow and held my leg out for her to take it. She did so without hesitation, her blush spreading.

Nassor cleared his throat before speaking. “We gather here, albeit very suddenly and impromptu…” That earned some laughter from the crowd. “...to witness the joining of a love that has already undergone hardships and trials. I've known these two only a short time and I can tell you that when they argue, it’s because they love each other. A lot.”

Snow and I laughed a little with the crowd.

“Flame Strider and Snow. You two have made commitments in your life prior to the vows you are about to make: Strider to the Equestrian Guard, Snow to the Equestrian Medical Reserve. In your marriage, you are taking on each other's commitments in addition to the ones you have made, and the vows you are about to make to each other. Now, if you're ready, you may make your vows.” Nassor took a step back.

Snow levitated out a little piece of paper and started reading from it as she spoke to me. “Strider, you are stubborn, foolish, and sometimes have the maturity of a colt. You are also brave, confident, caring, and are too smart for your own good. Knowing all this, I vow to love you even when you make it difficult, to care for you when you need me to, and to remind you that you have family who needs you to come home every night. I love you, Flame Strider.”

Everypony “awwwed’ as Snow put the paper away. “Strider, you have something to say?” Nassor asked.

“There aren't enough words, but I'll do my best to keep it short here.” I joked before clearing my throat. Snow giggled. “Snow, I love you. You are stronger than me, you are smarter, and your heart is so much bigger than mine. I don't deserve you. Which is why I vow to prove to you every day that I am worthy of you. I vow to be a better stallion than the one you fell in love with, I vow to be a better father. Finally, I vow to place you and our family first above my own needs. I love you, Snow.”

Snow had gotten a little teary-eyed, but her face glowed with happiness. Nassor spoke up again. “If anypony has a reason why these two should not be wed-”

“You can keep it to yourself!” Jett shouted making everyone laugh.

“Couldn't have said it better myself, ” Nassor smiled. “Now, by the power vested in me under Equestrian law, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Strider, you may now kiss the bride.”

I was already kissing her before he finished his sentence. I could hear the cheering, but all that mattered at the moment was my wife, her forelegs around my neck, and giving her a kiss she won't forget for a while.

The reception was louder than I thought it’d be. Considering the amount of family and friends we had here, I probably should’ve expected loud.

Snow and I were at our table, overlooking the crowd as everyone took their seats. Orion took it upon himself to be the one with the microphone.

“Alright, is everypony sitting? Uncle! I see you there, sit. Now. So I can start.” He cleared his throat. “Alright, since everypony knows we are skipping quite a few traditions during this wedding, there is one that can never be skipped. The first dance. Now it is my honor to introduce my brother and new sister-in-law for the first time as Mrs. Snow and Mr. Flame Strider!”

We took the floor as he announced us. The band took their places, and began to play the song that we had both settled on:

Wise ponies say: only fools rush in,
But I can’t help falling in love with you…”

I took her hooves in mine as we began our dance. It was a simple dance, no more advanced than the dance we did back at the guard ball. This one had more meaning though. This also gave us a chance to talk.

“So Mrs. Snow, any thoughts going through that pretty head of yours?” I asked quietly.

“Just as to where we are gonna live. We can’t stay in that hotel room, pretty sure Atlas won’t want an additional roommate. My quarters in Manehattan aren’t exactly cut out for a family of three,” Snow listed off, thinking several steps ahead as usual.

“I was gonna tell you after the reception, but I guess since we are on the subject...” I gave her a quick spin in the dance as other married or engaged couples began to join us on the dance floor. “I got full ownership of my mother’s house in Canterlot. Buttercup will be staying until she finishes school, and we have to host all the family events forever and ever, but other than that the house is ours.”

Her eyes lit up with delight. “That’s magnificent! But don’t you have to finish your service with Las Pegasus?”

“I’ve accepted a job offer from the Director of the R.B.I. Promotion, my own team, little overhead, Equestria wide jurisdiction, a few other benefits,” I smriked.

Her face fell a little. “R.B.I? You’d have to travel a bunch with little to no notice.”

“I’ll have a team with me, that I will be training myself. Also…” I brought her in close for a kiss. “...I have pretty good motivation to come back.”

Her worries slowly melted away and she rested her head against my chest. “Mmm… You bet you do.”

Her stomach growled, causing her to blush. “Are we done dancing? I’ve hardly eaten all day, and I’m starving.”

“Yeah, let’s get some food.” I agreed. Our wedding day was going quite well.

Author's Note:

And that's it for Las Pegasus! I hope you enjoyed it, the final installment of Strider is up next.